Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit VIP-150T du fabricant Planet
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SI P I P Phone -- w ith PS T N Connectivi t y User ’ s Manual.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 1 T able of Conten t s Chapter 1 O v er v i e w o f t h e VIP-15 0 T .............................................................................................. .1 1.1 Hard w are O v er v i e w ...................
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 2 4.12 [s y scon f ] c omman d ........................................................................................... . 35 4.13 [sip] c omman d ...................................................................
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 1 Chapter 1 Overview of the VIP-150T VIP-150 T is a full-featured IP-based telephone set v ia Ethernet base communication. O v er the o f f ice LA N connection, it pro v ides IP-PBX solution s uch as s tation-to-station call, I P cal l and l ocal PS T N/PBX E x tension call v ia PS T N Gate w a y .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 2 ♦ LCD : 2 lines, 24 c haracter Dot Matri x displa y . ♦ C : Jump out current LCD menu. ♦ ç : Mo v e to pre v ious selection or clear pre v ious da t a. ♦ è : Mo v e to right or ne x t selection. ♦ OK : Press OK to con f i r m the mod i f ication.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 3 ♦ HOLD : T o hold a c all, after press HOLD button, both side s w ill hear hold tone. ♦ SPEED : Press SPEE D and number (Phone book inde x ) after o f f -hook can do speed dial accord i ng to phone book da t a (please refer to 3.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 4 1.1.2 Back View ♦ DC 9V : DC 9V po w er input outlet ♦ L AN : R J -45 connecto r , connected directl y to the Hub through the st r aight C A T -5 cable.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 5 1.2 Softw a re Feature s and S p ecificatio n A p plication: l ISP/I T S P (Internet T elephon y Ser v ice Pro v id e r) l IP-PBX w ith o f f ice telephon y ser v .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 6 Pro v isioning and Configuration l SI P (RFC3261) compliance l LCD con f iguration pa s s w ord protection l Pro v ide Prox y Mode o r Peer-to-Peer Mode (Non Pro x.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 7 Chapter 2 Configuring the VIP-150T through LCD Phone menus ? Note: 1. After an y con f iguration is made for the VIP-150 T , u s er has to do Re b oot in the s election 7 “ Reboot ” . 2. W e suggest user to set I P address v ia LCD menu 5 → 2.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 8 mode. (**) 6. Press ç o r è to ente r con f igurat i on mode then press OK button to ente r sub menus; press C can jump out c urrent menu to pre v ious le v el. 1. Call List (**) 2. For w ard T y pe 3. Phone Book 4.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 9 2. Fo r w ard T y pe (**) T here are 3 selection s in For w ard t y pe, use r must s elect under w hich condit i on to for w ard calls. (1) Bu sy W hen VIP-150 T is in bus y status, the i ncoming call w ill be f or w arded to the assigned phone numbe r .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 10 Add a ne w record o f name, telephone numbe r , and I P address o f the phone address book. 4. Ringer Settings 1. V olume User can adjust ring v olume b y press ç or è on the k e y pad to dec r ease or increase ringer v olume.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 11 (3) A u to Re-connect Choose ON or OFF to enable or disable this function. If user enables this function, after PPPoE disconnected, VIP-150 T w ill automaticall y reboot to re-conne c t, and after r eboot, i f VIP-150 T still can ’ t conne c t w ith serve r , VIP-150 T w ill keep tr y ing to conne c t.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 12 Select SI P connection mode to be peer-to-peer mode or Pro xy mode. (2) Pro x y A . Pro x y Set Pro xy I P addres s or Domain Name. B. Outbound pro x y Set Outbound Pro xy I P addres s or Domain Name. C. Pro x y port Set Pro xy port f or VIP - 150 T to send mes s ages.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 13 (5) S t art to Upgrade Select YES or NO to s tart upgrade. After do w nload is f inished, pre s s OK then VIP-150 T w ill ask i f need to reboot. (**) (6) Fir m w are V ersion Sho w v ersions of all soft w are and hard w are.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 14 Chapter 3 Configuring the VIP-150T through Web Pages T he H T TPD w eb management inte r face pro v ides u s er an eas i er w a y to con f igure rather than command line method through TELNE T . T he con f iguration f unction and steps are s i milar w ith the w a y throu g h command line.