Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KX-TG7844 du fabricant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Model No. KX-TG7841 KX-TG7842 KX-TG7843 KX-TG7844 KX-TG7845 KX-TG365SK KX-TG7871 KX-TG7872 KX-TG7873 KX-TG7874 KX-TG7875 KX-TG385SK Link-to-Cell Cellular Convergence Solution Model shown is KX-TG7841. Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 10.
Introduction Model composition .. .....................................3 Accessory information .. ................................3 Important Information For your safety .. ...........................................6 Important safety instructions .. .
Mode l co mpos itio n Seri es Mode l No . Base uni t Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G784 1 s eri es KX-T G784 1 * 1 KX -TG7 841 KX -TGA 680 1 KX-T G784 2 KX-T G784 1 KX-T GA68 0 2 KX-T G784.
No. Supp lied han dset qty . 1 un it *1 2 uni ts *2 3 uni ts *3 4 uni ts *4 5 uni ts *5 Acce ssory ite m/ O rde r nu mber Acce ssory qu anti ty F Belt cli p/PN KE12 68Z1 1 2 3 3 3 G Char ger/P NLC1 04.
*2 By i nsta lling th is un it, you can ext end the range of your pho ne s yst em t o in clude are as w her e rec epti on w as p revi ousl y no t av aila ble. Thi s pr oduc t ca n be pur chas ed o nlin e. P leas e visi t ou r We b si te: http ://w ww.
For your saf ety T o p reve nt s evere inj ury and loss of life / prop erty, rea d t his s ecti on c aref ully bef ore usin g th e pro duct to ensu re p rope r an d sa fe oper ation of your pro duct . WARN ING Powe r con nect ion R U se only the powe r so urce mar ked on t he prod uct.
– the hand set batt eries nee d re char ging or h ave fai led. – ther e is a p ower fail ure. Batt ery R W e r ecom mend usin g th e ba tter ies note d on p age 4. US E ON LY rech argea ble Ni-M H ba tteri es AAA ( R03) siz e. R Do n ot m ix o ld a nd ne w ba tter ies.
R I f t he r ecep tion for a b ase unit loc atio n is not sati sfac tory , mo ve t he ba se unit to anot her locat ion for bett er r ecep tion . Envi ronme nt R K eep the pro duct away fr om el ect rical noi se gene ratin g de vice s, s uch as f luor esce nt lamp s and mot ors.
Spec ific atio ns R S tan dard : DECT 6.0 (Di gita l En hanc ed Cord less Tele comm unic atio ns 6 .0) Blue toot h wi reles s te chno logy 2.0 R Freq uenc y ra nge: 1.92 GHz to 1.93 GHz (DE CT) 2.40 2 GH z to 2.4 8 GH z (B luet ooth ) R RF t rans miss ion powe r: 115 mW ( max.
Sett ing up Conn ectio ns R I f y ou d o no t co nnec t th e te leph one l ine cord and use only cel lula r li nes, set the cell ular line onl y mo de t o us e th is u nit more conv enien tly (pag e 19) . n Ba se u nit (KX- TG78 41 s erie s: p age 3 ) R Use only the supp lied Pan ason ic A C adap tor PNLV 226.
Batt ery i nstallat ion R USE ONLY Ni- MH batte ries AAA (R03) size . R Do N OT u se A lkal ine/ Manga nese/Ni- Cd batt erie s. R Conf irm corre ct polar ities ( , ). Rechargeable Ni-MH ONL Y R W hen the dat e an d ti me s etti ng i s disp layed , see pa ge 16.
Pana sonic Ni-MH b attery p erf orman ce (supp lied bat teries) Oper atio n Operat ing time In c onti nuous use 10 h ours max. * 1 Not in u se ( stan dby) 8 da ys m ax. * 1 *1 If e co mode is o n. N ote : R Actu al b atte ry p erfo rmanc e depend s on usag e and ambient environ ment.
