Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SLV-SE480D du fabricant Sony
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3-868-342- E1 (1) Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating In structions SL V -SE100A1/A2 SL V -SE200V1/V2 SL V -SE250D/P SL V -SX250D SL V -SE300D1/D2 SL V -SE450D/P SL V -SE480D © 2000 Sony Cor poration PA L P AL NTSC 4.43 P AL NTSC 4.43 P AL NTSC 4.43 P AL NTSC 4.
2 W A RNI NG W ARNING T o pr e vent f ire or shoc k hazard , do no t exp os e the unit to rain or moisture. T o av oid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only . Mains lead must only be changed at a qualified service shop.
3 T able of contents Getting Started T able of co ntents Gett ing Star ted 4 Step 1 : Unpac king 5 Step 2 : Setting up the remote commander 9 Step 3 : Connecting the VCR 13 Step 4 : T uning your TV to.
4 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you have recei ved the following items with the VCR: • Remote com mander • Aerial cabl e • R6 (siz e AA) batterie s Check y our mo del .
Getting Started 5 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : S etting up th e remote co mmander Inserting the batteries Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries by matchi ng the + and – on the batteries to the diagra m inside th e battery c ompartment.
6 Setting up the remot e commander TV contr ol b uttons T o Press Set the TV to sta ndb y mo d e ? / 1 Sele ct an in put source : aeri al in or line in t TV/V IDEO Select the TV ’ s progra mme posit.
Getting Started 7 Setting up the remot e commander Notes • W i th normal use, the batterie s shoul d la st abou t three to six months. • If you do not use t he remote comm ander for an extended pe riod of time, rem o ve the batte ries to avoid possible dam age from ba ttery leakag e.
8 Setting up the remot e commander Code n umbers o f contr ollab le TVs If more than one code nu m ber is listed , try ente rin g them on e at a tim e until you f ind the one that works with yo ur TV . T o switch to wide m ode, see th e footnotes be low t his table for th e applicable c ode numbe rs.
Getting Started 9 Connecting the VCR Step 3 : C onnecting the VCR If your TV has a Scart (EURO-A V) conn ector , see page 10. If y our TV does not ha ve a Scart (EURO-A V) c onnector Note • When you c onnect the VCR a nd your TV only wi th an aerial cab le, you have to tune your TV to th e V C R (see pag e 13) .
10 Connecting the VCR If y our TV has a Scart (EUR O -A V) connector Note • If the TV is conne ct ed to the L I N E -1 (TV) co nnecto r, sett in g the RF ch annel to OFF i s recom me nd ed. In the OFF position, onl y the signal from the a erial is output throug h the AERIAL OUT connector (see page 15).
Getting Started 11 Connecting the VCR About t he SMAR TLINK feat u res (not available on SL V -SE 100A1/A2) If the connect ed TV complies with SMAR TLINK, MEGALOGIC* 1 , EASYLINK* 2 , Q-Li nk* 3 , EUR.
12 Connecting the VCR Additio nal connection T o a satellite or digital tuner with Line T hrough (SL V -SE300D1/D2 and SE480D onl y) Using t he Line Through function, you can watc h pro gram mes f rom a satellite o r digital tuner connected to th is VCR on the TV ev en when the VCR i s t urned off.
Getting Started 13 T uning your TV to the V CR Step 4 : T uning y our TV to the VC R If your TV has a Scart (EURO-A V) conn ector , see page 15. If y our TV does not ha ve a Scart (EURO-A V) c onnector Follow the steps below so that your TV will prop erly recei ve the video sign als from your V CR .
14 T uning your T V to the VCR T o check to see if the TV tuning i s correct Set the TV to th e video channel and press P ROGRAM +/ – on the VCR. If the TV screen chan ges to a dif ferent pro gramme each time you pres s PR OGRAM +/ – , the TV tuni ng is correc t.
Getting Started 15 T uning your TV to the V CR If y our TV has a Scart (EUR O -A V) connector 1 Press ? / 1 ON/ST ANDBY to turn on the VCR. 2 Press RF CHANNEL on the VCR lightly . The factory- preset RF channel appears in the di splay window . The VCR signal is output through this cha nnel to t he TV .
