Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1200 du fabricant Lincoln
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1000SeriesS vc REV: 12/13/ 2005 SER VICE MANUA L (DOMESTIC ) IMPING ER CONVEYOR OVE NS MODEL SERIES 1000 - 1200 & 1400 Lincoln Foo dservice Products, Inc. 1111 North Hadley Road P.O. Box 1229 Fort W ayne, Indiana 46801-1229 Phone : (800) 374 -3004 • Fax: (260) 436-0735 Technical Service Hot Line (800) 678-9 511 www.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CO NTENT S................................................ ............................................................................ ..................2 SEQUENC E OF OPER ATIONS 100 0/1001/1004/1 005/1200/1 201/1204/ 1205 .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 3 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1000/1001/1 004/1005/1200/1201/ 1204/1205 MODEL 10 00 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - NATURA L GAS MODEL 10 01 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.P. GAS MODEL 10 04 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - NATURA L GAS MODEL 10 05 - 120/230 VAC - 60HZ - L.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 4 respectivel y. As the m otor tur ns, it dri ves both the r educer g earbox and the tach. generator. The tac h. ge nerator is a DC voltage g enerator which sup plies a voltage to the DC m otor control b oard and is used as a refer ence for maintain ing a c onstant conveyor sp eed.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 5 Controller. T he Tem perature Control ler switches th e L2 line of the Contac tor coils at intermittent intervals to m aintain des ired tem perature.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 6 The norm ally open contac ts now clos e, energizing the Main F an Motor thr ough two 10A fuses, a nd the Coo ling Fan. C losing the Fa n Switch also sup plies po wer to the 12.6 VAC T ransform er, the Burner and Conve yor Switches.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 7 TIME T EMP DISPLAY Closing the O ven Fan Switch supplies 120 VAC, through the Power T ransform er, to the prim ary of the Tim e/Tem p. Transformer . The secondar y output of the Transf ormers, 12.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 8 SCHEMATIC / 1000 , 1001.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 9 SCHEMATIC / 1004 , 1005.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 10 SCHEMATIC / 1022 , 1023 – S/N Q19077 & BELOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 11 SCHEMATIC / 1022 , 1023 – S/N Q19078 & A BOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 12 SCHEMATIC / 1040 , 1041 – S/N Q14279 & BELOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 13 SCHEMATIC / 1040 , 1041 – S/N Q14280 & A BOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 14 SCHEMATIC / 1200 , 1201.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 15 SCHEMATIC / 1202 , 1203 S/N Q14790 & BE LOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 16 SCHEMATIC / 1202 , 1203 S/N Q14791 & AB OVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 17 SCHEMATIC / 1204 , 1205.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 18 SCHEMATIC / 1240 , 1241 – S/N Q14279 & BELOW.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 19 SCHEMATIC / 1240 , 1241 – S/N Q14280 & A BOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 20 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1000 & 1200 SYM PTOM POSSIBLE C AUSE EVALU A TION Incom ing Power Suppl y Check breakers / Reset if required / Ca ll Power Co . if needed. (Export Ov ens) For som e export ovens , there is a c ontrol circuit step-down tr ansform er.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 21 Air Pressur e Switch Check for 120 VAC on bot h sides of switch. If voltage prese nt on one si de onl y, check for air tub e blockage. A djust air sw itch. If abo ve fails, replace air pressure s witch.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 22 Burner Ign itor Check the burner ignitor head for an y obstructio ns, also check for fra yed or broken wire, any type of damage to s park gap (.1 00 in. 2.5 m .m.) If there is visible dam age, replac e ignitor assem bly.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 23 Burner Ign itor Check the burner ignitor head for an y obstructio ns, also check for fra yed or broken wire, any type of damage to s park gap (.1 00 in. 2.5 mm ) If there is visible dam age, replac e ignitor assem bly.