Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit STR-DA5200ES du fabricant Sony
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Sony Cor poration Printed in Malaysia ©2006 Sony Cor poration 2-687-418- 11 (2) Multi Channel A V Receiver Oper ating Inst ructions STR-D A5200ES.
2 GB T o r educe the ris k of fire or electric shoc k, do not e xpose this apparatus to rain or moistu re . T o prevent fire, d o not cover the venti lation of the apparat us with news papers, table-cl oths, curtains, etc. A nd don’t p lace li ghted c andles on the apparat us.
3 GB About This Manual • The instr uctio ns in this m anu al ar e for m odel STR- D A5200 ES. Chec k your m odel num ber by loo king at the lower righ t cor ner of th e fro nt pane l. • The instruct ions in this manua l describe th e contr ols on th e suppl ied remo te.
4 GB T a ble of Contents Getting Star ted Descripti o n and location of parts ............... ...6 1: Installin g speak ers ........... ....... ........... ..... 15 2: Conn ecting s peaker s ........ .................. ..... 17 3: Co nnect ing the monito r for di splayi ng menus .
5 GB Setting remo te control code s that are not stored in the c ommander ....... ........... ... 117 Clearing all the co ntents of the remo te’ s memory .... ........... .................. .............. 118 Changing button assignments (RM-AA U009 o nly) .
6 GB Description and locatio n of parts T o r emove the cover Pre ss PUSH . When you remove the cover , keep it out of reach from chi ldren. Getting Started Front panel Name Function A PO WER Press to turn the receiver on or off (pag e 36, 50, 51, 52 , 53).
7 GB Getting Started C TO N E M O D E Adjusts FR ONT B AS S and FR ONT TREBLE. Press TONE MODE repeatedly to s elect B ASS or TREBLE, then turn TONE to adjust the le vel (page 75). TO N E D Remote sensor Receives signals from remote c ommander . E ME MOR Y / ENTER Press to operat e a tuner (FM/AM) (page 7 7).
8 GB Rear panel A A UDIO INPUT/OUTPUT secti on AU D I O I N / OUT jacks Connec t to a tape deck, MD de ck or D A T play er , etc (pag e 21, 25). MUL TI CHANNEL INPUT jacks Connec t to a Super Audio CD pl ayer or D VD player with an analog a udio jack fo r 7.
9 GB Getting Started * Y ou ca n watch th e selected i nput im age when you conne ct the MONIT OR OUT ja ck to a TV (pag e 19). Y ou c an operat e this rece iv er using a GUI (G raphical User Interfac e) (pag e 38).
10 GB Y ou can u se the suppl ied remot e RM-AAL00 6 to operat e the receiver and to cont rol the Sony audio/vi deo c omponents th at the remo te is assigned to operate (page 112).
11 GB Getting Started F PIP Press SHIFT ( wj ), then press PIP to switch th e image o f the PIP (Picture in Picture ) window . The im age w ill be cha nged as follo ws. EXT VIDEO t ZONE 2 VIDEO t OFF . Y ou can al so chan ge the s ize of the PIP window by pressing V / v .
12 GB a) See the tab le on page 111 for informatio n on the button s that you can use to contro l each compon ent. b) The tac tile dot is attach ed to these b uttons ( H , PRESET +). Us e as a mark o f opera tion. Notes • Some fu nctions explained in this section may not work depen ding on the m odel.
13 GB Getting Started RM-AA U009 This re mote is on ly for zo ne 2/z one 3 operati ons (page 9 8). Y ou ca nnot con trol the main recei ver directl y with this remote. Operating the main rec eiver from zone 2 Name Functio n A ? / 1 (on/ standby) P r e s s t o t u r n a r e c e i v e r i n z o n e 2 or zone 3 on or off.
14 GB Operating the compon ents connected to the ma in receiver fr om zone 2 or zone 3 * The function of these butto ns switches autom atically ea ch time you press the input buttons C . The above explan ation i s inte nded to serve as an example only .
15 GB Getting Started 1: Installing speakers This r eceiver allows you to use a 7 .1 cha nnel system (7 speakers and o ne sub woofer). T o fully enjoy theater -like multi-chan nel surround sou nd requires fi ve speakers (two front speakers, a cente r speaker , and two surround speakers) and a su b woofer (5.
16 GB The angl e A should be th e same Tips • W hen you co nnect a 6.1 ch annel speaker system, place the surround back spea ker behind the listenin g position. • Si nce the sub woof er does not emi t highly directi onal signals, you can pla ce it wherev er you want.
17 GB Getting Started 2: Conne cting speaker s A Front speaker A (L) B Front speaker A (R) C Center spea ker D Surround speak er (L) E Surround speak er (R) F Surro und back spe aker (L) b) G Surro und back spe aker (R) b) H Sub wo ofer c) a) If you have an additional fron t speaker sys tem, con nec t the m to th e FRONT SPEAKERS B terminals.
