Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DVD-VR370 du fabricant Samsung
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imagine the possibilities Thanks you for purchasing this Samsung product. T o receive a more complete service, please register your product at www DVD & VCR user manual DVD-VR370 DVD-VR375 01589T(00)-VR370,375-XSA-ENG.
English _3 ● GETTING ST ARTED PRECAUTION Important Safety Instructions Rea d thes e ope ratin g inst ructi ons c aref ully befor e us ing t he uni t. Fol low al l the safe ty ins truct ions listed belo w . Kee p thes e ope ratin g inst ructi ons h andy f or fu ture re fere nce.
4_ getting started getting started Maintenance of Cabinet For safet y r easons , be sur e to d iscon nect the AC powe r cor d fr om t he AC outl et. Do not us e ben zene, thinn er , or othe r sol vents for c leani ng. Wipe t he ca binet with a sof t clo th.
English _5 ● GETTING ST ARTED Disc Specifications DVD -VR370 Thi s unit allo ws yo u to r eco rd a nd pl aybac k high qual ity d igital imag es on a DVD -RAM/ DVD-RW /DVD- R disc . Y ou can r ecor d a nd edi t dig ital video on DV D-RAM /DVD-R W/DVD- R dis cs as if th ey we re V CR ta pes.
6_ getting started getting started Usi ng MPE G4 di sc Vide o Fil e with foll owing exten sions can be pla yed. : .av i, .di vx, . A VI, . DIVX Div X Vide o (Cod ec) F ormat : Div X 3.1 1 Div X 4.x DivX 5.x ( withou t QPE L and GMC) Div X Audi o (Co dec) Format : MP 3, AC 3, DTS Sup ported subt itle file fo rmats : .
English _7 ● GETTING ST ARTED DVD+RW Disc Playback and Recor ding With D VD+RW discs , the re i s no diff ere nce be tween DVD- Video format (Video mode ) and DVD-V ideo Rec ordi ng fo rmat ( VR mo de). Fin alisin g is gener ally u nnece ssary when using a DV D+RW d isc.
8_ getting started getting started GETTING ST ARTED 2 2 W ar ning 3 Precaution 10 General Features 11 Before Reading the User’ s Manual 12 How to use the DVD Recorder & VCR 14 Unpacking 16 T our.
English _9 ● GETTING ST ARTED RECORDING 56 56 Recordable discs 57 Recording Mode 58 Unrecor dable pictures 59 Recording immediately 60 Recording thr ough the DV Input jack (DVD-VR375 only) 60 Making.
10_ getting started getting started GENERAL FEA TURES DVD -VR370 Thi s unit allo ws yo u to r eco rd a nd pl aybac k high qual ity d igital imag es on a DVD -RAM/ DVD-RW /DVD- R disc . Y ou can r ecor d a nd edi t dig ital video on DV D-RAM /DVD-R W/DVD- R dis cs as if th ey we re V CR ta pes.
English _11 ● GETTING ST ARTED BEFORE READING THE USER’S MANUAL Mak e sur e to check the follo wing t erms befor e r eadi ng the user ’ s m anual . Icons that will be used in manual Ico n Term Defi nition Z DVD T his in volve s a f unctio n ava ilable on D VD or DVD-R W(V)/D VD-R( V)/+R discs that have bee n final ised.
12_ getting started getting started HOW TO USE THE DVD RECORDER & VCR Step 1 : Select the disc type Ple ase ch eck a vaila ble di sc ty pe be fore re cord ing.
English _13 ● GETTING ST ARTED Step 3 : Recording The re a re two di ffe rent re cord ing m ethods , Dir ect Recor din g (r ecor ding a pr ogram me yo u ar e cur ren tly wat ching) and T imer Reco rdi ng.
14_ getting started getting started UNP ACKING Accessories Che ck for the suppl ied ac cesso ries below . Vid eo/Aud io Ca ble RF Cable for TV HDM I Cabl e Rem ote Co ntrol Batt eries for R emote Cont.
English _15 ● GETTING ST ARTED Controllable TV Codes Res ult : If yo ur te levisi on is comp atible with the remo te co ntro l, it will switc h of f. It is now pr ogramm ed to oper ate wi th th e r emote contr ol. If s evera l cod es are indi cated for y our te levis ion br and, try each one i n tur n unti l you find one th at wo rks.
