Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MD-CX522-04K to s.7K du fabricant Mitsubishi Electronics
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SER I ES M D - C X 522 I NS T RUCT I O N M A NUA L M A G N E T IC M O T O R D R IV E U N IT S pec i f i c at i ons s ubj ec t t o c hange w i t hout not i c e.
1 Please read here first Thank you for choosing the Mitsubis hi Magnetic Motor Dri v e Unit. T his instruction manual gives hand ling information and pr ecautions for use of the drive unit. Incorrect handling of the equipment ma y cause an unexpected fault.
2 Please read here first (Continued) Safety Instructions This section is specif ically about safety matters Do not attempt to install, oper ate, maintain or inspect the drive unit until y ou have rea d through this i nstru ction manual a nd a ppended d ocument s carefully and can u se the equip ment c or rectly.
3 1. Usage WARNING The MELIPM series mot or i s a synchro nous moto r w i th high -perf o rmance magnets built in its rotor. Therefor e, after the drive unit is powered off, there are high v oltages at the moto r ter minals while th e motor is runnin g.
4 4. Wiring WARNING Any perso n w ho is involv ed in the wiring of this equi pment sho ul d be fully competent to do the w ork. Otherw ise, an elect ric sho ck or fire ca n occur. Install a no-fuse br eaker or earth leak age circuit bre a ker. Otherwi se, a driv e unit failure can ca use large cu rrent s to flow , res ulting in a fire.
5 5. Operation WARNING Always repla ce the fr ont cover befo re sw itching input p ow e r on. While pow e r is on, do not re mov e the front cover. D oing so can cau se an elect ric sho ck. Operate the sw itc he s with dry hand s. Not doi ng so can ca use an ele ctric shoc k.
6 6. Maintenance, Inspec tion and Part (Coolin g Fan ) Replacement WARNING Any perso n who is involv ed in maintenan ce, inspection or part re placement should be fully competent to do the work.
7 CONTENTS Page 1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1-1 1.1 Checking the Pr oduct 1-1 1.1.1 Contents .................................................................................. 1-1 1.1.2 Type .......................................
8 3.2.4 Wiring of the motor con nection terminals U, V, W ................... 3-4 3.2.5 Wiring of the groun d terminals .......................................... 3-4 3.2.6 Wiring of the DC reactor connection term inals P/+, P1 ........... 3-5 3.2.7 Wiring of the bra ke resistor connectio n terminals P/+, PR .
9 6.3 Maintenance and Inspection 6-7 6.3.1 Inspection ................................................................................ 6-7 6.3.2 W ear parts ............................................................................... 6-9 6.3.3 Cooling fan repla cement method .
1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1-1 1 1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1.1 Checking the Pr oduct Unpac k the d rive unit, insp ect the content s, and che ck the name pl ate to ensur e that the product a gre es with y our order. 1.1.1 Contents Contents Quantity Driv e unit 1 Instruction man ual 1 1.
1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1-2 1.2 Parts Identification Appearan ce of drive unit Front cover (Upper) Front cover (Lower) Name plate Capaci ty plate Wiring cover Without front cover (Lower) Wiring c.
1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1-3 1 1.3 Handling of Cov ers and the Like 1.3.1 Removal and reinstallation of the front cover (Lo w er) The front cov er is fastened by the latches i n positions A a nd B. Push either A or B in the dir ection of arrow , and u sing the other end as a su pport, pull the front cov er tow ard you to remov e.
1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1-4 1.3.3 Removal and reinstallation of the operation panel Hold down th e arrow part A, and using the ar row part B as a s upp ort, pull the right hand si de of the operatio n pa nel toward y ou and remov e the panel rightwa rd.
1. PRE-OPERATION INFORMATION 1-5 1 1.4 Transportation When ca rry ing, alway s support the whole driv e unit. 1.5 Storage Store the driv e unit in the following e nv ironment. A mbience No corrosive g as, flammable g as, oil mi st, dust an d dirt. No exposur e to direct sunlight.
2. INSTALLATION 2-1 2 2. INSTALLATION This chapte r gives pre paratory information on install ation and wiri ng of the driv e unit. NOTICE The Japane se harmo nic supp re ssion gui delines for su ppre.
2. INSTALLATION 2-2 2.1.2 Installation in control box When installing the d rive unit in a cont rol box , the internal te mperature of the control box must not excee d the permis sib le value du e to driv e-unit ge nerated heat and peri pheral -g enerated h eat.
