Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SLV-D251P du fabricant Sony
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2-050-773- 13 (1) US D VD Pla yer/ Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating Instructions For custo mer s in the USA If you have any questions about y our Sony DVD-VCR, you may call Sony Customer Inf ormation Services C ompany at 1-800-VHS-SONY (84 7-7669).
2 W ARNING WARNIN G To pre ve nt fire or shoc k hazar d, do not expo se the unit to rain or moistur e. To avo id electr ical sho ck, do not open the cabin et. Refer servic ing to qualif ied personn el only. To pre ve nt fire or shoc k haza rd, d o not place objec ts filled w ith liqu ids, such a s vase s, on the ap par a tus .
3 Impor tant Safety Instructions Importan t Safety Instruc tions 1 Read these instruc tions. 2 Keep these instruc tio n s. 3 Heed all wa rnings. 4 Follow all i nstr uctio ns. 5 D o not use this a pparatus n ear water . 6 Clean on ly wi th dry cloth. 7 Do not bloc k any venti la ti on op ening s .
4 T able of contents T ab le of contents 2 WA R N I N G 2 We l c o m e ! 2 General Precautions 3 Important Safety Instructions 3 D V D Precautions 6 About this manual 6 This pla ye r ca n pl ay the fo.
5 T able of contents D VD Additi onal Operati ons 63 Using the DVD’ s m enu 65 Zooming into a scene 66 Cha nging the angl es 67 Displaying the subtitle 68 V arious pl ay mo de functi ons (Program pl.
6 About this manua l About th is manual • This manual main ly explains operations using the remote, but the same operati ons can also be p erformed using th e buttons on the DVD-VCR having t h e same or simila r names . • “DVD” may be used as a ge neral term for DVD VIDEOs, D VD-RWs/ DVD-Rs, and D VD+RWs/ DV D +R s .
7 Notes about discs Example of discs that the player cannot play The pla yer ca nn ot play t he foll ow i ng disc s: • A ll CD-ROM s (i nclu ding PH O TO CDs )/CD- Rs/C D- R Ws ot her than th os e r.
8 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you have recei ved the foll o wi ng items with the DVD-VCR: Note • The suppli ed remote commander is fo r the e x cl usive use of this D VD-VCR.
Getting Started 9 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : Settin g up the remote co mmander Notes • W i th norm a l use, the batteries sh oul d la st abou t three to six mont hs. • If you do not use the re mote com mander for an extende d period of time, remove the batt eries to avoid possible dam age from ba ttery le ak age.
10 Basic hookups Step 3 : Basic hookups Bef ore y ou get star ted • Be sure to disco nn ect the AC po wer cord of each component be fore conn ect ing. • T urn of f the powe r to all equipm ent. • Do not conn ec t the A C po wer cords until all of the connect ion s are compl eted .
Getting Started 11 Basic hookups A udio/video (A/V) hookup If your T V ha s audio /vi deo ( A/V) inp ut jacks , you will ge t bette r pict ure and so und if you ho ok up yo ur DVD-VCR using t hese co nnection s. If yo ur TV d oes no t have A/V inputs, see the fol l o wing pag es f or antenn a or cable hoo kups.
12 Basic hookups Hookup 1 (Plug and Play) Antenna hookup Make th e following co nnecti ons if you ar e using an ante nna (i f you do not have cable TV).
Getting Started 13 Basic hookups Hookup 1 : D VD-VCR setup Notes • If you con nect the A C po wer cor d be fore th e an tenna conne ctio ns are c ompl eted, the c hanne ls may b e incor rectly set . If t his happ ens, see “Step 6 : Prese tting cha nnels” o n page 23.
14 Basic hookups Hookup 2 (Plug and Play) Y ou have no cable bo x, or a cable bo x with onl y a fe w scrambled c hannels Recommende d use Use thi s hookup if you do not ha ve a c able box . Also use this hookup if your cable system scrambl es only a few channels.
