Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ICD-PX312 du fabricant Sony
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4-267-065- 11 (2) ICD-PX312 IC Recorder Operating Instructions Getting Started Basic Operat ions Other Recording O perations Other Playbac k Operati ons Editing Files About the Menu Function Utilizing.
2 GB Owner’s R ecord The model number is located at the rear panel and the serial number is located inside the battery compartment. Record these numbers in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
3 GB Notice fo r users All rights reserved. This manual or the software described herein, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, translated or reduced to any machine readable form without prior written approval from Sony Corporation.
4 GB Trademarks • Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and Windows Media are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. • Macintosh and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U SA and other countries.
5 GB Table of Contents Getting S tarted Step 1: Check ing t he C onten ts of the Package . ...... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ..... ...... .. 8 Index to parts an d contro ls ... ..... ...... ..... 9 Preventing unintent ional ope rations (HOLD) .
6 GB Selecti ng the p layback mode ........ ...... 53 Play ing Ba ck a File at a De sire d Time with an Al arm ......... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... 56 Playback via Other Devices ......... ........ ... 59 Recordi ng with other equipm ent ...
7 GB Additional Information Using a USB AC Adaptor ...... ........ ...... . 101 Disconne cting the IC re corder from the AC o utlet .... ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... . 101 Precauti ons ..... ...... ...... ......... ...... ..... ...... . 103 Specific ations .
8 GB Getting Started Step 1: Checking the Contents of the Package IC Reco rder ( 1) Remo ve the film on the dis play window before you use the IC recorder . USB connect ing cable (1) To connect th e IC recorde r to a compute r, make sure to us e the sup plied US B connecti ng ca ble.
9 GB Getting Start ed Index t o parts and con trols Front A Built- in mic rophon e B m (microphone ) jack* 1 C Display window D DISP/MENU button E SCEN E butt on F (fold er) butto n G N PLAY/STOP•ENTER* 1 button H x (stop) button I – .
10 GB Rear S (USB) co nnector T M2™/microS D memory c ard sl ot U HOLD•POWER ON/OFF switch V Batt ery comp art ment W Strap hole (A strap is not supplied.
11 GB Getting Start ed Preven ting unin tentio nal operati ons (HOLD) You can di sable all the bu ttons (HOLD) in order t o preve nt uninte ntional operations when yo u carry the IC record er, etc. To put the I C reco rder in the HOLD st atus Slide the HOLD• POWER ON/OFF switch in the directi on of “HOLD .
12 GB Step 2: Preparing a Power Source Remove the film on th e display windo w before you use the IC recorder. Slide and lift th e batt ery co mpar tmen t lid, insert L R03 (size AAA) alkal ine batt eries with corr ect po lari ty, and close the lid. If the batt ery c ompartmen t li d is accide ntal ly det ache d, att ach i t as illust rated.
13 GB Getting Start ed When t o repl ace t he batteries The battery i ndicat or in the display win dow shows the ba tter y condi ti on. Battery remain indicator : “Low Ba ttery Le vel” appears . Replace the old batteries w ith new ones. m : “Low Battery ” appe ars and th e IC recorde r will stop operation.
14 GB Step 3: Turning the IC Recorder On Turning the power o n Slide the HOLD• POWER ON/OFF switch in the direction of “POWE R ON/OFF” for more than 1 sec ond. The IC recorde r is turned on, and the “Acc essin g...” an imat ion is disp layed.
15 GB Getting Start ed Step 4: Setting the Clock You need t o set the cloc k to u se th e al arm functio n or record th e date and time. When you insert batteries for the first tim e, or when yo u ins.
16 GB When you use the IC re corder for t he first time or when no fi le is recor ded, the followin g window may be displayed. P Notes • If you do not press N PLAY/ STOP• ENTER with in 1 minute of entering the cloc k setti ng data , the cl ock setting mode is canc eled and t he stop mode wi ndow will be displa yed.
17 GB Getting Start ed Step 5: Setting the Language to Be U sed in the Display Window You can sel ect the lang uage to be used for messages, men us, etc. fr om 3 la nguages. 1 Pre ss a nd ho ld DIS P/ME NU to e nter th e menu mode . The me nu mode win dow will be displayed.
18 GB You can sele ct th e fol lowin g lan guag es. Engli sh , Es pañol (S pani sh), Fr ança is (French) 5 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode..
