Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KX-TDA0484 du fabricant Panasonic
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KX-TD A5480 Model KX-TD A0484 4-Channel V oIP Gate wa y Car d Thank you f or purchasing a P anasonic 4-Channel V oIP Gate wa y Card. Please read this manual carefully bef ore using this product and sav e this manual f or future use.
2 Programming Guide T able of Contents 1 IP-G W4 Mai ntena nce Uti lity ........ .... ........ .... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... .. 3 1.1 St arting the IP-G W 4 Maintenance Utility ........... . ....... . .... . ....... ............
Programming Guide 3 Section 1 IP-GW4 Maintenance Utility Programm ing of the V o IP Gateway Car d is carr ied out thr ough a web pro gramming utilit y call ed the IP- GW4 Mai ntenan ce Utility . This section pr ovides the start-up proced ure for the IP- GW4 Mai ntenan ce Util ity .
1.1 St arting the IP-GW4 Maintenance Utility 4 Programming Guide 1.1 S t arting the IP-GW4 Maintenanc e Utility There are 2 different lo g-in lev els to th e IP-GW4 Mainte nance Util ity , a web program ming u tility fo r the V oIP Gateway C ard: Ad minist rator le vel a nd Installer level.
1.1 S tarting the IP-GW4 Maintenance Utili ty Programming Guide 5 Notes • I f another user is al ready logg ed in, you will be rejec ted. • Fo r read ability of the t ext o n the screen , it is recom mended that you adj ust th e text s ize of Inter net Expl orer to below medi um.
1.1 St arting the IP-GW4 Maintenance Utility 6 Programming Guide.
Programming Guide 7 Section 2 Administrator Functions This sec tion pro vides oper ating ins tructi ons for the IP -GW4 Maintenan ce Uti lity when logged in as the Admi nistrato r .
2.1 Main Menu for the Administrator 8 Programming Guide 2.1 M ain Menu for the Admin i strato r The IP-G W4 Mainte nance Utilit y provi des the f ollowi ng menu to a use r logged in as the Admi nistrato r .
2.1 Main Menu for the Administ rator Programming Guide 9 Programm ing Maintenance Dat a Management Others Menu Section Reference 1.1 Network Settin gs, Genera l 2.2.1 Networ k Para meters 1.2 H.323 D etailed Setti ngs 2.2.2 H.323 Param eters 1.3 V oice Com munic ation Detaile d Settings 2.
2.2 Programmi ng 10 Programming G uide 2.2 Programming 2.2.1 Network Parameters 1. Click 1.1 N etwork S ettings, G eneral in th e main me nu. Current IP Address , Current Subnet Mask , a nd Cur ren t De fa ult Gate wa y show th e current IP address settings o f the V oIP G ateway Card.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 1 1 Para meter Descripti ons The parameters i ndicated with " # " must be ch anged whi le the card is in the "STOP" status (see "2.3.1 S tatu s Control" ). The cha nges m ust be fol lowed b y a rebo ot to be come effect ive (see " 2.
2.2 Programmi ng 12 Programming G uide HTTP Settings QSIG Connectionless T unneling Settings Others Parameter & Description Default V alue Range # HTTP Port No. S pec ifies th e port n umber fo r HTTP co mmunica tions by the card. General ly , there is no ne ed to c hange the d efault val ue.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 13 Det ailed Explanations DHCP Server When us ing the DH CP featu re, the IP address setting s of the card (IP address, s ubnet m ask, and default gateway) will be a ssigned by a DHCP ser ver .
2.2 Programmi ng 14 Programming G uide 2.2.2 H.323 Parameters 1. Click 1.2 H .323 Detailed Sett ings in the m ain me nu. 2. Assig n each param eter ref erring to the desc ription s below. At any ti me duri ng the ses sion, you c an: • Cli ck ALL CLEAR to return a ll parameters to their pr evious values.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 15 Para meter Descripti ons The parameters indicated with " # " must b e changed while t he V oIP Gateway Ca rd is in the " STOP" status (see "2.3.1 S ta tus Contro l"). The c hanges m ust be followed by a reb oot to be come e f f ectiv e (see "2.
2.2 Programmi ng 16 Programming G uide Gatekeeper Settings Parameter & Description Default V alue Range # Gatekeeper S pe cifies t he use of a gatek eeper . For details, refer to " Detailed Ex planation s". Don't use Use, Don't use * Primary Gatekeeper IP Address S peci fies t he IP addr ess of th e primar y gatek eeper .
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 17 Others Det ailed Explanations Gatekeeper The fo llowing a re the gen eral functions of a gatek eeper: • Dialed n umber-t o-IP addres s transl ation • Authenti.
