Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit OfficeEdge Pro4000 du fabricant Lexmark
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Pro4000 Ser ies User's Guide April 20 12 www.lex Machine t ype(s): 4447 Mod el (s) : Pro4000: 0n0, 0nE; Pro4000c: 000.
Cont ents Safe ty inform ation. ..... ........... .......... ........... ..... ............ .......... ........... ..... ......6 Abo ut your p rinter. ........... ..... ........... ........... .......... ...... .......... ........... ........... 7 Than k you fo r choo sing t his pr inter! .
Loadi ng pa per a nd ori ginal docume nts. .......... ...... .......... .......... ..... .......... ...29 Load ing t he pap er tray. .... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... .... ... ..... .... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ...
Scan ning to a ne twork c ompute r.... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... .... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... .... . .. ... ... ...65 Scan ning to a ne twork fo lder. ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... .
Clean ing the exterio r of t he pr inter... ... .. ...... ... .. ...... .. ... ...... .. ... ...... .. ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... ..... . ..... .. ... .134 Clean ing the scan ner gla ss... ... .. ... ...... ... ... ...... ... .. ...
Safety informat io n Connec t the pow er cord to a pro perly gro unded e lectrical outlet that is near the pro duct and easily ac cessible. Use only the p ower supply an d pow er cor d prov ided with thi s pr oduct or the manufac turer' s aut horized replac emen ts.
About yo ur printer Tha nk you for choos ing th is p rint er! We've worked hard to m ake sure it wi l l meet your needs. To st art usi ng your new pri nter right away, use t he setup m a terial s t h at came with the print er, and th en skim the User’ s Guid e to learn h o w to per form basic tas ks.
Conser ving ink • Use Qu ick Pri nt or Dr af t Mo de. These modes can be use d to print docume nts usi ng less in k than nor mal and ar e recom mended for pri nting documents th at are mo stly text. • Use fon t types and fo nt settin gs that require less ink.
Wh at are you look ing for? F ind it her e Additional setup and instruc tions for using the printer: • Selecti ng and storing paper and s pecialty m edia • Loading pa per • Perfo rming printing .
Wh at are you look ing for? F ind it her e Telephone support In th e US, cal l us at: 1-8 00-395 -4039 Monday– Frid ay (9: 00 AM –9:0 0 PM E T), Satu rday (12: 00 noon–6: 00 PM ET) Suppor t telephone numbers and hours of operati on for your region or country can be found on the Suppo rt Web si te ( http: // suppo rt.
Use t he To 2 ADF input tray Load original document s into the ADF . No te s: • Do not load postcards, photos, small i tem s, or th in m edi a (su ch as m agaz ine clippings) into the ADF .
Use t he To 15 Duplex unit • Print on both sides of a sheet of paper. • Access paper j ams. 16 USB port Connect the printer to a computer using a USB c able. War ning —P otent ia l Dama ge: Do not touch th e USB port except when plug ging in or rem ov ing a USB cable or i ns tallation cable.
Ordering and r eplacing supplies Order ing ink cart ridg es Make sure to order the car trid g es that are available in your region. • Region 1 : F or the United States, Canada, and Latin America, use 200, 200XL, or 200XLA cartridges.
Rep lac ing in k c artr id ges Make sur e you ha ve a new i nk cart ridge o r cartrid ges be fore you begi n. You mus t install ne w cart ri dges imm ediately after removing the old ones, or the ink remaining in the prin thead nozzles may dry out. 1 T urn on your pri nter.
Notes: • If Al ig n P rinte r appears on the p rinter d isplay, then touc h Con tin ue o r press OK , depen ding on your printer model. • Do not remov e the alignm ent page until pr inting is finis hed. Order ing p a p er an d other sup plies To order sup plies or to lo cate a dea ler near you, vis it our We b site at www.
Using the printer control pan el buttons and menus Us ing t h e pr in ter cont ro l pan el 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Use To 1 Pow er • Turn the pr inter on a nd off. • Swit ch to Sl eep m ode . Note : When the printer is on, press to s witch to Sleep mode. Press and hold for three s econds to tur n off the printer.
Use To 8 Red i al Display the last n umber dialed. Press the left or right arrow bu tton to view the last five numbers dialed. 9 Pau s e Insert a three-second paus e in a fax number to wait for an ou tside line or get thr ough an automated a nswering system.
Changin g t he Sl ee p timeou t The Sleep timeout is the tim e it takes for th e printer to switch to Sleep mo d e when the printer is left idle. The Sleep featu re optim izes en ergy effici ency by reducing t he print er power consum ption. T o save the most ener gy, se lect the lowest Sl eep ti meout.
Set ting the se curi ty PIN of the prin ter To prev ent un authori zed chan ges in specif ic menu set tings, you c an set a sec urity PIN f or the pr inter. 1 From the prin ter co n t r ol p a nel, n avigate to: > Setup > OK > Securit y Setup > OK > Set Admi n PIN 2 Enter yo ur fou r ‑ digit PI N, and the n press OK .
Us ing s hor tcu ts What are shortc uts? A shortc ut is a way to quic kly accomplis h pri nting, copying , scanni ng, e ‑ mai ling, or faxin g tasks w ith the printer . You can c onfigure and save a set of frequent ly use d print er sett ings ava ilable f or a gi ven task and then assign a shortcut numbe r and shor tcut n ame to it .
Getti ng star ted During install ation, a l ink will be pr ovided for you t o create sh ortcuts. If you we re not able t o create your shortcuts during instal lation, the n you may c rea te the short cuts t hroug h your pri nter so ftwar e.
Usin g sh ortc uts o n the p rinte r Make sur e you ha ve created a shortcut. From the pri nter control p a nel, n avigate to: > Shortc uts > OK > selec t a shor tcut > OK or > > ent.
Using th e printer soft ware Mini mum sys tem req uirem e n ts The print er software requir es up to 50 0MB of f ree dis k space. Supp orted operat ing sys tems • Mic rosoft W indows 7 (SP1 ) • Mi.
