Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit XM5163 du fabricant Lexmark
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XM5100 Series User's Guide August 2014 www.lexmark .com Machine type(s): 7463 Model(s): 096, 296.
Conten ts Safe ty inform atio n.... ...... ........ ..... ........ ...... ........ ..... ........ ...... ........ ..... ......... .7 Learn ing a bout t he pr inter. ........ ....... ............ ........ ........... ........ ........... ........ .9 Findi ng info rmati on abou t the p rint er.
Config uring U niver sal pap er setti ngs.... ........ .......... ........ .......... ........ ........... ....... ....... ........... ....... ...........59 Loading the 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray.... ........ ........... ........ ............ .....
Sendi ng a fax .... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ....... ........ ...... ......... ...... ...... .......... ..... .. .... ...... ...... .......1 28 Creati ng shor tcuts... ...... ........ ..... ...... ......... ..... .....
Order ing part s and supplies.. .......... ...... ......... ...... .......... ...... ......... ...... ......... ....... ......... ...... ..... .......... ....2 40 Storing supplies............... ................. ...................... ...............
Not ices. ...... .... .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... ..33 5 Inde x.... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... .
Safety information Connect t he power cord di rectl y to an appropr iately rated and prop erly gr ounde d electr ical o utlet th at is near the product and ea sily acc essibl e.
This produc t is designed , test ed, and a pproved to me et stric t global safety standa rds with the use of s pecific manufa cturer's compo nents. The sa fety feat ures of some par ts may no t alw ays be obvi ous. The manu factur er is not responsib le for the use of oth er replacement parts.
Learni ng about the prin ter Finding informa tion about th e printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in struct ions: • Connecting the printer • Installin g the print er software Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the printer and is al so available at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentati on • Driver d ownload s • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark support Web site— http://support.
4 3 2 1 5 1 Right side 152 mm (6 in.) 2 Front 394 m m (15.5 in.) 3 Left side 152 mm ( 6 in.) 4 Rear 152 mm ( 6 in. ) 5 Top 152 mm (6 in.) Printer configurations CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oor-mo unted config urations require a dditio nal furni ture for stabilit y.
Basic model 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 Automatic do cument feeder (ADF) 2 ADF t ray 3 ADF b in 4 Standard bin 5 Printer co ntrol panel 6 100 ‑ sheet multipurpose feeder 7 Standard 550 ‑ sheet tray Learning a.
Fully con figured model The fo llowin g illu stra tion sho ws th e ma ximum number of op tiona l tra ys that are s uppor ted b y the p rint er. F or mor e informa tion on othe r config uratio ns, vis it www.
Using the ADF and scan ner glass Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass ABC Use the A DF for mu ltiple ‑ page d ocuments including two - sided (duplex) pages.
Understandin g the printer control panel Using the printer control panel 1 @ ! . 2 A B C 3 D E F 4 G H I 5 J K L 6 M N O 7 P Q R S 8 T U V 9 W X Y Z * 0 # C 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 9 Use the To 1 Disp lay • View the printer status and messages. • Set up and operate the printer.
Indicator light Printer st atus Off The print er is o ff or in Hibernate mo de. Blinking green The printer is warming up, proc essing data, or pri nting. Solid gree n The print er is o n, but idl e. Blinking red The print er requ ires user interventi on.
Touch To 7 Forms and Favorites Qui ckly find and print frequently used online forms. 8 Menu icon Access the printer menus. Note: The menus are availabl e only when the print er is in Ready state. 9 Bookmarks Create, organize, and save a set of bookmarks ( URL) into a tree view of folders and file links.
Feature Description Status message bar • Show th e cur ren t pr in ter stat us suc h as Ready or Busy . • Show printer conditi ons such as Tone r Low or Cartri dge L ow . • Show intervention messages so the printer c an continue processing. Printer IP address Example: 123.
Other to uch- screen b uttons Touch To Acce pt Save a se tting. Cancel • Cancel an action or a selection. • Exit a screen and return to the previous screen without saving changes.
Setting up and usin g the home screen applications Notes: • Your home screen may vary dependin g on your hom e scree n cust omizat ion se ttings, admin istrati ve set up, and active e mbedded appl ications . • There m ay be addit ional so lutio ns and a pplicat ions av ailable for purc hase.
3 Press Enter . Note: If you are us ing a pr oxy se rver, the n tempo rarily d isable it to loa d the We b page c orrectl y. Customizing the home screen 1 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Note: View the printer IP address on th e printer home s creen.
Activating the home screen application s Finding information about the home screen ap plications Your printer comes with preinstalled home s creen applicat i ons. Befor e you can u se these applica tions, you m ust first activa te a nd set u p these app licati ons usin g the Emb edded Web Ser ver.
Settin g up Card Copy Note: A later versio n of this User 's Guid e may co ntain a di rec t link to the Administ rator's Guide of this applic ation.
Use To Create shortcuts on t he printer home screen, with sett i ngs for up to 25 frequently used copy, fax, or e- mail jobs. To use the a pplicat ion, to uch MyS hortcut , and then follow the instruction s on the printer disp lay.
Use To Scan a document and send it to a shar ed networ k folder. You can define up to 30 unique folder destinations. Notes: • The printer must have permission to write to the destinations. From the computer where the destination is specified, use sharing, securi ty, and fire wall settings to al low the printe r at least a write access.
Exporting and impo rting a configura tion You can e xport config uration sett ings int o a text file, a nd then import the f ile to a pply th e setti ngs to o ther printers . 1 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he control ler boar d or instal ling opt ional har dware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from th e electric al outl et before co ntinu ing.
CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he control ler boar d or instal ling opt ional har dware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from th e electric al outl et before co ntinu ing.
3 Remove the sh ield. 2 1 4 Use the followi ng illustra tion to locate the appropria te connecto r. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Controller bo ard electronic comp onents ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a m etal surfac e on th e print er befo re touching any co ntrolle r boa rd ele ctroni c com ponents or connect ors.
5 Reatt ach th e sh ield, and then alig n the screws with t he hol es. 1 2 6 Tigh ten the scre ws on th e sh ield. Additi onal pr inter se tup 30.
7 Clos e the acce ss co ver. Installing a memory card CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he control ler boar d or instal ling opt ional har dware or memo ry device s so metim e after sett ing up th e print er, th en tur n the p rinter off, and unplu g the p ower c ord from th e electric al outl et before co ntinu ing.
3 Alig n the no tch (1 ) on the mem ory car d with the ridge (2) on th e connector. 1 2 4 Push the memo ry card straight into the co nnector, and th en push the card t oward t he cont roll er board wall un til it cl icks into plac e. 5 Reattach the cont roller board shield, and th en the cont roller boa rd access cove r.
Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Co ntroll er boar d electron ic compo nents ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a m etal su rfac e on th e printe r befo re touch ing a ny contro ller b oard e lectr onic c omponent s or co nnecto rs. 1 Access t he cont roll er boar d.
Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Imprope r in stall ation of the car d may ca use d amag e to th e car d and the contr oll er boar d. Note: The entir e lengt h of th e conne ctor on th e card must to uch an d be fl ush again st the contro ller b oard. 5 Close the co ntroller board acce ss door .
1 IS P solu tion 2 Screw for attaching the plastic bracket to the ISP 3 Screws for attachi ng the ISP mountin g bracket to the control ler board shield 4 Plastic bracket 4 Remove the met al cover from the ISP o pening. a Loosen the screw. b Lift the meta l cover, and then pull it o ut compl etely.
5 Align th e post s of t he plast ic br acket t o the hol es on t he cont roller boa rd cage , and the n press the plastic b racket on the c ontrol ler boar d cage u ntil it clicks into plac e. Note: M ake sure that the p lasti c bracket has la tched c ompletely, an d that th e plastic bracket i s seated firmly on the cag e.
7 Lower t he ISP tow ard the p lastic b racke t until the ISP is seated b etween th e guides of the plas tic bra cket. 8 Use the pr ovide d thumbs crew for the ISP to atta ch the plas tic b racket to t he ISP. Note: Turn the screw clockwise, enough to hold th e ISP in place, b ut do no t tig hten it yet.
9 Attach the two provi ded screws to sec ure t he ISP mo unting bracke t to th e contr oller boa rd shield . 10 Tigh ten the thu mbsc rew th at is attach ed to the ISP .
11 Connect the ISP s olution inter face cable int o the recep tacle of th e controller board. Note: The plug s and recepta cles are c olor-cod ed. Installing a printer hard dis k Note: This task requires a flat ‑ head screwdri ver.
3 Locate the ap propri ate connec tor o n the contro ller boa rd cage. Note: If an op tiona l ISP is curr entl y inst alled, then t h e print er hard disk m ust be insta lled on to th e ISP.
To inst all a prin ter hard di sk onto t he ISP: a Remo ve th e scre ws atta ched to th e prin ter ha rd di sk mount ing br acket, and th en re move t he brack et. b Align t he st andoffs of the printer hard d isk to the hol es i n the ISP, a nd then press the prin ter h ard disk d own until the standoffs are in place.
To inst all a prin ter hard di sk dir ectly on th e cont roller boa rd cage: a Align th e standof fs of the printer hard disk to the holes in the contro ller boa rd cage, and the n press the printer hard disk down until the standof fs are in place. Instal lation war ning: Hold only the edge s of t he pri nted ci rcuit board assemb ly.
b Use t he two p rovided screws to att ach th e printe r hard dis k mo unting br acket. c Insert the plug of the printer hard disk interface cable into the receptacle of the controller board.
Removing a printer h ard di sk Note: This task requires a flat ‑ head screwdri ver. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he control ler boar d or instal ling opt ional har dware or memo.
Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Co ntroll er boar d electron ic compo nents ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a m etal su rfac e on th e printe r befo re touch ing a ny contro ller b oard e lectr onic c omponent s or co nnecto rs. 1 Access t he cont roll er boar d.
3 Remove the sc rews holdi ng the print er hard disk i n place. 4 Remove the p rinter hard disk. 5 Set a side th e pr inter hard disk. Additi onal pr inter se tup 46.
Installing hardware options Order of ins tallation CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er we ight is great er tha n 18 kg (40 lb) and r equire s two or mor e trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
1 2 2 Unpack the opt ional tray, and th en re move all packing mat erial. 3 Pull ou t the tray comple tely from th e bas e. 4 Remove any p acking material from in side th e tray. 5 Inse rt the tra y into the bas e. 6 Place the tr ay ne ar the printe r.
