Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 137-40188-60 du fabricant ATI Technologies
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i A TI Multimedia Center 7.1 User’ s Guide V e r s i on 6.0 P / N 1 3 7 - 4 01 8 8 - 60 R e v . F © Copyright 2000, by A TI T echnol ogies Inc. All rights re served, includi ng those to repro duce this guide or part s thereof, in any form withou t the express written perm ission of A TI T echnolo gies Inc.
ii Disc laimer The manufacturer (MFR) rese rves the right to make changes to this documen t and the products wh ich it d escribes with out noti ce. The MFR shall n ot be liable for technic al or edito.
iii T ab le of Contents Using Your ATI Multime dia Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Starting ATI Multimedia Center ............ ...................... ................. ................. 8 Starting from LaunchPad...................... ..........
iv Actors tab ...................... ....................... ................ ....................... ......... 48 Categories tab .......... ................. ....................... ................. .................... 49 Searches ........ ........
v File Player .......... ................... ............. .................... ............. ............ 78 File Player Control menu ......... ................. ....................... ................. ... 79 Zooming and Panning ... ...............
7 Using Y our A TI Multimedia Center This chapter e xplains how to use the s p ecial features that your A TI Multimedia C enter of fers. The Multimedia Center is a s uite of pro duct s tha t pr ovides T V , V ide o CD, CD Au dio, DVD, an d File Player in one packag e.
8 Using Your ATI M ultimedia Center Starting A TI Multimedi a Center Star ting from Launc hP ad The LaunchP ad provides a con v enient way to s tart all your Multimedia Center features — just click the feature you want.
Using Your ATI Multimedi a Center 9 Star ting from Windo ws ® taskbar 1 In the W indows taskbar , click Start . 2 Point at Programs . 3 Point at A TI Multim edia Center . 4 Click CD A udio , DV D , LaunchPad , File Player , TV , or Vi d e o C D . F o r information abou t using the A TI Mu ltimedia Center featur es, see the online help.
10 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Online Help Fe a t u re H e l p . Cli ck the Help button in an y display panel to open the onlin e help. Context-Sens itive Help . Context-sensitiv e help is always av ailable for each feature; just press the F1 k ey .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 11 TV W atch T ele vision on your computer! Y ou can recei ve up to 125 cable telev ision channels and 70 antenna channels in smooth, fu ll-motion vid eo on the whole screen or in a windo w .
12 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center To s t a r t T V fr om LaunchP ad Click TV in the Laun chpa d. For info rmat ion on La unchPa d, see pa ge 8 . fr om Windows ® task bar 1 In the W indows taskbar , click Start , then point at Pr ograms . 2 Point at A TI Multim edia Center , then click TV .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 13 Setting up TV The f irst time you start TV , you must complete th e Initialization W izard. After that, the W izar d will not run unless you want to re-run it in order to change settings.
14 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Click Next > . The TV -on-Demand Initia lization W izard appears. F ollow the W izard ’ s instructions to set up a temporary file an d allocate f i le space. A vailable t ime is indicated. T he Advanced Settings b ut ton lets you customize setti ngs for image quality and processor load.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 15 TV Control menu Y ou can access TV functions by righ t-clicking on th e video vie wi ng area or the control panel. This is very useful in full- screen mod e. The follo wing menu items are a vailable: Setup Ope ns the TV setu p page.
16 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center TV displa y settings The Disp l ay setti ngs page lets you co ntrol how video is disp layed in TV . T o open the Di spla y settings page Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, th en click the Display tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 17 TV video settings The video s et tings page l ets you ch oose a video connector an d fi ne-tune video charact eristic s. T o open the Video se ttings page Click the Setup button in the T ele visio n control panel, then click the Vi d e o tab .
18 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center TV T uner settings The tuner se ttings page lets you au toscan for acti ve TV channels, choose cable or antenna input, name channels, and set channel-specif ic options. T o open the T uner settings page Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, th en click the TV T uner tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 19 Channel Name T ype a na me f or the chan nel. Number Displ ays th e channel nu mber . Tu n e s t o Station Specify the TV st ation that i s receiv ed when you tune to a particular channel . For e x ample , you c ould assign the actua l ch anne l 5 to t he T elevision ’ s channel 2.
20 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Channel Specific Settings Video Click Video , then c lick Details ... to open th e Chann el Based Vid eo Settings p age. Move the sliders to change the v alues Color Amoun t of co lor in th e ima ge. Brightness Ba lance of l ight and dar k in the ima ge.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 21 TV Stills Ga llery settings Y ou can capture still imag es from TV , and sa ve them in the Stills Gallery . T o open the TV Still s Galler y settings page Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then click the Stills Gall ery tab .