16 Setting up the VCR wi th the Auto Set Up function Step 5 : Setting up the VCR with the A uto Set Up function Before using the VCR for the first time , set up th e VCR using the Auto Set Up funct i on.
Getting Started 17 Setting up the VCR with t he Auto Set Up function The abbre v iations of the count ries and l anguages a re as fo llows: 3 Press A UTO SET UP lightly . The VCR starts searchi ng for all of the receiv able channels and presets the m (in the appropriat e order for your local area* 2 ).
18 Setting up the VCR wi th the Auto Set Up function T o cancel the A uto Set Up fun ction Press A UT O SET UP . Tip • If you want to ch ange the lan gua ge for th e on- screen displa y from the one preset in t he A u to Set Up functio n, see page 24.
Getting Started 19 Setting the clock Step 6 : Setting the cl ock Y ou must set th e time and d ate on the VCR t o use the timer feat u res properly . The Auto Clo ck Set fu nction (not av ailable on SL V -SE10 0A1/A2, SE25 0P , and SE450P ) works on ly if a stati on in your a rea is broadca sting a time sig nal.
20 Setting the cloc k 3 Press M / m to highlig ht MANU AL ADJUST , then press OK. 4 Press M / m to set the day . 5 Press , to highlig ht the mon th and set the month pres sing M / m . 6 Set the yea r , hour , and minutes in sequence, press ing , to highlig ht the item to be set, and press M / m to select the digits .
Getting Started 21 Setting the clock Tips • T o chan ge the digits while setting, press < t o re tur n to the it em to be chan ged, and se lect the digits by pressing M / m . • If you want to retur n to the previous menu, highlight RE TU R N and press OK.
22 Setting the cloc k Changing the s tation f or the A uto Clock Set functi on (not a vai lable on SL V -SE100A1/ A2, SE250P , and SE450P) Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel. 1 Press MENU, then press M / m to highlig ht SETTINGS and press OK.
Getting Started 23 Setting the clock Tips • If you se t A UTO ADJUST to ON, the Auto Clo ck Set func tion is a cti vate d whene ver the VCR is tur ned of f . The ti me i s adju sted au toma tica ll y by ma king r efer ence to th e time sig nal from the stati on whose programme posi tion i s display ed i n the “ C LOCK PROGRAM ” row .
24 Selecting a language Sele cting a lan gu age Y ou can chang e the on-scr een displa y language fro m the one you selecte d with the Auto Set Up fu nction . Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel.
Getting Started 25 Selecting a language Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu, highlight RE TU R N and press OK. Note • The menu disappe ar s automatically if yo u don ’ t proce ed fo r mo re t ha n a few minutes. 3 Press M / m / < / , to highlig ht the desir ed language, t hen press OK.
26 Presetting channels Presetting c h annels If som e chan nels coul d not be preset us ing the Auto S et Up functio n, you can preset them manu ally . Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel. 1 Press MENU, then press M / m to highlig ht SETTINGS and press OK.
Getting Started 27 Presetting channels 2 Pre ss M / m to hi g h li g ht T UN E R, t he n pr e ss OK. 3 Press M / m to highlig ht NORMAL/CA TV , then press OK. 4 Press M / m to high light NORMAL, then press O K. T o preset CA T V (Cabl e T elevision) channels, select CA TV .
28 Presetting channels 7 Press M / m repeatedl y until t he channel y ou want is display ed. The channels app ear in the following order : • VHF E2 - E12 • VHF Italian channel A - H • UHF E21 - .
Getting Started 29 Presetting channels If the p icture is not c lear Normally , th e Auto Fine T uning (AFT) funct ion automatic ally tune s in channels clear ly . Howev er, if the pictur e is not clear, you may also use t he ma nual tuning functi on.
30 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Changing /dis abli ng pr ogramme positi ons After setting the chann els, you can c hange the program me positio ns as you li ke. If a ny prog ramme po sition s are u nused or conta in unwanted chan nel s, you can disab le them.
Getting Started 31 Changing/disabling programme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu, highlight RE TU R N and press OK. Note • The menu disappe ar s automatically if yo u don ’ t proce ed fo r mo re t ha n a few minutes.
