Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SLV-X9G du fabricant Sony
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3-067-104- 11 (2) GB Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating In structions SL V -X9G © 2001 Sony Cor poration PA L.
2 W A RNING W ARNING T o pr e vent f ire or shoc k hazard , do no t exp os e the unit to rain or moisture. T o av oid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only . Mains lead must only be changed at a qualified service shop.
3 T able of contents Getting Started T able o f contents Ge tting S tar te d 4 Inde x to parts and contr ols 9 St ep 1 : Un pac king 10 Step 2 : Se tting up th e remote comma nder 14 Step 3 : Con nect.
4 Inde x to par ts and controls Getting Started Inde x to par ts and con tr ols Refer to the pages indicated in pare nt hes es ( ) for details. Front panel A ? / 1 (on/s tandb y) switc h (43) B T ape .
5 Index t o par ts and controls Getting Started Displa y w indow A T imer indi cator (53) (58) (61) B SYNCHRO in dicator (67) C STEREO ind icator (70) D NICAM indi cator (70) E (smartlink) indicator (.
6 Inde x to par ts and controls Rear panel A Mains lead (1 4) (15) B t LINE-3 IN connector (19) (66) (87) C AERIAL IN ANTENNE ENTREE connector (14) (15) D AERIAL OUT ANTENNE SOR TIE connector (14) (15.
7 Index t o par ts and controls Getting Started Remote commander A Z EJECT b utton (45) B INPUT SELECT b utton (49) (61) (88) WIDE button ( for T V ) (12) C A UDIO MONITOR b utton (12) (70) D × 2 bu .
8 Inde x to par ts and controls M [TV] / [VI DEO] remote control switch (10) N ? / 1 (on/ standb y) switc h (11) (58 ) O COUNTER/REMAIN button (48) / (T eletext) b utton ( for TV ) (12) P A UDIO DUB button (89) a TV po w er on/T V mode select button ( for TV ) (12) Q .
9 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you ha ve recei ved the follo wing items with the VCR: • Remo te c o mman der • Aerial cable • R6 (size AA) batteries • Set-T op Box .
10 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : S etting up th e remote commander Inserting the batteries Insert tw o R6 (size AA) batteries b y matching the + and – on the batteries to the diagram inside th e battery compartment. Insert the ne gati ve ( – ) end firs t, then push in and do wn until t he positive (+) end clicks into posit ion.
11 Setting up the remot e commander Getting Started TV contr ol butt ons To Press Set th e TV to standb y mode ? / 1 Select an input sourc e: aerial in or line in t TV/VIDEO Select th e TV ’ s progr.
12 Setting up the remot e commander Notes • W ith no rmal use, the batteries shou ld last abou t three to six months. • If you do not use the remote commander for an e xtended period of time, remove the batte ries to a v oid possible damage fro m battery le akage.
13 Setting up the remot e commander Getting Started Code numbers of contr ollable TVs If more than one cod e number is listed, try enterin g them one at a time un til you f ind the on e that w orks with your TV . T o switch to wide mode, see the footnotes below this table fo r the ap plicable code numbers.
14 Connecting the VCR Step 3 : C onnecti ng the VCR If your TV h as a Scart (EUR O-A V) connector , see page 15 . • Conne c t ion to your T V with an ae rial cabl e on ly , see thi s page.
15 Connecting the VCR Getting Started If y our TV has a Scart (EUR O-A V) connector Note • If the TV i s connected t o the LINE-1 (T V) connector , setting the R F channel to OFF is recomme nded. In the OFF posi tion, only the si gn al from the aeria l is outpu t throug h the AERIAL OUT conn ector (se e pag e 22).
16 Connecting the VCR About the SMARTLINK f eatures If the connected T V complies with SMAR TLINK, MEGALOGIC* 1 , EASYLINK* 2 , Q-Link* 3 , EUR O VIEW LINK* 4 , or T -V LINK* 5 , this VCR automaticall.
17 Connecting the VCR Getting Started Connection to y our TV and Set-T op Box (STB) If your STB has a Scart (EUR O-A V) connector , see page 18. If y our STB does not have a Scart (EUR O-A V) connector Set the STB CONNECTI ON setti ng to RF (see page 24).
