Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 9800 du fabricant Monarch
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Monarch 9800 Series Printers TC9840OH Rev. A 11/98 ©1998 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved..
Each product and program carries a respective written warrant y , the only warranty on which the customer can rel y . Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product, the programs, and their availability at any time and without notice.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS GETTING ST ARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Audi ence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-2 Adju stin g Prin t P osi tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 3 Printing the Euro-Doll ar Symbo l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 CARE AND MAINTENANCE .
GETTING ST ARTED 1 The M onarch ® 9840 printer lets you pri nt text, graphics, and bar codes o n therm al trans fer (ri bbon) and therm al di rect lab els or tags. T he 9840 printer print s labels con tinuously (in one strip) o r on-deman d (one la bel at a t ime).
9445 Printe r Online Emulation The 984 0 printer s uppor ts 94x5 emul ation. Y ou c an se nd 94x 5 data stream s to the 9840 prin ter . Refer to you r 9445 Programmer’s Manual for i nformation about 94x5 data stre ams.
Ask your Syste m Administrator which method you w ill use to communi cate with th e host : Seri al Comm unicat ion 9 to 25 pi n ca ble (P art #11836 4) 25 to 25 pin ca ble (P art #11836 6) Parallel Co mmunica tion IEEE-1 284 or Centroni cs® mode c able (P art #118363) S ee "Setting DIP S witches " for more information.
Setting DIP Switches T o ch ange the DIP switch settings, move the switche s to the d esired posit ion and th en turn on the print er . If you select Softw are Controll ed, the pa rameters in P acket F wi ll override the co mmunicatio n settings. Softw are Cont rolled use s the last sent P acket F setti ngs or the defaul ts.
Lower DIP Switches 12345678 Flow Co ntrol XON /XO FF RTS/CTS* DTR ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Diagnostics Normal Diagnostics Mode OFF ON Ve r i f i e r No V er ifier V erifier Installed OFF ON Supply T ype Die Cut or Edge Apt. Black Mark (center ) Continuous Center Apt.
Using the Control P anel The con trol pane l helps you ch eck printer sta tus, displa ys error codes, and al lows yo u to per form s ome basic printer fu nctions. Printer Status Lights Pow er : The p rinter s hows a stea dy green light wh en it is on.
Button F unctions Fe e d : u Pri nts a labe l in the o n-dem and mod e. u F eeds a bl ank la bel if the re is no pri nt job. u Prints a labe l with error in formati on that is useful to your Syst em Administ rator if a n error is displayed. u Cuts the suppl y when pre ssed and hel d for two second s if a knife i s installed.
1-8 Gett ing Sta rted R ev . A 10/98.
LOADING SUPPLIES 2 This chapter d escribes how to load: u a roll of supp ly u fan-fold supp ly u a roll of tag su pply . Ther e are th ree types of suppli es: Thermal Direct speciall y treated the rmal suppli es that do not use a ri bbon for printin g.
L oading L abels or T ags Make sure the p rinter is con figured for the correct sup ply type. 1. Open the cove r . 2. Unlock the printhead b y turnin g the retaini ng latch. 3. Lift pri nthead a ssem bly us ing the printhea d tab unti l the assembly lo cks into place.
5. Adjust the sup ply hold er guides so th e sides ba rely touc h the roll. Make sure the supply rol l turns freely . If you are u sing fan-fo ld supplies, place th e supp ly sta ck behind the pri nter , label s ide facing up. 6. Push down on the su pply lever to unlock th e supply guides .
F or tag suppl ies usi ng the op tional k nife , feed the supply through the kn ife. Make sure a t least 0.5 i nches of suppl y is past the knife . 8. Adjust the sup ply guid es so they tou ch the supp ly . Push up on the suppl y lever to lo ck the supply guides into place.
