Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MT1044WBBB/CB du fabricant Samsung
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Code No.: DE68-02235A T oast & Bake Micr owave Oven MT1044WB/BB /CB MT1066SB/MT1088SB Owner ’ s Manual.
2 Safety P RECAUTIONS TO A VOID P OSSIBLE E XPOS URE TO E XCESSIV E M ICROWA VE E NERGY : (a) Do not att empt to operate this oven wi th the door open since open-door op eration c an resu lt in harmf ul expos ure to micr owave energy. It is impo rtant not to defeat or tamper with the s afe ty in terl ock s.
3 Safety Important Safety I nst ructions, continued • Do n ot store th is ap pliance outd oors . Do no t use near water – fo r exam ple, near a kitchen s ink, in a wet basem ent, or near a s wimm ing pool, etc. • Kee p the inside of the oven c le an.
4 Safety SUPE RHEATE D WATER • Sup erheate d w ater m ay cause s erious injury, so read th is w arning care full y. • Wh en microw a ved wat er and o the r liquids rea ch the bo iling point, they don ’t alway s bubble. Th ere fore, when rem oving h ot liquids from the oven , let stan d fo r 30 se conds be fore st irring, e tc.
5 Y our New T oast & Bake Microwave oven Table of Contents Safety .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .......... ...... ...... .......... ....... .... 2 Your New Toast & Bake Microwave ove n .......... ...... ........
6 Y our New T oast & Bake Microwave oven Warranty and Service Info rmation To h elp us be tter serve you, p lease complet e the e nclosed registr ation card an d promptly return it by ma il. If the re gistra tion card is miss ing, you ca n call Sa msung Ele ctroni cs America, Inc.
7 Y our New T oast & Bake Microwave oven Control Panel Buttons 1. Toaster Start Button p. 13 Press to s tart toasting af ter setting Adjustment Knob. 2. Toasting Adjustment Knob p. 13 Adjust to se le ct dar kn ess. 3. Instant Cook Button s p. 9 Instant m icr owave setti ng s for frequent l y pr ep ared foods.
8 Operation Selecting the Display Wei ght The firs t time you plug the power c ord int o an outle t, or after th ere has been an in terrupti on in pow er the di splay will show all. At th is poin t, you can se lect t he weig ht system fo r the di splay.
9 Operation Using the Stop/Clear Button The Stop/Clear butto n allows y ou to cle ar inst ructions you have entered. It als o allows y ou to pau se the ov en’s coo king cy cle, so th at you can check t he food . • To paus e the o ven durin g cookin g: pres s Stop/Clear on ce.
10 Operation Using the Handy Helper Bu tton 1. Press the Handy Helper button c orresp onding to the foo d you are cooking. The dis play show s “A-1”(cod e of item). Press the Hand y Helper butt on repeated ly to sel ect the i tem yo u want.(Re fer to the Handy Helper Chart below ) 2.
11 Operation Using the Snack Bar Button 1. Press the Snack Bar bu tton corres ponding to the f ood you a re cooki ng. The dis play sh ows “A-1”(cod e of ite m). Press the Snack Bar button repeate dly to se lect the i tem you want.( Refer to t he Snack Bar Chart below) 2.
12 Operation Defrosting Automatically To thaw frozen fo od, set th e weigh t of the foo d and t he microwa ve aut o- matic ally sets the defro sting tim e, power lev el an d standin g time. 1 Pres s the Auto Defrost button. The di splay s hows “0. 5 lbs.
13 Operation Setting Cooking T imes & Power Levels, continued Some rec ipes req uire differe nt stages of co oking at d ifferent tempera tures. You can s et up to tw o(2) stage s of c ooking w hen microw aving. Multi-stage Cooking 1 Follow steps 1 and 2 in t he “On e-Stage Co oking” s ection on the previ ous pa ge.
14 Operation Preheat Some r ecipe s may ca ll for p rehea ting th e oven befo re coo king. To preh eat the oven, 1 Pres s the Preheat butt on. 2 Use th e Number butt ons to se t a Temp up to 400 °F. (If you do not pres s the Start button, after 5 seconds, the “ Sta rt “ ind icator will blink .
15 Operation Warming You can keep foo d warm fo r up to one hour. 1 Pres s the Warm button. 2 Use th e Number butt ons to se t a warmi ng time. (max. ti me 60 mi n.) (If y ou do no t pre ss the Start bu tton, af ter 5 seco nds, the “ St art “ indica tor will blink .
16 Operation Broiling You can broil in y our Samsu ng Toast & Bake Microw ave ov en. Broilin g uses h eating c oils t o cook an d brown the food . When bro iling, use the Crumb Tray a nd Wire Rack toge the r. 1 Pres s the Broil button . 2 Use th e Number butt ons to se t a cooki ng tim e.
17 Operation Switching the Beep Sound On/Off You can switch the Beep So und off whenever y ou want . 1 Pres s the Sound button. T he displa y show s “ON”.(“START” wi ll flash) 2 Pres s the Sound button ag ain to turn the vo lume o ff. The d isplay shows:”OFF”.
