Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit S510-2222-00 du fabricant Lexmark
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I n fo pr i nt Co lo r 1228 S e tu p G ui d e S510-2222-00 .
I n fo pr i nt Co lo r 1228 S etu p G ui d e S510-2222-00 .
Edition: October 2001 © Copyright 2 001 Lexmark In ternation al, Inc. All ri ghts re s erve d. UNITED ST A TES GOVERNM ENT REST RICTED RIGHTS This sof tware and doc umentation are provided with RESTR ICTED RIGH TS.
iii Table o f contents T abl e of contents Introductio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v About yo ur printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Other so urces of information .
iv Table o f contents Step 6: Insta ll printe r supp lies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 Opening the top cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Installing th e photodevelopers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v Intr oduction About your printer Y our printe r is av ailab le in f our mo dels: • The base printer with 2400 IQ resolu tion, 64MB of standard memor y , on e 550-sheet tra y , multipur pose feeder , a nd USB and pa r allel connecto rs.
vi Other sources of inf ormation If you need m ore informa tion after you hav e co mpleted setu p , refer to the oth er pri nter docume ntation. Publications CD The Publications CD provides informati on about loadin g paper , cl earing error me ssages, order ing and r eplacing supplie s, installing maintenan ce kits, and troubleshoot ing.
1 Unpack your prin ter Step 1: Unpac k y our printer CA U TION! The printer weighs 69. 9 kg (154 Ib) and requires at least f our p eople to lift it saf ely . Anytime you move or lift the pr inter make sure you have enough people to help you. Use the h andholds on the si de of the pr inter when lifting.
2 Unpa ck yo ur pr inter F amili arize yourself w ith the nam es and loc ations of items on t he fron t and re ar of your new printer. This will help you duri ng pri nter setup . W e use th e same ter ms through out this book and on th e publications CD.
3 Select a locati on for yo ur printer Step 2: Select a location f or y our printer Choosing the correct loc ation f or your new printe r is vital to en suring the prin ter provides you with the qualit y of ser vice you e xpect.
4 Select a locatio n for you r printer Allowing enough space When ch oosing a place to set up your pri nter , be sur e to allow enough space for the prin ter and any opti ons you ma y hav e purchased. It ’ s also imp or tant to allow spac e f or pro per ventilation a round the pr inter .
5 Select a locati on for yo ur printer Netw ork and intern et printers The network and inter net model s are configured with two 550-sh eet drawers . Make sure you hav e at least the amount of space indicated i n the figure. 1241.8 mm (56 in.) 1355.8 mm (53.
6 Select a locatio n for you r printer Duplex network pri nters The duplex networ k printer is configur ed with two 55 0-sheet drawers and an inter nal duplex unit. M ake sure you h a ve at le ast the a mount of s pace in dicated in the figu re. 508 mm (26 in.
7 Select a locati on for yo ur printer Printer with high-capacity f eeder Y ou can add a h igh-capac ity feeder to your print er if you hav e a printer cabinet or if you hav e a pr inter sta nd with option al draw ers. When atta ching a hi gh-capacity f eed er, mak e sure y ou pro vide th e additio nal space i ndicated in the figur e.
8 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns Step 3: Set up the printer and paper handling options Note: Be sure to set up the it ems in the order lis ted in the table. Use the following table to loc ate the instr uction s y ou need to set u p your pri nter and any pape r handling options you ma y have purchased.
9 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options Installing th e printer base or cabinet Y ou can pu rchase an o ptional p rint er cabinet or printer base. The ins tructi ons for installin g the pri nter cabinet or printer base are t he same. T o install th e printe r cabinet: 1 Remov e the pr inter c abinet from the box.
10 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns Installing a 550-sheet drawer Y our print er suppo r ts a total of up to three opt ional 550 -sheet drawers.
11 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options P osi tioning the prin ter O nce you hav e selecte d a locat ion and set up any op tional 550- sheet drawers, you are ready to positi on the pr inter . CA U TION! The printer weighs 69. 9 kg (154 Ib) and requires at least f our p eople to lift it saf ely .
12 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns 2 Hav e three other peo ple help you place th e printe r in the locati on you ha v e chosen. If you are inst alling the prin ter on a 550-s heet draw er , ali gn the positio ning post s on th e option with the ho les in the pr inter .
13 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options 3 Open the d uple x unit access d oor on the lef t side of t he pr inter . 4 Align the duplex unit with the slots in the pr inter .