19 GB Basic Operatio ns Basic Operations Recording P Notes • Before making a recordi ng, be sure to c heck the battery ind icator (p age 13). • Noise may b e recorded if an objec t, such as your finger, etc. , accid ental ly rubs or scr atches the IC record er during recor ding.
20 GB 3 Place the I C reco rder so t hat th e buil t-i n micr ophone face th e dire ction of the source to be rec orded . 4 Press z REC/P AUSE in the stop mode. The op eration indic ator fl ashes in oran ge, and th en ligh ts up in red . (Whe n “LE D” i s set to “OFF ” in th e menu (page 8 3), the indicat or does not light .
21 GB Basic Operatio ns To stop recording Note while acces sing The I C reco rder is r ecord ing da ta an d st ori ng it on t he memo ry med ia wh en t he “Accessi ng...” an imation ap pears in the disp lay window or the operatio n indicator flashes in orange.
22 GB Other operations z Tips • Files record ed usi ng this IC recor der will be record ed as MP3 fil es. • You can record up to 199 files in each fo lder. • You can ma ke new folders or era se unwanted fold ers using the supp lied Sound Organizer software (pag e 96).
23 GB Basic Operatio ns To reco rd accordi ng to ea ch recor ding situati on (scen e sele ction) Acco rding to v arious re cording scene, you c an cha nge the recor ding item s, such as R EC Mode (page 81), Mic Sensitiv ity (page 82), et c., to the recomm ended set tings in bulk.
24 GB Listening Starting p layback 1 Slide the HOLD• POWER ON/OFF switch to wards the center to rele ase the IC re corde r from the HOLD status (page 11). The stop mode window appe ars. 2 Select the file you wan t to play (page 2 5). 3 Press N PLAY/STOP•ENTER.
25 GB Basic Operatio ns To stop playback To select a folder and file 1 Press x (stop). 1 Press (folder) to disp lay the folder sel ection window . 2 Press – . or > + to select a fol der. When you pu rchas e the IC rec order, th ere are 5 f older s alread y avai lable ( FOLDER 01-05).
26 GB 3 Press N PLAY/STOP•ENTER. 4 Press – . or > + to select a file . Press > + to sele ct a fi le with a lar ger nu mb er. Press – . to selec t a file with a smal ler nu mb er.
27 GB Basic Operatio ns Other operations stop at the cur rent posi tion (Playback Pause function) Press N PLAY/STOP•ENTER . To resu me playb ack from th at point, press N PLAY/STO P•ENTER again. go back to the beginning of the curr ent file Press – .
28 GB About the dis play Press DISP/MENU bri efly to switch and check t he file informa tion. A file recorded usi ng the IC record er is displayed as follows.
29 GB Basic Operatio ns Erasing P Note Once a recordin g has been erased, you cannot retrie ve it. Selecting a file and erasing it 1 Slide the HOLD• POWER ON/OFF switch to wa rds the center to rele ase the IC re corde r from the HOLD status (page 11).
30 GB To cancel erasing To erase a nother file Proc eed wit h steps 2 through 5 in “Select ing a file and er asing it.” To erase a part of a file Divide the fi le into two files first (pa ge 68), and then pro ceed with ste ps 3 through 5 in “Sele cting a fi le and era sing it” af ter selec ting the file y ou want to erase .
31 GB Other Recor ding Operations Other Recording Operations Changing the Recording Settings Select ing a record ing scene for eac h situati on Acco rding to v arious re cording scene, you can ch ange the ite ms for rec o rdin g, suc h as REC Mo de (pag e 81), Mi c Sensi tivity (page 82), etc.
32 GB P Notes • You c annot s et a scen e during recordin g. • When 60 sec onds have passed wit hout any operatio n after the S cene Select w indow appeared , the stop mode wind ow will be dis pla yed. Tips for bette r recording There are ways of making better re cordin gs other than using sc ene selection .
33 GB Other Recor ding Operations Recording an interview Plac e the IC record er so that the bui lt-in micro phone f ace th e interviewee . Recordin g a music p erfor mance By at taching a tripod (not.
34 GB Scene S elect settings For deta ils on the men u items and se ttings, see pa ges 78 t hrough 82. P Note You ca nnot modi fy the Sc ene Sel ect setting s. If you want to ch ange the setti ng items, suc h as REC Mode (page 81), Mic Se nsitivity (page 82), etc.