Printer sof tware Use t he To Lex ma r k TM Printer Hom e (refer red to as P rinter Home) • Launch appl ication s or progr ams. • Scan or e ‑ mail a photo or document. • Edit scanned documents. • Scan documents to PDF. • Adjust se ttings for the printer.
Us ing t h e Mac in tos h prin ter s o ftw are Launching the Pri nt di alog Use the Print dialo g to adjust t he print s ettings and schedu le pri nt jobs.
Use To Printer R egi stration Register yo ur printer. Visit Lexmark SmartSol utions • Visit the S martSolutions Web site. • Choose your custom solutions . Note: Your pri nter ma y not come with th ese Web li nks, depend ing on the f eature s of the p rinter t hat yo u purcha sed.
Down load in g PCL and P S d rive rs ( Wi ndows only ) Univ ersal Print Dr ivers (PCL 5 em ulation, PC L XL emulati on, and PS emul ation) can be dow nload ed from our W eb site. You need t o searc h for yo ur pr inter m odel to view compatible driv ers.
3 Clic k Inst all , and then follow the instruct i ons on the comp u ter screen. For Macintos h users Note: To take advant age of the full f eatures of your print er, select t he custom install o ption, an d then select all packages listed. 1 Close a ll open applicat ions.
Loading paper an d original documents Lo a d ing th e paper tr ay Make s ure: • The printer is turned on. • You us e paper designe d for inkjet pr inters. • The pape r is no t used or dama ged. • You follo w the instruc tions that came w ith the special ty media.
3 If you ar e load ing legal ‑ size paper, then squeeze the tab a nd pull to exte n d the tray. 4 Load t he pa per wit h the pri ntable sid e fac edown. 5 Adjust the pap er guides to rest aga inst the left, r ight, and b ott om edges of the pap er. No te: Make sure the paper is below the m aximum fill line lo cated on the edge of the paper tray.
6 Insert the tra y. No te: I f you extended the tray to accommodate l egal-size p a per, th en the tray stick s out fro m the front of the p rinte r when inse rted. 7 Fu lly extend t he exit bi n, and then f lip out the bin exte nder t o catch the pa per as it exits.
Lo ad up t o Make su re 100 sh eets of c oated paper 25 sheets of photo paper 25 shee ts of gl ossy p aper • The paper is loaded with the glossy or pr intabl e s ide face d own. If you are not sure which side is printable, then see the instructions that came with the paper.
Lo ad up t o Make su re 25 shee ts of lab el s • You use full label sheets. Par t ial sheets (with areas exposed by missin g labels) may caus e labels to peel off during printing, resulting in a paper jam. • You l oad A4 ‑ or letter ‑ si z e labe l shee ts.
Sav ing paper settings You can ad just the se tting s for your pri nt and copy jobs t o match the paper si ze and type you have loaded in the print er.
Lo adin g orig in al docu ment s in to the ADF Note: Make sure the pa per is below t he maximum f ill line loc a t ed on the edge of the paper guide. Overloadi ng the tray can c ause paper jams. 1 Adjus t the pape r guide s on the ADF input tra y to th e width of the original d ocument .
Using diffe rent paper si zes and typ es For be st r esults, choo se a re com mended paper for a prin t job. Recomm ended paper br ands For e ‑ mails , received faxes, internal documents , and simil.
Paper an d specia lty media One ‑ s ided o r two ‑ si de d prin ti ng Rec omme nded paper Se t pape r typ e to Matte brochure T wo ‑ sided Inkjet matte br ochure papers for light ‑ or mod era te ‑ coverage printing: • Printworks Matte Photo Paper #004 71 • Paperworks I nkjet 2 ‑ sided Matte Coated 8.
Using the printer software For Win dows user s 1 Wi th a document ope n, click File > Pri nt . 2 Clic k Pro pe rt ies , P refer ences , Option s , or Setup . 3 Clic k the Pape r/Finis hing tab, and t hen select the size or type of paper t o use, a nd the paper sourc e or tra y.
For M aci ntosh users 1 Fr om the Apple menu, na viga te to: Sy st em P r ef eren ce s > Prin t & Fa x > sel ect your pri nter 2 Navi gate to: Open Print Queu e > Pri nter Setu p > Driver tab or Pr int er Se tu p > Insta llable Options 3 Fr om the T wo ‑ Sided Printing Dry Ti me pop ‑ up menu, choos e a dry t ime set ting.
Prin ting Tip s for prin ting • Make su re the e xit bin is fully ext ended an d the bin ext ender is f lipped out. • Use the appr opri ate paper for your print job. • Sel ect a hi gher pri nt quality f or bett er p rints. • Make sure there is enough i nk in the ink cartridges.
Printing us ing ad vance d color op tions Color printing is enable d by default . T o optimi ze prin t colors for a special print job, us e Color Pre ference and A dvanced Col or O pti on s. For Windows u sers 1 With a document o pen, c lick File > Prin t .
• To pr event smud gi ng when print ing p hotos, r emove eac h ph oto as i t exits the printe r, and t hen le t it dry befo re stacking . For Windows u sers 1 With a document o pen, c lick File > Prin t . 2 Clic k Pro pe rt ies , P refer ences , Option s , or Setup .
5 Fr om the P rint er po p ‑ up menu, c hoose your pri nter. 6 Fr om the p rint op tions po p-up me nu, cho ose P ape r H a n dli n g . 7 Fr om the P age Or der p op ‑ up menu, choo se a pa ge order : • To print the f irst page fir st, choose Normal .
Printing do cument s from a me mory ca rd or flash dri ve Notes: • The pr inter re ads only one m emor y device at a tim e. • Mak e sure the me mory dev ice contain s docum ent files that are support ed by the prin ter. 1 Ins ert a mem ory c ar d or fl ash drive.
3 Fr om the P aper Siz e pop ‑ up m enu, choos e your en velope si ze. If no si ze ma tches t he en velope size, then set a cust om siz e. 4 Sel ect an orientat ion, and t hen click OK . 5 Fr om the m enu bar , choose File > Pri n t . 6 Fr om the P rint er po p ‑ up menu, c hoose your pri nter.