M N OI SE REDUC TION N Char ge c onta cts n C ont rol type S of t keys The hand set feat ures 2 s oft keys. By pres sing a soft key, you can sel ect the feat ure shown directl y above it on t he disp lay. After a cel lular phone i s paired , M CEL L N is di splayed.
Char ging the cell ular pho ne b y USB Avai labl e fo r: K X-T G7871 se ries (pa ge 3) By c onne cting a USB cabl e (n ot s uppl ied) to t he cell ular phone an d the ba se unit, you ca n char ge a cell ular pho ne. Howe ver, the cellula r phon e can not exch ange dat a with t he base unit thr ough a USB c able .
Item M eani ng Clar ity boost er is on . * 2 (pag e 23) In u se Answ ering system is being u sed by anoth er hands et or the base unit . Cell 1 in u se Some one is us ing the cell ular line. Cell 2 in u se Line in u se Some one is us ing the land line.
Init ial sett ings n Di rect com mand code: Prog ramma ble sett ings ca n be acc esse d by pres sing M MENU N , # , and the n the corr espon ding cod e on the dial ke ypad (pag e 36). Exam ple: Press M MEN U N#1 01 . n Sy mbol mea ning: Exam ple: M b N : “ Off ” Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the word s in quot atio ns.
Link to cell fea ture T o u se t his feat ure, you mus t fi rst pair and conn ect your cellular phones to the base unit (pag e 17). Your cel lular phones must hav e Bluet ooth wire less technolo gy that is comp atibl e with this prod uct.
Link to cell set ting s Sele cting which u nit rece ives c ell ular calls You can selec t which unit ri ngs and r eceives call s fo r a cell ular line. W hen “ All ” is sele cted , al l ha ndset s and t he b ase unit ring. Hand set 1 F or CELL 1: M MENU N# 6271 For CELL 2: M MENU N# 6272 2 M b N : Select the desi red hand set or “ All ” .
inte rvals when it returns within bas e uni t r ang e. Y ou c an s et t he i nterv al. The def ault sett ing is “ 1 min ” . Impo rtant: R When you are using a cellular line or a Blue toot h he adset , the b ase unit los es i ts conn ectio n from other Blueto oth devic es (cel lular phone o r headse t).
– wil l be disp layed on the han dset m ome ntari ly. The hand set can be used once is disp layed . When you use the landline again B efo re c onnec ting th e te lepho ne line to the base unit , selec t “ Off ” in step 2, “Cellula r line only mode (If yo u do not use the lan dline )”, page 19.
Maki ng c ellu lar call s I mpo rtant: R Only 1 c ellul ar line can be u sed at a ti me. R Befo re m aking calls, confirm tha t th e CE LL 1 or CEL L 2 indi cator lights up (page 15). 1 Lift the han dset and dial the ph one numb er. R To c orre ct a dig it, pres s M CLEAR N .
3 M N Stor ing a number to the p honebook P hon e nu mbers of up to 2 4 dig its can be stor ed i n th e ph onebo ok. n When a cellu lar phon e is pa ired : 1 M E N REDIAL 2 M b N : Select the desi red phon e number . a M M ENU N 3 M b N : “ Save ” a M SELE CT N 4 To s tore the nam e, c onti nue from ste p 3, “ Edit ing entr ies”, page 34 .
*1 The call is take n whe n: – only 1 c ellul ar phone is pair ed. – a sp ecif ic li ne is se t to ma ke cell ular calls (p age 20). R The base unit user c an t ake the call by pres sing M CELL 1 N o r M C ELL 2 N . To r elease h old on t he land line : Pres s M N .
Hand set n oise red uction This fea ture all ows y ou to he ar the voic e of the pers on yo u are t alkin g to cl early , by redu cing the surr ounding noise co ming fro m the othe r pa rty’ s te lepho ne. Pres s M N OISE RE DUCTI ON N to turn on/ off whil e ta lking .
2 M b N : Select the desi red cell ular pho ne. a M SEL ECT N R The call is tran sfer red t o the h ands et. Usin g the other l ine duri ng a c onv ersat ion You can handl e a cell ular cal l and a landline call at the same tim e.
