Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3725-03305-001 du fabricant Polycom
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2 USER GUIDE RealPresence ® CloudAXIS ™ Suite Software 1.2.1 | June 2013 | 3725 - 03305 - 001 Re v C.
Polycom Inc. 2 RealPresence ® Cl oudAXIS ™ Suite Use r Guide Copyright ©2013, Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. 6001 America Center Drive San Jose, CA 95002 USA No part of this document may be re.
Polycom Inc. 2 Contents A bout This Guide .......................................................................................................... 6 Terms and Wri ting Con ventions ....................................................................
Polycom Inc. 2 A p proving Presenter R i ghts ............................................................................................... 37 Ending a Mee ting ........................................................................................
Polycom Inc. 2 A bo u t Th i s Gu i de This user guide shows you how to create and pa rticipate in recordable online w eb conference meetings from the Services Por tal in the Poly com ® RealPresence ® Cl oudAXIS ™ Suite . This section contains common terms, desc r iptions of w r iting conven tions, and a descriptio n of the user guide contents.
Polycom Inc. 2 Name Icon Description Administrator Tip The Adm inistrator Tip icon highlights tec hniques, shortc uts, or productivit y related tips. Caution The Caution icon hig hlights inform ation .
Polycom Inc. 2 Convention Description Underlined Blue Used for URL link s to external W eb pages or docum ents. If you click on text in this style, you will be linked to an extern al docum ent or Web page. Blue Text Used for cross references to other sections within this docum ent.
9 G et t in g St ar te d Chapter 1: The CloudAXIS portal enabl es you to create and pa rticipate in reco rdable onli ne vide o conference meetin gs. Depe nding on the organiz ation's policy, you can also invite contacts on Skype ™ , Facebook , o r Google Talk ™ to join the meetings.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Minimum So f tware Com ponent Requirements Minimum Brow ser Requi rements Supported Bandw idth, Video Format, and Reso lutions Minimum Hardw are Requirements See the remaind er of thi s user guide for information abou t creatin g and participa t ing in meetings.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Minimum Soft w are Comp onent Req uirements CloudAXIS installs t wo plug- in s to enabl e video a nd social features : the Cl oudAXI S Cli ent Plug- in and the CloudAX IS Social Plug- in .
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Component Description Video mem ory 256 MB or m ore Hard drive space 200 MB Camera Integrated or extern al Audio devices Standard PC97 aud io devi.
13 C re a ti n g an d M an ag i ng Y ou r Chapter 2: M ee ti n g s The Services Portal gives you two options for creating onl ine video conference meetin gs : meetings tha t start immedi ately and meetings schedul ed for a later time . To create meeti ngs, you must hav e a user or admi n account.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 C r ea t in g Me e tin g s This section show s you how to schedule a mee t ing for a later date and how to start a meetin g immediately. Scheduling a Me eting To schedule a mee t ing, log in to the Services Por tal, and follow the instruction s outlined in this section.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 ○ Date and Time Click inside the text box to display a calendar. Use the calendar to schedule the day , and use the Hour an d Minute sl iders to schedul e the start time. W hen finished, clic k Done .
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 ○ Host Passcode To require a passcode to enter a meeting as a p r esenter , e nter a passcode in the Hos t Passcode tex t box. An at tendee w ho ent ers this pas scode will enter the meetin g as a pr esenter.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Starting a Meetin g Immed i ately To start a mee t ing imme diately, log in to the portal and clic k Meet No w . If the Passcode mandatory checkbox has been selec ted by the a dmin on the Settings > C onference Sett ings screen, you mus t enter a passcode in the pop-up box that appears .
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Selecting Video P references. For help with inviting participa nts, see Inviting Partici pants duri ng a Meeting . V ie wi ng Y o ur S c he d u le d Me e ti n gs Select the Calenda r tab to view your scheduled meet ings .