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 15 Ste p 3. En t e r the we b in t e r face m a in s c r een After enter login name and p ass w ord, user can see w eb inte r f a c e main screen as belo w . Ste p 4. Star t to con f igu r e Most important item s are Net w ork Inte r f a ce , SI P Con f igurations , and Phone Book (in Peer-to-Peer mode) .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 16 1. Network In t erface Please r e f er to chapter 4.9 [ifaddr] comma n d. - I P Address: Set I P Address o f VIP-150T - Subnet Mas k : Set the Subnet Mas k o f VI.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 17 - SN T P: Enable / Disab l e the S i mple Net w ork T ime Protocol function.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 18 - SN T P Ser v er Address: Set SN T P Ser v er Address W hen S N T P s er v er is a v ailable, enable VIP - 150 T S N T P funct i on to point to S N T P ser v er I P address s o that VIP-150 T can get c orrect current time.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 19 2. SIP Configu r ations Please r e f er to chapter 4.13 [sip] com m an d - Operation Mode: Select VIP-150 T to w ork under Peer-to-Peer mode or Pro xy mode. - Prox y Ser v er: Set Prox y Ser v er or UR L address (Domain Name Ser v er must be con f igured.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 20 - Line Number: ident i f y one number f or the VIP-150 T to register to the Pro x y . - Line Ac c ount: set use r name o f VIP-150 T f o r registering.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 21 3. System Configuration Please r e f er to chapter 4.12 [ s y sconf] command - Ke y pad D T MF T y pe: set D T MF t y pe. U s er can s elect D T MF t y pe VIP-150 T transm i ts. - RFC2833 Pa y load T y pe: change RFC2833 Pa y load t y pe.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 22 4. PPP o E Conf i guration Please r e f er to chapter 4.10[pppoe] command - User Name: Set PPPoE authentication User Name.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 23 5. Voice S etting Please r e f er to chapter 4.15 [ v oice] command - Codec Priorit y : set codecs priorit y in orde r . P l ease notice that u s er c an s et f r om 1 to 5 codecs as their need. For e x ample, user can onl y set f irst priorit y as G .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 24 6. Phone Book Please r e f er to chapter 4.5 [pbook] com m a n d - Add Entr y: User can s pec i f y 20 set s of phone boo k v ia w eb inte r f ace. Plea s e inpu t inde x , Name, I P Address and E.164 number o f the destination de v ice.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 25 7. DDNS Configuration Please r e f er to chapter 4.17 [ddns] comma n d - S tatus: Enabled/Disable the d y namic DNS service - Ser v er: S pec i f y DDNS ser v er .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 26 8. Version Information Please r e f er to chapter 4.19 [rom] command - Boot: Boot l oader v ersion VIP-150T Default: T his f ie l d has no de f ault v alue. - Application: Applicat i on image v ersion in f o r mation of VIP-150 T.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 27 9. Password Please r e f er to chapter 4.20 [ p as s w d] com m and - CHANGE: First select login name as root or administrato r , then enter c urrent pass w ord, ne w pass w ord and con f irm ne w p ass w ord again to s et ne w pass w ord.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 28 10. Firmware U pgrade Please r e f er to chapter 4.19 [rom] comman d - Ser v er I P Address: Set T F T P ser v er I P address - T arget File name: Set file name p.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 29 11. Reboot Please r e f er to chapter 4.4 [ r eboot] comma nd - Press reboot w ill reset VIP-150 T . ? Note: T o e x ecute reboot v ia w eb bro w s e r , VIP- 150 T w ill automaticall y sa v e all dat a be f ore reboot.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 30 Chapter 4 Configuring the VIP-150T through Telnet command lines After setting the I P Address o f VIP-150 T and reboot, (plea s e refer to LCD Menu: 5-3.4.5), user can enter into T e l net c ommand lines. ? Note: 1.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 31 4.3 [ d ebu g ] command T his c ommand is for engineers to debug s y stem o f VIP-150 T . User can add debug f lag v ia command d ebug – add “ debug flags ” , and then s tart debug function v ia c ommand debug – open .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 32 “ index number ” ) 5. -insert : insert an re c ord in spec i f ied inde x o f phone book. 6. -modify : mod i f y record o f a ce r tain inde x in phone book . Plea s e notice that the name, I P address and e164 number must be mod i f i ed together; use r cannot ju s t mod i f y one parameter onl y .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 33 4.8 [ti m e] command W hen VIP-150 T enab l e S N T P f unction and be ab l e to connect w ith SN T P s er v e r , t y pe time command w ill s h o w the current time retrie v ed f rom S N T P s erve r . ..........
