Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FR-A7AP du fabricant Mitsubishi Electronics
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INVER TER Plug-in option INSTRUCTION MA NUAL 1 2 3 4 5 FR-A7AP Orienta tion control Encoder feedback control V ector con trol INST ALLA TION ORIENT A TION CONTROL ENCODER FEEDBACK CONTROL PRE-OPERA TI.
A-1 Thank you for choosing thi s Mitsu bishi Inverter pl ug-in option. This I nstru ction Manual g ives handlin g infor matio n and precau tion s for us e of th is equi pmen t. Incorr ect h andli ng migh t caus e an u nexp ected f ault. Be fore u sing the equi pment, plea se read t his man ual care fully to use the equ ipment to its optimu m.
A-2 2. Injury Prevention 3. Additional I nstructions Also t he follo wing p oints must be n oted to prev ent an accid ental failure , injury , ele ctric sh ock, etc .
I ⎯ CONTENTS ⎯ 1 PRE-OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 1.1 Unpacking and Product Conf irmation .......................................................................................... ...1 1.1.1 Product confir mation.......... ......... ............. ...
II 4 ENCODER FEEDBAC K CONTROL 27 4.1 Wiring Examples ............................................................................................................. ................. 27 4.2 Terminals ....................................................
1 1 PRE-OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 Unpacki ng and P roduct Co nfirmation T ak e the plug-in option out of the package, check the product name, and confirm that the product is as you ordered and intact. This product is a plug-in option dedic ated for the FR-A 700 /A 701 serie s.
2 PRE-OPERATION INS TRUCTIONS 1 1.1.2 SERIAL number check When you are using FR-A7AP with an FR-A700 series inverter , c heck the SERIAL number on the FR - A700. The FR-A700 series inverters having the following SERIAL or later are compatible with FR-A7AP .
3 PRE-OPERATION IN STRUCTIONS 1.2 Par ts Front view Rear view Mounting hole Mounting hole Mounting hole Encoder specification selection switch (SW1) Used to change the specification of encoder (differential line driver/complementary). Switch for manufacturer setting (SW3) Do not change from initially- set status (1, 2:OFF ).
4 2 2 INSTALLA TION 2.1 Pre-i nstalla tion in stru ctions Make sure that the input power of the inverter is OFF . CAUTION With input po wer ON, do not install o r remove the plug -in option. Otherw ise, the inverter and plug-in op tion may be dam aged.
5 INSTALLATION 2.2 Install ation procedur e 1) Remove the inverter front cover. 2) Mount the hex-head screw for option mounting into the inve rter scr ew hole (on earth plate) (size 5.5mm, tightening torque 0.56N x m to 0.75N x m). 3) Securely fit the c onnector of the plug-in option to the inverter connector along the guides.
6 INSTALLATION 2 CAUTION • Only one type of option per inverter may be used. Whe n two or more options are mount ed, priority is in the order of in verter option conn ectors 1, 2 and 3. The opt ions having l ower pr iority are inoper ative. • When the inverter cannot recog nize tha t the option is mo unted due to improp er inst allation, etc.
7 INSTALLATION 2.3 Encoder Specification s/Termin ating Resistor Swi tch (1) Encoder specification selection switch (SW1) Select either dif ferential li ne driver or complementary It is initial ly set to the dif ferent ial line driv er . Sw itch it s position according to output circuit.
8 INSTALLATION 2 (3) Motor used and switch setting Motor Encoder Spe cificati on Selection Switch (SW1) T erminating Resistor Selection Switch ( SW2) Power Sp ecifications *2 Mit subishi st andard mot.
9 INSTALLATION 2.4 Wirin g (1) Use twisted pair shield c ables (0.2mm 2 or larger) to connect the FR- A7AP and position detector. T o prote ct the cables f rom nois e, run the m away from any source of noi se (e.g. t he mai n circ uit and power vo ltage).
10 INSTALLATION 2 (2) Connection with the CNC (computerized numerical controller) When one position detector is shared between FR-A7AP and NC, its output signal should be c onnected as shown on the right. In this c ase, the wiring length between FR-A7AP and NC should be as short as possible, within 5m.
