Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit M3A-HS25 du fabricant Renesas
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REJ10J0952-0100 Rev. 1.0 Issued : July 21, 2006 32 Renesas 32-Bit RISC Microcomputers SuperH TM RISC engine Family / SH7125 Group M3 A -HS25 User's Manual SH7125 CPU Board.
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Revision History SH7125 CPU Board M3A-HS 25User's Manual Rev. Date of Issue Content of Revision Page Page 1.0 July 21, 2006 - First edition issued.
Table of Contents Chapter1 Overview .............................................................................................................. ................ 1-1 1.1 Over view .....................................................................
Chapter1Overview Chapter1 Overview 1-1.
Overview 1.1 Overview Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-2 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.1 Overview The M3A-HS25 is the CPU board designed for users to evaluate the functionality and pe rformance of the SH7125 group of Renesas Technology ori ginal microcomputers, as well as develop and eval uate the application software for this group of microcomputers.
Overview 1.3 External Specifications Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-3 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.3 External Specifications Table1.3.1 lists external sp ecifications of M3A-HS25. Table1.3.1 External S pec ific ations of M3A-HS25 No. Item Content 1 CPU SH7125 • Input(XIN) clock : 12.
Overview 1.4 External View Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-4 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.4 External View Figure1.4.1 sho ws the external view of M3A-HS25. Figure1.4.1 External Vi e w of M3A-HS25.
Overview 1.5 M3A-HS25 Block Diagram Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-5 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.5 M3A-HS25 Block Diagram Figure1.5.1 sho ws the system block diagram of M3A-HS25. Extensio n Connector (Common use for 48 pins version) Serial Port Connecto r SH7125 CPU board M3A-HS25 XIN(12.
Overview 1.6 M3A-HS25 Board Overview Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-6 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.6 M3A-HS25 Board Overview Figure1.6.1 sho ws the M3A-HS25 board overview.
Overview 1.6 M3A-HS25 Board Overview Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-7 REJ10J0952-0100 1 Table1.6.1 lists main components mounte d i n M3A-HS2 5. Table1.6.1 Main Components Mounte d in M3 A-HS25 Symbol Parts.
Overview 1.7 M3A-HS25 Memory Mapping Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-8 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.7 M3A-HS25 Memory Mapping Figure1.7.1 sho w a memory mapping example of SH7125 in the M3A-HS25.
Overview 1.8 Absolut e Maximum Ratings Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-9 REJ10J0952-0100 1 1.8 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table1.8.1 lists the absolute maximum ratings of M3A-HS25. Table1.8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings of M3 A-HS25 Symbol Parameter Rated Value Remarks VCC 5V System Power Supply Voltage -0.
Overview 1.8 Absolute Maximum Ratings Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 1-10 REJ10J0952-0100 1 * This is a blank page *.
2-1 Chapter2Functional Overview Chapter2 Functional Overview.
Functional Overview 2.1 Functional Overview Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 2-2 REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.1 Functional Overview The M3A-HS25 is the SH7125 CPU board that has functions listed in T able2.1.1 . T able2.1.1 lists functional modules of M3A-HS25. T able2.
Functional Overview 2.2 CPU Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 2-3 REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.2 CPU The M3A-HS25 contains the 32-bit RI SC microcomputer SH7125 that operates with a maximum 50MHz of CPU clock frequency .
Functional Overview 2.3 Serial Port Interface Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 2-4 REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.3 Serial Port Interface The SH7125 included in the M3A-HS25 contains a UART modul e. In the M3A-HS25, the pins of SCI channel 0 or SCI channel 1 can be connected to J2 (Serial Port connecto r).
Functional Overview 2.4 I/O Ports Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 2-5 REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.4 I/O Ports In the M3A-HS25, all of the SH7125' s I/O ports are connected to the ext ension connector . Some I/O ports are connected to DIP sw itches and LE Ds of the M3A-HS25 board.