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Selecting Video P references. Note: Host Option The Host option app ears five minutes bef ore the m eeting is schedul ed to start. T he meeting’s creator , however , cannot log in until t he time the m eeting is scheduled.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 4 Change the fields y ou want to edit: ○ Meeting Na me Enter the purpose of your meeting. Fo r example, ‘Engine ering Initiatives M eeting’. This is optional. ○ A g enda Enter a conference descriptio n.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 » Enter each emai l address indiv idually and separate them by semicolons » Click A dd From Contacts to selec t contacts in your add ress book. The Select Attendees screen di splay s. Use the search field to find your contacts.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 6 Verify the meetin g details and click Confirm . Eac h invited participant w ill receive the Meeting details in an email, shown next.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 Deleting y our Scheduled Meetings This section show s you how to delete a schedule d meeting. Note: Completed Meetings an d Meeting s in Progres s Meetings that have already completed or are currently in progress cannot be deleted.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 3 Enter the follow ing in the Add a contact screen te xt boxes. ○ First Name Enter the contact’s first na m e. ○ Last Name Enter the contact’s last name . ○ Email A ddress Enter the contact’s e mail addre ss.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 4 Edit any o f the information in the following text bo xes. ○ First Name Edi t the contact’s f irst name . ○ Last Name Edi t the co ntact ’s last na me. ○ Email A ddress Edit the contact’s emai l address.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 4 Confirm the conta ct and click Delete. M an ag i ng Y o ur P e rs on a l De ta i ls This section sho w s y o u how to manage and change y our personal profile details. 1 Log into your Se rvices Portal accou nt, and select the icon at the top right of the portal.
Creating and Man aging Your Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 2 Edit any o f your profile information in t he follow ing text boxes: ○ First Name Edi t your first name. ○ Last Name Edi t your last name. ○ Email A ddress Edit your email address . ○ Contact Nu mber Edit your contact phone number ○ Title Edit your title.
29 P ar t ic ip a tin g i n Me e ti ng s Chapter 3: The meeting’s crea tor logs in to the portal, invites partici pants, enters the meeting as a presenter, and assign s presenter p rivileges to par t icipants .
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Approvi ng Presenter Rights Ending a M eeting Inviting Partici pants during a Meeting Controlling the Displ ay Screen Leavi ng a Meeting .
Participating in M eetin gs Polycom Inc. 2 Changing Your M icrophone and Speakers .
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Requesting Presen t er Rights Sharing Your Con tent Viewi ng Shared Content Using Group Cha t Accessing the D T MF Key pad .
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Accessing the D T MF Key pad Note: RealPresence Mobil e If you are participating f rom a tablet or phon e device using the R ealPresence® Mobile (RPM) application, s ee the RPM su pport site for us eful inform ation on using the application.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Accessing the D T MF Key pad. Aft er enterin g the passcode, or i f a passcode is not required, a prompt display s to enter an email address. A fter enterin g your email addre ss, click Sign In . Emails registe red with the Activ e Directory are also prompted t o enter ne t wor k credentials.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Selecting Video P references . Figure 1: Join Bridge Option.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 S el ec t in g V i de o Pr e fe r en ce s The video pre f erence scree n, shown nex t, displays vi deo options for y ou to choose be fore entering a meeti ng.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Table 3: Video Preference Description Table Icon Description Select this icon to access and partici pate in the m eeting from a device such as a laptop.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 M ee ti n g Ex pe ri e nc e Op ti o ns Meetings are v ie wed i n a screen that prov ides several v ideo conference options. So me options are availab le to presenters only while others are av ailable to both presente rs and par ticipants.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Table 4: Meeting Experience Options Icon User Type Description All attendees. Presenter E nds the m eeting. See Ending a Me eting . Participants Leave the meeting. See Lea ving a Me eting . All attendees. Records the meeti ng.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Icon User Type Description All attendees. Opens up the m enu with an option for presenters to access contact lists, and f or participants and presenters to ac.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Icon User Type Description All attendees Toggles your own video stream display in your interfac e screen. For more displa y options, see Controlling the Display Screen. All attendees Toggles the video stream display of all other meeting attendees in your interface sc reen.