18 GB c) When yo u connect a s ub woofer wit h an auto standby fu nction, tur n of f the function when watch ing mo vies. If th e auto stan dby function is set to on , it turns to stan dby mode automa tically based on the le vel of the in put signa l to a sub woof er , then s ound may no t be o utput.
19 GB Getting Started 3: Conne cting the m onito r for displaying menus Y o u can watc h the s elected inp ut image when you conn ect the MONITOR OUT jack to a TV . Y o u can operate t his receiver using a GUI (Graphical User Interface) (page 38). It is not necessary to connect all the cables.
20 GB Notes • C onnect ima ge display co mponents such as a TV monit or or a pr ojector to the M ONITOR O UT ja ck on the re ceiver . Y ou may not be able to reco rd, even if you conn ect recordi ng compo nents. • T urn on the rec eiver when the video and audio of a playb ack compo nent ar e being output to a TV via the re cei ver .
21 GB Getting Started 4a: Connecting the audio components This s ection desc ribes how to ho ok up your compon ents t o thi s rece iv er. Befor e you b egin, refer to “Componen t to be connect ed” below for the pa ges which de scribe how to connect each compon ent.
22 GB The follo wing illustration sho ws how to connect a Super Audio CD play er , CD player and an MD/ D A T deck. Connecting components with digital audio input/output jacks Super Audio CD pla yer ,.
23 GB Getting Started Notes on pla ying a Super A udio CD on a Super Audio CD pla yer • No sound i s ou tput w hen play ing a S uper Audi o CD on a Su per Audi o CD pl ayer connected to only the COAXIAL SA-CD/ CD IN jack on this receiver . When you pl ay a Super Aud io CD, connect the pl ayer to the MUL TI CHANNEL INPUT or SA-CD/CD IN jacks.
24 GB If your D VD or Su per Audi o CD player is equipp ed with mult i-chann el output jacks, yo u can connect them to the M UL TI CHANNEL INPUT jacks of this receiver to enjoy mul ti- channel so und. Alternat iv ely , the m ulti- channel input jacks can be u sed to co nnect an ex ternal multi-c hannel decoder .
25 GB Getting Started The follo wing illustratio n sho ws how to connect a component wit h analog jacks, such as tape deck, turn table, etc. Note If your turnta ble has a ground (e arth) wire, c onnect it to th e ( U ) SIGNAL GND terminal.
26 GB 4b: Conn ecting the video compon ents This secti on describes h ow to hook up your compone nts to this recei ver . Before you be gin, refer to “Componen t to be connect ed” below for the pages which describe how to connec t each com ponent.
27 GB Getting Started HDMI is the a bbre viated nam e for High- Definition Mul timedia Interface. It is an interface which transmits vi deo and aud io signals in digital f ormat. HDMI featur es • A dig ital audio signals tran smitted by HDMI can be outpu t from the speakers and the PRE OUT jacks on t his recei ver .
28 GB Notes on HDMI connections • Use an HDMI cable with the HDMI logo (made by Sony). • Check th e setup o f the connect ed componen t if an image is poor or the so und doe s not come ou t of a compon ent co nnected v ia the HDMI cable.
29 GB Getting Started The follo wing illustratio n sho ws how to conn ect a D VD playe r/D VD reco rder . It is not neces sary to connect all the cables. Connect au dio and vid eo cords ac cording t o the jacks of yo ur componen ts. Note T o output multi-ch annel digi tal audio, set t he digital audio out put setting on th e D V D player.
30 GB Connecting a D VD recorder D VD recorder AB A Optical digital cord (not supplied) B Audi o cord (not supplied) C Video cord (not supplied) D S video cord (not supplied) CD Audio signals Video si.
31 GB Getting Started The follo wing illustratio n sho ws how to conne ct a TV monitor/sa tellite tuner . It is not neces sary to connect all the cables.
32 GB The follo wing illustration sho ws how to connect a component wh ich has analo g jacks such as a VC R, etc. It is not necessa ry to connect all the cables.
33 GB Getting Started This recei ver is equipped with a function for con verting vide o signals. Y ou can output th e video sign al after conn ecting thi s receiver via the MONIT OR OUT jack as sho wn in the illustrat ion. • V id eo signal s can be output as HDMI v ideo, compone nt vide o and S video si gnals.
34 GB Notes on con ver ting video signals • When v ideo or S vide o signa ls from a VCR, etc., are converted on this receiver and then output to your TV , dep ending on the s tatus o f the video signal ou tput, t he image on t he TV screen may appear dist orte d horizon tally or no im age may be output .