18 Connecting the VCR If y our STB has a Scar t (EURO -A V) connector The illustration belo w shows an example of connecting the STB to LINE-3 IN. In this case, set the STB CONNECTION setting to LINE3 (see page 24) .
19 Connecting the VCR Getting Started Additiona l connections T o a stereo sy stem Y o u can i mprove soun d quality by connecting a stereo system to the R/D L/G jacks as sho wn on the right.
20 Setting up the VCR wi th the Auto Set Up function Step 4 : Setti ng up the VCR with the A u to Set Up fu nction Before using the VCR for the first time, set up the VCR using th e Auto Set Up function. W ith this function , you can set the TV channels, guide channels for the VIDEO Plus+ system, RF che annel, and VCR clock automatically .
21 T uning your TV to the V CR Getting Started Step 5 : T uning y our TV to t he VCR If your TV has a Scart (EUR O-A V) connector , see page 22. If y our TV does not ha ve a Scart (EURO-A V) connector Follo w the steps be low so that y our TV will properly recei ve the video signal s from you r VCR.
22 T uning your TV to the VCR T o check to se e if the TV tuning is co rrect Set the TV to the video chan nel and press PR OGRAM +/ – on the VCR. If the TV screen chan ges to a dif ferent programme each time you pr ess PR OGRAM +/ – , the TV tuning is co rrect.
23 Setting the Set-T op Box Getting Started Step 6 : Setting the Set-T op Bo x If you did not connect a Set-T op Box (STB), skip this step. Before you start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV .
24 Setting the Set-T op Box Notes • If your VCR is connected to the STB by the aerial cable, enter the pro gramme number of the VCR corre sponding to t he ch annel wher e you have set up the STB output in step 4 . • Y ou canno t watch progra mmes f rom yo ur STB on the TV while r ecordin g unles s you record a programme from your STB.
25 Setting the Set-T op Box Getting Started Set-T op Bo x brand number T o control the STB, en ter the appropriate number corresponding to your STB brand.
26 Setting the Set-T op Box D-box 7 34 DDC 373 Diskxpress 228 DNT 211, 40 7, 469 Drake 279, 470 Dynasat 6 90 Echos tar 181, 40 7, 4 65 EEC 344 EIF 428, 68 5 Einhe ll 344 Elta 375 Emanon 43 2 Emme Esse.
27 Setting the Set-T op Box Getting Started Kathre in 10 3, 13 4, 184, 211, 342, 369, 453, 491, 515, 564, 592, 633, 636 K ey W est 805 K ö nig 103, 183, 184 K o smos 342, 346 Kreiselmeyer 184 Kyostar.
28 Setting the Set-T op Box Prosat 49 6 PTT T elecom 224 PVP Ster eo Vi s u a l M a t r i x 014 Pyxi s 842 Quad ral 373, 53 0, 6 39 Radi ola 211 Radi x 407, 89 3, 7 64 RFT 211, 231, 552 Saba 265, 34 7.
29 Setting the Set-T op Box Getting Started Note • T o ch eck if the brand number is ente red correctl y or no t, press STB repeat ed ly to disp lay “ STB ” in the display wind o w then enter a three digi t STB chann e l numb er with the pro gramme numb er bu ttons.
30 Selecting a language Sele cting a lan gu age Tip • If you want to return to the pre vious menu, h ighlight RETURN and pre ss OK. Note • The menu disappea rs automatically if you do not pro ceed for more than a f ew minutes. If you pref er an on-scr een language other than E nglish, use th e on-screen d isplay to select another langu age.
31 Presetting channels Getting Started Presetting c h annels If some channels could not be pr eset using the Auto Set Up fu nction, you can pres et them manually . Before you start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to the v ideo ch annel.
32 Presetting channels 4 Press M / m to highli ght CH ANNEL SET , then press O K. 5 Press M / m repeatedly until th e channel you want is displayed. The channels appear in the follo wing orde r: • UHF B21 – B69 If you kn ow the n umber of the chann el you w ant, press the programme number b uttons.
33 Presetting channels Getting Started If the p icture is not c lear Normally , the Auto Fine Tuning (AFT) function automatically tunes in channels clearly . Howe ver , if the picture is not c lear , you may also u se the manual tuning funct ion. Tip • If you want to return to the pre vious menu, h ighlight RETURN a nd pre ss OK.