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 24 Light#5 in 24 VAC at term inal #1 of J ohnson contro l valve or "PV" on Hon eywell Contro l. Light#6 in 24 VAC at term inal #3 of J ohnson contro l valve or "MV" on Hone ywell Contr ol.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 25 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE SYM PTOM POSSIBLE C AUSE EVALU A TION Incom ing Power Suppl y Check breakers /Reset if required/ Ca ll Power Co. if needed. (Export Ov ens) For som e export ovens , there is a c ontrol circuit step-down tr ansform er.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 26 Tem perature Control Board Check for 120 VAC input to t emperature c ontrol board. If not pr esent, ch eck wiring f rom fus e holder to temper ature control boar d.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 27 Speed Contro l Potentiom eter This is a 0 to 400 ohm or 0 to 500 ohm , 10-turn potentiom eter. W ITH POW ER OFF: rem ove the red, white, an d black leads from terminals S1, S2, S3. W ith a digital multim eter, check the ohm reading ac ross the red to b lack leads.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 28 Conve yor Gear Motor If DC voltag e is present at A+ and A- a nd the m otor does not run, first chec k the mini bre aker and th en the conve yor. Refer to t he next possi ble cause. Check the leads to the m otor for ev idence of an y shorts or ope ns, and eac h lead to gr ound.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 29 Conve yor Control(Stepper) Transf ormer Check for 120 VAC s upply to prim ar y of transform er, if voltage is not present , trace wiring back to the f use-holder. If voltage is pr esent, check for output vo ltage from the transf ormer sec ondary.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 30 NOT E: Time/Tem p displays use two t ypes of tem perature sensor, T hermistor Probe – 2 yellow wires Therm ocouple Probe 1 red wire and 1 white wire Place your p yrometer ther mocouple into the cent er between fin gers T2 and T 3 in the o ven.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 31 Conve yor Drive (Stepper) Control Perform all checks as in the above e valuation. If the tim e check is ok ay, refer to the nex t section. Check to see if the conv eyor drive ( stepper) m otor is running.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 33 9 3/4 IN. ± 1 /8 IN. COOLING FAN FAN BLADE 3. Reinstall an d locate f an so that the f ront of fan bl ades are 9 3/4" from inside of oven back. (See Dra wing) S. N. 4613 & Above (G AS) S.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 34 THERM OST A T , COOLIN G FAN 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 3. Rem ove lead wires and m ark f or reassem bly. 4. Rem ove two (2) scre ws and rem ove therm ostat.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 36 BURNER ASSEM BLY 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Shut off gas suppl y. 3. Rem ove control panel to p and front p anel. 4. Rem ove gas control va lve (See "GA S CONTRO L VALVE") 5.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 37 M A NIFOLD PRESSURE - ADJUSTM ENT 1. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 2. W ITH ELECTRIC POW ER AND GAS OFF: rem ove the outlet pr essure tap p lug from the gas control val ve and insta ll the adapter f itting and m anom eter.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 38 TEM PERA TUR E CONT ROL POT ENTIOM ETER – REPLACEM ENT 1. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 2. Rem ove one screw from control k nob guard and m ove guard t o one side. 3. Rem ove knob and lock nut on contro l pot.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 39 HEATING ELEMENT 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove rear motor c over. 3. Disconnect heater elem ent wire an d mark for reassem bly. 4. Rem ove oven back assembly. NOT E: For ovens SN 4768 and abo ve, remove f an shroud.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 41 FLAME SE NSOR 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 3. Rem ove burner assem bly (see burner assem bly). 4. Disconnect one (1) wire from f lame sensor.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 42 PILOT O RIFICE - BURN ER 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Shut off gas suppl y. 3. Rem ove burner assem bly (see Burner Assem bly). 4. Rem ove pilot line from pilot orifice. 5. Rem ove pilot orifice fr om burner ign iter.