Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Bravia KDL-32HX753 du fabricant Sony
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4-411-98 4- 13 (1) LCD TV Operating Instructions KDL-55HX75 x / 46HX75x / 46EX65x / 40HX75x / 40 EX65x / 32HX75 x / 32EX65x / 26EX55x KDL-22E X55x.
2 GB NOTICE FOR CUSTOMERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM A mould ed plug complyi ng with BS1363 is f itted to this equipmen t for your safety and con venience. Should the fuse in the plug supplied need to be repla ced with the sa me rating o f fuse app roved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362 (i.
3 GB Music and vide o recogn ition tech nology and relat ed data a re provi ded by G rac enot e®. G rac enot e is the industr y standard in music recog nition techn ology a nd related cont ent deliv ery. For mo re infor mation, please vis it www.gracenote.
4 GB About this manual (Operati ng Instruc tions) This man ual explains how to set up yo ur TV. For more information on how to use BRAVIA TV, refer to the “Electronic manual”. Operating Instructions Electronic manual (i-Manual) Explains how to set up your TV such as connections, initial set-up, and basic operatio ns.
5 GB GB Table of Co ntents Getting Started Check ing the a ccesso ries ......... ......... ...... .......... ......... ......... .......... ...... 6 Insert ing batte ries i nto the r emote ... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......
6 GB Gettin g Started Checking the accessories Re mote (1) Size AAA batteries (R03 t ype) (2) Table-Top Stand (1 )* 1 Fixing screws for Table-Top Stand (M5 × 16) (3 ) (ex cept KDL- 26/2 2EX5 5x) Fixi.
Getting Started 7 GB 1: Attaching the Table-Top Stand Refer to t he suppli ed Table-To p Stand leaflet for prope r attachme nt. 1 Place th e TV set o n the Tabl e-Top St and. KDL-55HX 75x KDL- 46/ 40/ 32HX 75x , KDL-4 6/40/32EX 65x ~ • Align the T V from the top, sl ide it in until the gui de pi ns c ann ot b e seen .
8 GB To detach the Ta ble-Top Sta nd from the TV, remo ve the sc rews fixed i n step 2. ~ • Do no t r emov e th e Tabl e- Top S tand for any reason other th an to install cor respond ing access ories on the TV. • When r emoving the Ta ble-Top Stand f rom the TV, lay the displa y face down on a stable wo rk surface t hat is larger than the TV.
Getting Started 9 GB 2: Adjusting the viewing angle of the TV This TV ca n be ad juste d within the angles as illustrate d. x Angle adjustment (Swivel) (Exce pt KDL-26/22 EX55x) ~ • Whe n adju stin g th e angl e, hol d the st and wi th one han d to a void havi ng the s tand s lip or TV tip over.
10 GB 3: Connections ~ • Use an antenna cable con nector no greater than 14 m m in thickn ess. • Use an HDMI cable con nector withi n 12 mm (thick ness) × 21 mm ( width).
Getting Started 11 GB x To c onnect a Set Top Box/recorder (e.g. DVD r ecorder) wit h HDMI KDL- 55/ 46/4 0/3 2HX7 5x, KDL-4 6/40/32EX 65x KDL-26/22E X55x 1 ARC 4 Set Top Box /recorder (e.
12 GB KDL-55/46/ 40/32HX75x , KDL-46/40/ 32EX65x KDL-26/22EX 55x Connect ing audi o/vide o devices Audio/vide o device AV Y P B P R L R 2 COMPONENT IN ( MONO ) Audio/v ideo devi ce.
Getting Started 13 GB 4: Preventing the TV from toppling over KDL-55HX 75x KDL- 46/ 40/ 32HX 75x , KDL-4 6/40/32EX 65x 1 Inst all a wo od screw (4 mm in diamet er, not sup plied) in t he TV stan d. 2 Inst all a machi ne screw (M4, no t suppli ed) into the screw hole of the TV.
14 GB 5: Bundling the cables Before bundl ing the cabl es, remov e the cable holder from the AC c over. Reuse th e cable holder to bundle the other c ables.
Getting Started 15 GB 6: Connecting the TV to the Internet When you connect th is TV to the Intern et, you can enjoy multiple functi ons: dis playing a photogra ph that sh ows its locat ion on the map, en joying In ternet vid eo, etc . For detail s on the f unctions , refer to the i-Manual .
16 GB 7: Performing the initial set-up 1 Connect the TV to your AC po wer outlet (mai ns sock et). 2 Pr ess "/1 o n the TV. T he = (power) indicator will li ght up in gr een. When you switch on the TV for the f irst time, the Language menu a ppears on the screen.
17 GB.
18 GB Using Your BRAVIA TV Watching TV 1 Turn on the TV. Press "/1 on the TV or remo te to turn o n the TV. 2 Select a mode. 3 Select a TV channel or se lect an input. x To se lect digital channels Use 0-9 . For channe l numbers 10 and ab ove, p ress the next d igit quick ly.
19 GB Using Your BRAVIA TV This feature le ts you ex perience pow erful 3D ente rtainment , such as stereo scopic 3D games and 3D Blu -ray D isc. Refer to t he i-Ma nual as we ll as the instru ction manu al sup plied with the 3D Glas ses on how to set th e 3D settin gs or watch the 3D c ontents.