Functional Overview 2.4 I/O Ports Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 2-6 REJ10J0952-0100 2 T able2.4.1 Functions of SH7125 I/O Ports Port Pin Name Connection in the M3A-HS25 PA0 PA0/ POE0 __________ / RXD0 Extens.
Functional Overview 2.5 Clock Module REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.5 Clock Module The clock module in the M3A-HS25 cons ists of the following tw o blocks: • • Output from a oscillator c onnected to EXT AL of the SH7125 Ceramic resonator connected to EXT AL and XT AL The M3A-HS25 has a 12.
Functional Overview 2.6 Reset Module REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.6 Reset Module This module controls the reset signal c onnected to the SH7125 mounted on the M3A-HS25. Figure2.6.1 shows the block diagram of reset module in the M3A-HS25. Vcc Delay capac itance Input Output Ra Open-collector output Rese t IC M51957BP SH7125 Rb Vcc Cd 0.
Functional Overview 2.7 Interrupt Switches Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 2-9 REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.7 Interrupt Switches In the M3A-HS25, the switch is connected w ith the IRQ0 pin and NMI pin of the SH7125. Figure2.7.1 shows the interrupt bl ock diagram in the M3A-HS25.
Functional Overview 2.8 E10A-USB Interface REJ10J0952-0100 2 2.8 E10A-USB Interface The M3A-HS25 has a 14-pin H-UDI connector incl uded in it for connection to the E10A-USB. TMS pins and TRST pins of SH7125 are multiplexed with transmit/receive pins of SCI channel 1.
3-1 Chapter3Operational S pecifications Chapter3 Operational S pecifications.
Operational S pecifications 3.1 M3A-HS25 Connectors Outline 3 3.1 M3A-HS25 Connectors Outline Figure3.1.1 shows the M3A-HS25 connector assignment s. <T op view of the component side > J7 Extensi.
Operational S pecifications 3.1.1 H-UDI Connector (J1) 3 3.1.1 H-UDI Connector (J1) M3A-HS25 has the 14-pin H-UDI (J1) connector included in it for connection to the E10A-USB emulator .
Operational S pecifications 3.1.2 Serial Port Connector (J2) 3 3.1.2 Serial Port Connector (J2) The M3A-HS25 includes a serial port connec tor (J2) for serial communication. Figure 3.1.3 shows a pin assignment of serial port connector . Top view of the component side Board edge Board edge Side view 1 6 1 6 5 9 5 9 Figure 3.
Operational S pecifications 3.1.3 Power Supply Connector (J3) Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-5 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.1.3 Power Supply Connector (J3) The M3A-HS25 includes a power supply connector for the board itself. Figure 3.1.4 shows a pin assignment of pow er supply connector.
Operational S pecifications 3.1.4 External Power Supply Connectors (J4) Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-6 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.1.4 External Power Supply Connectors (J4) The M3A-HS25 includes external power supply connectors for the SH7125. Figure3.1.5 shows a pin assignment of pow er supply connector.
Operational S pecifications 3.1.5 Extension Connectors (J5,J6) 3 3.1.5 Extension Connectors (J5,J6) The M3A-HS25 includes extension connectors to which the I/O pins of the SH7125 are connected. MIL S tandard connectors can be connected to J5 and J6, a llowing the user to create an extension board or to monitor the I/O, etc.
Operational S pecifications 3.1.5 Extension Connectors (J5,J6) 3 T able 3.1.5 shows pin assignments of extension connector (J5). T able 3.1.5 Pin Assignments of extension connector (J5) Pin J5 Signal .
Operational S pecifications 3.1.5 Extension Connectors (J5,J6) 3 T able 3.1.6 lists pin assignments of Extension Connector (J6). T able 3.1.6 Pin Assignments of Extension Connector (J6) Pin J6 Signal .
Operational S pecifications 3.1.6 Extension Connector (J7) 3 3.1.6 Extension Connector (J7) Extension connector(J7) connects the pins necessary for writing a on-chip flash memory of SH7125. Figure 3.1.7 shows pin assignment s of the extension connectors.