Pana sonic Ni-MH b attery p erf orman ce (supp lied bat teries) duri ng po wer back -up mode When the bat teri es a re f ully charged, oper ating time o f th e ha ndse t in powe r back -up m ode vari es depen ding on usage. – Cont inuou s use of the ha ndse t in powe r back -up m ode: 1.
n W hen 2 or mo re hand sets a re register ed: When the uni t ri ngs, use a h ands et w hich is not supp lying power t o the b ase unit. For the oper ation , please see “A nswe ring calls”, page 22. R Do n ot u se o r li ft t he h ands et w hich is plac ed on the ba se un it durin g power back -up m ode.
Maki ng c ellu lar call s 1 D ial the phon e number . 2 Pres s M C ELL 1 N or M CELL 2 N . 3 When the oth er p arty ans wers, speak into the micr ophon e. R Spea k al terna tely wi th t he o ther part y. 4 When you fin ish talki ng, pres s M Z N . Note : R For best per form ance, use th e spea kerph one in a quiet e nvironme nt.
Answ erin g ca lls W hen a l andli ne call is being receive d, the SP-P HONE ind icator f lashes r apidly. When a c ellul ar call is being receive d, the CELL 1 o r CE LL 2 ind icat or an d SP-PH ONE indi cator flash rapid ly. 1 Pres s M Z N when t he unit rings.
If y ou s ubscribe to both Caller ID and Call W ait ing with Cal ler ID s ervices, the 2 nd call er’s informat ion is d isplayed after you hear the call wait ing ton e on the bas e un it. 1 Pres s M C ALL WAIT N to an swer the 2nd call . 2 To s witc h be twee n ca lls, pres s M CA LL WAIT N .
2 T o m ake a 2n d ca ll: Dial the phon e number . a M Z N To a nswer a 2nd call : M Z N R To h old the 2nd call , pr ess M HOLD N . 3 To h ang up t he 2 nd c all and r eturn t o th e 1st call (cel lular ca ll), pre ss M Z N , then pres s M C ELL 1 N or M CELL 2 N .
Shar ed p hone book T he shar ed ph onebook allows y ou to m ake call s wi thout having to dial manu ally. T he b ase unit and any handset registe red t o the b ase unit can use the sha red p honebook .
Find ing a nd calli ng from a phon ebook entry Scro lling through all ent ries n U s ing a cellul ar line : Hand set 1 M FN 2 M b N : Select the desi red entr y. 3 M CEL L N R The unit sta rts dialing when : – only 1 c ellul ar phone is pair ed. – a sp ecif ic li ne is se t to ma ke c ellu lar call s (pa ge 20).
4 M b N : Select the desi red entr y. 5 To m ake a ce llula r/landli ne call, continu e from ste p 3 for hand set or s tep 3 fo r ba se unit , “S crol ling through all entr ies”, page 33. Edit ing e ntries Hand set 1 F ind the des ired entry ( page 33).
Spee d di al Y ou can assig n 1 phon e number to each of the dial keys ( 1 to 9 ) on t he hands et. Addi ng ph one numb ers to s peed d ial keys n By e nter ing phon e number s: 1 Pres s an d hol d the d esire d speed dial key ( 1 t o 9 ). a M AD D N 2 M b N : “ Manual ” a M SE LECT N 3 Ente r th e pa rty’ s na me (1 6 charac ters max.
Prog ramm able set ting s Y ou can cust omize the uni t by pr ogram ming the followi ng featu res. To a cces s th e fe atur es, ther e ar e 2 metho ds. Hand set / Ba se u nit n S cro llin g throug h the d ispl ay m enus 1 M MEN U N 2 Pres s M C N or M D N to sel ect the desi red main men u.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Play all msg. – – #324 58 Eras e all msg. * 1 – – # 325 58 Gree ting Re cord gre eting * 1 – # 302 57 Chec k gre eting – #303 57 Pre- recor ded * 1 (.