16_ getting started getting started TOUR OF THE REMOTE CONTROL Y our DVD Recor der & VCR rem ote c ontr ol wi ll wor k wit h Sam sung t elevi sions and c ompat ible brands . Playback-related Buttons Forward/Rewind, Search, Skip, Stop, Play , Pause.
18_ getting started getting started Rear Panel (DVD-VR370) Rear Panel (DVD-VR375) AUD IO L, R OUT JACK S VID EO/AUD IO JA CK (A V1 IN) C OMPON ENT V IDEO O UT JA CKS AER IAL IN CONN ECTOR OUT TO TV CO.
English _19 ● GETTING ST ARTED Front Panel Display In Disc I ndica tor Pr ogress ive S can I ndicat or DVD view Ind icator VCR view Ind icator STA TUS In dicat or T IMER Indica tor Dis c Medi a Ind icato r 01589T(00)-VR370,375-XSA-ENG.
20_ connecting & setting up connecting & setting up CONNECTING DVD RECORDER & VCR TO THE TV USING THE RF CABLE Mak e sure that both the t elevi sion a nd th e DVD Recor der & V CR ar e swi tched off be fore connec ting the c ables. Rem ove th e aer ial o r netw ork i nput cable fro m the telev ision .
English _21 CONNECTING DVD RECORDER & VCR TO THE TV USING THE AUDIO/VIDEO CABLE Y ou can c onnect your DVD Recor der & VCR to th e tel evisio n usi ng th e Audi o/Vide o cab le if the a ppr opria te inp ut is avail able on the tele visio n.
22_ connecting & setting up connecting & setting up CONNECTING THE COMPONENT VIDEO CABLE Y ou will enjoy high quali ty acc urate colo ur r epr oducti on im ages. Compo nent video seper ates the pi ctur e el ement int o blac k and whit e(Y), blue( P B ), r ed( P R ) si gnals to pr ese nt mo st cle ar an d cle an ima ges.
English _23 See your TV Use r’ s M anual to fi n d out if yo ur TV s uppor ts Pr ogress ive S can. If Progre ssive Scan is su pport ed, foll ow th e TV Us er’ s instru ction s reg arding Prog ressiv e Sca n set tings in th e TV’ s men u syst em.
24_ connecting & setting up connecting & setting up Case 2 : Connecting to a TV with DVI Jack Usi ng the DVI Adapt er Cab le, c onnec t the HDMI OUT j ack on the rear of t he DV D Reco rde r & VC R to the DVI IN ja ck of your TV .
English _25 A V RECEIVER CONNECTIONS T o tak e ful l adv antage of t he mo vie th eatr e exp erien ce th at DVD of fers, you m ay wa nt to conne ct yo ur DVD Rec orde r & V CR to a com plete Surr ound Soun d syst em, i nclud ing an A/V Recei ver an d six Surr ound Soun d spe akers.
26_ connecting & setting up connecting & setting up CONNECTING EXTERNAL DEVICES Thi s allo ws yo u to connec t you r DVD Recor der & VCR to o ther externa l devi ces a nd vi ew or rec ord their outpu ts. Cas e 1 : Conne cting a VCR , Set -T op Box (STB) or D VD Rec ord er & V CR to the AUDIO/ VIDEO A V 1 IN ja cks.
English _27 Case 2 : Connecting a Camcorder to the A V 2 IN jacks Y ou can u se the A V 2 IN ja cks o n the fro nt pa nel of the DVD R ecor der & VCR.
28_ system setup system setup ON-SCREEN MENU NA VIGA TION The on-sc ree n menu s all ow yo u to e nable or d isable vari ous f unctio ns on your DVD R ecor der & VCR. Pr e ss t he ME NU b ut to n to op en t he o n- sc re en m en u an d t he n us e th e fol lo wi ng b ut to ns to n av ig at e thr o ug h th e on sc r ee n men us .
English _29 TUNER PRESET With t he un it in Stop mode/ No Di sc mod e, pr ess the M ENU b utton. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Setup , then pre ss th e OK button . Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect T uner Pres et , t hen pr ess the OK but ton.
