Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MC375T/A du fabricant Apple
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Congr atulations , y ou and your MacBook P ro were made f or each other ..
finder trackpad Say hello to y our MacBook Pro . www Pinch and zoom Rotate Scroll Swipe Multi-T ouch trackpad Scroll through files , adjust images, and enlarge te xt using just your fingers. Mac Help Built-in iSight camera and iChat Video chat with friends and family anywhere in the world .
iLife www Time Machine Automatically back up and restore y our files. Mac Help Spotlight Find an ything on your Mac. Mac Help time mac hine spotli ght Safari Experience the web with the fastest browser in the world . Mac Help safari Quick Look Instantly preview your files.
5 C onten ts Chapter 1: Ready , Set Up , Go 9 What’ sintheBox 9 SettingUp Y ourMacBookP ro 1 6 Putting Y ourMacBookP rotoSleeporShuttingI.
6 5 7 Problemswith Y ourInternetConnection 60 ProblemswithAirP ortExtremeWir elessCommunication 6 1 KeepingY ourSoft wareUptoDate 62 Reins.
Mac H elp Migr ation A ssist ant w w w.appl oo kp ro Ready , Set Up , G o 1.
8 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Y ourMacBookP roisdesignedsothatyoucansetitupquicklyandstartusingitright away . Ifyouhavenev erusedaMacBookProorarenewtoMacintoshcomput ers, read thischapterforhelpgettingstarted.
9 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go What’ sintheBox AC power cor d 60W MagSafe P ower Adapter ® SettingUp Y ourMacB ookPro Y ourMacBookProisdesignedsothatyoucansetitupquicklyandstartusingitright away .
10 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Important: Remo vetheprotectivelmaroundthe60WMagSafeP owerAdapter beforesettingupyourMacBookP ro. Step 1: Plug in the 60W MagSafe P ower Adapt er to provide pow er to the MacBook Pro and charge the ba ttery.
11 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Whenyourstconnectthepoweradaptert oyourMacBookPro ,anindicatorlight ontheMagSafeconnectorstartstoglow. Anamberlightindicatesthatthebattery ischarging.
12 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Step 3: Pre ss the power ( ® ) button briey to turn on y our MacBook Pro . Y ouhearatonewhenyouturnonthecomputer . ® ® P ower button Ittakesthecomputerafewmomentstostartup.
13 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Step 4: Congure y our MacBook Pro with Setup Assistant. ThersttimeyouturnonyourMacBookPr o, SetupAssistantstarts.SetupAssistant helpsyouentery ourInternetandemailinformationandsetupauseraccountony our MacBookPro .
14 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Migrating Information to Y our M acBook Pro Y oucanfollowthepromptsinSetupAssistantt omigrateexistinguseraccounts , les, applications, andotherinformationfromanotherMaccomputer .
15 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Step 5: Customize the Mac OS X deskt op and set preference s. Menubar Helpmenu Spotlightsearchicon Findericon SystemPr eferencesicon Dock.
16 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go Y oucanquicklycustomizethedesktopusingSystemP reference s. Choose Apple()>SystemP referencesfromthemenubarorclicktheSystemP references iconintheDock.
17 Chapter 1 Ready,SetUp,Go T o wake your MacBook Pro: m , simplyopenittowakeyourMacBookPro .
w w w.appl x Mac H elp Mac OS X Life with Y our MacBook Pro 2.
20 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro BasicF eaturesof Y ourMacB ookPro ® ® P ower button Camera indicator light iSight camera Built-in stereo speakers Battery indicator lig.
21 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro Built-in iSight camera and camera indicator light VideoconferencewithothersusingiChat, takepic tureswithPhotoBooth, orcapture videowithiMovie. T heindicatorlightglowswhentheiSightcameraisoperating .
22 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro KeyboardF eaturesof Y ourMacBookPro ® Function (fn) key esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F1 0 F 1 1 F1 2 — C - V olume keys Brightness k.