14 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns 6 Align th e thumbscr e w s on the duplex unit with the holes in the pri nter . 7 Tigh ten the t humbsc re ws .
15 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options Installing an optional high-capa city feeder Y our pr inter su ppor ts an o ptional h igh- capaci ty f ee der.
16 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns 3 Make sure the pr inter power s witch is in the Off p osition. Attac h ing the doc king frame 1 Remov e the two side co vers from the t op 550- sheet dr aw er . Y ou may need to use a small flathead s crewdriver to pr y the cov er s up and out ward.
17 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options 2 Inser t two sc re ws through the top screw holes of the docking frame and in to the hole s in the 5 50- sheet drawer .
18 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns Attach ing the guide rail and feeder 1 Align the two ho les on gu ide rail with the s tuds on the do cking frame. 2 Slide th e guide rai l down until it i s fully seat ed on the do ck ing rail. 3 Place th e high-cap acity feeder on the guide rail.
19 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options 4 Roll the h igh-capacity f eed er toward the pr inter and c hec k the alignmen t of the pin s with the holes in th e docking frame. If the pins do not align with the holes i n the docking frame, see “ Installi ng height adj ustment spacers ” on page 21.
20 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns CA U TION! Do not insta ll the high- capacity feeder p ow er cord at this time. 6 Attach th e interface cable to the back of the print er and tighte n the thum bscre ws. 7 Attach th e interface cable to the side of t he high-cap acity feeder and tighte n the thumb screws.
21 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options 8 Inser t the point on th e cable holder into the hole o n the back of the top optional drawer . 9 Place th e high-cap acity feeder cable into the hol der .
22 Set up the printer and paper ha ndling optio ns 2 Place th e high-cap acity feeder on the floor or adequate work surf ace . 3 Remov e the f our screws secur ing one of the casters to the high- capaci ty feeder. 4 Add or r emov e spacers. T o add spac ers: a Inser t the f o ur screws throug h the ca ster .
23 Set up th e printer an d paper hand ling options Attaching the pap er tray labels P aper tr ay la bels ar e inc lud ed wit h each paper tray option. Use th e labels to indicat e the tray number and hel p identify paper jams and change p aper tra y menu optio ns.
24 Install m emory and o ption card s Step 4: Install memor y and option car ds Y ou can customize your pr inter mem or y capaci ty and co nnec ti vity by adding option al cards or hard dis k.
25 Install m emory and o ption cards 1 Loosen th e eight s crews on the system boa rd cov e r . D o not remo ve the scr ews comple t el y . 2 Slide th e cov e r up and awa y from the pr inter .
26 Install m emory and o ption card s 3 Use the i llustration to lo cate the connect or for the car d you want to insta ll. 4 Use the following table to locate the in structi ons you need.
27 Install m emory and o ption cards Installing a memor y car d Complet e the foll owin g i nstructio ns to insta ll either a pr inter m emor y card or a flash me mor y card. Mem or y cards must hav e 168-pin co nnecto rs. Note: Memor y options designed for other pr inters may not work wi th your new printer .
28 Install m emory and o ption card s 4 Align th e notches o n the botto m of the card wi th the notches on the connect or . 5 Push the memor y card f irml y into the conne cto r until the latc he s on either e nd of the conn ector sn ap into p lace. It may require so me f or ce to fully seat the c ard.
29 Install m emory and o ption cards W arning! Fir mware cards are easil y damaged by sta tic electr icity . T ouch somet hing metal s uch as the pr inter frame before you touch a car d. 2 Unpack the fir mware car d. A vo id touc hing th e metal pi ns on the bottom of the card.
30 Install m emory and o ption card s Installing a ha r d disk Follow the in stru ctions in t his sec tion to insta ll an option al hard dis k. W arning! Hard disk s are eas ily damaged by sta tic electr icity . T ouch somet hing metal s uch as the pr inter frame before you touch the h ard disk.
31 Install m emory and o ption cards 3 Flip the ha rd disk over , and th en press the three posts on the mounting plate into the holes on the sys tem board. T he hard dis k snaps into place. Installing an option card Y our pr inter ha s one expansi on card s lot that supp or ts a number of option ca rds.
32 Install m emory and o ption card s Note: The networ k, inter net networ k, and duplex networ k prin ters ship with a n Ether net pr int ser ver alread y installe d. Y ou need a small Phillips screwdriver to ins tall thes e optio ns. 1 Remov e the system bo ard access cov er (see page 24).