2. INSTALLATION 2-3 2 2.2 Preparation of Peripheral Dev i ces 2.2.1 Basic configuration I/O M UV W RS T P/+ P1 PR N/- U V W Always connect either of the above for cir cuit ( wiri ng) pr ote c tion . Make selec tion in accorda nce with the select ion table.
2. INSTALLATION 2-4 2.2.2 Selection of peripheral dev ices (1) Wire size AC power input terminals R, S, T, motor connection terminals U, V, W, DC reactor con ne ction terminals P/+, P1, DC te rminals P/+, N/-, gr ou nd terminals Wire Sizes, Unit: mm 2 Capacity (K) Terminal Screw Size R, S, T U, V, W P/+ , P1, N/- Connection Wire Type 0.
2. INSTALLATION 2-5 2 (3) No -f use breaker s, magneti c conta ct ors No-Fuse Br eaker Magnetic Contactor Capacity (K) With pow er factor improving react or W i thout pow e r factor improving react or With powe r fac tor improving reactor 0.4 30AF/5A 0.
2. INSTALLATION 2-6 2.3 Installation Method 1) Remov e the front covers. ( Up per and lowe r) 2) Remov e the wiring cov er. 3) Pass screws o r bo lts into th e four mountin g hol es and se cur e the drive unit.
3. W IRING 3-1 3 3. WIRING This chapte r describes the wi ring of the driv e unit. WARNING Any person who is inv olv ed in the wiring of this equipme n t should be fully competen t to do the work. Otherwis e, an el ectric sho c k or fire can occur. Always install th e unit before wiring.
3. W IRING 3-2 3.1 Pre-Wiring Instructions 3.1.1 Terminal connection diagram The following shows the w iri ng of all terminal s. After confirmi ng th e function of each termin al, wire neces sary terminal s acco rdi ng to your app lication.
3. W IRING 3-3 3 3.2 Wiring of the Main Circuit Terminals 3.2.1 Terminals Symbols Name Description R, S, T AC pow er input terminals Connec t to the co mmercial pow er suppl y. U, V, W Moto r connection terminals Connec t to a dedica ted v ariable-spee d synchrono us motor .
3. W IRING 3-4 3.2.4 Wiring of the motor connection terminal s U, V, W Connect the se terminals to the motor. Match th e ph ase sequen c e of the motor connectio n ter minals U, V, W with that of the motor ca bles. Incorrect pha se sequen ce will ru n the motor in rev erse.
3. W IRING 3-5 3 3.2.6 Wiring of the DC reactor connection terminals P/+, P1 These ter minal s are desi gned for co nnection of the p ower facto r improving reacto r (FR -BEL ). Remov e the ju mper acro s s the term in als P/+-P1 and con nect the DC reacto r.
3. W IRING 3-6 3.3 Wiring of the Control Circuit Terminals CA UTION Use shielded or twi s ted cables for wiring the contr ol circuit inp ut terminals. A lso run them a way from the main cir cuit wiring and oth er power cables. N ot doi ng so can caus e a malfunction du e to n oise.
3. W IRING 3-7 3 NOTICE When a transist or is used to in put the signal of the co ntact input terminal, make sure that the ele ctrical char acteri stic s of the transi stor u sed sati sfy the followin.
3. W IRING 3-8 ME MO Ratings of trans i stor output term inals Max. per missi ble voltage: 27V DC, max. pe rmissible current: 0.1ADC NOTICE When driving a coil load, c on nect a diode.
3. W IRING 3-9 3 3.3.2 Terminal layout and connect ion specifications Layout Termin al layout o f contr ol circuit RH RM RL MRS RES SD FM PC SE RUN FU A B C 10 2 5 4 SD STF STR SD Screw siz e M2.5 Tightening torque 0.25N • m t o 0.49 N • m W i ring method 1) For w iring the contr ol circuit, us e cables a fter strippi ng their sh eaths.
3. W IRING 3-10 3.3.3 Wiring of the contact input terminal s Use shiel de d or twisted shiel ded cable s for wiring. Connect on e s hiel d sheat h to the common termina l. Leave the oth er shield s he ath open. When using c onta ct signals The following shows the w iri ng of the termi nal s STF, STR.
3. W IRING 3-11 3 3.3.4 Wiring of the speed command input terminals Use shiel de d or twisted shiel ded cable s for wiring. Connect on e s hiel d sheat h to the terminal 5. Leav e the other shiel d sheat h op en. The following di agram sh ows the w i ring of th e terminal 2.
3. W IRING 3-12 3.3.6 Wiring of the contact output terminals The following w i ri ng exa mple as s u mes that when the p rote ctiv e circuit is activated, the ma gneti c contacto r (M C) on the pow er sup ply side is ope ned to switch off t he m a i n circuit p owe r.
