Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PEG-TH55 du fabricant Sony
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Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) 3-089-698- 11 (1) Personal Entertainment Organizer PEG-TH5 5 © 2004 Sony Corporation Read This First Oper ating Inst ructio ns Sett.
2 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) The foll owing manuals are i ncluded with your CLI É handheld. * You can read t he manual on you r computer usin g Adob e Reader . If Adobe Reader is n ot installed on yo ur computer, in stall it from the su pplied Installation CD-ROM.
3 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1 ) Befo re us e Cau tion IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, I NDIRECT O R CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR OTHER DAMAGES I.
4 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1 ) T abl e of Contents Setting up your CLIÉ™ ha ndheld Confirm ing the pa ckage contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Setting u p your CLIÉ ™ handheld . . . . . . . 8 Step 1: Charging your CLIÉ handheld .
5 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1 ) CLIÉ™ hand held compone nts Front pan el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Locati ng the components of the H ome sc reen (CLIE Org anizer).
6 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld This ch apter explains how t o charge your CLIÉ handheld, perform the initial setup , and use it with your co mputer. Pleas e confirm that all the fol l ow ing accessories are inc luded in the packa ge before sett ing up your C LIÉ handhel d.
7 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld Strap (1) Refer to the illustra tion below to attach the strap.
8 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Perform t he following before setting up y our CLIÉ handh eld. Step 1: Chargin g your CLIÉ handheld It tak es about five h ours to fully ch arge your CLIÉ h andheld fo r the first time.
9 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld Note If the battery of your CLIÉ handheld i s comple tely discharge d, all user data stored on your CL IÉ handheld will be lo st. How to remo ve the plug a dapter Remove by pressing th e plug ada pter on both sides as illu strated.
10 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Tips If you canno t turn on your CLIÉ hand held • Did you ch arge your CLIÉ handheld as describe d on page 8? b For details, refer to “ Frequently Asked Que stions: I cannot turn on m y CLIÉ hand held” on page 67.
11 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld 3 Following the on-screen instructions , tap ex actly in the center of the displayed mark. Tap t he next targets , which are displayed a t the bottom right and th en in the center of t he screen.
12 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) 5 Click [Yes] to confirm. (Only available for certain models or areas.) 6 Tap the bo x next to [Set Time:]. The Set Time dialog bo x is displayed . Tip You ca n recon figure the date and time settin gs in the Preferences scr een.
13 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld 9 Tap the bo x next to [Set Date:]. The Set Date screen is displaye d.
14 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) 13 Tap th e region t o set the time zone , then tap [O K]. 14 Tap V next to [Daylight Saving:] and select [On] or [Of f].
15 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld 16 Tap [Next] and [ Done] . The Holiday screen is displayed.
16 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) The init ial setup is compl ete. 18 Tap [Yes] . The Home screen ( CL IE Organizer ) is displa yed. Tip The screen di splayed when you tur n on your CLIÉ han dheld and tap (Home) is ca lled the Ho me screen .
17 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld CLIE Organi zer for PC and Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ stored on the supp lied Inst allati on CD-RO M must b e instal led on yo ur compu ter.
18 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Step 1: Installing Palm ™ Desktop for CLIÉ on your computer Palm™ Desk top for CLIÉ is th e soft ware su pplie d with the Pal m OS ® device. You can synchr onize data be tween you r CLIÉ hand held and comput er using Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ .
19 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld Installation of Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ on you r computer is comple te. If you want to register your CLIÉ handh eld, go to “Step 2: Regis tering your CLIÉ handhe ld”.
20 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Step 2: Registering your CLIÉ handheld You can regi ster your CLIÉ han dheld by fo llowing the on- screen instr uctions . With yo ur permission, Sony will kee p you inform ed of special op portunities.
21 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld 1 Connect the mini “B” plug of the USB cable to the plug adapter ( 1 ), then connect the plug adapter to the interface connector of your CLIÉ handheld ( 2 ).
