Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 332 du fabricant Pfaff
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CPFAFFD Automatic 332-260 iNSTRUCTIONS FOREWORD Your dream has come true! You are now the proud owner of a PFAFF 332-260 Automatic — — the sewing machine with unlimited possibilities. This instruction book will help you understand the machine and give you valuable tips to make sewing more fun for you.
1 Thread take-up lever 2 Top control cover (A) 3 Dial (B) 4 Embroidery pattern length lever (E) 5 Buttonhole slide lever 6 Bobbin winder 7 Slop motion knob 8 Stitch length stop control 9 Stitch length.
R 7383 30 29 —j 19 Balance wheel 20 Collapsible 5pOol pins 21 Top cover 22 Face cover 23 Presser bar lever 24 Needle threader lever 25 Automatic needle threader 26 Sewing foot 27 Snap-out workplate .
Make sure stop motion knob 6 is tightened be fore you begin sewing (clockwise as indicated by white arrow). 0 Whenever you have to turn the balance wheel a, turn it toward you (counter-clockwise as shown by black arrow). Raise presser bar lever c and place both threads under and behind the sewing foot.
R 6808 --4 Luqctant 7cins ic chine under A woman sewing by hand will nor mally draw one stitch tight before making another. On a sewing ma chine, this is done automatically by take-up lever d. Therefore, always turn the balance wheel toward you until the take-up lever is at its highest position before you begin and after you have completed a seam.
‘7he $nq-Cs.t tOorkvtae Your PFAFF Automatic has a snap-out work- plate which can be raised to give you a full size work area for flat sewing and embroi dery. To raise workplate, pull it out to the left as for as it will go, then lift it until it is flush with the needle plate.
cL2c&iat Dn&Hssthn Make sure that the voltage indicated on the motor label (110 V) corresponds to the volt age in your home. (Check other appliances). Push plug I of power cord into receptacle 2 on bock of machine, and plug 3 (at other end of cord) into wall outlet 4.
Dial B —O Control D — 0 Forward Sewing Set eon number that indicates stitch length you want(1—5; the higher the number, the longer the stitch). Turn fright as far as it will go. Reverse Sewing Turn f left as far as it will go. (The reverse stitches will be the same length as forward stitches).
R 7071 ifyza9 4 ewtn9 Set: DiolB—O Lever E—O Turn control D left to desired stitch width (indicoted by numbers I to 4; the higher the number, the wider the stitch). Do not move C or D while needle is in fabric. 2 Al Lever C changes needle position from left to right.
$etémn9 /i’Za€. 4 in 6,t Au,iatic cm 6 z1.i?eg Set: Lever E.-3 Swing back the cover on control A. R 6631 B ___ D __ If embroidery design dial shows no symbol for lever C or control D, disregard them. For such designs C and D will operate automatically.
Au B4’ 123 If number 1, 2 or 3 appears in box C, move lever C to the ap propriate slot. An arrow * or 0 in box D indicates that control D should be turned to the right as far as it will go without applying force.
3 /Oin?in 9 th 2o6in Hold balance wheel a and turn stop motion knob b all the way to the left (counter-clockwise). Place spool of thread on right-hand spool pin. The bobbin thread should always be the same size as that used on the spool, or a little finer.
Pull it through thread guide h. Pass end of thread through slot in bobbin, from in side. Set bobbin on bobbin winder spindle so that key ot base of spindle enters slot in bobbin. Press in lever i. Hold end of threod and slowly start machine. Having wound a few turns, break off end of thread and continue winding at a faster pace.
Raise needle to its highest point and open cover j. Lift latch k with your forefinger. Pull out bobbin case with bobbin by holding the latch. When you release latch k, the empty bobbin drops out.
Dn.stin 9 th 73 c 66 in Casz Make sure the needle is still in its highest position. With thumb arid forefinger of left hand, lift latch k and turn bobbin case until slot at end of latch points up.
The appearance of the finished seam is dependent on the correct relationship between needle, thread and fabric. Select the proper thread sizes and needles from this chart. The same size threads should be used in the needle and on the bobbin. Some experienced seamstresses prefer a somewhat thinner bobbin thread.
R 6798 Dit,1tant 9acts 4&14t /Ve&2ks On PFAFF Automatic sewing machines, System 130R, flat-shank needles are used for all ordinary sewing and embroidery work. The needle system is stamped on The needle plate. Genuine Pfaff needles, System 130, are available from every Pfoff dealer.
Place thread on spool pin I and lead thread end through holes in thread guides 2 and 3 and through both thread retainer openings 4 (see illustration opposite). Pull thread between any two of the tension discs 5, (Fig. I) and lead it clockwise (Fig. II) until it snaps into the square notch in the tension cup (Arrow, Fig.
R 7378 19.
the Auiô,sate ,‘ee1e ‘7hea?er 4 Before you begin, make sure that the needle is at its highest position — when the lower hole Pus of the ascending take-up lever d is in line with the bottom edge of the top cover.