3. W IRING 3-13 3 3.4 Wiring of the PU Connector 3.4.1 Pin layout As seen from the driv e unit (recepta cle sid e) front 5) SDA 6) RDB 7) SG 8)P5S 8) t o 1) 1) SG 2) P5 S 3) RDA 4) SDB NOTICE Pins N o. 2 an d 8 (P5S) p rov ide power to the operation p anel.
3. W IRING 3-14 Parts u sed ( U se com m e rcial l y avai l abl e p art s f o r w iring ) Connector R J45 connector Example: 5-55472 0-3, Tyco El ectronics Cor poration Cable Cable co nforming to EIA568 ( such as 10BASE-T c able) Example: SGL PEV 0.5m m × 4P ( Twisted pai r cable, 4 pairs), M itsubishi Cable I ndustries, Lt d.
3. W IRING 3-15 3 3.4.4 Wiring methods for communication operation 1) Wiring of on e computer an d one driv e unit for RS-485 SDB SDA RDB RDA FG SG CSB CSA RSB RSA RDB RDA SDB SDA SG Computer Si de Te.
4. HOW TO USE T HE FR-PU04 PARAMETER UNIT 4-1 4 4. HOW TO USE THE FR-PU04 PARAMETER UNIT For the way to use the FR-P U04 para meter unit, ref er to the in stru ction manual of the FR-PU04 pa ramet er unit. ME MO When the FR- P U04 param eter unit (opti on) is us ed, some o f the FR-PU04 fun ctio n s are unav ailable.
5. OPERATION 5-1 5 5. OPERATION 5.1 Power On CA UTION If the machine should b ecome out of c ontrol, perform tes t ope ration after ensu ring safety . Start operatio n after per forming test opera tion u nder light load a t lo w speed to ens ure t hat operation is per formed safely .
5. OPERATION 5-2 5.3 Starting operation The drive unit dete cts the magneti c pole of the motor at ev ery start. The magnetic pol e detection time is app rox . 0.1s (85ms ± 15ms) after th e sta rt signal and speed signal are i nput. During thi s period, the motor re main s stopped a nd starts runni ng after magn etic pole detection i s finished.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-1 6 6. TROUBLESHOOTI NG This chapte r describes h ow to remedy a fault which occu rred in y our drive unit or motor and the maintenance and in spection of the driv e unit. NOTICE If you have found any fault, immediately perf orm inspection an d take action to re move it s cause.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-2 Table 6-1 Parameter Unit Display Protectiv e Function Name Detection Level Possible Cause ( ) and Correctiv e A ction ( • ) Acceleration-time overcurrent Output curre nt is more than 200% of m otor rating. The acceler ation tor que is bey ond the dr ive uni t capability.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-3 6 Table 6-1 ( Continued ) Parameter Unit Display Protectiv e Function Name Detection Level Possible Cause ( ) and Correctiv e A ction ( • ) Electronic overcurrent protection The mot or and dri ve unit are opera ted under overl oad.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-4 If any of the messa ge s in Table 6-2 appear s, the d riv e unit is assumed to have failed. If the same mes sa ge r ea ppears after a n alarm reset, immediately replace the drive unit.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-5 6 6.1.3 Others Table 6-4 Parameter Unit Display Name Possible Cause ( ) and Correctiv e A ction ( • ) Operation error Paramet er chang ing operati on was per formed during external op eratio n. The value t hat w as set is outside the par ameter setting rang e.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-6 6.2 Motor operation out of ordinary If any of the fo llowing faults has occurred in the m otor, find out its cause and take adequate measures. Event Check Point Possibl e Cause ( ) and Correctiv e A ction ( • ) Check the main circuit.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-7 6 6.3 Maintenance and Inspection WARNING When performing in spe ction by removing the fron t cov er or the like, switch power off, wait 10 or more minutes, t h en check that the voltage across the DC term in als P/+-N/- is less th an 30VDC wi th a t ester or like before starting in spe ction.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-8 Table 6-5 Peri odic In spection Li st A rea of Inspection Inspection Items Methods Criteria Surroun ding envir onment 1) Check a mbient te mperature, humidi ty, v ibration, a mbience (for dust, dirt, gas, oil mist, water dr ops, etc.
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-9 6 NOTICE Insulation r e sistance test usi ng meg ge r Where pos sibl e, do not co ndu ct an insulation r esi stance test usi ng a megger sin c e an in sul atio n test has bee n do ne before s hip ment from the fac tory .