34 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Changing /dis abli ng pr ogramme positi ons After setting the channels, you can change the programme positio ns as you like . If any pr ogramme position s are unused o r contain unwant ed channels, you can disable them.
35 Changing/disabling programme positions Getting Started Tip • If you want to return to the pre vious menu, h ighlight RETURN a nd pre ss OK. Note • The menu d isappears auto matically if you do no t proceed for more th an a fe w minutes. 4 Press M / m until the select ed channel ro w mov es to the des ired programm e posi tion.
36 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to return to the pre vious menu, h ighlight RETURN and pre ss OK. Notes • The menu disappea rs automatically if you do not pro ceed for more than a f ew minutes. • Be sure to select t he progra mme positi on y ou want to disab le corre ctly .
37 Changing/disabling programme positions Getting Started Changing the st ation names Y ou can change or enter the s tation names (up to 5 characters). Th e VCR must recei ve channel info rmation (for inst ance, SMAR TLINK information) for station names to appear automatically .
38 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to return to the pre vious menu, h ighlight RETURN and pre ss OK. Notes • The menu disappea rs automatically if you do not pro ceed for more than a f ew minutes. • If you enter a symbol in step 5, it will appear as a blank space in the display window .
39 Setting the clock Getting Started Sett in g the cloc k Y ou must set the time and date on the VCR to use the timer featur es properly . If the VCR clock was not set in the Au to S e t Up pr ocedure, you need to s et it m anually . The Auto Clock Set fu nction works on ly if a station in yo ur area is broadcas ting a time signal.
40 Setting the cloc k Tips • T o change the digi ts while setting, pr ess < to return to the item to be chang ed, and select the d igits by pre ssing M / m . • If you want to return to the pre vious menu, h ighlight RETURN and pre ss OK. Note • The menu disappea rs automatically if you do not pro ceed for more than a f ew minutes.
41 Setting the clock Getting Started Changing the st ation f or the A uto Cloc k Set function Before you start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to the v ideo ch annel. • Refer to “ Index to part s an d contr ol s ” for b utton locations.
42 Setting the cloc k Tips • If you set A UTO ADJUST to ON, the Auto Clo ck Set fu nction is ac tiv ated whene ver th e VCR is turned o ff. The time is adjusted automatic ally b y making reference to the tim e signal from the station whose program m e positio n is display ed in the “ CLOCK PROGRAM ” row .
43 Setting your personal code Getting Started Set ting your person al co de For identif ication, you can enter a personal code into the VCR. Once you enter your per sonal code, you can confirm it any time b u t can ne ver change it. Please make a n ote of the code to quote to the police if your VCR is stolen.
44 Setting your personal code T o confirm your per sonal code While the VCR is turned off and there is no tape in the VCR, hold down X (pause) and ? / 1 (on/st andby) on the VCR s imultaneou sly for more than three seconds. Th e entered personal code app ears on the TV screen.
45 Play ing a tape Basi c Opera tio ns Basic O perations Playing a tape Before you start ... • Refer to “ Index to part s an d contr ol s ” for b utton locations. Additional tasks T o use the time counter Press CLEAR at the point on the tape that you want to find later .
46 Play ing a tape Notes • The counter resets to “ 0:00 :00 ” whenev er a tape is reins ert ed. • The coun ter stops counti ng when it come s to a port ion with no recordi ng. • The t ime coun ter does not ap pear on the TV scr een when using an NTSC- recorde d tape.
47 Recording TV programmes Basi c Opera tio ns Recor ding TV pr ogrammes Before you start ... • Refer to “ Index to part s an d contr ol s ” for b utton locations. 1 T urn on your TV and set it t o the vide o channel. 2 Insert a tape with its sa fety tab in place.
48 Recording TV programmes T o st op recording Pre ss x ST OP. T o check the remai ning time Press DISPLA Y . W ith the display on, press COUNTER /R EMAIN to check the remaining time. Each time you pr ess COUNTER/REMAIN, the time counter and the remaining time appear alternately .
49 Recording TV programmes Basi c Opera tio ns Tips • T o select a programme po sition, you c an use the prog ramme number b uttons on th e remote comm ander . For two-dig it numbers, press th e - (ten ’ s digit) b utton follo wed by th e prog ramme number b uttons.
