Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ioLogik E1210 du fabricant Moxa
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ioLogik E1200 Seri es User’s M anual Ten th Edition, Apr il 2013 © 2013 Moxa Inc . All rig hts reserv ed. Reprod uction witho ut per mission is prohib ited.
ioLogi k E120 0 Series User’s M anual The softw are described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that agree ment. Copyri ght Notic e Copyrig ht ©2013 Moxa Inc. All r ights r eserved.
Table of Con tents 1. Int rodu ct ion ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Prod uct Features ........................................................
Peer - to - Peer Setting s (1 - 50) ....................................................................................................... 3- 20 Sample Peer - to - Peer Config uration ..................................................................
0xxxx Re ad /Write Coils (Functions 1 , 5, 15) .......................................................................... A- 11 1xxxx R ead Only C oils (F unction 2 ) ....................................................................................
1 1. Introduction The ioLogik E1200 industrial Ethe rnet remo te I/O has two embedded Etherne t switch ports that allow infor mation to flow to another loc al Ethernet devic e or connect to the next ioLogik in the daisy - chain.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-2 Produc t Feat ures • Active co mmunication with p atented Active OPC Server • 2- port Ether net switch for daisy - chain to pologies • Easy mass deplo ym.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-3 Produ ct Model I nforma tion Model Descrip tion ioLo gik E121 0 Remote Etherne t I/O with 2 - port Etherne t switch and 16 DIs ioLo gik E121 1 Remote Ethe rnet.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-4 Produ ct Specific ations Common Speci fications LAN Ether net: 2 x 10/ 100 M bps sw itch port s, RJ4 5 Prote ctio n: 1.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-5 ioLogik E1210 Inputs a nd Out puts Digital Inp uts: 16 channels Isola tion: 3K VD C or 2K Vrm s Digit al Input Sensor Ty pe: Wet Co ntact (NPN or PN P), Dry Co.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-6 ioLogik E1212 Inputs a nd Out puts Digital Inp uts: 8 channels Configur able DIOs: 8 channels Isola tion: 3K VD C or 2K Vrm s Digit al Input Sensor Ty pe: Wet .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-7 ioLogik E1213 Inputs a nd Out puts Digital Inp uts: 8 channels Digital O utputs : 4 channels Digital Input/Ou tput ( conf igurable b y jum per): 4 channels Iso.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-8 ioLogik E1214 Inputs a nd Out puts Digital Inp uts: 6 channels Rela y Out put s: 6 channels Isola tion: 3K VD C or 2K Vrm s Digit al Input Sensor Ty pe: Wet Co.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1-9 ioLogik E1240 Inputs a nd Out puts Analog In puts: 8 channels Isola tion: 3K VD C or 2K Vrm s Analog In put Type: Differential inp ut Resolu tion: 16 bits I/O Mode: Voltage / Current In put Ran ge: 0 to 10 VDC, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 2 0 mA Accuracy : ±0.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 10 ioLogik E1242 Inputs a nd Out puts Analog In puts: 4 channels Digital Inp uts: 4 channels Configur able DIOs: 4 channels Isola tion: 3K VD C or 2K Vrm s Anal.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 11 ioLogik E1260 Inputs a nd Out puts RTD Inp uts: 6 channels Isola tion: 3K VD C or 2K Vrm s RTD Input s In put Type: • PT50, PT100, PT200, PT500 ( - 200 to .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 12 Physical D im ension s.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 13 Hardware R eference Panel G uide NOTE The R ESE T button restarts the server and rese ts all settings to factory def aults. Use a pointed object such as a st raighte ned paper clip to hold down the R ES ET butto n for 5 sec onds .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 14 I/O Cir cuit D iagram DI Circuit Sinking DO Circui t.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 15 Sourcing DO Circuit.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 16 DIO Circuit.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 17 Relay Circuit AI Circuit.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Introduc ti on 1- 18 RT D Circuit TC Circuit.