Operational S pecifications 3.2 User Through-hole Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-1 1 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.2 User Through-hole M3A-HS25 has the user trough-holes (12 x 8pc.) The user trough-holes are not connec ted to VCC, GND and signal lines, so users are free to use them.
Operational S pecifications 3.3 Outline of O perational Components Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-12 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.3 Outline of Operational Components The M3A-HS25 includes switches, jumpers and LEDs as its operational component s. Figure 3.3.1 shows the M3A-H25 operational component assignment.
Operational S pecifications 3.3.1 SH7125 Power Supply Select Jumper (JP1) Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-13 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.3.1 SH7125 Power Supply Select Jumper (JP1) The JP1 allows the sources for the SH 7125 pow er supply voltages to be selected. Figure 3.
Operational S pecifications 3.3.2 FWE Pin Select Jumper (JP2) Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-14 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.3.2 FWE Pin Select Jumper (JP2) The JP2 allows the connection for the FWE/ ASEBRK ________________ / ASEBRKAK __________ ___________ pin to be selected.
Operational S pecifications 3.3.3 Serial Port Select Jumpers (JP3,JP4) 3 3.3.3 Serial Port Select Jumpers (JP3,JP4) By setting the JP3 and JP4, the serial port of SH7125 connec ted to the serial port connector (J2) can be selected. Figure 3.3.4 shows the Serial port select jumper assignment.
Operational S pecifications 3.3.4 Switch and LED Functions Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-16 REJ10J0952-0100 3 3.3.4 Switch and LED Functions The M3A-HS25 includes six switches and seven LEDs. T able 3.3.5 lists switches mounted on M3A-HS25. T able 3.3.5Switches Mounted on M3A-HS25 No.
Operational S pecifications 3.3.4 Switch and LED Functions Rev .1.0 July 21, 2006 3-17 REJ10J0952-0100 3 T able 3.3.8 lists functions of LEDs mounted in M3A-HS25.
Operational S pecifications 3.4 Package Dimensions of M3A-HS25 3 3.4 Package Dimensions of M3A-HS25 Figure 3.4.1 shows p ackage dimensions of M3A-HS25.
Appendix M3A-HS25 SCHEMATICS A-1.
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1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 A A B B C C D D XIN PF1/AN1 PF2/AN2 PF0/AN0 PF3/AN3 PF5/AN5 PF6/AN6 PF4/AN4 PF7/AN7 XOUT PA1 PA13 PA11 PB16 PA0 PF0/AN0 PF1/AN1 PB2 WDTOVF# PA15 PB5 PA2 PB3 PA14 PA6 PA5 PB1 XIN PA.
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 A A B B C C D D TRST#/RXD1/PA3 TMS/TXD1/PA4 TRST#/RXD1/PA3 TMS/TXD1/PA4 E10A_ASEBRK# E10A_ASEBRK# PB1 PB2 PB3 PE9 PE11 PE12 PE14 PE15 PE13 PB5 MD1 [2,4] RES# [2,4] ASEMD0# [2] PE12.
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 A A B B C C D D PA2/IRQ0 NMI NMI PA4/TXD1 PA6 PE13/MRES# PA2/IRQ0 PA5/IRQ3/SCK1 PA5/IRQ3/SCK1 RESET PA3/RXD1 PA6 FWE PA4/TXD1 MD1 PA3/RXD1 PB5 PA0/POE0#/RXD0 [2] PA11/TXD0/ADTRG# [.
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SH7125 CPU Board M3A-HS25 User's Manual Publication Data July 21, 2006 Rev. 1.0 Published by Renesas Technology Cor p. Renesas Solutions Corp. © 2006.
M3A-HS25 User's Manual.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Renesas M3A-HS25 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Renesas M3A-HS25 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Renesas M3A-HS25, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Renesas M3A-HS25 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Renesas M3A-HS25, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Renesas M3A-HS25.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Renesas M3A-HS25. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Renesas M3A-HS25 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.