Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit M-1791257 du fabricant Powermatic
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Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual 20 ” and 24 ” Band Sa ws Model s 201 3 an d 241 5 For model 2013 serial no. 13102013913 and higher. For model 2415 serial no. 140224151098 and higher. Po wermatic 427 New Sanf or d Rd. LaVergne, T N 37086 Part No .
2 Warrant y and Service Powe rmatic war rants e very product it sel ls against manu factu rers’ de fects. If one of ou r tools ne e ds se rvice o r re pair, please contact Techni cal Se rvice by ca lling 1- 800-274-6846, 8AM to 5PM CS T, Mo nday through F riday.
3 Ta ble of Cont ents W arra n ty and Servi ce........................................................................................................... ................................. 2 Table of Co ntents ..................................
4 Upper W heel B as e As se mbly (2013 and 2415) ..................................................................................... ......... 43 Parts List: Lower W heel Base Assembly (2013 Band Saw) ........................................
5 W arning 1. Read and understand the entire owner’s manual bef ore attemptin g assembly or operatio n . 2. Read an d understa nd the warnings posted on the machine an d in this manual. Failure to com ply with all of these warnin gs may ca us e s e rious inj u r y.
6 21. Giv e yo ur work un d ivided attention. Look in g around, c arryin g o n a c onversatio n a nd “horse-play” are ca re le ss ac t s t hat c a n re s ult i n se r io us inj ur y. 22. Maintain a balan ced stance at all times so that y ou do not f all or l ea n agains t the blade or other moving parts.
7 Introduct ion This manual i s pro vi ded b y Powerm atic cov ering t h e s afe operatio n and maintenance proced u res f or a Powermatic Model 2013 or 2415 Band Saw . This manu a l contai ns i ns tructions o n installation, s afety precautions, ge n era l operating proced u re s, maintenance instructions and parts breakdow n .
8 Features and T erm i nolog y (Model 2415 shown) Floor D iagrams.
9 Unpacking Open shipping con tainer and ch eck f or s hippin g damage. Report any dam age i mm ediately to your distributor and shipping age n t. Do not discard any shippin g materia l until the Band Saw is set u p a n d running properly.
10 A s sembl y Tools re qu ir ed for assem bly: For kli ft or h o is t wi th str aps 10-12mm w ren c h (pro vided) 14mm w ren c h (NOTE: A so cket wrench set may speed as sembly time) Rem ov e all crat in g a n d plastic f rom around the band s aw .
11 6. Attach th e f en c e (D, Figu re 2) to t h e f en c e body (E, Figure 2) wit h four 5/16 x 3/4 hex cap screws, four 5/16 l ock washers, an d f our 5/16 fl at wa s h ers . H an d ti gh te n th e s cr e ws on l y. 7. Place the f en ce a ss em bl y o n to t he g ui de rai l and against the edge of t h e m iter slot, as shown in Figure 2.
12 14. Ch eck th e c learance betwee n t he table and the fence. Th e f ence sh ould n ot r u b against the table su rf ace but be slightly abo v e it. This gap should be th e same at the fron t of th e table as i t is at the rear. See Figure 4. 15.
13 Che ck wit h a q ua lif ied e le ct r ic ia n or se rv ice personnel i f th e groundi n g i ns truct i o n s are n ot com pletel y understood, or if in doubt a s to w hether th e tool is proper ly g rounded. Repair or replace a dam aged or worn cord imm edi ately .
14 Conv erting fr om 230 Volt to 460 Vo lt (Three P hase Only ) To convert from 230 v olt to 460 vol t: 1. Rem ov e the f ou r Philli p s h ead screw s on t he swi tc h plate (Figure 8) and tilt the s w i tch plate down. Th en remove t h e c ov er of th e switc h box.
15 A d justments Table Til t 1. Loosen the lever (Fig u re 10). 2. R otate the handwheel (Figure 10) c lockwise to tilt table up to 45 degrees to the righ t, or counterclockwise to til t t h e table u p to 10 degrees to t h e lef t (as vi ewed f rom the operator’s position).
16 In stalling/Changin g Blades A lways wear gloves w h en h a ndling blades. New blades are usu ally packaged in a coiled positio n; to pr ev ent injury un c oil them slowly and carefu lly, while weari ng gloves and safety glasses. 1. Dis connect machin e f rom power sou rce.
17 Changes i n blade widt h a nd the ty pe of material bein g cut will h av e an e ff ect on bl ade te nsion. Keep in mind that too little or too much blade tension can cause b l ade breakage and/or poor cutting perform an ce.
