Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NP-G15 du fabricant Samsung
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User Guide G15/G16.
Chapter 1. Getting Started Product Features 2 Before Y ou Start 3 Contents 5 Safety Precautions 6 Proper Posture During Computer Use 15 Important Safety Information 18 Replacement Parts and Accessorie.
2 Product Features Much More Excellent Performance than Notebook Computer . ■ BrightandSharp17InchWideLCD ■ SpaciousLargeCapacityStorage ■ Low-Noise,Low-He.
3 Before Y ou Start BeforereadingtheUserGuide,rstcheckthefollowinginformation. User Guide Information Thisproductissuppliedwithan Installation Guide ,anda User Guide .
4 Safety Precaution Notations Icon Notation Description W arning Failingtofollowinstructionsmarkedwith thissymbol,maycausepersonalinjury andorfatality .
5 Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Product Features 2 Before Y ou Start 3 Contents 5 Safety Precautions 6 Proper Posture During Computer Use 15 Important Safety Information 18 Replacement Parts and.
6 Installation Related Power Related Do not install the product in places exposed to humidity such as a bathrooms. Thereisadangerofelectric shock.Usetheproductwithinthe operatingconditionsspeciedin theManufacturersUserGuide.
7 If the power cord or power outlet makes a noise, disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet and contact a service center . Thereisadangerofelectricshock orrehazard. Do not use a damaged or loose mains plug or power cord or power outlet.
8 Keep the battery out of the reach of infants and pets, as they could put the battery into their mouths. Thereisadangerofelectric shockorchoking. Battery Usage Related If water or another substance enters the power input jack, AC adapter or the computer , disconnect the power cord and contact the service center .
9 Do not place any container lled with water or chemicals over or near the computer . Ifwaterorchemicalsenterthe computer ,thismaycausereor electricshock. If the computer is broken or dropped, disconnect the power cord and contact a service center for a safety check.
10 Upgrade Related Shut down the computer and disconnect all cables before disassembling the computer . If there is a modem, disconnect the phone line. If you are using a notebook computer , make sure to remove the battery . Failingtodoso,maycause electricshock.
1 1 Caution Failingtofollowinstructionsmarkedwiththissymbolmaycauseslightinjuryordamagetotheproduct. Installation Related Battery Usage Related Do not block the ports (holes), vents, etc. of the product and do not insert objects.
12 Usage Related Do not place a candle, lighted cigar , etc. over or on the product. Thereisadangerofre. Make sure to have the product tested by a safety service engineer after repairing the product. AuthorisedSamsungRepair Centerswillcarryoutsafetychecks afterarepair .
13 Upgrade Related T ake care when touching the product or parts. Thedevicemaybedamagedor youmaybeinjured. T ake care not to throw or drop a computer part or device. Thismaycauseinjuryordamage totheproduct.
14 Custody and Movement Related When moving the product, turn the power off and separate all connected cables rst. Theproductmightbedamaged orusersmaytripoverthe cables. For long periods of not using the notebook computer , discharge the battery and preserve as it is detached.
15 Proper Posture Adjust the heights of desks and chairs appropriate to your height. Theheightsaretobeadjustedsothatyourarmformsa rightanglewhenyouplaceyourhandoverthekeyboard whilesittingdownonachair .
16 Eye Position Keep the monitor or LCD away from your eyes by at least 50cm. ■ AdjusttheheightofthemonitorandtheLCDscreenso thatitstopheightisequaltoorlowerthanyoureyes. ■ AvoidsettingthemonitorandLCDexcessivelybright.
17 V olume Control (Headphones and Speakers) Check your volume rst to listen to music. ■ Checkifthevolumeistooloudbeforeusing headphones. ■ Itisnotrecommendedusingheadphonesforlong periodsoftime.
18 Y oursystemisdesignedandtestedtomeetthelatest standardsforsafetyofinformationtechnologyequipment. However ,toensuresafeuseofthis.
19 Care During Use ■ Donotwalkonthepowercordorallowanythingtorest onit. ■ Donotspillanythingonthesystem.Thebestwayto avoidspillsistonoteatordrinknearyoursystem.
20 T oreducetheriskofre,useonlyNo.26 A WGorlarger telecommunicationslinecord. ContacttheSamsungHelplineforinformationonhowto disposeofbatteriesthatyoucannotuseorrechargeany longer .
21 Thesocket-outletshallbeinstalledneartheequipment andshallbeeasilyaccessible. Do not unplug the power cord out by pulling the cable only .