33 Install m emory and o ption cards 4 Align th e connector on the option card with th e connector on the system boa rd. The cable conn ectors on t he side of the option c ard must fit through the co nnecto r slot. 5 Push the option ca rd fir mly into the opt ion card c onnector .
34 Install m emory and o ption card s Reinstalling the system board access co ver After y ou ha ve f i nished i nstal ling card s on the pr inter s ystem boar d, you must reins tall th e system boar d access co ver . 1 Align th e holes o n the acc ess cov er wi th the screws on the pri nter as shown.
35 Attach c ables Step 5: Attac h cables Y our p rinter can be atta ched to a network or locally (directly to a computer). Netw ork printing Y ou can attach your pr inter to a network us ing standar d network cables. A 10Bas eT/100Base TX F ast E ther net por t i s standard on the network , inter net networ k, and duplex networ k printe rs.
36 Attach c ables — T oken-Ring networ ks (Shi elded T wisted P air) u se a DB9 conne ctor — Ether net 10 Base2 net works (Th in Coax) use a BNC T-con nector The pr inter au tomatical ly adjusts itself f or t he networ k speed.
37 Attach c ables Local printing Y ou can att ach your pr inter lo cally u sing either a USB po r t or a parallel por t. Note: All Wind ows operatin g system s suppor t parallel connection s. Ho wev er, only the Windows 98, W indows Me, and Windows 2000 operating syste m s su ppor t USB conne ctions.
38 Install p rinter su pplies Step 6: Install printer supplies Opening th e top co ver T o access the prin ter supp lies you must open the to p cov e r . T o open the top cov er : 1 Remov e any ship ping tape and packing mater ial from the front of the pr inter .
39 Insta ll print er supp lies 3 Rotate the to p cover lock ing le ver to the left . Note: The top cover will op en ver y quickly , keep both hands on the top cov er when o pening. 4 Place b oth hands on the lifting points a nd squeeze the r ight top cov er latch.
40 Install p rinter su pplies 5 Lift the to p cov e r until it stop s. 6 Remov e any ship ping tape and yellow packing mater ial from inside the pr inter.
41 Insta ll print er supp lies Installing th e photod e velop ers Y our pr inter ships with four color- coded photodev elopers wh ich you must place inside the top cover . Each photod e veloper has its own colo r-coded positio n inside the prin ter . W arning! Do not tou ch, drop, or place anything on th e transf e r belt.
42 Install p rinter su pplies 3 Remov e one of the photod e velopers from its packing mater ial. Y ou can inst all the photodev elopers i n any order . Howe ver , it may be eas ier to install them from le ft to rig ht: blac k , yellow , cyan, and mag enta.
43 Insta ll print er supp lies 6 Whi le ho ldi ng th e photo de ve loper with your lef t hand and t he photodev eloper cov er wi th y our rig ht hand, sl ide the photod e veloper in until the u nit is fully seat ed. As the ph otodev e loper slid es in, remove the photodev e loper cov e r .
44 Install p rinter su pplies Installing th e toner cartridg es Y our p rinter ships with f ou r color-c oded star ter t oner car tr idges. Star ter toner car tr idges have a yield of up to 8,000 pages. Y ou must i nstall the to ner car tr idges inside the top cover of the pr inter.
45 Insta ll print er supp lies 3 Remo v e the shi pping t ape an d any addition al packing mater ial. 4 Align th e toner car tri dge with i ts slot in the prin ter .
46 Install p rinter su pplies 5 Slide th e toner car tri dge in unt il the ca r tridge is fully s eated. 6 Push the waste toner a rm ont o the photod e veloper u ntil it snap s into p lace. 7 Repeat ste ps 2 thr ough 6 to in stall the remaini ng tone r ca r tr idges.
47 Insta ll print er supp lies Attaching the Quick Reference booklet sleeve The adhes iv e sle e v e that ca me with your pri nter is a handy place to s tore your Quic k Reference . 1 Remov e the pr otective paper from the b ack of the Qu i ck Ref e r ence pouch .
48 Install p rinter su pplies Attaching an adhesive operator panel overla y If E nglish is no t your pref erred langu age attach the ov er la y that has the appropr iately transla ted button names : 1 Locate th e adhesive ov erlay packaged with y our pr inter .
49 Insta ll print er supp lies Closing th e top co ver 1 Place bo th hands on the top cov er as shown. CA U TION! Bef or e closing the top cov er , m ak e sure the area unde r the cov er is free of hands, cl othing, and othe r items . 2 Press down fi rmly until the top cov er clic ks into plac e.