2 2. Initial Setup This chapte r describes how to install the io Logik E1200. The follow ing topics are covered in this chapter: Hardw ar e Inst all ation Connec ting the Power Ground ing .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-2 Hard ware Ins tallation Connecti ng the Power Connec t the 12 to 36 VDC power line to the ioLogik E1200’s terminal block on the top panel. If power is properly supplie d, the Power LED will glow a solid amber color.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-3 Connecti ng to the Network The ioLogik E12 00 has two built - in RJ45 Etherne t ports for connecting a standard direc t or cr oss - over Etherne t cable to either the host PC or another ioLog ik E1200 device.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-4 DIO Mode Co nfigura tion Sett ings DIO mode config uration setting s are shown below : The default se tting is DO Mode. AI Mode Configuration Sett ings Analog mode co nfiguratio n settings are show n below : The default se tting is Voltage Mode.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-5 I/O Wiring Diagrams A Dry Co ntac t is a contact that does not prov ide voltage. A Wet Contact is a contact that will pro vide voltag e when closed. ATTENTI ON Remove the screw o n the back panel and open the cover to configure the jumper s.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-6 NOTE It is recommen ded t o use a c ontact pro tection circuit f or relay output. A var istor can serve as a contact protec tion circuit, w here the parallel circuit connects to the L oad.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Initia l Setup 2-7 ioSear ch™ Installa tion ioSearc h™ is a search utility that help s the user locate io Logik E1200 devices on the loca l network. Find the ioSearc h™ utility in the Docum ent and So ftware CD unde r So ft wa re ioS ea rch , or do wnload the latest version from Moxa’s websit e.
3 3. Using the Web C onsole The ioLogik E1200 ’s main configuratio n and management utility is the built - in web conso le, which can be used to config ure a wide range of options.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-2 Introd uction to the Web Cons ole The ioLo gik E1200 web cons ole is a browser - based config uration utility. Whe n the ioLogik E1200 is connec ted to your network , you may enter the server ’s IP address in your web browser to access the web co nsole.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-3 Overvi ew The Overv iew page contai ns basic informatio n about the ioLog ik E1200, includ ing the model name, serial number , firmware versio n, MAC address, and current I P address.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-4 Networ k Settings for th e Web Console Gener al Settings On the General Setti ngs page, you c an assign a server name and locatio n to assist you in differentiati ng betwe en different ioLogik E1200 units.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-5 User-D efined Modbus Addressing The input and outp ut address can be configure d in a different format on a specifi c settings page. Check the Enable User -d efi ned Modbus Addressing box, select the Modb us function, and then config ure the start address o f each i tem.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-6 Act ive OPC Serv er Sett ings Moxa’s Ac tive OPC Server™ is a software package oper ated as an OPC d river of an HMI or SCADA sys tem. It seamles sly connects Moxa’s ioLogik produc ts to a wide variety o f SCADA systems, including the most popular : Wonderw are, Citect, and iFix .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-7 4. Click the Submit button and the n the Save/Res tart b utton on the next page. 5. On the Create AOP C Tag page, c lick on the Create Tags b utton to “ push ” tag co nfigurations to the Active OPC Ser v er utility .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-8 I/O S ettings DI Channe ls The status of each DI (dig ital input) channel appears on the DI Cha nnel Settin g s page. You can also config ure each channel’s d igital input mod e and parameters by click ing on the channel.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3-9 NOTE T he Host Connectio n Watchdog is disab led by default, and must be enabled for Safe Status settings to take effect. Sav e Stat us O n Power Fa ilure: T he ioLogik E12 00 will automatically s ave the counter value when there is a power fa ilure if this function selecte d.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 10 DO Channels On the I/O Sett ing: DO (Digital Ou tput) Channels pa ge , y o u ca n configure each DO chan nel by click ing on the channel. DO c hanne l s can operate in DO mod e when the status is e ither ON or OFF .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 11 The DO channel ’ s A lias N ame and logic definition ca n also be c onfigured on this page . You c an apply the alias name to all channels by click on the Apply to all D O c han nels box.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 12 Click o n a specific AI channel to enable or d isable it by selecting the Enable AI Cha nnel fie ld . The re a re t wo mod es available fo r the AI channels : 1. Voltage M ode ( See the Jumper S ett ing s ( DIO and A I) in Chap ter 2 for more detail s ) 2.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 13 AI I nput : Curren t Mode Burn O ut mode indicates when the C urrent AI has burned out. For example, the 4– 20 m A B urn O ut mo d e is defined in the following diagr am: Users can define B urn O ut (BO) values ( def ault = 2 mA) for selected range s.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 14 Selecti ng Enable P oint - Slope f ormula on the Au to Scaling Settin gs page w ill linearly co nvert the actual curre nt or vo ltage value into other user - def ined units, such as percentag e or ppm (parts per million).