Getting Started 15 Basic hookups Hookup 2 : D VD-VCR setup Notes • If you con nect the A C po wer cor d be fore th e an tenna conne ctio ns are c ompl eted, the c hanne ls may b e incor rectly set . If t his happ ens, see “Step 6 : Prese tting cha nnels” o n page 23.
16 Basic hookups Hookup 3 Connecting a cable bo x with many scramb l ed channels Recommende d use Use this ho okup if your cab le system scrambles all o r most channels.
Getting Started 17 Selecting a language Step 4 : Selecting a language Y ou can change the o n-screen d isplay langua ge. Bef ore you st ar t… • T ur n on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV . • T o control the D VD-VCR, set TV / D VD·VIDEO to DVD·VIDEO on the remote (page 9).
18 Selecting a language 4 Press SET UP to exit the menu ..
Getting Started 19 Setting the clock Step 5 : Setting the cloc k Using the A uto Clock Set feature Some TV an d ca ble cha nn els transmi t time signals with th eir broad casts. Y our D VD- VCR can pick up thi s t ime signal to automatically se t the clock .
20 Setting the cloc k 3 Press V/v to select “Au to”, then press ENTE R. 4 Press V/v to select the ite m you want, the n press B/b to m ake the setting. • For “Clock data CH” Lea ve the setting to “ Auto” to hav e the D VD-VCR automatically search fo r a channel that carries a time signa l.
Getting Started 21 Setting the clock Notes • The clock canno t be set au to m atically if you do not receive a cha nne l t hat carries a t im e signal in your area.
22 Setting the cloc k Tip • T o cha n g e th e di gits whi le sett in g, p res s B to ret urn to the item to be changed, and s elect the digits by pressing V/v . Notes • T o record TV progra ms usi ng t he timer, you must set the clock accura t ely.
Getting Started 23 Presetting channels Step 6 : Presetting c hannels This DVD-VCR i s capable o f receiving VHF channel s 2 to 13 , UHF channel s 14 to 69 and unsc ramble d CA TV chan nels 1 to 125. First, we recommen d that you preset the receivable channels in your are a using a utomatic presettin g methods.
24 Presetting channels 2 Press V/v to select “Ch annel Setu p”, then press ENTER. The “CHANNEL SETUP” menu appears. 3 Press V/v to select “An t/Cable. ” 4 • T o pr ese t cable TV chan nels: Pres s B / b to select “Cable T V. ” • T o prese t VHF and UHF chann els: Pres s B / b to sel ect “Ante nna.
Getting Started 25 Presetting channels Presetting/ disabling channe ls manuall y Bef ore you st ar t… • T ur n on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV . When usi ng a cab le box , turn it on. • T o control the D VD-VCR, set TV / D VD·VIDEO to DVD·VIDEO on the remote (page 9).
26 Presetting channels Note • If you have not preset cha nnels aut om atica lly, yo u canno t preset/ d isa b l e c han nels m anu ally . 4 T o prese t/disabl e a ch annel: 1 Press CH +/– or number buttons to enter the ch annel nu m be r . 2 Press B/b to select “ADD” (in memory) or “DELETE ” (deleted).
27 Playing discs Basic Oper ations Basic O perations Playing disc s Dependi ng on the di sc, some op eration s may be different or restricted. Refer to th e opera ting inst ruct io ns supp lied wi th your disc . Bef ore you st ar t ... • T ur n on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV .
28 Playing discs Additional task s * 1 If you pause the D VD player f or more th an 5 minut es, the D VD player will automa tically stop. * 2 For D VD VIDEOs and the DVD-R Ws/D VD-Rs only * 3 For D VD.
29 Playing discs Basic Oper ations T o Resume pla yback f or the current disc (Resume Pla y) The DVD p layer rememb ers the point whe re you stopp ed the disc even if the D VD player enters st andb y mode b y pres sing ? / 1 . Tip • T o begin playback from th e to p of th e di sc, press x S TOP twi c e then pres s H PLA Y.