50 Recording TV programmes Tips • The TV indi cator appears in the disp lay windo w after you p ress z REC in some situations such as: – when you ar e watching a source conn ected to the TV ’ s lin e input , or – when the T V tuner p reset data fo r the prog ramme positio n is dif ferent from the data in th e VCR tuner pres et.
51 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Ti mer Basi c Opera tio ns Recor ding TV pr ogrammes using th e Dial Timer The Dial T imer function allows you to make t i mer re cord ings of prog ramm e s without turning on your TV .
52 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer 3 Press DIA L TIME R. “ ST AR T ” and the current time ap pear alternately in the display window . 4 T urn DIAL TIMER to set the recording start time.
53 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Ti mer Basi c Opera tio ns T o return to the pre vious step T o return to the pre vious step, press the PR OGRAM + and – buttons on the VCR at the same time during any of the Dial T imer settings. To s t o p r e c o r d i n g T o st op the VCR while recording, press x ST O P .
54 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer T o use the VCR after setti ng the timer T o use the VCR before a r ecording be gins, just press ? / 1 . Th e indicator turns off and the V CR switches on. Reme mber to press ? / 1 to reset th e VCR to recording stand by a fter usin g the VC R.
55 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Ti mer Basi c Opera tio ns Notes • If eigh t programme s hav e alrea dy been set u s i ng the VIDEO P l us+ system or the TIMER menu , “ FULL ” appe ar s i n the display wi ndow for about fiv e secon ds.
56 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us ing the VIDEO Plus + system The VIDEO Plus+ system is th e f e ature th at sim plifies programming the VCR to make timer recordings. Just enter the PlusCode number listed in the TV programme guide.
57 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system Basi c Opera tio ns 3 Press O K. The date, start an d stop times, progr amm e posi tion o r stati on nam e, tape speed, and VPS/PDC setting appear on the TV screen. • If “– –” ap pears in the “ PR OG.
58 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system T o st op recording T o stop the VC R wh ile recording, press x STO P. Daily/weekly recording In step 4 abov e, press m to s elect the r ecord ing pattern. E ach time you p ress m , the indication chang es as shown belo w .
59 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system Basi c Opera tio ns Tips • T o set the program me positio n, you can also use th e PR OG +/ – or programme number bu ttons. • T o se t the programm e positio n wi th a tw o digit numb er , press - (ten ’ s digit) button f ol lowed by the pro gr amme numbe r buttons.
60 Recording TV programmes using the timer Recording TV programm es using th e timer Y ou can preset a total of eigh t program m e s, incl udin g settings made with other timer methods. Before you start … • Check that the VCR clock is set to the corr ect time and date.
61 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basi c Opera tio ns To s t o p r e c o r d i n g T o st op the VCR while recording, press x ST O P . Daily/weekly recording In step 2 abov e, press m to select the recording pattern. Each time you press m , the indication changes as sho wn below .
62 Recording TV programmes using the timer T o use the VCR after setti ng the timer T o use the VCR before a r ecording be gins, just press ? / 1 . Th e indicator turns off and the V CR switches on. Reme mber to press ? / 1 to reset th e VCR to recording stand by a fter usin g the VC R.
63 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additio nal Op er atio ns Additio nal Ope ratio ns Pla ying/sear ching at v arious speed s Before you start … • Refer to “ Index to part s an d contr ol s ” for b utton locations. T o resume normal playback Pre ss H PLA Y.
64 Play ing/searching at various speeds T o use the shuttle ring in normal mode During playback or pause, turn the s huttle ring clockwise or anticlockwise. Each change in the shuttle ring position ch anges the playback mo de in the following way . T o use the shuttle ring in jog mode Use this mode for frame-b y-frame playback.
65 Setting the recording duration time Additio nal Op er atio ns Set tin g the rec o rding du rat ion tim e After you h av e starte d recording i n the normal w ay , you can ha ve the VCR s top recording automa tically after a specifi ed duration. Before you start … • Refer to “ Index to part s an d contr ol s ” for b utton locations.
66 Synchronized Recording Sync hron ized Rec or ding Y ou can set the VCR to automatically record programmes from equ ipment such as a Set-T op Box b y connecting the equipmen t to the LINE-3 IN connector . The connected equipment must ha ve a timer function for this feature to work .