22 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Step 4: Enterin g a user name for your CLIÉ handheld 1 Tap [Applica…] fr o m the Home screen of your CLI É handheld. The Applications screen is disp layed. 2 Tap (HotSyn c) in the Applications screen .
23 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld Follow the steps below to install CLIE Organiz er for PC on your co mput er.
24 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Installa tion of CLIE Org anizer for PC on your compu ter is complete. 4 Click [Install]. Installatio n of CLIE Organizer for PC starts. “Install Shield Wizard Complete” message is di splayed in the InstallSh ield Wizard wi ndow when the in stallation is c omplete.
25 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Setting up your CLIÉ™ handheld You can install applicatio ns from the sup plied Installatio n CD-ROM by following the proced ure below.
26 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ ™ handheld This chapter explai ns how to t urn on/off your CLIÉ ha ndheld, st art an appli cation, ente r text, sync hronize with your co mputer, ta ke a picture , and perform a reset.
27 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld To use yo ur CLIÉ ha ndheld, y ou need to start an applicat ion. The followin g explains how to start an applica tion from the Home screen ( CLI E Organizer ).
28 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Starting an application fr om CLIE Organizer What is CLIE Organizer? CLIE Organi zer is an essenti al application th at manages all applications instal led on your CLI É handheld.
29 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld •M e m o P a d You can take text format memos. Text files crea ted on your comp uter can also be read. •V i e w e r You can di splay the list of pictures, mo vie files, voice memos, and Free No tes memos.
30 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Quittin g the applica tion You do no t need to save data manually on your CL IÉ hand held as you do on a comp uter, a lthough s ome appli cations require data be s aved. b For detail s, refer to the “CLIÉ Appli cation Manua l” (HTML format).
31 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld 1 Press th e BACK butt on when the Home scree n is displayed . The current app lication is selec ted. 2 Rotate th e Jog Dia l™ navigato r to select an application to start.
32 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Press ing the application bu ttons You can also start the applications b y pressing th e application buttons. The de fault setting o f the applicat ion buttons a re: Date Book , Free Notes , a nd CLIE Organiz er .
33 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld Usin g Graff iti ® 2 writing to enter text Graffiti ® 2 i s a unique writing me thod for qu ickly an d easily ent ering text into CLIÉ ap plications.
34 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Ent erin g tex t You need to start an app lication an d display t he screen in whi ch you want to enter te xt.
35 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld Othe r ways to enter text There ar e some other ways t o enter text in to your CLIÉ han dheld. You c an use whicheve r is the most comfortabl e for you.
36 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) You can use data fro m a n other applicatio n to easily create new data in an applic ation.
37 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld Creating new data by searching the text data of other applications For example, f ol low the steps below to cr eate new data by search ing the data in Ad dress Book .
38 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) When Searching data without selecting text If yo u do not select t ext in ste p 1, but you pre ss (D ata Assi stant) f or searchin g, no search resu lt will be disp layed in the Search screen.
39 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld What is the HotSync ® op erat ion? The H otSync ® ope ration is an e asy operatio n .
40 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Performing the Hot Sync ® operation 5 Drag an im age file in th e content s field with th e stylus to where you want to put it. The image fi le is put. Tip A movie fi le, voice memo , and Free Notes me mo can also be put on the scre en.
41 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld Viewing a synchronized schedule event on your comput er 5 Tap (HotSync) in the HotSync screen. The H otSync ® operation start s. When th e HotSync ® operation i s complete, th e following screen is displa yed.
42 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) To displ ay othe r appl icati on wind ows (A ddres s Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, Fre e Notes, and Reference) Performing the HotSy.
43 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld You can ta ke pictures and view im age files usin g your CLI É handheld a s a digital sti ll camera. b For detail s on CLIE Camera , refer to “Still images” in the “CLIÉ Appl icatio n Man ual” (HTML format) .