30 Play ing discs Tip • T o make a video ti m er re servati on du ring DVD playback , we recom m end perform ing the oper ations un der “ Quick T imer Reco rding” ( page 86) . Notes • Y ou ca n change the scree n type using t he “SCRE EN SETU P” menu .
31 Guide to the on-screen displa y Basic Oper ations Guide to the on-scree n displa y Press DISPLA Y during playback . The following information ap pears ; type of disc , current titl e/track, chap ter , counte r position , voice la nguage, subtitl e lang uage and Custom A V Mode s etting .
32 Guide to the on-screen display T o playbac k the desired title/trac k or chapter Y ou can playb ack the desire d t itle/track or cha pter usin g this menu. The title/trac k or cha pter icon will a ppear on the D VD playback scre e n follo wed by the current title/track or c h apter number and the counter po sition.
33 Guide to the on-screen displa y Basic Oper ations Notes • The disp la y ma y no t chan ge as operat ed depen din g on the disc. • The displ ay windo w continue in di ca ting the playing ti me e ven when the cou nt er posit ion inform at ion on the on- screen disp la y is be in g chang ed .
34 Locking t he disc tray (Chil d Lock) Locking the di sc tr ay (Child Lock ) Y ou ca n lock the di s c tray so that the disc tray is not open ed by mistake. T o lock th e disc tra y When the D VD -VCR is turned on, p ress x , X and SELE CT DVD on the unit at th e same time.
35 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Playing a tape Bef ore you st ar t ... • T ur n on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV . • Switch the input selector on yo ur TV so that the sig na l from the play er app ears on the T V sc r e en . •S e t T V / D VD·VIDEO to DVD·VIDEO , then press SELECT VIDEO to control the VCR (page 9).
36 Play ing a tape Additio nal task s * If yo u pause the VCR for m o re than 5 m inutes, the VC R will automa ticall y resume play . T o turn off the po wer while re winding (Rewind Shut Off) Press ? / 1 while th e tape i s re winding. The power will tu rn off b ut the tape will ke ep rewi nding until it re a ches the e nd.
37 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations T o play/se a rch at various sp eeds * 1 For 10 seconds in SP or LP mod e/for 15 seconds i n EP m ode * 2 Y ou can press SKIP up to 4 times. Th is allo w s you to f ast for ward up to 2 minutes in total. T o skip playba ck Y ou can skip a sce ne that you do not want to watch and restart playback .
38 Play ing a tape Tip • Adjust t he pictu re using the TR A C KING +/– buttons if: – S treaks appear w h ile playi ng in slo w motion . – The picture shakes du ring paus e. Notes • T apes reco rded in t he LP mode o n other V CRs can be played ba ck on this VCR b ut the pictur e qualit y ca nno t be gua r an teed .
39 Recording TV programs Basic Oper ations Recor din g TV pr ograms Bef ore you st ar t ... • T ur n on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV . • Switch the input selector on yo ur TV so that the sig na l from the play er app ears on the T V sc r e en . •S e t T V / D VD·VIDEO to DVD·VIDEO , then press SELECT VIDEO to control the VCR (page 9).
40 Recording TV programs T o stop recor ding Press x STOP . T o chec k the remaining tape length Press DISPLA Y to display th e time coun ter . Wit h the display on, press DISPLA Y again to c heck the remaining time. The white b ar indicates the c urrent loc ation in relation to the enti re tape len g th.
41 Recording TV programs Basic Oper ations T o watch another TV program while recording T o watch a D VD while re cor ding T o save a r ecordi ng T o prev e nt accident al erasure, brea k of f the safe ty tab as illustrated. T o record o n the tape agai n, cover the tab hole with a dhesi ve tape.
42 Recording TV programs using the timer Recor ding TV pr ogra ms using the timer Y ou can preset up to eight pro grams at a time. Bef ore y ou star t… • Check th at the D VD-VCR clock is se t to the correct time. • T u r n on the DVD-VCR and you r TV .