11 INSTALLATION (4) Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. REMARKS Information on blade te rminals Introdu ced produ cts (as of Fe b. 2012) z Phoenix C ontact Co .,Ltd. Screw Size Tighte ning T orque Cable Size Screwd river M2 0.
12 INSTALLATION 2 (5) For wiring of the invert er which has one f ront cover , remove a hook of the fr ont cover and use a spac e bec ome avail able . For wiring of the inverter which has front covers 1 and 2 , use the space on the left side of the control circuit terminal block.
13 INSTALLATION 2.5 Encoder Cable * As the termin al block of the FR-A7AP is an insertion type, earth (groun d) cables need to be modified. (Ref er to page 1 1 .
14 INSTALLATION 2 Connection terminal compatibility t able Motor SF-V5RU, SF-THY SF-JR/HR/JRCA/HRCA (with Encoder) Encoder cab le FR-V7CBL/FR-V5CBL F R-JCBL FR-A7AP terminal PA 1 PA PA P A2 Keep this open. P AR PB1 PB PB PB2 Keep this open. PBR PZ1 PZ PZ PZ2 Keep this open.
15 INSTALLATION 2.6 Enco der (1) Position detectio n (pulse encoder) CAUT ION ⋅ When orientation control, encoder feedb ack control, vector control are used together , the enco der is shared between these controls. Use an encoder which has a pulse count of 1000 to 4096p pr (p ulse per revolution).
16 INSTALLATION 2 (2) Power supply Choose a power supply for enc oder according to the encoder used (5V/12V/15V/24V). When the en coder output is the differential line driver type, onl y 5V can be input. Make sure the voltage of the external pow er supply the same as the encoder output voltage.
17 INSTALLATION 2.7 Parameter for Encoder Para meter Number Name Initial Va l u e Setting Range D escript ion 359 Encoder rotation direction 1 0 1 369 Number of encoder pulses 1024 0 to 4096 S et the num ber of encoder pul ses ou tput. Set the nu mber of pul ses befor e it is mul tipl ied b y 4.
18 INSTALLATION 2 Parameter settings for the motor under vector control Moto r Name Pr . 359 Encoder rotation direction Pr . 369 Number o f encoder pulses Mit sub ishi stan dard motor SF-JR 1 1024 SF-J R 4P 1.
19 3 ORIENTA TION C ONT ROL This function is used with a position detector (encoder) inst alled to the spindle of a machine tool, etc. to allow a rotary shaf t to be stopped at the specified position (oriented).
20 ORIENTATION CONTROL 3 *1 For the fan of th e 7.5kW o r less ded icated mo tor , the power supply is si ngle phas e (200V/50H z, 200 t o 230V/ 60Hz). *2 The pi n numb er d iffers accor ding t o the enc oder us ed. *3 Us e Pr . 178 to Pr . 189 (i nput te rmin al functi on sel ectio n) to a ssi gn th e fu nc tio n t o a ny of t erm in al.
21 ORIENTATION CONTROL 3.2 Termin als (1) Optio n FR -A7 AP term ina l Te r m i n a l Symbol T er min al Nam e Descriptio n PA 1 En coder A- phase s ignal input term inal A-, B- and Z- phase signals are input from the encode r . (For de tails of pulse sign al, refer to page 15 .
22 ORIENTATION CONTROL 3 (2) Optio n FR -A7 AX term ina l Te r m i n a l Symbol T erminal Name Description X0 to X15 Digital signal input terminal Input th e digital signa l at the relay c ontact or open c ollector te rminal. Using Pr . 360 , speed or po siti on comm and is selected as the com mand signal e ntered.
23 ORIENTATION CONTROL (3) Inverter terminal * Refer to the invert er ma nual f or the details of P r . 178 to Pr .189 (inp ut term inal fu nction select ion) and Pr .
24 ORIENTATION CONTROL 3 3.3 Parameter List for Orien tation Contro l Fitting the FR-A7AP adds the following p arameters for orientation control. Refer to the Inverter Manual (Applied) for details of p arameter . * When an operat ion panel (FR-DU07) is used , the maximum settin g is 9999.
