Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DVP-NS717HP du fabricant Sony
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4-130-258- 21 (1) © 2009 Sony Corporation D VP-NS611H D VP-NS611HP D VP-NS717HP Operat ing Instructi ons Manual d e instru cciones ES US For cu stomer s in t he U.S. A Owner ’s Reco rd The model and seri al numbers are located a t the rear of the unit.
2 US WARNIN G To redu ce the ris k of fi re or electric shoc k, do no t expose this ap para tus to r ain or moistur e. To avoid elect rical sho ck, do not op en the c abin et. Ref er servicin g to q ualified perso nnel onl y. The A C powe r co rd mus t be change d on ly at a qua lified service shop.
3 US US Impo rtant Safe ty Instru ction s 1) Read these inst ructions. 2) Keep these in structions. 3) Heed all warning s. 4) Follow all instruc tions. 5) Do not us e this apparatus near water. 6) Clean only with dry cloth. 7) Do not block any ventilation openings.
4 US • Install the player so that the AC power cord can be unplugged from the wall socket immediately in the event of trouble. • If the player is brought d irectly from a cold to a warm location, or is placed in a very damp room, moisture ma y condense on t he lenses inside the player.
5 US Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Important Sa fety Instructi ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Precautions .
6 US Addi tiona l In format ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Self-diag nosis Fun ction (When l etters/num bers ap pear on the sc reen) .
7 US Guide to Part s and Con trols For more informatio n, see th e pages indicated i n pare ntheses. Remote VOL +, number 5, AU DIO, and N buttons have a tactile dot. Use t he tac tile dot as a referen ce when operating t he player. A PICTURE NAVI (28 ) Divides the screen in to 9 subscre ens so you can cho ose the desired scene quickl y.
8 US * 1 For DivX video files and DVDs except DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD+R DLs. * 2 For DVDs and Div X video files only. * 3 These function s may not work with som e scenes. * 4 For DVD VIDEOs and DVD-VR mode only. * 5 For DVDs, VIDEO CDs, and video fi les only.
9 US Front panel A [ / 1 (o n/st andby ) butto n (15 ) B Disc tray (17) C Front pa nel disp lay (10 ) D Z (open/ close ) but ton (1 7) Opens or c loses t he disc t ray. E N (play) b utton (17) The N button ha s a tactile dot*. F x (stop) b utton (17) Stops pla yback.
10 US Front panel dis play A N , X Lights u p durin g playba ck or paus e. B Lights u p during R epeat Play . C Lights u p when you can change the angle. D Playba ck informa tion You can view th e time and t ext informatio n by pressing the TIME/ TEXT b utton on the remo te repea tedly.
Hookup s and Settings 11 US Hookups and Settings When unpacki ng, chec k the sup plied ac cess ories by referr ing to pa ge 43. b • Plug cords secur ely to prevent unwa nted noise. • Refer to the operati ng instructio ns supplied wit h the compon ents to be conne cted.
12 US A Video input jack You will en joy standard quality imag es. B Component video inpu t jacks (Y, P B , P R ) You wi ll enjo y accu rate colo r repr oduc tion and high quality i mages . C HDMI/DVI input jack Use a ce rtified Sony HD MI cord to enjoy hig h quali ty digi tal p ictur e an d soun d th rough the HDMI OUT jac k.
Hookup s and Settings 13 US Step 2 : Conn ecti ng to Your Au dio Co mpon ent Select one of the fo llowin g patterns A or B , accor ding to th e input jac k on your TV moni tor, projec tor, or aud io com ponen t such as an AV amp lifier (re ceiver ). This will enable you to l isten to sound.
14 US A Audio L/R input ja cks This conne ction wil l use your TV ’s or audi o compon ent’ s two spea kers for so und. B Digital audio i nput jack If your audio com pon ent has a Do lby* 1 Digital or DTS* 2 de coder and a di gital inpu t jac k, use th is conn ecti on.
Hookup s and Settings 15 US Controlling TVs with the remote You can control th e soun d level, inpu t source , and pow er switch of your Son y TV with the supplie d remote. Availa ble b uttons Depen ding on th e connec ted unit, you may not be able to control your TV usi ng all or some of t he buttons on the sup plied remote .