35 GB Getting Started 5: Conne cting the a ntennas ( aerials) Connect the su pplied AM loo p antenna (aerial) and FM wire ant enna (aerial). * T he shape of the co nnector varies depending on the a rea. Notes • T o pr event noise pi ckup, keep the AM loop a ntenna (aeria l) away from the re ceiver and other compon ents.
36 GB 6: Prepa ring the rece iver and the remote Connec t the supp lied AC po wer cord ( mains lead) to the A C IN terminal on the receiv er , then connec t the A C power cord (mains lead) to a w all outlet .
37 GB Getting Started • All settings in t he Auto Calibra tion setting s, Surround settings , Multi Zo ne settings, Aud io settings, V ideo settings, System settings m enus. • The sou nd field memorized for each input and preset st ation. • All pre set stations .
38 GB T o switc h the command mode of the r emote 1 Press ? / 1 while pressing RM SET UP . The RM SET UP button flashes. 2 Press 1 o r 2 while th e RM SET UP button is flashing. When you press 1, the co mmand mod e is set to A V SYSTEM 1. When you pre ss 2, the comm and mode is se t to A V SYSTE M 2.
39 GB Getting Started 4 Press ON SCRE EN. The menu list of th is receiv er appears on the TV scr een. Press MENU if the menu list does not appear on th e TV screen. 5 Press V / v repeat edly to select a menu y ou want. 6 Press or b to enter the menu. The m enu i tem lis t app ears on t he T V screen.
40 GB 8: Setting the speakers Set the ap propriate speaker impedance for the speakers you are usin g. 1 Choose Setting s menu (page 38). The Settin gs menu list appears o n the TV screen. 2 Press V / v repea tedly to select “System, ” then p ress or b .
41 GB Getting Started – When you connect speakers with impeda nce of 16 ohms or high er in both “ A” and “B” configurati on: Set “Spe aker Impeda nce” to “8 Ω ” in th e System settin gs menu. – For other types of speakers in other configurati ons: Set “Spe aker Impeda nce” to “4 Ω ” in th e System settin gs menu.
42 GB 9: Calibrating the approp riate se ttings automatically (A UTO CALIBRA TION) The DCA C (Digital Cinem a Auto Calibrat ion) function allows y ou to pe rform automa tic calibratio n, such as check.
43 GB Getting Started Note Dependin g on the charac teristics of the sub woofer you ar e usin g, the setup di stance v alue may be further away from the actual p osition. Using the receiver as a pre- amplifier Y o u can us e the aut o calibrat ion func tion when you use the re cei ver as a pre-ampli f ier .
44 GB 3 Press V / v / B / b repe ated ly to select “A uto Calibration Start, ” then press . 4 Press V / v repea tedly to select P o sition, then p ress or b . Y o u can register t hree patterns as posit ion 1,2, and 3, depend ing on t he listeni ng positi on, lis tening environme nt and measure ment cond itions.
45 GB Getting Started Note Y ou ca nnot measure the speaker hei ght of the surround spea kers and the surround ba ck speakers. Set this v alue from the surro und posit ion settin gs in the Auto Cali bration settings me nu (page 72). Tips • Operation s other than turning t he receiver on or o f f are dea ctiv ated dur ing auto ca libratio n.
46 GB 5 Press RETURN /EXIT O . The au to calibratio n start up sc reen appears. Notes • DT S 96/24 signals are play ed back as 48 kHz signal s if the fr equenc y respons e meas uremen t result is utilized. • T he frequency re sponse measur ement resul t is not utiliz ed in the follo wing cases.
47 GB Getting Started •C O D E 3 1 1 Press , then f ollo w the instr uctio ns fro m step 1 of “Perf orming auto calibrati on. ” • CODE 32, 33, 34 1 When yo u pre ss , “RE TR Y?” app ears. 2 Pre ss V / v to select “YES, ” then press . 3 Follow the instru ctions from step 2 of “Perf ormin g auto cal ibratio n.
48 GB Selecting a comp onent 1 Press one of the input buttons. When y ou want to select a component connecte d to the PHONO , the MU L TI CHANNEL INPUT or th e MD/D A T ja c k, press SH IFT and then press PHONO, MUL TI IN or MD /D A T . Y ou can also use INPUT SELECT OR on the receiver .
49 GB Pl ayb a ck T o activ ate the muting functio n Press MUTING on the remote. T o cancel, press MUTING on the remo te again o r turn MASTER V OLUME clo ckwise to raise the vo lume. Ev e n if you turn o f f the recei ver , the muting fu nction w orks when you turn the receiver on again.
50 GB Listenin g to a Super Aud io CD/CD 2 3 5 5 3 • T he operation is de scribed for a Son y Su per A udio CD pl ayer . • R efer to the operating instructions supp lied with the Super Audi o CD player or CD player . z Y ou c an select the sound field to suit t he music.
