Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KX-TEB308 du fabricant Panasonic
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Model No. KX-TEB308 Thank you f or purchasing a P anasonic Adv anced Hybrid System. Please read this manual carefully bef ore using this product and sav e this manual f or future use.
2 User Manual Feature Highli ghts 1.1.1 Before Operating a T elephon e 1.8.3 If a V o ice Proc essing S yste m is Conn ected 1.1.1 Before Operating a T elephon e 1.
User Manual 3 In this manu al, • Propr ietar y T elephone i s abbre vi ated as "PT " *1 . Single Line T e lephon e is a bbre viat ed as " SL T ". Propr ietar y T elep hone wi th a Disp lay is abbreviated as "D isplay PT".
User Manual 5 Attention • K ee p the unit away from heati ng appli ances an d devices that ge nerate elec tri cal noise s uch a s fluores cent lam ps, motors, and televisions. These noise s ources c an inte rf ere with th e per f or manc e of the PBX.
6 User Manual For Future Reference Pleas e pri nt, reco rd, an d retain the following informati on for future re f erenc e. Note The ser ial numbe r of thi s produ ct ca n be found on the label affi xed to the unit .
User Manual 7 T a ble of Co ntents 1 Oper ation .. ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... . 9 1.1 Before Operating a T elephone ...... ....... ......... ........... .......... ..
8 User Manual 1.9 Using a Displa y Propri etary T elephone ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ....... 95 1.9 .1 Cal ling w ith the I nc omin g Cal l Lo g ... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .... ....... ....
User Manual 9 Section 1 Operation This chap ter shows you step by step how to use eac h f eatur e. Read this chapter to becom e familiar with th e many useful features of this PBX.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 10 User Manual 1.1 Bef ore Op erating a T e lephone 1.1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elephone What Kind of T elep hone Can Be Used? Y ou c an use a singl e line device s.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elephone User Manual 11 Y our Extension Number If you use a P anaso nic d isplay PT , you can confi r m your own extension number by pressing the " " ke y 2 tim es ( " ") whil e on-hook , or by acce ssing p ersonal programming.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 12 User Manual Go off- hook by doing any of the f ollo wing: • Lift the handset. • Pre ss the SP- PHONE b utton. • Press the MONITOR button. (T o star t tal king, lift the h andset.) Press t he Call button on the Door p hone.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elephone User Manual 13 When Y ou Use a P anasonic Propri etary T elephone If you use a P anaso nic PT or DSS C onsole, you will be a ble to use som e of the useful feature buttons descr ibed below . These buttons simp lify ce r tai n operations.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 14 User Manual Customised Buttons Througho ut this manual , when th e name of a button is wr itten in pa renthese s, such as "(G-CO) ", this means that it is a flexible button that has b een c ustom ised. T o cus tomise flexib le buttons, refer to " 3 .
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elephone User Manual 15 Lunch Us ed to cha nge the time ser vice mod e to lun ch mode. Caller ID Indicat ion—Com mon Used to infor m you of calls logged i n the common area.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T e lephone 16 User Manual How to Fol low the St eps An example sy stem ope ration p rocedur e is sh own below . • If your teleph one ty pe is not included in the operation s teps, for e xample, onl y "PT" i s marked a nd you are using an SL T , your telep hone canno t ex ecute tha t feature.
1.1 Bef ore Operating a T elephone User Manual 17 Connection Example This diagram shows devices that c an be con necte d. Batteries Voice Processing System Computer SLT Fax/Telephone Answering Machine PT DSS Console Wireless Phone Telephone Company Computer Printer External audio source (radio, CD player, etc.
1.2 Makin g Calls 18 User Manual 1.2 Maki ng Calls 1.2.1 Basic Calling – Calling Oth er Ex tension s – Calling an O utside Par ty – Using an Acco unt Code (Account Code Entr y) Calling Other Ext.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 19 T o call the operator (Operator Call) Y ou c an eas ily ca ll the e xte nsion assigne d as th e operator ex te nsion. Calling an Outsid e P ar ty There ar e 4 m ethods of s eizing an outsid e (CO ) line. Use whi chev er metho d you prefer , unless reque sted by your manager to use a sp ecifi c method.
1.2 Makin g Calls 20 User Manual T o select an idle outside (CO) li ne in the specified outside (CO) line gr oup automatical ly (Outside (CO) Line Gr oup Access) T o select a specifi ed outside (CO) line T o select an idle unassigned outside ( CO) line Off-hook.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 21 • The Single-CO (S-CO) and Gro up-CO (G -CO) button lights show the c urrent stat us as fol l o w s : Off : The line is idle. Green on : Y ou are usin g the line. Red on : Another extension is us ing the line (S -CO), or other extensio ns are us ing all outside (CO) l ines in the outs ide ( CO) li ne group (G- CO).
