Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit X364DN/DW du fabricant Lexmark
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X264dn, X363 dn, X364dn/dw , X463de , X464de , X46 6d e/dte /d we Technical Refe rence December 20 09 www.lexm Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are tradem ar ks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the U nited S tate s and/or o th e r co untr ies.
Edit ion notic e Dec e m ber 2009 The fo llowing p aragraph does no t apply to any countr y where s uch pro visions a re i nconsiste nt with l ocal law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Contents Edi ti on no t ice .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. ..... . ..... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... ... .... .. .... .. 2 Int r odu ct ion .... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... ..
Ap pen d ix B : PJ L s up por t. ...... ... ...... .. ...... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... .. 31 Common v ariables fo r both printer l a ngua ge s... .................. .................. ................. ................. .........
Introduction Over v iew Th is edition of the Te chni cal R efer enc e con tains infor mation about the f ollow ing prin ters : X264 dn X363 dn X364 dn/dw X463 de X464 de X466dte/dwe Understa nding let.
Learning about the printer Finding infor mation about the pri nter Setup in form atio n Descri ption Wh ere to f in d Th e Set up information gives you in struction s for setting up the printer. Follow the set of instruc tions for local, networ k, or wireless, depending on what you need.
Printer Control L anguag e (PCL) page form atting For mo re i nf orm ati on o n PCL , re fer t o the Printer Lang uages and Interfaces Technical R eference . It cont ains a co mple te li sting wit h desc ript ions of PCL comma nds. To determ in e whic h PCL comman ds your printer support s, see “Appen dix A: PCL sup port” on page 21.
Leg end: I Distanc e between t he top and bottom ed ge of the ph ysical pa g e and the printable area in portrait, or distance between the left an d right edge of the physic al page and th e printable.
Sel ect ion Paper/enve lo pe dim ensi ons Dimensions by area (pels) 1 Page size parameters 2 Name mm inche s A B C D E F G H I 4 or 10 Fol io 216 x 330 8. 5 x 13 5100 7800 4800 7560 150 120 0 100 10 0 15 Statement 13 9.7 x 215. 9 5. 5 x 8. 5 3300 5100 3000 4860 150 120 0 100 10 0 24 A6 148 x 105 5.
Printer Job La nguage (PJL) PJL commands infor m ation You r printer sup ports co mplete P JL command s, includin g cert ain command s that cause th e printe r to ente r PCL emul ation, Post Script em u lation, an d Perso nal Print er Data Stre am (PPDS ).
PostScript (PS) emulation Your print er support s co mplet e Post Scr ipt em ulat ion su ppleme nta l operat ors. For fu ll de scri ptions in d etail for t hese operat ors, refe r to the PostSc ript em ul a t i on chapter in the P rinter L a nguages a nd Inter faces Techn ical Ref erence.
PostScript pa per tray suppor t When the print er receives one of the oper ators l isted in “Tray se l ect ed with tray ope rators” on page 1 2, it per forms the a cti o ns listed as f ollo ws. This paper t r a y s ele c tio n process en ds as soon as a suitable p aper source is c hos en and paper is fed from this tray.
= Supported X = Not supported Prin ter mod els Operator Tray sel ected (corresponding image siz e is s et) X264 dn, X363d n, X364d n, X364 dw X463de, X464de , X466de , X466dt e, X466 dwe a4tray tray w.
PostScript e nvelope size support The li t eral names i n “ En velope sizes supported” o n page 1 4 are al so supported as operators in userdict . T hes e operat ors change the ima ge size, but do not change t he act ive paper s ource. Th erefore, wh en these operators a re used, pa rt of th e image may be clip ped.
= Supported X = No t Su pported Lite ral n ames Pri nter mode ls Lite ral n ame C om pati ble li tera l name X2 64dn, X 363dn, X364dn , X364dw X463 de, X464 de, X 466de, X466dte, X466dwe c5 env elo pe.
= Supported X = Not supported Tray oper at ors Pri nter mode ls Operator Tray se lected (Correspon di ng image size is set) X264dn , X3 63dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X 464de, X 466de, X466dt e, X46 .
Printer specific ations Th is chapt er li sts printer s pecif icatio ns an d info rmati on abo ut hard ware, envir onmenta l co nditio ns, an d power re q u iremen ts.
Electrical spec ifications Prin ter mod el Ele ct rica l spec if ica tio n X264 MF P low voltage mod els* 100 -11 0 V (J apan) at 50 -6 0 H z, no min al 100 -12 7 V at 50 -60 Hz , nom inal 90-110 V ( .
Physical specific at i ons Lexmark X264, X 3 60, X460 dimensions Heigh t Widt h Depth We i ght X264 MF P base pri nter 44 0 mm (17. 3 in. ) 42 8 mm ( 16. 8 in. ) 40 5 mm ( 16 i n.) 19 .5 kg ( 43 l b) X360 MF P base pri nter 47 1 mm (18. 5 in. ) 42 8 mm ( 16.