Pl ayb a ck 51 GB W a tching a DVD MUL TI CHANNEL DECODING lamp 2 3 7 7 3 • Refer to the op erati ng instr uctio ns s uppli ed with the TV and D V D player. z Sele ct the sound forma t of t he disc to be played, if necessary . z Y ou ca n select the sound fiel d to suit the mo vie or the music.
52 GB Enjoying vid eo games VIDEO 3 IN /PORT ABLE AV IN 2 3 7 7 3 • R efer to the operating instructions supp lied with the TV an d video game. 1 T urn on the TV and video game . 2 T urn on the r eceiver . 3 Press V IDEO 3 * . Y ou can also use INP UT SELECTOR on this receiv er t o sel ect “VI DEO 3*.
Pl ayb a ck 53 GB W atching video 2 3 6 6 3 • Refer to the op erati ng instr uctio ns s uppli ed with the TV and VCR. 1 T urn on the VCR. 2 T urn o n the rec eiver . 3 Press VI DEO 1 * . Y ou can also use INPUT SELECTOR on this receiver to select “VIDEO 1* .
54 GB Overview of the menus The follo wing menu items are av ailable in each settings menu. Input Selects the inp ut to the receiver . For details on each input, see “S electing a componen t” (page 48). Music Y ou can listen to th e music from an a udio componen t connected t he USB jack.
55 GB Amplifier Ope rations Settings for the audio (Audio settings menu) Y ou can use the Audio se ttings menu to make settings for the aud io to suit your preference . Select “Audio” in th e Setting s menus. F or details o n adjusting th e parameters, see “7: Navigating thr ough menus ” (page 38).
56 GB x HDMI Audio (Setting HDMI audio input) Lets you se t the HDMI a udio ou tput from the playba ck compo nent conn ected to the receiver via an HDMI co nnection. • TV+AMP The soun d is output from TV’ s speaker an d the speakers conn ected to the receiver .
57 GB Amplifier Ope rations Settings for the system (System setti ngs menu) Y ou can use the System settings men u to customiz e the setting s of the re ceiv e r . Select “System ” in the Settings m enus. F o r deta ils on adjusting the param eters, see “7: Na vigatin g thro ugh menus” (page 3 8).
58 GB Enjoyin g a pre- progra mmed sound field 1 Start playing a source encoded with mult i-channel surroun d effects (DVD , e tc.). 2 Connect a TV monitor to this re ceiv er . Refer to “3 : Connecti ng the mon itor for displa ying m enus” (pa ge 19 ).
59 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound x 2ch Ste reo The receiver outputs the sound from the front left /right sp eaker s only . Ther e is no soun d from the sub woof er . Standard 2 channel stereo sources completel y bypass th e sound f ield pr ocessing and m ulti- channe l surroun d form ats ar e downmixed to 2 channe l.
60 GB The Auto Format Direct (A .F . D.) mode allows you to l isten to higher f idelity s ound a nd selec t the deco ding mode for l istening t o a 2 channel stereo soun d as multi-c hannel so und. * Y ou cannot sele ct this deco ding mode if th ere are no surroun d back speakers con nected to th e receiver .
61 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound Notes • Thi s function does not work in the following cases. – MUL TI IN is select ed. – Input signals of wh ich the sampl ing frequency i s more tha n 48 kHz ar e being rec eived. – The multi- chann el PCM si gnal s are re ceiv ed via an HD MI IN ja ck.
62 GB Y ou can take adv antag e of surro und sou nd simply by select ing one of t he receiver’ s preprog rammed so und fields. T hey bring the ex citing and po werful so und of m ovie theater s and concert halls into you r home. * Y ou can selec t this sound field mode if t he headphone s are connect ed to the rece iv er .
63 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound Notes • Th e soun d fi elds for mu sic and mo vies do not wor k in the f ollo wing c ases. – MUL TI IN is select ed. – Input signals of wh ich the sampl ing frequency i s more tha n 48 kHz ar e being rec eived. – The multi- chann el PCM si gnal s are re ceiv ed via an HD MI IN ja ck.
64 GB 3 While monitoring the sound, adjust th e selected parameter using V / v / B / b and . For details, see follo wing menu parameters. Note The setup items you c an adjust on each menu vary depending on the sound fiel d. T o adjust t he effect le vel 1 Press V / v repe atedly to select th e eff ect lev el, then pre ss in ste p 2.
65 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound For details on a djusting the p arameters, see “ Adjusting t he sound effect” (pag e 63). x SB Decod ing (Surr ound back decoding) Lets you sel ect the surr ound ba ck decodi ng funct ion. •O F F •A U T O •O N For details, see “Using th e surround bac k decodin g mode (SB Decoding) ” (page 66).
66 GB 5 Press V / v repea tedly to select “Settings, ” then press or b . The Settin gs menu list appears o n the TV screen. 6 Press V / v repea tedly to select “Surr ound, ” then pr ess or b . 7 Press OPTIO NS. The option men u list appears on the TV screen.
