Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit P30 Console du fabricant Precor
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Oper ating and Maintaining the P30 C onsole Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodinville, W A USA 9807 2-4002 P30 OM 301096-201, en 28 June 2011.
Edition Informa tion OPERAT ING AND M AINT AININ G THE P3 0 CO NSO LE P/N 30 1096 - 201 r ev C Copyright © June 2011 Pre cor Incorporated. All rights reserved. Specifications subject t o change without notice . Trademark Not e Precor, AMT, and EFX are register ed trademarks and Preva i s a trade mark o f Pre cor Inco rporate d.
Important Sa f ety Instructions This apparatus (hereinafter referred to as the console) is intended to be shipped with new Precor exercise eq uipment (hereinafter referred to as the base unit).
4 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Il est conseillé de s ubir un ex amen médical complet avant d’ entreprendre tout programme d ’ exerc ise. Si vous avez d es étourdissements ou de s faiblesses, arrêtez les exerci ces immédiatement.
Important Safety Instructions 5 Proper Location for Equipm ent For all equip ment other than treadmill s: Locate at least 40 inches (1 meter) away from w alls or furniture on either side of t he equipment, and 40 inche s (1 meter) away from objects be hind the equipment.
6 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Do not operate the equ ipment where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administe red. Do not use outd oors. Do not attempt to service the equipmen t yourself, except to follow the maintenance instructions in this manual.
Important Safe ty Instructions 7 In accordance with the European WE EE Directive, electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) is to be c oll ecte d sep ar ate ly and to be reused, recycled, or recovered at end of life.
8 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Opera tion is su bject to the f ollow in g two cond itions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must a ccept any interference r eceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Important Safe ty Instructions 9 Electrical Recom mendations: 120 V and 240 V Trea dmills Note : This is a recommendation on ly. NEC (National Ele ctric Code) guide lines or loca l reg ion elec tric c odes mu st be followed. You should have received a powe r cable that meets y our local electrical code requirements along with the equipment.
10 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console Electrical Recom mendations: All Equipment Excluding Trea dmills Note : This is a recommendation only. NEC (Nat ional Electric Code) guide lines or loca l reg ion elec tric c odes mu st be followed.
T able of Cont ents Import ant Safety Instr uctio ns ................................................... 3 Safety Precaut ions ................................................................................. 3 Hazardous Mater ials and Proper Disposal .
Chapter 1 Getting St art ed The P30 con sole offers admini strators the abili ty to set default values that meet their specific needs. These settings include items like language , units of m easure, and setting a maximum all owed workout time for e ach piece of equipment.
14 Operating and Maintaining the P30 Console Optional Use of the Power Adapter An optional AC power ada pter provides sustained power to the equipment. This adapt er allows you to change se ttings without having to pedal the e quipment. To purchase the power adapt er, con tact y our dea ler.
Getting Started 15 Identifying Parts of the Console The following diagram pro vides inform ation about the console keys. The number and act ions of the console keys m ay differ slightly depending on the type of equipment. Figure 4 : P30 console keys Table 1.
16 Operating and Maintaining the P30 Console Number Part Na me Details • Muscle Monit or - EFX • Stride Lengt h - AMT • Rate pe r Minute - Climber • <bl ank > - Bike, Treadmill • The Musc le Mo nitor displa ys the m uscle s used to perf orm tha t worko ut.
Getting Started 17 Number Part Na me Details Optio ns - All e quipme nt except AMT • Press t o enter Goals, Lang uage, We ight, A ge, and Target Heart Rat e infor mation , More O ptions • Press Mo.
18 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console Number Part Na me Details Number pad Use to e nter n umerica l infor mation such as a ge, weig ht, and pa sswor ds. Press Clear to de lete t he number s enter ed. Press En ter a fter you have enter ed numbe rs on th is number pad.
Chapter 2 Setting U p the C onsole Use the Syste m mode to configure setti ngs in ways that benefit your users and your facility. The System menu is visi ble on ly to admin ist rat ors an d reg iste red se rvic e technicians. Changes made to these settings are saved to the fitness eq uipme nt.
20 Operating and Ma intaining the P30 Console When the eq uipment is in the Welco me state: PRECOR scrolls on the lower text display. SELECT A WORKOU T O R PRESS QUIC KSTART TO BE GIN scrolls in the upper text display. The heart rate signal is the only segment activated.