32 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Disabli ng unwanted progr amme positions After presett in g ch annels, you can disable unus ed pr ogramme po si tions. The di sabled positions will be skipped la ter when you press the PROG +/ – butto ns. Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and the TV .
Getting Started 33 Changing/disabling programme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu, highlight RE TU R N and press OK. Notes • The menu disappe ar s automatically if yo u don ’ t proce ed fo r mo re t ha n a few minutes. • Be sure to sele ct the prog ramme position you want to disa bl e co rrectly .
34 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Changing the s tation names (not a vai lable on SL V -SE100A1/ A2) Y ou can change o r enter the st ation names (up to 5 characters). The VCR must receiv e channel information (for instance, SMAR TLINK inf ormation) for statio n names to appear automatically .
Getting Started 35 Changing/disabling programme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu, highlight RE TU R N and press OK. Notes • The menu disappe ar s automatically if yo u don ’ t proce ed fo r mo re t ha n a few minutes. • If you en ter a sym bol in step 5, it will appe ar as a blank space i n the disp lay window .
36 Setting the P A Y -TV/Canal Plus decoder (not avai lable on SL V -SE100 A1/ A2 and SE200V1/V2) Setting th e P A Y-TV/Canal Plus decoder (not av ailabl e on SL V -SE100A1/A2 and SE200V1/V 2) Y ou can watch or record P A Y - T V / C ana l Plus programmes if you con nect a decoder (not supplie d) to the VCR.
Getting Started 37 Setting the P A Y -TV/Canal Plus decoder (not avail able on SL V -SE1 00A1/A2 and SE200V1/V2) Setting P A Y-TV/Canal Plus channels T o watch or r ecord P A Y -TV/C anal Plus progra mme s, set your VCR to receive the channel s using the on-screen d isplay .
38 Setting the P A Y -TV/Canal Plus decoder (not avai lable on SL V -SE100 A1/ A2 and SE200V1/V2) 4 Press M / m to highlig ht DECODER, the n press OK. 5 Press MENU to e xit the me nu. The menu disa pp ears from the TV screen. 6 Press MENU again . Then press M / m to highlig ht S ETTINGS and press OK.
Getting Started 39 Setting the P A Y -TV/Canal Plus decoder (not avail able on SL V -SE1 00A1/A2 and SE200V1/V2) 9 Press M / m to high light NORMAL, then press O K. T o preset CA T V (Cabl e T elevision) channels, select CA TV . 10 Pre s s PR O G +/ – to select the desired program me positio n.
40 Setting the P A Y -TV/Canal Plus decoder (not avai lable on SL V -SE100 A1/ A2 and SE200V1/V2) Tip • If you want to retur n to t he pr e vious menu , highl ig ht RET U R N and press OK. Notes • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed for m ore than a few minutes.
41 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Basic O perations Playing a tape 1 T urn on your TV and set it to the vide o channel. 2 Insert a tape. The VCR turns on and st art s playing automatica lly if you in sert a tape wi th its safety tab remo ved.
42 Play ing a tape Additio nal task s T o play an NTSC-recor ded tape (no t av ai lable on S L V -S E 100A1 /A2) Set NTSC P B at the rear of the VCR acc ording to the colour system of your T V . T o use the time counter Press CLEAR at th e point o n the tape that yo u want to fi nd later .
43 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Notes • The counte r rese ts to “ 0: 00: 00 ” when e v er a ta pe is rei nserted. • The cou nt er sto ps co unting when it com e s to a por tion with no record ing . • The tim e coun ter doe s not a ppear o n the TV s creen w hen usi ng an N TSC* 1 -recorde d tape.
44 Recording TV programmes Recor ding TV pr ogrammes 1 T urn on yo ur TV a nd set i t to the video channel . T o reco rd from a decoder , turn it o n. 2 Insert a tap e with its safety tab in pla ce.
45 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations T o stop recording Press x STOP. T o check th e remain ing time Press DISPLA Y . W ith the display on, press COUNTER/REMAIN to check the remaining time. Each time you press COUNTER/REMAIN, the time counter and the remaining ti me appea r alternately .