67 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound •O F F Surrou nd back decoding is not perf ormed . Notes • Thi s function does not work in the following cases. – MUL TI IN is select ed. – The so und f ield f or music o r movi es is sel ected . – DTS 96/24 signal s are bei ng re ceiv ed.
68 GB 2 Press NIGHT MODE . The NIGHT MODE func tion is acti vated. The NIGHT MODE is set to on and of f as you press NIGHT MODE. Notes • T his functi on does no t work in t he following ca ses. – MUL TI IN is se lected . – Input signals of whic h the sampl ing frequency i s more th an 96 kHz a re being re ceived.
69 GB Adv anced Spe akers Se tting Up Adjusting the speaker settings manually Y o u can adju st the each speaker manu ally . Y o u can also adjust the speaker levels after the auto cali bration is complet ed. 1 Connect a TV monitor to this receiver . Refer to “3: Co nnecting the monito r for displayin g menus ” (pa ge 19).
70 GB 8 Press V / v repea tedly to select the position number , then press or b . Y ou can rename the positio n num ber , refer to “Naming inputs” (page 88). 9 Press V / v repea tedly to select “Manua l Setup, ” then press or b . 10 Pr ess OPTIO NS, then select “Speak er Pattern”.
71 GB Adv anced Spe akers Se tting Up x Speake r level (Level of sp eaker) Y o u can adjust each speaker’ s l e vel (center, surround l eft/right, surround bac k left/right , sub woofer). Y ou can adjust the le vel from –20 dB to +10 dB i n 0.5 dB steps.
72 GB x Speak er size (Size of each speaker) Y ou can adjust each speaker’ s (front left/right, center , surround left/right , surround back left/ right) size. • LARGE If you conn ect lar ge speak ers that will effecti vely reproduce b ass frequencies, select “LARGE.
73 GB Adv anced Spe akers Se tting Up • SIDE/LO W Selec t if th e locatio n of your s urroun d speakers correspon ds to sections A a nd C . • SIDE/HIGH Selec t if th e locatio n of your s urroun d speakers correspon ds to sections A a nd D .
74 GB when you set “Ce nter Mix” to “ON. ” This setting is also ef fective to input signals from MUL TI CHANNEL INPUT jacks. x Sur Ba c k Assign (Settings of the surr ound back speake r(s)) •O F F If you have not con necte d surroun d back speakers, s elect “OF F .
75 GB Adv anced Spe akers Se tting Up Adjusting the equalizer Y ou can use follo wing parameters to adju st the tonal qu ality (bass/t reble le vel) of the front spe akers and to store up to 5 dif fere nt equaliz er settings and app ly them. These setti ngs ar e appl ied to all s ound f ields and for each speaker .
76 GB 11 Choose the speaker y ou want to adjust using V / v / B / b , then press . 12 Pr ess B / b repeated ly to select “B ASS” or “TREBLE”, then press V / v t o adjust th e para me ter . Tip Y ou can adjust the front speaker bass and treble le vel with TONE MODE and TONE on the recei ver .
77 GB T uner Operations Listening to FM/AM radio Y o u can lis ten to FM and AM bro adcasts throug h the b uilt-in tune r . Before oper ation, make sure y ou have conne cted the FM and AM antennas (aeri als) to the receiv er (page 35). Tip The tuni ng scale for dire ct tuning is shown below .
78 GB Enter the frequenc y of a station di rectly by using th e numer ic b uttons. 1 Connect a TV monitor to this re ceiv er . Refer to “3 : Connecti ng the mon itor for displa ying m enus” (pa ge 19 ). 2 T urn on the re ceiver and the TV . 3 Press RECEIV ER to enable receiver operation.
79 GB T uner Operations Storing FM stations automatically (AUTOBETICAL) This functio n lets you store up to 30 FM an d FM RDS stations wi thout r edunda ncy . Additio nally , it only stor es the stations w ith the clearest signal s. If you want to store FM or AM station s one by one, see “Preset ting radio st ations” (page 80 ).
80 GB Presetting radio stations Y o u c a n p r e s e t u p t o 3 0 F M o r 3 0 A M s t a t i o n s . Then you can ea sily t une in t he stat ions y ou often listen t o. 1 Connect a TV monitor to this re ceiv er . Refer to “3 : Connecti ng the mon itor for displa ying m enus” (pa ge 19 ).
81 GB T uner Operations 1 Connect a TV monitor to this receiver . Refer to “3: Co nnecting the monito r for displayin g menus ” (pa ge 19). 2 T urn on t he receiver an d the TV . 3 Press RECEIVE R to enable receiver operat ion. 4 Press ON SCRE EN.
