Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ST118202LW/LC du fabricant Seagate
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Contents Pre f a c e .... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... .. . 1 Ele ctro stat ic disc har ge prote cti on .... .. ..... ..... ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... . 1 Important saf ety inf ormati on and pre cautions .
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 1 Pre face This manual cont ai n s inf ormation f or users of the Seagat e® Cheeta h 18 SCSI di sc driv es. I t prov i d es support services , per- f ormance specif icatio ns, and initia l setup inf ormation.
2 Chee tah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A • T urn off t he powe r bef ore re m o ving or inst alling the DC powe r cabl e. • Do not remo ve an y circuit b oards from the driv e.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 3 stac ke d vertical l y , pa y special attenti on to the t op where t em- per atures ar e usual ly highest . • Fo llo w the pr ec autions l isted a bov e in “Electro static discharge prot ection.” • Do no t r emov e any ci rcuit boa rds from the d rive.
4 Chee tah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A This u nit is a c omponent part and as suc h is not m eant to com- ply wi th FCC or simi lar nati onal requi rements a s a stand-al one unit . Engineering radi ated emissi ons test resul ts are av ailab le thr ough the Seagate Saf ety De par tment to assi st the su bsystem desi gner .
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 5 Beacht en Sie in jedem F all di e f olgenden W ar n -und V orsi cht- shi nw eis e: • Bea chten Sie alle W arn- und V ors i c htshinwei se in diesem Ha nd buc h. • T reff en Sie bei m Be trieb , bei der In stallat ion oder bei de r Entf ernung der Einhei t ange m es sene Sicher heitsv orkehrun - gen.
6 Chee tah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A • Die v ormonti er te K opf- und F estplattenei nheit (HD A) nicht aus dem Laufwerkgehäu se nehmen! F all s die HD A besc hädigt ist, schi ck en Sie das gesam te Laufw erk zur Repar atur ei n.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 7 magn etisc he St rahl ung sind für Designer v on Untersy stem en au f Anfr age von de r Seagat e-Sicher heitsabte ilung erhäl tlich.
8 Chee tah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A shal l confirm EMC compliance and pr ovi de CE M ar k ing and C- Tic k Marking f or their prod uct. Elect romagn etic compli ance f or the Eur op ean Union.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 9 Se agat e T e ch nol ogy sup po r t se r v ic es Presales s uppor t T o dete r mi ne which Sea gate pr oducts ar e best suited f or you r speci fic appl ication, contact u s about co nfigura tion and com pati- bil ity and f or current pr oduct av ail ability .
10 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A ask ed quest ions , tro ubleshoot ing tip s, an d specifi cations f or disc driv es an d tape dri ves . This s er v i c e is av ailabl e 24 h ours da i l y and r equires a touch-t one phone . Internat ional cal lers can reach thi s aut om ated se lf-hel p service b y di aling 40 5-936-1 234.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 11 F AX services Se aF A X ® Y ou ca n use a touch- tone tel ephone t o access Seagate’ s auto- mated F AX syst em to r ec eiv e techni cal s uppor t i nformati on b y ret ur n F AX. This service is a vai la ble 24 hours dai ly .
12 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Direct-suppor t services T e chn ical support F or one- on-one help , yo u ca n talk t o a t echnical support sp ecial- ist dur ing local business hours . Bef ore calling , note your system confi gu rati on and dri ve model num ber ( ST xxxx ).
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 13 SeaTDD ™ 405-936-1687 Using a t el e communica tions de vice f or the deaf ( TDD), you can send que stion s or comment s 24 hour s daily and exch ange mes - sages wit h a techn ical supp or t speciali st between 8:0 0 A .
14 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Man uf act urer’ s represe ntativ es Braz il MA I nformati ca 55-21-5 16-6649 55-21 - 516-5280 Canada Memofix Adtech 905- 660-4936 905-812- 8099 1-800-6 .
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 15 Ge neral descr iption Cheeta h 18 SCSI disc dri ves are high- speed, random- access digi t al-data st orage d evi ces capab le of oper ati ng i n single-en ded (SE) or lo w v o ltage diff erent ial (L VD) modes.
16 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Figur e 1 . Cheetah 18 famil y drive (ST11820 2L W sho w n).
