Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MSV-01 du fabricant Nikon
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E n U s e r ' s M a n u a l (En) Preparation Basic Operation Advanced Operation Technical Notes Saving Images to a Computer Organizing Images Index Introduction.
T ra demark Information • Apple, the Apple logo, Macin tosh, Mac OS, Power Macintos h, PowerBo ok, and Quick T ime are register ed tra demark s of App le Comp uter , Inc. • Finde r , P ower Ma c, iMac , and iB ook are tradem arks o f App le Compu ter , Inc.
i Introduction—F or Y our Safety Introduction Thank y ou for your pu rchase of the N ikon CO OLW ALKER MSV-01 digital photo storage v iewer . This ma nual ha s been written to he lp you get the mo st out of your N ikon COOLWALKER MSV-01.
ii Introduction—F or Y our Safety Do not p lace t he str ap around th e neck of an infa nt or child Placing the cas e strap arou nd the neck of an infant or ch ild could re sult in st rangulation. Use only the specifi ed batt eries an d AC adap ter Using non-sp ecified access ories may cause fire or an el ectric shock.
i i i Introduction—F or Y our Safety Observ e prope r precautions when using t he AC adapte r Improper use of the A C ada pter may result in electric shock or fir e. Observe the followi ng precautio ns when usi ng the AC ada pter with this product: • Do not disass emble, repa ir or modi fy the AC adapter .
iv Introducti on—Notice s • No part of th e manu als inclu ded wit h this product may be reprod uced, tr ansmitte d, tra n- scribed , stored in a re trieval system, or trans lated in to any languag e in an y for m, by an y means, witho ut Nikon ’ s pr ior wr itten per mission .
v Introducti on—Notice s Notice for customers in Canada CAUTION This cla ss B digi tal appa ratus m eets al l requi re- ments o f the Can adian Interf erence Ca using Equipm ent Regu lation s. A TTEN TION Cet appar eil num ériqu e de la classe B respec te toutes les exig ences d u Règl ement su r le m até- riel bro uilleur d u Can ada.
vi Introducti on—Notice s A bu ilt-in hard d isk dr ive requires ca reful hand ling. This Prod uct is a Hi gh-precisio n Device Co ntaining I nternal H ard Disk Dri ve. • Read "For Y our Safety" and " Caring for Y o ur COOLW ALK ER MSV- 0 1" before use, a nd be ve ry careful when ha ndling the pr oduct.
vii T able of Cont ents T able of Conte nts Introduction i For Yo ur Safe ty ........... ............. .............. ........... ............... ............ ........... ................ ........... . i Notic es .... ........... .............. ......
viii T able of Cont ents Advanced Operation 35 Viewing Pictures on T V .... ................ ........... .............. ........... ........... .............. ........... ....... 35 Copying Images to a Mem ory Card (Co py HDD ➡ CF ca rd) ... .......
1 Preparatio n—Abo ut the COOLWALKER MSV-01 Preparation About t he COO L WALKER MSV -0 1 The diag ram b elow il lustrate s the fun ctions of the M SV-01. Suppo rted Ima ge Da ta For mats • The COOLWALKER MSV -01 sup ports image data recorded with Nikon digital ca meras (DC F format).
2 Preparatio n—Check the Package Contents Check t he Pa ckage Content s Unpack th e COOLWALKER MS V-01 box and check the contents to make sure that you hav e all the items listed below .
3 Preparatio n—Parts of the COOLWALKER MSV-01 Parts of the CO OL WALKER MSV -01 Main Unit Power-on lamp ( 10) Power switch ( 10) HDD Access lamp ( flashes during reading f rom or writing to the inte.
4 Preparatio n—Parts of the COOLWALKER MSV-01 Batter y Rele ase B utton • Do not pre ss the batter y releas e button whe n chargi ng the bat tery pack or when op erating the MSV-01. • Make sure to turn th e MSV-01 main unit off and disconnect the AC ada pter before rem oving the bat- tery pack.
5 Preparatio n—Parts of the COOLWALKER MSV-01 Before Usin g the Rem ote Cont rol Unit Rem ove t he Insu lating T ap e. Remote Contr ol Unit The rem ote con trol unit is ship ped with an insulating tape in the batte ry holder .
6 Preparatio n—Navi gating the M enus Navig ating t he Men us . Multi Selector and Enter Button • Use the mu lti select or to navi gate thro ugh menu s and make se lections . The cur rently sele cted menu item is highligh ted. • Press enter b utton to exe cute a highlig hted en try .