6 Fr om the P rint er po p ‑ up menu, c hoose your pri nter. 7 Fr om the p rint op tion s pop ‑ up menu, choo se Q ualit y & Medi a . 8 Fr om the P aper Type pop ‑ up men u, choose Labels . 9 Fr om the Pr int Quality menu, choose a p rint qua lity other than Quick Print or Draf t.
Working with ph otos Supported mem ory cards a nd file ty pes Memory card File type • Secure Digi tal (S D) • Secure Digi tal High Cap acity (SDHC ) • Micr o Secu re Digita l (wit h ada pter) (M.
Inserting a memory card Inserting a flash drive Note s: • Inse rt the card with the brand nam e label f acing up. • Ma ke sure an y arrows on the card po int towar d the pr inter. • If necessary , conne ct the memory card to the adapter that cam e wi t h i t .
Print ing photos from a mem ory card or fl ash driv e 1 L oad phot o pa per. 2 Ins ert a mem ory car d, fla sh driv e, or di gital ca mera s et to mass s torage mode. If imag e files and doc ument f iles are st ored in t he memo ry devic e, then pre ss the left or right a rrow but ton to sel ect Phot os , and then press OK .
W arning —P otent ia l Dama ge: Do not touch a ny open conn ector, the memory device, or the pri nter i n the areas shown while acti vely print ing, re ading , or writ ing fr om the memo ry devi ce.
To ret urn to single- sided print ing, r epeat ste ps 1 and 2 , and the n nav igate to : Lay out tab > Pri nt on Both S ides (Duplex) area > s elect Print on one side only For Macintos h users 1 Wi th a docume nt o pen, c hoose File > Page Se tu p .
Settin g the duple x printing d ry tim e Using the control panel 1 From the prin ter co n t r ol p a nel, n avigate to: > Setup > OK > Pri nt M ode S et up > OK > Pa ge D ry Tim e > OK 2 Pres s the up o r down ar row but ton to scroll to the dry time s etting yo u want, and t hen pre ss OK .
Ma na gi ng p ri nt jobs Finding the p rint qu eue for your p rinte r A print qu eue repr esent s the pr inter that is conne cted to your com puter. The print que ue name is usually the print er model or the printer nickname as signed w hen inst alling or addin g th e printer.
Se tt ing yo ur pri nt er a s t he def aul t pr in ter Your printer shou ld be selected automatic ally from the Pr in t dialo g when you s end a print j ob. If yo u have to manua lly select your printer, then it is no t the defaul t printer. To set the d efault pr inter: For Windows u sers 1 Click , or click Start and then c lick Run .
Pausing print jobs For Windows u sers 1 Click , or click Start and then c lick Run . 2 In the St art Sear ch or Run box, t ype cont rol prin te rs . 3 Press Ent e r , or click OK . The printers folder opens. 4 Right ‑ click the p rinter, and then s elect Open or See what 's pr inting .
3 Resume the print job: • If you want to r esume a particular prin t job, th en choose the docume nt nam e, and then clic k Re sume . • If you want to r esume a ll print jobs in the queu e, then c lick Res ume Printer or Start J obs . Cancel ing pri nt jobs To cance l a prin t job from the print er cont rol pa nel, press , an d then p ress OK .
Su pp or te d pr in ter s LexPrint enables your mob ile devic e to commun icate wit h Lexmar k printer s found o n the sam e network. • For se lect print er model s that sup port Direc t Image a nd Zero conf or Bonjou r, you can print direct ly from your mob ile device to the pr inter w ithout us ing LexP rint Li stene r.
Cop ying ADF S canner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Note : The ADF is a vai lable o nly i n se lec t pri nter mod els. I f you purchased a printer without an ADF, the n l oad original documents or photos on the sc anner glass.
5 Fr om the C opy menu sc reen, press the up or down arr ow bu tton to s croll to the option yo u wa nt to set, and then press the le ft or right ar row button to s croll to the s etting you wa nt. If necessa ry, press OK to make a selection. 6 Sel ect the c opy mode : • Pr ess to sw it ch to co l or m o de .
Adj ustin g copy qualit y 1 Load pape r. 2 Load t he orig inal doc ument f aceup int o the ADF o r fa cedown on t he scanner glass. 3 From the prin ter co n t r ol p a nel, n avigate to: > Co py > OK > Quality 4 Press the lef t or right a rrow butto n to set the copy qu ality.
4 Press the lef t or right a rrow butto n to select the number of co pies. 5 Pres s the up o r down ar row button until Co llat e a ppears . 6 Press the lef t or righ t arrow butto n to scrol l to On , and t hen press .
Removi ng the ba ckgroun d of a c opy The Back ground Removal f eature ad justs the amo unt of b ackground visible o n a copy. 1 Load pape r. 2 Load t he orig inal doc ument f aceup int o the ADF o r fa cedown on t he scanner glass.
3 From the prin ter co n t r ol p a nel, n avigate to: > Co py > OK > Cop ies 4 Press the lef t or right a rrow butto n to select the number of co pies.
Scanning ADF S canner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Note : The ADF is a vai lable o nly i n se lec t pri nter mod els. I f you purchased a printer without an ADF, the n l oad original documents or photos on the sc anner glass.
3 Pres s the up o r down ar row but ton to scroll to th e scan opt ion you w ant t o set, and then press the le ft or rig ht arrow button to scroll t o the s etting you w ant. Set the colo r, qualit y, origin al image size, and othe r scan options . If neces sary, pre ss OK each time you make a sel ection.
5 Set t he colo r, qual ity, orig inal imag e si ze, and ot her s can options . If necessary, pr ess OK each time you make a sel ection. 6 Press . Note: For Macint osh use rs, you may need to en able sc anni ng to your computer t hrough Im age Capt ure t o scan docum ents usin g a networ k pri nter and s ave t he scan ou tput.
Sca nning photos For Wind ow s use rs 1 Load t he ph oto or photo s facedo wn on the scanner glass. 2 Clic k or Start . 3 Clic k All Pr ograms or Pr og ra ms , and then s elect the print er program folder from the list.