44 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Viewing pictures You can view the last three pictu r e s taken by tapping them in the Image Thum bnail Displa y below th e CLIE Camera screen.
45 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld You can reco rd sounds usin g the built-in microphone of your CLIÉ ha ndheld. You can also use t he voice memo as an alarm sou nd or attach it to an e-ma il.
46 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Playing back a voice memo You can pl ay back a vo ice memo usi ng Voice Record er , [Viewer] o f CLIE Organiz er , or CLIE View er . b For detai ls on eac h applicat ion, refe r to eac h applicat ion in t he “CLIÉ Appl ication Man ual” (HTML format).
47 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld Normal ly, yo u do not need to reset you r CLIÉ ha ndheld. However, if your CL IÉ handhe ld does not turn on or respond, performing a soft reset m ay solve the problem.
48 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Performing a hard reset If a sof t reset do es not solve the pro blem, you ma y need to perform a hard reset to resta rt your CLIÉ ha ndheld. Notes • All reco rds and add- on appli cations s tored on your CLIÉ han dheld will be er ased by pe rformin g a hard rese t.
49 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Basic operations of your CLIÉ™ handheld After restarting, your CLIÉ ha ndhel d displays “palm POWERED”, “S ONY” and “CLIÉ”, followed b y the SETUP screen.
50 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Supplied applications The followin g applications are supplied with your CLIÉ han dheld.
51 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Supplied applications Applications that are run o n your CLI É handheld. To start th e following applications, tap the application ic on in the Application s screen, which can be display ed by tapp ing [Applica… ] in CLIE Org anizer .
52 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIE Mail You ca n browse, send, and re ceive e-mail m essages with your CLI É handheld. Notes • You m ust be connected to the Internet before hand to send and receive e-ma il messages.
53 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Supplied applications HotSyn c You ca n synchronize da ta between your CL IÉ handheld and computer. You ca n also save backup dat a on your computer . Macromed ia Flash Play er 5 You can pl ay the Macrome dia Flash files.
54 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) NetFront v3.1 for CLIE You ca n browse website. Note You must be co nnected to the In ternet beforeh and. Picsel Viewer for CLIE You ca n view document s cre ated in Microsoft Wo rd/Excel/Pow erPoint ® or PDF files on your CLIÉ ha ndheld.
56 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Intellisync Lite You can synchronize da ta of Date Book , Address Book , To Do Li st , etc., on yo ur CLIÉ handhe ld with Microsoft O utlook or Lotus Organi zer on your comput er.
57 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Using CLIÉ Manuals with your c omputer Using CLIÉ Manuals with your computer You can also use the other manuals of your CLIÉ handhe ld that are stored on t he supplied Instal lation CD-R OM.
58 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Tip You can read thi s manual “Read This First (Operating Instruc tions)” also on your comp uter. “Rea d This Fir st” is a PDF format man ual. “Interne t Connection Guide ” is not stored in C LIÉ M anual s .
59 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Using CLIÉ Manuals with your c omputer Opening CLIÉ Man uals Fol low the s teps be low to op en CLIÉ Manuals . 1 Double-click (CLIÉ Manuals PEG-TH55) on the Windows desktop. The CLIÉ Applica tion Guide PEG-T H55 wind ow is di splaye d.
60 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Opening CL IÉ Manuals from the s upplied Installation CD-ROM 1 Inse rt the sup plied Ins tallati on CD-RO M into the CD-ROM drive o f your compute r. The I nstallation CD-ROM win dow is displayed.
61 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Using CLIÉ Manuals with your c omputer Reading t he PDF manuals on your comp uter The following expl ains how to read the PDF format manual s on your computer.
62 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Read ing the HTML man ual on your computer (CLIÉ Ap plication Manu al) The followin g explains how to read the HT ML format manual on yo ur compute r. Note You ne ed Microsoft Internet Explorer versi on 5.
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) 63 T roubleshooting Troubleshooting If you have prob lems, please follow t he procedure below. Make note of any mes sages or alert s that ar e displa yed. Note Thous ands o f thir d par ty add- on appl icati ons ar e availa ble fo r the Palm OS ® platform .