8 Conne ct the p ower c ord to the pr inter , then to a pro perly grounded electrical o utlet, and then turn on t he printer. Additi onal pr inter se tup 49.
2 1 Note: W hen the pri nter software a nd any o ptional t rays ar e installed, you may need to manuall y add th e options in the printer d river to make them available for print jobs. For mor e information, see “Adding avail able opti ons i n the pr int d river” on p age 52 .
4 5 6 7 3 Use the To 1 EXT port Connect additional devi ces (telephone or answer ing machine) to the printer and the telephone line. Use this port if you do no t have a dedicated fax line for the printer and if this connect ion method is supported in your country or region.
Organi zing c ables Attach the Ethernet cable and power co rd, and then neatly tu ck the cables in the channels at the back o f the printer. Setting up the printer software Installi ng the pri nter 1 Obtain a co py of the so ftware installer pa ckage.
In Wind ows 8 From th e Search charm, type run , and then navi gate to: Run > type control printers > OK In Wind ows 7 or ear lier a Click , or click St art and th en click Run .
You will need an Ethernet cable to connect t he printer to the networ k and an avail able port where the p rinter can physicall y con nect to the netwo rk. U se a new net work cable when poss ible to avoid p otenti al prob lems c aused by a dama ged cabl e.
Connec ting the p rinter usin g the Wireles s Setup Wizard Before you be gin, ma ke sure that: • A wirele ss network adapter is inst alled in the print er and is working properly. For more informa tion, see t he instr uction sheet that came wit h the wi rel ess netwo rk a dapter .
3 Open a Web browser, and th en type the IP address of y our access point in the addres s field. Notes: • The IP addr ess appe ars as four s ets of nu mbers se parate d by perio ds, such as 123.123.123 .123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
3 Configure th e port from th e list. 4 Update the IP addres s. 5 Apply the chan ges. For Macintosh users 1 From Syst em Preferences in the Apple men u, navigate to the list of p rinters, and then select + > IP . 2 Type the IP address in the address field.
Printing a network se tup pag e If the pr inter is at tached to a n etwork , then print a netw ork se tup pag e to v erif y the n etwork c onne ction .
Loading paper and specialty media The sele ction and h andlin g of pape r and spec ialty me dia can af fect how r eliably do cument s print . For mo re infor mation , see “Avoiding jams” on page 253 and “Storing paper” on p age 84 .
2 Squeeze and slide the width guide to the correct position for t he size of the paper being loaded u ntil it clic ks int o place . 2 1 Note: U se t he pape r si ze indi cators at th e bo ttom o f th e tray to h elp pos ition the guides .
3 Unlock the length guide, and then squ eeze and slide the guide to th e correct position for t he size of the paper being loa ded. 3 1 2 Notes: • Lock the length guide for all paper size s. • Use the pap er size indi cators at the bo ttom of th e tray t o help po sition the guides .
4 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen the m, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease t he paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rface. 5 Load th e paper stack wit h the pr intable side fa cedown f or one ‑ sided pr intin g. Note: M ake sure the p aper or envelo pe is loaded properly.
• Do not slide t he paper into the tr ay. Loa d pape r as show n in th e illust ration . • If you are loading envelopes, then make sure t hat the flap side is facing up and the envelopes are on the left side o f the tray.
• Make su re the p aper i s below the solid l ine, wh ich is th e maxim um paper fill in dicator . Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: O verfilli ng the tray ca n cause paper ja ms.
• When using ca rd sto ck, labels, or other t ypes of specia lt y me dia, make s ure the p aper i s below the das hed li ne, whic h is the a lte rnat e pap er f ill i ndi cato r. 6 For cu sto m ‑ or Univer sal ‑ size pape r, adjust the pa per gu ides t o ligh tly to uch th e side s of t he stac k, and th en loc k the len gth guid e.
7 Ins ert the tra y. 8 From the printer control p anel, set the paper s ize and pap er type in the Pape r menu to ma tch the pape r loaded in the tray. Note: Set the corr ect pa per si ze an d type to avoi d pap er jam s and p rint quali ty pro blem s.
Loading A5 ‑ size paper a Pull u p and s lide th e width g uide t o the po siti on for A5 . L G L O F C F O L I O LT R A 4 A 5 1 L G L O F C F O L IO LT R A 4 A 5 2 L G L O F C F O L I O LT R A 4 A 5 b Squeeze, and then slide the length guide to the position for A5 until it clicks into place.
c Remove the A5 length guide from its holder. 1 2 d Insert t he A5 length g uide into it s designated slot. Note: Press th e A5 length guide u ntil it clicks int o pla ce.
b If the A5 leng th guid e is still a ttached to the l ength gui de, then remove i t from its p lace. If the A5 leng th guide is not attached, then proc eed to step d.
d Squeeze, and then slide the length guide to the correct pos ition for the paper size you are loading. L G L O F C F O L I O LT R A 4 A 5 3 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen the m, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease t he paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rface.
One ‑ sided printing Two ‑ sided (duplex) printing ABC ABC • Make su re the p aper i s bel ow the m aximu m paper fill ind icato r. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Overfilli ng the t ray can ca use pap er jams . 5 Ins ert the tra y. Note: Press the paper stack down while inserting the tray.
LG L O FC FO L IO LTR A 4 A 5 6 From the printer control p anel, set the paper s ize and pap er type in the Pape r menu to ma tch the pape r loaded in the tray. Note: Set the corr ect pa per si ze an d type to avoi d pap er jam s and p rint quali ty pro blem s.
2 Pull the multipur pose feeder extender. Note: Guide the extender gently so that the multipurpose feeder is fully extended and open. 3 Slide the widt h gui de to the c orrec t posit ion fo r the s ize o f the pape r you a re loa ding. Note: Use the paper size in dicato rs on the bot tom of the t ray to help positi on the guid es.
4 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen them, and th en fan them. Do not fold or crease th e paper. Straighten the edges on a level surface. • Hold transparencies by the edges , and then fan them.
• Load only one size and type of paper o r special ty medi a at a ti me. • Make sure the p aper fits loosely in t he multipurpo se feeder, lies flat, and is not bent or wrinkled. One ‑ sided (simplex) p rinting Two ‑ sid ed (duplex) printing ABC • Load envelopes with the flap side down and on the left of the mu ltipurpose feeder.
6 For c ustom- o r Univ ersal - size paper, a djust th e width guides to lig htly touc h the s ides of the sta ck. 7 From th e print er co ntrol panel , set t he pape r si ze and type in th e Pape r me nu to ma tch th e paper l oade d in t he tray. Note: Set the corr ect pa per si ze an d type to avoi d pap er jam s and p rint quali ty pro blem s.
Note: You can al so cha nge the paper size and ty pe sett ings usi ng th e print er co ntrol p anel. F or mor e infor mation, see “Sett ing the pa per si ze and type” on page 59 . Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Paper loaded in the t ray sh ould matc h the paper t ype name assign ed in th e print er.
3 Select a c usto m paper t ype name , and then sel ect a pap er type . Note: P aper is the fact ory def ault pape r type f or all us er ‑ define d custom names.
Paper and specialty media guide Notes: • Make sure tha t the paper size, type , and weight ar e set co rrectly on the c omputer or contr ol pane l. • Flex, fan, and straighten specialty media before loading them. • The printer may print at a reduced speed to prevent damage t o the fuser.
– Have bent corners. – Have rough, cockle, o r laid fin ishes. • Adjust the width guides to fit the width of the envelopes. • Before loading the envelopes on the tr ay, flex the stack of envelope s back and forth to loos en them, and then fan them.
Tips on us ing transp arencies • From the print er co ntrol panel , set t he pape r si ze, type, t exture, and weig ht in the Pap er me nu to m atch t he transparencies loaded in the tray. • Print a test page on th e transparencies being considered for use before buying large quant ities.
Grain direction Grain ref ers to t he alignm ent of t he pape r fibers in a sh eet of pap er. G rain is e ither grai n long , runnin g the length of the paper , or grain sh ort , runn ing the wid th of t he paper . For 60–176 g /m 2 (16–47 ‑ lb) paper , gra in long pa per is recomm ended.
• Thickness (impacts how much can be loaded into a t ray) • Surfac e roug hness (measur ed in S heffiel d unit s, imp acts pri nt cla rity and h ow well toner fu ses to the pap er) • Surface fri.
For more informatio n about Lexma rk, visit www .lexmark .com . Genera l sustai nabilit y-rel ated i nform ation ca n be fo und at the Envi ronm ental Sust ainab ili ty link.
Paper si ze 1 Dimensions Standard or optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sh eet tray 2100 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex ADF Scanner glass Letter 216 x 279 mm (8.5 x 11 in.) Legal 216 x 356 mm (8.5 x 14 in.) Executive 184 x 267 mm (7.3 x 10 .5 in.) X Oficio ( Méxic o) 216 x 340 mm (8.
Paper si ze 1 Dimensions Standard or optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sh eet tray 2100 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex ADF Scanner glass Other Envelope 9 8 x 16 2 mm (3.
Printing Printing forms and a docume nt Printing forms Use Fo rms and F avori tes t o qui ckly an d easil y ac cess fr eque ntly used f orms or ot her inform ation that is re gularl y print ed. Before you ca n use th is app lication , first set i t up on th e printe r.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
• If you insert the flash drive when the printer requires attention, such as when a jam has occurred, then the printer ignor es th e flas h drive. • If you insert the fla sh dri ve while the pr inter is proc essing other p rint jobs, then Busy appear s on the p rinter display.
Recommended flas h drives File t ype • Lexa r JumpDr ive FireFl y (512 MB and 1GB) • SanDi sk Cruz er Mi cro (512 MB an d 1G B) • Sony Micro Vault Classic (512MB and 1GB) Documents: • .pdf • .xps Imag es : • .dcx • .gif • .jpeg or .jpg • .
Use To Notes: • Confidential, Verify , Reserve, and Repeat print jobs ma y be delete d if the printer requires extra memor y to process additional held jobs. • You can set the printer to stor e print jobs in the prin ter memory until you start the print job f rom the printer control panel .
Modi fying conf ident ial p rint s ettin gs 1 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.
Cancel ing a print jo b fro m the com puter For Windows users 1 Open th e print ers fo lder, a nd then selec t your prin ter. 2 From th e print queue, select the prin t job you want to cancel , and then del ete i t. For Macintosh users 1 From Syst em Preferences in t he Apple menu, navigate to yo ur printer.