1.2 Makin g Calls 22 User Manual Using an A ccount Code (Accoun t Code Entr y) The ma nager may give persona l accoun t codes t o extension us ers, and c heck their telep hone us age for accou nting p ur pose s. Alter nat ively , an acco unt co de can be speci fied for each c ustome r , to log cal l durations for billing pu r pose s.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 23 1.2.2 Easy Dialling There ar e sever al co nv enien t metho ds of s tori ng and diallin g freq uently us ed pho ne numbers.
1.2 Makin g Calls 24 User Manual Using Number s Stored at Y our Extension (P er sonal Speed Dialli ng) Y ou c an store up to 10 numbers a t your e xten sion for y o ur persona l use.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 25 Using Numbers Stored in the PBX (System Speed Dialling) Y ou c an make calls using pre programmed s peed di alling numbe rs (m ax. 100 c odes) s tored in the PBX. Ask your manag er or deale r abo ut the stor ed sp eed diall ing numb ers.
1.2 Makin g Calls 26 User Manual T o set/cancel T o dial Using a Prepr ogrammed Number (Quick Dialling) Y ou c an make a call simply by using the prepro grammed co de number ( 50 throug h 59) .
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 27 1.2.3 Redialling Redial features make it easy to ma ke consecutive call s to th e same ou tside par ty . – Rediall ing the La st Ou tside Numb er Y ou Dialled ( Last .
1.2 Makin g Calls 28 User Manual Saving an Outside Phone Number for Redialli ng (Saved Number Redial) T o save T o dial T o dial automatic ally (A utomat ic Redial) • * Ente r "80 " or "## #" when "Plan 2" or "Pl an 3" is select ed as the number ing plan thro ugh system programming .
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 29 1.2.4 When the D ialled P ar ty is Busy or There is No Answer – Reser vi ng a Bu sy Line (A u tomatic C allback Bus y [Camp- on]) – Sending a Call W aitin g T one t.
1.2 Makin g Calls 30 User Manual T o answer a callbac k ring set for a busy outside (CO) line T o cancel the callbac k ring (A utomatic Callbac k Busy Cancel) Send ing a Call W aiting T o ne to a Bus .
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 31 Leaving a Message W aiting Indicatio n/Calling B ack a Caller Who Left an Indication (M essage W aiting) Lea ving a Messa ge W aiting Indicat ion T o leave a message wa.
1.2 Makin g Calls 32 User Manual T o cancel a message wait ing indicati on using the MESSA GE button Ca llin g B ack a Cal ler W ho L eft an Ind ica tion T o chec k a received message and call back T o cancel all messa ge waiting indic ations left at your extens ion PT Off-hook.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 33 T o cancel all message waitin g indications left at anothe r extension T o loc k/unlock message waiti ng indicati ons • Y ou ca n lock message waiting indication s so.
1.2 Makin g Calls 34 User Manual Joining an Existing Call (Exec utive Busy Override) Y ou can join an on going conversation, esta blishing a 3-par ty conference ca ll, if your ex te nsion is pe r mitted through system programming.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 35 T o leave the conference call Calling an Extension That Is Refusing Calls (DND Override) Y ou c an call us ers who have set the Do Not Distu rb (DND) f eatu re, if y o ur e xtens ion is per mi tted through syste m prog ramm ing.
1.2 Makin g Calls 36 User Manual 1.2.5 Switching the Calling Meth od (Alternat e Calling—R ing/ V oice) T o switch the calling method Extensio n users can cho ose whethe r to be aler ted to incomi ng call s by rin ging or by the caller 's voice.
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 37 1.2.6 Using Y our Calling Privileges at Anot her Extension (W alking COS) Y ou c an use your calling priv ileges (class o f ser vic e [CO S]) at ano ther extension, to overrid e calling restr ict ions t hat hav e been set at that extensio n.
1.2 Makin g Calls 38 User Manual 1.2.7 Accessing Another P ar ty Directly fr om Outside (Direct Inwar d System Access [DISA]) T o call an ext ension When an outsi de calle r dials a s pecifie d telep .
1.2 Making Calls User Manual 39 T o call an outside party In No Security Mode Dial DISA phone number . In T runk Security Mode/All Security Mode From an Outside T elephone DISA phone no. Off-hook. Off-hook. Seize an outside (CO) line before dialling the outside phone number.
1.2 Makin g Calls 40 User Manual • W A RNING There is a risk that fraudulent telephon e ca lls will be made using the Outside-to- Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Call feature of DISA.
1.3 Recei ving Calls User Manual 41 1.3 Recei ving Calls 1.3.1 Answering Calls • Hands-fre e Opera tion Y ou can rece ive a call and h av e a conversation in hands-fr ee mod e using th e SP- PHONE button. Ref er t o " 1.4.8 T alking to Anot her P a r ty without Liftin g the Han dset (Han ds-free Ope rati on) ".