30_ system setup system setup • P rogr am : Pres s ▲▼ r epeate dly t o sele ct th e pr ogram me po sitio n (01 to 99 ) for the c hanne l and pre ss th e OK button . • C hannel : T une t he cha nnel using ▲▼ bu ttons. • A FT : F ine t unes the ch annel to o btain a cle arer pict ure .
English _31 Present Time T o set up, f ollow steps 1~3 on pa ge 30. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Pres ent T ime , t hen p res s the OK button . Use the ▲▼◄ ► bu ttons to in put Time , Dat e or Y ear . U se nu mber b utton s to input clock data dir ectly .
32_ system setup system setup Resolution (HDMI) (DVD-VR375 only) Thi s sett ing i s use d when the unit is con necte d by HDMI o r DVI to D isplay devi ces ( TV , Mo nitor , etc ).
English _33 Component Out Sel ects w hethe r or not to outp ut vi deo si gnals fro m the COMP ONENT VIDEO OUT jacks. On : Outp uts t he co mponen t vid eo si gnals. Sele ct th is whe n you want to v iew p rogr essi ve si gnals . Of f : O utput s no s ignal s.
34_ system setup system setup Digital Out Sel ects a udio optio ns for sign als o utput fro m the DIGIT AL AUDIO OUT (COAX IAL). The follo wing setup items swit ches the me thod of ou tputti ng au dio sig nals w hen y ou co nnect a com ponen t such as a n amp lifier (r eceiv er) w ith a digit al in put ja ck.
English _35 Downmix (DVDs only) Swi tches the m ethod for m ixing down to tw o cha nnels when you pla y a DV D whi ch ha s re ar so und el ement s (ch annels ) or is r ecor ded in Dolby Digit al fo rmat. Dol by Sur rou nd : Select this setti ng to enjo y Mult i-cha nnel DVD s over two chann els.
36_ system setup system setup Surround T urns on th e sur roun d fun ction to cr eate virt ual r ear speak ers f rom a ste reo TV or two s epara te fr ont speak ers. Of f : N o sur roun d ef fect Sur roun d 1 : Cre ates one s et of virtu al su rrou nd sp eakers .
English _37 DVD Auto Chapter A D VD-Vid eo con sists of ‘ T itle s’ an d ‘Cha pters ’. Wh en you re cord one prog ramme , it makes one Tit le. If you us e thi s fun ction, the T itle will be d ivided into Chap ters.
38_ system setup system setup EZ Record Thi s func tion allow s you Final ise a disc autom atica lly . CV KL (V -m ode) DV D- VR3 75 o nly Pr e ss t he ▲▼ bu tt on s to s el ect E Z Re co rd , th en p re ss t he O K bu tt on. Pr e ss t he ▲▼ bu tt on s to s el ect O n , t he n pr es s th e OK b utt on .
English _39 Y ou can o perate the DVD R ecor der & VCR b y usi ng TV rem ote con trol . (T V bu tt on s th at ca n be u se d to co nt r ol th e DV D Re co rd er & VC R : , , , , , , and , b uttons , ~ b utton ) Whe n you pre ss Any net+ butto n on t he TV re mote c ontr ol, t he OSD to th e rig ht w il l ap pe ar .
40_ system setup system setup SETTING UP THE OPTIONS Thi s func tion allow s you to se tup t he Opt ions setti ng. With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on. Pr ess t he ▲▼ butto ns to sele ct Set up , t hen p ress the OK bu tton. Pr ess t he ▲▼ butto ns to sele ct Opt ions , then pre ss th e OK button .
English _41 If you forgot your password Rem ove th e dis c. Pr ess a nd ho ld the PROG ( . / , ) butt on on the fron t pan el fo r 10 s econd s or more . The tray opens and passwo rd reve rts t o the facto ry se tting s. See the b elow to c reat e a n ew pas swor d.
42_ system setup system setup Power Save If you se t the powe r save func tion to "On ", th e pow er con sumpt ion o f this unit is u nder 1 W att i f Fr ont D ispla y is set to "Of f", a nd un der 2 W atts if Fr ont Displ ay is set t o oth ers in stan dby m ode.
English _43 Auto Play If you wa nt yo ur vi deotap es to play autom atica lly w hen yo u ins ert the m, turn on Au to Pl ay . On : The VCR w ill a utomat icall y beg in pla ying a vid eo tap e whe n it i s ins erted , as l ong a s the safet y tab of t he cas sette has b een r emov ed.