20 GB Selecting various functions and settings (Home Menu) You c an sele ct th e featu res of your TV from the Ho me men u. Here is an e xample o n how to select a n item an d modify th e TV se ttings. 1 Pres s HOME. 2 Pres s G / g to select (Sett ings) category.
21 GB Using Your BRAVIA TV The catego ries ar e availab le depe nding on y our reg ion and co untry. Catego ry list Settings Provides s ettings (e .g. pic ture settin gs, so und settin gs, k ey tone setti ng) that allow you to cust omise your TV. Widgets Enables a ccess to Widgets .
22 GB Watching Internet Video This fea ture serve s as a ga teway to Internet co ntent, deliverin g a variety of on-dem and entertainm ent strai ght to y our TV. You can e njoy vide o content , inclu ding mov ies and c artoons. You will need to make a broadban d Internet co nnectio n.
23 GB Looking for In structions Looking for Instruct ions Looking for instructions in the electronic manual (i-Manual) Operating instruc tions are built into your BRAVIA T V and can b e displ ayed on t he screen . To learn m ore abo ut your TV features, a ccess y our i-Manu al with the touch o f a butt on.
24 GB You can s ave freque ntly vie wed page s for easy ac cess anytime. x To save a pa ge In the pag e to bookm ark, press th e yellow button on the rem ote. x To access the bookmark ed page When displa ying the i-M anual, press the green butto n on th e remote t o display the bookmark l ist.
25 GB Additional I nformation Additiona l Inf ormation Troubleshooting When t he 1 (sta ndby) indicator is f lashing, count how many times it flashes (interval time is three seconds).
26 GB Specifications System Panel system LCD (Liquid Crystal Displa y) Panel TV system Analog ue: Depen ding on yo ur country /area sele ction: B/G /H, D/K, L, I, M Digital : D VB-T2 (K DL-55/46 /40/32H X753, KD L-46/40/3 2EX653, K DL-26/22E X553 only) DVB-T/DVB- C Colour/video system Analog ue: PAL , SECAM, N TSC3.
27 GB Additional I nformation Screen size ( measured diagonally) Approx . 138.8 cm /55 inches Appr ox. 11 6.8 cm/46 inches Approx. 116 .8 cm/46 inches Power consumption in “Home”/ “Standard” mode 87.
28 GB * 1 Energy co nsumption per y ear, based on th e power con sumption of the t elevision operating 4 hou rs per day for 365 days. The actual ene rgy consumption will depend on how the television is used. * 2 Specifie d stand by power is reache d after the TV fin ishes necessa ry inte rnal processes.
29 GB Additional I nformation Installing the Accessories (Wall- Mount Bracket) x To Customers: For produ ct protecti on and safety rea s ons, Sony strongly re commend s that ins talling of your TV be performe d by Sony dealers o r licensed co ntractors.
30 GB ~ • Attach the Mounti n g Hook using t he four screws supplied with the Wall-Mount Bra cket. • When att aching the Ta ble-Top Stand again, be sure to fasten the scre ws (previou sly removed) to the origina l holes on the re ar of the TV. ~ • Attach the Mounti n g Hook using t he four screws supplied with the Wall-Mount Bra cket.
31 GB Additional I nformation x SU-WL500 x SU-WL100 Scre w and Hoo k locatio ns dia gram/ta ble Mode l Name KDL- Screw loca tion Hook location SU-WL500 SU-WL500 55HX75x e, j b 46HX75x/46EX 65x 40HX75x/40EX 65x 32HX75x/32EX 65x e, g c SU-WL100 SU-WL100 26EX5 5x -a 22EX5 5x -b Screw l ocatio n When ins talli ng the Mo unti ng Ho ok on t he TV.
32 GB SU-WL500 ( 1 ) SU-WL100 ( 2 ) Unit: cm Figures i n the table may differ sli ghtly depe nding on th e installation . The wall tha t the TV will be installed sh ould be capable of supporting a weight of at least four times that of the T V. See page 26 -28 (Spec ifications) f or its w eight.
33 GB Additional I nformation Safety Informa tion WARNING Batter ies must no t be exposed to excessi ve heat su ch as sunshi ne, fire or the like. Installa tion/Set-up Instal l and use t he TV set in accord ance wi th the instr uctions as follows in order t o avoid any risk of fire , elect rical s hock or d amage a nd/or injuries.
34 GB • Never spray water o r detergent directly o n the TV set. It may drip to the bot tom of the screen or exterio r parts a nd enter the TV set , and may cause d amage to the TV set.
35 GB Additional I nformation Precautions Viewing the TV • Some people m ay expe rience discom fort (such as eye strai n, fatigue, o r nausea) while watching 3D v ideo im ages or play ing stereoscop ic 3D games. Sony reco mmends tha t all vie wers take regular breaks while watch ing 3D video im ages or p laying stereoscop ic 3D games.
36 GB Disposal of waste batte ries (applicabl e in the European Unio n and other European countries with s eparate collection s ystems) This symbo l on the batte ry or on the packag ing ind icates that t he batter y provi ded with th is pro duct shall not be treated as househ old waste .
© 2012 Sony Corporation 4-411-984- 13 (1) For useful inf o rmation about Sony products.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony Bravia KDL-32HX753 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.