9. Hold the printhead a ssembly by the prin thead tab wh ile pressi ng down on the pri nthead re lease. 10. Cl ose the pr inthea d by pre ssin g down on th e thum b well u ntil you hea r it click into place . 11. Close th e cover . 12. Press Fe e d to po sition the supply un der the pri nthead.
Y ou may need to adjust the wid e/narrow kn obs depe nding o n the width of your supply . See Ch apter 5, " Care and Maintenance ," for more information. Fo r Pe e l M o d e: In peel mode, the p rinter separates the backing paper from the label.
3. F eed the b acki ng pape r ove r the peel bar . 4. F eed the bac king paper thro ugh the l ower o pening of th e exit cover . Close the exit cover . Pull down on the backing paper to remove an y slack. When remov ing the ba cking pa per , pull up acros s the saw-toothed tear edge.
5. Close the p rinter’s cover . 6. Press Fe e d to positi on the suppl y under the printhea d. Using the Optional T ear Bar T ear labels ag ainst the tear b ar .
LOADING RIBBON 3 This c hapter d escri bes ho w to load a ribbon roll. There ar e differ ent ribb on requi remen ts for th e three ty pes of suppli es: Thermal Direct Supplies do no t use a ri bbon for printin g. Thermal T ransfer Supplies require a ri bbon for p rinting.
L oading Ribbon Make s ure the p rinter i s con figured to use a ri bbon . T o l oad ribbon: 1. Open the cove r . 2. Unlock the printhead b y turnin g the retaini ng latch. 3. Lift pri nthead a ssem bly us ing the printhea d tab unti l the assembly lo cks into place.
6. Remove the n ew ribbon from th e package as sh own. Do not wrink le or crush the ne w ribb on. 7. Slide th e ribb on onto th e back r eel as far as i t will go. The ribbon roll only fits on the reel one way . Carefully un wind a few inche s of ribb on from the bottom of th e roll.
11. Rotate the take-up core until the le ader is past the printhea d and rem ove any slac k in th e ribb on by tur ning the take-up reel clockwise . 12. Hold the printh ead assem bly by the p rinthead tab while pressi ng down on the pri nthead re lease.
The hi gh ener gy setti ng is l ost w hen you tu rn off the prin ter . High Energy Ribbon Li mitations When using the high energy ribbon o ption: u Use a pri nt speed o f 2.5IPS (inches per seco nd). u Printh ead warra nty i s reduce d to 100,0 00 inc hes.
3-6 Load ing Rib bon Rev . A 10/98.
PRINTING 4 This c hapter e xplai ns how to u use on -dema nd mo de pri nting. u prin t an error la bel and ba tch sepa rators. u adjust the pri nt positions. Printing The host send s online pa ckets containin g print jobs to the printer . 1. T urn on the printer .
Printing an E rror Label If the printer displays a d ata error (errors 0-49 9), press Fe e d to print an error l abel and con tinue printing . See yo ur System Administrator about the error lab el. Clearing Ba tches All bat ches are cleare d when th e print er is turned on .
Adjusting Print P ositions Y ou can adjust the supp ly , print, margi n, or cut positions on the 9840 pri nter by usin g the contr ol panel buttons . Mak e sure a batch is not waiting to p rint before you adjust the positions. T o change the supply , print, margin, or cut posi tions: 1.
Supply P osition Adjusts the ma chine to print at th e vertical 0,0 point on the supply . Increase the supply position to m ove print up, decrease to m ove print dow n on the label . The rang e is -30 0 to 300 dots . The supply po sition ad justme nt shou ld only be made on inital prin ter setup.
Printin g 4- 5 Rev . A 10/98.
CARE AND MAINTENANCE 5 This chapter te lls you ho w to u clear la bel jams u clean t he prin thead and plat en roller u replace a print head u replace a fuse u adjus t print c ontras t. CA UTION Do not u se sh arp obje cts to c lean th e printhe ad. This may dama ge the printer an d void you r warran ty .