Main men u: “ B luetoot h ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Link to c ell – 1 : A dd new devi ce *4 (for CEL L 1) – 2: A dd new devi ce *4 (for CEL L 2) Conn ect * 1 / Disc onnec t *1 .
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Sett ings Au to conne ct *1 1: < 1 min > 2: 3 min 3: 5 min 4: 1 0 min 0: O ff #632 18 Cell area code * 1 – # 633 20 Cell line only m ode *1 1: O n 0: <.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings C ode Set date & time Date a nd time * 1 – #101 16 Alar m 1: O nce 2: D aily 0: < Off > #720 44 Time a dju stmen t *1, *9 1: < Caller I D au to > 0:.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings C ode Auto talk * 17 – 1: O n 0: < Of f > #200 22 Set tel l ine Set dial mode * 1 1: P ulse 2: < Tone > #120 16 Set flash t ime *1, * 18 0: 9 00 ms 1: &.
n Ba se u nit Main men u: “ P ho neboo k ” Oper atio n Code View ing the phone book ent ry. #280 33 Main men u: “ C aller list ” Oper atio n Code View ing the calle r list.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Call bloc k * 1 – – #217 45 Firs t rin g * 1 < O n > Off #173 46 Bloc k w/o num * 1, *2 (Blo ck c alls without phone numb er) On < Off > #240 46 .
*17 If y ou subsc ribe to a Ca ller ID serv ice and want to view the cal ler’s inform ation after lift ing up t he hand set to a nswer a call, turn o ff t his feat ure. *18 The flas h ti me d epend s on yo ur t eleph one exc hange or host PBX. C ontact y our PBX supp lier if neces sary.
5 E nte r th e de sired hour an d minute you wish to end this fea ture. 6 * : S elect “ AM ” or “ PM ” . 7 M SAV E N a M OF F N R When the sil ent mode is set, is d isp layed . Base uni t 1 M M EN U N#2 38 2 M b N : Select the desi red sett ing.
Hand set n W hen a cellu lar phon e is pa ired : 1 M C N CID 2 M b N : Select the entr y to be blocked. a M SEL ECT N R To e dit the numb er, pres s * repe atedl y until the phon e number is s hown in the 10-di git for mat.
3 P roc eed with the ope ratio n for y our unit. Hand set: M OFF N Base uni t: M EXIT N View ing/e diting/e rasing c all bloc k n umb ers Hand set 1 M M EN U N#2 17 2 M b N : Select the desi red entr y. R To e xit, pre ss M OFF N . 3 To e dit a nu mber: M EDI T N a Edi t the p hone number.
Usin g Ca ller ID serv ice I mpo rtant: R This uni t is Cal ler I D compa tible . To us e Call er I D fe atur es, you m ust sub scri be t o a Call er I D ser vice.
Ring er ID for han dset You can selec t the d esir ed ri nger ton e to a grou p th at e ach phone book ent ry is a ssig ned (pag e 32). When a cal l is rec eive d fr om a call er a ssign ed to a group.
Edit ing a caller’ s phone numb er befo re ca lling ba ck You can edit a p hone number i n the c aller list by r emovi ng its area code and /or the long dist ance code “1” . Hand set n W hen a cellu lar phon e is pa ired : 1 M C N CID 2 M b N : Select the desi red entr y.
Note : R P hon e nu mbers from t he 4 most re cent ly edit ed a rea c odes are automat ically e dited. Eras ing s elected caller i nfo rmati on Hand set / Ba se u nit 1 Proc eed with the ope ratio n for y our unit. Hand set: M C N CI D Base uni t: M CID N 2 M b N : Select the desi red entr y.
Copy ing phon eboo k fr om a c ell ular pho ne ( phon eboo k tran sfer ) You can copy phoneboo k entrie s from the pair ed ce llular p hones or other c ellular phones (not pai red) to the unit ’s s hare d pho nebook. A cell ular phone mu st be c ompat ible wit h Blue toot h wi reles s techno logy.
To s tore “ N a tional a ccess ” : #119 3 Ente r th e de sire d num ber. a M SAVE N 4 M EXI T N Note : R Afte r you co py t he entri es, confirm that the numb ers w ere tran sferred correctl y.