Altitude s pecif ications and atmospheric pre ssure Altitu de spe cificat ions Alt itude ( above sea level) Prin ter mod el Op erat ing Shipping/storage X264dn, X363 dn, X364dn, X364dw 0 to 2 500 M (8, 20 0 ft.) 0.25 atm osph eri c pre ss ure ( eq ual t o 10 ,30 0 M) [3 4,00 0 ft.
Appendix A: PCL support PCL emulat ion com mand s = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Decimal.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ESC &b#M Mo no chro me Pri nt M od e ESC &b#W[dat.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ESC & l #M(b) Paper Ty pe X X ESC & l #P Set P a .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ESC (s# V P ri mar y F ont He ig h t ( Poi nt S ize ) ESC.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ESC *c#P Fill Recta ngular Area ESC *c#Q Pattern C ontro .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ESC *r#U Simple Color ESC *rB End Raster Graphics (Versio.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ESC = Half Line -Feed ESC %#A En ter PC L Em ula tio n ESC %#B En t er GL/2 La ngua ge Note: The values of -1 , 2, and 3 are not s upported by any of th e prin ters in cluded in this doc ument.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e DR Rel ativ e Di rect ion DT Define Label T erminator DV .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e PA Plot A bs olute PC Set Pen Col or PD Pen Dow n PE Poly.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command Functi on X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e TD Transpar ent Data TM Th res hol d M at rix TR Transpar.
Appendix B: PJL supp ort Common varia bles for both printe r languages = Supported X = Not supported Pri nter m odel Var iab le n ame X264dn , X363 dn, X 3 64dn, X364dw X463 de, X464 de, X 466de, X466.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nter m odel Var iab le n ame X264dn , X363 dn, X 3 64dn, X364dw X463 de, X464 de, X 466de, X466dte, X466dwe INTRAY5 INTRAY1SIZE INTRAY2SIZE INTRAY3SIZE INTRAY4SIZE IN.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nter m odel Var iab le n ame X264dn , X363 dn, X 3 64dn, X364dw X463 de, X464 de, X 466de, X466dte, X466dwe QTY REND ER MOD E X X REP RINT RESO LU TIO N RESO U RCES A.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LB ON DOU TB IN X X LBO ND TEX TUR E LB ON DWE IG HT LB WL.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e L CUSTOMTYP E1LEN GTH LC US TOM TY PE 1LO AD ING L CUSTOMT.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LCUSTO MTYPE4TEXTUR E LC US TOM TY PE 4WE IG HT L CUSTOMTY.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e L ENVELOP EWEI GHT LESCCH AR LFA XJOBWAITFORTON ER X LF AX.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LIMAGEORIENTATION LI MAGESATURA TION X X LI MAGESMOOTHING .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LMAN UALCOLORCMYK GRAPHICS X X LMAN UALCOLORCMYK IMA G E X.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LP APER SO URC E LP ICT UR EGR AD E X X LPLA INLENG TH X X.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e L RECYCLED WEIG HT L REPEA TPRINTL IMIT X X L RESET X L RE.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LTR A NSPA REN CY OUT BI N X X L TRANSP AR ENCYTE XTURE LT.
Common varia ble s for PC L emul a tion = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e FON TNUM BE R FON .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LFON TPRIORITY Comm on variables for Pos tScript emulation.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Var iab le n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LW LO CK Status Readback commands = Supported X = Not supp.
PJL messages for auto-con tinuable conditions = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Held Jo bs .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Resourc e S.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Sc hedul ed.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Seria l Por.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Unfo rmatte.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return st ring X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X36 4dw X463de , X464de, X466de , X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Fuse r Mai .
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Inst all MI.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Clos e Surf.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - De fec tiv e Prin t C art rid ge 4002 1 31 Replace defective cartridge X X Intervention Required - Invalid Refill 4002 1 31.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Wa ste To ner B ox Miss ing 4002 5 82.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Rea ttach O.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - 84 Black Ph.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - To ne r L o.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Replace Tr .
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Duplex Cove.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Repla ce Cartrid g e 4020 1 88.2x Replace cyan cartridge X X Intervention Required - Cartrid ge Low 4020 2 88.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Tr an sf er M od ul e Li fe Warn ing 4021 5 83.yy Transfer module lif e warning X X Intervention Required - Transf er Modu le Near Lif e Wa rn ing 4021 5 83.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Invalid Ref.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Sc hedul ed Maint ena nce 4031 5 80 Schedul ed maintenance [x] Note: [x] in dicates 600k ki t.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - <Color> Photoconductor Missing 4040 7 84.41 Magenta photocondu ctor missing X X Intervention Required - <Color> PC Un it Missing 4040 8 84.