82 GB Using the Radio Data System (RDS) This receiver also allows you to use RDS (Radio Data System), whic h enables rad io stations to send addi tional information along with the re gular program signal. Y ou can display RDS information . Notes • R DS is operable onl y for FM stations.
83 GB T uner Operations Trav el & T ourin g Prog rams ab out travel. Not for announ cement s that a re lo cated by TP/T A. Leisure & Hobby Programs on recreati onal act ivi ties suc h as gard ening, fishing, cooki ng, etc.
84 GB Converting an alog video input signals This receiver allo ws you to convert the resolu tion o f analog vi deo inp ut signa ls. Press SH IFT the n press RESOLUTION repeatedl y . Each tim e you press th e b utton, the resolut ion of the output signals will be chan ged.
85 GB Other Operati ons In the video input/ output con version tab le c lassified b y the menu settings a : V id eo signals a re conv erted an d output thr ough the video con verter . f : T he same type of signal as that of th e input signal is out put.
86 GB Listenin g to the music of a USB device Y ou can connec t a USB de vice (Digital music player or USB stora ge media, n ot suppli ed) to the USB jack on the fron t panel of th is receiv er and listen t o the music stored on the USB devices.
87 GB Other Operati ons Operating the portable audio pr oduct Y o u can operat e the portable audio using th e remote suppl ied with this receiver . * Fas t-backw ard/forwar d whil e press ing and holding the m / M bu tto n. Notes • W hen you insert a USB stor age media into the audio co mponent, “Reading” l ights up.
88 GB The menu tr ee display ed depends o n the conne cted port able aud io prod uct. Note Only “ ALL” a nd “GROUP” are d isplaye d when you connec t a USB device other th an a Sony digital music playe r . The da ta hierarc hy may change , depending on a USB device.
89 GB Other Operati ons 4 Press V / v / B / b t o select a character , then pres s . 5 Press [Finis h] to enter the name . The name you entered is registered. T o cancel naming input Press [Cance l]. Note When you na me an RDS station a nd tune in that stat ion, t he Progra m Servic e name (PS) appe ars instead of the na me you entered.
90 GB 1 Press the input button. Y ou can also use INPUT SELECT OR on the receiver . 2 Press RECEIV ER. 3 Press INPU T MODE repeatedly to select the audio input mode.
91 GB Other Operati ons 2 Press V / v to select the i nput name y ou want to assign. 3 Press OPTIO NS, then select “Input Assign. ” 4 Select the audio and/or vi deo signals you w ant to assign to the input whic h y ou selected in step 2 us ing V / v / B / b , then press .
92 GB Notes • Y ou cannot rea ssign more than one digital audio input t o the s ame input. • Y ou cannot assi gn optical signa ls from an input sou rce to the optic al in put ja cks on th e rece iver , and you ca nnot a ssign coaxial signals fr om the input source to th e coaxia l input ja cks on the rece iver .
93 GB Other Operati ons Changing the display Y o u can che ck the soun d field, etc ., by chang ing the in formation on the displa y . Press DISPL A Y repe atedly . Each ti me you press DI SPLA Y , the disp lay will change as fol lo ws. Inp ut name you se lecte d t Original in put name t Soun d field ty pe t V olume.
94 GB About the indicators on the display Name Function A S W Light s up when su b woofer selection is set t o “YES” and the audi o signal is output from the SUB WOOFER jack (page 71). While this in dicator li ghts up, the receiver creates a sub woofer si gnal based on the L .
95 GB Other Operati ons C ; DIGIT AL (EX) Ligh ts up whe n the r ecei ver is decod ing Dolby Dig ital Surro und signals . When the receiver is decoding Dolby Digital Surroun d EX signals, “ ; DIGIT AL EX” also lights up.
96 GB S L. F .E. Lights up when the d isc being p layed bac k contains an L.F .E. (Lo w Frequenc y Effect) channel a nd the L.F .E. channel signal is actu ally bein g repr oduced, the bars underneath the letters ligh t up to i ndicate the le vel. Since the L.
97 GB Other Operati ons Using th e Sleep Timer Y o u can set the rece i ver to turn off automa tically at a specif ied time. Press SHIF T then pr ess SLE EP repeated ly . Each ti me you pre ss SLEEP , the di splay changes cyc lically as follo ws: When Sl eep T imer is being u sed, “SL EEP” ligh ts up.
98 GB Notes • So und adjustment s do not af fect the signa l output from the T APE/CDR OUT or MD/D A T OUT jacks. • The audio signals input to the MUL TI CHA NNEL INPUT j acks are outpu t only from the fro nt left/ right ch annels .
99 GB Other Operati ons 1:Zone 2 connections 1 Outputs sound from speakers in zone 2 using the SURROUND B ACK SPEAKERS termin als of the r eceiver . A Audi o component B Video component C IR repeater .