Copying Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass ABC Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents incl uding two-sided pages. Use the scanner gl ass for single-pag e documents, book pages, small items (such as po stcards or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as maga zine clippings) .
• The ADF indicato r light comes on when the paper is l oaded pro perly. 2 Adjust the pape r guides. 3 From the ho me s cree n, n avig ate to : Copy > specify the copy sett ings > Copy It Copyin g usin g the scanne r glass 1 Place an orig inal docu ment f acedo wn on the s canner glass i n the upper le ft corner .
3 Navigate to: Copy to > select the tray t hat cont ains tr ansparencies > Copy It If there are no trays that cont ain transparencies, then navigate to: Manu al Feeder > > select the size of the transparen cies > > Tran sparen cy > 4 Load transparencies into the multipurpo se feeder, and then touch Copy It .
Customizing copy s ettings Copyin g to a diff erent si ze 1 Load an o rigina l docume nt fa ceup, sho rt edge firs t int o the ADF t ray or fac edow n on the s canner glas s. Notes: • Do not load pos tcards, phot os, smal l items , transp arencies , pho to pape r, or t hin media (such as ma gazine clippings) into the ADF tray.
Notes: • Do not load pos tcards, phot os, smal l items , transp arencies , pho to pape r, or t hin media (such as ma gazine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicato r light comes on when the paper is l oaded pro perly.
3 From the ho me s cree n, n avig ate to : Copy > Si des (Du plex) > select the pref erred duplexi ng m ethod Note: For the preferred duplexing method, th e first number repre sents sides of t he original documents while the seco nd nu mber repres ents sides o f the copy.
5 Touch . 6 Touch t he butt on that best re pres ents the content source of t he docu ment you a re cop ying. • Color L aser —The original document was print ed usi ng a co lor las er print er. • Inkjet —The ori ginal do cument was prin ted us ing an inkje t prin ter.
3 From the ho me s cree n, n avig ate to : Copy > Advan ced O pti ons > Separa tor S heet s Note: S et Co llate t o “1,2 ,3 ‑ 1,2,3” to place separator sheets betw een copies. If Collate is set to “1,1,1 ‑ 2,2,2,” then the sep arator sheets are added to th e end of the cop y job.
For example: 1 Load an o rigina l docume nt fa ceup, sho rt edge firs t int o the ADF t ray or fac edow n on the s canner glas s. Notes: • Do not load pos tcards, phot os, smal l items , transp arencies , pho to pape r, or t hin media (such as ma gazine clippings) into the ADF tray.
Notes: • Do not load pos tcards, phot os, smal l items , transp arencies , pho to pape r, or t hin media (such as ma gazine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicato r light comes on when the paper is l oaded pro perly.
• If the paper type o r size that y ou want to co py onto is not l oade d in on e of the tray s, then touc h Ma nual Feed er , and manually load the paper in the multip urpose feeder. • When “C opy to” i s set to Auto S ize Matc h, each copy ma tches the p aper si ze of the or igina l docum ent.
• Newspap er —The o rigi nal docum ent is fro m a ne wsp aper. • Other —The origina l docume nt was pr inted using an altern ate or unknown printe r. • Photo/Film —The origina l docume nt is a p hoto from film. • Press —The ori ginal docume nt was pr inted using a pr intin g press .
E-mailing Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass ABC Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents incl uding two-sided pages. Use the scanner gl ass for single-pag e documents, book pages, small items (such as po stcards or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as maga zine clippings) .
Creating an e-mail shortcut Creati ng an e-ma il sh ortcut usi ng the Em bedde d Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.
E-mailing a document Note: You can al so e- mail s canned d ocuments by usi ng the Multi Se nd or M yShort cut appli catio n from t he home screen. For more i nformation , see “Activatin g the home sc reen applic ations” o n page 22 .
Notes: • Do not load pos tcards, phot os, smal l items , transp arencies , pho to pape r, or t hin media (such as ma gazine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicato r light comes on when the paper is l oaded pro perly.
Canceling an e-mail • When using th e ADF, to uch Cancel Job while Scanning appears. • When using the scanner glass, t ouch Cancel Job while Scanning appears, or wh ile Scan the Next Page / Finish the Job a ppears. Understanding the e-m ail options Recipient( s) This option lets you enter the recipient of you r e-mail.
Content This opt ion lets yo u set t he origi nal do cument typ e and so urce. Select f rom the fol lowing cont ent types : • Graphi cs —The or igin al doc umen t is mos tly busin ess ‑ type graphics , such a s pie c harts, bar cha rts, and a nimatio ns.
Using the adva nced op tions Select from t he following s ettings : • Advanced Imagin g —This adjust s the Backgrou nd Remo val, Color Balance , Color Dropout , Contra st, JP EG Qual ity, Mirror Im age, Negative I mage, Scan Ed ge to Edg e, Shadow Detail, Shar pness, and Te mperat ure set tings be fore you e ‑ mail the docume nt.
Faxing Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass ABC Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents incl uding two-sided pages. Use the scanner gl ass for single-pag e documents, book pages, small items (such as po stcards or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as maga zine clippings) .
Initial f ax setup Many coun tries and r egion s requ ire ou tgoi ng fax es to contai n the follo wing in form ation in a ma rgin at the to p or bottom of each tra nsmit ted pa ge, or on the f irst pa.
Choos ing a fax connec tion Scenario 1: Standard telephone line Setup 1: Printer is connected to a dedicated fax l ine To conn ect: 1 Connect one end o f the te lepho ne cabl e that c ame wit h the print er to t he port of the print er. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Tips fo r this se tup: • You c an set t he printer to re ceiv e faxes auto matic ally (Auto Answer On) or manu ally (A uto A nswer Off). • If y ou want to r eceive faxe s auto mati cally (Aut o Ans wer O n), th en set th e pr inter t o pic k up o n any number of r ings that you wa nt.
Connec ted to dif ferent wa ll jacks P H O N E L IN E To conn ect: 1 Connect one end o f the te lepho ne cabl e that c ame wit h the print er to t he port of the print er.
Setup 3: Printer is sharing the li ne with a telephone subscribed to voice mail s ervice 02 To conn ect: 1 Connect one end o f the te lepho ne cabl e that c ame wit h the print er to t he port of the print er. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
• You can also set the print er to rec eive faxes a utomati cally (A uto Answer On), bu t you need to turn off the voice mail serv ice when you a re expecting a fax.
3 To conn ect a te lepho ne to the pri nter, rem ove a ny install ed ad apter plug fr om the por t of t he p rinter , and t hen connec t the telep hone to the port. Scenario 3: VoIP telephone service To conn ect: 1 Connec t one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e tha t came wit h the print er to t he port of the print er.
Tips fo r this se tup: • To ma ke sure tha t the phone p ort on t he VoI P adapte r is ac tive, pl ug an ana log te le phone in to the p hone por t, and then liste n for a dial tone .
1 Connect one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e that c ame wit h your pr inter to the por t o f the p rinter . 2 Connect the other en d of the cable to th e port labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the cable mod em. Note: The port labele d Phone Line 2 or Fax Po rt is not always ac tive.
1 Connect one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e that c ame wit h your pr inter to the por t o f the p rinter . 2 Connec t the other end of t he te lephone cabl e to an active an alog telep hone wal l jack . 3 Connect your anal og tel ephone to the port of t he printer .
Connecting the printer to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall jack 1 Connect one e nd of the telepho ne cabl e that c ame wit h printe r to the port o f the printe r. 2 Connect the othe r end of the cabl e to the RJ ‑ 11 adapte r, and then connec t the adap ter to the wall ja ck.
Connecting the pri nter to a wall jack in Germany The G erman w all j ack ha s two kinds of p orts. Th e N p ort s are fo r fax machines, m odems, and answering machines.
Connect t he printe r to any of the N ports. NFN P H O N E LIN E 1 Connect one end of t he tel ephone c abl e that c ame th e print er to the port of the p rinter. 2 Connec t th e othe r end of the teleph one cable to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, a nd then conn ect the ada pter to an N port.
Setting the da te and time You can se t the da te an d time so that they are p rinted on ever y fax you s end. 1 Open a Web browser, and th en type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een.
3 From the home screen , touch Fax . 4 Enter the f ax num ber o r a shor tcut . Note: To add recip ients, touch Next n umber , and then enter the recipi ent's telephon e number or shortcut number, or sear ch the address boo k.
Sending a fax using th e address book The address book lets you search for boo kmar ks and networ k direct ory serv ers. For more informa tion o n enabling t he addre ss book fe ature , con tact your syst em sup port p ers on. 1 Load an o rigina l docume nt fa ceup, sho rt edge firs t int o the ADF t ray or fac edow n on the s canner glas s.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
4 From the Res olution area, tou ch the arro ws to selec t the resol ution you want. Note: Select a resolution from Stan dard (fas test speed ) to Ultra Fi ne (best quality at a reduced speed ).
Cancelin g an outgo ing fax Canceli ng a fax while the o riginal do cuments are stil l scanning • When using th e ADF, to uch Cancel Job on the prin ter c ontrol pan el while Scanning appears .
c From the Ti me me nu, select the tim e you want the he ld faxes release d. d Fro m the Day(s) menu, se lect the day you want the held faxes rele ased. 5 Click Ad d . Forwarding a fax This op tion l ets you pr int and forwa rd receiv ed faxes to a fax nu mber, e ‑ m ail add ress, FTP site , or LDSS.
Resolution This opt ion let s you adjus t th e qualit y of the fax output . Incr easing the image resolution increases the file size and the time needed to scan your original document. Decr easing the image resolution red uces the file size. Select on e of the foll owing: • Standard —Use t his when faxing most documents.
• Transmis sion Log —This prin ts th e trans missio n log or t ransmi ssion er ror log. • Multi fee d Se nsor —This dete cts when the AD F pi cks m ore th an one sheet of pap er a t a time , and th en s hows a n error message. Note: Thi s option is su pported on ly in selec t print er models .
Scanning Using Scan to Network Scan to Net work l ets y ou sc an yo ur do cum ents t o net work d estina tio ns speci fied by y our sy stem s uppo rt pe rson.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Scanning to an FTP address using a shortcut number 1 Load an o rigina l docume nt fa ceup, sho rt edge firs t int o the ADF t ray or fac edow n on the s canner glas s. Notes: • Do not load pos tcards, phot os, smal l items , transp arencies , pho to pape r, or t hin media (such as ma gazine clippings) into the ADF tray.