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 42 User Manual 1.3.2 Answering Hands-free (Hands-free A ns werback) T o set/cancel Y ou c an set your pro pr ietar y te lephon e (PT) to answer incoming i ntercom calls without g oing o ff-hook. W hen an interc om call arr ives , you will he ar the caller talkin g witho ut the ph one r ingin g.
1.3 Recei ving Calls User Manual 43 1.3.3 Answering a Call Ring ing at Anot her T e lephone (Call Pic kup) – Answering a Ca ll from A nother T elephon e (Cal l Pickup) – Prev enting Other P eople .
1.3 Receiv ing Calls 44 User Manual Preventing Other P eople from Pic king Up Y our Call s (Call Pic kup Den y) Y ou c an prev ent oth er extension us ers fr om picking up your calls. Off-hook. On-hook. Enter 1 to prevent or 0 to allow. Enter # . PT/SLT Prevent Allow 1 0 OR Enter 72 .
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 45 1.4 During a Con ver sation 1.4.1 T ran sferring a Call (Call T ransfer) – T ransferring to a n Extens ion withi n the P BX – T ransferring to a n Outs ide Dest inatio n T ransferring to an Extension within the PBX Y ou c an transfer incomin g calls to anot her extension.
1.4 During a Con vers ation 46 User Manual T ransferr ing to an Outsi de Destination • * Y ou may hav e to enter the C all Hol d feature number after p ressin g the Recal l/hookswitch on your single line telepho ne (SL T), dep endin g on the SL T H old Mo de of your PB X.
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 47 1.4.2 Holding a Call – Holdin g – Holding i n a Sys tem Parking Z one (C all Park) Holdi ng There ar e 2 types of Call Hold mode. Th e difference between them is whether other peopl e can retr iev e the hel d call ( Gene ral Call Hold) or n ot (Exc lusi ve Call Hold ).
1.4 During a Con vers ation 48 User Manual T o retrie ve a call (Call Hold Retrie ve) Off-hook. Dial holding extension number . Off-hook. At the holding extension (Call Hold Retrieve) To retrieve an o.
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 49 Holding in a System P arking Zone (Call P ark) Y ou c an put a call on hold i n a commo n par k ing zone of the PBX so tha t any extension can retr iev e the par ked call. Up to 10 call s can b e par ked in the P BX.
1.4 During a Con vers ation 50 User Manual T o ret rieve (C al l P ark Retr ieve) •* 1 Enter " #22" when "Plan 2" or " Plan 3" is sele cted a s the num beri ng pla n through sys tem programming.
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 51 1.4.3 T a lking to 2 P ar ties Alternately (Call Splitting) When ta lkin g to one par t y with ano ther par ty on hol d, you can switch between the 2 pa r tie s. • Thi s feature is not av ailable for calls from d oor phon es or pa ging a nnounc ements.
1.4 During a Con vers ation 52 User Manual 1.4.4 Answering Call W aitin g – Answering Call W aiti ng in the PBX – Answering Call Waiting from t he T e lephon e Company Ans wering Call W aiting in .
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 53 2. T o hold the current call and then talk to the new party • * Y o u may ha ve to enter the Call Hold feature number afte r pressin g the Recal l/hookswitch on your single line telephone (SL T ), depen ding on the SL T Hold Mode o f your PBX.
1.4 During a Con vers ation 54 User Manual Answering Call W a iting fr om the T elephone Com pany Y our teleph one compa ny may also offer an opti onal c all waiting ser vi ce, which c an inform you that you have anoth er call on the sa me outs ide (CO ) line.
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 55 1.4.5 T a lking to Multip le P ar ties (Conference) – Adding a Third P ar ty Dur ing a Co nv ersation ( 3-par ty Conference) – Leaving a Conference Call .
1.4 During a Con vers ation 56 User Manual T o put the thir d party on hold and talk to the original party T o leave a 3-par ty conf erence call Leaving a Conference Call (Unattended Conference) •* .
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 57 T o leave a conf erence call and establish an unatt ended conference call T o return while other s are talkin g Originating a 3-par ty to 5-party Conference .
1.4 During a Con vers ation 58 User Manual T o establish a 5-party confe rence call T o change to a 5-party conferen ce call during a 3-party conference call with one or 2 out side parties Press CONF . PT T alk. To continue Dial desired phone number .
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 59 T o disconnect a 5-party conference ca ll • * Ente r "# 22 " when " Plan 2" o r "Pla n 3" is sel ected as the number ing plan th rough system pr ogramming. • Only one 5 -par ty conference ca ll c an be in pr ogress a t a time.
1.4 During a Con vers ation 60 User Manual 1.4.6 Muting a Mi cr ophon e (Microphone Mute) T o set/cancel Y ou c an disable the microph one to con sult p rivately with others i n the roo m whil e listen ing to the other par ty on the pho ne thr ough the s peaker .
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 61 1.4.7 Using th e Headset (Headset Operation ) T o talk using the headset Conn ecting an option al head set al lows for hands-free c onversations. This feature is also k nown as Han dset/Heads et Selec tion. No SL T Press SP-PHONE .