Setting Up the Co nsole 21 Setting Cl ub Parameter Values Use this information to cus tomize the equipment for your setting. Safety Code (Treadmill only) Value Range: Ena bled or Disable d (De fault : Disa bled) When the eq uipment is shipped fr om the factory, t he safety code protection feature is disabled.
22 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Console Set Max Workout Time (All Equipment) Value Range: 1 to 240 minutes (Default: 60 minutes) You can set a max imum workout time per sess ion. Choose a time limit between 1 and 240 minutes, or select No L imit if you do not want to set a time l imit.
Setting Up the Co nsole 23 Creating a Custom Workout Value Range: ON or OFF (De fault Value: OF F) Create a customized program f or your workout. Note: This option is not available on all equipment. To crea te a cust om program: 1. At the SET CUSTOM PROGRAM prompt , press OK .
24 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console 6. When you have finished creating your program, press OK to save the program profile, and return to the Welcome banner . Press BACK , to exit this setting witho ut saving your changes to the custo m profile.
Setting Up the Co nsole 25 Set Resi stance Ra nge (Bike o nly) Value Range: High, Medium, or Low (Default: High) You can set a low, medium, or high base resistance on the recumbent or upright bikes. There are 25 levels of resistance within each base setting, but the b ase setting a ffects the overall resistance range.
26 Operating an d Maintaining the P30 Console Table 4. Informationa l Displays values Produc t Value Informa tion provided All ODOMETER The odome ter va lue corr elate s to the type of equipme nt an d the sta ndard of units, U.S. or Metric , selec ted in t he programs .
Setting Up the Co nsole 27 Produc t Value Informa tion provided All EVENT LOG Dis plays a ny eve nt codes that ma y have been det ected by the software. For mor e infor mation , refe r to Even t Log. Event Log The event log holds a maximum of 30 events.
28 Operating and Main taining the P30 Console Event Number Description of Event 23 Mo tor pulse s missi ng afte r star t up 24 Reduce speed requested, s peed is not reducing 26 Mo tor pul se width i n.
Setting Up the Co nsole 29 User ID Entry with CSAFE Equip ment This e quipm ent is f ully c omp atible wit h CSA FE p rot ocols. When the equipment is connected to a CSAFE master device, the user is prompted to p ress ENTER and beg in an identi fication process.
30 Operating and Main taining the P30 Console.
Chapter 3 Intr oducing Users t o the P30 Console CAUTI ON: Before beginn ing an y fitnes s progra m, see you r physician for a thoroug h physic al exa mination. Seek advice from your ph y sician to learn the t arget heart rate appropriate for your fitness level.
32 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console To use the touch heart rat e feature, place the palm o f your hands directly on the meta l heart rate sensors on the equipment ’ s handlebars. To ensure a more accurate heart rate readout, make sure you follow these tips: Both hands must grip the s ensors for your heart rate t o register.
Introduci ng Users to the P30 Console 33 Using a Chest Strap Tr ansmitter WARNING Signals u sed by the Ches t Strap T ransmitter (o r heart rate strap) may inte rfere with pac emakers or other implanted devices.
34 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Using the Trea dmill Safety Clip The tread mill is equipped with tw o different stop functi ons, which behave as follows: If the us er … Then the treadm.
Introduci ng Users to the P30 Console 35 If the restar t switch tri ps dur ing exer cise, per form the following steps: 1. Reattach the safety clip if necessary. 2. Press the r estart switch down until it clicks, retur ning it to its normal position. Note: If th e restart switch trip s, all information about the current workout is del eted.
36 Operating and Maintain ing the P30 Console Treadmill Auto Stop™ (A utomatic Stop) Function Importan t: The default setting for this feature is ON. An administrator can turn off thi s feature in the System Settings; however, Precor reco mmends i t remain ON.
Chapter 4 Starting a W ork out CAUTION: If you are using a tr eadmill, be sur e to attach the securi ty clip to your c lothing before star ting your workout.
38 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Starting a Preset Programmed Workout Preset workouts are a g reat way to tailor your wor kouts to your fitness goals, stay challenged , and add variety to your sessions. Most P30 equip ment contains multiple pres et workouts.