35 GB Other Recor ding Operations When “ Add/Overwr ite” in the m enu is set to “Add, ” you can ad d a reco rding to the file being pl ayed back . The adde d record ing will be pl aced after the current file, and w ill be count ed as a par t of the file.
36 GB 4 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode. 5 When th e file to be adde d is played ba ck, press z REC/P A USE . “Add REC? ” will be displayed. For details on pl ayback , see page 24. 6 While “Add REC?” is displaye d, press z REC/PAUS E. The op erat ion i ndic ator w ill t urn r ed.
37 GB Other Recor ding Operations Select the fil e to which you w ant to add an overwrit e recordi ng first. 1 Press and hold DIS P/MENU in t he stop mode to ente r the men u mode. The me nu mode win dow will be displayed. 2 Press – . or > + to select “Ad d/ Overw rite, ” and th en press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER.
38 GB 6 While “O verwr ite REC?” is dis played, press z REC/P A USE . The op erat ion i ndic ator w ill t urn r ed. Then rec ording star ts. 7 Press x (stop) to st op recordi ng. P Notes • You cannot add an overw rite reco rding to a n MP3 file when the file h as reached th e maxim um size limit (50 0 MB).
39 GB Other Recor ding Operations 2 Press – . or > + to sele ct “VO R,” and th en press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER. 3 Press – . or > + to select “ON,” and then pres s N PLAY/STOP•ENTER. “VOR” is set to “OFF” when y ou purc h ase th e IC re corde r.
40 GB Recording on a Memory Card In addition to the built-i n memory , you can record fi les on a memor y card. About com patible memory cards Memory cards that you can use w ith the IC recorde r are as fol lows: • M emory Stick Micro™ (M2 ™) media: Up to 16 GB is suppo rted.
41 GB Other Recor ding Operations For IC D-PX312, t he operati onal te sts performed were usi ng memory cards availa ble as of January 2011. For the latest informat ion about the me mory cards that hav e been test ed, plea se access the support hom e page for the IC re corder: http://www.
42 GB memory card into the slot. Doi ng so may cause fire, electric shock, or malfuncti ons. To switch the IC recorder destination to the memory card 1 Press and hold DIS P/MENU in t he stop mode to ente r the men u mode. The me nu mode win dow will be displayed.
43 GB Other Recor ding Operations 7 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode. To use th e built -in memory Selec t “Built-I n Memory” in step 3. To star t recordin g Selec t the fold er and then press z REC/ PAUSE. Fo r deta ils on rec ording, see page 19.
44 GB Recording via Other Devi ces Recor ding w ith an external microp hone When you co nnect a s tereo mic rophone (not suppli ed) to the IC recorder a nd the recordi ng mode is set to “SHQ” or “H Q” mode, you c an record soun d in stereo. You can p lay back the sound i n stereo using a pair of stereo hea dphon es (not supplied ).
45 GB Other Recor ding Operations The b u ilt- in micropho ne is au tomaticall y cut o ff, and t h e IC recorder s tarts recordi ng sounds from th e externa l microp hone. If the input le vel is not strong e nough, adjust the “M ic Sensitivi ty” setting on the IC rec order (page 82).
46 GB Recordi ng from oth er equip ment You ca n make musi c files wit hout us ing t he comput er by record ing sound from other equip ment co nnected t o the IC recor der. When y ou sel ect “Audio IN” in th e “Scene Select” menu, the s ettings suitab le for recordi ng from oth er equipme nt are alrea dy selected .
47 GB Other Recor ding Operations “Sel ect Inp ut ” is set to “MI C IN ” when you purcha se the IC rec order. 3 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode. 4 Press z REC/P AUSE to st art rec ordin g. The b u ilt- in micropho n e is automatica lly cut of f and the IC recor der star ts recordi ng sounds from th e connec ted equipm ent.
48 GB Operation during Recording Monitoring the recordi ng If you conne ct a pair of headphone s (not sup plied ) to th e i (head phone) j ack, you can mon itor the reco rding. You c an adjust the moni toring volume by pressing VOL –/+, but the reco rding level is fixe d.
49 GB Other Playba ck Operatio ns Other Playback O perations Changing the Playback Settings Conve nient play back method s Listening w ith better sound quality • T o listen with a pair of he adpho nes: Conn ect a pair of he adphones (no t supplied ) to the i (headphone) jack.