22 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center AT I T V B a r Bro w se the W eb and watch TV at the same time, without resizing your w indo ws! A TI TV Bar dis plays TV in your Internet Ex plorer W eb Browser . North American u s ers can also vie w a display of channel na mes and numbers, with continuou sly upd ated progr am informati on.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 23 Channel Surfing Y ou can bro wse through s e ve ral TV channels simultane ously , and select chann els by clicking on “ th umbnail ” images (miniature represen tations) of the channels. Each thumbnail displays the channel nu mber , and is re gularly updat ed to display the current p rogram.
24 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Closed Captioning Display closed captioned text o ver video, like a standard TV , and/or i n a separate windo w beside the video. When you u se the separate windo w , you can use the scroll bar to revie w the last few minutes of text.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 25 T o set up closed captioning Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, th en click the Closed Capti on ta b . Placement External Windo w Dis plays clos ed cap tione d text in it s own wi ndow . Cl ick Font ..
26 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Hot W ords™ Ha v e your compu ter watch TV for y ou! When you tu rn on Closed Cap tioning, you can specify w ords and phrases th at T elevision will detect in the closed -captioned text.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 27 T o set up Hot W or ds Click the Setup button in the T ele visio n control panel, click Closed Caption , then click the HotW ords Setup bu tton. The HotW ords Setup W izard o p ens. T o enable HotW ords, check the Enable box.
28 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center TV Magazine Use TV Magazine to transcribe closed caption ed broadcasting, including pictures an d text. Y ou can sav e files as R TF (Rich T ext F ormat), which pres erves formatting, and can be u s ed in many word processors , plain te xt (TXT), or Hy perte xt Markup Language (HTML) .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 29 File Name T ype a na me f or the file . File Format Selec t a file f or mat (R TF , TXT , or HTML). Options Overwrite file s Chec k to ov erwr ite e xisting fi les.
30 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Secondary A udio Program (S AP) The Second ary Audio Pro g ram can be used to bro adcast, fo r examp le, language translation s, reading services for the visually impaired, weather fo recasts, or informatio n about a sho w .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 31 T o unzoom Right-click in the display panel to open the control menu, point at Zoomin g , then click Unzoom , or Clic k the 1:1 button in t he co ntro l pane l.
32 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Pr ogram Lock out Program Lock out lets you block particular programs at speci fi c times, and set a password t o unlock them.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 33 P arental Control Par ental Control lets yo u restrict access to TV pr ograms dependi ng on the ir content rating. The video and audio of programs that you restrict will be scra mbled until the correct password is entered.
34 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Capturing Video and stil l images Full-motion vide o . The Digital VCR lets you capture a clip of full-motion video plus audi o from yo ur video source an d sa ve it as an MPE G or A VI file on your co mputer ’ s har d disk.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 35 Recording a clip of video and audio from TV T o record a clip of video and audio Click the Record button in the T ele vis ion control panel. The Digita l VCR star ts reco rding video and audio to an MPEG or A VI f ile on your computer ’ s har d disk.
36 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center TV -on-Demand ™ TV -on-Demand ( “ T ime-Shiftin g ” ) is a vailabl e if your graphics card supports it (for e xample, the ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON and the ALL-IN-W ONDER 128 PR O).
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 37 T o return to live br oadcasting Click the Li ve TV b utto n in the TV - on-Demand control panel. V ideo record ing stop s. T o keep recording while you wa tch li ve TV , st ay in TV -on- Dem and m ode and d rag the slider to the right (see T o move within time-shifted video on page 38 ).
38 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center T o move within time-shifted video Drag the slider with your mouse. The time dis p lay indicates the position in the recorded video. As you m ov e th e slider all the way to the right, the time display ind icates Live .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 39 Digital VCR The Digital VCR pr ovides simple controls and po werful capture options. Y ou can capture a clip of full-mot ion video and audio from y our video source and sav e it as an MPEG or A VI file. Y ou can play cap tured f iles in the File Player (see F ile Player on pag e 78.
40 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Digital VCR settings Use the Digital VC R settings p ages to specify reco rding quality , dura tion, gene ral o ption s, an d cust om se ttin gs. T o set up the Digi tal VCR Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then click the Digital VCR tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 41 Real-time MPEG encoding If your co mputer uses a Pentium ® II, Pentium ® III, P entium ® processor with MMX technolog y , or an AMD Athlon ™ processor , you can capture video and s av e it in MPEG format, in real t im e.