R $390 When you hove had sufficient needle threading practice, you may shorten the procedure as follows: Push lever p up. Place thread ,behind hook of prong w so that its end is about 1/2 inch to the!right of the prong. Slowly lower lever p. Prong w now pulls end of the thread — instead of the loop — through needle eye.
To check whether the tensions are correctly balanced, take a closely woven piece of fabric and sew a few straight and zigzag seams. If the straight stitches are tightly drawn in on both sides of the fobric (see seam sketch Ill), the tensions ore correct.
7 9 utaan 9 ch ‘/ea 7n.on Bobbin tension rarely needs adjusting, except for embroidery when it should be a little tighter than for ordinary sewing. Adtustment is mode by the small screw (x) on the bobbin case: Turn ii left c—< for looser tension.
To lower feed below the needle plate, turn drop feed control v clockwise. Fabric will 4 Set fin neutral (vertical position). Set e so its pointer is on the indicator scale number corresponding to the desired stitch length. Turn lever f to the right as far as it will go.
R 7085 Chan 9 in 7 the $e,uin 9ctt Lift both needle and presser bars to their highest positions and turn screw c to the left. The screw usuaily can be loosened by hand, but if it is too tight, use a screw driver. Tilt the foot sideways and pull it down.
A The raceway in the sewing hook is the most im portant oiling point. Put one drop of oil into the raceway each day you sew. A dry raceway will cause rapid wear. Don’t forget to put a drop of oil into each of the two oil holes behind the sewing foot.
The oiling points in the machine arm can be reached easily by removing the top cover. Oil should be applied sparingly. Excessive quantities of oil may soil the work and cause machine sluggishness. One or two drops of oil usually will suffice. Before you remove the top cover, set lever E be— tween 5 and 7.
4 5esøliqht 9aai The 25-waft sewlight is recessed under the machine arm. Lever u swings out the light to illuminate a larger working area. To change the light bulb: Swing lever u up (see arrow) and hold. Push bulb up into socket, turn left. and pull out.
Ait.sttiii ,4ctc 3 e1i ‘7n.%ion Your PFAFF 332 Automatic is equipped with a 30-watt electric motor (Type PE 332), which is housed in the machine base and drives the main shaft by means of a driving belt. If the driving belt tension needs adjustment, take out the four screws in cover t and remove.
‘7ou61e 4 ShOOtUlf? 1. Machine Skips Stitches Ca use: Needle incorrectly inserted. Wrong needle. Needle bent. Machine threaded improperly. Needle too fine or too thick for the thread. 2. Needle Thread Breaks Cause: The above mentioned may cause thread breakage.
Replace needle at once to prevent further damage. Use correct needle and thread sizes. Don’t force the feeding motion. Guide the material lightly. Push bobbin case until you hear it snap into ploce. Remedy: Adjust tensions as instructed. Use only first-rote thread — — the correct size for the needle and fabric.
Accumulations of lint packed betweenfeedteeth. Take off needle plate and remove lint with a stiff brush. 6. Machine Works Heavily Cause: Motor belt is loose and slips, or has shrunk and causes excessive pressure an bearings. Hook raceway lacks oil or is obstructed by pieces of thread.
Zipper Insertion Machine Setting: E—0 C—3 B—C D—0 Stitch Length: 1 —2 Zipper Foot No. 51 300. Pin or baste closed zipper on wrong side of fabric. Position of zipper de pends on whether or not you want the edge of the fabric to overlap the zipper.
41242 flp Flat Felled Seams Machine Setting: E —o 8—0 Stitch Length: 1—2 Flatfelled seams are used to durably ioin two pieces of fabric. They are made in two operations. Flat felled seams usually ore straight stitched. Narrow zigzag stitches are used for felling on elasticized fabrics only.
R 6083 4626? Rolled Hems Machine Setting: E—O C—2 B—O D—2to4 (optional) Stitch Length: 2 —4 Rolled hems are used to finish sheer or deli cate fabrics.
LJJ Overcasting Edges Stitch Length: 1 — 3 Machine Setting: E —0 0—3 or 4 (optional) B—0 Stitch Length: 3 —4 Two similor pieces of fabric which do not ravel easily may be butted to gether and joined with zigzag stitches. Worn bed sheets may be mended this way.
R 7161 - ------ 4O88 Inserting Lace Machine Setting: E —0 C-2 Stitch Length: 1 —2 Pin or baste lace on fabric. Sew to gether with needle taking one stitch into fabric alone and one into the lace.
‘406e Inserting Patches MachineSetting: E—O C-.2 B—O D—4 Stitch Length: I Large holes con be patched quickly. The following method moy also be used j for tricot fabrics. Cut patch so that its grain will match the rest of the fabric. Place the potch over the damaged area.