50 GB • If the la st file is lo ng and you wish to star t playback at a l ater par t of th e file, p ress and hold > + t o go t o the e nd of the file, a nd then pres s – .
51 GB Other Playba ck Operatio ns 3 Press – . or > + to sel ect “Noise Cu t Level, ” and then press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER. 4 Press – . or > + to select “Max imum ” or “Me dium, ” an d th en press N PLAY/STOP•ENTER. “Noise Cut Lev el” is set to “Maximum” when you purc hase the IC recorder.
52 GB 2 Press – . or > + to select “DPC( Speed Cont rol),” and th en press N PLAY/STOP• ENTER. 3 Press – . or > + to select “ON,” and then pres s N PLAY/STOP•ENTER. 4 Press – . or > + to adju st the playbac k speed. – . : Decreases the speed by 0.
53 GB Other Playba ck Operatio ns Select ing t he playback mode You ca n use t he menu or oper ate b uttons t o selec t the playback mode acc ording to the playba ck situa tions. To play back all files in a folder continuousl y – the continuou s play 1 Press and hold DIS P/MENU in t he stop or play back mode to ent er the menu mode.
54 GB “Conti nuous Play” is set to “OFF” when you purcha se the IC rec order. 5 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode. To resume norma l playb ack mode – the single file pla y Select “OFF” in step 4. To play ba ck a file repeat edly During playback, press and hold N PLAY/ STOP•EN TER unti l “ 1” a p pear s.
55 GB Other Playba ck Operatio ns To ch ange the se gmen t specif ied for A-B repeat playba ck: During A-B re peat p layback , press (repeat ) A-B agai n to s pecif y a new star ting po int A.
56 GB Playing Back a Fil e at a Desired Time with an Alarm You can s ound an alar m and start play back of a selected fi le at a d esired ti me. Yo u can have a file pl ayed b ack on a sp ecified date, once every we ek, or a t the sam e time every day.
57 GB Other Playba ck Operatio ns 2 When you select “D ate”: Se t th e year, m onth, da y, hour , and minute in sequence, as descri bed in “Step 4: Setting the Clock” on page 15. When you select a day of the week or “Daily” : Press – . or > + to set the hour, and then press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER, pr ess – .
58 GB When the se t date and time comes At the set time, “ALARM” is display ed in the dis play wi ndow and the alarm and th e select ed file wil l be played ba ck using the sele cted a larm patt ern. When t he pla yback en ds, the IC r ecorder will stop automa tically.
59 GB Other Playba ck Operatio ns Playback via Other Devi ces Recor ding with other equip ment You ca n record the sound of the IC record er with othe r equipm ent.
60 GB Editing Files Arranging F iles in a Folder Moving a file to a differ ent folder 1 Selec t the f ile y o u want to mo ve. 2 Press and hold DIS P/MENU in t he stop mode to ente r the men u mode. The me nu mode win dow will be displayed. 3 Press – .
61 GB Editing Files 5 Press – . or > + to select the f olde r that you wa nt to move the file into, and then pres s N PLAY/STOP•ENTER. The “Movin g File...” an imation is displayed a nd the file is mo ved to the last posit ion in the d estinat ion folder.
62 GB 3 Press – . or > + to select “Mo ve & Copy,” a nd then pre ss N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER. 4 Press – . or > + to select “Fi le Copy,” a nd then pre ss N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER. “Copy to Me mory Card ” or “Copy to Built -In Memory ” appear s and the folde r selection window is displaye d.
63 GB Editing Files • Do no t rem ove or insert a mem ory car d, or turn off t he IC recorder whil e copying. Files may b e damaged. Erasin g all file s in a fold er P Note If the selected fold er contai ns a protected file (page 72), you c annot eras e the protected f ile in tha t folder.
64 GB Using a Track Mark Addi ng a trac k mark You can ad d a track m ark at a p o int at whic h you w ould li ke to divide a f ile lat er or locate du ring playb ack. You ca n add a maximu m of 98 track marks t o each file. During recording , playing ba ck, or recordi ng pausing, pre ss T-MARK at the position you want to ad d a track m ark.
65 GB Editing Files Erasin g a track mark 1 Stop at a positi on after the tr ack mark you wa nt to erase. 2 Press and hold DIS P/MENU in t he stop mode to ente r the men u mode. The me nu mode win dow will be displayed. 3 Press – . or > + to select “Delete , ” and then press N PLAY/STOP•E N TER.