Automatic d ocument f eeder (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents incl uding two-sided pages. Use the scanner gl ass for single-pag e documents, book pages, small items (such as po stcards or photos), t ransparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as maga zine clippings) .
Setting up Scan to C omputer Notes: • This feat ure is su pported only in Wi ndows Vista or later. • Make su re your c omput er and pr inter are conn ected to the s ame netwo rk. 1 Open th e print ers fo lder, a nd then selec t your prin ter. Note: If your prin ter is not in t he list, the n add yo ur print er.
Original Size This optio n lets you set the pa per si ze of the do cum ents you are goin g to s can. When Orig inal Si ze is se t to Mixe d Sizes , you can sc an an o riginal docum ent th at co ntains mixed paper sizes (l etter ‑ and le gal ‑ siz e page s).
Select f rom th e followi ng cont ent sour ces: • Black/Wh ite Las er —The origi nal docum ent was printed using a mono la ser prin ter. • Color Laser —The orig inal docu ment wa s printed using a color la ser prin ter. • Inkjet —Th e o rigi nal do cum ent was prin ted us ing an i nkje t pri nte r.
Understandin g the printer menus Menus list Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Security Default Source Paper Siz e/Type Configure M P Substitute Size Paper Texture Paper Weight Paper Loadi ng Custom Typ.
Paper menu Default Sourc e menu Use To Default Source Tray [x] Multipurpose Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Set a default pap er source for all pri nt jobs. Note s: • Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting. • From the Paper menu, set Configure MP to "Cassette" for Multipur pose Feeder to appear as a me nu setting.
Paper Size /Type m enu Use To Tray [x] Size A4 A5 A6 JIS ‑ B5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal 7 3/4 E nvelo pe 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En ve lope B5 Env elope Oth er En vel op e Specify the pa per size loaded in each tray.
Use To MP Feeder Siz e A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal 7 3/4 E nvelo pe 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En ve lope B5 Env elope Oth er En vel op e Specify the paper size loaded in the multipurpose feeder.
Use To Manual Paper Size A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat em ent Universal Specify the size of the paper being manually lo aded. Note: Letter is the U.S. factory default setting. A4 is the internati onal factory default setting.
Use To Default ADF Media Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Cust om [x] Specify the media type being loaded in the ADF.
Use To Transparency Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative textur e of the transparencies loa ded in a specific tray. Note : Normal is the factory default setting. Recycled Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the recyc led paper loaded in a specifi c tray.
Use To Heavy Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative textur e of the heavy paper loaded in a spec ific tray. Note : Normal is the factory default setting. Rough/Cotton Textu re Rough Specify the relative textur e of the rough or cotton paper lo aded in a specific tray.
Use To Envelope Weig ht Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the envelope loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Rough Envelope Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the rough envelope loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting.
Paper Loadin g menu Use To Card S tock Loa ding Duplex Off Determine and set two-sided printi ng for all pri nt jobs with Card Stock as the paper type. Recycled Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two -sided printin g for all pr int jobs wi th Recycled as the paper type.
Use To Custom [x ] L oading Duplex Off Determine and set t wo-sided printi ng for all print jobs wi th Custom [x] as the paper type. Note: Custom [ x] Loading i s available only when the custom type is supported. Notes: • Off is the factory default setting f o r all Pape r Loading menu selections.
Custom Sc an Siz es menu Use To Cust om Scan Siz e [x ] Scan Size Name Media Type ADF M edia T ype Plain Pap er Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Labels Bond Envelope Ro ugh En vel ope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Light Paper Heavy Paper Rough/ Cotton Cust om Ty pe [x ] Widt h 1–8.
Use To Portrait Width 3–8.5 i nche s 76–21 6 mm Set the portra it width. Note s: • If the width exceeds the maximum, then the printer uses the maximum wi dth all owed. • 8.5 inches is the US factory default setting. You c an increase the width in 0.
Use To Fax Job Log Prin t a report containing information about the last 200 completed faxes. Note s: • Th is m enu it em appe ars onl y wh en E nab le J ob Lo g is set to O n in t he Fax Settings menu. • This menu is supp orted only in some printer models.
Networ k/P orts m enu Active NIC menu Use To Active NIC Auto [list of available ne twork cards] Allow the print er to connect to a n etwork. Note s: • Auto is the factory default setting. • This menu item appears only if an optional networ k adapter is install ed.
Use To Network Buffer Auto 3KB to [maximum size allowed] Set the size of the network inp ut buffer. Note s: • Auto is the factor y defaul t setting . • The maximum size allowed depends on th e amount of memory in the printer, the size of the other link buffers, and whether Resource Save is set to On or Off.
Network Card menu To access the menu, na vigate to either of t he following: • Networ k/Po rts > Standa rd Netwo rk > Standa rd Ne twork Se tup > Netw ork Ca rd • Networ k/Po rts > Net.
Use To Enable DHCP On Off Specify the DHCP address and parameter assign ment. Note: On is the factory default setting. Ena ble RARP On Off Specify the RARP address assig nment setting. Note: Of f is the factory de fault se tti ng. Enable BOOTP On Off Specify the BOOTP address assignment setting.
Use To Enable IPv6 On Off Ena ble IP v6 in the pr in ter. Note: On i s the f actory d efault setting. Auto Configuration On Off Specify whether or not the network ada pter accepts the automa tic IPv6 address configuration entries provided by a router.
Use To Choose N etwork Select an availabl e network for the printer to use. View S ignal Q uality View the quality of the wireless connection. View Se curity Mode View the encryption method for the wireless network.
Use To NPA Mode On Off Auto Set the printer to perf orm the special processing requi red for bidirectional communicat ion following the convention s defined by the NPA protoco l. Note s: • Auto is the factory default setting. Auto sets the printer to examine data, determine the format, and then pr ocess it appropriately.
Use To ENA Gateway yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Set the gateway information for an externa l print server. Note : This menu is available only when the printer is attached to an extern al print server through the USB port. Parallel [x] menu Note: This menu appears only when an opt ional parallel ca rd is insta lled.
Use To Job Buffering Off On Auto Temporarily store print jobs on the printer hard disk before pri nting. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • On buffers print jobs on the printer hard disk. • Auto buffers print jobs onl y if the printer is busy processing data from ano ther input port.
Use To ENA Gateway yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Set the gateway informa tion for an external print server. Note: This menu item is available onl y if the printer is atta ched to an ex ternal print server through the USB port. Serial [ x] men u Note: This menu appears o nly when an o ptional serial card i s instal led.
Use To Seria l Bu ffer Disabled Auto 3K to [maximum size allowed] Set the size of the serial input buffer. Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting. • Disabled turns off job buffer ing. Any jobs already buf fered on the disk are printed before normal processing is resumed.
Use To Baud 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 138200 172800 230400 345600 Specify the rate at which data can be received th rough the serial port. Notes: • 9600 is the factor y defau lt sett ing. • 138200 , 1728 00, 23 040 0, and 345 600 baud r ates ar e only dis play ed in the Standard Serial menu.
Use To Use SSL Disabled Negotiate Requ ired Set the printer to use SSL for inc reased security when connecting to the SMTP serv er. Note s: • Disabled is the factory defau lt setting. • When the Negotiate se tting is used, the SM TP server deter mines if SSL will be used.
Use To Edit Building Blocks Internal Accou nts NTLM Simple Ker beros Se tup Kerb eros Se tup Active Direct ory LDAP LDAP+ GSSAP I Password PIN Edit settings for Internal Accoun ts, NTLM, Simple Kerberos Setup, Kerb eros Setup, Active Directory, LDAP, Password, and PIN.
Use To Security Reset Jumper No Effect Access controls= “No Se curity” Reset factory securi ty defaults Adjust the security settings. Notes: • No Effect means the reset has no effect on th e printer security configurati on. • Access control s=’No Secur ity’ retain s all the security informat ion that the u ser has defined.
Use To Repeat Job Expiration Off 1 hou r 4 hou rs 24 hours 1 week Set a limit on how lo ng the printer stores pri nt jobs. Verify Job Expiration Off 1 hou r 4 hou rs 24 hours 1 week Set a limit on how lo ng the printer stores pri nt jobs needing verification.
Security Audit Log menu Use To Export Log Enable an authorized user to expor t the security log. Notes: • To export the log from the pri nter control panel, attach a flash drive to the printer. • To export the log from the Embedded Web Server, downloa d the log to a computer.
Use To Configure Log (continued) Admin’s e-mail address [256 charac ter string] Digitall y si gn expor ts Off On Severity of events to log 0–7 Remote Syslog non-lo gged events No Yes E-mail log cl.
Use To Automatically Observe DST On Off Set the printer to use the applica ble daylight saving time (D ST) start and end times associated with the printer Time Zone settin g. Note: On is the factory def ault setting and uses the applicable Daylight Saving Time associated with the Time Zone setting.
Settings menu General Settin gs menu Use To Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu es Suom i Russ ia n Polski Greek Magyar Turkce Cesk y Simpli fied C hinese Traditional Chi nese Korean Japanese Set the language of the text app earing on the display.
Use To Run Initia l setup Yes No Run the setup wizard. Keyboard Keyboard Type English Francai s Francais Cana dien Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Greek Dans k Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Suom i Portugues Rus.
Use To Displayed Information Left side Right sid e Cust om T ext [ x] Specify what is displ ayed on the upper corners of the home screen. For Left side and Right side, select from the following option.
Use To Displayed Information (continued) Paper Jam Load Paper Service Error s Customize the displayed information f or certain menus. Select fr om the foll owing option s: Display Yes No Message to display Defau lt Altern ate Defau lt [text entry] Alter nate [text entry] Notes: • No is the factor y defaul t setting for Disp lay.
Use To Screen Brightness 20–10 0 Specify the brightness of the display. Note: 100 is the factory default setting. One Page Copy Off On Set copies from the scanner glass to only o ne page at a time. Note: Of f is the factory de fault se tti ng. Output Lighting Normal/Standb y Mode Off Dim Brigh t Set the output light ing for the standard bi n.
Use To Web Page Refresh Rat e 30–30 0 Specify the number of seconds between Embedded Web Server refr eshes. Note: 120 is the factory default setting. Cont act Nam e Specify a contac t name. Note: The cont act name is stored on the Embedded Web Server.
Use To Timeou ts Hibernate Time out Dis able d 20 seconds 1–3 hours 6 hou rs 1–3 d ays 1–2 w eeks 1 mon th Set the amount of time before th e printer enters Hibernate mode.