42 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Achie ving th e best results with MPEG video capture T o acce ss MPEG pr operties 1 Click the setu p button in the T elev ision control pan el, then click the Digital VCR tab . 2 In Recording Quality , click the Set Custom.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 43 Video Format IBP Frames (Mbps) Minim um CPU Required I-Frame Only (Mbps) Minim um CPU Required 160x120 1.0 P20 0-MMX 1.0 P200-MMX 352x240 1.5 PII-2 6 6 2.0 P200-MMX 320x480 3.0 PII-4 0 0 4.0 PII-266 640x480 4.0 Athl on 600 6.
44 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center TV Listings Gemstar ’ s GUIDE Plus+ ™ is an electronic tele vision programming guide for Microsoft W indo ws. It p rovides adv anced prog ram information, s u ch as station names and numbers, as well as program nam es and details.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 45 • Right-clicking in the text area of the TV Program Details panel also pro vides access to t he Au t o U p d a t e and Copy features. Setting up TV Listings Registration The f irst time you launch the GUIDE Plus+ sy stem, you will need to register .
46 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Getting around T o navi gat e the vari ous TV Li stin gs vi ews, cl ick th e ta b for the vie w you want, or select the app ropriate view from the Vi e w menu at the top of the s creen. Use the mouse or cursor ke ys to mo ve within the current vie w .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 47 Vie wing TV Listings works with your TV tuner to automatically display sho ws. When you select a prog ram for viewi ng, the W atch icon appears ne xt to the title in any v ie w where that program is disp layed .
48 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Filter options Click the Filter icon to open the Filter options dialog, where you can adjust the current vie w and quic kly locate programs. Select the boxes yo u want to app ly to the current v ie w , and click Close .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 49 Categories tab The Cate gories tab disp lays all genre cate gories in the curren t listings. A list of genre categories is display ed on the left of the screen. • Click the category you want to view , to display all titles for that cate gory on the right s ide of the screen.
50 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center T ypically , you use the fa vorites l i st to f ind your prefer red sho ws when your data file is updated. Select the F av orites sear ch from the list of searches, and the guide will look up and disp lay all your f a vori te items.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 51 Sche dules tab A schedule is a list of TV ev ents that you have selected in an y vie w , including search res ults. The schedule is in th e form of a Log V iew (s ee pag e 47 ). There are three lists you can choose from: • Wa t c h displays all ev ents wit h at least the W atch indicator set.
52 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Setting sear ch paramet er s T o start a new search, in the Search menu, click New Sear ch ... to open the Search dialog, which you can use to set the follo wing o.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 53 Spor ts tab The Sports tab displays all sp orts sub-categories for all spo rting e vents in the current listi ngs, on the left side of your screen. Click the cat e gory on t he left si de of th e screen for whi ch you want to display all titles.
54 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center • Scroll to a specif ic program to display its details in the area abov e the li st. • T o display just the stations you want, use the Stat ion Lists option in the Edit menu (see T o custom ize chan nels on page 45 ).
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 55 Stills Ga llery The still images you capture from TV , V ide o CD, or File Player are sav ed in the Stills Gallery . Y ou can sav e images in a variety of grap hic s formats and sizes . The Stills Gallery controls let you delet e images, hide them, sav e them as wallpaper , and pr int them.
56 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center T o set up t he Sti lls Ga ller y Click the Setup button in the Stills Gallery , TV , File Player , or V ideo CD control panel, then click the St ills Gallery tab . Capture Options Capture to G allery Capture s still images to th e Stills G allery .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 57 CD A udio Use CD Au dio to play standar d audio CDs. Adv anced features such as Random pl ay , Intro play (which plays the f irst ten seconds of each track) and Loop play are av ailable. The Schedule feature lets you schedule CD playback o n dates and times you specify (see Sc hedu le on page 83 ).
58 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center CD A udio settings Use the CD Audio Settin gs page to set up playlists and shuffle play , and to use an LCD pan el for tr ack number and play back time. T o set u p CD Audio Click the Setup button in the CD Audio control pane l, then click the CD A udio Setting s tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 59 CD Databas e If you are connected to the Internet, you c an use the CD Database to display album title, artist, song names, and other informa tion on yo ur computer as your C D plays.