43 Recording TV programs using the ti mer Basic Oper ations T o stop recor d ing T o stop the D VD-VCR while recordin g, press SELE CT VIDEO and the n pr es s x ST OP. Daily /week ly recor ding In s te p 2 ab ove , p re s s v to select t he recording pa ttern.
44 Recording TV programs using the timer T o use the A uto T ape Speed function When you are recordin g a program in the Auto mode an d the remaining tape bec omes shorter tha n the recording time, the tape speed is a u tomatically cha nged to t he EP mode.
45 Checking/changing/canceling timer settings Basic Oper ations Chec king/c hanging/can celing timer settings Bef ore you st ar t… • Check that the D VD-VCR cloc k is set to the correct time. • T ur n on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV . • Switch the input selector on yo ur TV so that the sig na l from the play er app ears on the T V sc r e en .
46 Checking/changing/canceling timer settings When the tim e r settings overl ap The pr ogram th at st arts f irs t has pri orit y and the second progra m star ts rec ordin g only after the f irst program has f inished. If the pro grams start at the same tim e, the progra m list e d first in the men u ha s prior ity .
47 Locking the D VD-VCR (Child Lock) Basic Oper ations Loc king the D VD-VCR (Child Lock) After you ha ve set t h e timer , you can lo c k all of the butto ns on the D VD-VCR so that the settin gs are not canc eled by mistake.
48 A/V Receiver hookup Adv anced Hookups A/V Receiver hookup A Use this hook up if your A/ V receiver has a Dolby* Surr ound (Pro Logic) decod er and 3 to 6 spe akers Y ou can enj oy t he Dolby Sur round e ffects on ly when play ing Do lby Surrou nd audio or mu lti-channel audio (D olby Dig ital) discs.
49 A/V Receiver hookup Adv anced Hookups B Use this hooku p if your A/V r eceiver h as a Dolby Digita l or DTS* decoder , a digital input j ack and 6 spe akers This con nection wi ll allow you to use the Dolb y Digital or DTS d e coder fu nction of your A V am plifier (recei ver).
50 S-Video/Component Video hookup S-Vid eo/Component Vi deo hookup Make audio connectio ns usin g the LIN E OUT A UDIO L/R jacks or DIGIT AL A UDIO OUT (OPTICAL or CO AXIAL) jacks on the right si de of th e D VD-VCR when you use S-VIDEO/ Compo nent V ideo hooku p.
51 S-Video/Component Vid eo hookup Adv anced Hookups B Use this hook up if your T V has component vide o input jac k s Conne ct your TV v ia the CO MP ONENT VIDEO OUT jacks using a comp onent video cord (not suppli ed) or thre e video cor ds (no t su pplied ) of the sam e kind and length.
52 A udio Set up D VD Settings and Adjustments A udi o Se tu p “ Audio Setup” allo ws you to set the sound accordi ng to the p layback a nd c onnectio n condition s. 1 Press SET UP when the D VD pla yer is in stop mode , then pres s V/v to select (D VD), then press ENTER.
53 A u dio Setup D VD Settings and Adjus tments Menu choic es • Dolb y Digital Selects the type of Dolb y Digital signal. The def ault setting is i n dicated in bold p rint. •D T S Selects whe ther or not to o utput DTS signals. The def ault setting is i n dicated in bold p rint.
54 Screen Setup Screen Setup “Screen S etup” allows you to set t he screen accordi ng to the p layback a nd c onnectio n condition s. 1 Press SET UP when the D VD pla yer is in stop mode , then pres s V/v to select (D VD), then press ENTER. 2 Press V/v to select “S creen Se tup, ” then press ENTE R.
55 Screen Setup D VD Settings and Adjus tments Menu choic es • TV T ype Selects the aspect ratio of th e con nected TV (4: 3 st an dard or wide). The def ault setting is i n dicated in bold p rint.
56 Screen Setup T o set the “Pr ogressi ve” setting If your TV accept s progressive (480p) format signals, yo u will enjoy accu rat e co lor reprod uction and high qualit y image. 1 Follow step 1 an d 2 on page 54, then press V/v to select “Progre ssiv e.