2.2 Programmi ng 18 Programming G uide 2.2.3 V oice C ommunicatio n Parameters 1. Click 1.3 V oice Co mmunication De t ail ed Set tings in the main menu. 2. Assig n each param eter ref erring to the desc ription s below. At any ti me duri ng the ses sion, you c an: • Cli ck ALL CLEAR to return a ll parameters to their pr evious values.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 19 Para meter Descripti ons QoS Field Settings The parameter s below a re used t o set the T oS ( T ype of S ervice) fie ld in the header of IP packets to control QoS of V oI P comm unicati ons. For more informat ion abo ut QoS, ref er to "A1 .
2.2 Programmi ng 20 Programming G uide CODEC Frame Settin gs The parameter s belo w are us ed to set the i nterval bet ween packet transmi ssions for eac h type o f CODEC. I t is recomm ended t hat all V oIP Gateway Cards in a V oIP networ k have the s ame se ttings for th ese paramete rs.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 21 Det ailed Explanations QoS Field Settings The fo llowing d iagrams show the bit va lues of t he T oS fiel d in the IP header i n relation to the s etting values f.
2.2 Programmi ng 22 Programming G uide DSCP HEX CODEC Frame Settin gs The amount of required bandwidth depends on the type of CO DEC and the sel ected packet se nding interva l.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 23 Required Bandwid th for V oice Communication v ia W AN (PPP: Point-to-Point Protoc ol) When as sessing your bandwidth req uiremen ts, keep in m ind that the longe r the packet sending interval , the sm aller the amount o f requir ed ban dwidth, and vi ce ver sa.
2.2 Programmi ng 24 Programming G uide F AX High Reliabl e Method If ECM-ca pable fax mac hines a re not av ailable, it is nec essary to use the " F AX High R eliable Method " (a proprie tary featur e of the card). This featur e is us ed to m ultiplex the packets when sending t hem ov er the net work for protect ion again st packet lo ss.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 25 2.2.4 V o IP Gateway/IP-PBX Interface Parameters 1. Click 1.4 V oIP Gateway/IP -PBX Interfa ce Settings i n the main menu. 2. Assign each parameter referri ng to the descr iptions b elow . At any ti me durin g the ses sion, yo u can: • Cli ck ALL CLEAR to ret urn all parameters to their previou s values.
2.2 Programmi ng 26 Programming G uide Others * Inter-Digi t Time (s) 1-10s S peci fies t he length o f time (i n second s) withi n which subse quent digi ts of a dial n umber mu st be d ialed. General ly , there is no ne ed to c hange the d efault val ue.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 27 2.2.5 Hunt Pattern Parame ters 1. Click 1.5 Hunt Pattern (for Incomi ng Calls) in t he main me nu. 2. Assign each parameter referri ng to the descr iptions b elow . At any ti me durin g the ses sion, yo u can: • Cli ck ALL CLEAR to ret urn all parameters to their previou s values.
2.2 Programmi ng 28 Programming G uide Parameter Descriptions The parameter s indic ated with " * " mus t be ch anged whil e the V oI P Gateway Card is in the " STOP" status (se e "2.3.1 S ta tus Contr ol"). The chang es do not h ave to be followe d by a re boot to become effective .
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 29 Det ailed Explanations The ca rd and the PB X are co nnected with 2 V oIP gate way ports, each of wh ich ha s 2 communi cation channe ls, in mu ch the sa me way as an ISD N BRI port.
2.2 Programmi ng 30 Programming G uide Example 1 The foll owing con figurati on is used t o allo cate 2 V oIP gateway ports (4 cha nnels) to route i ncoming calls to both ex tension groups A an d B. When th ere are 4 i ncoming call s to exten sion gr oup A in t his conf igura tion, n o call can be rout ed to extensio n group B .
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 31 Example 2 The fo llowing c onfigu ration i s used to alloc ate a single V oI P gatew ay port (2 channe ls) to i ndividu al extens ion grou ps.
2.2 Programmi ng 32 Programming G uide 2.2.6 Address T ranslation T ab le—GW Entry 1. Click 1.6 D N2IP (Diale d Number to IP Address T ranslation ) in the main m enu. 2. Click 1.6.1 G W Entry . 3. Assig n each param eter ref erring to the desc ription s below.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 33 • Delete the desi red gatewa y entry from the tabl e at the bott om of the scree n: a. Selec t the appr opriate che ck box for the ga teway e ntry you want to delete. Not e If the gatewa y entry is re gistere d to a DN2IP entry (see "2.
