Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DPF-D95 du fabricant Sony
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4-174-747- 11 (1) Digital Photo Frame DPF-D75/D85/D95/E75 © 2010 Sony Corporation Bef ore op erat io n Basic op erations Adva nced oper ations Using w ith a comp uter Erro r mes sa ges Troublesh ooti.
2 GB Table of Cont ents Before operation Enjoying your pho to frame i n various ways .............. ........................... ...... 4 Features ......... .................. ............... 5 Identifying the parts ....................... 7 Digit al pho to fra me .
3 GB Error messages If an er ror message appear s ......... 39 Troubleshoo ting If trouble occ urs ........................... 41 Additional inform ation About memory card s ................... . 45 “Me mory St ick” ......... ...... ...... ...... .
4 GB Before o perat ion Enjoying your ph oto frame in variou s ways The Sony DPF-D 75/D 85/D95/ E75 is a digi tal pho to frame for easily displa ying ima ges take n with a digital c amera or oth er device, without using a computer .
5 GB Before oper ation Featu res x Support f or vario us memo ry car ds Supp orts va rious m emor y card s, such a s a “Mem ory Stick ”, SD m emor y card, an d xD- Pictu re Car d. Ju st inse rt a mem ory card remo ved from a digit al came ra or othe r device, and you will be able to view the images immediatel y.
6 GB x Exporting images You ca n export images in the the i nterna l memory to yo ur memory c ard. ( . page 26) * When u sing a miniSD /miniS DHC 1 , microS D/mic roSDH C 2 or “Memory Stick Micro” media 3 , be sure to ins ert it in an appropri ate adapto r.
7 GB Before oper ation Ident ifying the pa rts x Digital photo frame Front Rear LCD screen Remote sensor Sony logo (DPF-D7 5/D85/D95 only ) ( . p age 12) VIEW MODE but ton ( . page 15) 1 (on/st andby) butt on Standb y indicator MENU button Dir ection ( B / b / v / V ) butt ons, ENTER ( ) button BACK button Access lamp Memory card slot ( .
8 GB x Remote control USB B connec tor ( . p age 37) Stand ( . page 10) DC IN 5 V jack SLIDE -SHOW ( ) bu tton CLO CK ( ) bu tton MENU button BACK button MARKIN G ( ) bu tton SORT b utton SELECT D EVI.
9 GB Basic operati ons Basic oper ations Prepa ring the re mote control The suppli ed lithiu m battery (C R2025) has alre ady be en in sert ed i nto t he rem ote co ntro l.
10 GB • Incor rect use of the ba ttery may caus e leakin g and corrosion. – Do not recharge the battery. – When the rem ote control wil l not be used for a long p eriod of time, remove t he batte ry from the remot e control to pr event l eaking and corro sion.
11 GB Basic operati ons When the photo frame is placed vertic ally, the display i s also auto matically r otated to the portrait or ientation . Notes • Check whether the sta nd is stable. If the st and is not set pr oper ly, the phot o frame ma y fal l over .
12 GB 3 Place a n exchan geabl e pane l to the photo fra me, whi le aligni ng the hole on an ex chang eable panel to the remot e se nso r of th e phot o f rame.
13 GB Basic operati ons Opera tions i n an initial state When the photo frame is turned on without a memory card i nserted, th e initia l display b elow app ears on th e scree n. If the ph oto fra me is not op erat ed for 10 seconds, the demo mod e is di splayed.
14 GB 7 Set the da y to start the week for the calend ar. You can set the d ay tha t appear s on the very left whe n th e ca lend ar is di spla yed . 1 Press v / V to select [First day of the week ] and then press . 2 Press v / V to select [Sunday] or [Monday] and then pres s .
15 GB Basic operati ons For details on compatib le memory c ards, see pag es 45 to 46. For supp orte d file for mats, se e the Operating Instr uctions, page 27. When yo u inse rt a me mory ca rd When you insert a memory card, th e images on it are automaticall y displayed.
16 GB • You can also repeate dly press VIEW MODE on the photo fram e, move the cursor wit hin the dis play selecti on area and select an y view mode. 2 Select a styl e with B / b / v / V and pres s . The disp lay chan ges t o the sel ected view style .
17 GB Basic operati ons Slideshow display Tips • Y ou can set the int erval, effe ct, listing orde r, or color effe ct when you s elect t he slides how disp lay. Refer to “Chang ing the sett ings of th e slidesho w” (page 22). • If you press during s lides how, the di splay changes to the Si ngle imag e display .