50 Install p rinter su pplies 3 Rotate the to p cover lock ing le ver to the r ight. If you cannot rota te the locking lev er, the cov er i s not full y closed . a Place b oth hands on the lifting points a nd squeeze the r ight top cover latch. b Lift the to p cov er .
51 Load paper Step 7: Load paper The following table lists page numbers where you ca n find loadin g instr uctions for the standard and optio nal tra ys, as well as f or the multip ur pos e feeder . Sour ce P aper sizes P aper types Capacity Go to page.
52 Load paper Y our p rinter suppor ts a wide variety of paper ty pes, sizes, and weights. The standar d tra y ( tra y 1) and opti onal trays 2, 3, and 4 are mar ked with stack height letters A, B, and C. The optional h eavy media tray is marked wi th stack height letters D , E, and F .
53 Load paper 1 Pull the paper tray out until it stops. 2 Pre ss t he m e ta l pl at e do w n un t il it locks..
54 Load paper Note: The posi tion of the left paper guide tel ls the pri nter the size of the paper i n the tray . If the l eft paper guide i s in the wr ong posit ion, you ma y ex per ience paper f eed ing problems or inco rrect page form atting. 3 Squeeze the left gui de and slide it to the pos ition f or the size paper you are loading.
55 Load paper Note: Do not exceed the ma ximum stack height . Ov e rfilling th e tra y ma y cause j ams. 6 Place th e paper in t he tra y , print side down. 7 Squeeze the f ront pape r guide lev er an d slide t he guide u ntil it lightly touches the stack of paper.
56 Load paper 8 Rotate the p aper size dial un til the size of the pape r in the t r ay is indicat ed. 9 Push the tra y com pletely in the pri nter ..
57 Load paper Using the hea vy media tra y The opti onal h eav y medi a tra y replaces tra y 1. The heavy media tra y is spe cially designe d f or use with heavier pl ain paper , transpar encies, labels, an d card stock. F or inst ructions on insta lling the heavy media tra y , ref er to your publications CD.
58 Load paper Set the paper type 1 Press Return once. Pa pe r M e nu appear s on the firs t line and Pa p er S i z e a ppears on the se cond lin e. 2 Press Menu until y ou see Pa p e r Ty p e , a nd then pres s Select . 3 Press Menu until y ou see Tr a y 1 Ty p e , a nd then pres s Select .
59 Load paper Loading the m ultipurpose feeder The multipur p ose f eeder provide s an addition al input o f 100 shee ts of paper . Y ou ca n use the multipur pose f e eder one of two wa y s: • Pa p.
60 Load paper Note: The guide s are in terconnect ed, when you mov e one , they both move together . 2 Sl ide the pa per guides to the correct pos iti on f o r the size paper you are loading. 3 Press the paper feed plate down until it locks into p lace.
61 Load paper 4 Flex the sheet s back and for th to loosen t hem, and the n f an them. Do not fold or crea se the pape r . Straighten the edges of the stack on a lev el surf ace. Note: Do not exceed the ma ximum stack height . Ov e rfilling th e f eeder ma y cause j ams.
62 Load paper 6 Mov e th e SET button to the l eft to unlock the tray . The multi purp ose tra y can be closed by lifting it. Set b u tt on.
63 Load paper Loading t he high- capacity feeder The opti onal high- capacity feeder provides an a dditional input of 3 ,000 sheets o f paper . Note: Do not lo ad any pr int media other than paper in the high- capacity feeder. T o load the high-capaci ty f e eder: 1 Open the high-capac ity feeder top cov er .
64 Load paper Note: The high- capacity f eeder must be proper ly adjust ed for A4 or Letter s ize paper . If t he paper g uides are in t he wron g positio n, you m ay e xperi en ce paper feeding pr oblems. 3 Loosen th e left and r ight pa per guide thu mbscrews.
65 Load paper 6 Flex the sheet s back and for th to loosen t hem, and the n f an them. Do not fold or crea se the pape r . Straighten the edges of the stack on a lev el surf ace. Note: Do not exceed the ma ximum stack height . Ov e rfilling th e tra y ma y cause pa per jams.
66 Load paper Note: If t here is only a partial stac k of paper in the tra y , the paper low sensor will n ot allo w the tra y to go down. Add mor e paper to lo wer the tra y . 8 Press the P ap er T ra y button. The pape r tra y lowers so you can load another 500 sheets of pape r .
67 Verify pr inter setup Step 8: V erify printer setup T urning on the printer Note: T o prev ent an electr ical ov erloa d, plug your printe r into a well-grounded o utlet on a non- ground fault interru pter (GFI) circu it.