46 Recording TV programmes T o save a r ecording T o prev ent accid ent al erasure, break off the safety tab as i llustrated. T o record on the same tape again, cov er the tab h ole with ad hesiv e tape. Tips • T o select a pr ogra mme position , yo u ca n use the progr amme number buttons on the rem ot e commande r .
47 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations Recordi ng what y ou are watching on the TV (TV Direct Rec) (not a va ilable on SL V -SE100A1/A2) If you use th e SM ART LINK conn ection, you can easil y record what you are watching on the TV (other tha n tapes be ing play ed on the VCR).
48 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE300D1/D2, SE450D/P , and SE480D only) Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us in g the Dial Timer (SL V -SE300D1/D2, SE450D/ P , and SE480D only) The Dial Timer functi on allows you to make timer rec ordings of pr ogrammes with out turn i ng on your TV .
49 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -S E300D1/ D2, SE450D/P , and SE480D only) Basic Oper ations 2 T urn DIAL TIMER to set th e recording d ate. 3 Press DIAL TIMER. “ ST A R T ” and the curre nt t i me app ear al ternately in the displ ay wi n do w .
50 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE300D1/D2, SE450D/P , and SE480D only) T o return to the previ ous step T o return to the previous step, pre ss the PR OG R AM + an d – b uttons on the VCR at the same tim e during an y of the Dial T imer settings.
51 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -S E300D1/ D2, SE450D/P , and SE480D only) Basic Oper ations T o use the VCR after setting the timer T o use the VC R be fo re a re c ord in g b egi ns, just pre ss ? / 1 . The indicator turns of f and the VCR switc hes on.
52 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE300D1/D2, SE450D/P , and SE480D only) About the Demonstration Mod e The Dial Timer function has a Demon s t r ation Mode that allows the user , such as a salesperson, to enter more th an eight e xamples o f timer setti ngs when dem onstrating the use o f the Dial T imer .
53 Recording TV programmes using the ShowView system (not availab le on SL V -SE100A1/A2) Basic Oper ations Recor ding TV pr ogrammes using th e Sho wVie w system (not a v ailabl e on SL V -SE100A1/A2) The Sho wV ie w sy stem is t he f eatu re th at simplif ies prog ra mming the VCR to make timer record ings.
54 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w system (not av ailable on SL V -SE100A1/A2) 1 Press TIMER. • When you set TIMER OPTIONS to VA R I A B L E : The TIMER METHOD menu appears on the TV screen. Press M / m to select SHO WVIEW , then press OK.
55 Recording TV programmes using the ShowView system (not availab le on SL V -SE100A1/A2) Basic Oper ations T o stop recording T o stop the VCR while recording, pre ss x STOP. Daily /w eek l y recor ding In ste p 4 a bove , pr ess m to select the recording pat tern.
56 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w system (not av ailable on SL V -SE100A1/A2) T o record sa tellite br oadcasts If you conn ect a satellite tuner and the VCR, you can record satellite programmes . T o use the VCR after settin g the timer T o use the VCR before a recording begins, just press ? / 1 .
57 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basic Oper ations Recor ding TV pr ogramme s using the t imer Y ou can preset a total of eight prog rammes, including settings made with other timer method s. Bef ore y ou start … • Check th at the VCR cloc k is set to th e correct time and date.
58 Recording TV programmes using the timer 1 Pre ss TIMER. F or SL V -SE10 0A 1 /A 2 : The TIMER men u app ears on the TV screen. F or SL V -SE20 0V1 / V 2 , SE25 0D / P , SX250D, SE300D1/D2, SE450D/P , and SE480D: • When you set TIMER OPTIONS to VA R I A B L E : The TIMER METHOD menu appears on the TV screen.
59 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basic Oper ations T o stop recording T o stop the VCR while recording, pre ss x STOP. Daily /w eek l y recor ding In ste p 2 a bove , pr ess m to select the recording pat tern. Each time you pr ess m , t he indicatio n c han ge s as sho wn below .
60 Recording TV programmes using the timer Notes • When se tting the timer wi th VPS/PDC * 3 signals, enter the start and stop times exactly as indicate d i n the TV pr ogramme guide.