6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6-10 6.3.3 Cooling fan replacement method Remov al 1) Remov e the wiring cov er. 2) Unplug th e fan connector. The cooli ng fa n is conne cted with the coolin g fan conne ctor on the d rive unit terminal bl o ck side. Unplug the c on nector and re move the driv e unit and coolin g fan.
7. SPECIFICATIONS 7-1 7 7. SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 Standard Specifications 7.1.1 Rating specifications MD-C X522- 0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K 3.7K Applicabl e motor c apacity ( kW) 0.
7. SPECIFICATIONS 7-2 7.1.2 Common specifications (1) C o ntrol specifications Control sy stem Sensor-l ess P W M co ntrol Carrier frequency 7.5kHz fix ed Max.
7. SPECIFICATIONS 7-3 7 (2) Operatio nal spec i fic ations PU operation Parameter unit (opti on) oper ation External operation Operation usi ng ex ternal an alog/contact si gnals Operation method Comm.
7. SPECIFICATIONS 7-4 7.1.3 Outline drawings CX522-0.4K, 0.75K 65 6 68 5 6 118 128 5 5 hole 5 4 D 11 55 D1 Wiring hol es (Unit: mm) Drive Unit Type DD 1 0.
7. SPECIFICATIONS 7-5 7 CX52 2-3.7 K 2-5 hol e 82.5 68 5 5 138 11 55 72 19. 5 118 128 5 5 Wiring ho les 6 158 170 6 114.5 55.5 Cooling f a n 1 (Unit: mm) Parameter unit ( FR -PU04) <O ut li ne d ra wi ng > <Panel cutting dimensi on drawing> 40 23.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-1 8 8. PARAMETER FUNCTIONS Refer to Appen dix 1 for the para meter li st. ME MO The minimum increment of the setting is 0.1 in the setting range 0.0 to 60.0, or 1 in the range 0 to 60. The value hav ing a 0 on the ri ght of the d ecimal point can be entered as a n inte ger.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-2 8.2 Parameter Unit Operation Selection Pr. 75 "disconnected PU detec tion/PU stop selec tion" Disc onnected PU detection function You can make s ele ction betwee n.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-3 8 8.3 Selection of the Speed Comma nd 8.3.1 Selection of the analog spee d command specif ications Pr. 73 "speed command range selection" You can sel ect the value of the v oltage signal enter ed to te rminal 2. Setting Terminal 2 Input Voltage 0 0 to 10V 1 0 to 5V Pr.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-4 8.3.2 Variable-speed operation using co ntact input signals Pr. 4 "three-speed se tting (high s peed)" Pr. 5 "three-speed se tting (middle speed)" Pr. 6 "three-speed se tting (low speed)" Pr. 24 to 27 "multi-speed setting (spe ed 4 to 7)" Pr.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-5 8 8.4 S election of the C ontrol C ircuit Contact In put Terminal Funct i ons Pr. 188 "RES terminal oper ation selection" Select the res et oper atio n of the RES terminal. R es et op er ation is perfor med when RES-S D are sho rted more than 0.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-6 8.5 Setting of the Operation Pattern 8.5.1 Running speed region Pr. 1 "maximum speed" Pr. 2 " mi nimum sp eed" Pr. Setting Range Unit Operation 1 0 to 7200 r/mi n If th e speed co mmand en tered is mor e than the maxi mum speed set i n Pr.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-7 8 Pr. 31 to 36 "speed command jumps 1A to 3B" Pr. Setting Range Unit 31 to 3 6 0 to 7200, 9999 r/min You can set three speed a re a s where continuous operati on will be disable d.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-8 8.5.2 A cceleration time and deceleration time Pr. 7 "acceleration time" Pr. 8 "deceleration time" Pr. 20 "acceleration/deceleration refer ence speed" Pr. Setting Range Unit 7, 8 0.00 to 60. 00 s 20 1 to 72 00 r/min In Pr.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-9 8 8.5.3 Selection of regenerativ e brake unit Pr. 30 "regenerative brake option selec tion" Pr. 70 "regenerative brake duty " Pr. Setting Range Unit 30 0, 1 70 0.0 to 15.0 % Set Pr. 30 and Pr. 70 ac co rding to the regen erative bra ke unit us ed.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-10 8.5.5 Other settings Pr. 84 "rated motor speed" The rated sp ee d of the motor used w i th the d rive unit is display ed.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-11 8 8.6 Communication operation from the PU conn ector Pr. 117 "station number" Pr. 118 "communication spee d" Pr. 119 "stop bi t length/ data length" Pr. 120 "parity check pr esence/absence" Pr.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-12 (1) Commu nica tion sp eci fica tion s Confor ming standar d RS-485 S tandard c onfor mance Number o f units conn ected 1 : N (m ax.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-13 8 NOTICE Communic ation operation is p erformed in respon se to the communic ation request fro m the personal computer. Theref ore, if communic ation i s suspe nded due to a commu nic ation cable bre ak or computer failu re d uring o pe ratio n, the driv e unit cannot dete ct a fault and stop ope rati on.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-14 Approx imately 12 ms plus waiting time after th e drive unit has c o mpleted receiv ing the d ata sent by the computer, the d riv e unit sends the d rive unit returning data to the computer. Set the waiting time in Pr. 123 to matc h the a nswerable ti me of the c o mputer.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-15 8 ME MO The abov e for mat assumes that the d ata code ha s two charac ters. The number of charac t ers in the data code change s with the communic ation data.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-16 (5) Explan atio n of communication data stru ctu re 1) Cont rol codes The following tabl e lists the AS CII cod es and their definitio ns of the control code na mes which are set at the b eginning, en d and like of the form at.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-17 8 ii) Setting the operati on items Settin g Item Mode Instruction Code Data Codes and Definitions Character count Start W r it e HFA H00: Stop H02: Forw ard rotatio n H04: .