Sc ann ing d ire ctly fr om t he pri nt er c ont rol p ane l 1 Load t he ph oto or photo s facedo wn on the scanner glass. No te: If you h ave s heet s loaded on the ADF and photo s loaded on the scanner glass, then the sheets o n the ADF will b e scanned.
For Ma cint osh use rs 1 Load t he orig inal doc ument f aceup int o the ADF o r fa cedown on t he scanner glass. 2 Fr om the Appli catio ns folder in the Fin der, la unch the applic ation you want t o use. Note s: • Use any applic ation that suppo rts yo ur pr inter an d lets you wor k with the O CR so ftware, A BBYY FineRe ader.
For Ma cint osh use rs 1 Load a n ori ginal doc ument faceup in to the ADF or fac edown on t he s canner glass . 2 Fr om the Appli catio ns folder in the Fin der, la unch the applic ation you want t o use. No te: Use any appl ication t hat sup ports bot h your pri nter and an e ‑ mailing option, suc h as Imag e Capture.
Sca nning FAQ How can I i mprove the qu ality of a sca n? • Make su re your ori ginal do cuments are in good c ond ition. • Make su re the applica tion that receive s the s canned doc ument is appropr iate. Fo r exam ple, if you are s canning a photo to edit it, t hen ma ke sure you c hoose a photo editing appli catio n to receiv e the sc an.
E-mailing You can us e your printer to se nd e-mail to one o r more recipi ents without usi ng a computer prov ided you have set up the scan to e-mail task thro ugh shortcuts. For more inf o rm ation, see the sectio n on shortc u ts in th e Use r' s G uid e .
Creating an e-mail contact li st Crea ting an e ‑ mail contac t li st using th e compu ter For Windows u sers 1 Click or Start . 2 Clic k All Pr ograms or Pr og ra ms , and then s elect the print er program folder from the list.
Sen ding e -mail ADF S canner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Note : The ADF is a vai lable o nly i n se lec t pri nter mod els. I f you purchased a printer without an ADF, the n l oad original documents or photos on the sc anner glass.
Canceling an e ‑ mail Do one or mor e of t he follo wing: • From t he printer control pa nel, press , and then press OK . • If you ar e sendi ng the e ‑ mail using th e printer software, then cancel the e-mail from the soft ware dialog.
Faxi ng CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: T o reduce r isk of fi re, use o nly the t elecommu nicati ons (R J ‑ 11 ) co rd pr ovid ed with t his produc t or a UL List ed 26 AWG o r larger repla cement when connecting this produc t to the public switc hed telepho ne netwo rk.
Setup 2: Printer is sharing the line with an answer ing machine Con nect ed to th e same t elep hone w all j ack To con nect: 1 Connect th e cable from the wall ja ck to the po rt of th e printe r. 2 Remove the protective plug from the port of the printer , and then connect th e answering mach i ne to th e port.
To con nect: Conne ct the cable f rom the wal l jack to the port of th e printer. Ti ps fo r t h is s et up : • If you have only o ne telephone number on your line, then yo u need to set the pr i nter to receive faxes au tomatically (A uto Ans wer On) .
Ti ps fo r t h is s et up : • This s etup wo rks best if you subs cribe t o a distinctive ring service. If you hav e distinct ive ri ng servic e, then m ake sure that you set th e cor rect rin g pattern for the printer. Otherwise, the printer will not receive faxes even if you have set it to receive faxes autom aticall y.
To install a filter for the printer: 1 Connect the line port of the DSL filter to the wall jack. 2 Connec t a te lephone cable from t he port on t he back of the print er to the phone port o n the DSL filter . 3 To c ontinue using a c omput er for Inte rnet access , connect the c omput er to the DS L HP N port on t he DSL f ilter.
Tips f or this setup: • T o m ak e su r e th a t th e p h on e p o rt o n t h e V o IP a da p te r is ac tive, plug an analo g telephone into t he phone por t, and then l isten fo r a dial t one.
Ti ps fo r t h is s et up : • To m ake su re that th e phon e port on the cable mode m is active, plug a n ana log t elepho ne into the pho ne po rt, an d then l isten fo r a dial t one.
Scenar io 5: Country ‑ or r egi on ‑ spe ci fi c s et u p Differ ent count ries or r egions ha ve different t ypes o f telepho ne wall jacks. The s tandard wall jack ad opte d by most countries or regi o ns is the Regis tered Jack-11 (RJ-11).
3 If you want t o connect anot her de vice (t elepho ne or answ ering m achine) to the s ame w all jack, a nd if the device has a non ‑ RJ 11 co nnecto r, th en connec t it d i rect ly to t he wal l ja ck. Notes: • Do not rem ove the wrap plug from the po rt of the print er.
E X T L IN E To con nect: Conne ct the cable f rom the wal l jack to the port of th e printer. Con ne ctin g th e p rin ter to a wal l ja ck in G erm any The Ger man wall jack has two ki nds of ports. T he N por ts are fo r fax machi nes, mod ems, and answeri ng mac hines.
Connec t the printer to any of the N po rts. To con nect: 1 Conne ct one end of a telep hone cabl e to the por t of the printe r. 2 Connect the other end of t h e ca b le to the RJ ‑ 11 adapter, and t hen connect the ad apter to an N port.
3 Press the ar r ow butt ons to scroll to F ax Numbe r , and then pr ess OK . 4 Ent er you r fax number or your telep hone nu mber, and then pr ess OK .
Fro m her e You c an Ringing and Answering • Set the pr inter to recei ve faxes automatically or m anually. Turn Aut o An sw er t o O n or Of f. • Adjust the ringing vol ume. • Set the nu mber o f ri ngs. This is import ant if y ou cho ose t o re ceive faxes autom atically (Au to Answer O n).
Using the Pri n ter Se ttings in Macintosh 1 From the Applications folder in the Finder, o r from the Finder d esktop , do uble-c li ck the printer folder. 2 Do uble-click P rint er Se ttin gs . 3 Conf igure t he fax se tting s using the prin ter sof tware .
Creating a cont act lis t using t he fax softw are For Windows u sers 1 Click or Start . 2 Clic k All Pr ograms or Pr og ra ms , and then s elect the print er program folder from the list. 3 Navi gate to: Pr inter Home > select your printe r > Fax > Edit contact list The Cont acts tab of the Print er Setup Utility opens .