18 Upper Blad e Guide A ssembly 1. Dis connect machin e f rom power sou rce. 2. Loosen l ock knob (see B, Figure 14) and rais e or lower u pper b l ade g ui de as s embl y by turning the handwheel (C, Figure 14). 3. Position th e b lade guide assembly about 3/16” above th e m aterial to be cu t.
19 12. Adjust t he su pport bearing un ti l it l ightly contacts the dol l ar bi ll. 13. W hen support beari ng adjus tm ent is complete, remove dollar b ill and tig h t en nu t (E, F igure 19). Lower Bla de Guides and Lower Su pport Bea ri ng 1. Dis connect machin e f rom power sou rce.
20 Mit er G aug e A miter gauge is pro vi ded f or cro ss c utting operations. Instal l t h e m iter ga u ge b y slid in g the end of t h e m iter ga u ge bar into the T- sl ot in t h e table, as sh ow n in Figure 22. To adj u st the angle of the miter gauge: 1.
21 Belt A lignm ent If the driv e belt is not aligned properly, it can be aligned w i th one or m ore of th e f ou r set screws located behin d t h e steel plate. Fig u re 25 shows two of th e set screws. 1. Loosen the four hex nuts (A, Figure 23) 2.
22 Brake P edal An al ter n ate m eth od of stopp in g the mac hin e i s to press the brake pedal, sh ow n in Fig u re 29. T h e ban d saw will shu t off wh en the brake pedal is pressed.
23 Rippi ng Ripping is cutti n g le n gt hwise down the work pi ece, and wi t h t he grain (of wood stock). See Figure 31. Crosscu tting Cross c u t ting i s c utting acro ss t h e gra in of th e workpiece, while u si n g t he miter ga u ge to feed the workpiece into the blade.
24 If replacement of the blade is n ot c urrently an option, the blade lead can be compensated for by skewing the fence. Proceed as follows: 1. C u t a scrap piece of w ood abou t t he same length as t he band s aw tabl e, a n d j oin t one edge along its le n gt h, or r i p it o n a table saw to give i t a straight edge.
25 Widt h B and sa w b la de s c om e in d if f e re nt sta nd ar d widths , meas ured from the back o f the blade to the tip of the tooth . General ly, wi der blade s are used f or ri pping or maki n g straight c u ts, suc h a s resawing. Narrower b lades are of ten used when the part bei n g c ut has curve s with small rad ii.
26 Set The term “set” ref ers to the w ay in whic h t h e saw teeth are ben t or po s itioned. Bending the teeth creates a kerf that i s wider than th e back of the blade. Set patterns are usually selected depending upon the type of material t h at needs to be c u t.
27 M a intenance Bef ore d oin g ma in ten anc e, disconnect mac h i n e fr om electr ical supply by pu lli ng o u t t h e pl u g or swi tch i ng off t h e m ain switch! Fail u r e to comply may cause serio u s in ju ry . Clean t h e ba nd saw regularly to remove any resinous deposits and sawdust.
28 Blade S election Guide Identify t h e m aterial and thick ness of yo ur workpiece. The chart w ill sh ow t h e rec ommended PITCH, blade TY PE, an d FEED R AT E.
29 Tr oubleshoot ing – Operat ional Problems Trouble Probabl e Cause Rem edy Table tilt does not hold position un de r load. Lockin g lever is n ot tig ht. Tighten l ocking lever ( see page 15). Trunnion locking mechani s m is broken or worn. Repl ace tr u nni on lockin g mechanis m.
30 Trouble Probabl e Cause Rem edy Cracks on back edge of bl ade. W or kpiece being fed too quickly. Reduce feed speed to lessen s t rain on the blade. W eldi ng on blade n ot perf ectly aligned. E l iminate the welded part, and re-weld properly; or acquire a n ew bl ade.
31 Tr oubleshoot ing – M echanical and Elect rical Problems Trouble Probabl e Cause Rem edy Mach in e will n ot start/restar t or repeatedly trips circuit breaker or blows f use s. No in comi n g pow er. Verify m ach ine is co nn ec ted to power sou r ce.
32 Trouble Probabl e Cause Rem edy Mach in e will n ot start/restar t or repeatedly trips circuit breaker or blows f use s. S wit ch f ail ure. If the st a rt / sto p sw it c h is s u sp ec t , yo.