57 Screen Setup D VD Settings and Adjus tments Tip • The “Pro gre ssive” setting can be canc eled by pressing X on the unit continuously for 5 seconds or m ore , or selecti ng “ Off” in step 2.
58 Setting the displa y or sound track language Setting the displa y or sound trac k lang uage You ca n se t vario us langu ages for th e di s c’s menu, so und tra ck or su bt i tle. 1 Press SET UP when the DVD player is in stop mode, then press V/v t o se lect (DVD ) and press ENTER .
59 Setting the display or sound t rac k language D VD Settings and Adjus tments Tip • If you select “O thers” in step 4, an addit ional la nguage me nu appears.
60 P arental Control (limiting pla yback b y children) P arental Cont rol ( limit ing p la yback b y children ) Playba c k of so m e D VDs can be li m ited accordi ng t o a predete rmined level such as the age of the users. The “Parental Control ” functi on allows you t o set a playba ck limitation le vel.
61 P arental Control (limiting play back by children) D VD Settings and Adjus tments 3 Press b to set the pare ntal cont rol . • If yo u ha ve not en tered a pass w o r d The disp lay fo r r eg is te ri n g a new passwo rd appears . Enter a 4-di gi t pas sword usi ng the numb er but to ns .
62 P arental Control (limiting pla yback b y children) T o change the pa sswor d T o turn off the P arental Contr ol function Set “Use Password” to “No” in st ep 3 on page 61.
63 Using the D V D’s menu D VD Additional Op erations D VD Additio nal Op erations Using the D VD’ s menu A D VD is divi ded into long s ections of a picture o r a music feature call ed “titles. ” When yo u pl ay a DVD which contains sev eral titles, you can select the title you want usin g t he TOP MENU button.
64 Using the D V D’ s menu T o turn off the D VD’ s menu Press x STOP Note • Dependi ng on the DVD, you may not be able to u se the TOP MENU button o r search a point by sett in g th e tim e.
65 Zooming into a scene D VD Additional Op erations Zooming into a sc ene Notes • Y ou can not use 4 × m agnification w hen yo u pl ay VID EO CD s. • The zoom function may not work dependi ng on the DVD. Y ou can zoom in t o a scen e during pla yback or still mode.
66 Changing the angles Changing the angles Note • Check th e use r’ s ma nua l of the purc ha sed di sc to dete rm ine w he the r it supp orts angle operat ion .
67 Display ing the subtitle D VD Additional Op erations Displa yin g the su btitle T o turn off the subtitl es Sele ct “Off ” in step 3. Note • Dependi ng on the DVD, you may not be able to cha nge the subtit les even if multilin gua l subtitles are re corded on i t.
68 V arious play mode functions (Program play , Shuffle play , Repeat play) V arious pla y mode functions (Pr og ram play , Shuffle play , Repeat play) Y ou ca n set the follo wing play mod e s: • P.
69 V arious play mode funct ions (Progr am pla y , Shuffle play , Repeat play) D VD Additional Op erations T o stop progra m play Press CLEAR during pla yback. T o change or can cel a pr ogram T o cancel all the pr ogrammed n umbers Notes • Up to 99 trac ks ca n be displaye d.
70 V arious play mode functions (Program play , Shuffle play , Repeat play) Play i ng in random order (Shuffle pla y) T o return to normal pla y Press CLEAR. Tips • Shuffle pla y will s to p whe n al l th e trac ks ar e pl ayed ba c k. • Y ou can not repeat play while in shuffle play .
71 V arious play mode funct ions (Progr am pla y , Shuffle play , Repeat play) D VD Additional Op erations Play ing repeat edly (Repeat pl ay) Y ou ca n play all of th e titles or tr acks on a disc or a single title, chapter , or track repeatedl y . 1 Press REPEA T during pl ayb ack.
72 V arious play mode functions (Program play , Shuffle play , Repeat play) T o return to normal pla y Select “Off” or press CLEAR in st ep 2. Notes • Y ou can not repea t pl ay with DVD-R W in VR mode. • Y ou can not rep ea t pl ay VIDEO CD s with PBC fu nction on.