Use To Erro r Re cov er y Auto Re boot Reboo t when idle Reboot always Reboot never Set the printer to restart when an err or occurs Note: Reboot alwa ys is the factory default setting. Erro r Re cov er y Max Auto Reb oots 1–20 Determine the number of automa tic reboots the printer can perform.
Use To Factor y Defaults Do Not Rest ore Restor e Now Use the printer factory default settings. Note: Do Not Re store is the factory default setting. Export Configuration Package Export Export the printer conf iguration f ile to a flash drive.
Use To Coll ate (1,1,1) (2,2,2) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) Keep the pages of a print job stacked in sequence when printing multiple copies. Note: “(1,2 ,3) (1,2, 3)” is th e factor y defau lt settin g.
Use To Darkness 1–9 Specify the level of dar kness for the copy job. Note: 5 is the factory default setting . Numb er o f Co pies 1–999 Specify the number of copi es for the copy job.
Use To Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255 Defau lt Gree n Thresh old 0–255 Default B lue Thresho ld 0–255 Specify which c olor to dro p during scanni ng and to adjust the dr opout setting for each color thr eshold.
Use To Optimiz e Fax C ompatibili ty O ptimiz e fax compatibility with other fax ma chines. Fax Name Spec ify the n am e of th e f ax i n the prin ter . Fax Number Spec ify th e n umb er ass ign ed t o the fax. Fax ID Fax Name Fax Number Specify h ow the fax is ide ntifi ed.
Use To Fax Co ver Pag e Fax Cover Page Off by default On by default Never use Alwa ys u se Include to Field On Off Include from Field On Off From Include Message Field On Off Message Include Logo On Off Include Footer [x] On Off Footer [x] Configure the fax cover pag e.
Use To Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in . 4 x 6 in . Spec ify the s iz e of t he or igi na l do cume nt.
Use To Automatic R edial 0–9 Specify the number of times the printer tries to send the fax to a specified number. Note: 5 is the factory default setting . Redial frequency 1–200 Specify the number of minutes between redials. Note: 3 is the factory default setting .
Use To Color Balance Cya n - Re d Magenta - Green Yellow - Blue Enable an equal balance of colors in the scan ned image. Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255.
Use To Enab le Color Fax Scans Off by def ault On by default Never use Always use Enable color faxing . Note: Off by default i s the fac tory default setting. Auto Conv ert Col or Fa xes to Mon o Faxes On Off Convert all outgo ing faxes to black and whi te.
Use To Separator Sh eets Off Before Job After J ob Enable the printer to inc lude separator sheets for inc oming fax jobs. Note : Off is the fa ctory d efaul t settin g. Sepa rat or Sh eet So urc e Tray [x] Multipurpose Feeder Specify the paper source for the separator sheet .
Use To Enab le Color Fax Receiv e On Off Enable the prin ter to rece ive fax in c olor and print it i n grayscale. Note : On is the f actory default setting . Fax Log Setti ngs Use To Transm issi on Log Print log Do not print log Print only for error Enable prin ting of a transmissio n log after each fax job.
Use To Speaker Volu me High Low Set the speaker volume to high or low. Note : H igh is the fact ory defaul t setti ng. Ringer Volume Off On Enable or disable the ring er volume.
Use To Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the content was o riginally produced. Note : Bl ack/White Laser is the factory default setting. Fax Resol uti on Standard Fine 200 dpi Super Fine 3 00 dp i Ultra Fine 600 dpi Specify quality in dots per inch (dp i).
Use To Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provide a choice between single ‑ page TIFF files and mult iple ‑ pag e TIFF fil es. For a multi ple-page scan ‑ to ‑ fax job, ei ther one TIFF file is created c ontaining all the pages, or multiple TIFF file s are creat ed with one fi le for each pag e of the scan job.
Use To Forma t PDF (.pdf) TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.j pg) XPS ( .xps ) RTF (. rtf) TXT (.txt) Speci fy the file form at. Note: PDF (.pdf) is the fa ctory default setting. PDF Setting s PDF Ve rsion 1.2–1. 7 A–1a A–1b PDF Compr ession Normal High Secure PDF Off On Searchabl e PDF Off On Configure the PDF settings.
Use To Resoluti on 75 dpi 150 d pi 200 d pi 300 d pi 400 d pi 600 d pi Specify the resolution of the scan in dots p er inch. Note: 150 dp i is the factory d efaul t setting. Darkness 1–9 Lighten or darken the outpu t. Note: 5 is the fa ctory d efault set ting.
Use To Text De fault 5–90 Set the quality of a text imag e in relation to fi le size and qua lity of the imag e. Note: 75 is the factory default setting. Text/Photo Default 5–90 Set the quality of a text or photo image in relati on to file size and the qualit y of the image.
Use To Allo w Sa ve as Shor tcu t On Off Save e-mail addresses as shortcuts. Notes: • On is the factory default setting. • When set to Off, the Save As Shortcut button does not appear on the e-mail Dest inat ion sc ree n. Background Remova l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of backgr o und visible on a scanned image.
Use To Sharpness 1–5 Adjust the amount of sharpness on a scanned image. Note: 3 is the fa ctory d efault set ting. Temperature ‑ 4 to 4 Specify warm or c ool outpu ts. Cool values gene rate a bluer outpu t than the defau lt while warm val ues generate a redd er output than the d efault.
Use To Content Source Black/ Whit e Lase r Colo r Las er Inkjet Photo/Film Magazine Newspaper Press Other Specify how the origin al document was produ ced. Note: Black/White Laser i s the factory default se tting. Colo r Off On Specify wh ether t he p rinter captur es and transmit s co ntent in color.
Use To Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sen se Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Difficult Media Letter Difficult Media A5 Difficult Media Legal Difficult Media A4 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi nes s Card 3 x 5 in .
Use To Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provide a cho ice betwee n single-p age TIFF fi les and multi ple ‑ page TIFF files. For a mult iple -p age s ca n ‑ to ‑ FTP job, either one TIFF file is created containing al l the pages, or multiple TIFF fi les are created with o ne file for each page o f the job.
Use To Color Balance Cya n - Re d Magenta - Green Yellow - Blue Enable an equal balance of colors in the sca nned image. Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255.
Flash Drive me nu Scan Settings Use To Forma t PDF (.pdf) TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.j pg) XPS ( .xps ) RTF (. rtf) TXT (.txt) Specify the format of the sca nned file.
Use To Resoluti on 75 dpi 150 d pi 200 d pi 300 d pi 400 d pi 600 d pi Specify the resolution of the scan in dots per inch ( dpi). Note : 15 0 is t he fa ctor y defau lt set ting . Darkness 1–9 Lighten or darken th e output. Note : 5 is the fact ory de fault setti ng.
Use To JPEG Quality Best f or con tent 5–90 Set the quality of a JP EG photo image in relati on to file size and quality. Note : Bes t for content is the fac tory default setting. Text De fault 5–90 Set the quality of the text in rel ation to file size and the quality of the image.
Use To Contra st 0–5 Best f or con tent Specify the contrast of the output. Note : Bes t for content is the fac tory default setting. Mirror I mage Off On Create a mirror image of th e original document. Note : Of f is the fa ctory def ault se tting.
Use To Paper Save r Orientation Auto Landscape Portrai t Specify the orie ntation of a multiple ‑ p age document. Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting . • This setting aff ects jobs i f the value of the Pape r Saver setti ng in th e same menu is not set to Off.
OCR Settings menu Use To Auto Rotate On Off Automaticall y rotate scanned documents for pro per orientation . Note : On is the f actory default setting . Despeckle Off On Remove specks fro m a scanned imag e. Note : Of f is the fa ctory def ault se tting.
Use To Job Waiting On Off Specify that print jobs be removed from the pr int queue if they require unavailable prin ter options or custom settings. They are stored in a separate print queue, so other jobs pri nt normally. When the missing informat ion or option s are obtained, the stored jobs print.
Use To Print All Order Alphabetical Olde st Fir st Newest First Specify the order in which held and confi dential jobs are printed when Print A ll is selecte d. Note: Alphab etical is the factory default setting . Print jobs al ways appear in alp habetical order on the printer contr ol panel.
Use To Separator Sh eets Off Between Copies Between Jobs Between Pages Specify whether blank separator sheets a re inserted. Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • Between Copies inserts a blank sheet between each copy of a print job if Collate is set to “(1, 2,3) (1,2,3).
Quality menu Use To Print Resolu tion 300 d pi 600 d pi 1200 d pi 1200 Imag e Q 2400 Imag e Q Specify t he p rinted outp ut re solution in dot s per i nch.
Use To Accounting Log Frequency Daily Weekly Monthly Determine and set how often a log file is created. Note: Monthly is the factor y default setting. Log Action at End of Frequency None E ‑ mail Cu.
Utilities menu Use To Remove Held Jobs Con fid ent ial Held Not Restored All Delete confidential and held jobs f rom the printer hard disk. Notes: • Selecting a setting affects only prin t jobs that are resid ent in the print er. Bookmarks, prin t jobs on flash drives, and other types of held jobs are not affected .
XPS menu Use To Print Error Pages Off On Print a page containing informati on on erro rs, includi ng XML markup e rrors. Note : Of f is the fa ctory def ault se tting. PDF menu Use To Scale t o Fit Yes No Scale page content to fit the sel ected paper size.
PCL E mul me nu Use To Font Source Resid en t Disk Downlo ad Flash All Specify the set of fonts used by the Font Name menu. Note s: • “Resident” is the factory default setting. R esident shows the factory default set of fonts downloaded in th e RAM.
Use To PCL Emulation Settings Lines per Pa ge 1–255 Specify the number of lines that pri nt on each page. Note s: • 60 is the US factory default s etting. 64 is the intern ational default setti ng. • The printer sets the amount of space between each line based on the Lines per Page, Paper Size, and Orient ation s ettings.
Use To Tray Renumber View Fact ory Defau lts MPF D efa ult = 8 T1 Default = 1 T1 Default = 4 T1 Default = 5 T1 Default = 20 T1 Default = 21 Env Default = 6 MPap er D efau lt = 2 MEnv Defa ult = 3 Display the factory d efault setting a ssigned to each tray or feeder.
Use To Font S ize 1–25 5 pt Set the default font size for HTML documents. Note s: • 12 pt is the factory default setting. • Font size can be increased in 1 ‑ point inc rements. Scale 1–40 0% Scale the default font for HTML documents. Note s: • 100% is th e fact ory def ault se ttin g.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Reverse Por trait Reverse Landscape Set the image orientatio n. Note: Portr ait is the fa ctor y defau lt set ting .