7 Preparatio n—Navi gating the M enus The Main Menu When the MSV-01 is turned on, the monitor briefly displays a welcom e screen, and then takes you to the main men u. If no memory card is inserted, the Copy CF car d ➡ H DD , Play CF card i mages and C opy HDD ➡ CF card opt ions are not av ailable .
8 Preparatio n—Insta lling and Cha rging the Battery Pa ck Instal ling an d Charging the Ba ttery Pack Before Us ing the COOLW ALKE R MSV-01 Remov e the In sulatin g T a pe. The b attery pack is shipped with an insulat ing tap e ove r its ter minal.
9 Preparatio n—Insta lling and Cha rging the Battery Pa ck Using the COO L WALKER MS V -01 from an AC Powe r Sup ply Source • T o use your MSV -01 from an AC power source, conn ect the AC adapter and turn the power switc h on. • Charging is not performe d when the MSV-01 is on with the AC adapte r connecte d.
10 Preparatio n—Powe r-ON/OFF Power -ON/OF F T o pow er the M SV-01 on, press and ho ld dow n the po wer s witch ( 3) fo r about 2 second s. The monito r will turn o n showin g the w elcom e scree n, then it will switch to the m ain m enu.
11 Preparatio n—Setting Display La nguage Sett ing Displa y Lang uag e Press SET UP (Left b utton) to display the SET UP menu. Highlight Languag e using or and press . Highlight D eutsch (German), En glish , Español (Spanish), or Français (French ), and press .
12 Basic Opera tion—Inse rting a Memo ry Card Basic Op eration Insert ing a M emory Card T o cop y image data f rom a m emory card to the M SV-01 or from the MS V-01 to a me mory car d, insert a Comp actFlash ™ me mory car d into th e mem ory car d slot .
13 Basic Opera tion—Cop ying Images from a Memory Ca rd (Copy CF card ➡ HDD) C o py i n g I m ag e s f r om a M e mo ry Ca r d (C o py CF ca r d ➡ HD D ) Use C opy CF card ➡ HDD fro m the main m enu to c opy all d ata r ecorde d with in a mem ory card onto the MSV-01.
14 Basic Operatio n—Viewing Im ages Stor ed on the COOLWALKER MSV-01 (Play HDD im ages) V ie w in g Im ag e s S t o r e d on t h e C O O L W A L K E R M S V -0 1 ( Pl a y H D D i ma g e s ) Use P lay HD D imag es from the ma in menu to view imag es store d on th e MSV-01.
15 Basic Operatio n—Viewing Im ages Stor ed on the COOLWALKER MSV-01 (Play HDD im ages) Image Data Sup por ted for Playbac k • Only image fi les and s ub-folder s in the selected folder are displayed in the thumbnail playback mode. The icon is displayed for images not suppo rted for p layback on th e MSV-01.
16 Basic Opera tion—Di splaying Ima ge Informa tion Displ aying Image Informa tion Image informat ion is superim posed o n imag es displ ayed in full-sc reen p layback ( 14, 18).
17 Basic Ope ration—T ak ing a Closer Look: Pla yback Zoo m T aking a Closer L ook: Pl ayback Zoom Press to zoom in on a still image disp layed in full-screen play back ( 14, 18). T o increase zo om, press (Right button). Three ste ps of z oom are availabl e (x2, x4, x8) .
18 Basic Opera tion—Viewing Im ages Stor ed on a M emory Card (Play CF ca rd images) Image Data Suppor ted for Play back For support ed imag e data forma ts see "Image Data Supported fo r Playbac k" ( 1 5). Opera tions d uring P layba ck For bu tton opera tions avail able during playback, se e pg.
19 Basic Opera tion—But ton Operati ons (List View and Image P layback) Button Operatio ns (List V iew and Ima ge Playback) Y ou can use the fo llowing button o peratio ns in t he list view , thumb nail play back and ful l-screen playbac k modes .
20 Basic Opera tion—But ton Operati ons (List View and Image P layback) The fol lowing operati ons ar e availa ble in th e thumb nail vi ew disp layed after sele cting P lay H DD image s ( 14) or Pl ay CF c ard images ( 17).
21 Basic Opera tion—But ton Operati ons (List View and Image P layback) The foll owing op eration s are a vailable in the full-scree n vie w displ ayed after sele cting P lay HD D image s ( 14) or Pla y CF ca rd images ( 17 ).
22 Basic Opera tion—But ton Operati ons (List View and Image P layback) Y o u can play back a m ovie file displayed in full-screen playback mode, which can be accessed from the m ain menu usin g Play HDD im ages ( 14) o r Play CF card ima ges ( 17).