61 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additiona l Operations Additio nal Ope ratio ns Pla ying/sear ching at v arious speed s Pla ybac k opt ions Operatio n V iew the pict ure during fast- forward or re wind During fast-forw ard , ho ld down M FF/ M .
62 Play ing/searching at various speeds T o resume normal playb ack Press H PLA Y. Tip • Adjust the pi ct ure using the TRA CKING +/ – but tons if: – Streak s appe a r whil e pl a yin g in slo w motion. – Ban ds appea r at the top o r b o t tom whil e pausin g.
63 Setting the recording dur ation time Additiona l Operations Set tin g the rec o rding du rat ion time T o extend the du ration Press z REC repeatedly to set a ne w duration tim e. T o cancel the duration Press z REC repeatedly u ntil th e ind ica tor disap pea rs and th e VCR re turns to the normal rec ording mode.
64 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE300D1/D2 and SE480D only) Sync hron ized Rec or ding (SL V -SE300D1 /D2 and SE4 80D only) Y ou can set the VCR to aut oma tically record programmes from eq uipment such as a satellite tuner b y connectin g the equip ment to the DECODER/LINE-3 IN connector .
65 Synchronized Recording (S L V -SE300D1/ D2 and SE480D only) Additiona l Operations T o cancel the Sync hronized Recor ding function Press SYNCHRO RE C. The SYNCHRO REC button turns off. T o stop recording Press x STOP while reco rdin g. Recordi ng pr ogrammes using the Synchr onized Recordi ng function Bef ore yo u start.
66 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE300D1/D2 and SE480D only) Notes • Thi s fu nc tion may not work w i th some ty p es of sa te llite tu n e rs. • Some T Vs or other eq uipment with timer funct ions will automa tically turn off if no ope ration is perform ed within a certa i n am ount of time.
67 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Additiona l Operations Chec king/c hangin g/cancel ling time r settings Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on your TV and set it to th e vi deo channel . 1 Press ? / 1 to turn on the VCR. 2 Press MENU, then pre ss M / m to h ighlight LISTS an d press OK.
68 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings When the tim er settings o verlap The program me that st arts first has priority and the second programme starts recording only after the f irst programme has finished. If th e programmes start at the same time, the program me listed f irst in the m enu has prio rity .
69 Searching using t he Smart S earch function Additiona l Operations Sear chin g using th e Smart Searc h funct ion If you record multiple program m es on a tape , use the Sm art Search functio n to see what has been record ed on your tape.
70 Searching using the Smar t Sea rch function T o stop sear ching Press x STOP . T o e xit the SMART SEARCH screen Press SMA R T SEARCH. T o record in a bla nk space Blank space o n the tape will appear as a blank r ow in the SMAR T SEARCH screen. Sele ct the last blank row in step 3, then press OK.
71 Searching using t he Smart S earch function Additiona l Operations Tips • Y ou can store inf orm a tion for up to 24 programme s on a sing le li st. • While re cording, you can di splay the SMAR T SE ARCH screen using t he SMAR T SE ARCH button.
72 Adjusting the picture Adjusting the pi cture Adjusting t he tracki ng Although th e VCR automatic ally adjusts th e tracking when pl aying a tape (the indicator flashes in the displa y windo w , then turns of f), distorti on may o ccur if the re cording is in poor condition .
73 Adjusting the picture Additiona l Operations Tip • T o set tr ac ki ng t o the cen t re positi on, press t he TRA CKING + and – b u ttons at t he same tim e. Notes • Y ou can ad ju s t th e tr acki n g fo r an NTSC* 1 -recorded tape but the t rac king meter won ’ t be disp laye d.
74 Changing menu options Changing men u opti ons Men u choice s Initial settin gs are indic ated in bold p rint. OPTIONS-1 1 Press MENU, then selec t OPTIONS and pre ss OK. 2 Press M / m to highlight OPTIONS-1 or OPTIONS-2, then press OK. 3 Press M / m to select t he option, then press OK.
75 Changing menu options Additiona l Operations OPT IONS -2 Note • When you set a ti mer recor din g, th e indica tor s in the displ ay windo w remain on, e v e n though PO WER SA VE is set to ON.
