Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit VXI-USB du fabricant National Instruments
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VXI VXI-USB User Manual VXI-USB User Manual December 2004 371381A-01.
Support Worldwide Technical Support and Product Info rmation National Instruments Corporate Headquarters 11500 North Mopac Expressway Aust in, Texas 78759-3504 USA Tel: 512 683 0100 Worldwide O.
Important Information Warranty The VXI-USB is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a perio d of one year from the date of ship ment, as ev idenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equi pment that proves to be defect ive during the warranty period.
Compliance Compliance with FCC/Canada Radio Frequency Interference Regulations Determining FCC Class The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has rules to protect wireless co mmunications from inte rference. The FCC places digital electronics into two classes.
© National Instruments Cor poration v VXI-USB User Manual Contents About This Manual Conventions ............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .... v ii Related Documentation ..
Contents VXI-USB User Manual vi Appendix A Specifications Appendix B Default Settings Appendix C Advanced Hardware Co nfiguration Settings Appendix D Common Questions Appendix E Technical Suppo.
© National Instruments Cor poration vii VXI-USB User Manual About This Manual This manual contains instructions for installing and configuring the VXI-USB interface kit.
About This Manual VXI-USB User Manual viii Related Documentation The following documents contain information that you mi ght find helpful as you read this manual: • ANSI/IEEE Standard 1014-19.
© National Instruments Cor poration 1-1 VXI-USB User Manual 1 Introduction This chapter describes your VXI-USB in terface kit, lists what you need to get started, and includes a brief description of the hardware and software. The VXI-USB interface kit links a PC-bas ed computer to the VXIbus using the Universal Serial Bus (USB).
Chapter 1 Introduction VXI-USB User Manual 1- 2 VXI-USB Interface Kit Over view The interface kit described in thi s manual links a USB-equipped com puter directly to the VXIbus using USB 2.0. The VXI-USB kit uses this high-speed (480 Mbps ) serial bus to link your compu ter running Windows to a VXI chassis.
Chapter 1 Introduction © National Instruments Cor poration 1-3 VXI-USB User Manual The VXI-USB links the computer to the VXIbus and converts USB data transfers into VXIbus data transfers and vice versa. The VXI-USB includes additional USB Series A po rts you can u se to connect other USB devices.
Chapter 1 Introduction VXI-USB User Manual 1- 4 Advanced Configuration Options The VXI-USB default hardware conf iguration should be acceptable for most systems. Refer to Append ix B, Default Sett ings , only if your system uses the front-panel CLK10 and trigger SMB connectors.
Chapter 1 Introduction © National Instruments Cor poration 1-5 VXI-USB User Manual extensive libraries of VX I instrument drivers writt en to take full advantage of direct VXI cont rol. LabV IEW, Measurement Studio, and LabWindows/CVI include all the tools needed fo r instrument control, data acquisition, analysis, and presentation.
© National Instruments Cor poration 2-1 VXI-USB User Manual 2 Installation and Configuration This chapter explains how to set up your test system. Installing the Software Use the Setup program that c.
Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration VXI-USB User Manual 2- 2 Caution T o keep the manuf acturer/model name tables or the VME de vice conf iguration from a previous installation, be sure to back them up before star ting Setup. They are in th e TBL subdirectory of your NI-VXI directory , usuall y Program FilesNational InstrumentsVXI .
Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration © National Instruments Cor poration 2-3 VXI-USB User Manual restore them to the TBL subdirectory of your NI-VXI directory before running MAX.
Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration VXI-USB User Manual 2- 4 For information about the software, including optional setting s, use MAX and its online help. Use the Windo ws Start menu to open the program group for National Instruments, launch MAX, and select Help»Help Topics .
Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration © National Instruments Cor poration 2-5 VXI-USB User Manual Installing Y our VXI-USB Interface Module All kits contain a VXI-USB interface module. T o install the VXI-USB in Slot 0 of your VXI chassis, complete the following steps: 1.
Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration VXI-USB User Manual 2- 6 performance. Plug-in boards with USB 2.0 po rts are also support ed but may not pro vide the highest performance. Full-speed (USB 1. x ) ports are support ed as well, but provide much lower performance.
© National Instruments Cor poration 3-1 VXI-USB User Manual 3 Developing Y our Application This chapter discusses the softw are utilities you can use to star t developing applications that use NI-VXI. After installing the NI-VXI soft ware, you can begin de veloping your VXI/VME application.
Chapter 3 Developing Your Application VXI-USB User Manual 3- 2 provide a high le vel of performan ce; ho wev er , there may be some slight changes in behavior for certain applicat ions.
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application © National Instruments Cor poration 3-3 VXI-USB User Manual Resman reports to MA X all errors it finds in your system. When yo u view your VXI system in MAX, you can eas ily spot any errors that Resman found while configuring the system.
