Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Hampton Series du fabricant NuTone
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F ebruary 20 08 Bath Cabinets.
F rameless F ramed S pe c ialty B asic • These cabin ets include built-in lighting n Oversized cabin ets feature a larger mirror and greater storage space 4 Studio IV 6 Metro Deluxe 8 Metro Classic .
T astes are different. Styles are different. F or that matter , b udgets too. That’ s precisely why Broan-NuT one ® St or ag e S o lu ti on s p ro v i de such a breadth of bath cabinet styles, finishes and functionality . W e belie v e y ou shouldn’t hav e to compromise when it comes to expressing y ourself .
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ Studio IV 4 Now it’s easy to add the perfect complement to any bath or po wder room. T he classic, neutral d esi gns of Studi o IV enable endless possibi l ities, whether y our decor is classic or contemporary .
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ Model Mirror F rame Door Cabinet Mirror Overall Size Wall Opening Number F ront T ype T ype Depth Shape w h d w h d Studio IV Recessed and Surface Mount* S468244SS Bevel F rame .
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ FRAMELESS CABINETS Metro Deluxe T he Metro Collec ti on meets the needs of d iscer n ing indi v i duals who desire e xcell ent cr aftsma nsh ip , f or m and functio n at an affordab le price.
FRAMELESS CABINETS Metro Deluxe 25" or 35" tall, and 4" or 6" deep. Reversible installati on allows r ight or left hand door openi ng. Exter i or mirr ors are premium float glass ensuri ng distor ti on-free viewing and a rich ref lection.
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ FRAMELESS CABINETS Metro Classic Lik e its Delux e sibl ing, Metro Classic pro vides fle x ible desi gn solutions, outs tandi ng features, and a transiti onal look that fits any décor .
FRAMELESS CABINETS Metro Classic 25" or 35" tall in 4" depth only . Reversible installati on allows r ight or left hand openin g. Exter i or mirr ors are premium float glass ensuri ng distor ti on-free viewing and a ric h ref lection. A v ai lab le in either pol ished or 1/2" beveled tri m options.
Metro Shapes T ired of typical “square mirr ors” on bath cabinets? W ell, so were we. T hat’s w hat inspired Metr o Shapes bath cabi nets in dr amatic Ov als, Arch and Octagon conf i g ur ati ons. W ith beveled front m irr ors, Metro Shapes are beau tifully func ti onal, hi gh qual ity cabinets.
Model Mirror F rame Door Cabinet Mirror Overall Size W all Opening Adj. Number F ront T ype T ype Depth Shape w h d w h d Shelves Metro Oval Recessed Mount (Surface mount kit included) S368244OVWH 1&q.
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ FRAMELESS CABINETS 12 Metro O v ersize Lookin g for more s tor age i n y our bathroom, bu t don’ t have much r oom? Do you prefer a sin gle eleg ant mirr or , rathe r than a b.
Gangable Attachment Kit 76GK† †T o d eter mi ne the quantity of Gang Kits need ed, subtract 1 from the number of cabinets to be gan ged. When gang i ng and surface mounting cabinets, 1 Surface Mount Side Mirror Kit is required f or each cabinet. Example 1: Recess three cabinets in a row (3 cabinets - 1) = 2 Gangab le Attachment Kits.
‑ T he T ori no features a beveled edge and frosted cut-glass ar ched d esi gn that’s ideal o ve r “h is-and- hers” van ities or dual pedes tal lavator ies. Opti onal side li ght fixtures match the look with beveled-edge mir r or backplates and a fr osted glass shade.
FRAMELESS CABINETS 15 Shown: Simplicity 530924 Oversized 24" wide Model F rame Door Mirror Ov erall Size Wall Opening Number T ype T ype Shape w h d w h d Simplicity Recessed Mount, ov ersized 530924 F r ameless Sing le Rectangle 24 30 4 7 ⁄ 8 21 1 ⁄ 2 27 1 ⁄ 2 3 1 ⁄ 2 Note: All measurements are in inches.
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ Shown: 73190 side li ght kit 16 Like a multi-faceted gemstone, the oc tagonal Mirage mir r or is framed in a 1/2" beveled edge. Opti onal sidel i ghts with clear g lass shades feature the same beveled-edge m ir ror treatment on rectangular backplates.