44_ playback playback This section introduces basic functions of playback and playback by disc type. Read the following information before playing a disc. REGION CODE (DVD-VIDEO ONL Y) Bot h the DVD R ecor der & VCR and th e dis cs ar e co ded b y re gion.
English _45 ● PLA YBACK DISC TYPES THA T CAN BE PLA YED Dis c Type s Dis c Logo cont ent Rec orded con tent Dis c Sha pe DVD -VIDEO A UDIO VID EO Sin gle si ded ( 12cm) Dou ble si ded ( 12cm) Sin gl.
46_ playback playback Discs that cannot be played DVD -Video with a r egion numbe r oth er th an “4” or “ ALL” 3.9 GB DV D-R D isc f or Aut horin g. A D VD-RW( V)/-R( V)/+R disc which has been reco rde d and not fi nalis ed in a dif fer ent manufa ctur er’ s r ecor der .
English _47 ● PLA YBACK USING THE DISC MENU & TITLE MENU Som e type of d iscs contai n a d edica ted me nu sy stem that a llows you to sel ect s pecia l func tions for title, chap ter , aud io tra ck, s ubtit le, fil m pr eview , in forma tion o n cha racte rs, et c.
48_ playback playback Skipping Chapters, Titles or Markers ZX CV BKL D Dur ing pl ay , pr ess the S KIP ( ) b utton s on t he r emote cont rol. If you pr ess the S KIP ( ) bu tton, it moves to th e be.
English _49 ● PLA YBACK Moving to a desired scene dir ectly ZX CV KL D If you wa nt to move to a certa in ti tle, c hapte r or time, use t his f unctio n. Pr ess t he AN YKEY button duri ng pla yback . Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Title , Chap ter o r Time .
50_ playback playback Selecting the Subtitle Language Z D Thi s enab les y ou to selec t the avai lable subti tle l anguag es on a di sc. Sub title langu ages may no t wor k dep ending on t he di sc typ e. Th is is only avail able during play back. Y ou can a lso op erate this funct ion b y pr essin g the SUBTI TLE b utton on th e r emote contr ol.
English _51 ● PLA YBACK PLA YING AN AUDIO CD/MP3 Buttons on the Remote Control used for Audio CD(CD-DA)/MP3 playback but ton : R eturns to t he be ginnin g of the cu rrent trac k whe n pres sed d uring playb ack. If pres sed ag ain, yo ur DV D Rec order & VCR m oves to an d play s the previ ous t rack.
52_ playback playback Playing an MP3 Disc Ins ert an MP3 disc into t he di sc tr ay . The menu is di splay ed Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Music , then pre ss th e OK button . Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect the tr ack y ou wa nt to hear , and then pre ss the OK b utton .
English _53 ● PLA YBACK Pr ess t he AN YKEY button to d isplay the menu bar . Pr ess t he AN YKEY button agai n to c lear the m enu ba r . If select the Photo , JPEG files w ill o nly be disp layed. If there are n o JPE G files , empty fold er wil l onl y be d isplay ed.
54_ playback playback Thi s unit can play t he fo llowin g vid eo co mpress ion fo rmats , - D ivX Vid eo (Co dec) Format : DivX 3.11 DivX 4.x D ivX 5 .x (w ithout QPEL and GMC) - DivX Audio (Code c) For mat : M P3, AC3, D TS Sup ported subt itle file fo rmats : .
English _55 ● PLA YBACK V ariable Search System Eac h time you reco rd a cas sette on th is DV D Reco rde r & VC R, an inde x is a utoma tical ly mar ked o n the tape whe n re cor ding i s sta rted. The Se arc h func tion allow s you to fa st-fo rwar d or rewi nd to a sp ecific index and sta rt pla yback fro m tha t poi nt.
56_ recor ding recording This section shows various DVD Recording & VCR methods. This unit can record on various types of discs. Before recording, read the following instructions and select the disc type according to your preference. RECORDABLE DISCS Thi s DVD Recor der & VCR can reco rd on the foll owing discs .
English _57 ● RECORDING Fina lise - Thi s clos es th e DVD -RW/±R so n o add itiona l rec ordin g can be do ne. - The DVD-R AM/+R W dis c cann ot be final ised. Unfin alise - Thi s allo ws ad ditio nal re cordi ng on a DVD -RW d isc o rigina lly re corde d on t he DV D Rec order & VCR.