Sen ding f axes ADF S canner glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. Note : The ADF is a vai lable o nly i n se lec t pri nter mod els. I f you purchased a printer without an ADF, the n l oad original documents or photos on the sc anner glass.
4 Press the Colo r/Bl ack bu tton to select a c olor or black ‑ and ‑ wh ite f ax . 5 Press to start the fax job. Warning—P otential Dama ge: Do no t touch th e cables or the and ports whi le activel y sending a fax. Tip: • You can se nd a br oadcast fax to up t o 30 r e c ipie nts.
• If you ha ve se t the print er to rece ive fax es automa tical ly (Auto An swer On) , the n load pape r in t he pri nter. Receiv ing fax es automat ically 1 Make sure that Auto Answer is on: From .
Fax in g FAQ If I sk ippe d the fax s etup i nit ially, do I need to run th e insta ller aga in to se t up the fa x? You do n ot need t o run t he install er again. You ca n set up and configur e the fax throug h the f ax softwa re that was instal led with th e printer sof tware.
What is my dialing pre fix ? The dialin g prefi x is the num ber o r ser ies of numb ers that you pre ss befo re you can dial the ac tual f ax numbe r or telephon e number.
How can I check t he dial tone? A dial tone lets yo u know if the telephone li ne is workin g or if the print er is pr operl y connec ted to the telephone l ine. If you encounter pr oblem s sending and rec eiving faxes, t hen make sure you can hear a dial tone on th e line and throug h the pr i nter.
How ca n I m ake s ure tha t fax call s go to the pri nter a nd vo ice call s g o to t he answe ring machine ? To make s ure the printer pi cks up incom i ng fa xes, set Auto Answer to On, an d then set the pr inter to pick u p after a greater number of rings than the answering machine.
4 Enter the time yo u want to send the fax, a nd then press OK . 5 Press to star t scan ning the doc ument and to sa ve the sched uled fax. The printer send s the fax at the designated time. Do not turn off the print er or unplug i t from t he telephone line before the scheduled tim e.
Ho w do I pr int a f ax o n bo t h s ide s o f t he pa per ? 1 From the prin ter co n t r ol p a nel, n avigate to: > Setup > OK > Fax Set u p > OK > 2 ‑ S ide d F ax e s > OK 2 Pr.
Can I retriev e fai l ed f axes? The prin ter saves an incomi n g fax i n the printer memo ry before it prints th e fax. If the prin ter runs out of ink o r runs out o f paper, then the pr inter will autom atically pr int the fax after the error is res olved.
Networking Inst all ing th e prin ter on a wir eles s net work Wireles s network compa tibilit y Your pr inter may c ontain an IE EE 80 2.11b, IEEE 802. 11g, or IEEE 802.11 n wirel ess pri nt serv er. Your pr inter is c ompa tible with IEEE 802.11 b/g/n rou ters that ar e Wi-Fi certified .
A valid WE P key has: • Exactl y 10 or 26 hexadecima l charact ers. Hexad ecimal chara cters are A–F, a–f , and 0 –9. or • Exac tly 5 or 13 ASCII c haracte rs. AS CII charac ters ar e letter s, numbers, punc tuation, and sym bols foun d on a keyboard.
If your w irel ess netw ork is not using security, t hen you wil l not have a securi ty key. Note: If you do no t know the S SID o f the network that your c omputer is connect ed to, then launch t he wireles s utility of the computer network adapt er and l ook f or the network name.
Encr yptio n Check the encryption method used on your network. No te: S ome authentica tion types ma y be available only in select pr inter models o r operat ing systems .
For Macintos h users 1 Close a ll open applications . 2 Ins ert the Sof tware and Docu mentat ion CD . If the install ation di alog does not appear after a min ute, then click the C D icon o n the desktop. 3 Do uble- clic k the software installer p ac k age, and then follow the instructions on the computer screen.
In dica tor li ght Pr in ter s ta tus Off • The pr inter is turned of f or is powering up. • The printer is not connected to an E thernet or a wireless network and is in Sleep mode. • The pr inter has not been c onfigured f or an E thernet or a wireless network.
For Mac intos h users Select Ot h er W i re l es s Ne tw or k from the lis t, and then c lick Con tin ue . b Enter the d etails about your wireles s networ k. Note: Your W EP, WPA, or WPA2 key m ay be obtained from the b ottom of the b o x, the d ocumenta tion that came w ith the box, o r from the b ox Web page.
Advan ced wireless setup Adding a printer to an e xisti ng ad hoc wirele ss net work Before you begi n, make sure : • Your wireless n etwork adapt er is pro perly at tached t o your c omput er and is w orking. • The ad ho c wirele ss network tha t the print er will conn ect to is availab le.
Configuri ng Wi ‑ F i Prote cted Setup m anually Note: Make sure your ac cess po int (w ireles s ro uter) i s Wi ‑ Fi Prot ect ed Setup ( WPS) certifie d.
PEAP • RADIUS user name • RADIUS passw ord • CA certif icate EAP ‑ TL S • RADIUS user name • CA certif icate • Sign ed certificat e EAP ‑ TTLS • Appro priate inner authent icatio n • RADIUS user name • RADIUS passw ord • CA certif icate Conf iguri ng 802.
• The netwo rk mask of the net work where the pr inter will be us ed • The name of the domain where the printer will reside • The hostname of the printer • Any secur ity informati on required .
Perf orm ing net work man agement tasks Switching betwe en USB, Et hernet, and wi reless co nnecti ons (Windo ws only) You ca n c hange the w ay you access your pr inter, depen ding on your needs.
3 Select the USB printer. See “Selecting a printer” on page 113. If th e prin te r is cu rrentl y s et up for wi rele ss 1 Attac h a USB c able to the c omput er and to th e printer . 2 Wa it a mom ent for Windows to locat e the driv er and f inish setting up the pr inter.
Switching betwe en USB, Et hernet, and wi reless connecti ons (Maci ntosh on ly) You can change the way you a ccess your print er depending on your needs. The follo wing procedur es assum e that you have c onfigured your pri nter f or one t ype o f connec tion and tha t the driver s are inst al led on th e comput er.