73 Changing the sound D VD Additional Op erations Changi ng the s ound When playin g a D VD recorded in multiple audio formats (PCM, Dolb y Digital, or DTS), you ca n change t he audio format . If the D VD is recorded with mu ltilingual tracks, you can also select the langu age .
74 Vir tual surround setting Virtual surr ound setting When yo u conn ect a stere o TV or 2 fr on t speake rs, S URROU ND lets you e njoy s urround sound ef f ects by us i ng sound i m ag ing to cr ea te virt ua l r ear spe ak er s fr om the s o und o f the f ront speake rs wit h out usin g actual rear sp eaker s .
75 Vir tual surround setting D VD Additional Op erations T o cancel the setting Sele ct “Off ” in step 2. Notes • When th e pl ay ing signal do e s not c ont ai n a si gnal for the rea r spea kers, th e surround effects will be di fficult to he ar.
76 Play ing an MP3 audio track Pla ying a n MP3 au dio trac k You can play back DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/ CD-Rs/CD-R Ws) record ed in MP 3 (MPEG1 Audio La yer 3) form a t. 1 Press Z and place a DA T A CD o n the disc t ray , then press Z to cl ose t he tray .
77 Playi ng an MP3 audio trac k D VD Additional Op erations T o stop pla y Press x STOP. T o repeat pla y Press REPEA T repea tedly d uri ng playback to cha nge the repe at mode. • FILE: repeats t he current track (file). • DIR: repeats the current albu m (directory).
78 Play ing an MP3 audio track Notes • Only the letters in the alpha bet and n umbers ca n be used for album or t rack name s. Anything else is di splayed as an ast erisk. • Up to 12 alph an umer ic cha ra ct ers c an be di sp laye d for album or track na mes.
79 Playi ng an MP3 audio trac k D VD Additional Op erations The Pla yback or der of MP3 audio tra cks The playb ack order of al bums and track s recorded on a DA T A CD is as follo w s. • Struct ure of di sc conten ts When yo u i nsert a DA T A C D and press H P LA Y, the numbered tra cks are playe d sequentially , from 1 thro ugh 7 .
80 Play ing JPEG image files Playing JPEG im ag e fil es You ca n pl ay JPEG ima ge files on DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs). 1 Press Z and place a DA T A CD o n the disc t ray , then press Z to cl ose t he tray . When you load a DA T A CD which contai ns MP3 audio t racks an d JPE G i mage files, “Select a Me dia T ype” menu ap pears.
81 Playing JPEG image files D VD Additional Op erations T o rota te the selected image T o zoom in an image 3 Press ./> to select the ne xt/prev ious alb um page, then p re ss V/v/ B/b to select an image in the “Alb um” displa y . T o displa y the selected ima ge 1 Press ENTER.
82 Play ing JPEG image files T o enjoy t he Slide sho w T o turn on/off the me nu in the sing le image di splay Press CLEAR to turn off the menu. Press B or b to turn on the m enu. T o return to the “Alb um” display Press MENU to return to the “Albu m” display .
83 Playing JPEG image files D VD Additional Op erations T o play a Multi Sessio n CD This player ca n play Multi Session CDs when an JPEG image file is located in the first session. Any subsequent JPEG image f iles, recorded in t he later sessions, can also be play ed back.
84 Play ing VIDEO CDs with “PBC ON/OFF” Functions Playing VIDEO CDs w ith “PBC O N/OFF ” Functi ons The PBC (Playback c ontrol) function a llows you to sea rch and perf orm other oper ations interacti vely. PBC playback follo ws a selection menu displa yed on you r TV scr een.
85 Pla y ing VIDEO CDs with “PBC ON/OFF” Functions D VD Additional Op erations T o return to the menu Press O RETURN. T o play using “PBC OFF” Press MENU to select “P BC OFF . ” When “PBC OFF” i s selected, the D VD pl aye r starts cont i nuous play .