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 17 Cha rac teri stic s ST1 1820 2L W /LC Interface Ultra2 SCSI 1 Capacity Unf orm atte d (Gb yte s) For mat te d (Gby te s) 2 22.
18 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A ST11 8202 L W/LC Sin gle-ende d ( SE) mode Low voltage differ ential (L VD) mode DC pow er req uirem ents (± 5%) 1 + 5 V+ 1 2 V + 5 V+ 1 2 V Maxi mum st ar t curre nt Maxi mum op er atin g cu rr en t Av e rag e id le cu rr e nt 0.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 19 Initia l setup inf ormat io n The gen eral info r mat ion beg i n ning on t hi s page applies t o all o f the Cheet ah 18 drive mod el s .
20 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Single-end ed and low vo l tage differential modes This drive i ncorporates t wo dif feren t transc eiv ers to al low y ou to use i t in tr aditio nal sys .
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 21 Note. Most SCSI controll ers (host adapters) a llo w you to ski p a SCSI ID . F or e xample , y ou can ha ve ID0, ID1, and I D3 (ski pping ID2).
22 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Drive te rmination If you ar e instal ling a Ch eetah driv e in a system t h at has other SCSI de vic es instal led, terminate onl y the en d dev i c es on the SCSI c hain.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 23 ing the b us at t he bac kpanel. F or ST118202L W driv es, use an in - lin e te r mi na t or on th e c abl e.
24 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A can use these wi de drives on a stan dard (non-wi de) 8-bit data bus if you p rovide pr oper terminat ion to the upper 8- bi t data li nes. This is of ten re ferre d to as provi ding “hi gh-9 termina- tion .
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 25 Figur e 3. 68-pin I/O connect ion to dr ive ( L W model ) Figur e 4. 80-pin I/O connect ion to dr ive ( LC model).
26 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A [1] “X” me ans up to 15 or th e maximu m allowable num ber of d evices on th e SC SI bu s. S ee s yste m do cu men tat ion and T able 1 . [2 ] Ex ter nal t er min ator. Use d o nly on end “ L W ” dr ive.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 27 Note. This driv e model plu gs directly in to a backp l an e c onnec- tor and t heref ore does n ot use cab l es.
28 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Providin g adeq ua te co oling The encl osure desi gn must ensure adeq uate cool i ng f or the driv e. The max i mum ambient t emperat ure a l lo wed is 50 ° C. The dri ve’ s product m anual (83329260 ) describes h ow to e v alu- ate the ai r - flow des ign.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 29 Kü hlun g des S y stems Die Gehä usek on struktion muß eine ausr eichende Kühl ung des Laufw erkes gewährlei sten.
30 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A . Figur e 7. Suggest ed air flow Abbil dung 7. Empf ohlener Luft stromv erl auf Above unit Under unit Note. Air flows in the direction shown (back to front) or in reverse direction (front to back) Above unit Under unit Note.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 31 Mounting the drive and connecting cables Do not tou ch the connector pins or any com ponents on the con - tro l board wit hout observing static- discharge precaut i o ns. Alwa ys handle the driv e b y the fram e onl y .
32 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 1. Bef estigen Sie das Laufw erk mit vi er 6- 32-UNC-Schrau ben am Gehäu se des Host-Syst ems. Die beiden S eiten des Lauf werke s sind mit j eweil s zwei Bef esti gungs l ö chern ver sehen, die Untersei t e des Laufwerkes w eist vi er w eitere Bef esti gungslöcher auf .
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 33 defi ned i n IEC 950. Figur e 8 prov ides t he pin i nf orm ati on f or the DC po wer connec t or . T o connect the DC power cab l e to the dri ve , si mply insert the cabl e end int o t h e d ri v e’s DC powe r connect or .
34 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Note. Signal gr ound on the pow er control boar d asse m b ly (PCBA) and the head and disc ass embly (HD A) are con- necte d toge ther in thi s drive and y ou c annot separ ate them.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 35 elek tromagnet ische St rahlung fällt in d en Zust ändigkei ts- berei ch des Systemd esi gners . 5. Replac e the host sys tem’ s cov er . 5. Setz en Sie das Gehäu seoberteil des Host - Sy stems wiede r auf .