FRAMELESS CABINETS 17 Sonata’s g raceful top and bottom cur ves combined with a 1/2" beveled-edge mirr or create an e legant f ocal point. Match in g optional side l i ght fixtures feature a beveled-edge m ir ror backplate and distinctive frosted shades with chr ome-plated fitti ngs.
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ 18 Co v e T he Cove series lets y ou choos e from fabr icated bod y and sing le-piece drawn body s tyle options. All models feature an i nno v ati ve rubber iz ed magnet closure. If y ou prefer a clean, pol ished front m ir ror edge, choose models beg i nn i ng with “1035.
FRAMELESS CABINETS Stylelin e II Lafayette T he Stylel i ne II features chrome-plated s tee l tr i m on the top and bottom, with pol ished ver tical edges. A bui lt-in top l i ght includes a chrome-plated steel faceplate. T he Lafayette offers a cho ice of beveled-edge mir r or d esi gns to suit y our d ecor atin g preferences.
FRAMELESS CABINETS ‑ Si mple , clean pol ished-edge design enables th is tri-v iew mir ror with bui lt-i n top li ghts to complement a wi de ran ge of decoratin g s tyles.
No va Horiz on features the quiet elegance of beveled-edge design. A wide selection of tri-v iew and sin gle-door models with optional matchi ng l i gh t ba rs m ak e th is classic model a good fit f or any size room or décor .
Hampton Series Metal f i n ish frames add a un ique accent to bath f ixtures and hardware. W ith a recessed design and a reve rsible cabinet for left- or ri ght-door openi ng, they also pro vide a beautiful way to add s torage.
3½" Oil-rubbed Satin Copper White Bronze Nicke l (COC) (WHC) (BZC) (SNC) F rame Finishes Hampton Series 25 1 ⁄ 2 " tall, 3 1 ⁄ 2 " deep White painted s teel cabinet polished mir ro.
FRAMED CABINETS ‑ FRAMED CABINETS Many consume rs desire the storage and functional ity of a bath cabinet but want the look of a fashi on frame mirr or , or a si mple frame and li ghti ng.
FRAMED CABINETS W e’ve captured the V ictorian e ra in our Bake r Street ser ies with distinctive and practical solutions to bathroom s torage. Choose fr om a classic white painted hardwood, warm honey-f in ished soli d oak, sol i d cherry or soli d maple frames.
FRAMED CABINETS T he Mission, i n its soli d cherry wood frame and rich fi n ish, features a beve led mirr or and adjus tab le glass shelves. It’s truly affordab le fashi on fur n iture f or the bath or powde r room.
FRAMED CABINETS 27 T he fabricated metal cabinet and durable anodiz ed aluminum frame make the Harmony a log ical choice in high use bathrooms with greater storage needs. T he Harmony , one of our o versiz ed cabinets, is designed for greate r s torage room w here sing le door desi gn is prefer red.
FRAMED CABINETS T ired of square fr ames? Our Dunhi ll ov al series is perfect o ve r ped estal lavator ies and could be used side-by-si de o ve r wider van ities.
Shown: Chapel Hill 8278 FRAMED CABINETS Lookin g for a classic sol id oak frame f or almos t any bath? The Grant, with its honey-oak f i n ish is ideal. Grant Classic desi gn comes ali ve in the painted white wood of the Prair ie. It’s s triki ng when display ed alone or in pairs.
‑ Model Frame Door Mirror Overall Size W all Opening Number T ype T ype Shape w h d w h d Oakdale Recessed or Surface Mount with Built-In T op Light 2072 n Honey Oak Sing le Rec tang le 17 13 ⁄ 16.
V ienn a T ri-v iew bath cabinet mirr ors open as shown below . Door config ur ation cannot be changed. FRAMED CABINETS 31 Our popular tri-v ie w bath cabi net is now av ai lable in contempor a ry natural-f in ished soli d maple and warm honey-fi n ished soli d oak.
Security Cabinet Whether you have a small space, a ti ght corner , or the need for s torage where the re’s none to be f ound, our selection of specialty cabinets is a prob lem-solv i ng showcase. SPECIAL TY CABINETS 32 Stayin g organ ized in today’s fast-paced lifestyle can be a challenge.
SPECIAL TY CABINETS 33 T he s teel door of the Hideaway can be painted or wallpapered to visuall y blend with any wall fi n ish. T h is h idden s torage solution can be installed for left- or ri ght-hand door open in g, and secures with a magnetic latch.