3 Add t he pr inter ( see “Add t he print er” on pa ge 1 15). 4 A se cond print queue will be cre ated. Remo ve the Et hernet q ueue if you do n ot wan t to switch bac k to acc essin g the pr inter o ver an E thernet connect ion.
3 From the Printer Lis t dialog, choose th e printer you want to use, a nd then click Add . 4 Fr om the Pr inter Bro wser , select your prin ter, and t hen click Add .
3 Sel ect onl y on e of the fo llowing: • Shari ng your prin ter with M ac OS X users —Let other M acintos h c omputer s on t he netw ork that use Ma c OS X ver sion 10 .
Not es: – To obtain the IP a ddress of the access point, s ee the d ocument ation that came with it or c ontact your system suppo rt person. – If you ar e using a pr oxy server, the n tem porarily di sable it to lo ad the Web p age correctly. 2 Ent er the us er na me and pa ssword for the acces s poin t when p rompted .
Charact ers Secu ri ty typ e Exactly 10 or 26 hexadecimal chara cters or E xac t ly 5 o r 13 ASC II c ha rac t ers WEP Exactly 64 hex adecimal characters or From 8 to 63 ASCII characte rs WPA or WP A2 Note s: – Hexa decimal charac ters are A –F, a–f, and 0 –9.
• The ne twork is connec ted to th e Internet thro ugh a DS L or cable modem. Internet Sce nari o 2: Wir eless netwo rk w ith Inte rnet acces s • All c omputers and printer s connect t o the network us ing a wireless access point or wireless router.
Sce nari o 4: Co mput er co nnected wi reless ly to a pri nter with out I nte rnet acces s • A co mputer is directly c onnecte d to a p rinter withou t going th rough a wireless r outer. • This conf igura tion is refer red to as an ad hoc ne twork .
2 Fi rmly p lug the squar e end o f the US B cable into t he back of the pri nter. 3 Firmly plug the rectangular end of the USB cab l e into the U SB port of the computer .
Infr astruc ture Ad h oc Speed Usually faster Usuall y slower Require ments for a ll devi ces Unique IP address for each device Yes Y es Mode set to Infrastructure m ode Ad hoc mode Same S SID Yes, i .
How can I i mprove wireless sig nal strength? A common reason wireless printers fail to communicate over a network is poo r wireless sig nal quality. If the signal is too weak , too distorte d, or blocked by an object , it cannot carry inf orm ation betwee n the access poi nt and the printe r.
How can I m ake sure my com puter and printer are con nected t o the s ame wireles s network? If the printer is not o n the same wirel ess network a s the computer, th en you will no t be able to pr int wireless ly. The SSID of the printer must match the SSID of the computer, if the computer is already connected to the wireless network.
In Mac OS X versio n 10.4 or ea rlier 1 From the Finde r , navigate to : Applica tions > Int e rne t Co nn ec t > AirPort The SSID of the network that the computer is connected to is displayed in the Network menu.
While it is poss ible to change the MAC address of a network de vice, it is not co mmon pr actic e to do so. F or this r eason, MAC addresses are considered permanent. IP addresses are easily changed, so MAC addresses are a more reliable method of i dent ifyin g a spec ific dev ice on a net work.
• If you are usi ng an AirPort b ase stat ion, th en the MAC address may be referred to as Ai r Port ID , and M AC addres s filter ing may b e accessed through MAC Address Access Control .
Locating the printer IP address • From th e p rin ter, print a net work setup pa ge. In the TCP/IP s ection, look for Ad dr ess . • View the p rinter settin gs. From the pri nter control p a nel, n avigate to: > Setup > OK > Netw or k Setup > OK > W ir eless 802.
Using the Embedded Web Ser v er The Em bedded W eb Server lets you v iew and r emotely c ustom ize print er se ttings e ven when you ar e not physical ly near the printer. Yo u can als o view r eports on print er act ivitie s, monitor and o rder print er suppli es onl ine, contac t custome r suppo rt, an d download update s for your print er.
Cus tomizi ng prin ter sett in gs 1 Fr om the n avig ation pa ne, se lect Se ttin gs . 2 Do one of the fo llowing : Click To General Settings View and cus tomize general pr inter settings. Copy Settings View and cus tomize settings f or making copies.
Click To Device Management Allow the Emb edded Web Ser v er to collect da ta from the printer. 3 Clic k Submit to save, or click Reset Form t o discard t he new se ttings.
Maintaining the printer Ma inta in ing in k cartr id ges In additio n to the foll o wi n g ta s ks th at you can perf orm, your printer p erf orms automati c maintenance cyc les if it is plugged in to a pro perly grounded, working elec trical ou tlet.
Clea ning the pri nthead noz zles If you have not been using the printer fo r a long period, the n yo u may need to clean the print head nozzles to improve the qual ity of you r print s. Keep yo ur printe r plug ged to a pro perly grounded, wo rking elect rical o utlet to allow it to perfo r m au tomatic main tenance cycles .
Cleaning the scanner glass Clea n the scanne r g lass and ot her related pa rt s when ve rtical s tre aks appear o n your printed p ag es or when you see mark s or smu dges on such parts. 1 Dam pen a clean, lint ‑ free cloth wit h water. 2 Gent ly wipe c lean th e scanner glass and other relat ed p arts.
• Store the used ink cartridges in a bo x with the nozzles faceup. • Av oid s evere ja rrin g move ments. • If availab le, use the orig inal pac kaging of the print er wit h the neede d padding to keep t he printer pro tected dur ing transp ort.
Troubleshooting Before you t r o ublesh oot Use this checklist to so l ve most printer p r oblems: • Make su re the power c ord is pl ugged into the pr inter and into a pr operl y ground ed, workin g ele ctrical out let. • Make sure th e printer is tu r ned o n .
Incorrec t language a ppe ars on th e displa y If the "Before you trou b leshoot " c hecklist does not solve the pr o blem, then try one or more of th e f ollowing: C HANGE THE LA N GUA GE U.