2.2 Programmi ng 34 Programming G uide * Group No. S peci fies t he numb er of the g ateway gr oup to w hich the gatew ay entry belon gs. Group ing is u seful whe n there i s more than one c ard installed in a PB X, becau se it allows y ou to use the auto matic route redirec tion fe ature.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 35 2.2.7 Addres s T ranslation T able—DN2IP Entry 1. Click 1.6 DN2IP (Dialed Nu mber to IP Add ress T rans lation) in the main menu. 2. Click 1.6. 2 DN2IP Entry . 3. Assign each parameter referri ng to the descr iptions b elow .
2.2 Programmi ng 36 Programming G uide 5. Click OK . Y ou wil l see a c onfirma tion scr een. Note If yo ur entry conta ins an inv alid val ue, you wi ll be prompted to correc t your inpu t. Enter correc t values for the para meters sho wn in red and try a gain.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 37 Det ailed Explanations Automatic Rout e Redirection When mo re tha n one car d is in stalled in a PBX, you can assign t hem to a single g ateway group. Grou ping allo ws yo u to logic ally c ombine the chann els of mu ltipl e cards in a PBX ( there ar e 4 channe ls pe r card).
2.2 Programmi ng 38 Programming G uide The automa tic route redirecti on feature a ctivates in this c onfigurat ion. If a call is made thr ough car d A to gat eway grou p 1 when al l 4 ch annels of card B are bu sy , card A aut omatic ally r edirects th e call to card C.
2.2 Programmi ng Programming Guide 39 2.2.8 Initialization 1. Click 1.7 Initializ ation in the main m enu. 2. Click OK to initial ize all parameters to the defa ult valu es. T o abort in itializ ation, cl ick CANCE L . Y ou wil l be taken back to the main m enu (see "2.
2.3 Mainte nance 40 Programming G uide 2.3 Mai ntenance 2.3.1 St atus Control 1. Click 2.1 C hange RUN/STOP st atus in th e main men u. Current RUN/STOP St atus shows the current status o f the V oIP Gate way Card . 2. Click RUN or ST OP for St atus aft er c hanging .
2.3 Mainten ance Programming Guide 41 2.3.2 Ma intenance Settin gs 1. Click 2.2 Maintenance Settings in the main menu. 2. Assign each parameter referri ng to the descr iptions b elow . At any ti me durin g the ses sion, yo u can: • Cli ck ALL CLEAR to ret urn all parameters to their previou s values.
2.3 Mainte nance 42 Programming G uide Programming Auto Disconnect T ime Settings Periodic Di agnosis Time In terval Setting s Program V ersion Password (Confirmation ) Confirm ation of th e adminis trator-l evel log -in passwo rd.
2.3 Mainten ance Programming Guide 43 2.3.3 Diagnosis This function is used to carry out the s elf-diagn ostic progra m manuall y . If failu res are de tected, there is a potenti al for troub le with the opera tion o f the V oIP G ateway Card. 1. Click 2.
2.3 Mainte nance 44 Programming G uide 2.3.4 Log Inf ormation The func tion to colle ct log infor mation i s provide d for engineer use o nly . However , i n the case that a need shou ld aris e, this s ectio n provides the proc edure for c ollecti ng the log infor mation.
2.4 Dat a Manageme nt Programming Guide 45 2.4 Dat a Management It is s trongly recomm ended that y ou do wnload the c onfig uration d ata and the addr ess trans lation table (DN2IP) data from the V oIP Gatewa y Card fo r backup a nd archiv e purpos es.
2.4 Dat a Management 46 Programming G uide 4. Do one of the following: • Cli ck REBOOT to make the changes effective now . Y ou wi ll see a confir mation s creen. Refer to " 2.5.1 Reb oot" and fi nish the reboo t. • Cli ck OK to return to the previo us scr een withou t rebo oting.
2.4 Dat a Manageme nt Programming Guide 47 2.4.2 D ownload o f Configurat ion Dat a 1. Click 3.2 Download of Configuration dat a (V oIP Gateway → PC) in the mai n menu . 2. Click DOWNLOAD . At any ti me durin g the ses sion, yo u can: • Cli ck ME NU to return t o the ma in menu ( see "2.
2.4 Dat a Management 48 Programming G uide 2.4.3 Upload o f Address T ran slation T able Before up loadi ng the da ta, place the card in the "S TOP" status (see "2.3.1 S tatus Con trol"). 1. Click 3.3 U pload of DN2IP data (PC → V oIP Gateway) in the main menu.
2.4 Dat a Manageme nt Programming Guide 49 However , rem ember to reboot the card at the end of the pro grammin g session t o make changes effective..
2.4 Dat a Management 50 Programming G uide 2.4.4 Download o f Address T r an slation T ab le 1. Click 3.4 D ownload of DN2IP d at a (V oIP Gateway → PC) i n the main menu. 2. Click DOWN LOAD . At any ti me duri ng the ses sion, you c an: • Cli ck ME NU to return to the ma in menu ( see "2.
