Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TC-L32C5X du fabricant Panasonic
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Owner ’ s Manual 32” Class 720p LCD HDTV (31.5 inches measured diagonally) 42” Class 1080p LCD HDTV (42 inches measured diagonally) Manual de usuario T elevisión de alta definición de 720p y c.
2 Camcorder Personal computer Amplifier with Speaker system Cable box DVD Player/ Blu-ray Disc player DVD Recorder/ Blu-ray Disc recorder VCR Enjoy rich multimedia USB device Exper ience an amazing le.
Getting started Basic Advanced Support Information 3 Please read before using the unit HDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Denition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
4 Safety Precautions CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN W ARNING: T o reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover or back. No user-serviceable parts inside.
5 19) An out side a ntenn a sys tem s hould not be loc ated in th e vic inity of ov erhea d pow er li nes, other elect ric l ight, powe r cir cuits , or w here it ca n fal l int o suc h powe r lin es or circ uits.
6 FCC ST A TEMENT Th is e qu ip me nt h as be en te st ed and f ou nd to co mp ly w ith th e li mi ts for a C la ss B d ig it al de vic e, p urs uan t to P art 15 o f th e FC C Ru les . The se l imi ts a re d es ign ed t o pr ov id e r ea so na bl e pro te ct io n ag ai nst h ar mf ul i nte rf er en ce i n a r es id en ti al in st al la ti on .
Getting started 7 Accessories/Optional Accessory Getting started Accessories/Optional Accessory Accessories C h ec k you h av e all th e it em s s ho wn .
8 Attaching the pedestal to TV Set-up z Fi x s ec ure ly wi th as se mbl y scr ew s A . (T ot al 4 sc re ws) z T igh ten s cre ws fi rm ly . A Foam mat or thick soft cloth Do not disassemble or modify the pedestal. z Ot her wi se th e TV m ay fa ll ov er an d b ec ome d ama ge d, an d p er son al in ju ry ma y r esu lt .
Getting started 9 Connections Accessories/Optional Accessory Getting started Connections Connection Panels A B DIGITAL AUDIO OUT PC terminal Back of the TV Front of the TV HDMI 3 of 42” only USB Antenna or Cable connection Power Cord (Connect after all the other connections have been made.
10 A V cable connection Best Good Basic (Not HD) T o use HDMI terminals L R HDMI A V OUT HDMI-DVI Conversion cable DVI OUT AUDIO OUT e.g. Blu-ray Disc or or or AUDIO OUT e.
Getting started 1 1 Identifying Controls Connections Getting started Identifying Controls TV controls/indicators Changes the input mode Chooses menu and submenu entries V olume up/down Selects.
12 First T ime Setup First time setup screen is displayed only when the TV is turned on for the first time after the power cord is inserted into a wall outlet and when “Auto power on” (p.
Getting started 13 First Time Setup Getting started Press to go back to the previous screen z Ab out b roa dc ast in g s ys tem s An alo g ( NTS C) : Co nve nti ona l bro adc ast in g Di git a.
14 Press to go back to the previous screen Gi ve n am es t o th e TV ’ s i np ut s (L ab el i np ut s) Wh en do ne, se le ct NE XT an d pre ss OK to g o t o the ne xt st ep . Labe l inputs Step 5 of 6 Edit Blu-ray, DVD ... HDMI HDMI RETURN Chang e Select Video PC Next HDMI 1 HDMI 2 ABC Delet e abc R G B Y 1 @.
Getting started 15 Getting started W atching TV First Time Setup W atching TV T urn p ow er o n or (TV) (Remote) Se le ct a c ha nn el n um be r z Pl eas e sel ec t c or rec t inp ut -- > ( p.1 8) up down or • Als o ava il abl e sid e CH bu tto n o n the uni t.
16 Displaying Information Displays and removes information. When watching programming via the Antenna/Cable input, shows the channel banner . 15-2 12: 30 PM 30 THE NEWS CC SA P TV -G 1 0 8 0 i St .