86 Quick Timer Record ing VCR Additional O perations Quic k Timer Recor ding T o extend the du ration Press z RE C re peatedl y to set a new durat io n time. T o cancel the d uration Press z REC repeatedly until the indicator disappears and the VCR returns to normal recording mode.
87 Recording stereo and bilingual programs VCR Additional Operation s Recor ding stereo and bil ingual pr ograms Recordi ng stereo progr ams When you rece iv e a program broadcast in stereo , press A UDIO to display “Hi-Fi” on the TV scree n. Y ou can a lso sele ct “Left, ” “Right, ” or “Mono.
88 Searching using various functions Sear ch ing using v arious fu nctions T o searc h usi ng the inde x funct ion (Scan and Play) The VCR automa tica lly marks th e ta pe wi th an index signa l at t he p oint where each recording begi ns. Use these signal s as references to find a spec ific recordi ng.
89 Searching using various functions VCR Additional Operation s T o sear ch for the counter 0:00:0 0 point T o mark a point on the tape that you want to f ind later , reset the tape c o unter to “0:00 :00. ” The VCR auto matically f ast-forwards or re winds to the 0 :00:00 point on t h e tape coun ter .
90 Adjusting the picture (t rac k ing) Adjusting the p icture (trac king) Although th e VCR automa tically adjusts th e tracking when pl aying a t ape, d istortio n may occ ur if th e recording is in poor co ndition. In th is case, manu ally adjust the tra cking.
91 Changing menu options VCR Additional Operation s Changi ng menu options Y ou ca n chang e the tap e length , auto play and auto rep e at setting s. Normally the default setting s are used. Chan ge these settings if necessary . 1 Press SET UP when the D VD player is in stop mode.
92 Changing menu options Men u ch oices The defau lt sett ing s are indic a ted in bo ld prin t. 4 Press B/b to cha nge th e setting. 5 Press SET UP to exit the menu . Menu opt ion Set thi s op ti on to T ape Le ngth • “T -120” when using a T -12 0 or shor ter length tape .
93 Editing with another VCR VCR Additional Operation s Editin g with a nothe r VCR How to c onnect to recor d on this VCR Notes • Make sure you connect t he pl ug s to jacks of the sam e color . • If the other V CR is a monaura l type and con nected to this V CR ’ s LINE -2 IN jacks, c onne c t the audio pl ug to the A UDIO L (whi te) jack .
94 Editing with another VCR Operation (when recor ding on this VCR) T o stop editing Press the x (stop) b uttons on both VCRs. Tip • T o cut out u nwa nt ed scen es wh i le edit ing , pres s X on thi s VCR wh en an unwante d sce ne begins. When it ends, press X again to re sume reco r ding.
95 General setup information Additiona l Information Additio nal Inf o r mati on General setu p inf ormation 1 Press SET UP when the D VD player is in stop mode, then press V/v to select (OPTION), then pre ss ENTER. 2 Press V/v to sel ect the opt ion to chan ge.
96 General setup inf orm ation Men u ch oices The defau lt sett ing s are indic a ted in bo ld prin t. 4 Press SET UP to exit the menu . Menu opt ion Set thi s op ti on to Auto Power Of f • “Off ” to deacti vate the Aut o Po wer Off func ti on.
97 General setup information Additiona l Information Setting the RF Output chann el When connecting the D VD-VCR to the TV using on ly the antenna c a ble, yo u must set the RF Output channel in the “OPTION SETUP” me nu so that the TV can receiv e the correct sign al fro m t he DVD-VCR.
98 General setup inf orm ation Attachi ng the external antenna connector Attachi ng a VHF/UHF band mixer When usi n g a 300-oh m twin lead cable for a VHF/UHF antenn a, use an antenn a connector (not sup pl i ed) to connect the antenn a to the D VD-VCR.
99 T r oubleshooting Additiona l Information T r oubl eshooting If you hav e any qu estions o r prob lems not c overe d below , pl ease consult your nea rest Son y dealer . (For custome rs in USA) General T roub leshooting Symptom Remedy Pow e r The ? / 1 switch does not func ti on.