64 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Making a ba ckup of the dat a or application s on your CLIÉ handheld Son y recomm ends th at you m ake a b ackup o f your da ta in cas e of un expected problems.
65 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Frequent ly Asked Questi ons If the solutions mention ed in this section do not solve yo ur problem, refer to the “Troubleshooting Q&A” (PDF format).
66 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) • Palm™ Des ktop for CLIÉ does no t start or cannot be selected from the menu • CLI E Organize r for PC does not start or cannot be se lected from the menu • HotSyn c Manager does no t start.
67 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting I cannot t urn on my CLIÉ handheld B Is the POWER/HO LD switch of your CLIÉ ha ndheld in HOLD mo de (page 88) ? Your CLIÉ handheld does not work when the POWER/HOLD switch is in HOLD mode .
68 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) My CLIÉ handheld keeps turning itself off B Your CLIÉ handh eld is designed to turn itself off afte r a period of inactivity (Autom atic power-off). You can set the automatic powe r-off time by selecting t ime for [Auto-off After:] in [General] of the Prefe rences screen.
69 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Applications do not operate prope rly after a soft reset i s performe d B If you en counter ap plication pr oble.
70 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) My CLIÉ handheld does not recognize handwritten character s (when usin g Graffit i ® 2 ) B To have yo ur CLIÉ handheld re cognize handw ritten characters en tered with the stylu s, you mu st use Graffiti ® 2 .
71 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting I cannot perform the local HotSync ® operati on Verifying your CLIÉ handheld B Is the c onnector bet ween your.
72 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) B Is the USB port active? Check wheth er the USB port works normally by connecting another USB d evice, such as a US B mous e.
73 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting B Is the appl ication set not to synchroniz e files? Click (HotSync ) in the task tra y (Notification area) at the bo ttom right of y our comput er window and se lect [Cust om.
74 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIE Organizer f or PC does not start or ca nnot be selected from the menu B Is CLIE Organizer fo r PC prope rly instal led on your co mputer? The hard ware or softwa re of your compu ter may not be co mpatible w ith CLIE Organizer for PC .
75 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Do not use a USB h ub If you con nect your C LIÉ handheld to your computer v ia a USB hub, you may no t be able to perform the HotSync ® operati on properly. Make su re you connect th e USB cable directly to a US B port of yo ur computer.
76 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Custo mer Support an d Customer Regi stration ■ For customer support information Double -click (CLIÉ Info) on the Window s deskto p, and sel ect [ CLIÉ™ Hand held Supp ort ].
77 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Note s on use Handling your CLIÉ h andheld • Make sur e you do not scr atch or dama ge your CLIÉ hand held’s scr een. Always use the su pplied stylus to tap on th e screen.
78 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Battery considerations Battery safety To avoid battery lea kage, heat g eneratio n, firing, or bust, obser ve the following: • Do no t use any othe r type of ba ttery in yo ur CLIÉ hand held.
79 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Usin g peri pheral devi ces If a low batt ery warning is displayed whi le using perip heral device s, charge your CL IÉ han dheld imm ediately . If you continu ously us e it, it automati cally turns of f and cannot op erate until you charge it.
80 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Specificat ions OS Palm OS ® 5 (Ver .5.2) CPU Sony Ha ndheld Engine Memo ry Total: 32 MB (RAM) User memory avail able: Approx. 32 MB External inpu t/output Interface c onnector IrDA (1.
81 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Voice encodi ng/decoding format IMA ADPCM (1ch, 4bit) SP m ode (22 kHz) LP mo de (8 kHz) Maximum audio recording time (whe n using a 128M B “Memor y Stick” m edia, sold sep arately): SP mo de: Appr ox.
82 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Appro x. 4 hours (when viewin g movie files with the backl ight on*) Recor ding voic e memos (in contin uous mode): Appro x. 19.5 hours (when recording voice me mos in HOL D mod e) Appro x.