23 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro Function (fn) key Holddownthiskeytoactivatecustomizedactionsassignedtothefunctionkeys (F1toF1 2).
24 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro P or tson Y ourMacBookPro ® ¯ Gigabit Ethernet port G SD card slot Audio out port f Mini DisplayPort £ USB 2.
25 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro ¯ MagSafe power port Plugintheincluded60WMagSafeP owerAdaptert orechargetheMacBookProbattery . G Gigabit Ethernet port Connecttoahigh-speedEthernetnetwork, aDSLorcablemodem,oranothercomputer .
26 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro UsingtheMulti-T ouch T rackpad Usethetrackpadtomovethepointerandt oper formavarietyofMulti-T ouchgestures.
27 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro  or letsyouaccessshortcutmenucommands.
28 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro Thefollowingtrackpadgesturesw orkincertainapplications. Whenyouperformthese gestures , slideyourngerslightlyonthesurfaceofthetrack pad.
29 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro  letsyourapidlypagethroughdocuments, movetotheprevious ornextphoto, andmore.
30 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro UsingtheMacBookProBatt er y WhentheMagSafepoweradapterisn ’tconnected, yourMacBookProdrawspow er fromitsbuilt-inbattery .
31 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro Charging the Batt ery Whenthepoweradapterthatcamewithy ourMacBookProisconnected , thebattery rechargeswhetherthecomput erison,o ,orinsleep .
32 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro More Information Formor einformationaboutusingyourMacBookPro ,seethef ollowing: T o learn about See Installingmemory Chapter3, “BoostY ourMacB ookPro ” onpage35 .
33 Chapter 2 LifewithYourMacBookPro T o learn about See UsingBluetoothwireless technology TheBluetoothSupportpageatwww.
Mac H elp RA M w w w.appl Boost Y our MacBook Pro 3.
36 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro Thischapterprovide sinformationandinstructionsforupgradingtheharddiskdrive andinstallingadditionalmemoryinyourMacBookPro.
37 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro ReplacingtheHardDiskDrive Y oucanupgradetheharddiskdriveinyourMacBookPr o. T heharddiskdriveis locatednexttothebuilt-inbatterywhenyouopenthebackofyourMacBookPro .
38 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro Important: Becausethescrewsaredi erentlengths, notethescrewlengthsand locationssoyoucanreplacethescrewsc orrectly . Putthemasideinasafeplace .
39 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 3 T ouchametalsur faceinsidethecomputertodischargean ystaticelectricityfromyour body .
40 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 4 Locatethebracketatthetopofthedrive. UseaPhillipsscrewdrivertoloosenthetwo captivescrewsthatholdthebracketinplace. Putthebracketasideinasafeplace.
41 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 6 Holdthedr ivebyitssidesandgentlypullthec onnectorontheleftsideofthedrive todisconnectit. D on’ tpressthedrivebetweenyourngers ,andavoidt ouchingthe circuitryontheundersideofthedrive.
42 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 8 Inser tthereplacementdriveatanangle, makingsurethemountingscrewsareseated properly .
43 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 1 0 Replacethebottomcase. Replaceandtightenthetenscrewsyour emovedinstep2in theirproperlocations, makingsuretoinser ttheshor terscrewsattheanglesshownin theillustration.
44 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro InstallingAdditionalMemory Y ourcomputerhastwomemoryslotsthatyouaccessbyremovingthebott om case.
45 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 2 Pushtheleversonthesidesofthememorymoduleinanoutwarddirectiontorelease themodulefromthememorycardslot. Thememorypopsupatanangle.
46 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro 3 Holdthememor ymodulebyitsnotchesandremoveitfromtheslot. 4 Removetheothermemor ymodule. Important: Holdthememorymodulesbytheiredges, anddonottouchthegold connectors.
47 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro Notches Follo wtheinstructionsforreplacingthebottomcaseinstep1 0onpage43.