22 Regulatory Compliance Statements Wireless Guidance Lowpower ,RadioLANtypedevices(radiofrequency(RF)wirelesscommunicationdevices),operatinginthe2.4 GHzBand,maybepresent(embedded)inyournotebooksystem.
23 ■ Radiofrequencywirelesscommunicationcaninterferewithequipmentoncommercialaircraft.Currentaviationregulations requirewirelessdevicestobeturnedoffwhiletravelinginanairplane.
24 USA and Canada Safety Requirements and Notices Donottouchormoveantennawhiletheunitis transmittingorreceiving. Donotholdanycomponentcontainingth.
25 Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomply withthelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevicepursuantto Part15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesigned toprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmful interferenceinaresidentialinstallation.
26 Wirelessdevicesarenotuserserviceable.Donot modifytheminanyway .Modicationtoawireless devicewillvoidtheauthorizationtouseit.
27 Thisequipmentcannotbeusedonpubliccoinphone serviceprovidedbythetelephonecompany .Connection topartylineserviceissubjecttostatetariffs.
28 Thistransmittermustnotbecollocatedoroperatein conjunctionwithanyotherantennaortransmitterexcept theinstalledBluetoothtransmitter .
29 European Union CE Marking and Compliance Notices ProductsintendedforsalewithintheEuropeanUnionare markedwiththeConformitéEuropéene(CE)Marking, whichindicatescompliancewiththeapplicableDirectives andEuropeanstandardsandamendmentsidentied below .
30 T ranslated Statements of Compliance [English] ThisproductfollowstheprovisionsoftheEuropeanDirec- tive1999/5/EC. [Danish] Detteprodukterioverensstemmelseme.
31 General Europeanstandardsdictatemaximumradiatedtrans- mitpowerof100mWeffectiveisotropicradiatedpower (EIRP)andthefrequencyrange2400–2483.
32 WEEE SYMBOL INFORMA TION Correct Disposal of This Product (W aste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (ApplicableintheEuropeanUnionandotherEuropeancountrieswithsepa.
33 Overview Before Y ou Start! ■ * Theitemsmarkedwiththissymbolareoptionalitemswhichmaybechangedormaynotbeprovideddependingonthe computermodel. ■ Theactualcolorandappearanceofthecomputermaydifferfromthepicturesusedinthisguide.
34 Status Indicators 6 Power This shows the computer operating status. Green: Whenthebatteryisfully chargedorthebatteryisnotinstalled. Amber: Whenthebatteryisbeing charged. Off: Whenthecomputerisrunningon batterypowerwithoutbeingconnected to ACadapter .
35 Right V iew 1 CD Drive * PlaysCDorDVDtitles. SinceanODDdriveisoptional,theinstalleddrive dependsonthecomputermodel. p.47 5 Security Lock Port Y oucanconnectaKensingtonlocktotheSecurity LockPorttopreventthecomputerfrombeingstolen.
36 Left V iew 3 Fan V ents Theinternalheatofthecomputerisemittedthroughtheseholes. Iftheventsareblockedthecomputermayoverheat. Avoidblockingtheventsasthismaybedangerous. 4 Microphone Jack A jackusedtoconnectthemicrophone.
37 Back V iew 4 DC Jack A jacktoconnectthe ACadapterthatsupplies powertothecomputer . 3 Monitor Port A portusedtoconnectamonitor ,TV orprojectorsupportinga15pinD-SUB interface.
38 Bottom V iew Y ouwillbechargedtoreplacetheharddiskatservicecenters. 2 Memory Compartment Cover Themainmemoryisinstalledinsidethecover . p.126 1 Speaker A deviceusedtogeneratesound.
39 T urning the Computer On and Off T urning the computer on 1 Connectthe AC adapter . (Refertothe Installation Guide .) 2 Slidethe LCD Latch totherightandthenliftupthe LCDpanel. 3 Pressthe Power button toturnthecomputeron.
Chapter 2. Using the computer Keyboard 41 T ouchpad 44 CD Drive 47 InsertingandEjectingaCD 4 7 BurningaCD 4 8 Multi Card Slot 49 Connecting a Monitor / TV 52 ConnectingaM.
41 Keyboard Thekeyboardissuppliedaccordingtothecorrespondingcountry .Refertothekeyboardgureforthecorrespondingcountry .
42 Shortcut Keys Y oucanusethefollowingfunctionsbypressingthekeysbelowwiththe Fn key . Fn+ Name Function REST (Sleep Mode) SwitchestoSleepmode. T owakethecomputerup,pressthePowerbutton.