Participating in Meetings Polycom Inc. 2 Note: Recording Mee tings See your RSS adm in to confirm that meetings can be recorded. R e tr ie v in g a Re c or di n g of a M e et i n g To obtain a copy of a rec orded meetin g, contact your RS S administrator.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 A p pr ov in g Pr es en t e r Ri gh t s When a partici pant requests presenter rights, a blue bubbl e appears in the roster icon w ith a number for each request, show n next. Only presenters recei ve and approve presenter right requests, enabling th e participant to share content in a mee t ing.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 Select Yes . I nv it i ng P ar t ic ip an ts du ri n g a Me e t in g The portal enables t wo way s of inviti ng users to a meetin g : via soci al connector contact lists and via email messa g e.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 2 Click Contacts > . The Contacts sc reen is displaye d with options for adding contacts f rom the followi ng social connectors: ○ Skype ™ To add contacts from y our Skype ™ account, y ou must hav e Skype ™ installed and runnin g on y our device.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 3. Click Log In (first time access only ). 4. Remove unw anted pref erences (keep Access Fa cebook Chat ). 5. Click A llow. 6. Select Show Con tacts . Your avail able contacts display in list. Select the icon for each contact y ou want to i nvite.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 M an ag i ng P ri va c y S et t i ng s This section show s you how to activate and deactiv ate the portal privacy settin g s. There are tw o types of priv acy: audio and vi deo. These can be used together to enable both audio and v ideo privacy or separately to enab le audio-only or video-only privacy.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 2 Select Camera Set t ings > . The Camera Devices screen appears . 3 Click the Camera dropdo wn menu to select a di fferent camera.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 C ha n g in g Y our M ic r op h on e an d S pe ak er s This section show s you how to change your micr ophone and speakers. To change y our mi cropho ne: 1 From the portal inte rf ace screen , click the icon to display your port al ’s main menu , shown nex t .
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 2 Select A udio Setti ngs > . The Audio Devices sc reen appears, sho wn next. 3 The Audio Devices screen display s microphone options in the Audio Input section and speaker options in t he Audio Output section .
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 R e qu es t in g Pr e se n te r R ig ht s Participants can request presente r rights f rom a current p r esenter when they want to share content. This sec t ion expl ains how the request for presenter ri g hts is made.
Participating in Me e tings Polycom Inc. 2 S ha ri n g Yo ur C o nt en t When a partici pant becomes a presen ter, they are abl e t o share t heir desktop. T his section shows y ou how to share y our content afte r receiving presen t er privi leges. For assigning presenter rights , see Assi gning Presenter Ri ghts .
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 3 Click Share No w to share y our desktop in the me eting. The Share Now button changes to Stop Sharing and three icon s appear at the top of your des kt op, shown ne xt.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 A cc es s i ng t he D T MF K ey pa d A DTMF keypad is avail a ble for entering D T MF commands . To access the DT MF keypad 1 Click the icon to display you r portal’s main menu . Note: Menu Optio ns Instead of the portal’s m ain m enu, a previous m enu selection may appear.
Participating in M eetings Polycom Inc. 2 You can now ente r DM TF commands..
57 T ro u b le sh o ot in g Chapter 4: This chapter prov ides troubleshooting procedures t o assist w ith solving such probl ems as vi deo, audio, and loadin g screen er rors. If you are experienci ng problems, be g in by confirming the basic requirement s listed in Learning the M in imum Requirements .
Troubleshooting Polycom Inc. 2 Selecting Video P references). If you are unable to launch the w elcome screen after crea ting a meeting, have y our admini strator confirm the settings outlined in the troubl eshooting section of the RealPresence CloudAXIS Suite Administra tors’ Guide .
Troubleshooting Polycom Inc. 2 E xp er ie nc i n g I ss ue s wi t h I nt er ne t E xp l or er If scheduled meetin g s are not display ed in the Calendar , new ly created contacts are not display ed in.
Troubleshooting Polycom Inc. 2 9 Increase the Mic rophone Level . 10 Click OK until all screens are closed. Resolving M iscellaneo us Audio Iss ues Starting w ith Vista, W indow s introduced a process called audiodg.ex e to per form audio enhancements.
Polycom Inc. 61 G et t in g He lp Chapter 5: R e la te d D oc um e nt s For more in f ormation ab out installing, configuring, and administering Polycom p r oducts, re f er to Documents and Dow nloads at Polycom Suppor t . T he P o ly co m C o m mu n ity The Polycom Com munity gives you access to t he latest dev eloper and support in f ormation.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Polycom 3725-03305-001 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Polycom 3725-03305-001 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Polycom 3725-03305-001, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Polycom 3725-03305-001 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Polycom 3725-03305-001, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Polycom 3725-03305-001.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Polycom 3725-03305-001. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Polycom 3725-03305-001 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.