68 Verify pr inter setup 2 Plug one end of the h igh-capac ity f eeder power co rd into the socket on the side of the high- capacity feeder an d the other end into a proper ly grounded o utlet. 3 T ur n on the printer. If the pr inter is attached locall y (directly to a compu ter), leav e the c omputer and any other attached de vices tur ned off.
69 Verify pr inter setup Printing a network setup pag e If th e pr inter is att ached to a networ k, pri nt a network setup page to v er ify the networ k connec tion. This page also provid es impor t ant informati on that hel ps you configur e f or network p rint ing.
70 Configur e for TCP/IP Step 9: Configure f o r TCP/IP If you hav e T CP/IP av ailable on your networ k, we recom mend that you assign a n IP address t o the pr inter . Setting th e printer IP address If your net work is u sing DHCP , an IP addr ess is au tomatically assign ed after you conne ct the networ k cable to the printer .
71 Configur e for TCP/IP 6 Change the a ddress by pressing Men u to incr ease or de crea se each number. Press Select to mov e to the next segment. Press Select when y ou are finished. The mes sage Save d appears briefl y . 7 Press Menu until you see Se t IP Netmask, and then pr ess Select .
72 Install p rinter dr ivers Step 10: Install printer driver s ver s A pr inter dr iv er is software that let s your comput er communicate with your print er . The following table is a quick guide to findi ng the sp ecific ins tallation instr uction s you need.
73 Install printer dri vers Supported printer dri ver s Note: Using th e color la ser cust om print er dri v er and a network por t provides enhanced functiona li ty , suc h as prin ter status al er ts. • Wind ows system p rin ter dr iv er • Color laser custo m pr inter dr iver System drivers are built int o Windows ope rating systems.
74 Install p rinter dr ivers PPD Insta ller and follow the ins tructio ns to instal l the PPDs. Sen d a test pr in t job when you h a v e finished . Othe r network en vir onments Contact your point of purch ase to obtain in f orm ation about suppor t for other net work environment s.
75 Install printer dri vers Macintos h Y ou must i nstall t he print er ’ s PPD an d use it w ith the Laser Writer 8 pri nter dr iv er or the Adobe P o stScript driver . Y ou can find the p rinter ’ s PPD and spec ific infor mation abo ut local pri nter installat ion on Macin tosh compute rs on th e drivers CD that shipped with your pr inter .
77 Distribute info r mati on to users Step 11: Distrib ute inf ormation to user s Identifying printer users Se veral types of users ma y need access to the in f or mati on stored on the Pu b l ications CD.
78 Dist ribute i nforma tion to us ers Distributing the inf ormation Y ou c an give users acc ess to the i nf or mat ion on the publicati ons CD in several wa ys: • Give the publications CD to a s ystem adminis trator or the He lp desk. • Copy the entire con tents of the CD (or just spec ific topics) to a shared networ k drive or Intranet site.
79 Index Inde x A access ing supp lies 38 attaching 550-she et drawers 10 BNC T-con nector 36 DB9 conne ctor 36 duplex u nit 12 high-capac ity feed er 15 memor y card s 27 operator panel overla y 48 o.
80 Index I ImageQui ck 71 Infrared Ad apter 31 insta lling Coax/Twinax Adapter 3 1 firmware card 28 flash me mory 27 hard dis k with adapte r card 31 internal print server 31 MarkNet print server 31 m.
81 Index P paper loading 51 sizes 5 1 types 5 1 paper ha ndling 8 paper s ize, setting 57 paper tray , heavy m edia 57 paper ty pe, setting 58 paralle l cable 37 photode velopers , installin g 41 prin.
Readers’ Comments — We’d Like to Hear from Y ou Infoprint Color 1228 Setup Guide Publication No. S510-2222-00 Overall, how satisfied are you with the information in this book? V ery Satisfied Sa.
Readers’ Comments — We ’d Like to Hear from Y ou S510-2222-00 S510-2222-00 Cut or Fold Along Line Cut or Fold Along Line Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape NO POST AGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED ST A TES BUSINESS REPL Y MAIL FIRST -CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO.
Part Number: 53P71 14 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber . S510-2222-00 (1P) P/N: 53P7114.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark S510-2222-00 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark S510-2222-00 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark S510-2222-00, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark S510-2222-00 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark S510-2222-00, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark S510-2222-00.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark S510-2222-00. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark S510-2222-00 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.