Cleaning The rat e and fr equen cy at which yo u print or how oft en you receiv e sup ply erro rs de termines how ofte n you m ust cl ean th e printe r .
5. Rub the cotton sw ab across the peel bar , printh ead, and supply se nsor to remove a ny build-up. 6. Clean th e build -up in the suppl y path. 7. Let the pri nter dry before you re load supplie s. Close the exit cover unti l both latche s click into p lace.
R eplacing the Printhead Y ou may h ave to re place the pri nthead i f it is damage d or worn-o ut. F or exa mple , you ma y see 616 (bad dot or dots ) or 76 5 (printhead failure) error code s. See "Accessories" in Append ix A for the pr inthead part num ber .
6. Carefull y unplug the cable from the pri nthead as shown. Th e printh ead is sensiti ve to s tatic electri city , which c an dam age the printhea d or reduce its l ife. Ground yourse lf by touc hing some meta l, such as the pri nter’s metal b ase, before tou ching the pri nthead.
Make sure t he printhea d cable d oes not tou ch the ribb on roll. 10. Cl ean the new printh ead with a cotton swab d ipped i n isoprop yl alcoho l to remove any salt or o il left f rom handli ng. 11. Let the printh ead dry and relo ad you r suppl ies.
Adjusting the Print Contr ast Y ou may need to ad just the print co ntrast if the prin ting is too light or too dark. Having the correct print contra st is important becau se it affe cts ho w well your b ar code s scan and how long your pr inthea d lasts .
R eplacing the F use The pri nter is sh ipped wit h a 115 volt or a 23 0 volt fu se. T o replace th e fuse: 1. Disconnec t the printer from the powe r source. 2. Use a screwdrive r to pry open the fuse box in the ba ck of the printe r . 3. Remov e the old fuse an d inse rt a new one as s hown.
TROUBLESHOOTING 6 This c hapter p rovi des u inform ation ab out pri nting a te st labe l. u solution s to minor prin ting proble ms. u explan ations of error messa ges you may rece ive whil e usin g the prin ter . u a list of co mmon error messages a nd their solutio ns.
T roubleshooting This section helps you corre ct some proble ms that may occur . Problem Action Error message appears during startup. T urn off the printer , wait fifteen seconds and then turn on the printer . Call T echnical Support if the error message reappears.
Error Mess ages Y ou may r ecei ve the foll owin g types o f erro r mess ages: u Data Errors u Communication Errors Some errors numb ered 4 00-438 a nd 500- 574 are intern al software error s.
012 Row field p osition is greater than the m aximum stoc k dime nsi on. 013 Column f ield posi tion is gre ater tha n the maxi mum stock dime nsi on. 014 F ont sele ctor is invalid. 015 Charac ter rotati on mu st be 0 (0 degree), 1 ( 90 degre e), 2 (180 de gree), o r 3 (270 degree) .
041 Line direct ion m ust be 0 , 90 , 18 0 , or 270 . 042 The line seg ment or bo x end row i s defined outsid e of printa ble ar ea. 043 The line seg ment o r box en d column is defi ned outs ide of print able ar ea. 044 Dot pattern for l ine or box mu st be "".
205 Cop y type must be 1 (Copy after rules) or 2 (Copy before rules). 206 Incre ment/Dec reme nt sele ction m ust be I (i ncrement) or D (decrement). 207 Incre menting start p ositio n must b e 0 to 27 10 . 208 Incre menting end pos ition m ust be 0 to 2710 .
224 Bar code Intercha racter gap must be 0 to 99 in printe r dots. 251 P ower u p mode m ust b e 0 (onl ine) or 1 (offline). 252 Lan guage se lectio n must be 0 (English). 253 B atch separator code must be 0 (off) or 1 (on) i n the system setup pa cket.