Starting a Workout 39 To choos e a languag e setting befor e you begin ex ercisi ng: 1. From the Welcome banne r, press OPTI ONS . 2. Press O PTION S again to choose the Language option, and press OK . 3. Use the Up and Down a rrows to navigate the l ist of available languages.
40 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console Pausing and R esuming an Exercise Ses sion When you interrupt a wo rkout, the equipment respo nds in one of two ways, depend ing on how it is powe red.
Starting a Workout 41 Ending a Sessio n Cooling down is an impo rtant aspect of your workout because it helps reduce muscle stiffness and soreness by transporting excess lactic acid out of th e working muscles. In ad dition, a three to five minute coo l down allows your heart rate t o return to its normal, resting state.
42 Operating and Maintainin g the P30 Console Accumul ate d Metri cs describe the overall performance throughout the entire exercise session. They include: Time: Count - down Mode Count - up Mode .
Starting a Workout 43 Interv al The Interval workout is p rimarily for conditioning your cardiovascular system. This workout is designed to raise and lower your heart rate in a repeating fashion for a user - defined peri od of time by alternating rest a nd work interval s.
44 Operating and Maintain ing the P30 Console City Steps (Climber only) The City Steps Program increases and decreases your step rate in stages. In each stage, the rate gradually rises to a peak and then fa lls quickly back to the star ting rate. Thi s p attern i s repeated.
Chapter 5 Maintenanc e To keep the equipment fun ctioning properly, perform the minor maintenance tasks in t his section at the intervals suggested. Failure to maintain the equipment as described in this section could void the Precor Limite d Warranty.
46 Operating and Maintain ing the P30 Console No tes:.
Notes 47 No tes:.
48 Operating and Mainta ining the P30 Console No tes:.
Oper ating and Maintaining the P30 C onsole Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodinville, W A USA 9807 2-4002 P30 OM 301096-201 r ev C, en 28 June 2011.
As sembling and Maintaining RBK 800-Series R ecumbent Ex er cise Bik es Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodin ville, W A USA 980 72 -4002 RBK 800-Series P AG/ OM 300 716.
Edition Informa tion ASSEM BLIN G AND M AINT AINING RBK 80 0 - SERIES RECUMBENT EXERC ISE BIKES P/N 30 0716 - 20 1 rev C Copyrig ht © Febru ary 2 011 P recor In corpo rate d.
Important Sa f ety Instructions Read the following precaut ions thoroughly before you begin assembly, and save them afterwar d for future reference. Safety Precautions Always follow basic safety precautions when using this equipment to reduce the chance of injury, fire, or damage.
4 Assembling and Maintain ing RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exercise B ikes Use the power adapter provided with the equipmen t. Plug the power adapte r into an appropri ate, groun ded po wer outlet as ma rked on the equipment. Care should be taken whe n mounting or dismounting the equipmen t.
Important Safe ty Instructions 5 If you plan to move the e quipment, obtain help and u se proper lifting techniques. R efer to the "Moving the Equipment" section of the assembly and maintenanc e guide. Use the equipment only for its intended purpose as described in this manual.
6 Assembling and Maintain ing RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exercise B ikes Hazardous Mat erials and Proper Disposal The bat teries within se lf - powered equipment contain materials that are considered hazar dous to the environment. Federal law requires proper disposal of these batteries.
Important Safe ty Instructions 7 Radio F requency Int erferenc e (RFI) The RFID module conforms to the following national standards defining acceptable limit s for radio frequency interference (RFI).
8 Assembling and Mainta ining RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exerci se B ike s European Applications CE compliance is claimed t o the following directives: 1999/ 5/EC R&TTE Directi ve 2006/9.
Important Safe ty Instructions 9 Radio F requency Int erferenc e (RFI) This Precor exercise equip ment conforms to the follo wing national standards defining acceptable limits for radio freq uency inter ference (RFI).
10 Assembling and Maintainin g RBK 8 00 - Series Recumb ent Exercise B ikes Electrical Recom mendations: All Equipment Excluding Trea dmills Note : This is a recommendation only. NEC (National Elec tric Code) guidelines or local r egion electric codes must be followed.