76 Editing with another VCR Editin g with an other VCR How to con n e c t to re c ord on this VC R Conne ct the line out puts of the othe r VCR to the LINE IN conn ector or jacks of t his VCR. Ref er to the examples A thro ugh C and choose t he connection th at best suits your VCR.
77 Editing with another VCR Additiona l Operations Example C Notes • Make sure you conn ec t the plugs to jacks of the sam e colour .* 1 • If you co nne c t this VCR to both the L INE IN and LINE OU T jacks of th e ot her VCR, select the inpu t c orre ctly to prevent a humming no ise.
78 Editing with another VCR Operation (when recor ding on this VCR) Bef ore y ou start editing • T urn on your TV a nd set it to the video channe l. • Press INPU T SELECT to displa y the con nected line in the di splay window . • Press SP/LP to select the t ape speed, SP o r LP *.
79 T r oub lesh oot ing Additiona l Informa tion Additio nal Inf o r mati on T r oubl eshooting If you ha ve any question s or p roblems not c ov ered belo w , pl ease c onsult yo ur ne arest Son y service facilit y . Symptom Remedy Pow e r The ? / 1 ON/ST AND BY swi tch does n ot f uncti on.
80 T roubleshooting Recording No TV pr ogra m me appears on the TV scre en. • Make sure the TV is set to the vid eo cha nne l. If you a re using a monitor , set it to video input. • If your T V is co nnected to th e VCR with bot h S c art and aeria l cables, m ake sure the RF channel i s set to OFF (se e page 15) .
81 T r oub lesh oot ing Additiona l Informa tion Synchr onized Recor ding The SYNCHR O REC button turns off while recordin g or doe s not go back to record ing standby mode. • The tape has re ac he d it s end. Inser t a ne w tape an d pre ss SYNCHRO REC aga in.
82 T roubleshooting Other s A tape cannot be inserted. • Check that a tape isn ’ t alread y in the tape c ompartme nt. The remo te comma nde r does not function. • Make sure yo u are poi nting th e remote commande r at the remote sensor on the VCR.
83 Specifications Additiona l Informa tion Specification s System Channel cover age PA L ( B / G ) VHF E2 to E12 VHF Italian channel A to H UHF E21 to E69 CA TV S01 to S05, S1 to S20 HYPER S21 to S41 RF output signal UHF channels 21 t o 69 Aerial out 75-ohm asymmetrical aerial socket T ape speed SP: P AL 23.
84 Inde x to par ts and controls Inde x to par t s an d contr ols Refer to the pages indicated in parentheses ( ) for details. Front panel A ? / 1 ON/ST AND BY switch (13) B A EJECT bu tton (42) C T a.
85 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Informa tion Displa y w indo w A T imer indicator (50) (55) (59) B T ape spee d indi cators * 1 (45) C VIDEO indicator (10) (45) D VPS (V ideo Pro gramm e .
86 Inde x to par ts and controls Rear panel A Mains lead (9) (10) B AERIAL IN ANTENNE ENTREE connector (9) (10 ) C AERIAL OUT ANTENNE SOR TIE connector (9) (10) D DECODER/ t LINE -2 IN DECODEUR/ t ENT.
87 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Informa tion Remote commander A Z EJECT b utton (42) B COUNTER/REMAIN bu tton (45) C CLEA R b u tton (42) ( 54) (68) D SP (S tandard P lay)/LP ( Long Pl ay.
88 Inde x to par ts and controls L [TV] / [VIDE O] re mote control swit ch (5) M ? / 1 (o n/standb y) switch (6) (55) N INPUT SELECT b utton (46) (58 ) (78) O t TV/VIDEO button (6) (10) (45) P DISPLA .
89 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Informa tion.
90 Inde x to par ts and controls.
91 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Informa tion.
Sony Corp or ation Inde x A Adju sting picture 29 , 72 tracking 72 Aerial hookup 9 AFT (Aut o Fin e Tuning) 29 Auto Cloc k Set 22 Auto Long Play 74 Auto S e t Up 16 C Canal Pl us 36 Chan gi ng th e pr.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SLV-SE480D c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SLV-SE480D - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SLV-SE480D, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SLV-SE480D va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SLV-SE480D, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SLV-SE480D.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SLV-SE480D. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SLV-SE480D ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.