60 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center CD A udio Schedule settings Y ou can schedule CD Aud io to play on the dates and times yo u specify . If you hav e the features installed, you can als o schedule ev ents f or TV Magazine, Digital VCR, File Player, an d TV .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 61 Video CD V ideo CD plays V ideo CD 1.0 C Ds and Ka raoke CDs. When you cli ck the logo in the upper left corner of the disp lay pa nel, th e “ About... ” n otice appears. If you h ave m ore than one feature installed, a T ask menu disp lays av a ilab le and acti ve features.
62 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Video CD Contr ol menu Y ou can access V ideo CD functions b y right-clicking on the video vi e wing area or the control panel. T his is v ery useful in full-screen mode. The following menu items are a v ailable: Setup Ope n the Video CD setup page .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 63 Capturing still frames from V i deo CDs T o capture still frames fr om Video CDs Click the Camer a button in th e V ideo CD cont rol panel. The current frame is placed in the Stills Gallery (see Stills Gallery on page 55).
64 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Video CD Displa y settings Use the V ideo CD Disp l ay setti ngs pages to set u p video s ize and g ener al ope rat ion. T o open the Vide o CD Display settings page Click the Setup button in the V ideo CD control panel, then click the Disp lay tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 65 Video CD P references s ettings Use the V ideo CD Preferences settings page to set up general characteristics for yo ur player . T o open the Video CD Preferences settings page Click the Setup button in the V ideo CD control panel, then click the Prefer en ces tab .
66 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Video CD Stills Gallery settings Y ou can capture still imag es from V ideo CDs, and sav e them in the Stills Gallery . T o open the Vide o CD Stills Galle ry settings page Click the Setup button in the V ideo CD control panel, then click the Stills Gall ery tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 67 DV D D VD (Digital V ersatile Disc) is a high-density format that pro vides as much as 17 G igabyte s of storage — 25 times m ore than a CD-R OM. This v ast ly increased capacity lets y ou vie w a full-le ngth movie or play games t hat used to require multiple CDs.
68 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Y ou can also start D VD from other Multimedia Center features installed on your system — T V , V ideo CD, File Player , and CD Audio. Click the A TI logo in the upper left corner of th e feature ’ s control panel, then click DV D .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 69 Pla y ing D VD Video Disks All D VD players an d dri ves will read audi o CDs and CD-R OMs , and play music from Enhanced CD s (CD Plus, CD Extra). T o play D VD disc s Place a D VD disk in your D VD dri ve, th en click the Play D VD bu tton in the File Open dialog.
70 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Using the menus Click the Menus button in the D VD contro l panel. A pop- up “ menu of menus ” opens, wher e you can select a menu to jump to.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 71 P arental Control Par ental Control lets you re strict access to selected material by requiring password access. Click the Par ental Lockout b utton in the D VD control panel t o display a menu of pare ntal lev el choices.
72 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center D VD Control menu As well as using the control panel b uttons, you can access D VD function s by right-click ing on the vi deo vie wing area or the control panel. This is very useful when you play f iles in f ull- screen mod e.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 73 D VD displa y settings The Disp l ay setti ngs page lets you co ntrol how video is disp layed in DVD. T o open the Di spla y settings page Click the Setup button in the D VD contro l panel, then click the Display tab .
74 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center D VD P refer ences settings The Preferences settings p age lets you con trol ho w video is disp layed in DVD. T o open the Di spla y settings page Click the Setup button in the D VD contro l panel, then click the Pr eferences tab .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 75 D VD Video settings The Display Set tings page lets you adjust vid eo characteristics. Y our hardware will determine whi ch settings are av ailable. T o open the D V D Video settings page Click the Setup button in the D VD contro l panel, then click the Vi d e o tab .
76 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Closed Caption settings The Clo sed Captio n settings page lets you specify ho w closed captioned text i s displayed — over vi deo or in a wind ow — and the backgrou nd color , the fo nt, and the font co lor for the window .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 77 Region codes There are six region codes, or “ country codes ” , which are used to pre vent playback o f certain discs in certain geo graphical region s . D VD players will not play dis cs that are no t allo wed in the reg ion.
78 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center File Pla yer Use the File Player to play v arious multimed ia file formats. The types of file you can pl ay depends on your syste m ’ s softwa re. Fo r example, MP EG-2 file p layback is av ailable if so ftw are s uch as A TI ’ s D VD Player is inst alled.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 79 File Pla yer Cont r ol menu Y ou can access File Player functions b y right-click ing on the video v ie wing area or the control panel. T h is is v ery useful when you p lay files in full-screen mo de. The following menu items are a v ailable: Setup Ope n the File Play er Setup pag e.