43 Screen Brightness Control T oadjusttheLCDbrightnesspressthe Fn +( )key combinationorthe Fn +( )keycombination.The changedscreenbrightnessisdisplayedatthecenterof thescreenforamoment.
44 T ouchpad Thetouchpadprovidesthesamefunctionasamouseandtheleftandrightbuttonsofthetouchpadplaystheroleof theleftandrightbuttonsofamouse. Before Y ou Start! ■ UsetheT ouchpadwithyourngers.
45 Moving the cursor on the screen Placeyourngeronthetouchpadslightlyandmoveyour nger .Themousecursorwillmoveaccordingly .Move yourngerinthedirectionyouwishtomovethecursor .
46 Drag Function Draggingreferstomovinganitemtoanotherplaceafter selectingit. Pressandholddownthelefttouchpadbuttonoveran itemyouwanttodragandmovetheitemtothenew location.
47 CD Drive Anopticaldiskdriveisoptionalandmaydifferdependingonyourcomputermodel.Fordetailedspecications,refer tothecatalog. Before Y ou Start! Oneofthefollowingopticaldiskdrivesisinstalledonthiscomputer .
48 IfyourcomputerhasawritableCDdrive,youcanwrite dataontoaCDorDVDorburnanaudioCD. CyberLink DVD Suite issuppliedwiththe System Software Media (oranadditionalCD)sothatyoucan burnaCDusingtheprogram.
49 Multi Card Slot Usingthemulticardslot,youcanreadandwritedatatoaMemoryStick,MemoryStickPro,SDcard,MMC,MMC Plus,andxDcard.
50 T o Insert and Use a Memory Card 1 Insertacardintotheslotaccordingtothedirections printedontheslot. 2 Click Start > My Computer .Theinsertedmemory cardisdisplayed. 3 Y oucansave,moveanddeletedatabydouble- clickingthecorrespondingdrive.
51 T o remove a memory card 1 Pushthetipofthecardlightly . 2 Ifthecardpopsupwithaclickingsound,removethe card. T o format a memory card Y ouhavetoformatacardrsttouseit.
52 Connecting a Monitor / TV Usinganexternaldisplaydeviceisusefulwhenyouaregivingapresentationorwatchingavideoormoviethrough yourTV .
53 SincetheporttoconnecttoaTVdif fersdependingontheporttypeusedtoconnecttheTV ,connectasfollows. Connecting to the Monitor port ConnectthemonitorandcomputerusingthePCInput(RGB)portontheTVwiththemonitorcable(15pin).
54 V iewing Through a Monitor Y oucanswitchthedisplaydeviceusingtheshortcutkey . Switching the Display Device using the Shortcut Key Pressthe Fn +( )keycombinationonce.Thenthe Easy Display Manager screenappearsinwhichyoucan selectadisplaydevice.
55 Using Dual V iew to View Extended Screen DualViewisafunctionthatenablesyoutoviewa computerscreenovertwodisplaydevices.
4 Whenthecongurationiscomplete,click Identify ontheleftsideofT roubleshoot.Theprimarydisplay device(theLCD)isindicatedas 1 ,andthesecondary displaydeviceisindicatedas 2 .
57 Adjusting the V olume using the Keyboard Pressthe Fn +( )keycombinationor Fn +( )key combinationtoadjustthevolume. Pressthe Fn +( )keycombinationtoturnthevolume onoroff.
58 Using Recorders Thissectiondescribeshowtoperformrecordingona computerbyusingWindowsRecorder . 1 Connectamicrophonetothemicrophonejack. 2 Click Start > Control Panel > Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices > Sounds and Audio Devices.
Chapter 3. The screen shots used in this chapter may differ from actual screens depending on the Windows XP version and model. Using Microsoft W indows XP About Microsoft Windows XP 60 T ourWindows.
60 About Microsoft Windows XP MicrosoftWindowsXP(hereinafterreferredtoasWindows)isthebasicoperatingsystemforcomputers. Y oushouldknowhowtouseWindowsinordertouseyourcomputerproperly .
61 Help and Support HelpandSupportallowsyoutoviewthefeaturesand usageofWindows. Also,itallowsyoutosearchthe informationyouwantbyenteringasearchkeyword. Click Start > Help and Support.
62 Windows XP Screen Layout Desktop Ifyouturnonthecomputer ,theDesktopwillappear .TheDesktopistheworkspace(screen)ofacomputerandis conguredasfollows: Thescreenlayoutmaydifferdependingonthecomputermodelandtheoperatingsystem.
