Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit IM10040 du fabricant Lincoln Electric
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• Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide • Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: www.
!*- )"$) FEM;H;:;GK?FC;DJ 1.a. Turn the engine off before troubleshooting and maintenance work unless the maintenance work requires it to be running. ____________________________________________________ 1.b. Operate engines in open, well-ventilated areas or vent the engine exhaust fumes outdoors.
-- 4.97D8KHD 4.a. Use a shield with the proper filter and cover plates to protect your eyes from sparks and the rays of the arc when welding or observing open arc welding. Headshield and filter lens should conform to ANSI Z87. I standards.
!*- ' /-$'' 4 FEM;H;:;GK?FC;DJ 8.a. Turn off input power using the disconnect switch at the fuse box before working on the equipment. 8 .b . Install equipment in accordance with the U.S. National Electrical Code, all local codes and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
+-R0/$*). ._- /R Pour votre propre protection lire et observer toutes les instructions et les précautions de sûreté specifiques qui parraissent dans ce manuel aussi bien que les précautions de sûreté générales suiv- antes: .TH;JS+EKH.
/#$..(+' *0( )/$.0. !*-] ^(#$) .*)' 4 L L .! /4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Conformance Products displaying the CE mark are in conf.
/#$..(+' *0( )/$.0. !*-] ^(#$) .*)' 4 L? L? .! /4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) The size of the surrounding area to be considered will depend on the structure of the building and other activities that are taking place.
L?? L?? Thank Y ou for selecting a ,0'$/4 product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you! -;7:J>?I*F;H7JEHI (7DK7B9ECFB;J;BO before attempting to use this equipment.
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$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V / #)$' .+ $!$ /$*).+*2 -2 1 V - *(( ) $)+0/2$- )!0. .$5 . $)+0/ 1*'/" +#.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V +#4.$'$( ).$*). / (+ - /0- -)" . # $"#/ 18.8in (478mm) (* ' K2675-2 2$/# 14.00in (356mm) +/# 27.4in (697mm) 2 $"#/ 100.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V J>?I ;DJ?H; ?DIJ7BB7J?EDI;9J?ED 8;<EH; OEKIJ7HJ ?DIJ7BB7 J?ED ' /-$.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V $)+0/*)) /$*) *DBO 7 GK7B?<?;: ;B;9JH?9?7D I>EKB: 9EDD;9J J>; ?DFKJ B;7:.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V - *(( ) 2*-& ' .$5 .!*- -2 '$)" A 15 ft. work cable is provided with the POWER WAVE® C300. This cable is appropriately sized for all of the POWER WAVE® C300’s welding procedures.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 !KD9J?ED 4-pin trigger con- nector for push- only guns.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V 5. Attach one end of the inlet hose to the outlet fitting of the flow regulator. Attach the other end to the welding system shielding gas inlet. Tighten the union nuts with a wrench.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V '*$)".+**'.*!2$- U&;;F>7D:I>7?H9BEJ>?D=7D:JE.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V 2$- -$1 *)!$"0- /$*) (See Figure A.4) >7D=?D=J>;"KD-;9;?L;HKI>?D= ' /-$.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V "0)0. The Magnum 350PRO is the recommended gun for the POWER WAVE® C300. Refer to the Magnum 350PRO’s operators manual for installation instruc- tions.
$)./ '' /$*) +*2 -21 V /$"2 '$)" (Figure A.7) Tig uses Electrode Negative Polarity so for this appli- cation, connect the Tig torch to the negative (-) output stud and connect the work clamp to the positive (+) output stud.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V U ' /-$ .#*& ) &$'' 0DB;II KI?D= *' ! <;7 JKH;.
*+ - /$*) +-*0/ .-$+/$*) The Power Wave® C300 is a high performance multi- process machine with GMAW, FCAW, SMAW, DC TIG, and pulse capability. It will offer a premier weld- ing performance solution for specific areas such as aluminum, stainless, nickel where size and weight are an issue.