Chapter 3 Developing Your Application VXI-USB User Manual 3- 4 launch VISAIC (or VIC) from the Tools menu in MAX or from the VISA or VXI subgroups in Start» Programs»Natio nal Instrument s .
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application © National Instruments Cor poration 3-5 VXI-USB User Manual Figure 3-3. Successful viIn Access in the VISA IC Register I/O T ab (This Window May Look Slightly D.
Chapter 3 Developing Your Application VXI-USB User Manual 3- 6 Older programs that use the NI-VXI API now use the NI-VXI-to-NI-VISA compatibility layer to communicate with the VXI devices. Using thi s layer, older prog rams can run in NI-VXI 3.
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application © National Instruments Cor poration 3-7 VXI-USB User Manual Note MAX includes configuration options that affect lo w-le vel functions and shared memory , as well as trigger mappin gs and other attributes of your VXI system.
Chapter 3 Developing Your Application VXI-USB User Manual 3- 8 NI-VXI API Notes The following notes apply only if you are using the NI-VX I API. We recommend that all new VXI/VME app lications use the NI-VISA API, but you can still develop with the older NI-VX I API for compatibili ty with legacy code.
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application © National Instruments Cor poration 3-9 VXI-USB User Manual are recei ving triggers on an external c ontroller , you may n eed to modify the trigger configuration on your e xtender module using MAX.
Chapter 3 Developing Your Application VXI-USB User Manual 3-10 Figure 3-4. NI Spy VISAIC, discussed in the Device Interaction section, is an e xcellent platform for quickly testing instrume nts and learning how to communicate with them. Figure 3-5.
© National Instruments Cor poration A-1 VXI-USB User Manual A Specifications This appendix lists the specifications for the VXI-USB module. Requirements VXIbus configuration space................... 64 B Default ....................... ..............
Appendix A Specifications VXI-USB User Manual A-2 Shock and Vibration Operational shock ....................... ............30 g peak, half-sine, 11 ms pulse (Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-27. Test profile developed in accordance with MIL-PRF-28800F.
Appendix A Specifications © National Instruments Cor poration A-3 VXI-USB User Manual Slot requirements ................. .............. .... Single VXI C-size slot Compatibility ............ ................. ... ......... Fully comp atible with VX I specification VXI keying class .
Appendix A Specifications VXI-USB User Manual A-4 CE Compliance This product meets the essential re quirements of applicable European Directi ves, as amended for CE marking, as follo ws: Low-Voltage Directive (safety) ..............73/23/EEC Electromagnetic Comp atibility Directive (EMC) .
Appendix A Specifications © National Instruments Cor poration A-5 VXI-USB User Manual RETRY (master) VMEbus master retry support RETRY (slave) VMEbus slave r etry support FSD First slot detector SCON.
© National Instruments Cor poration B-1 VXI-USB User Manual B Default Settings This appendix summarizes the default settings for the hardware and software in the VXI-USB kit.
Appendix B Default Settings VXI-USB User Manual B-2 Figure B-1. VXI-USB Default Conf iguration Settings S3 S4 S5 S6 S2 S1 Y N F rom Onboard Oscillator F rom SMB CLK10 In ON OFF ON OFF OUT IN In.
Appendix B Default Settings © National Instruments Cor poration B-3 VXI-USB User Manual Default Software Settings Table B-1. VXI-USB Hardware Defa ult Settings Hardwar e Component Default Setting S1.
© National Instruments Cor poration C-1 VXI-USB User Manual C Advanced Hardware Configuration Settings This appendix describes the altern ate hardware configuration settings of the VXI-USB. The board is set at the f actory for the most commonl y used configuration.
Appendix C Advanced Hardware Configura tion Settings VXI-USB User Manual C-2 Figure C-1. Firmware R ecover y Operation VXIbus CLK10 Routing The VXI-USB has four hardware switch es that work toge ther to control v arious aspects of CLK10 routing.
Appendix C Advanced Hardware Config uration Settings © National Instruments Cor poration C-3 VXI-USB User Manual When switch S5 is set so that the VXI-USB receiv es the SMB CLK10 signal, you have the option to add a 50 Ω termination to the signal by setting switch S4.
Appendix C Advanced Hardware Configura tion Settings VXI-USB User Manual C-4 Figure C-2. Default Settings for CLK10 Switches In Figures C-3 and C-4, sw itch S2 us es the alternate configuration to generate the VXIbus CLK10 signal.
Appendix C Advanced Hardware Config uration Settings © National Instruments Cor poration C-5 VXI-USB User Manual Figure C-4. Receive Ex ternal CLK SMB with 50 Ω T ermination and Drive to t he Backp.