63 Start Menu My Computer Displaysthecontentsoftheharddisk,theCD-ROMdrive,thenetworkdrive(s),andoppydisks. Itcanalsobeusedtosearchandopenlesandfolders. Control Panel Enablesuserstoconguresettingsonthecomputer .
64 Window A windowisabasicfoundationforoperatingyourcomputer .Forinstance,awindowofyourcomputerisconguredas follows: Click Start > My Computer . Displayedmenusandnamesmaybevaried.
65 Control Panel TheControlPanelhasagroupoftoolsthatenabletoconguretheWindows-relatedsettings. Running Control Panel Click Start > Control Panel.
66 Running the Control Panel Click Start > Control Panel. Printers and Other Hardware Changethesettingsforyourprinter ,keyboard,mouse,camera,andotherhardware. User Accounts Changeuseraccountsettings,passwords,andpictures.
67 User Account WindowsXPallowstosetmultipleuserswithaccounts. Thissectiondescribeshowtoaddauseraccountandto switchait. How to Add a User Account 1 Click Start > Control Panel. 2 Click User Accounts and Create a new Account in sequence.
68 T o Delete User Account 1 Click Start > Control Panel > User Account. 2 Selecttheuseraccounttobedeletedandclick Delete Account. Theadministratoraccountcannotbedeleted.Itcanonly berenamedordisabled.
69 Changing Resolution and Color A resolutionisthenumberofpixelsdisplayedonthe screen.Ifyousettheresolutiontoahighervalue,items onthescreenwillbedisplayedsmallerandthescreen lookswiderthanthepervious.
Chapter 4. Using the Network Wired Network 71 Wireless Network 74 ConnectingtoWirelessLAN 7 5 Connectingtocomputer-to-computernetworks (peer-to-peeroradhoc) 7 6 Wir.
71 1 ConnectaLANcabletothecomputer ’sLANport. 2 Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network Connection . 3 Click Manage Network Connections fromtheleft pane.
72 5 Click General tabandselectaLANdriverfrom Connect using: .Select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) andclick Properties .
73 Using both DHCP and a xed IP simultaneously Using the Alternate Conguration providingbyWindows XP ,youcansetbothautomaticandxedIPaddresses andthenyoucanselecttouseeitherofthemtoconnect totheInternet.
74 T ypes of Wireless LAN Connections ThetypesofwirelessLANconnectionsareasfollows. ThefollowingdescribeshowtousethewirelessLAN basedon APconnections.
75 Connecting to Wireless LAN Ifan APexistsnearyourlocation,youcaneasilyconnect towirelessLANinthemethodprovidedbyWindowsXP .
76 Incomputer-to-computerwirelessnetworks,youcan wirelesslyconnect2ormorecomputersthathave wirelessLANmodules.Usingthismethod,acomputer that is not connected to the Internet can share the Internet byaccessinganothercomputerconnectedtotheInternet.
77 6 Enterthenetworkname(,and unselect‘Thekeyisprovidedformeautomatically’. EntertheencryptionkeyintheNetworkkeyeld, andclickOK.
78 Step 2. Connecting to the congured computer 1 Right-clickonthe Wireless Network Connection ( )icononthetaskbar ,andselect View A vailable Wireless Networks . 2 Selectthewirelessnetworkname(e.
79 The procedures to connect to an access point using a wirelessLANcongurationprogramaredescribed.Since thewirelessLANcongurationprogramisincludedinthe SystemSoftwareMedia,theuserhastoinstalltheprogram.
80 Using Samsung Network Manager SamsungNetworkManagerguidesyoutoconguringthenetwork-relatedsettings. SamsungNetworkManagerperformsthefeaturesasshownbelow: ■ Easy conguration for your network and printer .
Choose Device SelectbetweenwiredLANand wirelessLAN. IP Settings Contactthenetworkadministrator andentertheIPinformationiftheIP isnotanautomaticIP . Get IP Automatically Selectthisoptionandperform automaticIPsettingsifyouuse DHCP .
82 7 WhenthePrinterSettingwindowappears,click Finish .T oaddaprinter ,click Add Printer .The Add PrinterWizardappears.Setuptheprinteraccording totheinstructionsdisplayedonthescreen.
83 Wireless LAN AP Connection Procedures T ouseawirelessLAN,rstconnecttoawireless LAN APandthenyoucanaccessthenetworkeven whenmovinglocation.movinglocationandthenyou canaccessthenetworkevenwhenconnectingtoa wirelessLAN AP 1.
