Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit BT-LH2550P du fabricant Panasonic
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Operating Instructions LCD V ideo Monitor S1108T 0 - P Printed in Jap an VQT2A05 ENGLISH D Model No . BT-LH2550P Model No . BT-LH2550E Befor e operat ing t his pr oduct , pleas e read the i nstruc tions c aref ully a nd save this m anu al for fut ure u se.
2 Read this first ! (for BT-LH2550P) indica te s safety infor ma t io n. ■ THIS EQUIPMENT MUS T BE GROUNDED T o ensure sa f e operation, th e three-p in plug must be inser t ed only into a stan dard thr ee-pin power outlet which is effectively grounded throug h nor mal household w iring .
3 Read this fi rst ! (for BT-LH2550P) (continued ) FCC NO TICE ( USA) IMPOR T AN T SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS 1) Read these ins truc tions. 2) K eep these instr ucti ons. 3) Heed all war nings. 4) F ollo w al l ins tructi ons . 5) Do no t use this apparatus near water .
4 indica te s safety infor ma t io n. ■ THIS E QUIPMEN T MUST B E EARTHED T o ensur e safe operation, the three-p in plug must be in ser ted only into a s tandard t hree-pi n power point whi ch is effectively ear thed through nor mal ho use-hol d wir ing.
5 Read this fi rst ! (for BT-LH2550E) (continued ) indicat e s safety infor ma tio n. Transportation precautions Do not expose th e LCD pa nel to st rong p ressure or press ure from point ed objec ts. T a ke care espec ially d ur ing transpor tation. Exposing the LCD panel t o strong pressu re may result in blurrin g or other damage.
6 Read this first ! EMC NO TICE FOR THE PURCHASE R/USER OF THE APP ARA TUS 1. Applica ble standar ds and operating e n vir onment (BT -LH2550E) The apparatus is compliant with: • standar ds EN551 03-1 and EN5501 03-2 1 996.and • electr omagn etic environmen ts E1, E2 , E3 an d E4 2.
7 • The LCD screen is manufactured to precise speci fication s. Although over 99.99% of the pixels function nor mall y , 0.01% of the pixels are either missing or constantly lit (red , blue or green). This is nor mal and not a cause for concer n. • The liquid cr ystal protecti on panel is a spec iall y manufactured compon ent.
8 The BT - LH2550 LCD monito r is a 25.5 in ch full HD LCD di splay panel des igned especially f or bro adcastin g ser v ice and b usiness use . ■ Compact 25.5 type full HD monito r • The mon itor is equipped with a h igh-res olution (1920 x 1200) IPS LCD pa nel.
9 Video monitor unit A C Adaptor 10-M4,L=10mm Max 46 (1.8) 215 (8.5) 60 (2.4) 100 (3. 9 ) 200 (7. 9 ) 16 9 (6.7) 100 (3. 9 ) 100 (3. 9 ) 116.5 (4.6) 220 (8.7) 1 9 6 (7.7) 12 (0.5) 18 (0.7) 370 (14.6) 346 (13.6) 440 (17.3) 30 (1.2) 410 (16.1) 5 99 (23.
10 T ally lamp ( page 35, 48 ) The colo r of the ta lly lamp Indic ates moni tor stat us. Front panel controls ( page 11 ) POWER sw it ch ( / ) The POWER s witch is locate d at the bottom of th e fron t panel. This switch tur ns th e power On and Of f.
11 INPUT button ( ) Selec ts the s ignal i nput line. Each pres s of the button ch anges the lines in the following order : V IDEO SD I1 SD I2 YP B P R /RGB DV I - D.
12 SDI (HD/SD) terminal (BNC) IN1 : Th is is the S DI inpu t ter mina l (comp atible with HD/S D automa tic switching). IN2 : Th is is the S DI inpu t ter mina l (comp atible with HD/S D automa tic switching). SWITC HED OUT : This is the active through -out ter mina l for the SDI input s ignal b eing dis play ed on the screen.
13 A C IN (A C inlet) This is the AC input ter mina l. POWER sw it ch (O N : , OF F : ) This switch tur ns the AC adapter on and off. PO WER lamp This lam p lig hts green wh en the POWER switch is s et to on. DC OUT This is the DC outpu t ter min al. This ter minal en ables connectio n of a DC cord .