66 GB 6 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode. To can cel erasi ng Sele ct “NO ” in s tep 5, and th en pre ss N PLAY/STOP •ENTER. Erasin g all the tr ack ma rks in th e select ed file at one time 1 Select a file from which you want to eras e the trac k marks.
67 GB Editing Files 5 Press – . or > + to select “YE S,” and th en press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER. The “Er asing...” an imation app ears in t he disp lay w indow and all t he track marks will be eras ed at one time. 6 Press x (stop ) to exit the men u mode.
68 GB Dividing a File Divi ding a fil e at the cur rent positio n You can div ide a file in the st op mode, so that the fil e is divided in to two parts and a new file number is ad ded to t h e newe r part of the divide d file.
69 GB Editing Files 5 Press – . or > + to select “YE S,” and th en press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER. The “Div iding... ” animati on appears, and the divide d files will be suffixe d with a sequenti al number (“ _1” for the or iginal file, and “_ 2” for the ne w file).
70 GB 3 Press – . or > + to select “Divide,” and then press N PLAY/STOP•E N TER. 4 Press – . or > + to select “Di vide All Tr ack Ma rks,” an d then pres s N PLAY/STOP• ENTER. “Div ide All Trac k M arks? ” w ill be displayed.
71 GB Editing Files P Notes • You need a certain a mount of free space in the me mory media to divi de a file . • When you divide a file with a ti tle and artist name, the ne wer part has the same ti tle and artis t name. • You c annot divi de files ot her than those reco rd ed us ing the IC r eco rder (e.
72 GB Protecting a File To preve nt a file from be ing accide ntally erased or e dited, you ca n protect an importa n t fi le. A protec ted f ile is ma rked with the (protec t) indicator and is regarde d as a read-on ly file you can not erase o r edit.
73 GB Editing Files To release protection Selec t the pro tected file, an d then follow steps 2 through 5. In this case, select “OFF” in step 4 , and then pres s N PLAY/STOP•ENTER.
74 GB About the Menu Function Making Settings for the Menu 1 Pre ss a nd ho ld DIS P/ME NU to e nter th e menu mode . The me nu mode win dow will be displayed. 2 Press – . or > + to select the me nu ite m for wh ich you w ant to make setti ng, and th en press N PLAY/ STOP•ENTER.
75 GB About the Me nu Funct ion P Note If you d o not press any button for 60 seconds, the m enu mod e is au tomat ically canceled an d the window will r eturn to t he no rmal dis play. To return t o the previous window During me nu operat ions, press DISP/ MENU.
76 GB Menu Settings Menu items Operation m ode ( a : the sett ing can be made /—: the se tting cannot b e made) Stop mode Playback mode Rec ording mode Add/Overwr ite a —— VOR a — a DPC(Speed .
77 GB About the Me nu Funct ion De tail M enu aaa REC Mode a —— Mi c Sens itivit y a — a LCF(Low Cut) a — a Select Input a —— Contin uous Play aa — No ise Cu t Leve l aa — LED a ——.
78 GB Menu items Settings (*: Initial s etting) See page Add/Overw rite Allows you to add a rec ording to a prev iously recorde d file or an overwrite recor ding during pla yback. Add: You can add a recording. Overwrite: You can overwrite a recording.
79 GB About the Me nu Funct ion Alar m Sets t he alarm. ON: The alar m functi on is effective. Set the date, ti me or day of the wee k or choo se dai ly for play back, and s et the follow ing ala rm pa ttern. Beep& Play: The sele cted file is played back a fter the alarm s ounds.
80 GB Move & Copy Move File Moves the select ed file to the select ed folder. Before attempti ng to move a fil e, select the fi le to be moved , and then go to the menu window.
81 GB About the Me nu Funct ion Select Memory Select s the mem ory media on w hich you w ant to store a file , or which co ntains the file you wa nt to play, edit, or copy. Built -In Mem ory*: The b uilt- in mem ory of the IC r ecord er is selec ted. Memory Card: The memor y card inse rted in th e memory card slo t is selected .
82 GB Deta il Menu Mic Sensiti vity Sets the microph one s ensitivit y. High: To record a s ound far away from t he IC recorde r or a low sound, such as record ing in a spaci ou s room (di s played as “ ” in the window).