1.4 During a Con vers ation 62 User Manual 1.4.8 T alki ng to Anot her P ar ty w ithout Lif ting the Han dset (Hands-free Operation) T o switch from t he handset to hands-free mode T o switc h from hands-fr ee mode to the handset Y ou c an hav e a conv ersati on in hand s-free mode us ing the S P-PHONE but ton.
1.4 During a Con vers ation User Manual 63 1.4.9 Changin g the Dialling Mode (Pulse to T one Con version) If you are usi ng a pul se-typ e outsi de (CO) line, you can tempora ril y chan ge the dial ling mo de from pul se to tone to access compu ter telep hone s er vices that r equire t one dia lling s uch as V oice Mail .
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk 64 User Manual 1.5 Be fo re Lea ving Y our Desk 1.5.1 Forwar ding Y our Calls (Call F orwar ding [FWD]) Y ou c an have y our in comi ng calls forw arded to a sp ecified desti nation.
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk User Manual 65 T o set/cancel T o set/cancel fr om another e xtension 1 7 Off-hook. Press FWD/DND or enter 71 . Enter required number . Enter 3 to select "To Outside (CO) Line". All Calls Busy/No Answer To Outside (CO) Line Dial outside (CO) line access number and then outside phone number .
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk 66 User Manual • The FW D/DND button li ght sh ows the cu rrent statu s as follows: Off : Ne ithe r f eat ure is set.
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk User Manual 67 1.5.2 Showing a Message on the Caller's T eleph one Display (Absent Message) If you are un able to answer call s, y ou c an selec t a br ief me ssag e that wi ll be sh own on th e displays of P ana sonic di splay propr ietar y telephone (PT) us ers whe n they call you.
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk 68 User Manual T o confirm • * Th e date o rder varies d epending o n your countr y/area. • Enter the de sired value in th e " % " p osition s. Y ou must ente r the number of di gits represent ed by the number o f " % " symb ols.
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk User Manual 69 1.5.3 Preventi ng Other People fr om Using Y our T e lephone (Extension Lo c k) Y ou c an lock your extension so that ou tside (CO ) line calls canno t be made. Thi s can be useful to prev ent othe r people from mak ing in appropr iate c alls usi ng your extension.
1.5 B efore Leav ing Y our De sk 70 User Manual 1.5.4 Lea ving a Group (Log-in/Log-ou t) T o set Log-in/Log-out Y ou c an change your status in an extension group. When you log out, in comin g calls to the group will no t ring at your e xtens ion. When you log back in , calls wil l again r i ng at your extension.
1.6 Mak ing/Answering a Pa ging Announce ment User Manual 71 1.6 Making/Ans wering a P a ging Announcement 1.6.1 P a ging – Pa g i n g – P aging an d then T ran sferring a Call Pa g i n g Y ou ca n make a paging an nounceme nt to sev eral people at once.
1.6 Makin g/Answering a Pa ging Announ cement 72 User Manual P aging and then T ransferring a Call Y ou c an transfer a call af ter maki ng a pa ging a nnounceme nt.
1.6 Mak ing/Answering a Pa ging Announce ment User Manual 73 1.6.2 Answering/Den ying a P aging Anno uncement Y ou c an answer a paging a nnouncem ent fro m any extension. Y ou can al so se t your propr ietar y telepho ne (PT) to not rec eive paging ann ounce ments.
1.7 Setting th e T elephon e Accord ing to Y our Needs 74 User Manual 1.7 Setti ng the T elephone According to Y o ur Needs 1.7.1 Setting the Ala rm (Timed Rem inder) Y ou ca n set your telep hone to r ing at a s et time, to remi nd you of a meeting, a ppointment , or as a wak e-up call.
1.7 Setting the T elephone Accordin g to Y our Needs User Manual 75 T o stop the alarm T o confirm • The alar m r i ngs for 30 secon ds. • If you receive an incoming ca ll during a n alarm, t he ri nging for that ca ll wil l star t after the alar m stops ring ing.
1.7 Setting th e T elephon e Accord ing to Y our Needs 76 User Manual 1.7.2 Refusing Inco ming Calls (Do Not Disturb [ DND]) Y ou c an set your te lephon e to prev ent i ncoming calls from r inging a t your telepho ne. This ca n be us eful in situati ons wher e you do not want to be dist urbed, for e xam ple du ring a meeting .
1.7 Setting the T elephone Accordin g to Y our Needs User Manual 77 1.7.3 Receiving Ca ll W aiting Dur ing a conversation, you can be informe d of a waitin g call by a to ne thr ough the built- in sp eaker of your propr ietar y tele phone (PT) or th e hands et of your single l ine telep hone ( SL T) ( Default: Disa ble).