84 Sharing Internet Access SetonecomputerasthesharingserverandanothercomputerastheclientfortwocomputerstoshareanInternetusing oneInternetline.Oncethecongurationiscomplete,youcanusetheInternetimmediately .
85 How to Set up Sharing Server CheckiftheLANcableisproperlyconnectedbefore settingupthesharingserver . 1 Run Samsung Network Manager on the computer thatwillbeusedasthesharingserver . 2 Click Add .
86 6 Setupthedevicetobeconnectedtotheclientas showninthegurebelowandclick Next . Becausethewirelessconnectionnameandnetwork keyenteredinthesharingservermustbeenteredinthe clientaswell,rememberthem.
87 7 Click Add Printer andsetupaprinterfollowingthe instructionsinthewizard.Oncetheprinteradditionis complete,click Refresh .
88 Checking Network Status Ifthenetworkconnectionisnotavailable,youcaneasily ndthecausesbycheckingthenetworkstatus. 1 Run Samsung Network Manager . 2 Click Check Auto Diagnosis on the Manage menu.
89 1 ConnectthephoneCabletotheModemport. T akecaretonotconnectadigitalphonelinetothemodemport. 2 ConnecttotheInternetaccordingtotheinstructionsofyourInternetserviceprovider(ISP).
Chapter 5. Using Applications Introducing Programs 91 CyberLink PowerDVD 94 Samsung Update Plus 95 Using A VStation premium 97 GettingStartedandScreenLayout 9 7 TV Station 98 MUSICSt.
91 Introducing Programs UsingthesoftwaresuppliedwiththeSamsungcomputer ,youcaneasilyusefunctionsandtroubleshootproblems. T rytousethesoftwareafterlearningaboutthebasicuseofthesoftware.
92 Multi Media Functions CyberLink PowerDVD ( ) T ousethisprogram,youhavetoinstalltheprogram manuallyusingtheadditionallysuppliedSystem SoftwareMedia.
93 Easy Display Manager EasyDisplayManagerisaprogramthatdisplays the changed setting on the screen when a setting is changedbypressingtheshortcutkeys,andenables changingthedisplaymodethroughtheDisplay Settingswindow .
94 1 InsertaDVDtitleintotheDVDdrive. 2 Select Play DVD Video andclick OK .DVDmovie startstoplayinamoment. 3 IftheDVDmoviedoesnotstartimmediately ,Click Start > All Programs > CyberLink DVD suite > Power DVD > CyberLink PowerDVD .
95 T o update the software and drivers 1 Select Start > All Programs > Samsung > Samsung Update Plus > Samsung Update Plus . Ifthisisthersttimeyouarerunningtheprogram, awindowwillappearaskingyouifyouagreetothe agreementinthewindow .
96 3 Ifthereareavailablesoftwareordriverupdatesfor yourcomputer ,theavailableupdateswillbelisted. Selecttherequiredupdatesfromthelistandclick Install Update tostarttheupdate.
97 Using A VStation premium A VStationpremiumisanintegratedmultimediaprogramthatenablesuserstoenjoymusic,photographs,video, movies,etc.allwithasingleprogram. Before Y ou Start! ■ A VStationpremiumisoptionalandmaynotbeprovideddependingonthemodel.
98 UsingTVStation, youcan watch andrecordTV andCA TV programs.In addition, youcan playa recordedTVprogram or watchvideofromanexternalvideodevice(e.g.camcorder)byconnectingittoyourcomputer .
99 Connecting the TV Antenna, Conguring the Input Signal and Scanning Channels TheprocedurestoplayanaudioCDaredescribedbelow . 1 ConnecttheTVantennacabletothe TVantenna jackofthecomputer .
100 4 SelectaTVInputSignal.Select Channel > Input Signal from the TV Menu Bar andselecteither TV (Public Broadcasts) or CA TV (Cable TV) . Connecting to a Set-T op-Box ■ T o connect using a coaxial (TV antenna) cable , select CA TV (Cable TV) .
101 W atching TV MovetoTVStationanddouble-clickonachannelinthe Channels folder .Theprogrambroadcastonthatchannel isdisplayedintheTVV iewingpane.
102 Reserving a TV Recording Y oucanreserveaTVrecording. 1 Clickthe Recording Reservation ( )buttonbelow theTVV iewingpane. 2 Ifthe AddRecordingReservationwindowappears, enter a Name ,the Channel Number and the Recording Frequency andclickthe Next button.