Pair ing a headset to the base unit Impo rtant: R Make sure that t he B luet ooth hea dset is not conn ected to any oth er B luet ooth device. 1 Your headset : Set your hea dset to pair ing mode. R Refe r to the hea dset oper ating inst ruct ions. 2 Hand set: M MEN U N#6 21 3 If y our headset PIN is “ 0000 ”, go to step 4.
Call shar ing betw een your headset a nd the h andset Impo rtant: R To a ctiv ate this fea ture , yo u sh ould set cal l shar ing m ode to on be forehand (page 41 ). n Whil e the ha ndset is on a l andl ine call : To j oin the conv ersat ion with your he adset, turn on the head set refer ring to your head set opera ting ins tructio ns.
Answ erin g sy stem for l and line The answ ering system can ans wer a nd recor d call s fo r yo u wh en yo u are un availabl e to answ er t he ph one. You can also set the uni t to pla y a gree ting mess age b ut not to r ecor d ca ller messages by sele ctin g “ G reeting only ” a s the re cording time set ting (pa ge 62) .
Reco rding you r gre etin g mess age Hand set 1 M M EN U N#3 02 2 M b N : “ Yes ” a M SELEC T N 3 Afte r a beep sou nds, hol d th e ha ndse t abou t 20 cm (8 i nches ) away a nd speak clea rly i nto the micr ophone ( 2 minute s max. ). 4 Pres s M S TOP N to sto p re cord ing.
Eras ing a ll messa ges Pres s M E RASE N 2 tim es w hile the unit is not in use. List enin g to mes sage s u sin g th e ha ndse t When new mess ages hav e been recor ded, “ New mess age ” i s dis played. 1 To l isten to new mes sages: M MEN U N#3 23 To l isten to all mes sages: M MEN U N#3 24 2 When fin ished , press M O FF N .
Adva nced new mes sage a ler ting fea ture s Audi ble m essage a lert T his fea ture all ows t he base unit to bee p to info rm y ou of a new mess age arriv al when new messa ges are recorded . The ba se unit beep s 2 times every m inute un til you listen to the mess ages, if the “ B ase unit beep ” sett ing is t urned on .
Eras ing t he set p hone num ber Hand set 1 M M EN U N#3 38 2 M b N : “ Notifi cation to ” a M SE LECT N 3 M MEN U N a M b N : “ Era se ” a M SELECT N 4 M b N : “ Yes ” a M SELEC T N a M O FF N R The new messa ge alert settin g is turn ed o ff.
2 A fte r th e greeti ng m essa ge s tart s, e nter your remo te acces s code. 3 Foll ow t he v oice guidance prompts as nece ssary or cont rol the unit us ing remo te c omman ds (page 61).
For voice mail se rvice su bscriber s I f y ou subsc ribe to a fl at-r ate serv ice pack age that inc ludes Caller ID, cal l wa iting , voice mai l, and unlim ited loc al/regio nal/long distanc e call.
Voic e ma il s ervi ce f or l and line Voic e ma il is an aut omati c answe ring service offe red by y our servi ce provi der/tele phone comp any. Aft er y ou s ubsc ribe to this ser vice , your ser v.
List ening to voic e mail m essa ges The unit let s yo u kn ow t hat you have new voic e ma il me ssages i n the f ollow ing way: – “ New Voic e Mail ” is dis play ed i f mess age i ndicatio n servic e is av ailab le. Hand set 1 M MEN U N#3 30 R The spea kerph one turn s on.
Inte rcom I nte rcom call s can be made: – betw een hands ets – betw een a han dset and the ba se u nit Note : R When pag ing u nit(s), the pag ed un it(s) beep s fo r 1 minut e. R If y ou recei ve a n ou tsid e ca ll w hile talking on t he i nter com, you hear 2 tones .