1.7 Setting th e T elephon e Accord ing to Y our Needs 78 User Manual 1.7.4 Pre ventin g Other P eople from Joining Y our Con ver sa tion (Executive Busy Override Deny) Y ou c an prev ent oth er extension us ers from u sing the Executive Busy Overrid e feature to join a n ongo ing call.
1.7 Setting the T elephone Accordin g to Y our Needs User Manual 79 1.7.5 T urning on the Bac kground Music (BG M) T o set/cancel Y ou c an li sten to background music (B GM) thr ough your tel ephone speaker whil e on-ho ok. If your e xte nsion be comes busy (off-ho ok, m aking or rece ivin g a call et c.
1.7 Setting th e T elephon e Accord ing to Y our Needs 80 User Manual 1.7.6 Pr otecting Y our Line against Notification T on es (Data Line Sec urity) Y ou c an pro tect the l ine aga inst audible notific ation tones, su ch as ca ll waitin g tones or hold alar m tones during a con ve rsati on.
1.7 Setting the T elephone Accordin g to Y our Needs User Manual 81 1.7.7 Checking the Time Ser vice Mode The PB X can be pro grammed to make and rec eive calls differently in day/night/ lunc h modes . Y ou can conf irm the curr ent t ime service mode (da y , night , or lunc h) on the displ ay .
1.7 Setting th e T elephon e Accord ing to Y our Needs 82 User Manual 1.7.8 Clearing Features Set at Y our Extension (Exten sion Feature Clear) Y ou c an reset the se ttings of t he following f eatu res on your e xte nsion to t he default settings. This f eatu re is al so known as Statio n Feature Clear or Stati on Programm e Clear .
1.7 Setting the T elephone Accordin g to Y our Needs User Manual 83 1.7.9 Mon itoring a R oom (Room Monito r) Y ou c an mo nitor a room th rough an other propr ietar y telep hone (P T), or m onitor a door throug h a do or phon e. The P T you want to monit or shoul d be set i n advance to al low monitor ing.
1.7 Setting th e T elephon e Accord ing to Y our Needs 84 User Manual T o talk with a person in the monitored room T o cancel a monitor T o stop a monitor tempor arily whi le on-hook • * Ente r "#3 1" when "Plan 2" or "Pl an 3" is select ed as the number ing plan th rough s ystem programming.
1.8 Using User -supplied Equipment User Manual 85 1.8 Using User -sup plied Eq uipment 1.8.1 If a Doorp hone/Door Open er is Connected – Calling t o and from a Door p hone ( Door pho ne Call) – Opening a Door ( Door Ope n) Calling to and fr om a Doorphone (Doorphon e Call) Y ou c an talk to a p erson a t the d oor thro ugh the do or p hone.
1.8 Using Use r-suppli ed Equipment 86 User Manual Open ing a Do or (Door O pen) Y ou c an unlock a do or from your e xtensio n, if e nabled through syst em programming .
1.8 Using User -supplied Equipment User Manual 87 1.8.2 If a Host PB X is Connected – Acces sing Ex ter nal S er vices (Exte r nal F ea ture Ac cess [E F A ]) Accessing External Services (Exte rnal Feature Access [EF A]) Y ou c an acces s speci al f ea tures su ch as Cal l W aiting o ffered by another PBX o r a teleph one com pany .
1.8 Using Use r-suppli ed Equipment 88 User Manual 1.8.3 If a V oice Processing System is Connec ted Y ou or an ou tside par ty can acce ss the V oice Proces sing Sy stem (VPS) from a tele phone.
1.8 Using User -supplied Equipment User Manual 89 T o listen to messages T o transf er a call to a mailbo x ( APT Integration only) • If your PBX has a P anas onic VPS conne cted us ing Inb and (DTM F) integration, your PBX automa tically s ends a spe cial signal to the V o ice Ma il por t before connec ting the caller.
1.8 Using Use r-suppli ed Equipment 90 User Manual Screeni ng Calls (Live Call S creen ing [LCS] ) Bef ore operating • Create a Live Call Sc reening (LCS) button. • Selec t the mode, eit her Ha nds-free or Pr ivate. • Set t he LCS p ass wo rd. • Set t he LC S fe atur e.
1.8 Using User -supplied Equipment User Manual 91 T o set LCS T o cancel LCS Press Live Call Screening . Enter LCS password . LCS password PT (Live Call Screening) While on-hook Press red Live Call Screening .
1.8 Using Use r-suppli ed Equipment 92 User Manual Operation Fl owchart The op erations in th e shad ed areas can be pe rformed i n hand s-free mode. Hands-free Mode Private Mode Stop monitoring Answer the call Monitor Monitor No operation Stop monitor Answer (Alert Tone) Press FLASH/RECALL or LCS Cancel .
1.8 Using User -supplied Equipment User Manual 93 Recor ding a Con ve rsation (2 -way Recor d) T o recor d into y our mailbo x • The Live Call S creenin g (LCS) button light shows the f eatur e sta tus as follows: Off : LCS is off. Fla shi ng gr ee n ra pid ly : An aler t tone is ring ing (Pr ivate mode only).