103 A V W atching Video from an External V ideo Device Asanexample,watchingvideofromacamcorderis describedbelow . T owatchvideofromanexternalvideodev.
104 Launch A VStation premium andclick MUSIC on the Station Bar . What is EDS (Enhanced Digital Sound)? EDS(EnhancedDigitalSound)isasoundqualityenhancementtechnologydevelopedbySamsungElectronics.
105 Playing an Audio CD TheprocedurestoplayanaudioCDaredescribedbelow . 1 Launch A VStation premium andinsertanaudioCD intotheCDdrive. 2 In the Audio CD window ,select Play Audio CD using Samsung A VStation andclick OK .
106 Playing a Music File IfamusicleisregisteredtotheMUSICLibrary ,youcan easilyplaythemusicle. FortheprocedurestoregistertrackstotheLibrary ,see page 107. 1 Moveto MUSIC Station anddouble-click All Music .
107 Adding Music Files to the Library MUSICLibraryisalibraryholdingmusiclesusedby MUSIC Station .Theprocedurestoaddmusiclessaved onthecomputertotheLibraryaredescribedbelow .
108 Launch A VStation premium andclick PHOTO on the Station Bar . PHOT O Station PHOTO Menu Bar Station Bar PHOTO Library Register a File Image Viewer T ab Image Editor T ab Move to a Higher-.
109 Viewing an Image TheprocedurestoviewimagesregisteredtothePHOTOLibraryaredescribedbelow . FortheprocedurestoregisterimagelestotheLibrary ,seepage 1 12. 1 Moveto PHOTO Station anddouble-click All Images .
1 10 3 Double-clickanimage.Theselectedimageiszoomedin. ■ Viewing an Image not registered to the Library Click File > Open ,selectanimageletoviewandclick Open .
1 1 1 Editing an Image Y oucanchangetheshapeofanimage,editanimageor applyspecialeffectstoanimage. Theimageeditorfunctionsaredescribedbelow . 1 Selectanimagetoeditinthe Image Viewer window , andselectthe Image Editor tab.
1 12 Adding Images to the Library ThePHOTOLibraryisalibraryholdingimagelestobe usedbyPHOTOStation. Theprocedurestoaddimage lessavedonthecomputertotheLibraryaredescribed below .
1 13 Launch A VStation premium andclick MOVIE on the Station Bar . What is Enhanced Digital Image (EDI)? EDI(EnhancedDigitalImage)isavisualqualityenhancementtechnologydevelopedbySamsungElectronics.
1 14 Playing a DVD TheprocedurestoplayaDVDtitlearedescribedbelow . T oplayaDVDtitle,DVDplayingsoftware(forexample, CyberLinkPowerDVD)mustbeinstalled.Installthe DVDplayingsoftwarerst.
1 15 Playing a Movie (V ideo) File Theprocedurestoplayavideoleregisteredtothe MOVIELibraryaredescribedbelow . FortheprocedurestoregisterlestotheLibrary ,see page 1 16. 1 MovetoMOVIEStationanddouble-click All Movies .
1 16 Adding V ideos to the Library TheMOVIELibraryisalibraryholdingvideolestobe usedbyMOVIEStation.Theprocedurestoaddvideoles savedonthecomputertotheLibraryaredescribedbelow .
Chapter 6. Settings and Upgrade LCD Brightness Control 1 18 BIOS Setup 1 19 EnteringtheBIOSSetup 1 1 9 TheBIOSSetupScreen 121 Setting a Boot Password 123 Changing the Boot Prio.
1 18 LCD Brightness Control Y oucanadjusttheLCDbrightnessin8levels. Adjusting LCD Brightness Using Keyboard PresstheFn+ or Fn+ toadjustthebrightnessof LCD. TheLCDbrightnesshaseightlevelsofdegree.
1 19 1 T urnthecomputeron. 2 Whenthebootingscreen(SAMSUNGlogo)appears,presstheF2keytoentertheBIOSSetup. Entering the BIOS Setup BIOS Setup TheBIOSSetupenablesyoutocongureyourcomputerhardwareaccordingtoyourneeds.
120 3 Afteramoment,theBIOSsetupscreenappears. TheitemsintheBIOSsetupmaydifferdependingontheproduct. Setup Menu Setup Items Help Helpfortheselecteditem appearsautomatically .
121 The BIOS Setup Screen Menu Description Main Usedtochangethebasicsystemandenvironmentsettings. Advanced Usedtocongureadvancedfunctionsonyourcomputerarounddevicesandchipsets. Security Usedtoconguresecurityfunctions,includingpasswords.