Lookin g for a solu ti on to sidewall s torage that won’t get in the way? T he Low Prof i le is a perfect solu ti on. W ith the mir r ored door closed, the Lo w Prof ile sits jus t 3/4" off the wall surface.
15-1/16" 1 6-1/8" Wal l Mi rror (no t in clud ed) 8" 6-7 / 8" 12-1/8" 13" Wal l Mi rror (no t in clud ed) 7-1 /4" 5-3 /4" 1-5 /8" Tri angu lar Sha ped SPEC.
T he Modular Shelf pu ts an end to the prob lem of storin g talle r items and wasted space. Th is unique design max i m iz es capacity with six modular half-shelves that can be positioned in a v ariety of conf i g urati ons. Shelves can be adjusted without tools to accommodate a broad v ariety of contai ner shapes and sizes.
When y our installation does not pe rm it the door to swing wide open, due to li ghti ng f ixtures or an adjacent wall, this cabinet solves the problem with its 90° s top h i nge. Mount it for left- or ri ght-hand openi ng. T he Pillar is an i deal solution for a narr o w wal l i n a smal l bat h or po wde r r oo m.
‑ T he Bel Aire A ux il iary pr o vi des e xce llent storage. Stainless s tee l tri m on door tops and bottoms plus pol ished ver tical mirr or edges complete the classic presentation. T h is easy-to-clean, corr osi on-resistant si ng le- door cabi net features hi gh lus ter , s tai nless steel construction and a bri ght satin fi n ish.
T he Cabinet 455FL is a one-piece s teel s tor age solution with integ r al f luorescent side l i ghts, a grounded ou tlet and an on-off switch. If y ou need a time less d esi gn, easy i nstallation, storage and li ghti ng, the 455FL is your answer .
‑ Whether you select the wall mirr or and cosmetic bo x combo or i ndi v i dual components, the Commodore Ser ies guar antees dur ab le ve rsatil ity . W ith bri ght polished s tai nless steel or chrome fi n ishes they are an e xceptional complement to chr ome bath fixtures and glass tile.
Oak Hollywood T he Oak Hollywood features a sol i d oak frame in a honey fi n ish and a matchi n g wood-tone e xte ri or that sur rounds an i ntegr al incandescent top li ght, a gr ounded ou tlet, an on-off switch and clear handles on sl i d in g door s.
SPECIAL TY CABINETS 42 Ensign Shown: Ensign 124LP Ori g inall y designed for Navy barr acks, the Ensi gn is functional u ti l ity , pure and si mple. It features s tainless steel tr i m and a bui lt-in incandescent top li ght, sli d i ng doors, a conven ient grounded ou tlet and an integ ral on-off switch.
SPECIAL TY CABINETS 43 F or school, publ ic and commer c ial business restrooms, NuT one’s T heft-Pr oof mirr or makes good economic s ense. Its k eyhole mounting sys tem locks the mirr or to the wall, so it can’t be acc identall y bumped or physicall y removed—at leas t not without a lot of effort.
Someti mes e xpenses go vern your purchase decisi ons. Our Basic Ser ies is geared to this concer n. Feature f or feature , and dollar for dollar , y ou’ll fi nd the ri ght balance of qual ity , style and v alue ri ght he re.
BASIC CABINETS 45 Model Frame Door Mirror Mirror Overall Size Wall Opening Number T ype T ype Shape Thickness w h d w h d Styleline Recessed Mount 401ADJ* Stai nless Si ngle Rectangle 3 ⁄ 32 16 20 3.
Prestique — Solid Oak Our versatile cabinets feature beautiful f inishes in a variety of classic designs, all with ample storage capacities. Prestique cabinets, with sol i d wood frames in honey-f i n ished oak, feature a matchi ng fi n ish on the composite wood cabi net bod y .
BASIC CABINETS T he integ rated frame and l i ghti ng sys tem of W ood F rame cabinets offer an upscale look at an economical price. T ri-v iew door models feature wood fr ames with an oak or w hite fi n ish and a pol ished chrome l i ghti ng faceplate.
W ood F rame With Built-In T op Light Shown: W ood Frame 9472 with built-in top light Shown: W ood Framed 902WH W ood F ramed 48 Model Frame Door Mirror Overall Size Wall Opening Number Finish T ype S.
