Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MD-MT90 du fabricant Sharp
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PORT ABLE MINIDISC RECORDER Thank you for purchasing this SHARP product. For the best performance, read this manual carefully . It will guide you in operating your SHARP product.
00/12/26 90SEC_02 2 Impor ta nt Introduction -Accessor ies- Accessories Notes: z Parts and equipment men tioned in this operation man- ual other than those detai led above are not included. z The AC adaptor may be different from the one in the drawing.
00/12/26 90SEC_02 3 Impor ta nt Introduction -Contents- Contents „ Important Introduction Spec ial Note s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Names of Contr ols and Indicator s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Precautions .
00/12/26 90SEC_02 4 Impor ta nt Introduction -Special Notes- Special N otes z It is the in tent of Shar p that this product be used in full compliance with the co p yright laws of the United States and that prior permission be obtained from copyright owners whene ver necessary .
00/12/26 90SEC_02 5 Impor ta nt Introduction -Special Notes- Note: This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital de v ice, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules . These limits are designed to pro vide reasonable protec- tion against harmful interf erence in a residential installa- tion.
00/12/26 90SEC_02 6 Impor ta nt Introduction -Names of Controls and Indicator s- Names of Contr ols and I ndicator s „ Main unit 1. 5V DC Input Jack (10) 2. Optical/Line Input Jac k (10, 11) 3. Microphon e Input Jack (23) 4. B ass/Delete Button (15, 33) 5.
00/12/26 90SEC_02 7 Impor ta nt Introduction -Names of Controls and Indicator s- „ Display panel 1. Level Meter (12) 2. Record I ndicator (12) 3. Remaining Recor ding T ime Indicator (26) 4. Monaural Lo ng-Pla y Mode Ind icator (19) 5. Repeat Indicator (17) 6.
00/12/26 90SEC_02 8 Impor ta nt Introduction -Precautions- Precautions „ Important z Do not wear your headphones when you are crossing streets or near traffic. z Do not play the unit at a high vol ume. Hearing experts advise against ext ended listening at high v olume lev- els .
00/12/26 90SEC_09 9 Prepar ation -Inser ting a MiniDisc- Inser ting a MiniDisc Notes: z Do not place the MiniDisc under the holder . z If any resistance is f elt, do not force the MiniDisc i nto the unit, as it ma y cause damage to the unit. If resist- ance is f elt, remove the MiniDisc and reload it.
00/12/26 90SEC_09 10 Prepar ation -Connections- Connecti ons You can recor d your favorite CDs or tapes to MD..
00/12/26 90SEC_09 11 Prepar ation -Connections-.
00/12/26 90SEC_12 12 Basi c Oper ation -Recording- Recor ding 1 Press the REC butto n. 2 Begin pla yback on the stereo sy stem con- nected to this portable MD.
00/12/26 90SEC_12 13 Basi c Oper ation -Recording- T o interrupt recor ding Press the PLA Y/P A U SE button. z T o resume rec ording, press the PLA Y/P AUSE b utton again. z The trac k number will be increased by one each time the recording is interrupted.
00/12/26 90SEC_12 14 Basi c Oper ation -Pl a ybac k- P l ay b a ck.
00/12/26 90SEC_12 15 Basi c Oper ation -Pl a ybac k- T o interrupt playb ack Press the PLA Y/P A U SE button. T o resume playbac k, press the PLA Y /P A USE button again. T o stop pla ybac k Press the /:OFF b u t ton. If the unit is not operated for at least 2 minutes while in the stop mode, the pow er will shut off automatically .
00/12/26 90SEC_16 16 Usefu l Fe at ur es - Adva n c ed P l ay ba ck - A dva n c e d P l ay b ac k „ T o loca te the desired portion „ T o loc ate the beginning of a trac k For audibl e fast forward: Press and hold down the button during playback.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 17 Usefu l Fe at ur es - Adva n c ed P l ay ba ck - „ T o play at double speed Press the ENTER/SY NC but ton while a MiniDisc recorded in the monaural long-pla y mode is being pla y ed. z If a trac k recorded in the stereo mode is r eached dur- ing fast pla yback, the fast pla yback mode will be can- celed.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 18 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Adv anced Recor ding- Ad v anced Recor ding „ Playbac k sound-actuated recording Recording automatically star ts or pauses by detecting sound from the stereo system (Synchronized recording).