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 43 CONVEYOR M OTO R REPL A CEM ENT - B A LDOR 1000 SERI ES SN 4390 - 14974 1200 SERI ES SN 4390 – 14791 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 3. Rem ove the conve yor drive chain f rom the m otor sprock et.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 44 OPTIC AL ENCODER ASSEMBLY 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove conveyor m otor assem bly .If replacing with new ass embl y, cut wires to rem ove as new wires and plug are provided. If only rem oving for acc ess to coupling f ollow step 4 .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 45 Turn s peed control dia l clockwise to its max imum speed posit ion. PLACE DIGIT AL VOLT METER LEAD S ON term inal S1 and S 2, adjust the max pot. f or a reading of 3.4 VDC. Place MET ER LEADS o n terminals A1 and A2.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 46 D. C. M OTOR CONT ROL BO ARD SN 4390 - 149 74 1000 S ERIES G AS OVENS SN 4390 - 147 90 1200 S ERIES Three dif ferent styles of control boards have bee n used and a ll three are s till usable.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 47 If readjus tment of either th e "MAX" or " MIN" pot. was necessar y, the oppos ite mus t always be check ed until both "MIN " and "MAX" are in proper adjustm ent.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 48 STEPPER CON TROL - ADJUSTM ENT S/N 14975 AND A BOVE 1000 SERIES G A S OVEN S/N 14792 AND A BOVE 1200 SERIES G A S OVEN Blue Gray Red Brown Red POW ER J 5 J 4 J 3 J 1 J 6 LOCKED ROTOR To T/T display POTENTIOM ETER Max .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 49 REVERSING C ONVEY OR DIRECT ION SN 100-4389 (BODINE) 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove control panel to p. 3. Turn revers ing switch (l ocated on rel ay box) to obt ain desired b elt directio n.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 50 SN 2164 AND ABOV E 1. Rem ove conveyor fr om oven and p lace on a flat work sur face. 2. Rem ove connecting link s fr om conveyor belting . See Installat ion and Oper ating Instr uctions Manua l .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 51 TEM PERA TUR E G AUGE - REPL ACEMENT 1. Shut off power at main bre aker. 2. Rem ove control panel to p. 3. Disconnect thermoc ouple from temperature gaug e. 4. Rem ove two (2) mounting bolts and r emove tem perature gaug e.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 52 ALL 1000 & 1 200 SERI ES OVENS SWITC H SETTING S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE I OFF OFF* ON ON ON OFF* * TYPE II OFF OFF* OFF** ON ON ON TY.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 53 T y pe IV is 5 5/8 inches wide x 3 ¼ inches deep T y pe IV has a djustm ent pots. In the ce nter board. If temper ature is still inac curate after above calibrat ion and trou bleshootin g, use the fo llowing to check the High Tem p.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 54 Dip Swit ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 TYPE I OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF TYPE II OFF O FF OFF O FF OFF OFF TYPE III OFF O FF OFF O FF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON NOT E: W hen on 50 HZ powe r, dip s witch #2 m ust be "ON" W ith power ON turn tim e and tem perature cal.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 55 THE FO LLOWING ITEMS ARE USE D IN THE M ODEL 1030, 1 046, 1047 IMPING ER OVEN (EXPOR T) AIR PRESSU RE SWIT CHES - RE PLACEMENT AND ADJU STMENT 1. Rem ove control panel to p. 2. Disconnect wires from switch m aking note of wire number and location f or reinstallati on.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 56 IGNITIO N CONT ROL - REPL A CEM ENT 1. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 2. Loosen t wo (2) locking sc rews on fr ont cover of relay (approx . 1/2 turn). 3. Rem ove front portion of relay b y pulling straight out (rock ing motion).
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 57 BURNER ALARM L IGHT - R EPLACEMENT 1. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 2. Rem ove two (2) wires f rom light assem bly, note wire num ber and locatio n. 3. Grasp bod y of light assem bly and sl ide sidewa ys to remove.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 58 TEM PERA TUR E CONT ROL POT ENTIOM ETER - REPL A CEM ENT 1. Rem ove control panel to p and front c over. 2. Rem ove one screw from control k nob guard and m ove guard t o one side. 3. Rem ove knob and lock nut on contro l pot shaft an d pushout.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 59 This page in tentionally left blank..