*+ - /$*) .$")! /0- . 'E7:;:M?J>.J7D:7H:!;7JKH;I • Multiple process DC output range: 5 - 300 Amps. • 200 – 600 VAC, 1/3 phase, 50-60Hz input power. • New and Improved Line Voltage Compensation holds the output constant over wide input voltage fluctuations.
*+ - /$*) . !-*)/*)/-*'. All operator controls and adjustments are located on the case front of the Power Wave. .;;!?=KH; ' !/$.+'4 Shows wire feed speed or amper- age, ' !/&)* - Adjusts value in left display.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V . &*)/-*'. /# -) /*)) /*- +*2 -*- ".
*+ - /$*) $)/ -)' *)/-*'. E:; .+$)' -& 2$- -$1 +- ..0- -( /#0(.- 2!*-. 0-$)"/# 2 '$)""0) "0)0.
*+ - /$*) (&$)" 2 ' 2$/# 2 1 !*-( / #)*'*"4 +*2 -.*0- . (&$)"2 ' />; I;HL?9;78?.
*+ - /$*) .( 2./$&2 '$)" SMAW is most often used for outdoor construction, pipe welding and general repairs. The wire feeder controls Amperage, Output Control and Arc Force dur- ing SMAW welding.
*+ - /$*) )*).4) -"$ "( 2 ) ! 2 2 '$)" In non-synergic modes, the WFS control is similar to a conventional CV power source where WFS and volt- age are independent adjustments.
*+ - /$*) "( 2($".4) -"$2 '$)" For each wire feed speed, a corresponding voltage is preprogrammed into the machine. The nominal pre- programmed voltage is the best average voltage for a given wire feed speed, but may be adjusted to prefer- ence.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V ./ ' )./ $)' ...4) -"$"( 2 ++0'. ($"2 '$)" Trim .50 Arc Length S ho rt Trim 1 .00 Arc L ength M ed ium Trim 1.
*+ - /$*) ./ ' ) ./ $)' .. "( 2+ +0'. ($"2 '$)" +*2 -21 V START OPTIONS END OPTIONS SETUP WELD MODE UltimArc™ Control Less Deposition More Deposition Shorter Arc Longer Arc + + AMPS WFS VOLTS TRIM 220 1.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V '0($)0( .4) -"$ "( 2+ +0'. ($") "( 2++ +0'.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V '0($)0( "( 2+ +0'. ($" ) "( 2 ++ +0'.
2 '(* . -#$)" The Weld Mode Search feature allows the selection of a welding mode based on certain criteria (wire size, process type, etc.). . -#$)"!*- 2 '(* To search for a mode, turn the control knob until “Weld Mode Search” is displayed.
*+ - /$*) 0' +-* 0- ( (*- 4 + ) ' *+ - /$*) The Dual Procedure/Memory Panel performs three functions: U2;B:FHE9;:KH;I;B;9J?ED U(;CEHOI7L;7D:H;97BB U'?C?JII;JJ?D= There are two procedure memories ( and ) and eight user memories (1-8).
*+ - /$*) To set limits, press the desired memory button 1-8 and hold for 5 seconds. Release the memory button when the LED begins to blink rapidly and the MSP4 displays "Memory X Set Limits" as shown below. +*2 -21 V '$($/.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V If the passcode does not equal zero (0000), enter the passcode now. If the passcode has been forgotten, a p.c. computer application or Palm O.S. application is required to change the passcode.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V ./ + ./ + /-$"" - *+ - /$*) The 2-Step - 4-Step switch changes the function of the gun trigger. 2-Step trigger operation switches the welding output ON-OFF in direct response to the trig- ger.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V 3(+' ./ +/-$"" - Simple operation The simplest trigger operation occurs with a 2 Step trigger and the Start, Crater and Burnback functions all set to OFF.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V 3(+' ./ + /-$"" - Improved Arc Start and Arc End. Tailoring the arc start and arc end is a common method for reducing spatter and improving weld quality.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V 2 ' After upslope, the power source output and the wire feed speed continue at the weld settings.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V Shielding Gas I dle Pre flow Strike Wel d Burn ba ckPost flowIdle WFS On Off Run -in Off Weld Off Weld Arc Established Trigger Pulled Trigger Released 4 Step Trigg er Start = O FF Crater = OFF Bu rnback = OFF 1.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V 3(+' ./ + /-$"" - Manual control of Start and Crater times with Burnback ON. The 4 step trigger sequence gives the most flexibility when the Start, Crater and Burnback functions are active.