2.5 Oth ers Programming Guide 51 2.5 Others 2.5.1 Reboot 1. Click REBOOT in the main menu . 2. Click REBOOT . T o r eturn to th e main menu, cl ick C ANCEL (see "2.1 Main Menu f or the Adminis trator" ). Note If the re boot ope ration i s not succ essful, you will see an error page.
2.5 Other s 52 Programming G uide 2.5.2 Log Out 1. Click LOGOUT in the ma in menu . 2. Click OK to log o ut..
Programming Guide 53 Section 3 Installer Functions This sec tion pro vides oper ating ins tructi ons for the IP -GW4 Maintenan ce Uti lity when logged in as the Installe r .
3.1 Main Menu for the I nstaller 54 Programming G uide 3.1 M ain Menu for the I nst aller The IP-GW 4 Mainte nance Util ity pro vides th e followin g menu to a user lo gged i n as the In staller . Maintenance Dat a Management Othe rs Menu Section Reference 1.
3.2 Mainten ance Programming Guide 55 3.2 Maint enance 3.2.1 St atus Control 1. Click 1.1 Change RUN/STOP status in the main menu. Current RUN/STOP St atus shows the curre nt status of the V oIP Gateway Car d. 2. Click RUN or STOP for Status after changin g .
3.2 Mainte nance 56 Programming G uide 3.2.2 Maintenance Settings 1. Click 1.2 Maintenance Settin gs in the main m enu. 2. Assig n each param eter ref erring to the desc ription s below. At any ti me duri ng the ses sion, you c an: • Cli ck ALL CLEAR to return a ll parameters to their pr evious values.
3.2 Mainten ance Programming Guide 57 Program V ersion Parameter Default V alue Rang e Program V ersion Disp lay on ly.
3.3 Dat a Management 58 Programming G uide 3.3 D at a Management The uploa d and update o perations of the firm ware data are closel y related. F irst follo w the procedur e as described in "3 .3.1 Upload of Firmware Data" to upload new firm ware data to the V oIP Gate way Card, and t hen go o n to "3.
3.3 Dat a Manageme nt Programming Guide 59 Firmware St atus shows the cu rrent firm ware status of page 0 and page 1 , and St artup Page shows the current a ctive page on startup. Fo r details abou t these para meters, refer to "3.3.2 Ha ndling of Firmware Page".
3.3 Dat a Management 60 Programming G uide 5. Switch t he firmwar e status of the upda ted page from "NEW" to "Mai n Operation Mode" . After the pr evious s tep (with or withou t a reboot ), the f irmware status of the u pdated page is st ill "NEW".
3.3 Dat a Manageme nt Programming Guide 61 3.3.2 Hand ling of Firmware Page 1. Click 2.2 Handling of Firmwa r e Page in the main menu. For details about the para meters o n this scr een, refe r to the de script ions bel ow . 2. Click Main Oper a tion Mode for Operati on to set the d esired page as the activ e page on s tartup.
3.3 Dat a Management 62 Programming G uide Firmware S tatus Indica tes the current fi rmware status of the c orrespon ding page. Ther e are 3 k inds of status in dication s: • Main O peratio n Mode : Active fir mware d ata on startup under nor mal oper ation .
3.4 Oth ers Programming Guide 63 3.4 Others 3.4.1 Reboot 1. Click REBOOT in the main menu . 2. Click REBOOT . T o r eturn to th e main menu, cl ick C ANCEL (see "3.1 Main Menu f or the Ins taller"). Note If the re boot ope ration i s not succ essful, you will see an error page.
3.4 Other s 64 Programming G uide 3.4.2 Log Out 1. Click LOGOUT in the ma in menu . 2. Click OK to log o ut..
Programming Guide 65 Index.
Index 66 Programming G uide A Automat ic Ro ute Redi recti on 37 B Ba ndwidt h 22, 24 C Call Signali ng Mode l 16 Chang e RUN/ STOP s tatus 40, 55 CODEC Fr ame Setti ngs 20, 22 D Def ault Gate way 11 .
Index Programming Guide 67 Upload of Confi gur ati on Data 45 Upload of Fi rmware Da ta 58 Us ername /Pass word S ettings 41, 5 6 V VAD (Voice Activity Detection) 20 Voice CODEC Settings 15 Voice Comm.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic KX-TDA0484 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic KX-TDA0484 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic KX-TDA0484, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic KX-TDA0484 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic KX-TDA0484, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic KX-TDA0484.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic KX-TDA0484. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic KX-TDA0484 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.