14 Power Supply 1. Connect t he power co rd to t he AC inlet of the AC adapter . Use the supplie d screw (for securi ng power cord) and the power c ord hoo k to s ecure the power cord to the A C adapter . 2. Slid e th e s upp li ed DC co r d into the DC OUT terminal on the AC adapter until it is locked in place .
15 How to Use the On Screen Menu The sc reen dis plays eight types of in formati on: inp ut sig nal stat us, picture /volume adju sting menu statu s, shar pne ss di splay , FUNCTION di s play , audi o lev el meter display , menu di sp lay , TIME CODE displ ay and CLOSED CAPTION display .
16 • Use the m enu to open and set up fun ctions. • When “FUNCTION DI SPLA Y ” ( page 32) is set to ON, press any of the "FUNCTI ON1" to "FUNCTIO N5" buttons to di splay the func tion s assign ed to FUNCTION buttons. • This dis play disappear s after 2 second s of i naction.
17 • Use the me nu to displ a y and set t he time code for HD-SDI s ignal inp ut. It al so allows you to switch display mode (VITC, L T C, VUB , LUB). In VITC an d L TC d isplay mode: • Displays the time code in hours: m inutes: seco nds: or frames.
18 1. Press [MEN U] to dis play the MAIN menu. 2. Press [ , ] to s elect a menu an d push [ENT ER ]. 3. Press [ , ] to select a sub menu and p ress [ENTER]. The se ttings in the sub m enu chang e to gree n. 4. Press [ , ] to select a setti ng, then pres s [ENTER].
19 1. Press [ADJU ST] to d isplay the picture /v olume adjusting menu. 2. Press [ , ] to sele ct item t o adjus t. The selec ted ite m changes to white. 3. Press [ , ] to ad just. PHASE 0-60 (30) CHR OMA 0, 10 -6 0 (3 0) BRIGHT 0-60 (30) B.LIGHT [BACKLIGHT] 0-60 (50) V O LUME 0-60 (0) ( ) : F actor y defaults • Setting [ B .
20 Y ou can s av e and load up to five combina tion s of me nu setti ngs and pic tu re /volume adjus tmen ts as user da ta. Y ou can also retur n settings and adjus tme nts to their f actor y def aults.
22 This fu nction is no t availab le in split s creen display of the TWO WIND OW funct ion. ( CROSS HA TCH is n ot aff ected .) Underlined values indic ate factor y de f aults. *1 This setting i s tur ne d “ON” when receiv ing mar ker contro l in REMOTE operation.
23 Main Menu (continued) *5 Remote cont rol via RS -232C ends i n error (error respo nse: ER00 1) when “GPI PRESET1” or “GPI PRE SET2” is selec ted with th e GPI fun ction. *6 Display size for SD signals differ . TYPE1: T he ef f ective hor izontal area me ets the SMPTE 125M for NTSC and IT U-R BT 601 -5 for P A L.
24 ■ 16:9 marker (Display ed f or HD input and SD input in 16 :9 ratio mode.) This ma r ker is only displ ay e d as a ver tical bar. The sect ion become s th e “MA RKER B ACK”. VIST A marker , CNSCO mark er This mar ker is dis play e d as a hori zontal dotted line.
25 ■ “CROSS HA TCH” The “CROSS HA TCH” fu nc tion enables dis play of markers at r egular ver tic al and ho r izonta l in ter vals to facilitate compo sition and oth er tasks. The width of mar ker lines is 1 dot, the mar kers consi st of 1 line, and are space d 120 dot s apar t (fixed value).
26 Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Changes are no t reflec ted to a s till im age in t he main window in the s plit-sc reen di splay of the “TWO WINDOW” functio n. *2 These functi ons are no t av ailable when “RGB-C OMP . ” under “YP B P R /RGB” or “D VI-COMP .
27 *2 These functi ons are no t av ailable when “RGB-C OMP . ” under “YP B P R /RGB” or “D VI-COMP . ” under “D VI-D” is selected i n the “INP UT SELECT ” menu ( page 36). The gamma cur ve is set to S T ANDARD when “RGB- COMP” or “D VI- COMP” i s sele cted.
28 Main Menu (continued) ■ WB adjustment mode Select “V AR1” to “V A R3” for “COLOR TEMP . ” in the “VIDEO C ONFI G” menu to ma ke “WHITE BALANCE V A R1” to “WHITE BALANCE V AR3” (WB) ad justments. Under lined values indicate factor y defaults.