R 7162 Single-Needle Cording C-2 D-2 Stitch Length: —1 Trace pattern on fabric and place a filler thread under the groove in the sole of the cording foot.
R 7163 6612! 61 Applique Work Machine Setting: E —o B—O Stitch Length Minimum Pin or baste applique on fabric and overcast edges. Appliques also can be attached with a satin stitch or any embroidery design.
Stitch Length: Minimum There are hundreds of patterns excellent for openwork embroidery. Let’s embroider the 25-square box illustrated. First, sew over all traced lines twice using short straight stitches. Then sew over straight-stitch lines with a medium-wide satin stitch.
R 7158 Machine Setting: ScII’WWk E—1-7(optional) 8—3 Machine Setting: E —0 C — 2 A—5 D—2 B—0 D—2to4 Stitch Length: Minimum Scalloping can be done in a liffy on your PFAFF 332 Automatic. Scalloped edges can be used effectively as trimming on numerous articles.
Imitation Hemstitching Machine Setting: E —0 C —2 B —0 D — 21 /s Stitch Length: 1 —1/s Increase Tensions Beautiful hemstitching effects on handkerchiefs, blouses, dresses, and so forth, can be made with Pfaff’s System 130 (wing) needle available at Pfaff stores at extra cost.
R 7139 Used for draperies or curtains Machine Setting: E —1 B—i A —6 C —1 Stitch Length 1 _V/s Blindstitching is used for medium and heavy fabrics and would be visible on the right side of sheer and filmy fabrics.
R 6064 Sewing Buttonholes Machine Setting: E —0 B —0 C 1 Stitch Length: Minimum The setting of control 0 is changed several times while you ore making button holes. So you can easily return the control to its previous setting, turn lever F clockwise, as illustrated.
Buttonholes fi ff CD Set D at “1’/2”, C at “1”, stitch length lever fan J satin stitch. Attach foot No. 51016 and adjust slide mdi cator on buttonhole gauge to length of button hole desired. lnsertfillercord through foot and c sew first row, leaving the needle on the right 0 side of the filler cord.
R 7160 45720 Button Sewing Machine Setting: E —o c—I B—0 D—Oand3to4 Drop Machine Feed Don’t be afraid to sew on buttons, hooks, eyes or rings with your Pfaff. Make sure the thread take-up lever is at its highest paint. Place the button under the button sewing foot.
R 6067 To fasten the feed cover plate to the machine, slip its spring into the slot in the front edge of the needle plate, as illustrated. Attach darning foot as instructed on page 25, and suspend presser bar from the rear of the face cover with darning hook No.
Tubular Articles Machine Setting: E—0 8—0 C-.2 0—0 Dropfeed. You need no darning hoop to mend sleeves, trouser legs or socks on your PFAFE 332. Simply slip them over the free arm. Stitch back and forth across the hole, first lengthwise, then cross wise.
Monogram Embroidery C -2 B —0 D — according to desired width Drop Machine Feed The procedure below is primarily used for block letters. Raise feed and set . machine for satin stitch. Attach cord stitcher and sew outlines of monogram. Watch that seams do not overlap at oints of letters.
Cording This set consists of: Stitch Length: I — 2 To cord, use Cording Kit No. 50117 available at extra cost. R 7373 4double-needle holdersfor needle distances of ‘/io, /o4, 3/ and 1/64 inch, 3 cording feet, 3 cording plates (2 with cord ducts and 1 with center claw), and I package of System 130 B needles.
Increase the bobbin tension slightly for cording. Pfaff recommends you fill your cording so it keeps its shape in the loundry. Filler cord thickness depends on cording size you wont. To sew filled cording use the two cording plates with cord ducts. Only very narrow tucks ore made without filler cord.
4088 Two-Needle Decorative Sewing The eight block symmetric patterns on the narrow-stitch side of the dial wheel con be sewn with two needles, if the needle gouge does not exceed /o* inch.
R 7137 .4 Three-Needle Decorative Sewing If you want to do ‘/4-inch, three- needle decorative sewing, the needle plate, machine feed and sewing foot must be changed. In addition, it is advisableto use spool holder No. 53137, which slips over the regular spool pins (see illustration) and is avail able at your Pfaff store.
The Transverse Spool Holder To ensure that the thread will unwind evenly from a cross-wound spool. use the transverse spool holder which is port of the standard equipment of your machine. To attach the spool holder, slip position spring I over the vertical spool pin, the bent portion of the spring pointing toward you.
Contents Foreword Essential Parts of Machine . Fundamentals of Machine Operation Important Points to Remember . The Snap-Out Workplate Electrical Information Straight Stitch Sewing Zigzag Sewing Setti.
I I A. C. WEBER & CO., JNC. Di3tributor • Chicago.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Pfaff 332 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Pfaff 332 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Pfaff 332, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Pfaff 332 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Pfaff 332, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Pfaff 332.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Pfaff 332. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Pfaff 332 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.