83 GB About the Me nu Funct ion Deta il Menu Noise Cut Lev el Sets t he noi se cut l evel to use when the IC record er plays a file ba ck whic h is recor ded with the no ise cu t function . Maximum *: The noise cut level w ill be mor e intense . Medium: The noi se cut level wi ll be weakene d .
84 GB Deta il Menu Date&Ti me Sets the clo ck to use the alarm funct ion or record the date and time. 1 Press a nd hold DISP/MENU to ente r the men u mode. Select “Detail Menu, ” then “Date&Tim e.” 2 Press – . or > + to select “Auto(S ynchroniz ing)” or “Manual, ” and then press N PLAY/STOP •ENTER.
85 GB About the Me nu Funct ion Deta il Menu Auto Po wer Off If the IC recorde r is on and left for the period you have se t, the IC re corder turns off automatically. 5min: The IC r ecorder w ill be t urned off a fter appr ox. 5 m inutes. 10min*: The IC recorder will be turned o ff afte r approx.
86 GB Utilizing Your Computer Using the IC Recorder with Your Computer When t he IC r ecorder is c o nnect ed to your comput er, you ca n transfer data between them.
87 GB Utilizing Your Computer To ex change fi les bet ween t he IC record er and yo ur compu ter, conn ect the I C recorder to your comp uter. 1 Connect the (USB) conne ctor of the IC recorde r with t.
88 GB Bui lt-in memor y * 1 When a file is tr ansfer red directl y under the VOICE folder , the IC recorder recognizes and hand les it as a file t ransferred from t h e compute r. When you tr ansfer a file from your co mputer to the IC reco rder, put the file in th e folders und er the V OICE folde r.
89 GB Utilizing Your Computer Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) microSD card “MEMORY CARD” Folder for files recorde d using the IC recor der Folder t ransfer red from your comput er VOICE FOLDER01 FOL.
90 GB Structure o f folders displ ayed in the display window of the IC recorder The di splay of the str u ctu re of the fold ers seen in the displa y window of the IC recorde r is differ ent from th at seen on th e display of a com puter.
91 GB Utilizing Your Computer • F olders transferre d to places other than under the MUSIC folder or the PODCASTS folder • A folder c alled “No Folder” (I f you transfer MP3 fi les separately , those files will be di splayed unde r this folder .
92 GB Copying Fil es from the IC Recorder to Your Computer You ca n copy th e files and fo lders from the IC recor der to your comput er to store th em. 1 Connect the IC reco rder to your comput er (p age 86) . 2 Copy files o r folders you want t o transfer to you r comput er.
93 GB Utilizing Your Computer Copying MP3 Files from Your Computer to the IC Recorder and Playing Them Back You can cop y MP3 files from you r comput er to the IC recorder by dr aggin g and droppi ng them, an d you can play them back u sing t he IC reco rder.
94 GB 5 Press x (stop) to st op pla yback. P Notes • An MP3 file copied from your compu ter can be played back with the IC reco rder. Dividing a file and setting a track ma rk, however, may not be performed.
95 GB Utilizing Your Computer Using the IC Recorder as USB Memory When t he IC r ecorder is c o nnect ed to your comput er, image data or tex t data on the comput er, as well as fil es recorde d using the IC reco rder can be te mporarily stored on the IC record er.
96 GB Using the Suppli ed Sound Or ganizer Software What you can do using Sound O rganiz er Sound Org anizer all ows you to ex chang e files with an IC recorder or me mory card .
97 GB Utilizing Your Computer Combining fil es You can com bine mult iple files into one file. Deleting files from an IC recorder You can d elete a fi le save d to a n IC recorde r.
98 GB • W indows XP Prof essional Service Pack 3 or hi gher • Wind ows XP Ho me Ed itio n Serv ice Pack 3 or hi gher Pre-in stalled. P Notes • Opera tion is not gu aranteed if any operating syst em other tha n those indi cated lis ted is used (pa ge 97).
99 GB Utilizing Your Computer click [Yes] ([Conti nue] in the case of Windows Vi sta). • Soun d Organizer cannot be starte d by a user with li mited p rivileg es in Wi ndows XP. • To use th e software update function in Windows XP, you must lo g on to an accou nt with com p uter administrator p rivileges.