T able of Cont ents Import ant Safety Instr uctio ns ................................................... 3 Safety Pre caution s ................................................................................. 3 Educating Users .......................
12 Assembling and Maintaining RBK 800 - Serie s Recumben t Exercise Bik es Maintena nce ............................................................................ 3 5 Daily Cleaning ...................................................................
Chapter 1 Assembling the Ex er cise Bik e Import ant: The ins tructions in the follow ing procedures are described from the perspecti ve of a person standing directly in front of the equipment (that is, on the opposite s ide of the control console from a pe rso n using the equipment) .
14 Assembling and Maintaining RBK 8 00 - Series Recumb ent Exercise Bi kes Unpackin g the Equipmen t The shipping container for Precis ion Series exercise bikes consists of the f ollowing items: Wooden pallet Cardboard base Cardboard cover WARNING Do not attempt to move th e equipment o ff of the pallet by yourself.
Assembling the Exer cise Bike 15 Hardware Kit ( not to scale) Before you begin the assembly, v erify that the fol lowing hardw are items are packed with the equipment.
16 Assembling and Maintaining RBK 800 - Serie s Recumb ent Exercise Bi kes Attaching the Seat Back and Bottle Holder While the equipment is in use, the seat back flexes to support users o f different shapes and sizes. Underneath the seat back, the bottle holder accomm odates both left - handed and right - handed users.
Assembling the E xer cise Bike 17 To attac h the bottle holder : 1. Position the bottle holder s o that it wraps around the seat back assembly and rests o n the tab on the back of the assembly.
18 Assembling and Maintaining RBK 8 00 - Series Recumb ent Exercise Bi kes 3. Remove the three #10 x 1 - inch self - tapping screws holding the rear cover in place, then lift it off .
Assembling the Exer cise Bike 19 To instal l the upright sup port and prepa re the cables for connecti on to the cons ole: 1. Attach the lower ends of the following cables to t he inner side of the jack panel: Ethernet ca ble Television cabl e (for P80 console) Power cable (for P80 cons ole) 2.
20 Assembling and Main taining RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exerci se Bikes 6. Insert the two upright support mounti ng screws through the openings on the support and into t he screw holes on the body assembly. Tighte n the mounting screws completely using a ³₈ - inch hex wrench.
Assembling the Exer cise Bike 21 Making Sure th e Unit Is Stable Make sure the unit is level before allowing anyone to use it. CAUTION: To eliminate movement, make sure the a djustable feet are in co ntact with the floor. To level the unit: 1. Gently rock the unit.
22 Assembling an d Maintaining RBK 800 - Series Recumbent Ex ercise Bikes.
Chapter 2 Installing the Console To make installation easier, all Precor Experience Series consoles use the same mo unting hardware and con nect or locations whenever possible.
24 Assembling and Mainta in ing RBK 800 - Series Recumbent Exe rcise Bikes Impo rtant : Before you beg in the fol lowing proce dure, remove the rear cover fr om the con trol console . To remove the cover , use your fingernails to pry the l ower edge lo ose, then sw ing the co ver up and out as sh own in the following i llustration .
Installing the Con sole 25 Connecting Cables (P80) After the console has been seated, separate the individua l cables out of the end of th e cable assembly and atta ch them to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console. Refer to the following diagram and tab le to identify the cables and connectors.
26 Assembling an d Maintain ing RBK 800 - Serie s Recumben t Exercise Bik es Cable Connecto r Type Circ uit Conne ctor Location Heart rate s enso rs Four - c ontac t strip, k eyed Safety key (trea dmi.
Installing the Con sole 27 The following illustration s hows how the cable is posi tioned once it is inst alled. Figure 11 : Connecting t he television cab le Connecting the Ethernet and Base Unit Dat.
28 Assembling and Mainta in ing RBK 800 - Series Recumbent Ex ercise Bikes Connecting the Heart Rate Sensor Cable The heart rate sensor cable passe s through the cutaway opening at the upper left corner of the back plate, the n down to the small circuit board at the lower left of the cons ole.
Installing the Con sole 29 Completing the Console Installati on (P80) Before you complete the f inal installation steps, doub le - check the connections you have made. Make sure that a ll cables are fully and securely connected, and that any unneeded cables are tied back properly.