58_ recor ding recording UNRECORDABLE PICTURES Pic ture s wit h copy pr otect ion ca nnot be r ecor ded o n thi s DVD Recor der & VC R. Whe n the DVD R ecor der & VCR rece ives a cop y guar d s ignal while rec ord ing, r ecor ding stops and t he fo llowin g mes sage appear s on the s cree n.
English _59 ● RECORDING RECORDING IMMEDIA TEL Y XC V KL DVD- VR375 only Before you start Mak e sur e an tenna cable is c onnect ed. Pr ess t he OP EN/CLO SE bu tton and pl ace a re cord able disc o n the disc tray . Che ck the re mainin g tim e on the di sc.
60_ recor ding recording RECORDING THROUGH THE DV INPUT JACK (DVD-VR375 ONL Y) Y ou may c ontr ol a Camcor der conn ected to th e DV Input jack on th e DVD Recor der & VCR . Fol low th ese d irec tions to r ecor d o nto a disc or ta pe fr om a camco rde r tha t has a DV outpu t jack .
English _61 ● RECORDING T o stop r ecording Pr ess t he ST OP ( ) but ton. The messa ge “P ress STOP butt on onc e mor e t o canc el Timer Reco rd” is di splay ed. Pr ess t he ST OP ( ) but ton ag ain. The messa ge “U pdati ng the info rmati on of disc.
62_ recor ding recording Rec ord ing M ode ( DVD) AUT O : Se lect when you wa nt to set video quali ty au tomati cally . In AUTO mode, the most s uitab le r ecor d mod e is a djust ed au tomati cally , ac cord ing t o re maini ng ti me on the d isc a nd len gth o f the timer re cord ing.
English _63 ● RECORDING EDITING THE TIMER LIST Fol low th ese d irec tions to e dit th e tim er r ecor d li st. XC V KL DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Timer , then pre ss th e OK button .
64_ recor ding recording BASIC VCR RECORDING Before starting 1. Check TV ch annel and A ntenn a con nectio ns. 2. Check the r emai ning time on the tape . Y ou can r ecor d a TV sh ow in pro gre ss by inser ting a blan k tap e and pre ssing the ! (R EC) bu tton.
English _65 ● RECORDING CHECK REMAINING TIME Pr ess I NFO b utton on th e r emote contr ol. The follo wing infor mation will be d isplay ed. (Cu rren t dec k stat us, r eco rdin g Mod e, r emain ing ti me, i nput channe l, cur rent time .
66_ recor ding recording DUBBING TO DVD OR VIDEO Y ou can c opy fr om the DV D to VIDEO or VI DEO t o DVD . Che ck the re mainin g tim e on the ta pe an d dis c. Dubbing from DVD to VCR XC VK L DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on.
English _67 ● RECORDING Dubbing from VCR to DVD XC VK L DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on in stop mod e. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Dubbin g , th en pr ess the O K but ton. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Simple Dubb ing , then p res s the OK bu tton.
68_ recor ding recording DV Simple Dubbing Y ou can fi nd the d ubbin g sta rt poi nt to re cord on a disc easil y by using the D V Sim ple Du bbing func tion. T o set up, f ollow steps 1~3 on pa ge 67. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect DV Sim ple D ubbin g , the n the OK button .
English _69 ● EDITING editing This section introduces basic functions of DVD editing and explains both edit functions for the recording on a disc and edit functions for the entire disc. PLA YING THE TITLE LIST Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to p lay b ack a title fro m the Title L ist.
70_ editing editing BASIC EDITING (TITLE LIST) Renaming (Labeling) a Title (Title Name) Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to r enam e a t itle list, i.e., to e dit th e tit le of a r ecor ded p rog ramme. XC VK L DVD- VR375 only Pr ess t he TI TLE LI ST bu tton.
English _71 ● EDITING Erasing a Title (Title Erase) Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to e rase a titl e fr om th e Title List. XC VK L DVD- VR375 only Pr ess t he TI TLE LI ST bu tton. The Title L ist s cree n is displa yed. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect a titl e you want to er ase f rom the Title List, then pre ss th e OK b utton .