16 US 6 Press X / x to select the settin g that matches your TV type. ◆ If you have a wi de-s cree n TV or a 4:3 standa rd TV wit h a wide-s creen m ode • 16: 9 (page 31 ) ◆ If you ha ve a 4:3 stan dard T V • 4:3 LETT ER BOX or 4:3 PA N SCAN (page 31 ) 7 Press ENTER.
Playback 17 US Playback Playi ng Disc s 1 Switch th e input select or on your TV so that the sign al from the player appears on your TV scre en. 2 Press Z on the player, and place a disc on th e disc tray. 3 Press N . The disc tray close s. The play er star ts pla yback (c onti nuous pla y).
18 US b • “M ULTI-DISC RE SUME” in “C USTOM SETUP ” must be set to “ON” (defau lt) for th is function to wor k (page 33). • Resume Play does not work dur ing Shuffle P lay and Program Pl ay. • With some discs, R esume Play may not wor k, depending on the point you stop playba ck, or if you press [ / 1 .
Playback 19 US Control Menu displ ay Use t he Co ntrol Menu to s elec t a f unct ion and to view r elat ed i nformat io n. Pr ess DI SPLAY repeat edly to turn on or cha nge the Co ntro l Menu dis play as f ollows : The Contr ol Men u display 1 a nd 2 wil l show di fferen t items d ependin g on the med ia type .
20 US List of Control Menu items Item Item Name, Function TITLE/SCENE/TRACK CHAPTER/INDEX TRACK Sele cts th e titl e, sce ne, tr ack, chapt er, or inde x to b e play ed. 1 Pres s X / x to se lect th e sear ch method . “** (* *)” is se lected (** refers to a nu mber ).
Playback 21 US z The Cont rol Menu icon indi cator li ghts up in green when you select any item except “OFF” (“PROGRAM,” “SHUF FLE,” “REPEAT,” “A-B RE PEAT,” “SHARPNESS, ” “ZOOM,” “TVS” only). The “ORIGINAL/PLAY LIST” indicator lights up in green when you select “PLAY LIST” (default setting).
22 US Guide t o the ‘BRA VIA Sync ’ Displ ay You can contr ol the player by selecti ng the SYNC MENU button o n the TV’s remote or TV’s option m enu. ‘BRAVIA Sync’ display The ‘ BRAVIA Sync ’ dis play will show diff erent ite ms dep endi ng on the disc type .
Playback 23 US Var ious P lay Mode Functi ons You ca n set the follow ing pl ay modes: • Pro gram Pla y (page 23 ) • Shuf fle Pla y (pag e 24) • Repea t Pl ay (p age 2 4) • A-B R epeat Play (page 25) b The play mode is canceled when: – you op en the disc tray.
24 US To return to normal play Press CL EAR, or select “OFF” in st ep 1. To play the same progra m again, se lect “ON” in step 1 an d press ENT ER. To ch ange or can cel a pro gram 1 Fol low ste p 1 of “Crea ting your ow n progra m (P rogram Play ).
Playback 25 US To return to normal play Press CL EAR, or selec t “OFF” in step 1. b You cannot use this fu nction with VIDEO CDs or Super VCDs with PBC playback. Repeating a spec ific portion (A-B Repeat Play) You can play a specific port ion of a title, chapte r, or tr ack repea tedly .
26 US Sharpening the p icture (SHARPNE SS) You c an en hance the o utli nes o f im ages t o produc e a shar per pic ture. 1 After se lecting (SHAR PNESS) on th e Contro l Menu (page 1 9), pres s X / x to se lect a lev el. The default setting is underline d.
Playback 27 US Pare ntal Con trol (l imit ed play back) You can set a playback limitat ion level. 1 After selecting (PARENTAL CONTRO L) on the Contr ol Menu (pag e 19), pr ess X / x to select “PLAYER t ,” t hen p ress E NTE R. The pass word i s requir ed.
28 US To play musi c with lyrics Press SUBTITL E while pl ayin g music fil es that co ntain unsy nchr onized lyric info rmati on. To disp lay next /previ ous l ine, press X / x . z • By setting “MEDIA” to “PHOTO/ MUSIC,” you can view a slides how with sound when the music and ph oto fil es are p laced in the same al bum.