18 Cooking Inst ructions Cooking Utensils Recommended Use for microwave functions • Glass a nd glas s-cerami c bowls an d dishes : Use fo r heating o r cooki ng. • Microwave browning dish : Us e to brown th e exterior of small items such as steak s, cho ps, or pan cake s.
19 Cooking Inst ructions Testing Utensils If you a re not s ure whether a dis h is micr owave-safe or not, you can perfor m thi s test : 1 Fill a 1 c up g las s mea su ring cu p with w ate r and put it in side y ou r oven, n ext to the dish y ou want to test.
20 Cooking Inst ructions General Tips • Dense fo ods, suc h as pota toes, take longe r to heat th an lighte r food s. Foods with a deli cate texture should be hea ted at a low power level to avoi d becomi ng to ugh. • Altitu de and th e type of cookwar e you are using can affec t cookin g time.
21 Cooking Inst ructions GUIDE for Cooking Poultry in Your Microwave • Pla ce po ultry on a m icrow ave-s afe ro asting rack in a mi crowav e-sa fe dish. • Cover pou ltry wit h wax pape r to preven t spatt ering. • Use alum inum foi l to s hield bon e tips, th in meat a reas, o r areas that start to overco ok.
22 Cooking Inst ructions GUIDE for Cooking Eggs in Your Microwave • Neve r cook egg s in t he shell , and n ever warm hard-boil ed egg s in the sh ell; t hey ca n e xplod e. • Alway s pierce whole eg gs to ke ep them fro m burstin g. • Cook eggs jus t until set; they beco me tough if ove rcooke d.
23 Cooking Inst ructions Recipes Beef Stroganoff Ingredients : 1 ½ pou nds Beef, cu bed (top round) 1 cup Flour , all pu rpos e 1 sma ll Onion , yellow (diced) 3 tabl espoo ns Oliv e Oil ½ cup Pasta.
24 Cooking Inst ructions Recipes Garlic a nd Rosemary Potatoes Ingredients : 1½ pou nds Red bli ss potato es (1 inc h cubes)) 4 clov es Garlic, f resh, m inced 1 table spoon Rosema ry, dri ed 1 tabl espoo n P arsle y, dri ed 2 tabl espoo ns Oli ve oil To taste Salt To taste Pepper Method o f Preparation : Preheat o ven to 40 0° F.
25 Cooking Inst ructions Guide for Cooking with Hea ter Appetizers & Snacks Desserts Food Recom mended Cooking Tim e Cook ing Mode Recomm endations Chees e Sticks 10 -12 minut es Bake See Page 14 of the Owner’s Man ual for Baking, us e crumb tray, turn food h alfway through co oking .
26 Cooking Inst ructions Breakfast Foods Entree Cooki ng ti me Cookin g Mode Recommendations Waffles (4 e ach) t-6 Toast See pag e 13 of the Owner’ s Manual for Toa sting.
27 Cooking Inst ructions Meats Food Recomm ended Cooking T ime Cooking Mode Recommendations Whole Chic ken (up t o 4 lbs.) 8-10 minu tes/lb. Speed Cook #3 See page 16 for Speed C ook. Use a Microw ave and oven-safe dish. Cook chi cken un til the juices ru n clear a nd meat n ear the bone i s no longer p ink.
28 Appendix Troubleshooting Guide Before y ou call a repair person for your oven , check this list of pos sible prob lem s and solu tion s. Neither the oven’ s display nor the oven operate. • Prope rly insert the plug i nto a g rounded ou tlet. • If the ou tlet is controll ed by a wall switc h, ma ke sure th e wall sw itch is tu rned on .
29 Appendix Care and Cleaning Follow these i nstructio ns to cle an and care for y our ove n. • Keep the insid e of the oven cl ean. Food partic les and s pilled l iquids can st ick to the oven walls, ca using the oven to work l ess efficie ntly. • Wipe up s pil ls im me dia tel y.
31 W arranty SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICAN LIMITED W ARRANTY ADDENDUM Subject to the requi rements, c ondition s, exclu sions and li mitations of the Origin al Limite d Warra nty suppl ied wit h .
32 Note.
33 Note.
34 Note.
35 Guía de Consu lta Rápida en Español Car acter ística s Oper ación Arreglo del R eloj 1. Pulse RELOJ (CLOC K). 2. Use los bo tones Número para introdu cir el tiempo. 3. Pulse de n uevo RELOJ (CLOCK). Cocción en Una Etapa 1. Use lo s botones Nú mero para arr eglar el tiemp o de cocción .
Quick Reference Featu re Operatio n Set Clock 1. Press CLOCK . 2. Use Number buttons t o enter time. 3. Press CLOCK agai n. One Stag e Cooking 1. Use Number bu ttons to s et cooki ng time. 2. Set powe r level or leave at h igh. 3. Press START . One Min u te+ Cooking 1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung MT1044WBBB/CB ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.