Getting started 17 W atching TV Basic Call up a favorite channel F A VORITE Ch ann el num be rs reg ist er ed in Fav or ite ar e d is pla yed on t he fav ori te tu ne scr ee n. Sel ect t he des ir ed bro adc as t s tat ion wi th the cu rs or or use t he num ber b utt ons .
18 W atching content from external devices Wi th th e c onn ec ted e qui pme nt tu rn ed On Di sp la y th e I np ut s el ec t me nu Se le ct t he i np ut m od e Input select ANT/Cable in 1 2 3 4 HDMI 1 Comp.
Getting started 19 Basic The Media Player W atching content from external devices T h e M e d i a P l a y e r Y ou c an en joy p hot os or mu si c c on ten ts st ore d in a U SB st or age d evi ce. Select the Image viewer auto play function Display “Main Menu”.
20 Viewing photos Th ere a re thr ee ty pe s o f v ie w m od es. Mu lt i V iew : Th is vi ew all ow s y ou to se ar ch fo r p hot os in a gr id fo rma t. T hes e pic tu res a re dis pl aye d usi ng th umb na il dat a in ea ch im age f ile . Date : 2011-07-29 05:10:15 640x480 Photos Press to move the highlight in one window .
21 Basic The Media Player During playback Y ou c an li ste n to mu sic fr om a li st of av ail ab le fil es . z Pr ess t o p aus e. z T o re sum e n orm al pl ayb ac k, pre ss . z T o ad jus t v olu me , pre ss / . z Press to set repeat mode Off > 1 > All .
22 CEC function This TV supports standard CEC function: Power on link and Power off link. HDMI cable This function needs an HDMI compliant (fully wired) cable. Non-HDMI-compliant cables cannot be utilized.It is recommended that you use Panasonic’s HDMI cable.
23 Basic CEC function Connecting HD Camcorder/Digital camera Press INPUT and select an available HDMI terminal, then connect the camcorder to this input.
24 HDMI control and Available features T o use all CEC function: After everything is connected, in HDMI control menu, set “CEC function” to “On”.
25 Basic CEC function Power on link Y es : Th e TV is tu rne d o n a ut oma tic all y and sw itc he s t o t he ap pro pri ate H DMI in put w hen eve r S ta nda rd CEC f unc tio n co mpa tib le eq uip men t i s ini tia lly t urn ed on an d t he Pla y mod e i s s el ect ed.
26 E d i t i n g a n d S e t t i n g C h a n n e l s Th e cu rr en t ch an ne l s ett in gs ca n b e ch an ged ac co rd in g t o y ou r ne eds an d re ce pti on co nd it ion s.
27 Editing and Setting Channels Advanced Auto program (Set automatically) Us e t his pr oc edu re whe n cha ngi ng th e c han nel s etu p o r ch ang ing th e cha nne l d is pla y .Al so, us e thi s t o a dd or sk ip ch ann els fr om th e c han ne l l ist ma nu all y .
28 H o w t o U s e M e n u F u n c t i o n s V ar iou s m en us a llo w y ou t o mak e s et ti ng s f or th e pic tur e, Au di o, a nd o th er fu nct io ns s o t hat y ou c an enj oy wa tc hi ng T V be st s uit ed fo r you .
29 How to Use Menu Functions Advanced Picture settings Ad jus t t he im age or pi ct ure qu ali ty Se tti ngs It em s It em Des cri pt ion Re set to d efa ult s Re set s a ll pi ctu re adj us tme nts to f act ory de fa ult se tti ng s e xce pt fo r “A dva nce d p ic tur e”.
30 Settings Items Item Description • Some menus are grayed out depending on the input signal or condition. (e.g. “3:2 pulldown” will be grayed out if the input signal is high definition or you are viewing photos, etc.) Advanced picture 3D Y/C filter Off/On Minimizes noise and cross-color in the picture.
31 Advanced How to Use Menu Functions Lock L oc k s s pe c i f i ed c h a nn e l s or s h ow s t o p r e v e nt c h i ld r e n fr o m wa t c h i ng o b j ec t i o n ab l e c on t e n t. Y ou will be asked to enter your password each time you display the Lock menu.