80 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Zooming and P anning Y ou can zoom in o n the video in the Display panel to enlarge a selected portion of the scr een, and return y our displa y to normal . T o zoom in Click w ithin the display panel , then hold down the mouse button and dra w a rectangle around the area you want t o zoom.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 81 File Pl a yer Dis play setting s The Disp l ay setti ngs page lets you co ntrol how video is displayed in the File Play er . T o open the Di spla y settings page Click the Setup button in the File Player control panel , then click the Disp lay tab .
82 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center File Pl a yer Prefer ences se ttings The Preferences settings p age lets you specify power management settings. File Pla yer Stills G a llery settings Y ou can capture still im ages from the File Player .
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 83 Schedule Use the Schedule feature to acti vate e vents on the dates and times yo u want. Y ou can s chedule e vents fo r CD Audio, TV Magazine, Digital VCR, File Player , and TV . T o set up sch eduled events Click the Setup button in the D VD, TV , CD Audio, or File Player control panel.
84 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Schedule settings Name The nam e of the e vent. C hec ked e ven ts are activ e. Feature The f eature to schedul e: CD A udio , File Pla yer , T elevis ion, TV Magaz ine, Video C aptur e, or Video CD . When When the e vent occurs.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 85 TV Out Y ou can connect a telev ision set as your com puter ’ s dis play , and use your Multimedia Center to view computer output directly on your t ele vision in NTSC or P AL formats , connect using Composite or S-V ideo output capabilities, and display images on th e TV and PC m onit or si mult ane ousl y .
86 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Multi-mo nitor suppor t A TI RADEON VE cards with integrated HydraV ision ™ softw are provide fle xible, multi- monitor support f or your system. Many conf igurations of CR T , D VI flat panel, and TV monitor displays are a v ail able.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 87 T r oub les hoo tin g If you hav e problem s with video o r audio, try t hese sugges tions. A udio prob lems ... Check y our speakers: • If you h av e external s.
88 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center When y ou hear sound from your speak ers, you kn o w they are working. • If you s till exper ience audio problems, check t he audio connections to your ALL-IN-WONDER 128 family card.
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 89 Check the Record mi x er settings: 1 Click Start , point at Progra m s , point at Acc esso rie s , point at Entertainment , then select Vo l u m e C o n t r o l . Or , right-click the speaker icon (usu ally in the lo wer- right corner of your screen), then click Open V olume Contro ls .
90 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center Connect y our PC audio to the VCR: • Left and right audi o outpu t from yo ur VCR mus t be connected to your AL L-IN-WONDER 128 fam i ly card or ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON card (note that S-V ideo does not provide an audio connection).
Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center 91 Video pr oblems ... Check that you are using the c orrect broadcast standard f or mat: • See Br oadca st Standar d in TV vi deo settings on pag e 17. For proper op eration, you must specify yo ur countr y in the TV Channels I nitializatio n W izar d (see page 1 3 ).
92 Using Your ATI Mult imedia Center.
Index - 1 A ATI TV Bar 22 controls 22 Attaching and detaching control panels 9 Audio troubleshooting 87 Autoscan 18 C Cable standard 18 Capture Wizard 40, 4 1 Capturing video and still images 34 savin.
Index - 2 H Help features, context-sensitive, Tool Tips, desk top 10 HotWo rds setting up 26 Wiza rd 27 HotWords W izard 27 I I, B, P frames 42 I-frames 42 Initialization Wizard 13 TV 13 Instant Repla.
Index - 3 Sizing TV display 14 Sound Initialization Wizard 13 starting from Taskbar 11 Starting Multimedia Center 8 Still image capture 34 Stills Gallery 55 settings 55 Surfing channels 23 T Teletext .
Index - 4 Instant Replay 36 Live Paus e 36 moving within time-shifted video 38 pausing time-shifted video 37 playing time-shifted video 37 skipp ing back wards and for wards in time-shifted video 37 v.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté ATI Technologies 137-40188-60 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du ATI Technologies 137-40188-60 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation ATI Technologies 137-40188-60, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le ATI Technologies 137-40188-60 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le ATI Technologies 137-40188-60, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du ATI Technologies 137-40188-60.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le ATI Technologies 137-40188-60. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei ATI Technologies 137-40188-60 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.