1.8 Using Use r-suppli ed Equipment 94 User Manual T o record int o another mail box ( 2-way T ransfer) • The 2 -wa y Recor d button light or 2-wa y T ran sfer button light shows the c urrent st atus as fo l l o w s : Off : Not recordi ng. On : Recordi ng the conversatio n.
1.9 Using a Displa y Proprie tary T elephone User Manual 95 1.9 Using a Displa y Pr oprietary T elephone 1.9.1 Calling with the Inco ming Call Log If your PBX r eceives caller informatio n from the te.
1.9 Usin g a Display Propr ietary T elepho ne 96 User Manual T o view call er inf ormation and call back a call er T o erase caller informati on • Only 12 dig its (or ch aracters) o f a caller 's number (o r name) ca n be dis played e ven though up to 16 di gits (or charac ters) of in formati on ca n be rec eived.
1.9 Using a Displa y Proprie tary T elephone User Manual 97 T o erase al l caller inf ormation i n the pers onal area T o disregar d the ne west cal l/overwri te the oldest cal l in the pe rsonal area.
1.9 Usin g a Display Propr ietary T elepho ne 98 User Manual • A Call er ID Indicatio n—P erso nal/Commo n button can b e used to: – In f or m you of cal ls logge d in your pers onal a rea or th.
User Manual 99 Section 2 Operator/Manager Operation This cha pter show s the o perator and the ma nager extension how to cont rol the o ther extensions or the PBX .
2.1 Contr ol Featu res 100 User Manual 2.1 Contr ol Features 2.1.1 Locking Other Extensions (Rem ote Extension L ock) T o lock/unloc k The op erator or man ager can lo ck or unlock an extension. This f eatu re is al so known as Remote S tation Lock Control.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 101 2.1.2 Switching the Time Ser vice Mode (Tim e Service) T o change the time service mode manually T o return to automati c mode after changi ng the time service mo.
2.1 Contr ol Featu res 102 User Manual • The D a y , Night, and Lun ch button li ghts s how the cu rrent s tatus as f ollows: Off : Not set Red on : Set • If lu nch mode is set manual ly by enter .
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 103 2.1.3 Setting an Alarm f or Other Exte nsions (Remote T imed Reminder [W ake-up Call]) T o set T o cancel The op erator or man ager can remo tely set or canc el the T imed Remi nder feature for any e xtensi on. No SL T On-hook.
2.1 Contr ol Featu res 104 User Manual T o confirm Off-hook. On-hook. Enter 764 . Dial extension number . Display PT extension no. 6 4 7 Enter # . Enter 763 .
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 105 2.1.4 Erasing All Caller Information in the Comm on Area (Incoming C all Log in the Commo n Area—CLEAR ALL) T o erase The o perator or manager can erase all c aller inform ation lo gged i n the com mon area .
2.1 Contr ol Featu res 106 User Manual 2.1.5 Disregard ing th e Newest Call or Overwriting the Oldest Call in the Com mon Area Ca ll Log (301st In coming Call Logged in t he Common Area) T o disregard t he newest call/o verwrite the ol dest call i n the common area cal l log The call lo g in the com mon are a can store up to 300 cal l records.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 107 2.1.6 Changin g System Settings Usin g Pr ogram ming Mode The op erator or man ager can set th e following system f eatur es whil e in prog ra mming mode .
2.1 Contr ol Featu res 108 User Manual Recording or Play ing Ou tgoing Message s use d by DISA, U CD , and 3-level AA (Outgoin g Messag e [OGM ] for DISA/UCD) * 5 X = 0 (T o eras e OGMs f or Di rect I.
2.1 Contr ol Features User Manual 109 •* 1 Y ear (00 –99), Mon th (01 –12), Day (01–31), Day of the week (0–6: Sun-Sat ), Hour (01 – 12), Minute (00–59) , AM/PM ( 0/1) •* 2 The prepr ogrammed extension p assw ord c an be u sed for the W alking C OS feature and the R emote Extens ion Lo ck f e atur e.
2.1 Contr ol Featu res 110 User Manual.
User Manual 111 Section 3 Customising Y our Pho ne & PBX This cha pter s hows you how to custo mise your prop r ietar y telephon e (PT) or PBX ac cording to your needs.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) 112 User Manual 3.1 Custo m ising Y our Phone (P ers onal Pr ogrammin g) 3.1.1 Customising Y our Phone (P ersonal Programming) Y ou c an custom ise vari ous features of your tel ephone, su ch as li ne pr eferences and cus tomised buttons.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) User Manual 113 3.1. 2 Changing P er sonal Se ttings U sing Pr ogra mming Mode Y ou c an perfor m the following while i n programming m ode: – S.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) 114 User Manual Clearing Features Y ou c an reset the following features to th eir default settings. This operation a lso can cels the A UTO ANS/MUTE s tatus of b oth the H ands- free Answerback f eatur e and the Room Monito r f eatur e.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) User Manual 115 Confirming Y our Ow n Extensio n Number (Self-extension Number Confirmation) Y ou c an con fir m your jack and ex t ension numb er . • Y ou c an also c onfir m your extension number by press ing the " " key 2 times ( " ") while on-hook .