29 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 When the mo nitor is shipped , settings for “USER1” - “US ER5” are i dentic al to “F ACT OR Y . ” *2 “H POSITION”, “V POSITION”, “PHASE” a nd “CLOCK” ( page 37) canno t be saved or loaded.
30 ■ CALIBRA TION The CALIBR A TION functi on in this unit measur es LCD pa nel character istic s from low to hig h brightn ess values and inter nal moni tor proces sing han dles CAL IBR A T ION. CALIBR A T ION does no t rely on ima ge quality setting s since inter na l signals are used for a calibration.
31 ■ CALIBRA TION Select CA LIBRA T ION in the “SYSTE M CONFIG” menu to o pen the following menus. *1 “E XECUTING ” is di splayed during “A UTO CALIBRA TION” and “ COMPLE TE” a ppears when c alibration ends. “INCOM PLETE” a ppears if calib ration coul d not b e comple ted.
32 Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Ch anges in setti ngs chan ge menu s ettings. FUNCTION Sub menu Settings Description FUNCTION 1 - FUNCTION 5 HV DELA Y AU TO S E T U P BLUE ONL Y GAMMA SELECT COLOR SP ACE SD ASPE CT SCAN TWO WINDO W SUB INPUT SEL .
33 ■ FUNCTION setting restrictions Settin gs are n ot av ailable under the following cond itions. Setting Conditions that disable operation HV DELA Y In TWO WINDOW and WFM mode, “INV A LID FUNC TION” app ears to i ndicate t hat operation is disa bled.
34 Main Menu (continued) ■ Functions display e d during FUNCTION button operation Pressing any of the [FUNCTION1] to [FUNCTION5] buttons displ a ys the ope rations as signed to eac h button as shown below . •H V D E L A Y DELA Y OFF , H DELA Y , V DELA Y , HV DE LA Y • A UT OSETUP COMP .
35 Main Menu (continued) “GPI CONTROL ” is used to en able and disa ble GPI functio ns and assign functions to each o f the GPI ter min al pins ( page 48) .
36 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 A ll five input lines ( VIDEO, SDI1, SDI2, YP B P R /RGB, D VI- D) canno t be tur ned off. An attempt to tu r n off al l inputs ends w hen the f our th input l ine is tu r ned off s ince i t will not be possi ble to tur n off t he 5th i nput line also.
37 ■ COMP . Set “RG B-COMP ” under “YP B P R /R GB” in the “ INPUT S ELECT” menu a nd se lect the “RGB -COMP ” inp ut line to enable the “COMP ” menu. Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Ru n “A UTOSETUP” w hen video is displa yed across the e ntire screen area.
38 Use the following su bmenus t o set headp hone ou tput an d audio lev el meters. Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 W hen ANAL OG is sel ected in the “INP UT SELE CT” menu, the L EVEL ME TER does not in dicate the audio l ev el meter ev en when set to ON.
39 Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Av ailable dur ing HD-SD I input s ignals. *2 Av ailable during VIDE O (NTS C) input. Cl ose d cap tio ns appea r as br ight lines on li ne 21 when closed capti on is set to O N and u nderscan i s also on.
40 Main Menu (continued) ■ “WFM/VEC T OR” The “WFM /VECTOR” function enables di splay of the wav e f orm and vector display . Use “D ISPLA Y SE TUP” in the main menu to selec t “WFM” and “VE CT O R” dis pla y .
41 Main Menu (continued) ■ TWO WINDO W function The “TWO WINDOW” function di splays two inputs se lected fr om VIDEO, SDI1/2, Y P B P R /RGB or D VI-D i n two windows. Each press of the button ([FUNCTION1] to [FU NCTION5]) (p age 32) to which the "TWO WINDO W" function has been assign ed ch ange s the dis pl ay mode.
42 Main Menu (continued) ■ TWO WINDO W size The “TWO WINDOW SIZE” setting in the “DIS PL A Y SETUP ” menu dete r m ines the si ze of the ma in window and sub-w indow .
43 Main Menu (continued) • Main window (HD) and sub-wi ndow (SD) • Main window (SD) and sub -window (HD) • When the m ain wi ndow and su b-window dis pla y video from th e same in put li ne, TWO WINDO W SIZE i s M/M.