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 15 Enabling the P oin t - Slope For mu la function on the Auto Sc aling Se ttings page will linea rly co nvert the actual curr ent or voltage va lue into other user - defined units, such as percentage or ppm (parts per million).
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 16 The ioLogik E1200 allows you to calibr ate the temperatur e sensors. In each channel config uratio n section, follo w the instructions and click Calibrat e button to start the RTD sensor calibration. Each calibr at ion requir es around 30 second s per channel.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 17 TC Channe ls The current s tatus of each TC (Thermocoup le) channel can be viewed on the TC Channel page.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 18 The ioLogik E1200 allows you to manually ad just the current temp erature re ading. In each channel config uration sectio n, select the channel, ap ply the offset value, and clic k the S ubmi t button .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 19 Allowed Ho sts IP A ddress/ Net mask Any h ost Disabl e 192.1 68. 1.1 20 192.1 68. 1.1 20 / 255. 25 5.2 55.25 5 192.1 68. 1.1 to 1 92. 168.1. 254 192.1 68. 1.0 / 255.2 55. 255.0 192.1 68. 0.1 to 1 92.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 20 Export Syst e m Settings On the Expor t Sys tem S et tin g s page, you can exp ort a cop y of the ioLogik ’s configur ation file for back up or impor t into another ioLog ik server.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 21 Sampl e Peer - to - Peer Configuration The follow ing is an example of configuring DO (Se rve r IP: 192.1 68. 127. 253) to D I (Cli ent IP: 192.16 8.1 27. 252) pe er - to - pe er functionality with two ioLogik E1200 devices.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 22 DO Safe Mode Setti ngs When a peer - to - peer rule o n a local DO channel is no t valid, the loc al DO channel w ill enter S afe M ode. You can select Hold La st , ON , or OFF fro m the S afe Mode Status dro pdown me nu for eac h DO channel .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 23 Private Tra p The ioLogik E1200 series rem ote I/O provid e s the follow ing private trap trigg ers: Tr igger Ty pe D escrip tion DI - chang e status Send s S NM P tr a p w he n DI status change s. DO - change status Sends SNMP trap whe n DI status changes .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 24 SNMP Trap Enable Channe l SNM P Tr ap b y click ing on the SNMP Trap b ox, and then select the channel you would like to enable. NOTE SNMP is not support ed w hile using the pe er - to - peer functio n .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 25 Analog I nput Trap Sett in gs For Ana log Inp ut, the tr ap is trigg er ed when an analog input meets the preset conditio ns for Trigger , Value, and Hysteresis . Refer to the AI Channel se ttings in C hapter 3 to set the m ode.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 26 RTD Input Tr ap Settin gs For RTD Input, the trap is trigger ed when the RTD input meets the pres et conditio ns for Trigg er, Value, and Hysteresis . Ref er to RTD Channel se ttings to se t the M o de an d Ran ge.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 27 When Trigge r = Smaller, Value = 400 , and Hy steresis = 2 00, the SNMP tr ap will o nly be trig ger ed if the TC signal f luctuates from 60 0 to 4 00 , like in scenar io 1.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using the Web Con sole 3- 28 Load Fac tory Def aul ts This functio n will reset all of the io Logik E1200’s se ttings to the factory default v alues. All prev ious settings, including the console passwo rd, will be lost. Save/ Rest art If you change the conf iguration, do not forge t to reboot the system.