Our ve rsatile Louver Door cabinets pro v i de additi onal s tor age y et are clever ly concealed. T he unfi n ished pine louver door is ready to be painted or s tained to match your bath or powde r room. Or , choose a white molded polystyrene door (model 615 only) that does not require a fi n ish.
SPECIFICA TIONS 1. Style B = Bi-V iew L = Light S = Sing le SB = Sli der T = T ri-V iew WM = W all Mirr or 2. Mount T ype M = Mirr or R = Recessed SM = Su rfa ce Mount R/SM = Recess ed or Su rf ace Mount 3. Hinge T ype B = Butt C = Concealed L = Leaf P = Piano PN = Pin SC = Semi-concealed, self-closin g hinge 4.
SPECIFICA TIONS 1. Style B = Bi-V iew L = Light S = Sing le SB = Sli der T = T ri-V iew WM = W all Mirr or 2. Mount T ype M = Mirr or R = Recessed SM = Su rfa ce Mount R/SM = Recess ed or Su rf ace Mount 3. Hinge T ype B = Butt C = Concealed L = Leaf P = Piano PN = Pin SC = Semi-concealed, se lf - cl os i n g hinge 4.
SPECIFICA TIONS 8. Door(s) shipped not attached to cabinet * T op li ght kit, see photo page 17. ** Side l ight kit, see photo page 17. NOTES: Unless so s tated, bulbs not included. All measurements are in inches. Chart/Notes Ke y: 1. Style B = Bi-V iew L = Light S = Sing le SB = Sli der T = T ri-V iew WM = W all Mirr or 2.
SPECIFICA TIONS 10. T o d eter mi ne the quantity of Gang Kits need ed, sub - tract 1 from the number of cabinets to be “g anged. ” Example 1: Recess three cabinets in a ro w (3 cabinets - 1) = 2 Gang able Attachment Kits.
SPECIFICA TIONS NOTES: Unless so s tated, bulbs not included. All measurements are in inches. * Modular half-shelves. Chart/Notes Ke y: 1. Style B = Bi-V iew L = Light S = Sing le SB = Sli der T = T ri-V iew WM = W all Mirr or 2. Mount T ype M = Mirr or R = Recessed SM = Su rfa ce Mount R/SM = Recess ed or Su rf ace Mount 3.
SPECIFICA TIONS Chart/Notes Ke y: F ootnotes only apply to each page. 8. Door(s) shipped not attached to cabinet 9. Optional wall openin g NOTES: Unless so s tated, bulbs not included. All measurements are in inches. 1. Style B = Bi-V iew L = Light S = Sing le SB = Sli der T = T ri-V iew WM = W all Mirr or 2.
‑ 56 8. Door(s) shipped not attached to cabinet NOTES: Unless so s tated, bulbs not included. All measurements are in inches. Chart/Notes Ke y: 1. Style B = Bi-V iew L = Light S = Sing le SB = Sli der T = T ri-V iew WM = W all Mirr or 2. Mount T ype M = Mirr or R = Recessed SM = Su rfa ce Mount R/SM = Recess ed or Su rf ace Mount 3.
‑ 57 TRIANGLE CROSS REFERENCE FORME R MODEL CU RREN T MODEL B-1620-B-SS 401ADJ* B-6761-25 73190 B-7038-50 B703850 B-7039-50 SB330 B-7048-50 B704850 B-7049-50 SB330 B-7051-50 323LP B-7066-50 323LP B-.
JENSEN CROSS REFERENCE 58 FORME R MODEL CU RRENT MODEL 1035P24WH 1035P24WH 1068P24WH 1068P24WH 1068P24WHG 1068P24WHG 1068P34WH 1068P34WH 1414P24CH 323LP 1414P28CH 327LP 1551P24CH 155124 1551P30CH 1551.
59 FORME R MODEL CU RRENT MODEL 840P34CHG 840P34CHG 855P34WH 835P34WH 855P34WH D 835P34WH 858P34WH 868P34WH 858P34WH D 868P34WHD 86030WH 860P30WH 86036CH 860P36CH 860P30CH 860P30CH 860P36CH 860P36CH 8.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté NuTone Hampton Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du NuTone Hampton Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation NuTone Hampton Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le NuTone Hampton Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le NuTone Hampton Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du NuTone Hampton Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le NuTone Hampton Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei NuTone Hampton Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.