23 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu Organizing Image s The EDI T Menu Using th e items from t he EDIT menu , which can be accesse d from Play HD D ima ges or Play CF card image s , you can perf orm th e followi ng oper ations for a s elected image file or folder .
24 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu Use t his optio n to del ete an image file or fo lder s elected i n list vie w or th umbnai l playba ck. If a fol der is se lected, all data inside the fo lder incl uding images will be de leted . Befo re Deletion • Once deleted, images cannot be recovered.
25 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu Use this op tion to move a n image fi le or fold er select ed in list view or th umbnai l playba ck, or th e curren tly display ed im age to a new destinati on insi de the M SV-01. Move Press EDIT (Right butto n) to display the EDIT menu ( 2 3), then using or highlight Move .
26 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu Use t his opt ion to co py an image file or fo lder se lected i n list view or thu mbnail playbac k, or th e current ly dis played im age to a di fferent dest ination folder ins ide th e MSV-01.
27 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu Use this optio n to crea te and name a new folder in the se lected folder . New folder Press EDIT (Right butto n) to display the EDIT menu ( 2 3), then using or highlight New folder . • If a folder is sele cted, the new folder will be created insid e the selected fold er .
28 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu Use t his optio n to ren ame a select ed ima ge file or folde r . Use t his option to sear ch fo r image files crea ted within a specifie d range of dat es inside the selected folder or insi de the folder contain ing the se lecte d image file.
29 Organiz ing Images— The EDIT Menu New Search Using this opt ion you can search for image files created wi thin a specifie d range of da tes (usual ly , shooting date). Set the star t date (first line in the displayed screen) and the end date (secon d line in the displayed screen) for the s earch.
30 Saving Imag es to a Com puter Saving Im ages t o a Comp uter Connec t your MSV -0 1 to a computer to copy and s ave data stored on the MSV-01 to the computer . When co nnected to a compute r using the p rovided U SB int erface c able UC -E9, the MSV-01 work s as an e xterna l hard d isk drive .
31 Saving Imag es to a Com puter Un ins tal lin g the Nik on C OOL WA LKE R MS V -0 1 USB D riv ers (Wi ndo ws 98 S eco nd Ed it ion Onl y) Note: Before uninstalli ng the soft ware, disc onnect the MSV-01 from the compu ter ( 3 4).
32 Saving Imag es to a Com puter— Connecting the USB Cab le Connec ting the USB C able T urn the comp uter on and wait for the operat ing system to start up. T urn the MSV-01 off and con- nect i t to your compute r as sh own be low usin g the provid ed USB c able U C-E9.
33 Saving Imag es to a Com puter—Co pying Image s to the Computer Copying Image s to the Comp uter 1. T o cop y dat a stored on th e MSV-01 HDD to the co mputer , mak e sure that no memo ry card is inserte d in the MSV-01, then turn the MSV-01 on.
34 Saving Imag es to a Com puter— Disconnecti ng the COOLWALKER MSV-01 Discon necti ng the COOL WALKER MSV -01 Be sure to rem ove t he MSV-01 from the system as s hown be low b efore dis connecti ng the USB cable and turn ing the MSV-01 off.
35 Advance d Operatio n—Viewing Pic tures on TV Advance d Operatio n View ing Pi ctures on TV The supp lied E G-CW1 audio/vi deo ( A/V) cab le can be used to conn ect the M SV-01 to a tele vision or VCR. Choosin g a Video Mode The Video mode option in the MSV-01 SET UP m enu offers a choi ce of NTSC and PAL standards ( 54).
36 Advanced O peration— Copying Images to a Memory Card (Copy HDD ➡ CF card) Copying Images t o a Memory Car d (Copy HDD ➡ CF car d) Use thi s option to co py imag es that ar e stored on t he MSV- 01 hard disk dr ive (HDD ) on to the memory card.
37 Advanced O peration— Copying Images to a Memory Card (Copy HDD ➡ CF card) Copyin g Imag es • Do not expose t he device to shocks or vibrati on during copy opera tion. • Do not remove the memory ca rd or disconn ect the AC adap ter during copy o p eration.
38 Advance d Operatio n—Printin g Pictures Printing P ictures Image s taken with a Nikon d igital ca mera can be p rinted without using a comp uter .
39 Advance d Operatio n—DPOF pr intset DPOF p rintset The DP OF prin tset op tion fro m the PRINT menu is used to create digita l "pri nt orders " for images stored on the memo ry car d. It al lows to selec t image s for printing, se t numb er of prints, date an d shoo ting in forma tion im printing.