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environ mental s ustainabi lity and is cont inually im proving its pri nters to r educe their impact on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engineer ou r packaging to redu ce materials, and provide coll ecti on and recy cling pr ogra ms.
Check your first d raft for a ccuracy Before prin ting or maki ng multip le copi es of a do cument: • Use th e prev iew f eatu re to see ho w th e docu ment looks l ike bef ore you p rint it. • Print o ne copy o f the do cument to che ck its co ntent and forma t for accuracy.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. Note s: • Print jobs are processed at a reduced speed. • Printer engine motors do not start unti l a document is ready to print. There will be a short delay before the first page is pri nted. Off Use fac tory defau lt se tti ngs.
Notes: • The IP address is loc ated on the upp er por tion o f the ho me scr een. I t appears as four s ets o f number s separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
When you retur n a cartridge to Lexmark, you can reuse the box that the cartridge came in. Lexmark will recycle the box. Returning Lexmark cartridges for reuse or recycling Lexmark Cartri dge Col lect.
Securin g the printer Statement of Volatility Your print er co ntain s vari ous t ypes of m emory t hat c an stor e devic e and ne twork s etting s, and user dat a. Type of memory Description Volatile memory Your printer uses standard random access memory (RAM) to temporarily buffer user data du ring simple print jobs.
Erasing non ‑ volat il e memory Erase indi vidu al sett ings, de vice and netw ork sett ings , securi ty set tings, a nd embe dded solutio ns by fol lowing these steps: 1 Turn off th e prin ter. 2 Hold down 2 and 6 while turning the printer on. Release th e buttons only when the s creen with the progres s bar appea rs.
The printer w ill perform a power ‑ on reset, and th en return to n ormal op erating mo de. Configurin g printer hard disk encryption Enable hard disk encryption to prevent loss of sensitive dat a in the event the printer or its hard disk is stolen.
The printer w ill perform a power ‑ on reset, and th en return to n ormal op erating mo de. Finding printer secu rity in forma tion In high-sec urity enviro nments , it may be necessa ry to take a dditio nal ste ps to ma ke sure t hat conf identi al data s tored in the pri nter ca nnot be a ccess ed by una uthori zed person s.
Maintaining the printer Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: F ailur e to m aintai n optim um pr inter perfor mance, or t o repla ce par ts and su pplie s, may c ause damag e to yo ur pr inte r. Cleaning printer parts Cleaning th e printe r Note: You m ay nee d to perfor m th is tas k aft er e very few m onth s.
Cleaning th e scanner glas s Clean th e scanner gl ass if you encounte r pri nt qualit y problem s, such a s streaks on copie d or s canned images. 1 Slight ly dampe n a sof t, lint-f ree clo th or pa per to wel with water. 2 Open t he sc anner cover.
4 Open t he bo ttom ADF door. 1 2 5 Wipe the ADF scanner glass u nder t he ADF d oor. 6 Clos e the bott om AD F door . 7 Place the white underside of the sc anner cover on the scanner glass, and then close the scanner cover.
8 Wipe the areas shown , and then let them d ry. 4 1 3 2 1 White underside of the scanner cover 2 Scanner glass 3 ADF glas s 4 White underside of the ADF cover 9 Clos e the scanner cov er. Checking the stat us of parts and s upplies A message app ears on the display whe n a replacement supply item is needed or when maintenance is required.
Ordering parts and supplies To order parts a nd su pplies in the U.S., c ontact Lexmark at 1-8 00-539-6275 fo r informat ion about Lexmark auth orized supplie s deal ers in your area. In ot her co untries or re gions, go to www.lexmark .com or contact the place where you purc hased the printer .
Ordering a maintenance kit To iden tify the sup porte d fuser type, view the l a bel on the fuser . Do either of the following: • Remove the ton er cartr idge a nd the imaging unit. The two-di git fu ser typ e code ( such as 00 or 01 ) can be seen on the f ro nt of the fuse r.
Storing supplies Choose a cool , cle an stor age are a for the printe r supp lies. Store supplie s rig ht side up in th eir ori ginal packin g until you are ready to use them.
2 Pull the cartridge out of t he printer using the handle. 3 Unpack the n ew tone r cartridge, then r emove th e packin g materia l, an d the n shak e th e cartri dge to red istr ibute the toner .
5 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the front cover. 1 2 Replacing the i maging un it 1 Lift the front cover, and th en pull down the multipurpose feeder door.
2 Pul l out the ton er cartri dge fro m the p rint er using th e ha ndle. 3 Lift the green ha ndle, and then pull out the imaging unit from the printer.
4 Unpack the new imag ing unit, and th en shake it. 5 Remove all packin g ma terial from the imagi ng unit. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not ex pose the ima ging u nit to di rec t light for mor e than 10 minut es. Extended exposur e to li ght may ca use pri nt qua lity proble ms.
7 Inse rt the ton er cartri dge into th e prin ter by ali gning the side rails of the cart ridge with the arrow s on th e side rail s insi de the pr inter .
Moving the printer CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th e print er we ight is great er tha n 18 kg (40 lb) and r equire s two or mor e trained p ersonnel to lift it safely.
Moving the printer to ano ther location The pri nter a nd its ha rdwar e opti ons can be sa fely mo ved t o anothe r loca tion by fol lowing t hese p recaut ions: • Any cart used to move th e print er must have a surfac e able to su pport th e full foo tprint of t he printer .
Managing the printer Finding adva nced networking and ad ministrator in formation This chapt er co vers ba sic adm inis trative suppor t ta sks using the Em bedded W eb Serv er. For more ad vanc ed syst em suppor t tasks , see t he Networking Guide on the Software CD or the Embedd ed Web Se rver Adm inistrat or's Guide at http: //sup port.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated by peri ods, su ch as 123.123. 123.123. • If you are using a proxy server, th en temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Restoring factory d efault se ttings If you want t o keep a list of th e curr ent menu s etting s for re ferenc e, the n print a menu setting s page b efore res toring the facto ry default set tings. Fo r more in formati on, see “Printi ng a m enu sett ings page” o n page 57 .
Clearin g jams By carefully select ing paper and s pecialty media and loadin g it properl y, you sh ould be able to avoid most jam s. If j ams occur, then foll ow the step s out line d in th is cha pter. Warn ing —Pot ent ial D amag e: Nev er use any t ool to remove a jam.
• Do not slide the p aper in to th e tray. Loa d paper as shown in the illu stra tion. • Make sure the guides in t he tray or the multipurpose feeder are prop erly positioned and are not pressing tight ly agains t the p aper o r env elope s. • Push th e tray firm ly into the prin ter afte r loadin g paper.
Notes: • When Ja m Assist is set to On, th e print er fl ushes blank pa ges or p ages wi th parti al pr ints to the st andard b in after a jammed page has be en clea red. Che ck your printed outpu t for bl ank page s. • When Jam Rec overy is set t o On or Au to, the prin ter repr ints jammed pages.
[x] ‑ page jam, lif t fron t cover to rem ove ca rtridge. [ 200–201] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be hot. To r educe t he ris k of injur y from a h ot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching. 1 Lift the front cover, and th en pull down the multipurpose feeder door.
4 Lift the green ha ndle, and then pull out the imaging unit from the printer. 1 2 5 Place th e imaging uni t asi de on a fla t, smooth surface. Warning—Pote ntial Damage : Do not ex pose the ima ging u nit to di rec t light for mor e than 10 minut es.
7 Install the imag ing unit. Note: Use the arrows on the side of t he printer as a guide. 8 Insert the to ner c artridg e into the pr inter , and the n pus h the gr een ha ndle bac k into place. Notes: • Align the arrows on the guides of the tone r cartridge with th e arrows in t he printer.
9 Close the multipurpose feeder door and the front cover. 1 2 10 From the pr inter contro l pan el, to uch Done to clear t he me ssage a nd conti nue p rinting . [x] ‑ page jam, open upper rear doo r. [202] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be hot.
3 Clos e th e rea r d oor. 4 From th e print er co ntro l panel , touc h Done to clear t he mess age and conti nue pri nting. [x] ‑ page jam, open upper a nd lower rear door. [231–234] CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the pr inter m ight be hot.
3 Clos e th e rea r d oor. 4 Push th e back of th e standa rd tray. 5 Press do wn the re ar duplex flap, th en firm ly grasp t he jamme d paper, a nd then gently p ull the paper out .
2 1 6 Inser t the stand ard tr ay. 7 From th e print er co ntro l panel , touc h Done to clear t he mess age and conti nue pri nting. [x] ‑ page ja m, remo ve stan dard b in jam. [ 203] 1 Firmly gr asp the jamme d paper o n each si de, and then ge ntly pull it out .
2 From th e print er co ntro l panel , touc h Done to clear t he mess age and conti nue pri nting. [x] ‑ page jam, remove tray 1 to clear duplex. [235–239] 1 Pull ou t the tray c omplet ely. Note: L ift th e tray sligh tly, a nd then pull i t out.
1 2 3 Ins ert the tra y. 4 From th e print er co ntro l panel , touc h Done to clear t he mess age and conti nue pri nting. [x] ‑ page jam, open tray [x]. [24x] 1 Check which tray is i ndicat ed on the p rinter d isplay, and the n pull the t ray. 2 Firmly gr asp the jamme d paper o n each si de, and then ge ntly pull it out .
3 Ins ert the tra y. 4 From th e print er co ntro l panel , touc h Done to clear t he mess age and conti nue pri nting. [x] ‑ page jam, clear ma nual feeder. [250] 1 From th e multi purpo se fe eder, fir mly gras p the ja mmed p aper on e ach side , and the n gently p ull it out.
2 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen the m, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease t he paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rface. 3 Reload paper into the multipur pose f eeder. 4 Sli de the paper guide unti l it r ests l igh tly ag ainst the edge o f the pape r.
[x] ‑ page jam, open automatic feeder top cover. [28y.xx] 1 Remove all orig inal docume nts from the AD F tray. Note: The message is cleared when the pages are removed fro m the ADF tray. 2 Open the A DF c over. 3 Firmly gr asp the jamme d paper o n each si de, and then ge ntly pull it out .
1 2 7 Clos e the bott om AD F door . 8 Straighten th e edges of the original documents, th en load the docume nts into th e ADF, and then adjust the paper guide. 9 From th e print er co ntro l panel , touc h Done to clear t he mess age and conti nue pri nting.
