Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit USB-1616HS-2 du fabricant Measurement Specialties
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USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Document Revision 1, August, 2007 © Copyright 2007, Measurement Com puting Corporation.
3 HM USB-1616HS-2.doc Your new Measurement Computing produc t comes with a fantastic extra — Management committed to your satisfaction! Refer to for the names, titles, an d contact information of each key exe cutive at Measurem ent Computing.
4 Trademark and Copyright Information TracerDAQ, Universal Library, Harsh E nvironment Warranty , Measurement Compu ting Corporation, an d the Measurement Computing logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of M easurement C omputing Corporation.
5 Table of Contents Preface About this U ser's Gu ide .......................................................................................................................7 What you will learn from this user's guide .......................
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide 6 Tips for making high-speed coun ter measurement s (> 1 MHz) ...................................................................... .................27 Mapped ch annels ...............................................
7 Preface About this User's Guide What you will learn from this user's guide This user's guide explains how to install , configure, a nd use the USB- 1616HS-4 so t hat you get the most out of its analog I/O, thermocouple (TC) input, digital I/O, counte r/timer I/O features.
8 Chapter 1 Introducing the USB-1616HS-2 Overview: USB-1616HS-2 features The USB-1616HS-2 is supported under popular Microsoft ® Window s ® operating systems. The USB-1616HS-2 board is a multifunction measurement and control board designed for the USB bus.
9 Chapter 2 Installing the USB-1616HS-2 What comes with your USB-1616HS-2 shipment? As you unpack your USB-1616 HS-2, verify th at the following comp onents are i ncluded.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Installing the USB-1616HS-2 10 AI-EXP48 Analog in put expansi on module add s up to 2 4 different ial or 48 si ngle-ended in puts to the USB-1616HS -2. CA-96A expansion cable Expansion cabl e for connecti ng to the AI-E XP48 expansi on board.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Installing the USB-1616HS-2 11 Installing the hardware To connect t he USB-1616HS -2 to your system, turn yo ur comput er on, and the n do the fol lowing: Connect signal lines to the USB-1616HS-2's rem ovable screw terminal blocks .
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Installing the USB-1616HS-2 12 Configuring the hardware All hardware configuration options on the USB-1616HS-2 are soft ware-cont ro lled.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Installing the USB-1616HS-2 13 Screw terminal pin outs USB-1616HS-2 screw terminal pin out – sin gle-ended connections Analog common (A d ) Digital common (D d ) Analo.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Installing the USB-1616HS-2 14 USB-1616HS-2 screw terminal pin out – diff erential connections Analog common (A b ) Digital common (D b ) Analog output 0 (AO0) FIRSTPO.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Installing the USB-1616HS-2 15 Cabling Use a CA-96A 25-pin expans ion cable (CA -96A expans ion cable) to c onnect to the USB -1616HS-2's 2 5-pin expansion connector.
16 Chapter 3 Functional Details This chapter contains detailed information on all of the fe atures available from the board, i ncluding: a diagram and explanations of physical board components .
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 17 Figure 5. USB-1616HS-2 compon ents – rear view External power connector Although the USB-16 16HS-2 is powered by a USB por t on a host PC, an external power connector may also be required to prov ide sufficient power for th e USB-1616HS-2.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 18 USB-1616HS-2 block diagram Figure 6 sh ows a simpli fied block dia gram of the USB -1616HS-2. T his board p rovides all of the functio nal elements shown in the figure.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 19 Analog input The USB-1616HS-2 has a 16-bit, 1- MHz A/D coupled with 16 single- ended, or eight differential analog inputs. Seven software prog rammable ranges provide inpu ts from ±10 V to ±100 mV full scale.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 20 If you want 256 oversamples, then each analog cha nnel in the scan group w ill take 256 µs, and the returned 16- bit value represents an average of 25 6 consecutiv e 1 µs samples of that ch annel.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 21 The counter channe ls may return only the lower 16-bits of coun t value if that is sufficient for the application. They could al so return the ful l 32-bit result if necessary. Similarly , the digital input channel coul d be the full 2 4 bits if desired or only eight bits if that is sufficient.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 22 Thermocouple input You can configure up to eight analog inputs in differential mode on th e USB-1616HS- 2 to accept a thermocouple (TC) input.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 23 Although averaging can be e ffective, it suffers from several drawbac ks: Noise in measurem ents only decreases as the square root of the number of measurements—reduci ng RMS noise significantly may require many samples.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 24 Due to the time it takes to shift the digital d ata out to the DACs, plus the actual settling time of the digital-to- analog conversion , the DACs actually take up to 4 µs af ter the start of scan to settle on the updated value.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 25 Hardware analog triggering The USB-1616 HS-2 uses true analog triggeri ng in which t he trigger le vel you program sets an analog DAC, which is then com pared in hardware to the analog input le vel on the selected c hannel.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 26 Software-based triggering usually results in a long period of inactivity between the trigger cond ition being detected and th e data being ac quired. Howe ver, the USB- 1616HS-2 avoi ds this sit uation by usin g pre-trigge r data.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 27 When reading synchronously, all coun ters are set to zero at the start of an acquisition. When reading asynchronously, counters may be cleared on each rea d, count up continually, or count until the 16-b it or 32-bit limit has been reached.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 28 The counter r olls over on the 16-bit ( counter low ) boundary, or on the 32-bit ( counter high ) boundary. Clear on read mode The counter counts up and is cleared after each read. By default, the counter counts up and only clears the counter at the start of a new scan comman d.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 29 There are 16 di fferent debounce tim es. In either deb ounce mode, the de bounce tim e selected determ ines how fast the signal can change and still be recognized . The two debounce modes a re trigger after st able and trigger before st able .