122 System Setup Keys IntheSetup,youhavetousethekeyboard. F1 PresstoviewtheSetupHelp. Up & Down Keys Presstomoveupanddown. F5/F6 Presstochangetheitemvalue. F9 PresstoloadthedefaultSetupsettings.
123 Setting a Supervisor Password A SupervisorPasswordisrequiredtoturnthecomputer onortostarttheSystemSetup. WhensettingaSupervisorPassword,usersotherthana supervisorcannotusethecomputer .
124 Setting a User Password Userscanstartthesystemwithauserpassword,but cannotentertheSystemSetup.Bydoingthis,youcan preventotherusersfromenteringSetup. Beforeconguringauserpassword,asupervisor passwordmusthavebeencongured.
Select system boot options Boot Device Priority NumLock [Off] Enable Keypad [By NumLock] Summary screen [Disabled] Boor-time Diagnostic Screen [Disabled] PXE OPROM [Only with F12] Brightness Mode Cont.
126 Adding a Memory Module 1 Removethescrewonthememorycompartment coveratthebottomofthecomputerusingascrew driver .
127 3 Pushthememorymoduledownsothatitis completelyxed.Ifthememorydoesnotteasily , pushthememorymoduledownwhilepullingthe memorymodulelatchesoutward. 4 Closethememorycompartmentcoverandfasten thescrew .
128 Using the Security Lock Port Y oucanconnectaKensingtonlocktotheSecurityLockporttopreventyourcomputerbeingstolenwhenyouhaveto usethecomputerinapublicplace. T ousethisfeature,youhavetopurchasetheKensingtonlockadditionally .
Chapter 7. Appendix Using McAfee SecurityCenter 130 Using Samsung Magic Doctor 131 DiagnosingtheSystem 131 Reinstalling Software 132 RunningthesystemsoftwareMedia 13 2 Installi.
130 Using McAfee SecurityCenter A computer virus is a program that damages computer files and information saved on a computer . A computer is infected by an already infected file or by another computer over the Internet.
131 Using Samsung Magic Doctor MagicDoctoristroubleshootingsoftwareprovidedbySamsungComputer . A usercandiagnosesystemproblemsvia one-clickorbyselectingdiagnosticitems.
132 Reinstalling Software IfyouhavereinstalledtheWindowsoperatingsystem,orthesystemandprogramdonotoperateproperly ,youcan re-installthedriverandprogramusingthesystemsoftwareMedia.
133 1 Click Standard Installation in the main window of theSystemSoftwareMedia.(StandardInstallationis recommended) 2 Thesystemisscannedtodisplaythedriversand programsthatneedtobeinstalled.
134 Questions and Answers Thissectionprovidesinformationonpossibleproblems,solutionsandotherreferencesforsystemuse.
135 Q In the following cases, the screen blinks or displays noise for a short time (This only applies to nVidia graphics card.): (Click the Graphics Related tab, Change Resolution, Change Display Device, Remove the AC Adapter , Restart the System, Change PowerMizer level.
136 Q Switching the MS-DOS command prompt to full screen mode or Windows mode by pressing the <Alt>+<Enter> keys does not operate properly .
137 Q How to install and uninstall the sound driver . A T oinstalloruninstallthesounddriverfromthis system,pleasefollowtheproceduresbelow .
138 ▶ Installing the Sound Driver after a Windows XP Reinstallation Ifyouinstallthesounddriverafterreinstalling WindowsXP ,the AddHardwareWizard(Modem Device)windowmayappearduringthesounddriver installation.
139 Q I cannot make a call using an extension line. A Ingeneral,thedialtoneofaPBXoradigital phoneswitchingsystemisnotacontinuousone, unlikethatofatrunkline.
140 Q How do I receive a fax while the system is in power saving mode (Rest mode)? A T oreceiveafaxin Standby mode,youhaveto setitupasfollows. Theautomaticfaxreceptionfunctionofthefax programneedstobeactivated.
141 Click My Network Place> View network connections ontheDesktop. Right-clickover Wireless Network Connection and select Disable . A2 The<W akeOnLAN>functionisconguredso that it is supported in Standby mode(S3).
142 Click Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative T ools > Computer Management andclick Services and Applications > Services .
143 ▶ Check the AP settings. A1 Checkifthesurroundingsareappropriatefora wirelessLAN. A wirelessLANconnectionmay belimitedbythesurroundingenvironmentand distance.Obstaclessuchaswallsanddoormats affectthequalityofthewirelessLANsignal.