72_ editing editing Y ou can also e rase chapte rs fr om a P layli st tit le. If you er ase a n ori ginal title used in a Playli st, tha t Play list is als o era sed. Erasing a section of a Title (A-B Erase) Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to e rase a sect ion o f a Titl e Lis t ent ry .
English _73 ● EDITING The lengt h of the s ection to b e del eted m ust b e at l east 5 sec onds l ong. End point cann ot be marke d ear lier than s tart point . The secti on ca nnot be del eted when it inc ludes a st ill pi cture . Dividing a title into two (Divide Title) Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to d ivide a tit le in to tw o.
74_ editing editing - T o m ake a new playli st - Pr ess t he ▲▼ but tons t o sel ect M ake , t hen p ress the OK bu tton. A n ew Mak e Sce ne sc reen is d isplay ed. A n ew Sce ne wi ll be added to t he cu rren t Pla ylist. Y ou can check and s ee al l the scene s on t he Ed it Pl aylist scre en.
English _75 ● EDITING Renaming a Playlist Title Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to r enam e a p layli st tit le, i .e. t o edit the title of a playl ist t itle. XC V (VR mode) Pr ess t he TI TLE LI ST bu tton with t he di sc st opped, then pr ess the PLA Y LI ST bu tton.
76_ editing editing DISC SETTING Men u item s may vary , dep endin g on the ex isten ce of a r ecor ded t itle. Editing the Disc Name Fol low th ese i nstru ctions to g ive a name to a disc. XC VK L DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on.
English _77 ● EDITING Formatting a Disc Use these inst ructi ons to form at a disc. The Disc Pro tectio n sho uld b e clea red . XC K DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on. Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Disc S ettin g , th en pr ess the OK but ton.
78_ editing editing Finalising a Disc Aft er you re cord titl es on to a D VD-RW/ ±R di sc wi th you r DVD rec ord er & VCR, i t nee ds to be fi nal ised befor e it can be play ed ba ck on externa l dev ices. CV L DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on.
English _79 ● EDITING Disc Information XC VK L DVD- VR375 only With t he un it in Stop mode, pre ss th e MEN U butt on. Pr e ss t he ▲▼ b ut to ns t o sel ec t Di sc S et ti ng , t he n pr es s th e OK b ut ton . Pr ess t he ▲▼ bu ttons to se lect Disc I nform ation , then pr ess th e OK button .
80_ refer ence reference TROUBLESHOOTING (DVD) If your p rod uct ma lfunc tions , go t hro ugh t he che ck po ints below befor e co ntact ing a Samsu ng au thori zed se rvice cen tre. PRO BLEM EX PLANA TION /SOLU TION No power. • C heck w hethe r the power cord is s ecurel y plu gged i nto th e pow er ou tlet.
English _81 ● REFERENCE TROUBLESHOOTING (DVD) PRO BLEM EX PLANA TION /SOLU TION ic on app ears on the scree n. Y ou cann ot use the operat ion o r func tion due t o one of th e foll owing reas ons: .
82_ refer ence reference TROUBLESHOOTING (VCR) Bef ore conta cting a Sam sung author ized servi ce cen tre , per form t he fo llowi ng sim ple c hecks. PRO BLEM EX PLANA TION /SOLU TION No power • C heck t hat t he pow er pl ug is conne cted to a wall o utlet .
English _83 ● APPENDIX appendix SPECIFICA TIONS Gen eral Pow er req uirem ents AC 2 20 - 240V , 50Hz Pow er con sumpt ion 2 7 Watt s/1W atts( Stand by mod e) W eight 4. 4Kg Dim ension s 430 (W) x 331(D ) x 7 9(H) Ope rating temp . +5° C to + 35°C Oth er con ditio ns Keep leve l whe n oper ating .
Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE If you have any questions or comments relating to Samsung pr oducts, please contact the SAMSUNG customer care center . Region Country Contact Centre W eb Site North America CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) www MEXICO 01-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) www .
Cod e No. AK68- 01589 T(00) 01589T(00)-VR370,375-XSA-ENG.ind85 85 2009-04-13 오후 4:16:00.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung DVD-VR370 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung DVD-VR370 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung DVD-VR370, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung DVD-VR370 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung DVD-VR370, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung DVD-VR370.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung DVD-VR370. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung DVD-VR370 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.