Appendix C Advanced Hardware Configura tion Settings VXI-USB User Manual C-6 Figure C-6. Drive Noninverted External CLK SMB T r igger Input T ermination Located within the group of CLK10 switches is switch S3, whi ch controls whether to put a 50 Ω terminati on on the external trigger in put SMB.
© National Instruments Cor poration D-1 VXI-USB User Manual D Common Questions This appendix addresses common question s you may hav e about using the NI-VISA/NI-VXI soft ware on the VXI-USB platform .
Appendix D Common Qu estions VXI-USB User Manual D-2 How can I determine the serial nu mber and f irmwar e version of the VXI-USB module? This information is displa yed in the title bar of the Hard ware Configuration window in MAX.
Appendix D Common Qu estions © National Instruments Cor poration D-3 VXI-USB User Manual What can I do to mak e sur e that my system is up and ru nning? The fastest method for testing the syst em is to run Resman. This program attempts to access memory in the u pper A16 address space of each de vice in the system.
Appendix D Common Qu estions VXI-USB User Manual D-4 When all LEDs except the SYSF AIL LED are on, the hardware detected that the FPGA PLL lost lock, and the boa rd may be in an unstable state. Power c ycle the board to repair it. In an empty chassis, when both th e SYSF AIL and F AIL LEDs are solid on, the firmware image is corrupted.
© National Instruments Cor poration E-1 VXI-USB User Manual E T echnical Support and Professional Ser vices Visit the following sections of the National Instruments Web site at for technical support an d professional services: • Support —Online technical support resources at ni.
© National Instruments Cor poration G-1 VXI-USB User Manual Glossar y Symbol Pref ix V a lue pp i c o 1 0 –1 2 nn a n o 1 0 –9 µ micro 10 –6 m milli 10 –3 k kilo 10 3 Mm e g a 1 0 6 Gg i g a.
Glossary VXI-USB User Manual G-2 ANSI American Nationa l Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface—the direct interface that an end user sees when creatin g an application. arbitration A process in which a potential bus master gains control ov er a particular bus .
Glossary © National Instruments Cor poration G-3 VXI-USB User Manual byte order Ho w bytes are arranged within a word or ho w words are arranged within a longword. Motorola ordering stores the most significant byte (MSB) or word first, followed by the least signif icant byte (LSB) or word.
Glossary VXI-USB User Manual G-4 dynamically configured de vice A device that has its logical address assigned b y the Resource Manager . A VXI de vice initially responds at Logical Address 25 5 when its MODID line is asserted.
Glossary © National Instruments Cor poration G-5 VXI-USB User Manual H hex Hexadecimal — the n umbering system with base 16, using the d igits 0 to 9 and letters A to F . Hz hertz; cycles per second I I/O Input/output—the techniques, media, and devices used to achiev e communication between machines and users.
Glossary VXI-USB User Manual G-6 L logical address An 8-bit number that uniquely identif ies each VXIb us de vice in a system. It def ines the A1 6 regi ster address of a de vice, and indicates Commander and Servant relationships.
Glossary © National Instruments Cor poration G-7 VXI-USB User Manual NI-VXI The National Instru ments bus interface s oftware for VME/VXIbus systems. Non-Slot 0 de vice A device conf ig ured for inst allation in an y slot in a VXIbus mainframe other than Slot 0.
Glossary VXI-USB User Manual G-8 Slot 0 device A de vice configured for installation in Slot 0 of a VXIbus mainframe. This device is unique in the VXIbus system in that it performs the V XI/VMEbus System Controller func tions, including clock sourcin g and arbitration for data transfers across the backplane.
Glossary © National Instruments Cor poration G-9 VXI-USB User Manual VME V ersa M odule Eurocard or IEEE 1014 VMEbus System Controller A device conf igured for installation in Slot 0 or a V XIbus mainframe or the first slot in a VMEb us chassis.
© National Instruments Cor poration I-1 VXI-USB User Manual Index A advanced conf iguration options, 1-4 advanced hardware conf iguration settings, C-1 application development, 3-1 configuration, 3-2.
Index VXI-USB User Manual I-2 default settings, B-1 description, 1-2 determining revision, D-2 installation, 2-4 help, technical support, E-1 hot plugging, D-1 I installation, 2-1 hardware, 2-4.
Index © National Instruments Cor poration I-3 VXI-USB User Manual S safety specifications, A-3 selecting controller in VISAIC (figure), 3-4 serial number , determining, D-2 shock and vibration speci .
Index VXI-USB User Manual I-4 kit ove rv iew, 1- 2 software configuration and verif ication, 2-6 installation, 2-1 specifications, A-1 W W eb resources, E-1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté National Instruments VXI-USB c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du National Instruments VXI-USB - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation National Instruments VXI-USB, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le National Instruments VXI-USB va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le National Instruments VXI-USB, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du National Instruments VXI-USB.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le National Instruments VXI-USB. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei National Instruments VXI-USB ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.