4 4. Using ioSearch™ This chapt er desc ribes io Searc h ™ , which is used to search for and locate ioLogik E1200 units. The follow ing topics are covered in this chapter: Introduction to ioSe.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-2 Introd uction to ioS earc h™ Moxa’s ioSearch™ utility is softwar e tool that searche s for io Lo gik E12 00 units on a physical network.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-3 ioSearc h™ Set up System Severa l operations are possib le from the Syst em menu. Auto Scan Acti ve Ether net I /O Serve rs will search for io Logik servers on the ne twork.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-4 Sort The S ort menu allow s the server list in the navig ation panel to be sorted by ioLogik connectio n and server (model ). Quick L inks Quick link s are provided to search for I/O servers on the network and sort the server list.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-5 Locate The locate f unction helps users f ind a dedicated ioLogi k on the network. When this func tion is triggere d, the ready LED on the selec ted unit will start to blink ind icating its loc ation. Firmware Upgrade The ioLogik E12 00 supports a remote firmwar e upgrade function.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-6 Import Select this command to reload a configuratio n that was exported to a text file . Importing one configur ation file to multiple io Logik E1200 units (same model) is allow ed. To do this, pr ess the “Shift” key, select “ioLogik” , and then right click.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-7 Change IP Address The C hange I P Address function allow s you to directly modify the IP a dd ress fo r one or multip le io Logik E1200 series device s, and is especi ally useful for first tim e installatio n.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-8 Af ter clicking the Advance button, a wi ndow will pop up to allow users to use ioSear ch™ t o set the IP address by MA C address. i oSearch™ will automatically set sequential IP addresses on the sele cted devices, with the subnet mask a nd gateway set to the same value.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Using i oSearc h™ 4-9 Mass Dep loyment (Import) Users can impor t E1200 series module information v ia ioSearch ™ . Select this comma nd to relo ad a config uration from an expor ted .CSV file. Mass Dep loyment ( E xport) Users can expor t E1200 series module infor mation via ioSe arch ™ .
5 5. Active OP C Server Active OPC Server is a software package prov ided by Moxa t hat operates as an OPC driver for an HMI or SCADA system. It offer s seaml ess c onnect ion from M oxa's ioLogik series product s to SCADA systems, such as Wonderw are, Citect, and iFix .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-2 Introd uction to Active OPC Serv er Moxa Active OPC Server is a software package operated as a n OPC d riv er of a n HMI or SCAD A system. It offers seamless connection from Moxa ioLogik ser ies products to SCAD A systems, including the most popul ar — Wonderware, C itect, and iFix.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-3 OPC Clien t/Serv er create s a co mmon i nter face to connect to different de vices Active OPC Ser ver— From Pull to Push When looking up an I/O d e v ices ’ Modbus table, 19 or more steps are required to create a single tag.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-4 DI 0=OFF DI 0=ON ioLog ik Id le ioLogik Tag U pdate DI 1=OFF DI 1=ON.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-5 Features of A ctiv e OPC Serve r One Simple Click Creat es Act ive Ta gs Moxa’s RTUs, remote I/O devices, and Active OPC Serv ers support auto matic tag .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-6 Dynamic IP Assig nments for Cell ular RTUs For most c ellular solutio ns, each r emote mode m as well as the centr al SCADA server are assigned static public IPs w hen estab lishing bi - d irectional c ommunicatio n.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-7 Main Screen Overview Active OPC Ser ver Lite ’s main screen displays a figure of the map ped iologik w ith the status of every I/O ta g. Note that conf iguration and tag s are not available until y ou set the ioLogik to create the tags.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-8 System Several operati ons can be accessed from the System m e nu. Networ k Inter face: Select which netw ork to use if the PC has multiple netw ork adaptors installe d. Acti ve Ta g Liste n P ort : Select the preferred TCP socke t port for tag generati on from ioAdmin.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Active OPC S erver 5-9 System Log Set tings: Enable or disa ble the Activ e OPC Server sys tem log function. I t will keep a Log file of all the Logging informatio n . Launch DC OM Co nfigur atio n: Launch the Windows DCOM configuratio n ut ility.