25 ORIENTATION CONTROL 3.4 Spec ificat ions Repea ted posi tioning accu racy ±1.5 ° Depe nds on the load torque , mome nt of inerti a of the load or orientaion, creep spee d, position loop switc hing position, etc.
26 MEMO.
27 4 ENCODER FEEDBACK CONTROL Mount FR-A7AP to an FR-A700 series inverter to perfor m encoder feedback control under V/F control or Advanced magnetic flux vector control.
28 ENCODER FEEDBACK CONTROL 4 *1 The pi n numb er d iffers accor ding t o the enc oder us ed. *2 Connec t the encod er so tha t there is no loosen ess be tween th e motor and motor shaft. Speed ratio should b e 1:1. *3 Earth (Grou nd) the sh ielded cable of the encode r cable to the enc losu re with a P clip, et c.
29 ENCODER FEEDBACK CONTROL 4.2 Termin als Te r m i n a l Symbol Te r m i n a l N a m e Description PA 1 En coder A-pha se signal input terminal A-, B-phas e signal s are inp ut from the en coder.
30 ENCODER FEEDBACK CONTROL 4 4.3 Encoder Feedback Cont rol Parame ter List Fitting the FR-A7AP adds the following p arameters for encoder feedback operation.
31 5 VECTOR CONTROL When FR-A7AP is mounterd o n the FR-A700 series, full-scale vector control operation can be performed using a motor with encoder . S peed control, torque control and positi on control by vector control can be performed. (Refer to the Inverter Manu al (App lied) for details.
32 VECTOR CONTROL 5 *1 The pi n numb er d iffers accor ding t o the enc oder us ed. S peed an d torque c ontrols ar e availabl e with or witho ut the Z-p hase be ing conne cted. *2 Connec t the encod er so tha t there is no loosen ess be tween th e motor and motor shaft.
33 VECTOR CONTROL (2) Vector control dedicated motor (SF-V5RU), 12V complementary (torque control) 10 2 2 3 1 1 Speed limit command Frequency setting potentiometer 1/2W1k Ω 5 (+) (-) Three-phase AC p.
34 VECTOR CONTROL 5 *1 The pi n numb er d iffers accor ding t o the enc oder us ed. S peed an d torque c ontrols ar e availabl e with or witho ut the Z-p hase be ing conne cted. *2 Connec t the encod er so tha t there is no loosen ess be tween th e motor and motor shaft.
35 VECTOR CONTROL 5.2 Termin als Te r m i n a l Symbol T erminal Nam e Des crip tion PA 1 En coder A-p hase signal input term inal A-, B- and Z-ph ase sign als are inpu t from the enc oder .
36 VECTOR CONTROL 5 5.3 Vecto r Contro l Extended P arameter Li st Mounting FR-A7AP adds the following p arameters for vector control. Refer to the Inverter Manual (Applied) for details of p arameter .
37 VECTOR CONTROL 465 First posit ion feed am ount lowe r 4 digits 0 to 9999 1 0 466 First posit ion feed am ount uppe r 4 digits 0 to 9999 1 0 467 Second pos ition fee d amount lower 4 digi ts 0 to 9.
38 VECTOR CONTROL 5 488 T welfth position feed amo unt upper 4 digits 0 t o 9999 1 0 489 Thirteenth posi tion f eed am ount l ower 4 dig its 0 t o 999 9 1 0 490 Thirteenth p osition f eed amou nt uppe.
39 VECTOR CONTROL 5.4 Spec ificat ions *1 Regene ration uni t (option) is necessa ry for rege nerati on *2 With onlin e auto tun ing (adapt ive mag netic flux ob server) , dedicat ed moto r , rated load S peed c ontrol S peed contro l ran ge 1:1500 (both driv ing/regen eration *1 ) S peed va riation ratio ±0.
40 REVISIONS *The ma nual nu mber is gi ven on the bottom left of the back co ver . Print Date *Manual Number Revision Sep. 2 005 IB(NA)-060023 8ENG-A First edition Aug.
HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO BUILDING 2-7-3, MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAP AN INVER TER Printed in Japan S pecifications subject to change w ithout notice.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A7AP ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.