= Supported X = Not supported Pr inte r m od el Mes sage Sta tus c ode Return string X26 4dn, X363d n, X36 4dn, X364dw X463de , X464d e, X466de , X466dt e, X466dw e Intervention Required - Miss ing or Defective Cartrid ge 4041 2 31.41 Missing o r defective yello w cartridge X X Intervention Required - Fu ser Missin g 4041 6 80.
= Supported X = Not supported Prin ter mode l Mes sage St atu s cod e Retur n string X264dn, X363dn, X364dn, X364dw X463 de, X464 de, X466 de, X466 dte, X466 dwe Intervention Required - Rem ove Pap er.
= Supported X = Not supported Prin ter mode l Mes sage St atu s cod e Retur n string X264dn, X363dn, X364dn, X364dw X463 de, X464 de, X466 de, X466 dte, X466 dwe Intervention Required - Loa d M anu a .
PJL messages for paper jams = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required -.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Paper Jam 4210 x X X Interv.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Paper Jam 4241 z X X Interv.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Paper Jam 4251 wy X X Inter.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Paper Jam 427x z X X Interv.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Paper Jam 4282 z X X Interv.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage St atu s cod e X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Intervention Required - Paper Jam 4289 X X Interven.
Devi ce atten dan ce m essag es = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Mes sage X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e OPMS G RDY MSG STM SG Lexmark-uniq.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Command X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e LP RIN TP CLF O NTS L PRINT PSF ONTS LPR INTTESTP AGE LP RIN TD IA .
Appendix C: P o stScript s upport Supplementa l operators = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Operator n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e ap.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Operator n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e dostar tpage dos yss tar t duplexer dup lex mo de engine syn.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Operator n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e PS3fon ts qui et ram si ze rea lf orma t ren am efi le res o.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Operator n ame X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e setmanuald upl exmode setpa pertray set pri nte rna me set q.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e • C ol orB al an ce X X • Color Correc tion • Color Saver X X .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e HWRes olut ion ImagingBBox InputA ttributes • 0 - T ray 1 • 1 - T .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Num Cop ies Nup Nup Det ail s • Bor de r • Colum ns • L andsca p.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e PageD eviceName Page S ize Poli c ies • Poli c yN otFoun d • Poli .
Use r interpret er parame ters = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y Default X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Accu rateS creens false Collate.
Sys tem interpr eter para meters = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y T650n/ dn/d tn , T652n/ dn/d tn , T654n/ dn/d tn X651 MFP , X652 MFP , X654 MFP , X656 MFP , X658 MFP Bu ild Ti me.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y T650n/ dn/d tn , T652n/ dn/d tn , T654n/ dn/d tn X651 MFP , X652 MFP , X654 MFP , X656 MFP , X658 MFP GenericRes o ur ceDir GenericResourcePathSep .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y T650n/ dn/d tn , T652n/ dn/d tn , T654n/ dn/d tn X651 MFP , X652 MFP , X654 MFP , X656 MFP , X658 MFP Sta rt JobP as swo rd Sta rt upM ode Sta ticR.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Device X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e %IP_A% %IP_B% %IP_C% %IP_D% %IR_A% %IR_B% %IR_C% %IR_D% %LexLi nkA% .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Device X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e %Print S e r verC % %Print S e r verD% %RemotePrinterA% %RemotePrint.
Dev ice para meters = Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Device Paramet ers for the Communication Device %P.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Interp reter On Parit y PCLS martSwi tch Port L oc ation PSS martSwi t.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e En abl ed EthernetAddress Eth erT alk Ty pe Eth erT alk Zon e Fil teri.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Device Paramet ers for t h e Communic ation Dev ice %U SB%, %USB_A%, %.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e To ken Ta lkT ype Ty pe Zone Device Paramet ers f o r the Communicatio.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e En abl ed Fil tering HasNa mes Interp reter On Port L oc ation Ty pe D.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Device Paramet ers for t h e Communic a t ion Device %IP %, %IP_A%, %I.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Dar kness Page Count Tim eT oS ta nd by Ty pe Device Paramet ers for t.
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Log i cal Siz e Mou nt ed Phys i calS ize Rem ova ble Searchabl e Sea .
= Supported X = Not supported Pri nt er mo de l Ke y X264dn , X36 3dn, X364dn , X364 dw X463de, X464de, X466de, X466dte, X466dw e Log i cal Siz e Mou nt ed Phys i calS ize Rem ova ble Searchabl e Sea .
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark X364DN/DW c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark X364DN/DW - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark X364DN/DW, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark X364DN/DW va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark X364DN/DW, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark X364DN/DW.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark X364DN/DW. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark X364DN/DW ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.