100 GB The Sound Or ganizer window A Help Display s the help of Sound O rganizer. For deta ils on each oper ation, refe r to these hel p file s. B The file list of So und Or ganizer ( My Library) Displays a list o f files incl uded in My Library of Sou nd Organiz er in accor dance with th e opera tion.
101 GB Additional In formatio n Additional Information Using a USB AC Adap tor You can use the IC re corder wh ile i t is connec ted to an AC ou tlet us ing an AC-U501AD USB AC adaptor (not supplied ). This is usef ul when you w ant to record for a long time.
102 GB – t he U SB A C adap tor conn ecte d to the IC record er should not be connected to or disconn ect ed from th e AC outle t. Doing so may damage the data. If the IC record er is required to pr ocess a large amount of data, the start-up window may be display ed for an extend ed per iod of time.
103 GB Additional In formatio n Precautions On power Operate the uni t only on 3.0 V or 2.4 V D C. Use two LR03 (siz e AAA) alkal ine batteries or two NH-AAA-B 2KN recharg eabl e batte ries. On safety Do not op erate the unit whi le driving, cycli ng or operati ng any motorized ve hicle.
104 GB On main tenance To clea n the e xterior, use a soft cl oth slightly moistened i n water. Then use a soft dry cloth to wipe the e xterior. Do not use alco hol, benzine or thin ner. If you have a ny question s or problems concer ning your uni t, please consul t your nearest Sony dealer.
105 GB Additional In formatio n • We re commend that you save a backup copy of the impor tant data. • Do not touc h the termi nal of a me mory c ard with your hand or a metal object . • Do n ot st rike, be nd or dr op a mem ory car d. • Do no t disassembl e or modify a mem ory card.
106 GB Specificatio n s Syste m requirement s To use yo ur computer with th e Sound Organ izer software To use your c omputer with the Sound Organizer softwa re, see “System requirem ents for your co mputer” on page 97.
107 GB Additional In formation • For the latest version information an d compa tibility wit h your operating sys tem, please acc ess the suppor t home page for th e IC recorder: http://w ww.
108 GB Power o utput 300 mW Power requirement s Two LR03 (size AAA) alkali ne batteries (supplied) : 3.0 V D C Two NH-AAA-B2KN rechargeable batteries (not supplie d): 2.4 V DC Operating temper ature 5 °C - 35 °C (41 °F - 95 °F) Dimensions (w/h/d) (not incl.
109 GB Additional In formatio n Maximum recording time * 3 * 4 The maxi mum recor ding tim e of all the folde rs is as follow s. * 3 When you are go ing to record continuously for a long time, you may hav e to replace th e b atter ies with new on es in the midst of rec ording .
110 GB Battery life When using Sony LR03 (SG) (siz e AAA) alkaline batteries * 1 When using Sony NH-AAA-B2KN rechargeable batt eries * 1 * 1 The battery lif e is measured in te sting using me thods propri etary to Sony. The battery life may shorten depend ing on how you ope rate the IC recorder.
111 GB Tro ubles hooting Troubleshooting Troubleshootin g Before ta king the IC rec order for repair, che ck the followi ng sections. Sh ould any prob lem persist aft er you have ma de these c hecks, co nsult your neare st Sony dea ler. Please no te that recorde d files may be dele ted during serv ice or repair work.
112 GB It takes a long time for the IC recorder t o start. • If t he IC recorde r is required to proces s a large amount of dat a, it may ta k e lo n ger fo r the IC reco rder t o star t. This is not a malfunc tion of the IC record er. Wait until t he sta rt-up dis play disappea rs.
113 GB Tro ubles hooting “File Ful l” is displaye d and you cannot operate the IC recorder. • 199 files hav e been recorde d in the select ed folder ( ) or 4,074 files (when there are 21 folder s ) in total have been record ed. Therefore you cannot record a nother fil e, or m ove a f ile.
114 GB When recordi ng from other equipme nt, the inp ut level is too strong or not st rong enough. • Connect the head phone jack of othe r equipment to the m (micro phone) ja ck of the IC recorder and adjust the volume level on the pi ece of equipment connecte d to t he IC r ecorder.
115 GB Tro ubles hooting The r emaining time displayed in th e display window is shorte r than that displayed in th e suppli ed Sound Organi zer software. • Th e IC re corder requires a certain amount of memor y for sys tem operation. That am ount is s ubtracted from the remainin g time, which is t he reaso n for the differen ce.