40 Advance d Operatio n—DPOF pr intset Print ing Dat es If Date i s ON , the date of recording will appea r on picture s printed on ly on devic es that sup port the DPOF date function (the print ing position depends o n the prin ter). The printe d date is the date se t on the ca mera d uring shootin g.
41 Advance d Operatio n—DPOF pr intset All images (Setting all images for DPO F printing) 1. T o pr int one copy of each im age on the m emory card, s elect Al l images fr om the D POF PRINTS ET menu in Step 4 ( 39).
42 Advanced O peratio n—Printin g Via Direct USB Connection (PictBridg e) Prin ting Via Di rect USB Con nection (PictBr idge ) Use the supplied UC- E9 USB cable to connect the MSV-01 to a p rinter t.
43 Advanced O peratio n—Printin g Via Direct USB Connection (PictBridg e) Before Sta rting Dire ct Printi ng • Check if you r printer supp orts dir ect print ing via dire ct USB conne ction (PictBr idge). • Before beginn ing direct p rinting, confi rm your pri nter se ttings.
44 Advanced O peratio n—Printin g Via Direct USB Connection (PictBridg e) Set a number of p rints for the select ed image. • Use ( +) or (-) to specify the number of prints (up to 9). • T o deselect an imag e, press (-) when the number of p rints for the image is 1 .
45 Advanced O peratio n—Printin g Via Direct USB Connection (PictBridg e) Printing Im ages Stored on a Memory Card Hig hlight Print CF car d images fro m t he dir ect prin t me nu ( 42) using or . Press to go to the SELECT PRINT IMAGES screen. Use o r to scroll through thumb nails of images show n in the top section of the monitor .
46 Advanced O peratio n—Printin g Via Direct USB Connection (PictBridg e) Use the DPOF print option to print images store d on a m emory card, s elected using the DP OF print set func tion of the MS V-01 ( 39) for printing via direc t USB conne ction.
47 Advanced O peratio n—Printin g Via Direct USB Connection (PictBridg e) Finishing Direct Printin g Press DONE (Left butto n) i n the direct print menu.
48 Advance d Operatio n—Slidesho w Slides how Use t his option to playb ack im ages s tored on the M SV-01 hard dis k drive (HDD) in a n automat ed "slides how" seq uence at app roximatel y 3 sec onds in terval (initial settings).
49 Advance d Operatio n—Slidesho w Playing All Im ages in a Selec ted Folder Highlight Se lected folder fro m the SLIDESHOW menu using or . Press . A list of folders store d on the MSV- 01 HDD will be displayed. • Select a fol der using or . • Use to open a li st of sub-folders, and to close the list.
50 Advance d Operatio n—Slidesho w Play back Previo usly Se lecte d Imag es in a Slidesh ow T o view t he slidesho w of imag es previo usly selec ted in the SEL ECT IMAG ES screen, highlight Select ed image s from the SL IDESHOW menu, and then press SET (Righ t button) to di splay the slid eshow st art screen.
51 Advance d Operatio n—Slidesho w When th e slides how is in pro gress, th e followi ng butt ons are availa ble fo r contro l. Use the D eselect image s option to reset curren t selectio n of ima ges fo r the slide show se t using the Sel ected im ages option.
52 Advance d Operatio n—Slidesho w Use this option to set the time interval for how long each im age is displayed during the slidesh ow . Highl ight Se t interv al from the SL IDESHO W me nu and press to di splay the SLIDES HOW INTER V AL s creen. Y o u can set the interval value in the range from 1 to 99 second s.
53 Advance d Operatio n—The SET U P Menu The SET U P Me nu The SET UP m enu con tains th e followi ng opti ons: Press SE T UP ( Left bu tton) in th e ma in men u to disp lay th e SET UP menu. T o displa y setting screen s for ea ch of th e opt ions in th e SE T UP me nu, high light a desire d option using or , and pr ess .
54 Advance d Operatio n—The SET U P Menu Use t his optio n to ch oose t he langu age for menus and mess ages ( 11). Set a period of inactivit y before the Auto power off func tion automa tically turns the MSV-01 off ( 10). By de fault, A uto po wer off is se t to 1 minute .
55 Advance d Operatio n—The SET U P Menu Use the Format option from th e SE T UP men u ( 53) to format a memo ry car d or the MSV-01 hard dis k (HDD ).
56 Advance d Operatio n—The INFOR MA TION Screen The INFO RMA TION Screen This scre en sho ws th e remain ing fre e mem ory s pace in, and the tota l capaciti es of, t he MSV-01 interna l hard disk drive (HDD ) and memor y car ds. Use this screen to check the me mory capacity befor e copyin g new data.