144 Q Although a connection has been established, I cannot connect to the Internet. ▶ Check the TCP/IP settings. A IfyoucannotconnecttotheInternetbutyouare connectedtoan AP ,checkiftheTCP/IP settings areconguredproperly .
145 Q (For Intel PROSet) After installing PROSet, I cannot manage my wireless network in Windows. A Whenclicking Use Microsoft Client in the T ools menu of the PROSet ,youcanmanagewireless networkinWindows.
146 Q While playing a game, pressing the Fn + ( ) keys does not work or the screen is not properly displayed. A Somegamesand3Dapplicationprogramsmaychange thedisplaydevicecontrol.
147 Q The game play screen frequently stops and starts. A [nVidia Graphics] ThismayoccurwhenthePowerMizerSettingisset to Maximum Power Saving Function or Balanced . Right-clicktheDesktopandselect Properties from thepop-upmenu.
148 Q T o change the popup window display settings when connected to the Internet. In the Windows XP SP2 environment, you can decide whether to display a popup window when connected to the Internet, for user convenience and security .
149 Q When you see a Windows Security Alert icon ( ) appear on the right part of the T askbar . With the Security Center feature added, Windows XP SP2 checks the Firewall, the automatic updates con.
150 A5 IfWindowsdoesnotrecognizetheexistenceofananti- virusprogramevenwhenithasbeeninstalled,your computercouldbevulnerabletoattacksfromtheInternet. Y oushouldinstallananti-virusprogramthatyourcomputer isabletoidentify .
151 Product Specications Thesystemspecicationsmaydifferdependingonthederivedmodels.Fordetailedsystemspecications,referto theproductcatalog. CPU * IntelCoreDuoProcessor IntelCore2DuoProcessor IntelCeleronM Cache Memory * 1MB/2MB/4MB Main Memory * 512~2GB.
152 Wireless LAN Specications (802.1 1BG Card) Atheros Wireless Network Adapter Device The Name of the Registered Equipment :SpecialLowPowerWirelessDeviceforWirelessDataCommunication Systems. Item Detailed Specications Physical Specications Dimensions 59.
153 Radio Specications RF Band 2.4GHz Supported Channels Channelsallowedpercountry . Device T ransceiver Modulation Scheme 1 1bmode:DSSS,CCK�.
154 Registered T rademarks SamsungisaregisteredtrademarkofSamsungCo.,Ltd. SENSisaregisteredtrademarkofSamsungElectronics Co.,Ltd. Intel,Pentium/Celeronareregisteredtrademarksofthe IntelCorporation.
155 Glossary TheGlossaryliststheterminologiesusedinthisUserGuide. Forterminologiesotherthanthese,lookinWindowsHelp. Backup A waytosavethecurrentdatatorestoreitlaterif necessary .
156 Firewall A securitysystemusedtoprotectaninternalnetworkor intranetfromexternalnetworks throughanauthenticationprocedure. Hibernation Mode A powermodethatsavesalldatainmemorytothe harddiskandturnstheCPUandharddiskoff.
157 Quick Launch Thisreferstoatoolbarthatcanbeconguredsothat youcanlaunchaprogramsuchasInternetExploreror displaytheWindowsDesktopwithoneclick.
158 USB (UniversalSerialBus) Thisreferstoaserialinterfacestandarddeveloped toreplacetheconventionalinterfacestandardssuch asSerialandPS/2.WhileUSB1.1supports12Mbps (12millionbitspersecond),USB2.
159 Index B BIOSSetup 1 19 BootingPriority 125 C CDDrive/Recording 47 Click 45 Connect/OutputMonitor 52 ControlPanel 65 CyberLinkPower.
160 Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE [U.S.A. / U.K. / AUSTRALIA / HONG KONG / MALA YSIA / SINGAPORE] Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE IfyouhaveanycommentsorquestionsregardingaSamsungproducts,contacttheSAMSUNGcustomercare center .
161 [IT AL Y] Contatta SAMSUNG SehaicommentiorichiestesuiprodottiSamsungcontattailnostroServizioClienti. Customer Care Center TEL Web Site IT AL Y 199153153 www [RUSSIA / UKRAINE] Customer Care Center TEL Web Site RUSSIA 8-800-200-0400 www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung NP-G15 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung NP-G15 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung NP-G15, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung NP-G15 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung NP-G15, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung NP-G15.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung NP-G15. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung NP-G15 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.