67 Synchronized Recording Additio nal Op er atio ns T o cancel the Synchr onized Recording function Press SYNCHR O REC. The SYNCHR O indicator disappears. To s t o p r e c o r d i n g Pre ss x ST OP while recording. Notes • This functio n may no t work with som e types of Set-T op Box.
68 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Checking/cha nging/ cancel ling ti mer settings Before you start … • T u rn on you r TV and set it to the vide o channel . • Refer to “ Ind e x to parts and co ntr o ls ” fo r butto n location s.
69 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Additio nal Op er atio ns When th e timer settin gs overlap The programme that starts f irst has priori ty and the second pro gramme starts recording only after the fi rst programme has f inished. If the program mes start at the same time, the program me li sted first in the menu has priority .
70 Recording stereo and bilingual progr am mes Recor ding stereo and bilin gual pr ogrammes In NICAM system This VCR receiv es and records stereo and bilingual programmes based on the NICAM system (The NI CAM indicator appears). When a stereo or bilingual programme is receiv ed, the STEREO indi cator appears in the displa y windo w .
71 Recording stereo and bilingual programmes Additio nal Op er atio ns Selecting t he sound during pla yback Press A UDIO MONITOR to select the sound you want. How sound i s recor ded on a vi deo tape The VCR records sound onto two separate tracks. Hi-f i audio is recorded onto the main track alo ng with the pictur e.
72 Searching using the Smar t Sea rch function Sear ching us ing the Sma rt Searc h function If you reco rd multiple programmes on a tape, you can use the Smart Search function to see what has been r ecorded on yo ur tape. Y ou can see info rmation such as date, time, and progr amme position of the p rogrammes recorded .
73 Searching using t he Smar t Search function Additio nal Op er atio ns T o reco r d in a b lank sp ace Blank space on the tape will appear as a blank row in the SMAR T SEARCH screen. Select the last blank ro w in step 3, then press OK. The VCR rewinds/fast-forwards the tape to the be ginning of the blank space, then stops .
74 Storing, searching and deleting programme inf ormat ion (Smar t Search Plus ) Stor ing, sear ch i ng and dele t ing programme inf orma tion (Sm ar t S earc h Plus ) Y ou can store pro gramme information, such as the recording date and time, and programme position, for a maximum of four tapes.
75 Storing, searching and deleting programme inf o r mation (Smar t Search Plus) Additio nal Op er atio ns Note • The SMAR T SEARCH scree n will not appear before reco rding starts and progr amme in formatio n is st ored, e ven if you pr ess SM AR T SEARCH.
76 Storing, searching and deleting programme inf ormat ion (Smar t Search Plus ) Searc hing f or pr ogramme informat ion stored on the memor y bank numb er Y ou can start p layback of the recorded program me after calling the programme information from the f our memory b ank numbers.
77 Storing, searching and deleting programme inf o r mation (Smar t Search Plus) Additio nal Op er atio ns T o exit the SMART SEARCH scr een Press SMAR T SE ARCH. Recallin g the most recen t programme information Programme inform ation th at is not sav e d in one of the memory bank numbers is eras ed when th e cas se tte is ejected.
78 Storing, searching and deleting programme inf ormat ion (Smar t Search Plus ) Note • Y ou cannot u se or return the delete d informat ion. About the Demonstration Mode The Smart Search Plus fu nction has a Demonstration Mod e that allows the u ser , such as a salesperson, to automatically display the Smart Sear ch Plus screens.
79 Searching using the index f unction Additio nal Op er atio ns Sear chin g using th e inde x fu nction The VCR automatically marks the tape with an index signal at the point where each recording be gins. Use thes e signals as references to f ind a specific r ecording.
80 Adjusting the picture Adjusting the pi cture Adjusting t he tracki ng Although the VCR autom atically adjusts the tracking when playin g a tape (the indicator flashes in the display wi ndow , then turns off), distortion may occur if the recording is in poor condition.
81 Adjusting the picture Additio nal Op er atio ns About the Optim um Pict ure Contro l (OPC) function The Optimum Picture Control (OPC) function automatically impr oves recording and playback quality by adjusting the VCR to the condition of th e video heads and tape.
82 Reducing the VCR ’ s power consumption Reducing the V CR ’ s power consump tio n Y ou can turn of f the indicators in the d isplay windo w when the VCR is off (standby mode) to redu ce the VCR ’ s powe r consum pt i on. T o tu rn on the indicators in the display window Set POWER SA VE to OFF in step 4.