36 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Figur e 9. Mounti ng confi guration dimensions (L W model ) Mounting holes are 6-32 UNC 2B, three on each side and four on the bottom. Max screw penetration into side of drive is 0.15 in. (3.81 mm). Max screw tightening torque is 6.
Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A 37 Figur e 10. Mounti ng confi guration dimensions ( LC model) R J HL B S K [1] -Z- T // -Z- F [1] D E C G P -X- -X- U A M -Z- -Z- -X- N Mounting holes are 6-32 UNC 2B, three on each side and four on the bottom.
38 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A Formatting the drive W arni ng. Fo r mat ting a driv e er ases all user data. Be sur e that you underst and this pri nciple bef ore f ormatting an y hard di sc driv e.
Cheeta h 18 Inst allation Guide, Re v . A 39 L W drives L W drives section Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs Use th e J6 conne ctor to s et the SCSI ID (see Figure 11). T o change t he SCSI ID , inst all jumpers as sho w n in th e il lu strati on. Figur e 1 1.
40 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A L W drives T ermina t in g th e d r i ve ST118202L W dri ves do not ha v e internal te r minat ors or any other wa y of addin g internal t er mi nation t o the dri ve . Y ou must pro vide e xternal terminati on to these driv es when terminat i on is requi red.
Cheeta h 18 Inst allation Guide, Re v . A 41 L W drives T er m in at or pow er Y ou can c onfig ure this driv e to sup ply terminat ion power to the SCSI b us by pl acing a jumper on J2 p ins 1 and 2. The def ault sett ing is n o jumper , mea ning that some oth er sour ce (other t han thi s driv e) is suppli ng termi n ation power to the SCSI bus .
42 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A L W drives Othe r a ppl i cabl e jum p er op tion s Se ver al other jumpe r options are a vai labl e as il lustra ted. S E D S M E W P P D R E S R E S T P J2 Pin 1 Pin 2 Enable parity check of SCSI bus (default).
Cheeta h 18 Inst allation Guide, Re v . A 43 L W drives Figur e 1 3. A ddit ional jum per opt ions Figur e 1 4. Al ternate ID sel ect and LED connec tion SCSI ID = 0 SCSI ID = 1 SCSI ID = 2 SCSI ID = .
44 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A L W drives Drive Active indicator The dri ve Activ e LED i ndicator connec tions ar e sho wn bel ow . Figur e 15. Drive Active LE D indic ator connect ions Jumper Plug (enlarged to show detail) Drive Front J6 Reserved Activity LED Reserved The shaded pins are shipped with a cover installed.
Cheeta h 18 Inst allation Guide, Re v . A 45 LC dr i v es LC drives section Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs The SCSI I D f or ST1 18202LC driv es is normally set ov er the SCSI b us by th e host system . Y ou can also use the J 6 j u m pe r bl ock t o set t he SCSI ID (see Figure 16).
46 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A LC dr ive s T ermina t in g th e d r i ve LC mode l dri ves do not ha ve int ernal terminator s or any othe r w ay of addi ng internal t ermination to the dr iv e. Y ou must p rovide e xternal t ermi nation t o these drives when t er minat ion is requi red.
Cheeta h 18 Inst allation Guide, Re v . A 47 LC dr i v es O the r appl i ca bl e jump er op tion s Other op tion jumpers ar e a vai lable as i llustr at ed below . Figur e 1 7. Additi onal jumper opt ions S E D S M E W P P D R E S R E S R E S J2 Pin 1 Pin 2 Enable parity check of SCSI bus (default).
48 Cheetah 18 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . A LC dr ive s WC/DC drives section D rive Active indicator The dri ve Activ e LED i ndicator connec tions ar e sho wn bel ow .
Seagate T ec h no logy , I nc . 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley , CA 95066-4544, USA Publ icatio n Nu mb er: 8332925 0, Re v . A, Pri n ted in USA.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Seagate ST118202LW/LC c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Seagate ST118202LW/LC - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Seagate ST118202LW/LC, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Seagate ST118202LW/LC va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Seagate ST118202LW/LC, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Seagate ST118202LW/LC.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Seagate ST118202LW/LC. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Seagate ST118202LW/LC ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.