00/12/26 90SEC_16 19 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Adv anced Recor ding- „ Long-pla y recor ding When recording in the monaural long-pla y mode, the av ailable recording time will be doub led. Monaural l ong- pla y recordings can be repla y ed at doubl e speed, see page 17.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 20 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Adv anced Recor ding- Ad v anced Recor ding (contin ued) „ T o star t recording fr om the middle of a trac k Y ou can erase a por tion of a trac k and make a new recording. All of the tracks that f ollow the ne wly recorded track will be erased.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 21 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Adv anced Recor ding- „ T o cre ate y our own trac k numbers Y ou can create your own trac k numbers at any point. While recor ding, press the REC b utton at the po int where y ou want to create track numbers.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 22 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Adv anced Recor ding- Ad v anced Recor ding (contin ued) „ About trac k number s z T rack n umbers may not be created in proper places , depending on the source to be recorded from , such as signals with noise.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 23 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Recording fr om a Micro phone- Recor ding f r om a Micr ophone „ T o record fr om a microp hone T o interrupt a recordi ng Press the PLA Y/P A USE button while recording. T o resume recording, press the PLA Y/P A USE button again.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 24 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Recording fr om a Micro phone- Recor ding fr om a Micr ophone (continued) „ Sound-actuated recording (Mic Syn- chr oniz ed recording) About the paus e functio n The unit automatically pauses when the microphone does not pick up any sound for 3 seconds or more.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 25 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Recording fr om a Micro phone- „ T rack inter v als When recording from the microphone, track n umbers will be created automatically at regular i ntervals (def ault set- ting: appro ximately e v er y 5 min utes).
00/12/26 90SEC_16 26 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Chec king Displays- Checking Dis pla ys „ T o check the elapsed time and remain- ing time of the track During pla yback, p ress the DISP butto n. Each time the button is pressed, the display will change as f ollo ws.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 27 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Chec king Displays- „ T o display the pla ying time of an indi- vidual track „ Checking the remaining amount of bat- tery level The remaining amount of battery lev el is shown b y the battery indicator ( ) during operati on.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 28 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Battery P o wer - Battery P o wer „ Charging the rechargeable bat tery When the rechargeable battery is used f or the first time or when you want to use it after a long period of dis use, be sure to charge it ful ly .
00/12/26 90SEC_16 29 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Battery P o wer - „ About char ging time After about 3 .5 hour s ha ve passed, " " will go out. The battery c h ar gi ng is abo ut 9 0% c om- ple te. T o c harge the battery fully , contin ue charging for about 2 more hours.
00/12/26 90SEC_16 30 Usefu l Fe at ur es -Hold Function- Hold Fu nction The present operation condition can be kept e v en if other butt ons are acc identally pressed in a place such as a crowded train. If the battery is inser ted or the A C adaptor is conne cted, you can set this function e ven when t he pow er is turned off .
00/12/26 90SEC_31 31 Adv anced Featur es -Changing Default Settings- Changing Default Settings „ Beep sound Y ou can eliminate the confirmation sound that beeps when y ou press a button. „ Au t o p l ay Y ou can make the unit not pla y automatically when you inser t a pla yback-only MiniDisc or an accidental erasure protected MiniDisc.
00/12/26 90SEC_31 32 Adv anced Featur es -Titling a MiniDisc- Titling a MiniDisc „ Creating disc and track names Load a MiniDisc to be named. A pla yback-only or record- ing pre vent ed MiniDisc cannot be edited. 1 <Disc name> <Track name> While in the stop mode, press the EDIT button to select " DISC NAME".
00/12/26 90SEC_31 33 Adv anced Featur es -Titling a MiniDisc- Note: One disc name and up to 255 trac k names can be cr e- ated per disc (a m axim um of 100 characters for the disc and each trac k name and a total of 1,700 characters can be entered).
