Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Direct Connect Adapter du fabricant Polaroid
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Direct Connect Adapter User Guide.
T able Of Content s What is t he Polaroid Direct Connect ad apter? 5 Direct Connect features 5 What is in the Direct Connect package 6 About the adapter 7 Setting up the Direct Connect adapter 8 Insta.
5 What is the Polaroid Direct Co nnect adapter? The Polaroid Direct Conn ect adap ter lets you print photog raphic-qu ality digital pictures from you r digi tal camera – without you r computer .
6 Note: Th e quality of pi ctures printed with the Dir ect Connect adapter d epends on the quality of the pi ctures captured b y the digital camera. Picture quality can v ary considerably amon g digital camera mo dels.
7 About the adapter a Print button b Print All button c Print Index b utton d Select Picture/Cancel Print button e LED indicator f ColorSh ot Photo Prin ter USB o r parallel c onnecto r (USB sho wn) g.
8 Setting up the Direct Connect adapter Before printing with the adapter for the first time, you need to conf igure it with the Direct Connect Conf igu- ration Software. Y ou can also u se the software to change the setup later . Using th e softw are, you def ine: • the digital camera you are using.
9 Connect the adapter to your computer as shown in Figure 1 . a Direct Connect adapter b Not connected (USB connecto r sho wn; Direct Connect paralle l vers ion h a s 25-p in co nnec tor i nste a d) c Not connected d ColorShot po wer cord and adapter (pro vided with ColorShot p ri nter) e Serial port (COM1, COM2, etc.
10 Start the configurati on software. a Click Start and then cl ick Progr ams. b Click Direct Connect Conf iguration Software The m a in wi nd ow opens . The LED indicator o n the adapter chang es from flash- ing red to steady orange, ind icatin g that the adapter and computer are co mmunicating.
11 Select a printer . a Click the Prin ter button to display a lis t of co mpatible printers. If you d o not see your pr inter l isted, see Obtaining configuration files for additional cameras and printers on pa ge 2 9. b Click your prin ter model and then click the OK button to send the setup informati on to the adapter .
12 Add a watermark to your pictures. Y ou can use the Dir ect Connect conf igu ration softw are to add a water mark cont aining a logo o r te xt (or bo th) as sho wn in Figure 2 t o all pictur es you pri nt. The w atermark l ocation is limit ed to one of four pic- ture qu adrants, which you sel ect during s etup.
13 upper l eft quadran t as sho wn in Figure 4, click the upper left qu adrant area. c If you w ant to ... Then ... d Click the Load I mage b utton and then choose the folder a nd fi le contai ning the log o. The follo wing file formats are suppo rted: create a ne w watermark Click the Create Wa t e r m a r k b u t t o n and go to s tep d.
14 When you select the f il e, the logo appears in the selected quadrant. e T o change ... Then ... f T o add te xt t o your pi ctures, cli ck th e T ext b utton. A te xt box wi th f i ve blank lines ap pears. the logo lo cation w ithin the quad ran t Click in si de the log o and drag it to its new location.
15 g Click one of the lines, type th e text you want to print, and then click the T ext F ormat b utton to choose the fon t, style, size and font ef fects (underline, color , etc.) for the line. h If necessary , repeat steps g to create additional text lines.
16 m Click the OK button . n If you .. . Then ... Choose a picture format. The Direct C onn ect Con f iguration S oft w a re le ts y ou ch oose between two pictur e formats: Best Fit to P age, and Fill Entire Frame. The Best Fit to Page format prints the complete picture.
17 match the f ilm image area, the pictur e is cropped to fit the image area as sho wn in Figure 6. T o choose a picture fo rmat: a At the Direct Connect Software main windo w , click the Settin gs button. b In the Print Size box, cli ck Fit to Page or Fill Entire Frame.
18 Printing with the Direct Connect adapter Connecting th e camera, adapter an d printer Connect your cam era to the Direct Connect ad apter and the ColorS ho t printer as shown in Figure 7. a Direct Connect adapter b USB connec tor (The Direct Connect parallel v ersion has a 25- pin connector instead.