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 60 PARTS / MODEL SE RIES 1000 & 1200 - GE NERA L LETTER PART NO . DESCRIPT ION A 369003 Door Hing e B 369207 Handle Reta iner 369337 Retain.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 61 BLOW UP / 1000, 1200 – GENER A L.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 62 PARTS / A CCESS DOOR & 1050 DOOR LETTER PART NO . DESCRIPT ION 369110 Complete Acc ess W indow Ass y. A 369310 Screw, 6-3 2 x 3/16” B 369377 Screw, 8-3 2 x 3/8” C 369308 Bottom , Access W indow Assy.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 63 BLOW UP / A CCESS DOOR & 1050 DOOR.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 64 PARTS / MODEL 10 00,1001,1050,1051,100 4, &1005 – S/N 100 TO 4 389 LETTER PART NO . DESCRIPT ION A 369012 Fusehol der 369013 Fuse, 3 A.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 65 BLOW UP / 1000, 1001, 1050, 1051, 1004, & 1005 S/N 100 TO 4389.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 66 PARTS / MODEL 10 00,1001,1004, A ND 1 005 S/ N 4390 & ABOVE LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 36 9247 Sh aft Lock Ring B 369248 Knob 369064 Conv.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 67 BLOW UP 1000, 1001, 1004, 1005 S/N 4390 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 68 PARTS / 1022 -1023 LETTER P/N DESCRIPTION A 36 9247 Sh aft Lock Ring B 36 9012 Fuseholder 369129 Fuseholder, Main F an C 369013 Fuse, 3 Amp .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 69 BLOW UP / 1022, 1023.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 70 PARTS / 1040 -1041 LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 36 9247 Sh aft Lock Ring B 36 9012 Fuseholder C 369013 Fuse, 3 Amp 369014 Fuse, 10 Amp D 369248.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 71 BLOW UP / 1040, 1041.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 72 PARTS / 1200 , 1201, 1204 A ND 12 05 LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369012 Fusehol der B 369014 Fuse, 10 Am p C 369252 Paddle Switc h D 369248 Kn.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 73 BLOW UP / 1200, 1201, 1204, 1205.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 74 PARTS / 1202 -1203 LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369247 Shaft Lock Ring B 369129 Fuseholder, 15A 369012 Fuseholder C 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p 369130 .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 75 BLOW UP / 1202, 1203.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 76 PARTS / 1240 -1241 LETTER P/N DESCRIPTION A 36 9012 Fuseholder B 36 9014 F use, 10 Amp C 369248 Knob D 369247 Shaft Lock Ring E 36 9260 Swit.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 77 BLOW UP / 1240, 1241.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 78 PARTS / OVEN B ACK - G AS LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369048 Motor and F an Cover B 369212 Motor, S/N beg ins with a"Q" 369214 Motor, 50 H z, 240V C 369192 Capacitor 7. 5 MFD, 370 V AC D 369045 Oven Back - S/N 4612 & B elow 369306 Oven Back Assy.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 79 BLOW UP / OVEN BACK – GAS.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 80 PARTS / OVEN B ACK - ELECTRI C LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369699 Rear Cover Assy. B 369212 Motor, S/N beg ins with a "Q" 369214 Motor, 50 H z, 240V C 369192 Capacitor 7. 5 MFD, 370 V AC D 369307 Oven Back Assy.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 81 BLOW UP / OVEN BACK – ELECTRIC.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 82 PARTS / CONVEYOR MOTO R ASSEMBLY S/N 43 90 & ABOVE LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369291 Motor, DC - C onveyor 369384 Motor Brush Assy. B 369294 #4 Lock washer C 369296 Screw, 4-40 x 1/4 D 369290 Optical Enco der Ass y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 83 BLOW UP / CONVEYOR MOTOR ASSEMBLY S/N 43 90 & ABOVE.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 84 PARTS / SERIES 1000 – CONVEYOR LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369002 Tension Knob, Conve yor B 369314 Roll, Conve yor-Notched C 369835 Conve yor Frame Ass y.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 85 BLOW UP / SERIES 1000 CONVEYOR.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 86 PARTS / SERIES 1200 - CONVEYOR CONTROL LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A SEE PAG E 82 B 369012 Fusehol der C 369013 Fuse, 3 Am p D 369240 Hi Hat E 3.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 87 BLOW UP / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR CONTROL.
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 88 PARTS / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR LETTER P/N DESCRIPT ION A 369277 Retaining Bl ock, Inner B 369275 Flanged Be aring, .
Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 89 BLOW UP / SERIES 1200 – CONVEYOR.
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Impinger I -–1 000 Ser ies Service M anual - Dom estic 92.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lincoln 1200 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lincoln 1200 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lincoln 1200, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lincoln 1200 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lincoln 1200, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lincoln 1200.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lincoln 1200. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lincoln 1200 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.