83 Changing menu options Additio nal Op er atio ns Changi ng me nu o ption s Menu choices Initial settin gs are indi cated in bold print. OPTIONS-1 1 Press MENU, then select OPTIONS and press OK. 2 Pre ss M / m to highlight OPTIONS-1 or OPTIONS-2, then press OK.
84 Changing menu options OPTIONS -2 HIFI A UDIO • NICAM to record NICAM broadcasts on the hi-f i audio track. • ST ANDARD to reco rd standa rd sound on the hi-fi audio track.
85 Changing menu options Additio nal Op er atio ns Notes • When the VCR sta nds by for recordi ng, the indica tors in the display wind ow remain lit e ven when PO WER SA VE is set to FULL or P AR TIAL. • W ith the EDIT option ON, the OPC fun ction does n ot work.
86 Connecting to a VCR or stereo system Editing Connecting to a VCR or stereo system How to con n e c t to re c ord on thi s V CR Connect the line outputs of the other VCR to the LINE IN connector or jacks of this VCR. R efer to the e xamples A through C and choose the connection that best suits your VCR.
87 Connecting to a VCR or stereo system Editing Example C How to c onnect to a stereo system Connect the t LINE-2 L o R jacks on this VCR to th e audio output jacks on the stereo s ystem, using the RK-C5 10HG audio cable (not su pplied). Notes • Make sure y ou connect the p lugs to jac ks of the same co lour .
88 Basic editing Basic edit ing When recor ding on t his VCR Before you start editing • T u rn on you r TV and set it to the vide o channel . • Press INPUT SE LECT to disp lay the connect ed line in th e displa y wind o w . • Press SP/LP to selec t the ta pe speed , SP or LP .
89 A udio dubbing Editing A u di o du bbin g This feature lets you record o ver the normal audio track. The mo naural sound pre viously recorded is re placed while the original hi-f i sound remains unch anged. Use this feature to add commentary to a tape that you hav e recorded with a camcor der .
90 T r oub leshooting Additional Inf ormation T ro ubl eshooti ng If you h av e an y questi ons or prob lems not cov ered belo w , please cons ult your nearest Sony service facility . Symptom Remed y Po w e r The ? / 1 (on/st andby) switch does not func tion.
91 T r oub leshooting Additiona l Inform ation Pl ay ba ck The pictu r e has n o soun d. • The tape i s defe ctiv e. • If you made A/ V con nections, ch eck the audi o cab le connec tion.
92 T r oub leshooting Timer re cording The VIDEO Plus + menu or the TIM ER menu doe s not appea r . • Check that TIMER OPTIONS in the OPTIONS-2 menu is set correctly (see page 84). The VP S/PDC func tion does not op erate properl y . • Check th at the clock and the dat e are s et correctly .
93 T r oub leshooting Additiona l Inform ation Oth ers A tape cannot b e inse rte d. • Check that a tape is no t alrea dy in the tape co mpartment. The remote com man der does not f unction . • Make sure you are pointi ng the remote commander at the remote s ensor on the VC R.
94 Specifications Specification s System Ch an n el cove r age PA L ( I ) UHF B21 to B69 RF o utput signal UHF channels 2 1 to 69 Aerial out 75-ohm asymme trical aerial socket Ta p e s p e e d SP: P AL 23.39 mm/s (recor di n g/ playback ) NTSC 33.35 mm/s (playb ack only ) LP: P AL 11.
95 Index Inde x A Adju stin g pict ure 33 , 80 tracki ng 80 Aerial hookup 14 AFT (Auto Fin e T uning) 33 Audio d ubbing 89 Audio t rack 71 Auto Clock Se t 41 Auto Long Play 84 Auto S e t Up 20 C Chang.
Sony Corporat ion Printed on chlorine-free 100% recycled paper. Quick Start Guide 1 Connecting the VCR 1 ... C onnect the aerial t o AERIAL IN of the VCR. 2 ... Connect AER IAL OU T t he a er ia l i np ut of yo ur TV us ing the supp lied ae ri al cable.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SLV-X9G c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SLV-X9G - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SLV-X9G, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SLV-X9G va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SLV-X9G, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SLV-X9G.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SLV-X9G. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SLV-X9G ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.