44 Main Menu (continued) ■ TWO WINDO W scree n sync In sing le sc reen disp lay , the T WO WIND OW screen i s s ync hr oni zed to the frame rate freq uency of the in put si gna l format.
45 Main Menu (continued) Under lined values indicate factor y defaults. *1 Th e menu can be displayed when the lo ck is engage d. Only “C ONTROL/LOCA L ENABL E” menu ite ms are available when the lo ck is engage d. The pi cture/volume adjustin g menu doe s not a ccept c hanges whe n the l ock is engaged.
46 Main Menu (continued) ■ List of setting restrictions ( : availab l e, × : not av a ilable) *1 Th is functi on is no t av ailable in the spl it-scree n display of the “TWO WINDO W” fun ction. *2 Th is function can be set in th e split- screen di splay of the “TWO WINDOW” function.
47 Main Menu (continued) *2 Th is function can be set in th e split- screen di splay of the “TWO WINDOW” function. *5 Th e VECTOR display appears only dur ing SDI inp ut. Input CH VID EO SDI 1/2 YP B P R RGB-VIDEO RGB-COMP . DV I - V I D E O DV I - C O M P .
48 REMOTE Specifications This monitor per mits remote operation v ia GPI/RS -232C ter m inal. GPI screen items correspond to the foll owing ter m inals. Us e the GPI menu to assign fun ctions to each ter minal ( page 35). Funct ions assi gned to ter minal s are ex ecuted wh en GND (pin 5) is shor t-circui ted (ON) or open (OFF).
49 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Priority of assigne d functions • Whe n both “MA RKER1” an d “MAR KER2” are ac tivated at the sam e time, “MAR KER1” ha s pri ori ty .
50 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Setting command *1 Th is com mand is enabled in sing le scre en display in “TWO WIND O W” mode an d in the ma in wind ow in split- screen disp la y . *2 Th is c ommand is enabled in singl e scre en di splay in “T WO WINDOW” mode an d in the ma in win dow and sub- window in split- screen disp lay .
51 REMOTE Specification s (continued) ■ Query comm and This co mmand retur ns the sub- window set ting. *1 W he n both 16:9 and 4:3 mar kers are displ ayed, the 16:9 marker sta te is retur ned . No Command D escription Data Re sponse 1 QIS Input selection 0: SDI1 1: SDI2 2: YP B P R 3: RGB-VIDEO 4: VIDEO 6: RGB-COMP .
52 Maintenance inspecions Main tenance in spect ions th rough perio dic and approp ria te mainte nance are essen tial to keep the mo nitor in optimum c ondi ti on a nd ens ure s afe operatio n. Be s ur e t o c ond uct the following m ain ten ance i ns pec tions to ena ble long-t er m, full use of al l its fun ction s.
53 Specifications ■ General indicat e s safety infor ma tio n. Dimensions (W × H × D): 599 mm × 4 40 mm × 220 m m (23 - 5/ 8 inch es × 17 - 5/16 inche s × 8 - 11/16 incehs) (Includ ing stand ) 599 mm × 4 10 mm × 100 m m (23 - 5/8 i nches × 16 - 1 /8 inc hes × 3 - 15/16 incehs) (Not inc luding s tand) Mass: app rox.
54 Specifictions (continued) ■ List of compatible signal formats ( : Compatible, : Limited compatibility) *1 W hen 1035/5 9.94i s ignal i s input, di splay ed as 10 80/59.94 i. Other var ious mar ker displ a ys will u se the 108 0/ 59.9 4i ma r ke r .
55 MEMO.
E P Panasonic Broadcast & Television S ystems Company Unit Company of Panasonic Corporation of North America Executive Off ice: One Panasonic Way 4E-7, Se caucus, NJ 07094 Tel: 201-348-7000 Easte rn Zone: One Panasonic Way 4E-7, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Tel: 201-348- 7196 Southe ast Regio n: Tel: 2 01-392- 6151 Western Zone: 3330 Cahuenga Blvd W.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Panasonic BT-LH2550P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Panasonic BT-LH2550P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Panasonic BT-LH2550P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Panasonic BT-LH2550P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Panasonic BT-LH2550P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Panasonic BT-LH2550P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Panasonic BT-LH2550P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Panasonic BT-LH2550P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.