18 GB Clock and calen dar display Note You can selec t only the (Settings) tab when the Clock and cale ndar are disp layed. Clock1 Clock2 Clock3 Clock4 Clock5 Clock6 Clock7 Clock8 Clock9 Clock10 Clock.
19 GB Basic operati ons Single view mode (single image display) Display S tyle Description Entire image Displays an entire ima ge in the screen. You ca n switch the ima ges to be displa yed by pre ssing B / b . Fit to scre en Disp lays an image ov er the w hole sc reen .
20 GB Index image display Tips • A thumbnai l is a smal l-sized image f or index use that is reco rded in the pi ctures taken by a digital camera. • In th e index image displ ay, you can pres s B / b / v / V and to select an im age, th e disp lay ch anges t o the single view m ode.
21 GB Basic operati ons About th e in formatio n disp layed on the L CD scr een The following info rmation is disp layed. 1 Display type ( In the Si ngle view mode) – Entir e image – Fit to scre e.
22 GB Advanced ope rati ons Enjoying a slideshow 1 Press (SLIDE-SHOW). Tips • When using the buttons on the pho to fram e, press VIEW MODE on the uppe r back of the LCD screen , press V to move t he cur sor to the displa y selectio n area and press B / b to select (Slidesh ow).
23 GB Advance d operations *: Fact ory defa ult sett ings Item Setting D escri ption Slide show Setting s Interval Set a v alue from 3 sec., 7 se c.*, 20 sec., 1 min., 5 min., 30 min., 1 h our, 3 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours fo r the interval between ima ges.
24 GB Importing ima ges from a memory ca rd to the internal me mory You ca n use the ph oto fr ame as a digi tal alb um, saving i mportant ima ges in th e internal memory.
25 GB Advance d operations 3 Use B / b / v / V to s elect th e image from the i m age lis t to be imported and p ress . “ ✔ ” is add ed to the select ed image. If you wan t to import mul tiple images at a time , repeat this step. If you w ant to cle ar the se lecti on, sele ct the image and press .
26 GB Specify ing the playbac k device You ca n spec ify whet her to di splay a m emor y card or the inter nal memory. 1 Press SELECT DEVICE. Tips • When operati ng from the ma in unit, pr ess the MENU an d press t he B / b buttons to sele ct the (S elect d evi ce) ta b.
27 GB Advance d operations 5 Press B / b / v / V to s elect the imag e from the i m age lis t to be exported , and then press . “ ✔ ” is added to the selected image. If you wa nt to ex port multip le images a t a time, re peat this step. If you w ant to cle ar the se lecti on, sele ct the image and press .
28 GB Deleting a n image 1 Press (DELETE) when an image i s displ a yed o n the scre en. Tip If using the but tons o n the ph oto fr ame, pre ss MENU , sele ct the (Editing) tab w ith B / b , select [Dele te] with v / V , and press . 2 Press v / V to se lect [Delete th is image], [Delete multi ple images] or [Delet e all ima ges] and then pre s s .
29 GB Advance d operations Registering a mark You can p roduce a slid eshow only w ith im ages which have been select ed be forehand and have been ma rked. You can ea sily che ck for images with marks u sing the index ima ge display o r sing le vi ew mode.
30 GB Note A mark is saved onl y when it is regist ered with an imag e in the int ernal memo ry. A ma rk reg ister ed wit h an im age on a me mory c ard is re moved when the power is turne d off, or if y ou change the d evice bein g displayed. Tips • You can sel ect a mark from a mong 3 types.
31 GB Advance d operations To cance l the sort Press ME NU while t he sorted ima ges ar e displ ayed, selec t [Exi t sort (show all phot os)] and pr ess . To ch ange the sort s tyle Press BACK while the sorted images are disp laye d. Notes • D o not turn th e photo f rame off o r remove the memor y card dur ing sor t.
32 GB • It is n ot poss ible to en large an image using the butto ns on the photo frame. You ca n rotat e an ima ge dur ing sing le view mode. Operat e from th e menu of th e phot o fram e 1 Pres s MENU in sing le vi ew mode . 2 Press B / b to select the (Editing ) tab.