100 GB 2 Outputs sound from speaker s in zone 2 using the receiver and another amplifier . 2:Zone 3 connections Main zone Zone 2 ZONE 2 VIDEO OUT TV monit or A ZONE 2 A UDIO OUT B C EE D STR-D A5 200E.
101 GB Other Operati ons 1 Choose “Multi Zone” in the Setting s menu (page 54). 2 Press V / v to select the z one to which y ou want to output audio/video signals, then press . Main (thi s recei ver) is always selected . If you do no t chan ge the sett ing, pro ceed to step 4.
102 GB • INPUT (for “Main” only) Lets you turn on the o utput of 12V tri ggers when the pr eset input is sele cted. When you se lect “Input , ” the setting display which sets each in put trigger to on/of f appears. Pr ess V / v to sele ct the inp ut, then pres s to chec k th e box.
103 GB Other Operati ons Using a bi-amplifier connection If yo u ar e not u sing surrou nd b ack spe ake rs, you can use the SURROUND B ACK SPEAKERS terminals for the fron t speakers for use with a bi-amp lifie r connection.
104 GB Using the CONT ROL S Control System If yo u ha ve a CONTR OL S-c ompati ble Son y TV , satelli te tuner , monitor , D VD player or VCR, use a CONTR OL S connecting cord (not supplied) to con nect the CTRL S IN (for TV , satellite t uner , or monito r) or CTRL S OUT (for VCR, etc.
105 GB Other Operati ons Operating without a GUI (Gra phical User Interface) Y ou can op erate this re cei v er usin g the di splay e ven if you do not use a GUI when a TV monit or is not conn ected. Press ON SCREEN t o switch to “GUI O FF” w hen “G UI ON ” appe ars on the display .
106 GB 2 Press V / v repeate dly to se lect th e item , then pr ess . 3 Press . The measur ement results are saved. 4 Press V / v repeated ly to sel ect “A UT O EQ, ” then pre s s . 5 Press V / v repeated ly to sel ect the para meter , then pres s .
107 GB Other Operati ons Y o u can also use the 2CH , A.F .D., MOVIE, or MUSIC b uttons on the re ceiv er . Press SHIF T then pr ess A.DIRECT . For details on the tune r function, see “T uner Ope ration s” (pa ge 77 ). T uning radio stations 1 Press TU NER repeat edly t o select the FM or AM b and.
108 GB While r eceiving an RDS s tation, press DI SPLA Y repeatedly . Each time you press the button, RDS informatio n on th e displa y change s cyclica lly as follo ws: PS (Program Service name) a) t.
109 GB Other Operati ons 1 T urn on the mai n receiver (t his receiver ). 2 Press ZONE 2 or ZONE 3. The remo te switches to z one 2 m ode or zone 3. 3 T urn on the amplifier in zone 2 or zone 3. 4 Press one of the input b uttons on the r emote to select the sourc e signals y ou want to output.
110 GB Operatin g each componen t using the remote When yo u program the remote to control th e following S ony or non-Sony c omponents , you can use the buttons on the remo te that are marked with circles. Note, ho we ver , that some buttons may not op erate your compo nent.
111 GB Using the Remote * L D pl ay er o nly. ** DSS only . *** Deck B only . T able of buttons used to control each component Component Button TV VCR DVD player , DVD/ VHS combo Blu-ray Disk player P.
112 GB Program ming the remote Y ou can customiz e the remote to match the componen ts connecte d to your receiver . Y ou can e ven program the remote to control n on- Sony component s and also So ny components that the remote is nor mally unable to control.
113 GB Using the Remote Notes • The numeric codes are based on the la test info rmatio n av ailabl e for each b rand. Ther e is a chance , however , that you r comp onent w ill not respond to some or all of the codes. • Al l of the input buttons on this rem ote may not be av ailable when used w ith your part icular compon ent.
114 GB * If an AIWA VCR does not work even though you enter th e code for AIWA, ente r the code for Sony instead. T o contr ol a D VD pla yer T o contr ol a D VD recor der T o contr ol a TV T o contro.
115 GB Using the Remote Performing several commands in sequ ence automatically (Macro Play) The Mac ro Play func tion lets you link se veral commands in a seq uential order as a sin gle command. The remote p rovides 2 macro lists (MA C R O 1 and MACR O 2).
116 GB 3 Press the button for the operation y ou want to perform to learn th e function as follows. The inpu t button se lected in step 2 flash es twice, then l ights up again . 4 Repeat steps 2 an d 3. When you want to assign anothe r command for the same component, repeat step 3.
117 GB Using the Remote Setting remote control codes th at ar e not s tored in the commander Even if a remote control code is not one of the presets store d in the remo te, it is possib le for the remote to l earn the co de using the L earning funct ion.