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 30 Figure 15. Debounce mod ule – Trigger before stable mo de The followin g time period s (T1 throug h T6) pertain to the above drawing.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 31 Use trigger bef ore stable mode when the input signal has groups of glitches and each group is to be counted as one. The trigger before stable mode recognizes and counts the first glitch within a group but rejects the subsequent glitches within the group if the debounce tim e is set accordingly.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 32 debounced fr om 500 ns t o 25.5 ms (t otal of 16 selecti ons) to elim inate extraneous noise or swi tch induced transients. Encoder input signals must be with in -5V to +10V and the switching threshold is TTL (1.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 33 Maximizing encoder accuracy If there are 512 pulses on A, then the encode r position is accu rate to within 360°/512. You can get even greater accuracy by cou nting not only rising edges on A but also falling edg es on A, giving position accuracy to 360 degrees/1024.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 34 Each signal (A , B) can be co nnected as a singl e-ended conn ection with res pect to the comm on digital ground (GND). Both e ncoders need powe r from an e xternal power source (typically +5 VDC). Connect each encoder's powe r input to the external powe r s ource.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 35 Both timer outputs can also be updated during an acquis ition as the result of setpoints applied to analog or digital inputs. Using multiple USB-1616HS-2s per PC USB-1616HS-2 features can be replicated up to four times, as up to four devices ca n be connected to a single host PC.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 36 Criteria – input signal is equal to X Action - driven by condition Compare X to: Setpoint definition (choose one) Update conditions: Limit A or L.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 37 Setpoint configuration You program all setpoints as part of the pre-acquisition setup, similar to setting up an external trigger. Since each setpoint acts on 16-bit data, each ha s two 16-bit compare values: a high limit ( limit A ) and a low limit ( limit B ).
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 38 A value of 0 indicates that the setpoint criteria are not met—in other words, the condition is False . A value of 1 indicates that the criteria have been met—in other words, th e condition is True .
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 39 Figure 26. Analog inputs with setpoints update on True and False In the channel 5 example, t he setpoint place d on analog C hannel 5 u pdated DAC1 with 0.0 V. The update occurred when channel 5's i nput was less t han the setpoint (limit A).
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 40 Figure 27. Timer output updat e on True and False Using the hysteresis fun ction Update mode : N/A, the hysteresis option has a forced update b uil.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 41 Using multiple inputs to control one DAC output Update mode : Rising edge, for each of two channels Criteria used : Inside window, for each of two chann els The figure below shows how multiple inpu ts can update one out put.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 42 At t his poi nt you c an update FI RST POR TC or DACs Figure 30. Channel 1 in totaliz ing counter mode, inside the windo w setpoint Detection setpo.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Functional Details 43 For example, you set an acqui sition to have a scan rate of 100 kHz, which means each sc an period is 10 µs. Within the scan period you sample six analog input channels. These are shown in th e following figure as channels 1 t hrough 6.
44 Chapter 4 Calibrating the USB-1616HS-2 Every range of a USB-1616HS-2 device is c alibrated at the factory using a digita l NIST traceable calibration method. T his method w orks by storing a c orrection facto r for each range on the unit at the ti me of calibration.
45 Chapter 5 Specifications Typical for 25 °C unless other wise specified. Specifications in italic text are guarantee d by design. Analog input Table 1. Analog input specifications A/D converter type Su ccessive approximation Resolution 16 bits Number of channels 16 single-ended/8 differential, soft ware-s electable.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 46 Note 1: Specifications assume differential input single- channel scan , 1 MHz scan rate, unfiltered, CMV=0.0 V, 30 minute wa rm-up, exclusi ve of noise, ra nge is +FS to -FS. Note 2: Noise reflects 10,000 samples at 1 MHz, typical, differential short.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 47 Digital input/output Table 5. Digital input/output specific ations Number of I/O 24 Ports Three banks of eight.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 48 Counters Counter inputs can be scanned based on an inter nal programm able timer or an ext ernal clock source .
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 49 Triggering Table 8. Trigger sources an d modes Trigger source Explanation Single channel analog hardware trigger Any analog input channel can be software programmed as the analog trigger chann el, including any of the an alog expansion channels.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 50 External power Table 11. External po wer specifications (Note 5) Connector Switchcraft # RAPC-712 Power range 6 to 16 VDC (used when USB port supplies .
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 51 Table 16. USB-1616HS-2 scre w terminal pin out – single-ended con nections Analog common (A b ) Digital common (D b ) Analog output 0 (AO0) FIRSTPORT.
USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications 52 Table 17. USB-1616HS-2 scre w terminal pin out – differential connections Analog common (A b ) Digital common (D b ) Analog output 0 (AO0) FIRSTPORTA.
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Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Measurement Specialties USB-1616HS-2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.