269 Stop bits s elec tion must be 0 (1 bit) or 1 (2 bits). 270 P arity selection must be 0 (non e), 1 (odd), or 2 (even). 271 Flo w contr ol sele ction must be 0 (none), 1 (DT R/DSR), 2 (CTS/RT S), or 3 (X ON/X OFF). 272 Interna l code page selec tion must be 0 (Interna l), 1 (ANSI), 2 (DOS 437), o r 3 (DOS 85 0).
325 Dup licating direction must be 0 or 1 . 327 Amount of row adjus tment m ust be 0 to 999 . 328 Duplicate count must be 0 to 999 . 340 Bitm ap li ne enco ding mus t be H (Hex) or R (R un leng th). 350 Font selector must b e 1 to 9999 . 351 F ont data l ength must be 68 to 16384 .
411 Framing error (baud rate mismatch). 412 Flo w contr ol mismatch . 413 Receive b uffer is full. Ch eck flow con trol setting s. 414 Interna l keybo ard buffer is ful l or y ou need a n ew keypad. 427 Forma t name must be 1 to 8 chara cters inside qu otes or a printer- assigned na me ("").
5 7 3 Batch data in price fi eld doe sn’t fit th e format or the field co ntain s blanks. 574 Batch data in che ck digit sche me doesn’t fi t the format, or , the fiel d conta ins bl anks . 575 The gra phic includ ed in you r format could n ot be fo und.
701 Print er received a co mmand that it canno t execute while i t is runn ing. 702 Check you r printer’s SETUP setti ngs. 703 The pri nter sensed a calibra tion of di fferent-si zed black marks. 704 Printe r didn ’t detect a s ense mark within th e maxi mum feed length or i s out of supp lies.
761 Stacker is full o r jammed. Em pty the stacker or clear the jam be fore cont inuing. The prin ter does no t recalibrate after this erro r . 762 Low battery . Recharge the battery . 763 W aiting to dispense la bel. Press Fee d . 764 V erifier fai lure.
6-14 T rou blesho otin g Rev . A 10/98.
SPECIFICA TIONS A Printer Height: 12.5 i nches (318 m m) Widt h: 12 inch es (305 mm) Depth: 13 inch es (330 mm) W eight: 30 lb. (13 .4 kg) Shipping W eight: 34 lb.
Ribbon Specification Do not leave ribb on in sun light, high tempe ratur es or humi dity . Print Speed: 2.5 IPS (64 mm) for all serial bar codes 2.5 IPS (64 mm), 4.0 IPS (102 mm), or 6.0 IPS (152 mm) for othe r operatio ns W e recommen d a print sp eed of 2.
Spec ific ations A-3 Rev . A 10/98.
SETTING DIP SWITCHES B T o change the DIP switch setti ngs, move the sw itches to the desired position and then turn on t he printer . 1=ON , 0=OFF If you select Softw are Controll ed, the pa rameters in P acket F will overr ide the co mmun icatio n settin gs.
DIP Switches Upper DIP Switches 123456 78 Baud Rate 38400 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200 Software Control 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Data Bits 7 Data Bits 8 Data Bits 1 0 Stop B its 2 Stop Bits 1 Stop Bit 1 0 Pa ri ty Even Odd None 1 0 0 0 1 0 P arallel Port Centronics Mode IEEE-1284 0 1 B -2 Sett ing Dip Switche s R ev .
Lower DIP Switches 123456 78 Flow Co ntrol XON /XO FF RTS/CTS* DTR 1 0 0 0 1 0 Diagnostics Normal Diagnostics Mode 0 1 Ve r i f i e r No V er ifier V erifier Installed 0 1 Supply T ype Continuous Die Cut Black Mark 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ribb on T r ansfer Dire ct 0 1 F eed Mode Disable On-Demand Enable On-Demand 0 1 * Requires a special c able.
B -4 Sett ing Dip Switche s R ev . 12/97.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Monarch 9800 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Monarch 9800 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Monarch 9800, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Monarch 9800 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Monarch 9800, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Monarch 9800.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Monarch 9800. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Monarch 9800 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.