118 GB When selectin g a learned input, press the bu tton use d to learn that fu nction. T o erase the learned code 1 Press TV w hile pres sing RM SET UP . 2 Press the input button (VIDEO 1 in the ex ample) f or which y ou want to clear the settin g. The inpu t but ton flas hes.
119 GB Using the Remote Changing b utton assign ments (RM-AAU009 only) Y ou can change t he fact ory settings o f the input b uttons to suit th e components in your system. For example, if you connec t a D VD player to the VIDEO 2 IN jac ks on the receiver , you can set the VIDEO 2 button on this remote to control the DVD play er .
120 GB T o cl ear all r emote b utton assignments Hold do wn RM SET UP , then press ? / 1 . The remote is reset to its f actory-settings . SA T TV/SA T twice T a pe deck-A T A PE once T a pe deck-B T .
121 GB Additio nal Infor mation Glossary x Cinema Studio EX A surr ound s ound mo de tha t can be regarded as the compilatio n of Digita l Cinema Sound techn ology , de livers the soun d of a dubbi ng theater usi ng three technol ogies: “V irtual Multi D imensio ns, ” “Sc reen Dep th Match ing, ” and “C inema Stud io Rev erbera tion.
122 GB existing stereo record ed content can al so be reproduced in 7.1 channels (or 6.1 channels). x Dolby Surr ound (Dolby Pr o Logic) Audio pro cessing t echnolo gy developed by Dolby L aboratori es, Inc. Cen ter and mo no surround in formation is m atrixed into tw o stereo chan nels.
123 GB Additio nal Infor mation x Progressive A sca nning me thod tha t dra ws all scan ning lines seque ntiall y , as opposed to inte rlaced scanning where all the odd and then all the ev e n lines are drawn. x Sampling frequency T o conv ert ana log audio t o digi tal, ana log dat a should be quantif ied.
124 GB • D o not place th e receiver near equipment such as a tele vision, VCR, or tape d eck. (If the recei ver is be ing used in c ombinati on with a tele vision, VCR, or tape deck, and is placed t oo close to tha t equipmen t, noise may resu lt, and pic ture qu ality may su f fer .
125 GB Additio nal Infor mation There is no sound fr om one of the fr ont spea kers. • Connec t a pair of head phones t o the PHONES ja ck to ve rify that so und is output from the headphon es. If only on e channel is out put from t he head phones, t he componen t may not be conne cted to the receiver correctly .
126 GB There is no sound fr om the surrou nd bac k speak ers. • Some discs have no Dolby Digital Surround EX flag ev en though the packa ges have Dolby Digital Surrou nd EX logos. In th is case, select “ON ” in the “SB Dec Mo de” (p age 66) .
127 GB Additio nal Infor mation • When compo nent in put sig nals othe r than 480p ar e outp ut, u se the C OMPONENT VIDEO OUT jack and set “ V ideo Con vert” to “ OFF . ” The sou rce image in put fr om the HD MI jac k is not outp ut from th e receiver or the TV speaker con nected to the recei ver .
128 GB Remote contr ol The remote does not function. • Poi nt the rem ote at the re mote sens or on the receiver . • Remove any obstacl es in the path be tween the remote an d the receiv er . • Replace all th e batteries in the remote wit h new ones, if they are weak .
129 GB Additio nal Infor mation Refe rence Po wer Output (8 oh ms 1 kHz , THD 1 0%) FR ONT 2) : 150 W + 15 0 W CENTER 2) : 150 W SURR OUND 2) : 150 W + 15 0 W SURR OUND BA CK 2) : 150 W + 15 0 W Refe .
130 GB USB section Bit rate A TR A C: 48 – 352 kbp s (A TR A C3 plus) , 66/105/ 132 kbps (A TRA C3) MP3 ( MPEG 1 Audio Layer-3): 8 – 3 20 k bps, V BR WMA : 48 – 192 kbp s, VBR Sampling fr equencies A TRAC: 44. 1 kHz MP3 ( MPEG 1 Audio Layer-3): 32/44.
131 GB Additio nal Infor mation Index Symbols U SIGN AL GND terminal 25 , 35 Numerics 2 channe l 59 2ch Analo g Direct 59 , 107 2ch Stereo 59 5.1 chann el 15 7.
132 GB R RDS 82 Recording onto a Mi niDis c or audio t ape 97 onto a vi deo tap e 98 Remote All cl ear 118 Before use 37 Learni ng 117 Macro play 115 Operat ing each comp onent 110 Progra mming 112 RM.
133 GB Additio nal Infor mation.
134 GB.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony STR-DA5200ES c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony STR-DA5200ES - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony STR-DA5200ES, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony STR-DA5200ES va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony STR-DA5200ES, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony STR-DA5200ES.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony STR-DA5200ES. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony STR-DA5200ES ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.