33 GB Advance d operations 5 Press v / V to sel ect [Time Set ting], and pr ess . [Simple] 1 Select an ite m for w hich y ou want to set the ti me. Press v / V to selec t [Power-ON timer] or [Power -OFF timer] and press . Then, pr ess v / V to se lect [E nable] and press .
34 GB Changing th e settings You ca n chan ge the foll owing settings . • Slideshow Set tings • Auto Power ON/OFF • Date/time S ettings • Gene ral Set tings (Listi ng Order, Sony logo ON/OFF* etc,.) * Turnin g on the So ny logo is the func tion only ava ilable f or DPF-D 75/D 85/D95.
35 GB Advance d operations Items to set *: Fact ory defa ult sett ings Item Setting D escri ption Slide show Setting s Refer to “ Enjoying a slide show” (page 22). Auto Power ON/OFF Sets the tim er function whic h turns the powe r supply of the phot o frame on or off automa tically.
36 GB System Information Version Di splays the version of the firm ware of t he photo frame. Internal memor y Memo ry capacit y Indicat es the maximu m amount of s p ace av ailable in interna l mem ory in th e initi al sta te. Remain ing capacit y Indicat es the a m ount of free space curre n tly av ailab le in intern al me mory.
37 GB Using with a comput er Usin g with a com puter Connecting to a comp uter You ca n conn ect to a co mputer t o view and copy i mages fr om th e interna l memory o f th e phot o fram e to the comput er, and copy i mages from the com puter to t he photo frame.
38 GB 4 When the [AutoPlay] wind ow appears on the comp uter displ ay, click [Open fol der to vie w files]. If the [AutoPla y] wind ow does not appear , click [Comput er (My Comput er)] in the Start me nu, and the n open t he remova ble disc. 5 Move th e cursor in th is window and right clic k, and then click [N ew] - [Folder].
39 GB Error messages Error messa ges If an error message appear s If an err or occurs, o ne of th e followin g error me ssages may be d ispla yed on the LCD scr e en of th e photo frame. Fo llow the cor respon ding sol ution below to s olve t he pr oblem .
40 GB Mem ory ca rd for mat no t supp orted. • Fo r a m emory car d, use your d igita l camer a or other devic e to format the memory card. Note When you in itializ e the mem ory card, all the files on th e memory ca rd will be dele ted. Cannot open the i mage.
41 GB Troubles hooting Troubl eshooting If trouble occurs Before submitt ing the photo frame f o r repair , try usin g the fo llowing guid ance to sol ve the proble m. If the problem persis ts, consult with your Sony d ealer or Sony servi ce facilit ies.
42 GB Some images a re not di splayed. • Are the i mages displayed in the inde x view? c If the image is display ed in the index view but ca nnot be di splaye d as sing le ima ge, the i m ag e fil e may be d amaged ev en though its t h umbnail p review data is fine .
43 GB Troubles hooting Savi ng and de leting imag es The file name is not dis played prop erly . • Did yo u r enam e the f ile wi th a compu ter or ot her devi ce? c If you nam ed or re named the f .
44 GB Photo fra me Remote c ontrol Cannot delete a n image. • Is the memory card wri te- protec ted? c Use the de vice you ar e usin g to canc el write-prote ction an d try del eting again . • Is th e write-p rotect swi tch of the memor y card in the [LOCK ] pos ition? c Slide the wri te -protec t switch to the enable positi o n.
45 GB Addi ti onal i nfo rmati on Addi tional infor matio n About memory cards Type s of “Memor y Stic k” that the photo frame ca n use With t he photo frame, you can use t he following type s of “Memory Stick” *1 : *1 The photo fram e supports FAT32.
46 GB The SD memory car d slot of th e photo frame allows you to u se the fo llowi ng: • SD memory car d *1 • miniSD card, m icroSD card (An ad aptor i s necess ary.) *2 • SDHC memory card *3 • miniSDHC card, mic roSDHC card (An ad aptor i s necess ary.
47 GB Index A Access lamp 7, 14 Associated file 21 Auto Power ON/OFF 32, 35 C Changin g the settings 34 Clock an d calendar displ ay 18 Connecting Comp uter 37 D Date/time settings 13, 35 De leti ng a.
Sony Corporat ion.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony DPF-D95 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony DPF-D95 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony DPF-D95, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony DPF-D95 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony DPF-D95, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony DPF-D95.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony DPF-D95. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony DPF-D95 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.