A A. Modbus/TCP Default Address Mappings The follow ing topics are covered in this appendix: E1210 Mod bus M apping E1211 Mod bus M apping E1212 Mod bus M apping E1213 Mod bus M apping.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-2 NOTE The Modbus/T CP ID of the ioLogik E1200 is set to “1” by default. E1210 Modbus Ma pping 0xxxx Read/ Write Coils (Functions 1.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-3 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 00280 0 x0117 1 bit CH7 DI Clear Count V alue Read Always retur n:0 Write: 1 : Clear counte.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-4 1xxxx Read Only Coils (F unction 2) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 10001 0x0 000 1 b it CH0 DI Va lue , 0=O FF , 1=ON .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-5 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 30046 0x0 02D 1 word CH14 DI Counter Value Lo - Word (Read only ) 30047 0x002E 1 word CH15 .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-6 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion Read: always zero 04132 0 x1023 1 bit CH3 D O Clear P2 P Output Safe Status Write: 1= cle a.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-7 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 14117 0 x1014 1 bit CH 4 D O P2P Output S afe Status 0 =Normal, 1= Safe Mode 14118 0 x1015 .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-8 Reference Address Data Type Descrip tion 00265 0x0 108 1 bit CH8 DI Counte r Operate Status 0 : Stop 1: Start(R/W) 00266 0x0 109 1 bi.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A-9 Reference Address Data Type Descrip tion 00284 0x011B 1 bit CH11 DI Clear Co unt Value Read Always retur n:0 Write: 1 : Clear counte .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 10 1xxxx Read Only Coils (F unction 2) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 10001 0x0 000 1 b it CH0 DI Va lue , 0=O FF , 1=O.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 11 3xxxx Read Only Registers (Functi on 4) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 30017 0x0 010 1 word CH0 DI Counter Value Hi - Wo.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 12 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 00257 0 x0100 1 bit CH0 DI Counter Oper ate Status 0: Stop 1: Start (R/W) 00258 0 x0101 1.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 13 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion Rea d Always retur n: 0 Write: 1 : Clear counter value 0 : Return illega l data value(0x0.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 14 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 14129 0 x1020 1 word CH0 DO C lear P2 P Output Sa fe Status Write: 1= clear sta tus Read:.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 15 E1214 Modbus Ma pping 0xxxx Read/ Write Coils (Functions 1, 5, 15 ) Reference Address Da ta Type Descriptio n DO Cha nne l 00001 0x.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 16 Reference Address Da ta Type Descriptio n Read Always retur n:0 Write: 1 : Clear counte r value 0 : Return illega l data value(0x03.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 17 3xxxx Read Only Registers (Functi on 4) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 30017 0x0 010 1 word CH0 DI Counter Value Hi - Wo.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 18 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 30013 0x000C 1 word CH2 Read AI Scaling Value Hi (float) 30014 0x0 00D 1 word CH2 Read AI.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 19 3xxxx Read Only Registers (Functi on 4) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 40025 0x 0018 1 word CH A I 0 Mode : 1:4 - 20mA ,.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 20 3xxxx Read Only Registers (Functi on 4) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 30001 0x0 000 2 words CH0 Re ad AO Scaling Value .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 21 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 00276 0x0 113 1 b it CH3 DI Cle ar Count Value Rea d Always return:0 Write: 1 : Clear cou.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 22 Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 14115 0x1 012 1 b it CH 2 DO P2P Output Safe Status 0=Norm al, 1=Safe Mode 14116 0x1 013 .
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 23 Reference Address Dat a Typ e Descrip tion 2: Ove r Rang e 3. Under Range 30580 0x0243 1 word Read AI 3 Current Mode Status 0: N ormal 1: Burn Out 2: Ove r Rang e 3.
ioLogik E12 00 Series Modbus/ TCP De faul t Addr ess Ma ppings A- 24 E1262 Modbus Ma pping 3xxxx Read Only Regis ters (Functi on 4) Reference Address Data T ype Descrip tion 32049 0x0 800 1 word CH0 TC Minimum Value Hi Word Unit:0.1 (Cels ius, Fahr enheit) 0.
B B. Network Port N umbers ioLogik E1200 Network Port Us age Port Typ e Usage 80 TC P Web console service 502 TCP Mo dbus/TC P communication 68 UDP BOOTP/D HCP 4800 UDP Auto sear ch 69 U DP Export/imp.
C C. Factory Default S ettings ioLog ik E1200 series products ar e configured with the follo wing factory default setting s: Defa ult IP addr ess 192.1 68.
D D. Pinouts Pin A ssi gnm ent of Te rmina l B lock s NOTE EX_V: E xternal V oltage EX_C: E xternal C om.
E E. F CC Inter ference St ateme nt Federal Commu nication C ommission Warning! This equip ment has bee n tested and fo und to comply w ith the limits f or a Class A digital dev ice, pursuant to p art 15 of the FCC Rules .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Moxa ioLogik E1210 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Moxa ioLogik E1210 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Moxa ioLogik E1210, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Moxa ioLogik E1210 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Moxa ioLogik E1210, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Moxa ioLogik E1210.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Moxa ioLogik E1210. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Moxa ioLogik E1210 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.