5 T o c ompl ete the transfer : Pres s M O FF N . R The outs ide call is being routed to the dest inat ion u nit. To e stablish a confe rence ca ll: M MEN U N a M b N : “ Con f. ” a M SELECT N R To l eave the con feren ce, pre ss M OFF N . The othe r 2 part ies can cont inue the conv ersat ion.
Wall mou ntin g T he base unit can be moun ted on a wal l by chan ging the wal l mou nting ad aptor’s position . Note : R Make sure that t he w all and the fixi ng meth od a re st rong eno ugh to suppo rt the weig ht o f th e un it. R Mode l sho wn is K X-TG 7841 series.
Erro r me ssag es Disp lay mess age C ause/sol ution Base no p ower o r No l ink. Re-conne ct base AC a dapto r. or No l ink. R T he hand set has l ost com munic ation wi th the base unit . Mo ve c loser to the bas e un it a nd t ry a gain. R Unpl ug t he ba se unit’ s AC ad apto r to res et t he u nit.
Disp lay mess age C ause/sol ution Use recha rgeable battery. R A wr ong type of batt ery such as Alkaline or Mang anese was ins erted. U se only the rec harge able Ni-M H bat teries noted on page 4, 7.
Prob lem Cause/ solution I ca nnot con nect a c ellul ar p hon e to the bas e uni t. R Conf irm that your cellula r phone is turne d on. R Conf irm that you r cel lular ph one is w ithin ba se unit range (pag e 14).
Maki ng/an swering calls, i ntercom Prob lem Cause/ solution is displaye d. R T he hand set is t oo f ar f rom the base unit . Move clos er. R The base unit ’s AC a dapt or i s no t pr operl y connec ted. Reco nnect AC ada ptor to the base uni t. R The hand set is n ot r egist ered to the bas e un it.
Prob lem Cause/ solution I ca nnot mak e a call using t he l and line. R The dial ing m ode may be set inco rrec tly. Cha nge the sett ing (page 16). R The cell ular line onl y mode i s turned on. Tu rn it off (pag e 19). I ca nnot mak e lo ng di stance c all s.
Prob lem Cause/ solution The call er li st/incom ing phon e n umb ers a re not edite d auto mati cally . R The Call er I D num ber auto edit f eatu re is turned off . Tu rn it o n an d tr y ag ain (page 40, 43). R You need to call back the ed ited numb er to a ctiv ate Call er ID n umbe r aut o edit.
Prob lem Cause/ solution I ca nnot con nect my heads et to t he base unit . R Conf irm that your headset is tur ned on. R If y our head set is a lread y conne cted to anot her Bluet ooth devi ce su ch as yo ur cellu lar phon e, disco nnect t he head set from your cel lular ph one, the n perfor m the conn ectin g proced ure from the bas e unit.
Answ ering system Prob lem Cause/ solution The unit doe s no t re cord new m ess ages. R The answ ering system is turne d off. Turn it on (page 56). R The answ ering system does not answer or reco rd c alls from cel lular lines. R The mess age m emory is full.
Liqu id da mage Prob lem Cause/ solution Liqu id or other form of mois ture h as ente red t he hands et/base unit . R Disc onnec t the A C ad aptor and te lepho ne line cord fro m the base unit . Remov e th e ba tter ies from the han dset and leav e to dry for at leas t 3 days.
FCC and othe r in form atio n This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
manufacturer about the availability of Hearing Aids which provide adequate shielding to RF energy commonly emitted by digital devices. WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS T O EMERGENCY NUMBERS: 1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
Compliance with TIA-1083 standard: T elephone handsets identified with this logo have reduced noise and interference when used with T -Coil equipped hearing aids and cochlear implants. T Compatible with Hearing Aid T-Coil TIA-1083 For assistan ce, please v isit htt p://www.
Guía Ráp ida Espa ñola Conexiones L Use solo el adap tador de corriente Panasonic PNLV226 incluido. *Se requiere un filtro DSL/AD SL (no incluido) si tiene servic io de DSL/ADSL. L Use solo el adap tador de corriente Panasonic PNLV234 incluido. *Se requiere un filtro DSL/AD SL (no incluido) si tiene servic io de DSL/ADSL.