*+ - /$*) 3. *F;H7J?EDM?J>+*2 -21 V • Install the spool gun per the installation instructions • Turn the Power Wave® C300 input power ON. • Make sure the machine is configured for spool gun operation (see parameter + in the Set-up Menu sec- tion).
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V • The Power Wave® C300 is now configured and ready to weld in the synergic mode. • Adjustment of the SPD value from the set value has the affect of adjusting trim or arc length.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V . / 0+! /0- .( )0 (See Figure B.16) 1. To access the set-up menu, press the -?=>J and ';<J buttons of the (.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED N?J.;JKF(;DK + This option is used to exit the setup menu. When P.0 is displayed, press the Left Button to exit the setup menu. + 2?H;!;;:.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + +HE9;:KH;>7D=;(;J>E: Selects how remote procedure selection (A/B) will be made. The selected procedure can be changed locally at the user interface by pressing the 'A-Gun-B' button.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + "KD*<<I;J:@KIJC;DJ This option adjusts the wire feed speed calibration of the pull motor of a push-pull gun. This should only be performed when other possible corrections do not solve any push-pull feeding problems.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + +KI>+KBB"KD&DE8;>7L?EH This option determines how the potentiometer on the Push/Pull torch will behave.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + H9.J7HJ'EII HHEH/?C; This option can be used to optionally shut off output if an arc is not established, or is lost for a specified amount of time.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + 1?;M!7J7B'E=I Used for viewing all the system fatal logs. Press the Right Button to enter the option. Rotate Control Knob to select the desired fatal log to read.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + (;CEHOKJJED?I78B; Disables the specified memory button(s). When a memory is disabled, welding procedures can- not be restored from or saved to that memory.
*+ - /$*) +*2 -21 V +7H7C;J;H ;<?D?J?ED + 0$B;7HBB(;CEH?;I Allows the operator to quickly set all memories to the default weld mode and welding parame- ters. Presently, this option does not exist in any setup menu.
..*-$ . +*2 -21 V *+/$*). ..*-$ . ./$&*+/$*). & ..*- 4&$/ CF For stick welding. Includes 20 ft. (6.1m) #6 electrode cable with lug, 15 ft.
..*-$ . 2$- ! -*+/$*). & +4/#*)+'0. +0.#+0'' "0) Air-Cooled, 15 ft.(4.5m). Requires K2910-1, 7-pin to 12-pin adapter. & +4/#*)+'0.
($)/ )) +*2 -21 V .! /4 +- 0/$*). 2 -)$)" ' /-$.#*&97DA?BB U E DEJ EF;H7J; M?J> 9E.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V *8I;HL;7BB.7<;JO"K?:;B?D;I:;J7?B;:J>HEK=>EKJJ>?IC7DK7B If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
/-*0' .#**/$)" +*2 -21 V Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your 'E97B'?D9EBDKJ>EH?P;:!?;B:.
! $"-(. ! +*2 -21 V )*/ This diagram is for reference only. It may not be accurate for all machines covered by this manual. The specific diagram for a particular code is pasted inside the machine on one of the enclosure panels.
! $( ).$*)+-$)/ ! +*2 -21 V 18.80 6.93 13.94 27.43 24.04 18.80 6.93 13.94 2 7.43 24.04.
)*/ . +*2 -21 V.
)*/ . +*2 -21 V.
• Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide • Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: www.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lincoln Electric IM10040 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lincoln Electric IM10040 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lincoln Electric IM10040, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lincoln Electric IM10040 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lincoln Electric IM10040, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lincoln Electric IM10040.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lincoln Electric IM10040. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lincoln Electric IM10040 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.