48 Chapter 3 BoostYourMacBookPro Making Sure Y our MacBook Pro Recognizes the New Memory AfterinstallingadditionalmemoryinyourMacBookPro, checkwhetherthecomputer recognizesthenewmemory . T o check the computer’ s memor y: 1 Star tupyourMacBookPro.
Mac H elp help w w w.appl r t P roblem, Meet Solution 4.
50 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Occasionallyyoumayhav eproblemswhileworkingwithyourMacBookPro . Read onfortroubleshootingtipstotrywhenyouhav eaproblem.
51 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Problems ThatPre vent Y oufromUsing Y ourMacB ookPro If your MacBook Pro doesn ’t respond or the pointer doe sn’ t move Onrareoccasions, anapplicationmight “freeze ” onthescreen.
52 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution If your MacBook Pro freeze s during startup, or you see a ashing question mark, or the screen is dark and the sleep indicator light is glowing st eadily (not.
53 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution If your MacBook Pro doesn ’t turn on or start up T r ythefollowingsuggestionsinorderuntilyourcomput erturnson: Â Mak esurethepoweradapterispluggedint othecomputerandintoafunctioning poweroutlet.
54 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution If the screen suddenly goes black or your MacBook Pro fr eezes T r yrestar tingyourMacBookPro . 1 UnpluganydevicesthatareconnectedtoyourMacBookPr o, exceptthepower adapter .
55 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution If you press the battery button, and all battery indic ator lights ash ve time s quickly Y ourbatteryneedstobereplaced. ContactanAppleRetailStoreoranApple AuthorizedServiceProvider .
56 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution UsingAppleHardwar e T est IfyoususpectaproblemwiththeMacBookProhardwar e, youcanusetheApple Hardware T .
57 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Problemswith Y ourInternetConnection Y ourMacBookProhastheNetworkSetupAssistantapplicationtohelpw alkyou throughsettingupanInternetconnection. OpenSystemPrefer encesandclick Network.
58 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Cable Modem, DSL, and LAN Internet Connections Makesureallmodemcablesarefullypluggedin. Checkthemodempowercord, the cablefromthemodemtothecomputer ,andthecablefromthemodemtothew all jack.
59 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution 4 Chooseaninter faceforthePPP oEser vicefromtheEthernetpop-upmenu. Choose Ethernetifyouareconnectingtoawirednetwork, orAirPortifyouareconnectingtoa wirelessnetwork.
60 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution ProblemswithA irP or tEx treme WirelessCommunication IfyouhavetroubleusingAirP ortEx tremewirelesscommunication: Â Mak esurethecomputerornetworkyouaretryingtoconnecttoisrunningandhasa wirelessaccesspoint.
61 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Keeping Y ourSof twareUptoDat e Y oucanconnecttotheInternetandautomaticallydownloadandinstallthela testfree softwareversions, drivers, andotherenhancementsfromApple.
62 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution ReinstallingtheSoftware ThatCamewith Y ourMacB ookPro Y oucanusethesoftwareinstallationdiscsthatcamewithyourcomputertoreinstall MacOSXandanyapplicationsthatcamewithyourcomput er .
63 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Ifyouwanttoeraseandinstall, makesureyoubackupyouruserdatabeforey oustart. UseDiskUtilityonyour toeraseyourharddrive .
64 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution LearningMore ,Service, andSuppor t Y ourMacBookProdoesnothav eanyuser-serviceablepar ts, excepttheharddriveand thememory.
65 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Ifyouneedassistance, AppleCaretelephonesupportrepresentativescanhelpyouwith installingandopeningapplications, andbasictroubleshooting. Callthesuppor tcenter numbernearestyou(therst90day sarecomplimentary).
66 Chapter 4 Problem,MeetSolution Locating Y ourProductSerialNumber Useoneofthesemethodstondyourcomput er ’ sserialnumber: Â Turnovery ourMacBookPro . Theserialnumberisetchedintothecasenearthe hinge.