Instalación de la batería/Carga de las baterías Cargue aproximadamente durante 7 horas. Nota: L UTILICE SOLO baterías de Ni-MH tamaño AAA (R03). L NO utilice baterías Alcalinas, de Manganeso o de Ni-Cd. L Compruebe que las p olaridades son las correctas ( S , T ).
Camb io de idioma (prede te rminado: “ English ”) Cuando instale las ba terías por primera vez, es p osible que aparezca “ Date and time Press SELECT ” . Oprima { OFF } para salir . Idioma de la pant alla (Auricular/Unidad base) 1 { MENU } ( 11 )s { r } : “ Español ” s { GUARDA } 2 Continúe operando su unidad.
Cómo empa rejar un teléfono celular con Bluetooth 1 Auricular: Para CELL 1: { MENU } ( 6241 Para CELL 2: { MENU } ( 6242 L Después de que el indicador de CELL 1 o CELL 2 comienza a parpadear en la unidad base, e l resto del procedimiento deb e completarse en menos de 5 minu tos.
Cómo conectar o desconectar el teléfono celular Conexión automática al te léfono celular La unidad se cone cta al teléfono celular a intervalo s regulares si se pierde la conexión. Consulte las instrucciones de o peración para cambiar el intervalo (pre determinado: “ 1 min ” ).
Cómo hacer y contestar llamadas (Auricular) Para ajustar el volume n del receptor o del altavo z Oprima {^} o {V} repetidamente m ientras habla. Cómo hacer una lla mada usando la lista de remarcación 1 { > } REDIAL s { r } : Seleccione el número telefónico deseado.
Directorio telefónico compartido (Auricular) Para añadir entradas 1 { < } C s { MENU } 2 { r } : “ Agregar Ent. Nueva ” s { SELEC. } 3 Introduzca el nombre de la persona (máx. 16 caracteres). s { OK } 4 Introduzca el número telefónico de la persona (má x.
Cómo usar dispositi v o s Bluetooth Copiado de entradas del direct orio telefónico desde un teléfono celular con Bluetooth (transferencia del directorio telefónico) Puede copiar entradas de l dire.
Cómo usar un audífono Bluetooth (opcional) para llamadas por la línea terrestre Al emparejar un audífono Blu etooth con la unidad base, pod rá tener conversaciones ina lámbricas a manos libres para llamadas terrestres . L La conexión del aud ífono con Bluetooth no está di sponible mientras alguien se e ncuentra usando la línea celular.
Preguntas frecuentes Pregunta Causa y solución ¿Por qué aparece _ ? L El auricular está demas iado lejos de la unidad base . Acérquelo. L El adaptador para corriente de la unidad base no está conectado correctamente. Conecte de nuevo el adaptador para corriente a la unidad base.
Cust omer ser vice s Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (Fo r Un ited Sta tes and Puer to R ico) P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Limited W arranty Coverage If your product does not work pro.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 3 -wa y con ference: 24 , 30 A Addi tion al ha ndset: 47 Alar m: 44 Answ ering calls: 22 , 29 Answ ering system Call scre ening: 56 Eras ing messa ges: 57 , 58 , 61 Gree ting mess age: 56 Gree.
U U SB char ging: 14 V VM ( Voic e ma il): 63 Voic e gu idanc e langua ge: 16 Voic e ma il: 62 , 63 Volu me Rece iver: 21 Ring er (B ase unit ): 29 , 38 , 42 Ring er (H andset): 22 , 38 , 39 Spea ker: 21 , 28 W Wall mou nting : 67 94 Index TG78xx(en)_1210_ver101.
95 Notes TG78xx(en)_1210_ver101.pdf 95 2012/12/10 21:19:33.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . If your product is not working properly .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic KX-TG7844 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic KX-TG7844 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic KX-TG7844, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic KX-TG7844 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic KX-TG7844, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic KX-TG7844.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic KX-TG7844. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic KX-TG7844 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.