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) 116 User Manual 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Y ou c an custom ise t he flexible CO b u ttons, Direct St ation S electio n (DSS) buttons, Programm.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) User Manual 117 Extens ion Lock* 5 + e xten sion no .* 1 Log-in/ Log-out 2-way Record* 6 + voice mail extension no.* 1 2-w a y T ransf er * 6 + voice mail extension no.* 1 Live Call Screeni ng (LCS)* 6 LCS Canc el* 6 V oice M ail (VM ) T ra nsf er* 6 + v o ice mail extension no.
3.1 Customis ing Y our Phone (Pe rsonal Pr ogramming) 118 User Manual T o confirm a bu tton setting T o clear a button setting Press CO , DSS , PF , or MESSAGE . (CO, DSS, PF) OR Display PT Press PROGRAM . Press PROGRAM . Press STORE . 2 Enter 2 . To continue Press CO , DSS , or MESSAGE .
3.2 Mana ging Call Logs User Manual 119 3.2 Ma naging Call Logs 3.2.1 Requirements The ma nager c an pr int out and cl ear cal l log informati on for each extension. A v ailable Extension The extension c onnected to extension jack 01 Required T elephone A P anas onic propr ietar y teleph one (PT) with a display (e.
3.2 Mana ging Call Logs 120 User Manual 3.2.2 Printing and Clea ring Call Lo gs Item Progr amming Input Clear ing the c all recor ds of eac h extension.* 1 Pri nting the call re cords o f each extension. Clear ing th e call rec ords o f all extensions.
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 121 3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) 3.3.1 Programming Information Y ou c an cha nge the default settin gs of your PB X acco rding to your requ irements. Customi sable programming items are shown below , wi th the programme number in parent heses.
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Programm ing) 122 User Manual Icon Descriptions Fixed Button (KX-T77 30/KX- T7735) Function PREV (PRE VIOUS) NEXT SECRE T ST ORE PA U S E PROGRAM END SELEC T FLASH CL.
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 123 Pr ocedure The ba sic ste ps ar e shown be low . 1. T o enter programming mode 2. T o programme Y ou can enter eac h programme number (3 di gits). 3. T o exit pr ogramming mode Enter manager password .
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Programm ing) 124 User Manual 3.3.2 System Programming System Spee d Dialling Number [001] Y ou c an store frequentl y used p hone numb ers for conv enient d ialling . • If the des ired number is more tha n 32 digits, divide the number and s tore it into more than one speed diallin g number.
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 125 System Speed Dialling Name [0 11] Y ou c an sto re the nam e assoc iated with each s peed dialling number . Thes e names a re disp lay ed when makin g calls using the Syst em Speed Diall ing feature.
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Programm ing) 126 User Manual DISA Security Code Digits [530] Y ou c an selec t the numb er of digits used f or D ISA sec urit y codes assigne d in DISA Secur ity Cod e [512] .
3.3 Customisin g Y our PBX (System Pr ogramming) User Manual 127 Entering Cha racters Y ou c an en ter the following chara cters. The ta bles below show you the character s av ail able f or eac h button.
3.3 Customising Y our PBX (System Programm ing) 128 User Manual.
User Manual 129 Section 4 Appendix This cha pter p rovides T roublesh ooting , the Feature Numb er T able and T one Li st. Check the T roublesho oting sec tion before consul ting your dea ler .
4.1 T roub leshooting 130 User Manual 4.1 T r oubleshooting 4.1.1 T roub le shooting Problem Remedy I cannot make calls using the telephone. • The telephone is loc ked. Unlock your telephone. ( 1.5.3 Preventing Other P eople from Using Y our T elephone (Exten sion Lock) , 2.
4.1 T roubl eshooting User Manual 131 I cannot make an outside (CO) line call using a One-touc h Dialling button or Speed Dialling. • An outside (CO) l ine acces s number was not stored with the phone number . An out side ( CO) line access n umber is requi red f or outsi de (CO) line ca lls.
4.1 T roub leshooting 132 User Manual I want to confirm m y extension n umber . • Confir m your e xten sion number by pressing t he " " ke y 2 ti mes wh ile on -hook, o r throug h perso nal programmin g. ( Y our Ex tension Number in 1.1.1 Before Operatin g a T elepho ne , 3.
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T a ble User Manual 133 4.2 Feature Number T abl e 4.2.1 Feature Number T able The n umbers listed belo w are t he f eat ure n umber s used to access t he PBX fea ture s. Th e numb ering pla n can be s elect ed through s ystem programm ing.