116 GB A charact er in a folder or file name is displ ayed in unreadabl e characters. • The IC rec order cann ot support or display so me spec ial charact ers and symbol s that are entered on a computer using Wind ows Explorer or the Macintosh deskt op.
117 GB Tro ubles hooting Sound Organ izer Refer to the h elp files of the Sound Organ izer software, too. Symptom Caus e/Remedy The Sound Organiz er software canno t be installed. • The free dis k or memo ry space on t he computer is too small . Check the ha rd disk and memo ry space.
118 GB Playback s ound from the compute r is low./No so und is emitt ed from t he computer. • No sound board is ins talled. • No speaker is buil t-in or connecte d to the computer. • The volume of t he sound is turne d down. • Turn up the volume on t h e com p uter.
119 GB Tro ubles hooting Message List Message Cause/ Remedy HOLD • All the button ope rations are disabled because t he IC record er is in the HOLD status to pre vent unintent ional opera tions. Slide the HOLD •POW ER ON /OF F swit ch tow ards the cen ter t o rele ase the IC recor d er from t he HOLD status (page 1 1).
120 GB File Full • When there are already th e maximum number of file s in the selected folder or the total numbe r of files stored on th e IC recorder ha s exceeded the maxim um, you cannot record a new file.
121 GB Tro ubles hooting Already S et • The selected f ile has alread y been set for alarm playback. Se lect the other file . • You set the alarm to pl ay back a file at a dat e and time pr eviously set on anothe r file. Change the alarm setti ng.
122 GB Invalid O peration • You cannot divi de or set a track mark in files in a (music) or (podc ast) folde r in t he playba ck-only a rea. • When a m emory c ard has a bad blo ck on it, the c ard cannot be written t o. Prepar e a new memory card to repla ce the current o ne.
123 GB Tro ubles hooting No operation with Mem ory Card • You cannot set an alarm in a fi le stored on a memory card. Switch the me mory media of t he IC record er to “Built-In Memory” (page 42) .
124 GB System Limitations There ar e some system li mitations o f the IC recor d er. T r oubles as mentioned below are not malfun ctions of th e IC recorde r.
125 GB Tro ubles hooting Display Window Guide Display w hen stoppe d A Tra ck m ark indi cato r Displays the tr ack mark number just before t he current positi on.
126 GB J Memory card indi cator When “M emory Card” is se lected as “Selec t Memory,” t he indicat o r is disp layed. When “ Built-I n Memory” is selected , no in d icato r is displaye d . K Batte ry indicato r Displa y when rec ording L Record ing progress a nimation display Display s the progress of a re cording i n animati on.
127 GB Tro ubles hooting O Scene selec t indica tor Displa ys the curren tly sel ected scene used fo r recording. Appea rs when a scen e is se t. : Meetin g : Voice No tes : Inte rview : Lect ure : Audio IN P LCF (Low C ut Filter) indicator Appear s when “LCF(Lo w Cut)” is s et to “ON” i n the menu .
128 GB Display dur ing playb ack S Play back mod e in dicato r 1: Appears wh en one file is played back r epeatedly . A-B: Appears when a sp ecified A-B period is p layed back re peated ly. ×0.50 t o ×2.00: DPC playback ALARM: Alarm pla y back T EASY-S ( Easy Search) indicato r Appear s when “Easy S earch” is set to “ON” in t h e menu.
129 GB Index Index A A-B repeat ...... ......... ............ ........... ......... 54 Adding a r ecording .......... ...... ........ ......... 34 Adding an o v erwrite recording ...... ......... 36 Adjusting t he volume ............. ........... 24, 48 Alarm .
130 GB I Index to parts and c ontrols Display wi ndow ........... ............ ......... 125 Front . ............... ............ ............ ........ ..... 9 Rear ... ............ ......... ............ ........... ...... 10 Input sel ection .......
131 GB Index Noise cut ........... ............ ............... ........... 50 Noise cut level ..... ............ ........... 50 , 77, 83 O Overwrite recordi n g ............ ......... ........... 36 P Pause rec o rding ....... ............ ......... .
© 2011 Sony C orporat ion Printed in Ch ina.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony ICD-PX312 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony ICD-PX312 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony ICD-PX312, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony ICD-PX312 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony ICD-PX312, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony ICD-PX312.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony ICD-PX312. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony ICD-PX312 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.