19 h USB camera connector (provided with Direct Connect adapter) for use with camera-to-PC USB cable i Serial camera connector (pro vided with Direct Connect adapter) for use with camera-to-PC serial .
20 Printing steps Note: If the Direct Connect LED indi cator displays flashing or ange before o r d uring t hes e st eps , the Col o r- Shot Photo Print er is out of film. When this hap pens, load a ne w pack of fil m as sho wn in Figure 9. (The f ilm cov er ejects when you close and latch the f ilm door .
21 T o print ... Then ... Note: Y ou can cancel printing b y pressing the Picture Select/Cancel Print b utton. If pictures do not appear on the camera LCD Some digital cameras cannot d isplay pictures on their LCD screen while connected to the Direct Connect adapter .
22 Solving problems Direct Conn ect softwar e cannot find serial por t Po ssible cau se Solution Direct Connect adapter not po wered on V erify that the LED indicator is on. I f not, check the co nnections (page 9) and make sure A C po wer is av ailabl e at the outlet.
23 Po ssible cau se Solution Adap ter does not pri nt Po ssible cau se Solution Computer commun ication baud r ate too high Manually select a low baud rate: 1 At the main window , click the Settin gs button. 2 On the Baud Rate list, click 1 9200 or 9 600.
24 Po ssible cau se Solution. Direct Connect adapter set up for wrong camera or pri nter Connect the adapter to you r com- puter , start the configuration soft- ware, and choose th e correct camera and printer . See Setting up the Dir ect Connect ada pter , page 8.
25 About LED ind icator cod es The LED indicator on the Direct Con nect adapter can help you troublesho ot con- nection and printing prob lems. The meaning of the codes depend s on whether the adapter is connected to your compu ter for setup or to th e ColorShot printer .
26 Printer/digital camera connection codes LED stat e Meaning Sug gested action Of f No po wer to adapter Connect adapter to power s upply (p age 18 ). Steady oran ge Communicat ion with printer and camer a established Print when ready ( nor- mal indication ).
27 Obtaining technical assistance Before calling for tech nical assistance, be sure to check th e problem-solving information in th e previous sections . If none of the su ggeste d actions solves you r problem, contact Polaroid T echnical Assistance as follows.
28 Polaroid T echnic al Sup port telephon e numb ers Repair servic e Before you return equ ipment for repair , please call Polaroid T echnical Assis tance as describe d on page 27 . W e can help y ou determi ne what is at f ault, and advise you on ho w and where to get service in the qu ickest an d most con venient w ay .
29 Obtaining config uration files for add itional cameras and prin ters Software for conf iguring the Direct Connect adapter for additional d igital cameras and printer s is under dev e lo pment. For information ab out configuration files that becam e a vailable after this user guide was printed, visit us at http://www/polaroid.
30 3 T o install ... Then ... a camera conf igu ration file a Click the Came ra button b Na vigate t o the dri ve and folder containing the .PCC f ile for the ne w camera, click the file name, and click Open. The ne w camera appears on the list of installed cameras.
31 Limited Equipment W arranty Polaroid Corporation warrants yo ur Pola roid Direct Con nect adapter agains t defects in manu f acture for a period o f on e year fro m the d ate of p urch ase. T o ver- ify the warr anty period , you should k eep the sales receipt o r other proof of the purc ha se da te.
32 FCC NOTI CE: RADIO AN D TELEV ISION INTER F EREN CE Note: This equipment has been tes ted and verif ied for complian ce with the l imits for a Class B digital de vice pur suant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro v ide reasonable protection against harmful in terference in a resi- dential installatio n .
33 read this Agreement carefully because at the end you will be asked to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement and continue the installation process or , if you do not wish to accept these terms and conditions, to decline, in which case the installation proces s will be aborted and you will no t be able to us e the Soft- ware.
34 IMPLIED, INCLUDING B UT NO T LIMITED TO IMPLIED W AR RANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A P AR TICULAR PUR POSE. Some states and co u ntries do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the abo ve ex clusio ns may not ap ply to you.
36 “Polaroid” and “Polaro id ColorShot” are trad emarks of Polaroid Co rporation, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. All other product n ames may be trademarks o f their res pe ctive owners .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Polaroid Direct Connect Adapter ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.