Playback 29 US On “Pho toTV HD” “PhotoTV HD” al lows for high ly-detaile d pic ture s, and ph oto- like ex pres sion of subtl e textures and colo rs. By con necting So ny “PhotoT V HD” c ompat ible dev ices usin g an HDMI cord, who le new w orld of ph otos can be enjoyed in breathtaki ng Full HD quali ty.
30 US Settings and Adjustmen ts Using the Setu p Displ ay You can make var ious adjustmen ts to items , suc h as pict ure an d sound. For deta ils on each Setu p Displa y item, see pages fr om 30 to 36. b Playbac k settin gs stored in the disc tak e priority over t he Setup Displa y sett ings and not all of the functions de scribed may work.
Settings and Adjustments 31 US SCREEN SET UP Choose sett ings according to the TV to b e connect ed. The d efaul t set tin gs ar e unde rlin ed. ◆ TV TY PE Sel ects the aspect rat io o f th e conn ecte d TV (4:3 standa rd o r wide ). You cannot s elect this when “Ph otoTV HD” mode i s activated ( page 28) .
32 US ◆ BLACK LEV EL (COMPONE NT OUT) Selects the blac k level (set up level) for the video si gnals output from the COMP ONEN T VIDEO OUT jacks. You c annot sele ct this when the play er outpu ts prog ressi ve signa ls (page 32) .
Settings and Adjustments 33 US CUSTOM SE TUP Use t his t o se t up play back r elate d an d ot her settings . The d efaul t set tin gs ar e unde rlin ed. ◆ AUTO P OWER OFF Switches the Auto Power Of f setting on or off. ◆ AUTO PL AY Switches the Auto Play setting o n or off.
34 US AUDI O SETUP You can set the s ound a ccordi ng to the playba ck an d con nectio n condi tions. The defa ult settin gs are und erlin ed. ◆ AUDIO DRC (Dynam ic Range Control) (DVDs only) Makes th e sound cle ar when the volume is turned down whe n play ing a DVD that confor ms to “AU DIO DRC.
Settings and Adjustments 35 US ◆ DTS Sel ects the type of DTS audi o sig nals . b • When you play a DVD VIDEO with DTS sound tracks, set “DTS” to “ON” in “AUDIO SETUP” (page 35). • If you con nect the player to audio e quipmen t without a DTS decode r, do not set “DTS ” to “ON” in “AUDIO SETUP” (pag e 35).
36 US b • “(1920 × 1080 i) HD ” and “(1920 × 1080i ) HD” are effect ive only wh en you set “HDMI RESOLUTION” to “1920 × 1080i” and “TV TYPE” to “16:9. ” • If you set this s etting to “P hotoTV H D,” “(1920 × 1080 i) HD ” or “(1920 × 1080i) HD,” effect, rot ation, and zo om function are not availab le.
Additional I nformation 37 US Additional Info rmation Troubl esh ooting If you exp erienc e any of th e follo wing difficul ties while using the player, use thi s troubles hooti ng guide t o help re medy th e proble m before r equest ing repa irs. Shou ld any prob lem pers ist, cons ult your ne arest Sony deal er.
38 US The soun d volume i s low. , The sound v olume is low on some DVDs. The sound vo lume may imp rove if you set “AUDIO DRC” in “AUDIO SETUP” to “TV MO DE” (p age 3 4). Operation The rem ote do es not f unctio n. , The ba tteri es in the remote are wea k.
Additional I nformation 39 US Your TV au tomaticall y turns on or the TV’ s input is switc hed to the play er. , “CONTROL FOR HDMI” i s set to “ON” (page 36). Sw itch this func tion to “OFF”. Displ ay langu age on the sc reen swi tche s auto mati cal ly.
40 US Play able M edia * 1 DVP-NS611H and DVP-NS611HP can play video file in MPEG-1 fo rmat only. Notes about video, photo , or music files that th e player can play The pl ayer c an p lay t he fol lowing file s: * 1 DVP-NS717H P only. * 2 DivX ® is a video file comp ression tech nology, developed by DivX, Inc.