Print j ob does not print or is mis sing p ages If the "Before you trou b leshoot " c hecklist does not solve the pr o blem, then try one or more of th e f ollowing: M AKE SU RE THE IN K CART RID GE S ARE IN SER TE D CORRECTLY 1 Turn the printer on, and then open the in k cartridge access door.
3 Firmly plug the rectangular end of the USB cable in to the U SB port of th e computer. The USB po rt is m ark ed wi th . Note: If you co ntinue to have problem s, then try another U SB po rt on the c omputer. Y ou may hav e connec ted to a defe ctive po rt.
R ECONNECT THE PRINTER POWER SUPPLY 1 Turn off th e p rin ter. No te: Make sure t he printer is not in Sleep m ode. Press and hold for thr ee sec o nds to turn off the p r inter . 2 Unpl ug the power c ord fr om the w all outlet, an d t hen pull out the pow er cor d from the power suppl y.
R EMOV E AND REI NSTAL L TH E PRINTER SOFT W ARE Unde rstand ing pr inter messages Al ignment Prob lem Try one or mo re of the foll owing : • Load p lain, un marked paper , and the n realig n the print head. No te: The printer will read a ny mar kings on used pa per, whic h could caus e th e alignmen t error mess age to reappe ar.
Duplex Un it Mi ssing Try one or mo re of the foll owing : • Make su re the duplex unit is properly ins talled at the bac k of t he printer to cle ar the m essage. • Canc el the current job. Ink Cartridge Access Door Open The ink cartridge access door is either open or detached.
1 Ins ert the doo r hin ges into pla ce unti l they clic k . Make sure the door is inserted at a 90-degree position. 2 Close the ink cartridge access door to clear the me ssage. Ink Cartridge Error The printer is unable to authen ticate on e or more of the ins tal led ink cartridges.
Ink Low You may need to replace the specified ink cartridge soon. Try one or more of the following: • Press OK or t o clear t he mess age and c ontinu e printin g. No te: Depending on yo ur pr inter s ettings, you may not be allowed to c ontin ue pri nting until you replac e the spe c ifie d c a rtri dg e.
Paper Tray [x] Re moved Do one or mor e of t he follo wing: • Inse rt the spec ified pape r tray in to th e printer . • Press OK to clear the message. Printer Memory Full Try one or mo re of the foll owing : • Depen ding on your p rinter m odel, tou ch OK or pr ess OK to clear the message, and then try printing again.
Scanner ADF Cover Open Try one or mo re of the foll owing : • Close the ADF cover t o clear the m essage. • Press to cancel the current scan job. Scanner Dis abled Try one or mo re of the foll owing : • Check the pri nter software sett i ng s or the Adminis tration settin gs from the printer to en able the scanner .
Cl eari ng pape r jams • “Paper jam in the printer” on page 148 • “Pa per jam in the duplex un it” on page 14 8 • “Paper jam in the ADF (select models only)” on page 149 • “Paper or specialty media misfeeds” on page 150 Pa pe r ja m in t h e pr in t er Note: The pa rts ins ide the pri nter ar e sensit ive.
1 Pull u p the duplex latch and re move the dupl ex unit. 2 Fi rmly gr asp the pa per, and then gent ly pull it o ut. No te: Be careful no t to tear the paper whil e removi ng it . 3 Reins ert the dupl ex unit t o clear t he m essage. Paper j am in the A DF (sel ect mode ls only) Note: The pa rts ins ide the pri nter ar e sensit ive.
Note s: • Make sure t he ADF cover is fully opened to ens u re that the j a mmed pa per is properly removed. • Be careful not to tear the p a per while removi ng it. 2 Close the ADF cover. No te: Make sure t here is no pap er on t he ADF i nput t ray before closing the A DF cover.
Print trou bleshoot ing • “Poor quality at the edges o f the page” on page 151 • “Strea ks or li nes on printed i mag e” on page 152 • “Print speed is slow” on pa ge 152 • “Com p.
9 Fr om the Prin t Quality pop ‑ up menu , choose Best or Pho to . 10 Cl ick Prin t . Streaks or line s on printe d image If the "Before you trou b leshoot " c hecklist does not solve the pr o blem, then try one or more of th e f ollowing: C HECK THE IN K LEV ELS Replace low or em pty ink c artri dges.
M AXIM IZE COMPUTER PROCESSING SP EED • Cl ose all applications not in u se. • M inimi ze the num ber and size of gra phics and images in the document.
Copie r or scanner do es not res pond If the "Before you trou b leshoot " c hecklist does not solve the pr o blem, then try one or more of th e f ollowing: S ET YO UR PR INTER AS TH E DEFAU LT PRINTER R EMOV E AND REI NSTAL L TH E PRINTER SOFT W ARE Scanner uni t doe s not c lose 1 Lift the scan n e r unit.
Scan was n ot succ essfu l If the "Before you trou b leshoot " c hecklist does not solve the pr o blem, then try one or more of th e f ollowing: C HECK THE USB CONNECTION 1 Check the USB cable for any obvious damage. If the cable is damaged, then use a new one.
C HECK YOU R NE TWOR K CON N ECTION Make sure t he p rinter i s connect ed to an Et hernet or wire less ne twork. Y our networ k must be c onne cted to the Inter net for the p r inter to commun icate wit h the SMT P server. C HECK YOU R PROXY CONFIGURA T ION Your pr oxy serve r configu ration shou ld all ow SMTP server connectio ns.
Power supply Answering m achine Cab le modem Splitter Telephone VoIP adapter DSL filter RJ ‑ 11 adapter • If the printer is conn ected to a D igital Subs criber Line, then make sure you are using a DSL filter for the printer.
E NAB LE AUTO MATI C FA X CONVERSION If th e receiving fax machine does not support co lor fax, t h en thi s option au tomatically converts the outg oing color fax to blac k a nd white. It also automati cally reduces the reso lution of th e fax to a resol ution tha t th e receiving m achine can suppo rt.
M AKE SU RE THAT THE PRINTER MEM O RY IS NO T FULL The printer sa ves an incomi ng fax to the prin ter memo ry before it print s the fax. If the printer r uns out o f ink or runs out of paper while rec eiving the fax, then the printer saves t he fax so you can pr int it later.