Troubleshooting Understanding th e printer mes sages Cartridge low [88.xy] You may nee d to orde r a repl acement toner cartridg e. If necessary, touch Cont inue on the prin ter cont rol panel t o clear the message and continue printing. Cartridge nearly low [88.
Change [paper so urce] to [paper si ze] load [orientation ] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the correct size and type of paper in the tray or feeder, specify the size and typ e of paper in the Paper menu on the c ontrol panel, a nd then touch F inished cha nging pa per .
Close flatbe d cover and load original s if restarting job [2yy.xx] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Scan from automatic feeder to co ntinue sca nning from th e ADF im medi ately afte r the l ast su ccessf ul scan job.
Disk full [62] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue to clear the mess age and conti nue proce ssing . • Dele te font s, ma cros, and ot her d ata store d in t he prin ter h ard d isk. • Install a print er hard dis k with larger capaci ty.
Fax server 'To Fo rmat' not set up . Conta ct system adm inistrator. Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue to clear the message . • Complet e the Fax Serv er set up. If t he mess age appea rs a gain, the n contac t your s ystem s upport pers on.
Incorrect paper size, op en [paper source ] [34] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the co rrect si ze and type o f paper in t he tray, and then specify the pap er siz e and type in the Paper m enu on the pr inter co ntro l panel .
Insuffic ient memory for Flas h Memo ry Defragment op eration [37] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue to stop the defragm entat ion a nd contin ue pri nting . • Dele te font s, ma cros, and ot her d ata in the p rinter mem ory.
Load [paper source] with [p aper size] [pape r orientation ] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the tray or feeder with the correct size of paper, and t hen touch Finished load ing pape r on the cont rol p anel. • Touch Reset active bin to reset t he acti ve bin for a l inked se t of bi ns.
Load Manual Feeder with [pap er type] [paper s ize] [paper orie ntation] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the feeder with the correct size and typ e of paper. • From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Prom pt each page, paper lo aded or Do n ot prom pt, pa per loa ded to clear the m essage and co ntinue printin g.
Misfeed c leared, extra sheets in outpu t bin [24y .xx] Select Continu e on th e print er co ntrol p anel to cle ar the m essag e and co ntinue printin g.
Paper ch anges need ed Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch U se curren t supplie s to clea r the mess age and conti nue prin ting. • Cancel the cur rent print jo b. Parallel port [x] disabl ed [56] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Co ntinue to clear the message .
Remove packagi ng material, [area name] Remove any remain ing packag ing mat erial from t he specified l ocation. Remove paper from standard output b in Remove th e pap er stack from the s tandard bin. Replace all or iginals i f restarting job. Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Cancel job to clear the message and cancel the scan job.
Replac e imaging unit, 0 es tima ted pages remain [8 4.xy] Replace the im aging un it to clear t he mess age and cont inue print ing. For mo re info rmat ion, see the ins tructi on sh eet that ca me with th e supply or s ee the “Repl acing su pplies” sec tion o f the User’s Guid e .
Replace separator pad Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Replace the sepa rator pad. F or mor e infor mati on, see t he inst ruct ion she et th at cam e with th e suppl y. • From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Ig nore to clear the message.
Scan ner dis abled. Cont act sy stem adminis trat or if pro blem p ersist s. [8 40.0 2] Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continu e with scanner di sabl ed to retu rn to th e home s creen, and then c ontact yo ur s ystem su pport p erson. • Touch Reboot and au tomat ically enable scann er to cancel the job.
Some h eld jobs were not rest ored From the printe r con trol pa nel, touch Contin ue to delete the in dicate d jo b. Note: Held jobs t hat are not resto red remain in the printer hard dis k and are ina ccessible.
4 Connect the power cord to a properly gro unded electrical outlet. 5 Turn the pr inter back o n. Too many trays attached [58] 1 Turn off th e prin ter. 2 Unplug the power cor d from the electrical outlet. 3 Remove the ex tra trays . 4 Connect the power cord to a properly gro unded electrical outlet.
USB po rt [x] di sabled [56] From the printe r con trol pa nel, touch Contin ue to clear the message. Notes: • The pri nter di scards any data r ecei ved th rough the US B port . • Make su re the US B Buffe r men u is no t set t o Disa bled. Weblink se rver not set up.
Action Yes No Step 5 Check if the cables connecting the printer and the computer are inserted in the correc t ports. Are the cables ins erted in the cor rect ports? Go to step 6.
Printer display is blank Action Yes No Step 1 Press the Sleep button on the printer co ntrol panel. Does Ready appear on the printer displ ay? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go t o st ep 2. Step 2 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 sec onds, and then turn the printer back on.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Check if the internal option is sele cted. It may be necessary to manuall y add the internal option i n the printer driver to make it avai lable for pr int jobs. For more information, s ee “Adding available optio ns in the print driver” on p age 52 .
Action Yes No Step 2 Check the cable and the ISP connect ion. a Use the correct ca ble, and then make sure it is securely co nnected to the ISP. b Check if the ISP solution interfac e cable is securely connected into the receptacle of the controll er board.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the tray is available in the printer driver. Note: If necessary, manual ly add the tray in the printer driver to ma ke it available for pr int jobs. For more information, see “Adding avail able options in the print dri ver” on page 52 .
Paper frequently jams Action Yes No Step 1 a Pull out the tray, and then do on e or more of the following: • Make sure pape r lies flat in the tray. • Check if the paper size indicators on the paper guides are aligned with the paper size i ndicators on the t ray.
Solving print problems Printing problems Confidential and other held jobs do not print Note: Confiden tial, V erify, Reser ve, and Repeat pr int jobs may be delete d if th e prin ter re quires extra m emory t o process ad ditio nal held jobs.
Envelope seals when printing Action Yes No a Use envelopes tha t have been stored in a dry environment. Note: Printi ng on envelopes with high moisture content can seal the flaps. b Resend the print job. Does the envelope sea l when printing? Contact customer support .
Incor rect chara cters print Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure the printer is not in Hex Trace mod e. Note: If Read y Hex appears on th e printer display, then turn off the printer, and then turn it bac k on to deactivate Hex Trace mo de. Is the printer in Hex Trace mode? Deactivate Hex Trace mode.
Large jobs do not collate Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Finishing menu on the printer con trol panel, set Collate to (1,2,3) (1,2,3). b Resend the print job. Did the job print and col late correctly? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go t o st ep 2. Step 2 a From the printer software, set Collate to ( 1,2,3) (1,2,3).
Print jobs do not print Action Yes No Step 1 a From the document you are tryin g to print, open the Pri nt dialog and check if you have select ed the correct printer. Note: If the printer is not the default printer, then you must select the printer for each document that you want to print .
Print job takes longer than ex pected Action Yes No Step 1 Change the environmental settings of the p rinter. a From the printer control pa nel, navigate to: Settings > Gen era l Set tin gs b Select Eco ‑ Mode or Quiet M ode , and then select Off .
Printing slows down Notes: • When pri nting using n arrow pa per, th e prin ter prin ts at a r educe d speed to prev ent dam age to t he fus er. • The printer speed may be reduced when printing for long periods of time, or printing at elevated temperatu res.
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the printer control panel, set th e paper size and type in th e Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the trays to be linked. Note: The paper size and type must match for tra ys to be linked. b Resend the print job. Do the trays link correctl y? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Print a font sample list to c heck if the fonts you are using are supported by the printer. 1 From the printer control pan el, navigate to: > Reports > Prin t Fo nt s 2 Touch PCL Fonts or PostScript Fonts . b Use a font that is supported by the printer or install the font that yo u want to use.
Action Yes No Step 2 From the printer cont rol panel, set th e paper size and type in th e Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Do the paper size and type match th e paper loaded in the tray? Go to step 3. Do one or more of t he following : • Specify the paper size from the tray settings to match the paper loaded in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 2 a Replace the fuser. For more inform ation on ins tallin g the fuser, see the instruction sheet that came with t he part. b Resend the print job. Do compressed images still appear? The pr oble m is so lve d. Cont act customer support .
Horizontal voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Make sure your sof tware progra m is using a corre ct fill pattern. b Resend the print job. Do horizontal voids app ear on prints? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pro blem is solv ed.
Incorrect margins on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and length guid es in the tray to the correc t positions for the paper size loaded. b Resend the print job. Are the margins co rrect? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go t o st ep 2.
Paper curl Action Yes No Step 1 Move the width and length guides in the tray to the correct position s for the size of the paper loaded. Are the width and length guides positi oned correctly? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if there is pac king materia l left on the imag ing unit. 1 Remove the toner cartridge, an d then the imaging unit. 2 Check if the packi ng material is prope rly removed from th e imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Re insta ll the imag ing unit . 1 Remove the toner cartridge, an d then the imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposu re to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the paper loaded in the tra y has texture or rough finishes. Are you printing on textur ed or rough paper? From the printer control panel, set the paper texture in the Paper menu to match the paper loaded in the tray. Go to step 5.
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the p rinter contr ol panel, se t the paper type, textur e and weight in the Paper menu to match the paper l oaded in the tray. b Resend the print job. Is the tray set to the type, texture, and weight of the paper load ed? Go to step 3.
Print is too light Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Quality menu on the printe r c ontrol panel, in crease the toner darkness. Note: 8 is th e factory default setting. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too li ght? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pro blem is solv ed.
Action Yes No Step 6 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner cartridge, an d then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the ima ging uni t. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Shadow images appear on prints ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 Load paper with the corr ect paper type and weight in the tray. Is paper with the correct pap er type and weight loaded in the tray? Go to step 2. Loa d paper with the correct paper type and weight in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and length guid es in the tray to the correc t positions for the size of the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the print still skewed? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pro blem is solv ed. Step 2 a Check if you are printing on a paper that is supported by the tray.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Re insta ll the imag ing unit . 1 Remove the toner cartridge, an d then the imaging unit. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposu re to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Load paper from a fresh package. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidi ty. Store paper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Do streaked vertical li nes appear on pr ints? Go t o st ep 4. Th e pro blem is solv ed.
Toner rubs off Leading edge Trailing edge ABC DEF Action Yes No Step 1 From the Paper menu on the printer control panel, ch eck the paper type, texture, and weight. Do the paper type, texture, and weight match the pap er loaded in the tray? Go to step 2.