Additional Info rmation 41 US * “Des ign rule for C am era Fi le s yst em” : Ima ge standard s for digital c ameras regul ated by JEITA (Japan El ectronic s and Inf ormation Techno logy Industries A ssociati on). ** A logical for mat of files and folde rs on CD- ROMs, define d by ISO (International Or gani zati on fo r Sta ndar di zati on) .
42 US • Note on DualDiscs A DualDisc is a two sided disc pr oduct which mate s DVD rec orde d mater ial on one sid e with digital audio material on the other sid e. However, sinc e the audio mate rial side does not confo rm to the Comp act Dis c (CD) stan dard, playback on this product is not guar anteed.
Additional I nformation 43 US Spec ifica tions Syst em Laser: S emicondu ctor la ser Out puts ( Jack n ame: Jack type /Outpu t level/L oad impe dance) LINE OUT (AUDIO): Pho no ja ck /2 V rms /10 k ilo hm s DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL): Phono ja ck/0.
44 US Langua ge C ode Li st For det ail s, see pa ges 7, 30. The lang uage spe llings co nform to t he ISO 639: 1988 (E/ F) standar d. Parent al Contro l Area Cod e List For de tails , see p age 27.
Additional I nformation 45 US Inde x Numerics 16: 9 31 4:3 LETTE R BOX 31 4:3 OUTPUT 32 4:3 PAN SCAN 31 48kH z/96kH z PCM 35 5.1 Ch annel Surro und 14 A A-B RE PE AT 20, 25 A-B Repeat Play 25 ADVANC E.
1 ES ES Tabla de contenido Conexi ones y ajus tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Paso 1: Conexión de l televisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Acerca d e lasfuncion es del CON TROL PAR A HDMI para ‘ BRAVIA Sync’ (para conexio nes HDMI solamen te) .
2 ES Conexion es y ajustes Al de semba lar la un idad , comp ruebe l os acce sori os sum inistr ados qu e se detallan en l a versió n en inglés de las instr ucciones de uso. b • Enchufe los cables firmem ente p ara evita r ruidos no dese ados. • Consulte las ins trucciones de uso suministra das con los comp onentes que de sea conectar .
Conexion es y aju stes 3 ES A Toma de entrada de video Dis frut ará d e imá gene s de c ali dad es tánd ar. B Tomas de entrada de v ideo componente (Y, P B , P R ) Est e tipo de conex ione s prop orci ona imáge nes de alta calida d con una reprod ucción f iel de l os color es.
4 ES Paso 2: Co nexión al compo nente de audio Selecc ione uno de los si guien tes patro nes A o B , de acuerdo con la to ma de en trada d el monit or del tele visor, del pro yector o de un comp onente de audio como un ampli ficado r de audi o y vide o (recep tor) .
Conexion es y aju stes 5 ES A Tomas de entrada de audio ( I/D) Est a cone xión util iz ará l os dos alt avoce s de l televis or o de los co mpo nentes de audio pa ra el soni do.
6 ES Control del telev isor con el control remoto Pued e controlar el nivel del soni do, la fuent e de entrad a y el interrup tor de alim entaci ón del telev isor Son y con el co ntro l remoto suministra do.
Conexion es y aju stes 7 ES 6 Presione X / x para se leccionar el ajust e apr opia do p ara el t ipo de televisor. ◆ Si tiene un televisor con pantalla pano rámica o un televi sor 4:3 estándar con.
8 ES Reproducción Reprod ucci ón de discos * 1 DVD video (video de videodisco digital). * 2 DVD-VR (videodisco digital sin funcion de grabacion d e video ).
Repr oducció n 9 ES Notas sobre la repro ducción de pista s con sonid o DTS (sis tema digi tal de sala de cine) de un DVD V IDEO (vid eo de videod isco d igita l) Las seña les de audio de DTS (sist.
Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia Printed on 70% or mor e recycled paper using VO C (Volatile Organic Com pound)-free vegetable oil based ink..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony DVP-NS717HP c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony DVP-NS717HP - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony DVP-NS717HP, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony DVP-NS717HP va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony DVP-NS717HP, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony DVP-NS717HP.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony DVP-NS717HP. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony DVP-NS717HP ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.