4.2 Featur e Number T abl e 134 User Manual 1.2.4 When the Dia lled Par ty is B usy or T here is No Answer Leaving a Mes sage Waiting Indic ation/Cal ling Back a Caller Who Le ft an Indic ation (M essage W aitin g) 70 Leaving a Mes sage Waiting Indic ation –T o l e a v e 1 + extension no .
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T a ble User Manual 135 –T o r e t r i e v e 52 (#56) *4 store d par king zone no. (0–9) 1.4.4 Answerin g Call W aiting Answ e ring Call Waiting from the T ele phone Company 6 1.
4.2 Featur e Number T abl e 136 User Manual 1.6.1 P a ging – All E xtensio ns 33 (#33) 0 –G r o u p 33 (#33) extension group no. (1–8) – Exter nal 34 (#34) – All E xtensio ns & E xter na l 33 (#33) or 9 1.6.2 Answerin g/Denying a Paging Anno uncement – T o an s wer 43 (#43) –T o r e f u s e 734 1 + # – T o acc ept 734 0 + # 1.
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T a ble User Manual 137 1.7.9 Moni tori ng a Roo m (Room M onitor) 735 –T o s e t 1 + # – T o cancel 0 + # – T o monitor through a door ph one 31 (#31) door phone no. (1/2) 1.8.1 If a Do or p hone/Door Opener is Connec ted Calling to and from a Doo r phone ( Door ph one Call ) 31 (#31) door phone no.
4.2 Featur e Number T abl e 138 User Manual 2.1.3 Setti ng an Ala r m for Other Extens ions (Remote T imed Rem inder [Wake-up Call]) *5 764 –T o s e t extension no . + # + 76 + hour /minute + 0 (AM) /1 (PM) + 1 (one ti me)/2 (daily) + # – T o canc el e xten sion no.
4.2 F eat ure Num ber T a ble User Manual 139 Feature (While dialling or talking) Numbering 1.2.5 Sw itching the Cal ling Meth od (Alte r nate Calling— Ring/V oice) 1.3.3 Answerin g a Call Ri nging at Another T elep hone (Cal l Pickup) – Call Retr ieving from a T elep hone A ns wer ing Ma chine (T A M) 4* 1.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 140 User Manual 4.3 Identifying T ones 4.3.1 Identifying T ones While On-hook Ring T one Pat terns The following ri ng tone patter ns can be a ssigned to inc oming ca ll ty pes.
4.3 Identify ing T ones User Manual 141 Doorphone Chime Patt erns The following door phone chime patter ns can b e assign ed to each door phone when doorbel ls and do or chime s are c onnect ed to the PBX. * Chime patter ns 1 to 4 a re played only one time duri ng the door pho ne r inging time.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 142 User Manual When Going Off-hook Dial T ones T one 1 Nor mal T one 2 Any of the f oll owing features is set: • Absent M essage • Background M usic (BGM) (proprieta r y t.
4.3 Identify ing T ones User Manual 143 When Making Calls Busy T ones [New Zealand onl y] [Cz e ch Re publ i c on ly] Reorder T ones The o utside ( CO) l ine you tr ied to se ize is not ass igned o r was denied.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 144 User Manual While Off-hook When T alking to an Outside P arty When Setting the Features or Pr ogramming Dou ble (5 -s i nte r val) DND T one The di alled extensio n is ref using inco ming c alls.
4.3 Identify ing T ones User Manual 145 T one 2 The new feature setting was the sam e as th e previous settin g, or ce r t ain features were succe ssfully perform ed or access ed (e.
4.3 Identify ing T ones 146 User Manual.
User Manual 147 Inde x.
Index 148 User Manual Numerics 2- way Re cor d 15, 93, 117 2-way T ransfe r 15, 94, 11 7 301st Incoming Cal l Logged in the Com mon Area 106, 138 3-level Aut oma ted Attend ant 2 3-party Conf erence 5.
Index User Manual 149 Examp les 11 Exclusive Cal l Hold 47 Execu tive Bu sy Ov erride 34, 138 Execu tive Bu sy Ov erride Deny 78, 136 Extens ion Fe ature Cle ar 82, 136 Extensi on Lock 14, 69, 11 7, 1.
Index 150 User Manual Overrid e Deny) 78 Preve nting Other P eople from P ick ing Up Your Calls (Call P icku p Deny) 44 Preve nting Oth er People from Using Y our Telep hone (Ext ension Lo ck) 69 Prin.
Index User Manual 151.
Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. 1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, Japan Copyright: This material is copyrighted by P anasonic Comm unications Co ., Ltd., and may be reproduced f or internal use only . All other reproduction, in whole or in par t, is prohibited without the wr itten consent of P anasonic Communications Co .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic KX-TEB308 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic KX-TEB308 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic KX-TEB308, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic KX-TEB308 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic KX-TEB308, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic KX-TEB308.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic KX-TEB308. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic KX-TEB308 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.