33 Par ts List: Saw B ody Assembly (2013 Band Saw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 2013-101A................. B ody ........................................................................ .. .......................
34 Par ts List: Saw B ody Assembly (2415 Band Saw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 2415-101A................. Body......................................................................... .. ........................
35 Saw Body A ssembly (2013 and 2415).
36 Par ts List: T able A ssembly (2013 B and S aw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 2013-201 ................... Carriage Bolt ............................................................ 1/2” -12x 9”............
37 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 60 .............. 2013-260 ................... Shaft ........................................................................ ...................................... 1 61 .............. 2013-261 .....
38 Par ts List: T able A ssembly (2415 B and S aw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 2013-201 ................... Carriage Bolt ............................................................ 1/2- 12 x 9” .............
39 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 60 .............. 2013-260 ................... Shaft ........................................................................ ...................................... 1 61 .............. 2013-261 .....
40 Table A ssembly (2013 an d 2415).
41 Par ts List: Upp er W heel Base A ssembly (2013 Band S aw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 2013-301 ................... Upper W heel Shaft (for 201 3, seri al #05032013437 an d hi gher) ....................... 1 .
42 Par ts List: Upp er W heel Base A ssembly (2415 Band S aw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 2013-301 ................... Upper W heel Shaft (for 241 5, seri al #05022415369 an d hi gher) ....................... 1 .
43 Upper Wh eel Base Assem bly (2013 and 2415).
44 Par ts List: L ower Wh eel Base A ssembly (2013 Ban d Saw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ TS-0207061 .............. Socket H ead Ca p Screw .......................................... 1/4 ”-20x 1” ........ ..
45 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 53 .............. TS-0720071 .............. Lock Wa sh er ............................................................ 1/4” ..... ........................... 4 54 .............. T S-081C032 .......
46 Par ts List: L ower Wh eel Base A ssembly (2415 Ban d Saw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ TS-0207061 .............. Socket H ead Ca p Screw .......................................... 1/4 ”-20x 1” ........ ..
47 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 54 .............. T S-081C032 .............. Screw ....................................................................... #10-2 4x 1/2” ................... 4 55 .............. TS-0720051 .........
48 Lower Wh eel Base A ssembly (2013 and 2415).
49 Par ts List: Gu ide Bracke t Assem bly (2013 Band Saw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 6295275 .................... Guide Bar Case Bracket .......................................... ............ .................
50 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 61 .............. TS-069204 ................ Flat W ash er ............................................................. #10 .... ............................ 1 62 .............. 6295327 ............
51 Par ts List: Gu ide Bracke t Assem bly (2415 Band Saw) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ................ 6295275 .................... Guide Bar Case Bracket .......................................... ............ .................
52 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 61 .............. TS-069204 ................ Flat W ash er ............................................................. #10 .... ............................ 1 62 .............. 6295327 ............
53 Guide Br acket A ssembly (2013 and 2415).
54 Electr ical Conn ections: 230 Vol t, Sin gle Phase – M o d e l 2013 Band S aw ONLY 2013 Band S aw ON LY 5 L3 A1 3 L2 13 NO 1 L2 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 14 NO 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 GROU ND GREE N GREE N BL.
55 Electr ical Conn ections: 230 Vol t, Sin gle Phase – M o d e l 2415 Band S aw ONLY 2415 Band S aw ON LY 18 17 Mot or Magnetic Swi tch GREEN GREEN BLACK WHITE WHITE BLACK 500MF D 125VA C WHITE.
56 Electr ical Conn ectio n s: 230 V olt, 3 P hase – Models 2013 an d 2415 5 L3 A1 3 L2 13 NO 1 L2 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 14 NO 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 GROUND GR EEN GREEN BLAC K WHITE 95 96 98 97 WHITE BLAC .
57 Electr ical Conn ectio n s: 460 V olt, 3 P hase – Models 2013 an d 2415 BLACK RED WHITE RED Motor WHITE BLACK GREEN 18 17 RED RED Magneti c Switch GREEN BLACK WHITE 97 98 96 95 WHITE BLACK GR.
58 This page intenti o nally left blan k. .
59 This page intenti o nally left blan k..
60 427 Ne w San f ord Rd . LaVergne, TN 37086 Phon e: 800-274-6848 www.po wermati m.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Powermatic M-1791257 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Powermatic M-1791257 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Powermatic M-1791257, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Powermatic M-1791257 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Powermatic M-1791257, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Powermatic M-1791257.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Powermatic M-1791257. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Powermatic M-1791257 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.