00/12/26 90SEC_31 34 Adv anced Featur es -Titling a MiniDisc- Titling a MiniDisc (continued) „ T o add characters „ Stamping titles fro m another MiniDisc Bef ore stam ping When there ar e .
00/12/26 90SEC_31 35 Adv anced Featur es -Titling a MiniDisc- Note: If the total n umber of trac ks on the master MiniDisc does not match that on t he MiniDisc f or stamping, the unit wil l display "Can'tST AMP " and turn off the po wer .
00/12/26 90SEC_31 36 Adv anced Featur es -Editing a Recorded MiniDisc- Editing a Re cor ded MiniDisc „ T o er ase tracks one at a time „ T o e rase all of the tracks at once Caution: Once a trac k has been erased, i t cannot be reco v- ered.
00/12/26 90SEC_31 37 Adv anced Featur es -Editing a Recorded MiniDisc- „ T o divide a track „ T o combine trac ks 1 Start playing the track to be divid ed into two. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button at th e point where you want to div ide the track.
00/12/26 90SEC_31 38 Adv anced Featur es -Editing a Recorded MiniDisc- Editing a Reco r ded MiniDisc (continued) „ T o move a tra c k When a trac k has a name bef ore dividing: The two ne w t rac k s will ha v e the same name. Howe v er , i n the T O C FULL condition, t he second trac k may not be named.
00/12/26 90SEC_31 39 Adv anced Featur es -Listening thr ough Another System- List ening t hr ough Anothe r Syst em „ Listening thr ough a stereo system Notes: z It is recommended that the volume le v el of the MiniDisc unit be set to maximum when listening through a stereo system.
00/12/26 90SEC_40 40 Ref erence s -Other Features and Caution- Other Features and Caution „ Resuming auto play When y ou stop pl aybac k and repla y the MiniDisc withou t removi ng it, pla yback starts fr om the point y ou stopped it. Once yo u remove the MiniDisc, pla yback starts from the first trac k.
00/12/26 90SEC_40 41 Ref erence s -MiniDisc System Limi tations- MiniDi sc Sy stem Li mitatio ns The unit may have the following sy mptoms while recording or e diting. The unit is not out of order. SYMPTOM L IMITATIONS "DISC FULL" or "TOC FULL" appears even though the MiniDisc still has re- cording t ime left.
00/12/26 90SEC_40 42 Ref erence s -Error Messages- Err or Messa g es ERROR MESSAGES MEANING REMEDY BATT EMPTY z The ba ttery is run down. z Charge the r echargeab le battery or replac e the al- kaline batt ery (or use the AC ad apt or for power).
00/12/26 90SEC_40 43 Ref erence s -Error Messages- NO SIGNAL z Poor conn ection of the di gital cable. z Connect the digital c able securely . z No outp ut s ignal comes o ut from the connec t ed unit to pl ay back. z If th e porta ble CD play er has a fun ction to preve nt sound skips, de a ctiva te it .
00/12/26 90SEC_40 44 Ref erence s -T roub leshooting- T r oubleshooti ng Many potent ial "problems " can be resolved by the owner witho ut calling a s ervice technici an. If something seems to be wr ong with this pr odu ct, check th e following bef ore calling y our au thorized SHA RP dealer or serv ice center.
00/12/26 90SEC_40 45 Ref erence s -Mainte nance- „ If tr oub le occurs When this product is subjected t o strong e xter nal interf er - ence (mechanical shock, e x cessive stat ic electricity , abnormal supply voltage due t o lightning, etc.) or if it is operated incorrectly , it may malfunction.
00/12/26 90SEC_40 46 Ref erence s -Specifications- Specifications „ General P ower source: Battery life: z The continuous recording time is f or analog inputs when the volume le v el is set to "V OL 0". z The continuous pla y time shows the v alue when the v olume le vel is set to "V O L 15".
00/12/26 90SEC_40 47 Ref erence s -Specifications- Input sensitivity: Output le vel: „ MiniDisc Recorder Recording level Reference input level Input impedance MIC H 0.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sharp MD-MT90 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sharp MD-MT90 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sharp MD-MT90, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sharp MD-MT90 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sharp MD-MT90, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sharp MD-MT90.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sharp MD-MT90. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sharp MD-MT90 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.