83 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) T roubleshooting Your CLIÉ handhel d support s “Memory Stick” media, “MagicGat e Memory Sti ck” media, “Memo r y Stick D uo” media, “Me mory Stick PRO” media, and “Memory Stick PRO Duo” media.
84 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) System requirements The following are the sy stem specificati ons required to ru n Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ and software supplie.
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) 85 CLIÉ™ handheld components.
86 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) A Headphone Jack For headphon es/earphones with a φ 3.5 stereo mi ni jack (com mercial ly available). B CAPTURE Button (Page 43) Press the CAPTURE button to take picture s. C Lens Cover Le ver (Page 43) Slide t o open/close the l ens-cover and start CLIE Camera .
87 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIÉ™ handheld components Back panel A Jog Dial™ navigator (Page 31) Use to select and run applications o r items. Dependin g on th e applic ation, unique featu res are assigned.
88 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) POWER/HOLD switch z Turning on /off your CLIÉ handhe ld Slide down the POWER/HOLD switch The POWER/HOLD switc h will return to th e center position after being relea sed.
89 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIÉ™ handheld components Using “Memory Stick” media z Inser ting “Memor y Stick ” medi a Note Inser t a “Mem ory Stick ” medi a in the right dir ection.
90 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) z Removin g “Memory S tick” med ia IR port You can be am data or app licatio ns between your CLIÉ han dheld an d another CLIÉ h andheld or Palm OS ® PDA. b For de tails, refer to “Beamin g” in the “H andbook” (P DF format).
91 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIÉ™ handheld components Locating the components of the Home screen (CLIE Organ izer) Tip If a differen t screen is displayed, tap (Home) . A Silk Screen A rea (Page 92) B Stat us ba r (Page 92) C Home icon Tap to di splay the Home scr een.
92 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Stat us ba r The status bar d isplays the following icons. Additional ic ons will be displayed ac cording to the applicatio ns in use. A Tap to di splay the Home scre en. B Tap to d isplay the menus o f the current a pplication.
93 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIÉ™ handheld components Each icon i ndicates the in formation on the “Memo ry Stick” medi a inserted into your CLI É handhe ld. “Memory Sti ck” media is insert ed. “Memor y Stick” m edia is not insert ed.
94 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) is displ ayed when the Blue tooth ® function is u sed. (for mode ls containing the Blue tooth ® wireless techno logy only) 1 St.
95 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIÉ™ handheld components Icons for switching Graf fiti ® 2/Software keyboard (When standard plug-in is sele cted ) You ca n switch between the Graffiti ® 2 writing are a and the software key board by tapping this icon .
96 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) Pro tect ive C over You can remo ve the protec tive cover as fol lows. Remov ing the prot ective cove r Attac hing the pro tective co ver 1 Push in the directi on 1 with your left hand.
97 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) CLIÉ™ handheld components Notes • Do not ope n the protective co ver too far or damag e wil l o ccur . • Do not car ry your CLIÉ handhe ld by the protective cover only or da mage will occu r.
98 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) z A AC power adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 , 8 Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Installi ng . . . . .
99 Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) P Palm™ Desktop for CLIÉ . . . . . . . . . 17 Picsel Viewer for CLIE . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Protective Cover . . . . .
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1).
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1).
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1).
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer PE G-TH55 3-089-698- 11 (1) On the tr ademarks Befor e using you r CLIÉ handhe ld, make su re you read the accom panying End -User’s Lic ense Agr eement.
Sony P ersonal Enter tainment Organizer (US) 3-089-698- 11 (1) For the la test information on support, CLIÉ products and accessori es, check our officia l Sony CLIÉ website For customers in the U.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony PEG-TH55 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony PEG-TH55 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony PEG-TH55, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony PEG-TH55 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony PEG-TH55, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony PEG-TH55.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony PEG-TH55. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony PEG-TH55 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.