30 Assembling and Mainta in ing RBK 800 - Series Recumbent Ex ercise Bikes 3. Rest the console on the c onsole mount so that the no tch on the bottom of the cons ole ’ s back plate rests on the rectangular hook at the bottom of the console mount , as shown in the following fi gure.
Installing the Con sole 31 Connecting Cables (P30) After the console has been seated, separate the individual cables out of the end of th e cable assembly and atta ch them to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console. Refer to the following diagram and tab le to identify the cables and connectors.
32 Assembling and Maintain ing RBK 800 - Series Re cumbent Exerci se Bikes Connecting Cables (P20) After the console has been seated, separate the individual cables out of the end of th e cable assembly and atta ch them to the appropriate circuit connect ors inside the console.
Installing the Con sole 33 Completing the Console Installati on (P30 and P20) Before you co mplete the final in stallation steps, d ouble - check the connections you have made. Make sure that a ll cables are fully and securely connected, and that any unneeded cab les are tied back properly.
34 Assembling and Maintain ing RBK 800 - Series Recumbent Exerci se Bikes.
Chapter 3 Maintenanc e To keep the equipment f unctioning properly, perform the minor maintenance tasks in thi s section at the inte rvals shown on the maintenanc e checklist. Failure to main tain the equipment as described in t his section could void the Precor Limited War ranty.
36 Assembling and Maintain ing RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exercise Bi kes Alternatively, you can clean the e quipment with Athletix fitness equipment cleaning wipes (for more information, vi sit www.
Maintenance 37 Quarterly Main tenance Precor recommends that you clean and inspect the equipmen t more thoro ughly once every three months. To perform quarterly maintenanc e: 1.
38 Assembling and Mainta ining RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exercise Bi kes Moving the Equipment The equipment is very heavy. If you plan to move it to a new location, obtain the help of an adu lt assistant and use proper lifting techniques.
Chapter 4 Self - Po w er ed F eatur es Impo rtant : This chapter of the manual describes Precor f itness equipment that can oper ate without being connect ed to AC power. This includes units equippe d with P4 0 or P20 con soles. Howeve r, P80 consoles must be con nected to AC power through their power supplies to oper ate.
40 Assembling and Mainta ining RBK 8 00 - Series Re cumbent Exerci se Bikes Informational Displays Prior to Shutdown The equipment saves its battery charge by moving into a shutdown mode. If the use r does not maintain the mi nimum rate of motion , a 30 - second shutdown process begins.
S elf - Powered F eatures 41 Using the Optio nal Power Adapter After connecting the powe r adapter to the equipment , plug the opposite end into the a ppropria te powe r sou rce ( 120 V o r 240 V). CAUTION: When the opti onal power a dapter is in us e, make sure that the po wer supply c ord does n ot create a sa fety hazard.
42 Assembling and Maintaining RBK 8 00 - Series Recumb ent Exercise Bi kes Replacing the Battery The equipment ’ s batter y is built to last for a lon g time. However, if you feel that the battery may need replaci ng, check with an authorized s ervice technician.
44 As sembling and Maintaining RBK 800 - Serie s Recumbe nt Exercise Bi kes Options / Accesso ries Many op tions or acc essories have com ponents that are conn ected inter nally or m ounted inside the electro nic console . The f ollowing guide lines determine the warranty for thes e componen ts.
Commercial Cardiovascular Equipment Limited Warranty 45 This Li mited Warranty sh all not ap ply to: 1. So ftware versi on upgrad es. 2. Softwa re defec ts that do not m aterially a nd nega tively aff ect the norma l perform ance of the pr oduct under normal c onditions of use.
Commercial Cardiovascular Equipment Limited Warranty 47.
48 As sembling and Maintaining RBK 800 - Serie s Recumb ent Exercise Bi kes.
As sembling and Maintaining RBK 800-Series R ecumbent Ex er cise Bik es Prec or Incorporated 20031 142nd A venue NE P .O . Box 720 2 W oodin ville, W A USA 980 72 -4002 RBK 800-Series P AG/ OM 300 716.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Precor P30 Console c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Precor P30 Console - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Precor P30 Console, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Precor P30 Console va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Precor P30 Console, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Precor P30 Console.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Precor P30 Console. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Precor P30 Console ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.