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-18 iii) Parameter write and read Parameter w rite a nd read requi re the settin g of the ex tension cod es given in Appendix 1 Para meter List (N u merical Orde r ). After setting the extensi on code, set the in stru ction cod e giv en in Appe ndix 1 Paramete r Li st (Num erica l Order) and perf orm writ e or read .
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-19 8 Set the bias and gains i n Pr. 90 2 to 905 [Section 8.3.1]. Setting Ite m Mode Instruction Code Data Codes and Definitions Character count Wr i t e H E C Bias/gain R ead .
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-20 4) Sumche ck As a sumch ec k v alue, set the lower 1 by te (8 bits) of the su m deriv ed from ASCII data (station numbe r, in stru ction code, w aitin g time, data code ) except the contr ol code. The co mmunication data i s converted int o ASCII automatically .
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-21 8 (6) Program ex ample (S witching t he operation mod e to communication operation) 10 OPEN "COM1 : 9 600,E,8,2,HD" AS #1 80 A$=MID$(D$,I,1) 90 A=ASC(A$) 100 S=S+.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-22 8.7 Monitoring of Operation Status 8.7.1 Selection of paremeter unit display data Pr. 37 "speed unit switch-ov er 1" Change the di splay unit of the FR -PU 04 para met er u nit. Setting Range Function 0 The motor speed is displayed.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-23 8 8.7.2 Selection of the control circuit output t erminal functions Pr. 190 "RUN terminal function selec tion" Pr. 194 "FU ter minal function selection" You can sel ect/change the fun ctions of the contr ol ci rcuit output termi nal s.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-24 Once the moto r speed ha s rea ch ed o r exce ede d the speed set in the correspo nding par ameter, it is exporte d from the control ci rcuit output termi nal s where the F U signal ha s been a s sig ned. Pr. 43 is valid for o nly the operation pe rformed usi ng the rev er se rotation signal (terminal STR o r REV key).
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-25 8 8.7.5 Selection of the instrument conne ction terminal functions Pr. 54 "FM terminal funct ion selection" You can sel ect the signal s output to the FM terminal desi gned for i nst rument connectio n. Setting Display Data Unit Full-Scale 1 Motor speed r/ m i n Value set in Pr.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-26 APPEN DIX 1 PA RAMETER LI ST ( NUM E RICA L ORDER) Instruction Code Data No. Name Setting Range Initial Value Customer Setti ng re ad W rit e Extension Refer to 1 Ma xim um.
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-27 8 APPEN DIX 1 PA RAMETER LI ST ( NUM E RICA L ORDER) Instruction Code Data No. Name Setting Range Initial Value Customer Setti ng re ad W ri te Extension Refer to 42 Speed .
8 PARAMETER F UNCTIONS 8-28 APPEN DIX 1 PA RAMETER LI ST ( NUM E RICA L ORDER) Instruction Code Data No. Name Setting Range Initial Value Customer Setti ng re ad W ri te Extension Refer to 121 Number of commun ication retries 0 to 10, 9999 1 15 9 5 1 122 Communicati on check time interval 0, 0.
REVISIONS *The manual n umber is giv en on the bottom l eft of the ba ck cov er. Print Date *Manua l Number Revision Jan., 2002 IB(NA)- 0600 103- A First edition.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi Electronics MD-CX522-04K to s.7K ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.