Uneven print density Action Yes No Replace the imaging unit , and then resend the print job. Is the print density uneven? Contact customer support . The pr ob lem is s olve d. Vertical voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Make sure your sof tware progra m is using a corre ct fill pattern.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner cartridge, an d then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the ima ging uni t. Warn ing— Pot en tia l Dam age: Do not expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Partial docume nt or pho to copi es Action Yes No Step 1 Check the placement of the document or photo. Make sure the document or ph oto is load ed facedown on the sca nner glass in the upper left cor ner. Is the document or photo loa ded correctly? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 4 Send a print job, and then check fo r print quality pro blems. a From the General Settings menu, adjust the Eco ‑ Mode settings. b From the Copy menu, adjust the Darkness setting. c If t he pri nt re mains f ad ed, t hen repl ace th e to ner car trid ge.
Action Yes No Step 9 Check for washed ‑ out or overexposed output. a From the Copy screen, na vigate to: Advanced Options > Advanced Imaging b Adjust the settings of the following: • Background R emoval —Reduce the current setting. • Sha dow Det ai l —Reduce the current setting.
Caller ID is not shown Action Yes No Contact your telephone comp any to check if your tel ephone line is subscribed to the caller ID s ervice. Notes: • If your region supports mult iple caller ID patterns, then you may have to change the default setting.
Action Yes No Step 5 a Check the telephone wall jack. 1 Plug the telephon e cable into t he wall jack. 2 Listen for a dial tone. 3 If you do not hear a dial t one, then plug a different teleph one cable into the wall jac k. 4 If you stil l do not hear a dial to ne, then p lug the tel ephone cable into a different wall jack.
Action Yes No Step 8 Temporarily di sconnect other equipm ent (such as answering machines, computers with modems, or telephone line spli tters) between the printer and the telephone line, and then try sending or r eceiving a fax. Can you send or receive a fax? The p rob lem is s olve d.
Action Yes No Step 2 Load the orig inal docume nt properly. Load the origi nal docu ment faceup, short edge fir st into the A DF tray or facedown on the scan ner glass in the upper left corner. Note: Do not load postcards, phot os, small items, transparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as magazine cli ppings) into the ADF tray.
Action Yes No Step 3 Replace the toner c artridge. For more informat ion, see the i nstruction sheet that came with the supply. Can you receive faxes? The pr oble m is so lve d. Cont act customer support . Fax and e-mail fun ctions are no t set up Notes: • Before you trou bleshoot, check if the fax cables are connected.
Action Yes No Step 2 Decrease the incoming f ax transmission speed. a Open a Web browser, and then type the prin ter IP address in the address field. Notes: • View the printer IP addre ss on the printer home screen. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separated by periods, such as 123.
Cann ot sca n from a comput er Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure t he printe r is turne d on and t hat Read y appears on the printer display before scanning a job. Does Ready appear before scanning the job? Go to step 3. Go to step 2. Step 2 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 sec onds, and then turn the printer back on.
Action Yes No Step 3 Clean the scanner glass an d the ADF glass using a clean, lint ‑ free cloth dam pen ed wi th wa ter . Is the scanner glass clean? Go to step 4. See “Cleaning the scanner glass” on page 23 7 . Step 4 Check the placement of the document or photo.
Action Yes No Step 3 Check if the document or photo you want to scan is open in another applicatio n or being used by another user. Is the file you want to scan open by another ap plication or user? Close the file you are scanning.
The scanner do es not respond Action Yes No Step 1 Check if the printer is turn ed on. Is the printer turned on? Go to step 2. Turn on the printer. Step 2 Check if the printer cable is securely attac hed to the printer and th e computer, print server, option , or other network device.
Solving home screen application problems An appl icatio n e rror has occurred Action Yes No Step 1 Check the system log fo r relevant details. a Open a Web browser, and then type the prin ter IP address in the address field. If you do not know the IP address of the pr inter, then you can: • View the IP address on the pr inter home screen.
Action Yes No Step 3 Check if the network conn ection is working. Is the network connection working ? Go to step 4. Contact your system support person. Step 4 Make sure the cable connection s to th e printer and print server are secure. For more information, see the setup docum entation that came with the printer.
Notices Prod uct i nfor matio n Produc t name: Lexmark XM5163 and XM5170 Machin e type: 7463 Mode l(s): 096, 296 Edition notice August 2014 The foll owing par agraph does n ot apply to any country where s uch pro visions are in consiste nt wit h local law : LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexm ark wi th diamo nd desi gn, Ma rkNet , and M ark Visi on ar e trad ema rks of Lex mark Int ern ation al, Inc. , registered in the Un ited States and/or other countries. ScanBack i s a trademark o f Lexmark Int ernational, Inc.
Univers Lin otype-Hell AG and/or its subsid iaries All other trademarks are th e property of their res pective owners. AirPrint and the Air Print logo are tr ademarks of Appl e, Inc.
Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive The WEEE log o signifies sp ecific r ecycling programs and p roc edures for electronic prod ucts in countries of th e European Union. We encour age the recycling of our pr oducts. If you ha ve further ques tions ab out re cycling o ptions, visi t the Lexm ark Web s ite at www.
ENERGY STAR Any Lex mark product bea ring th e ENE RGY ST AR em blem o n the pr oduct or on a start -up scr een is cert ifi ed to c omply with Env ironmen tal Pro tectio n Agenc y (EPA ) ENE RGY STAR r equire ments as con figur ed when s hipped by Lexmar k.
DANGER - Invisible l aser radiat ion when cartr idges are remo ved and interlock defeated. Avoid e xposure to laser beam. PERIGO - Radi ação a laser invisí vel será l iberada se os cartuch os forem r emovidos e o lacre rompido. Evite a expos ição aos feix es d e laser.
Sleep Mode This product is design ed with an energy-saving mode called Sleep Mo de . The Sleep Mode saves energy by lowering power co nsum ption d uring extend ed periods of inactiv ity. Th e Sle ep Mod e is aut omatic ally engage d afte r this produc t is not used for a sp ecified period of time, called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
European Community (EC) direc tives conformity This pr oduct is in con formity wit h the protec tion requ i rements of EC Council direct ives 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, and 2011/65/EU on the approxi mat.
If this e quipment causes harm to the tel ephone netwo rk, the t elephone compa ny will no tify you in advanc e that temporar y disco ntinuanc e of se rvice may be requir ed. If ad vance notic e is not pr actic al, the telepho ne com pany will notify the c ustomer a s soon as po ssible.
Avis réservé aux utilis ateurs du r éseau téléphonique du Canada Ce produi t est confo rme au x spécif icati ons te chniques d’Indus trie Canad a.
Utilisation de ce produit en Suisse Cet appareil nécessite l’utilisation d’un filtre de tonalité d e facturation suisse (nº de référence Lexmark : 80D1877) devant être installé s ur toute l igne receva nt des imp ulsions de compt age en Su isse.
Exposure to radio freq uency radiation The radia ted out put pow er of this device is f ar below the radio fre quency e xpos ure limit s of the F CC and other regul atory agencies.
This prod uct satisfi es the Class A limi ts of EN 55022 and sa fety requi rements of EN 60950 ‑ 1. Produ cts equip ped wi th 2.4GHz Wireles s LAN opt ion ar e in confor mity with the prot ection re.
Íslenska Hér með l ýsir Lexmark Internatio nal, Inc. yfir því að þessi vara er í samræmi við grun nkröfur og að rar kröfur, sem g erðar eru í til skipun 1999 /5/EC.
If this product is a fe ature or opti on, th is st atement applies only when th at fea ture or optio n is use d with t he pro duct for which it was intende d. To obtai n warr anty service , you m ay be req uired to prese nt the featur e or optio n with the produ ct.
—Use of print ing me dia outs ide of Lexm ark specifi cations —Refurbi shment , repai r, refil ling o r reman ufactur e by a t hird part y of pro ducts , supplie s or p arts —Produ cts, supp lie.
The us e of ce rtain pate nts in t his pr oduct or ser vice i s sub ject to the rea sonab le, non-dis crimi natory terms i n the Intell ectu al Prop erty Right s (I PR) Dis clos ure of Cert icom Corp. at the IETF for AES-CCM ECC Ciph er Suites for TLS imple mented i n the product or ser vice.
Index Numerics 2100 ‑ sh eet tray installi ng 47 loading pap er 66 250 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 47 loading 59 550 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 47 loading 59 Symbol s [x] ‑ page ja m, open upper rear door. [202 ] 259 [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder.
Configur e MP menu 1 45 configur ing supply no tificat ions, imag ing unit 25 1 suppl y notificat ions, m aintena nce kit 251 suppl y notificat ions, t oner cartridge 251 configur ing e ‑ mail setti.
distinc tive ring service, fax connec ting to 127 document s, printi ng from Mac intosh 87 from Wi ndows 87 DSL filter 11 9 duplexi ng 98 E Eco ‑ Mode settin g 228 Edit Secu rity Setups menu 170 emb.
Fax Stat ion Name no t set up. Cont act syst em admi nistra tor. 273 Fax St ation Num ber no t set up. Cont act syst em admi nistra tor. 273 fax tro uble sho oting ca ller I D is not show n 323 can re.
IP address, printer finding 20 IPv6 menu 161 J jams accessi ng 254 avoidi ng 253 messag es 254 jams, clearing behind re ar door 260 duplex 263 in automatic do cument feeder top cove r 267 in manual fe.
moving th e printer 10, 248 , 249 Multi Sen d adding a profil e 24 setti ng up 24 multipurpose feed er loading 72 MySho rtc ut about 23 N Network [x] menu 158 Network [x] softwa re error [54] 278 Netw.
horiz ontal voids appear on prints 304 print irre gularities 308 prin t is too d ark 309 prin t is too l ight 311 printer is print ing so lid blac k pages 307 repeating defec ts appe ar on prints 312 .
Insuff icie nt me mory , some Hel d Jobs were delet ed [37] 2 75 Insuffi cient memo ry, some h eld jobs will not be res tored [37] 275 Lo ad [p ap er so urce] w ith [cu sto m string] [p aper o rientat.
networ k setu p page 58 printin g a dire ctory list 9 2 printin g a docum ent 87 print ing a font sampl e list 92 print ing a menu setti ngs page 57 printin g a net work se tup pa ge 58 printin g conf.
Scanner jam , remove all o riginal s from the sc anner [ 2yy. xx] 283 Scanner j am, remove jammed origin als fr om the scanner [2yy.xx] 283 Scanne r maint enance requ ired soon, u se ADF Kit [80 ] 283.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark XM5163 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark XM5163 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark XM5163, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark XM5163 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark XM5163, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark XM5163.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark XM5163. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark XM5163 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.