Mac H elp ergo nomic s w w w.appl ent Last, but Not Least 5.
68 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast Fory oursafetyandthatofyourequipment, followtheserulesf orhandlingand cleaningyourMacBookProandf orworkingmorecomfortably. Keeptheseinstructions handyforrefer encebyyouandothers.
69 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast W ater and wet locations KeepyourMacBookP roawayfromsour cesofliquid, suchas drinks, washbasins, bathtubs, showerstalls, andsoon.P rotectyourMacBookProfrom dampnessorwetweather ,suchasrain, snow ,andfog .
70 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast MagSafe power specications:  50to60Hz,singlephase  1 00to240 V  1 6.
71 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast Laser Information for Optical Disc Driv es W ARNING: Makingadjustmentsorper formingproceduresotherthanthose speciedinyourequipment’ smanualmayresultinhazardousradiationexposure.
72 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast T urning on your MacBook Pro NeverturnonyourMacBookProunlessallofits internalandexternalpartsareinplace. Operatingthecomputerwhenpartsare missingmaybedangerousandmaydamagey ourcomputer .
73 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast Handling glass parts Y ourMacBookProcontainsglasscomponents ,includingthe displayandtrackpad. Iftheyaredamaged, don’ tuseyourMacBookPrountilithasbeen repairedbyanAppleA uthorizedServiceProvider .
74 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast UnderstandingErgonomics Herearesometipsforsettingupahealth yworkenvironment. Keyboard and T rackpad Whenyouusethekeyboardandtrackpad, yourshouldersshouldberelaxed .
75 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast Usealighttouchwhentypingorusingthetrackpadandkeepyourhandsandngers relaxed . Avoidrollingyourthumbsundery ourpalms. Not this This Changehandpositionsoftentoavoidfatigue .
76 Chapter 5 Last,butNotLeast Y oumighthavetoraisey ourchairsothatyourforearmsandhandsarea ttheproper angletothekeyboard.
77 Regulatory Compliance Information FCC C ompliance Statement Thisdevicecomplieswithpart1 5oftheFCCrules. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwocondit.
78 AppleInc.
79 T aiwan Wirele ss Statements T aiwan Class B Statement VCCI C lass B Statement Russia External USB Modem Information WhenconnectingyourMacBookProtothephone lineusingan.
80 T urkey Disposal and Recycling Information Thissymbolindicatesthatyourproductmustbe disposedofproperlyaccordingtolocallawsand regulations. Whenyourproductreachesitsendoflife , contactAppleoryourlocalauthoritiestolearnabout recyclingoptions.
81 European Union—Disposal Information: Thesymbolabovemeansthataccordingt olocallaws andregulationsyourproductshouldbedisposedof separatelyfromhouseholdwaste.
L ook ing for Something?.
84 LookingforSomething? Index A ACplug 1 0 ACpoweradapter . power adapter ACpowercor d 1 0 adapter ,pow er .
85 LookingforSomething? environmentalimpact 76 ergonomics 7 4 Ethernet connectingto 1 1 port 25 Exposékey 23 externaldisplayport 25 F F1toF1 2function.
86 LookingforSomething? N networkaddresstranslation (NA T ) 59 networkconnections 59 NetworkDiagnostics 57 NetworkSetupAssistant 57 number ,serial 66 O onl.
87 LookingforSomething? storingthecomputer 73 SuperDrive about 2 1 supporteddiscsizes 72 support,technical 64 swipingtomovequickly throughdocuments 2.
K AppleInc. ©20 1 0AppleInc. Allrightsreserved. Underthecopyrightlaws, thismanualmaynotbe copied, inwholeorinpar t,withoutthewrittenc onsent ofApple.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Apple MC375T/A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Apple MC375T/A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Apple MC375T/A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Apple MC375T/A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Apple MC375T/A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Apple MC375T/A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Apple MC375T/A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Apple MC375T/A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.