57 T echnical Note s—Option al Accessori es T echni cal Note s Optiona l Acce ssories At the ti m e of writing, the following optional access ories were available for the COOL WALKER MSV- 01. Contact your retailer or Niko n local re prese ntative for d etails.
58 T echnical Note s—Carin g for Y our COOLWALKER MSV-01 T o ensu re conti nued e njoymen t of y our Niko n pro duct, ob serve the fo llowing p recauti ons wh en storing or usin g the device: Cautions This prod uct is a high-p recision de vice conta ining in ter nal ha rd disk.
59 T echnical Note s—Carin g for Y our COOLWALKER MSV-01 Make a backu p of y our dat a if su bmit- ting this product for repair All d ata stored on the hard di sk may be erased during rep air . Be sure to make a ba ckup of the data store d on the hard d isk befor e submitting the devi ce for repair .
60 T echnical Note s—Carin g for Y our COOLWALKER MSV-01 Batter ies Ch arg e th e b att er y p ac k o f the m ain un it b efo re us in g. • Recharge able Lithi um-ion Polym er Bat tery EN-EL6 is used as the main unit battery pack. • Connect the AC ad apter and c harge the recharge able bat tery pack be fore usin g the device.
61 T echnical Note s—Carin g for Y our COOLWALKER MSV-01 Cleaning Body Use a b lower t o remo ve d ust and lint, then wipe ge ntly wi th a soft , dry cl oth. After us ing your MSV-01 at the beach or sea- side, wip e off any sand or salt w ith a cl oth lightly da mpen ed with fresh w ater , then dry thorough ly .
62 T echnical Note s—Error Messages Error Messages This sectio n lists the error messa ges that ap pear on the mon itor whe n there is a problem with the MSV-01. Consu lt the li st below befo re contac ting you r retai ler or N ikon rep resen tative.
63 T echnical Note s—Error Messages When t he Pow er - on Lamp Blin ks with Red When th e pow er-on lamp blinks w ith r ed, this in dicates that a chargi ng error has o ccurred. Disconne ct the AC ad apter from th e MSV -01 and the powe r outlet. C lean the p lugs and re-c onnec t the AC ad apter .
64 T echnical Note s—T rou bleshooting T roublesho oting If your MSV-01 fails to function as expected , check the list of c ommon problems below before con- sultin g your re tailer or Nikon repres entative. Refer to th e page numb ers listed in the right-m ost colum n for informa tion on sol ving the prob lems listed here.
65 T echnical Note s—Spec ifications Specificat ions T yp e Digit al Photo Sto rage Viewer M SV -01 Storage m edia T ype 2 .5" internal HDD Storage Ca pacity 30GB (1 KB = 1000 Bytes) * 1 Supported memor y card types T ype I an d II Compact Flash™ me mory ca rds; Micr odrives Monitor 2.
66 T echnical Note s—Spec ifications *1: Ma ximum c apacity . (1 KB = 1024 Byt es: 27.9 GB.) *2: The MSV-01 supports p layback of JPEG pre view images wi thin NEF (Ni kon Elec tronic Im age Form at) images rec orded wit h Nikon digital cam eras (D1 X, D1H, D 2H, D100, D 70, COOLPI X 5000/5700 /8700).
67 Index Index Symbols (Battery status icon), 10 (Movie icon), 16 (Print order icon), 16, 40 (Unsupported data icon), 15 (Voice memo icon), 16 (Zoom in icon), 17 A AC adapter, 2, 9 - 10, 43, 59 See al.
68 Index I Image data formats, supported, 1, 15, 22, 66 Image information, 16, 21 INFO. , 7, 56 INFORMATION screen, 56 Interface connector cover, 4 J JPEG, 15, 17, 38 See also Image data formats L Lan.
69 Index SELECT IMAGES , 50 Select images , 39 See also DPOF SELECT PRINT IMAGES , 39 - 40, 43, 45 Selected folder ( SLIDESHOW m enu), 48 - 49 Selected images ( SLIDES HO W menu), 49, 50 SENSITIVITY , see Image information Set interval ( SLIDESHOW menu), 5 2 SET UP , 7, 10, 53 SET UP menu, 53 - 55 Shooting Data, 16, 46 See also Shooting info.
Printed in Japan BG4G01200201(11) 6MA W1411-A.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nikon MSV-01 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nikon MSV-01 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nikon MSV-01, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nikon MSV-01 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nikon MSV-01, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nikon MSV-01.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nikon MSV-01. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nikon MSV-01 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.