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 34 (GM T -8: ifaddr – ti m e z one -8 ) 5. -i p sharing: I f VIP-150 T is behind a IP-sharing , user must enable I P sharing function and s pec i f y public I P address.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 35 4.11 [ f lash] command T his c ommand w ill clean the c on f iguration stored in the f lash rom to default v alue and reboot the VIP-150 T . ? Note: 1. After user upgrade ne w soft w are v ersion, suggested to e x ecute this command to make su r e ne w soft w are w ork well on VIP-150 T .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 36 4.13 [sip] command 1. – print: displ a y all cu r rent configurations. 2. – mode : con f igure VIP-150 T a s Pro xy or Peer-to-Peer Mode. Usage: sip – mode 0/1 (1 f or Pro xy mode, 0 for Peer-to-Peer mode) 3.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 37 4.14 [secu r ity] command 1. – print : displa y all current c on f igurations. 2. -name : s et user ID of VIP-150 T f o r registering.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 38 7 1 1a g 7 1 1u g729 g 729a means VIP-150 T can support onl y one c odec or f our codecs. 4. - v olume : T he r e are th r ee t y pes c an be adju st able, v oice v olume, input gain and D T MF v olume.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 39 4.16 [tos] command T OS/D if fSer v (DS) priorit y f unction can discriminate the D if f erentiated Ser v ice Code Point (DSCP) of the D S f ield in the I P p acket heade r , and map ea c h Code Point to a corresponding egress tra f f ic priorit y .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 40 4.17 [ddn s ] command 1. -print: displa y DDNS o v erall in f ormation and con f iguration. 2. -enable: to enable/di s able DDNS function . (ddns – ena b le 0/1, 0 for disable and 1 for enable). 3. -ser v er: to set I P address o f DDNS login s er v e r .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 41 4.18 [bu r ea u ] comma n d 1. -print : Displa y Bureau line in f o r mation and c on f iguration 2. -hotline : Set H ot line in f ormation 4.19 [rom] command 3. -print : sho w all current con f igurations and v ersion informat i on.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 42 Command rom – print can sho w current v ersion in s talled in VIP-150 T . 4.20 [pas s w d ] comma n d For securit y protection, user has to i nput the p ass w ord be f ore entering applicati on user/config mode .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 43.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 44 Chapter 5 Upgrading S o ftware on the VIP-150T VIP-150 T s upports th r ee methods to upgrade the ne w v ersion. All methods are necessary to p r e p are the TFTP or FTP program on the host PC a s TFTP/FT P ser v er .
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 45 5.2 Web Ma n agement Please r e f er to chapter 4.18 [rom] comman d - Ser v er I P Address: Set T F T P ser v er I P address - T arget File name: Set file name pr.
PLANET VIP-150T User ’ s Manua l 46 2. -app , -boot , -dsptest , -dspcore , -ds p app ,: upgrade main boot code, main application code, DS P testing code, DS P kernel code, DS P application code, Ring Back T one PCM f ile and Hold T one .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Planet VIP-150T c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Planet VIP-150T - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Planet VIP-150T, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Planet VIP-150T va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Planet VIP-150T, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Planet VIP-150T.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Planet VIP-150T. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Planet VIP-150T ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.