32 Setup Other function settings Settings Items Item Description Channel surf mode All/Favorite/ Digital only/ Analog only Sets the mode to select the channel with the Channel up/down button. Favorite: Only channels registered as F A VORITE. (p. 17) Language English/ Español/ Français Selects the screen menu language.
33 Advanced How to Use Menu Functions Ratings List for parental control R a t i n g s L i s t f o r p a r e n t a l c o n t r o l “V - chi p” te ch no log y e na bl es yo u t o lo ck ch ann el s or sho ws a cc ord ing t o st and ard r at in gs set b y th e en te rt ai nm en t in du str y .
34 T e c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n Aspect Ratio (FORMA T) Press the FORMA T button to cycle through the aspect modes. This lets you choose the aspect depending on the format of the received signal and your preference.
35 Support Information T echnical Information Data format for Media player with USB Y ou can enjoy photos or music contents stored on a USB storage device. Photo: JPEG Data format: JPEG Exif ver2.1 Max. number of files: 500 / folder Image resolution: 4096 x 4096 pixels ; 920 x 1080 pixels Music Player MP3 Max.
36 HDMI connection HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface) allows you to enjoy high-definition digital images and high- quality sound by connecting the TV unit and HD devices.
37 T echnical Information Support Information PC Input T erminals Connection z Si gn al N am es f or D -su b 1 5P C on ne ct or 1 6 7 8 3 9 4 5 10 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 2 Pin Layout for PC Input T erminal Pin No. Si gna l Nam e Pin No. Si gna l Nam e Pin No.
38 Care and Cleaning First, unplug the Power cord plug from the wall outlet. Display panel Th e f ron t of the d isp lay p ane l h as be en sp eci all y tre ate d. Wi pe th e p ane l sur fac e gen tly u sin g o nl y a cl ea nin g c lo th or a sof t, li nt- fre e clo th.
Getting started 39 Care and Cleaning Specifications Support Information Specifications TC-L32C5 / TC-L32C5X / TC-32LC54 Power Source AC 1 10-127 V , 60 Hz P o w e r C o n s u m p t i on Rated Power Consumption 97 W Standby condition 0.3W Display panel Aspect Ratio 16:9 Visible screen size 32” class (31.
40 TC-L42U5 / TC-L42U5X Power Source AC 1 10-127 V , 60 Hz P o w e r C o n s u m p t i on Rated Power Consumption 172 W Standby condition 0.3W Display panel Aspect Ratio 16:9 Visible screen size 42” class (42 inches measured diagonally) (H x V) 36.6” × 20.
Getting started 41 Frequently Asked Questions Support Information Specifications Frequently Asked Questions (F AQ) If there is a problem with your TV , please refer to the table below to determine the symp toms, then carry out the suggested check.
42 Questions Answers Sound Why is there no sound coming from the TV? z Ma ke su re th e v ol ume i s u p and M UTE i s o ff . z Co nfi rm th e TV s pe ak ers a re se t t o O N by pr ess in g M EN U a nd se lec ti ng “A udi o” -- > “Ad va nce d aud io ”.
Getting started 43 Limited W arranty (for U.S.A. and Puerto Rico only) Support Information Frequently Asked Questions Limited W arranty (for U.
44 C u st o m e r S e r v ic e s D ir e c t o ry ( f o r U . S . A . a n d P u e r t o R i c o ) Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating As.
Getting started 45 Customer Services Directory Support Information Limited W arranty (for Canada) Limited W arranty (for Canada) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 P ANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED W ARRANTY Panasonic Canada Inc.
US A O nl y: D is po sa l ma y be r eg ul at ed i n yo ur c om mu ni ty d ue t o En vi ro nm en ta l co ns id er at io ns . Fo r di sp os al o r re cy cl in g in fo rm at io n, pl ea se v is it P an as on ic w eb si te : ht tp :/ /w ww .pa na so ni c.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic TC-L32C5X c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic TC-L32C5X - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic TC-L32C5X, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic TC-L32C5X va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic TC-L32C5X, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic TC-L32C5X.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic TC-L32C5X. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic TC-L32C5X ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.