100 T r oubleshooting D VD T r oubleshooting Symptom Remedy Picture Ther e is no p ictur e/pictur e noi se appears . • Re- conne ct the conne ctin g co rd secure ly .
101 T r oubleshooting Additiona l Information Operation The disc do es not play . • The disc is tu rne d over . • Insert the disc w i th the playback side facing down on the disc tray . • The disc i s skewed. • The play er c annot pla y ce rt ain discs (pa g e 6).
102 T r oubleshooting VCR T rouble shooting Operation The la nguag e for t he sound track cannot be cha ng ed. • T ry using the DVD’ s menu i nstead of the d irect select ion button on the r emote (page 63). • Mul ti li ngu al track s are not re co rded on th e DVD being played .
103 T r oubleshooting Additiona l Information Recording The tape starts play ing as soon as it is inse rted . • The safe ty tab h a s been remo ve d . T o rec o rd on this ta p e, co ver the tab hole . The tape is ej ected wh en you pre ss z REC. • Chec k that the safety tab ha s not been re moved.
104 Glossa r y Glossary Chapter (pa ge 31) Section s of a pi cture or a musi c fea ture that are smaller than titles. A title is composed of several chapters . Depend ing on th e disc , no chapters may b e recorded. Dolb y Digital (pages 48 and 53) Digital au dio compr e ssion tec hnology developed by Dol by Laborat ories .
105 Glossar y Additiona l Information Interlace fo rmat Interlace format shows e very other line o f an image as a sin gle “field” and is the st and ard method for di sp layi ng image s on tel evisi on. The even number field shows the e ven numbered lines of an ima ge, and the odd numbered fiel d shows the o dd numbered lines of an i mage.
106 Specifications Specification s System Laser Semiconductor laser Format VHS NTSC standard V ideo recordin g system Rotary head helical s canning FM system V ideo h eads Double azimuth f our heads V ideo sign al NTSC color, E IA standards T ape speed SP: 33.
107 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Information Inde x to parts and contr ols Refer to the pages indicated in paren theses ( ) for details. Front panel A ? / 1 PO W ER ( on/st and by) swit c.
108 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols Displa y window A D VD ind icator (2 8) B Record indicator (4 0) C VIDEO indicator (36) D T ape indi ca tor ( 36) E T imer indicator (43) F STEREO indi cator (87) G .
109 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Information Rear panel D VD player and VCR A A C power cord (10) (13) B LINE IN 1 VIDEO/A UDIO L/R jacks (93) C LINE OUT VIDEO/A UDIO L/R jacks (11) D IN (FR OM ANT .
110 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols Remote commander for D VD A Z (ope n/close ) button (27 ) (28) B TV / D VD•VIDEO swi t ch (9) C SELECT D VD button (9) D Number buttons* 1 (26) E CLEAR butt on (69.
111 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Information Remote commander for VIDEO A Z (eject) butto n (36) B TV / D VD•VIDEO switch (9) C SELECT VIDEO b utton (9) D Number buttons * 1 (26) E CLEA.
112 D VD Audio/Subtit le Language D VD A udio/ Subti tle Langu age Abbrev iation Langua g e ARA Ara bic BUL Bulgari an CHI Chi nese CR O Croatia n CZE Czech DAN D a n i sh DEU G erma n ENG Engl ish ES.
113 Index Inde x Numerics 16: 9 55 4:3 Lette r Bo x 55 4:3 Pan Scan 55 A Adju stin g pict ure 90 tracki ng 90 Angle 66 Antenna hoo kup 12 Audio t rack 87 Audio/v ideo (A/V) hoo kup 11 Auto Clock Se t .
Sony Cor poration Printed in China AK68-00428C.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony SLV-D251P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony SLV-D251P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony SLV-D251P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony SLV-D251P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony SLV-D251P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony SLV-D251P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony SLV-D251P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony SLV-D251P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.