Fax error messages on the prin ter control panel Erro r Message: Wha t i t indi cate s: Pos sib le so lutio ns: Remote Fax E rror T he r ece i vin g fa x m ach ine cann ot receive the fax. The er ror on the receiving end c ould be due to several factors .
Erro r Message: Wha t i t indi cate s: Pos sib le so lutio ns: Failed to Co nnect Phone Line Error Phone Line N ot Co nnected The print er cannot detect a dial tone. See the “Fax troubl eshooting checklist.” Phone Line Busy Your telephone line or the telephone line of the receiv ing fax ma chine is busy.
Memory card troubl eshooti ng checklist Before you troubleshoot, use the following checklist to s ol v e most memory card pro b lems: • Make su re that the memo ry card you are using can be us ed in the pr inte r. • Make sure the me mory card is not da maged.
Wireless Networking Make s ure: • The SSID is cor rec t. Prin t a networ k setup p age fro m the pri nter to c heck the network set tings. • Your wire less s ecurity sett ings ar e correc t. Log in to the access point and check the se curity set tings.
M AKE SU RE THE USB CABLE IS WORKING Try using a different USB cab l e. If you are using a cable longer than 10 feet, then try using a shorter cable. Note: USB hubs, e xtensio n cables, p ort rep licato rs, and do cking sta tions m ay cause c onnection i ssues.
Compu ter firewall is blocking co mmunication wi th t he printer Fi rewall set tings may h ave st opped the printe r fro m connect ing to you r compute r. If a fire wall is ins talled on y o ur comput er, then do one o f the following : • Turn o ff your comput er fire wall.
3 Press the lef t or righ t arrow butto n to scrol l to Yes , and then pre ss OK . The printer restarts a utomatically a fter rese tting the wir eless settings to facto ry defaults. 4 Wh en pro mpted to s et the i nitial set tings of your pri nte r, mak e your s election s using the printer control p anel butto ns.
C HECK IF YO UR A CCES S PO IN T HAS AN ASS OC IATI O N / REGISTRA TION BUTTON Wirel ess broadban d bo xes in Euro pe, the Middle East , and Africa suc h as Liveb ox, Alic eBox, N9UF Bo x, Fr eebox, or Club Inte rnet m ay requir e you to p ress an asso ciati on/regis tration butt on when add ing t he printer to your wir eless network.
4 Type ipco nfig , and then pres s Ent e r . Chec k the Wir eless N etwork Co nnecti on section: • The “ Default Gateway” entry is typi cally the access point . • The IP addre ss appear s as f our set s of num bers s eparated by perio ds, s uch as 19 2.
c Click TCP/IP . The Router entry is typically the access p o int. 2 Type your u ser name and p assw ord wh en pro mpted, and then c lick OK . 3 In the Wire less setti ngs sec tion, lo ok fo r the SS ID. 4 Wr ite down the SSID , secu rity t ype, and the WEP key or WPA/W PA2 pre share d key/p assph rase (if show n).
For Macint osh us ers 1 From the Appl e menu, navigate to : About This Mac > More Info 2 Fr om the C ontent s pane , choose Netwo rk . 3 If you ar e connected o ver a w ireless ne twork, then c hoose AirPor t fr o m the A ctive Services list. The Router entr y is typically the access point.
5 Cl ick the Por ts tab, and th en locate the s elected port. The selected port has a check mark beside it in the Po r t column. 6 If the Desc ription colum n of t he selec ted por t indica tes that it i s a USB por t, t hen scro ll thro ugh t he lis t and sel ect the port with Printer Port in the Descripti on column.
E LIM I NA TE NET WOR K CON GE STI ON If a w ireless netw ork is to o busy, t hen the compu ter an d pr inter may h ave dif ficulty communi cating with eac h other .
To assign a s tatic IP add ress to the printer: 1 Complete th e wireless se tup, allowing th e prin ter to receive a DHCP ad dress from a DHCP ser ver on the network. 2 Print a n etwork setup p age to see what IP a ddress is current ly assigned to the pr i nt er.
M AK E SUR E TH E PRI N TE R POWER IS ON Make sure t he p rinter i s connec ted to a po wer source an d is turn ed on. M AK E SUR E TH AT THE NET WOR K IS OPE RAT IN G PROPER LY • Tr y to acces s other compute rs on t he network. • M ake sur e all switc hes, hubs , and othe r connect ing devic es are turned o n.
C HE CK TH E ADDR ESS ENTERED IN TH E W EB BR O W SER • De pendi ng on the net work sett ings, yo u may need to ty pe “ ht tp s:// ” in ste ad of “ http :/ / ” be fore the pri nter IP addr ess to a ccess the E mbedd ed Web S erver. For m ore i nformation , c ontact your s ystem support per son.
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lex mar k Pro 400 0 Se ri es Machi ne type: 4447 Mode l(s): Pro4 00 0: 0n0 , 0nE; Pro4 00 0c: 0 00 Edition noti ce Apr il 2012 Th e f oll o wi ng p a r agr ap h d oe s n ot a p ply t o a ny co unt ry wh ere s uch provision s are inco nsistent w ith local law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC.
GOVERNMENT END USERS The Sof tware Program and an y related do cu mentation a re " Commerc ial Item s," as t hat term is defi ned in 4 8 C.F.R. 2. 101, " Compute r Sof twar e" and " Comm erc ial Comp uter S oftw are Document ation ," as suc h term s ar e used in 48 C.
The manuf actu rer is not r espons ible for r adio or telev ision int er ference c ause d by using other t han re commen ded cables o r by unaut horized c hanges or modif ications t o th is equipm ent . Unaut horized c han ges or m odifica tions coul d void the user's authority to o perate this equipm en t.
The WE EE log o signi fies spe cific rec ycling pro grams and proc edures for ele ctronic produc ts in coun tries o f the E urop ean Union. W e e ncourage t he rec ycling of our products. If you have f urther quest ions abo ut rec ycli ng options , visit the Lexmark Web site at www.
Mode Desc ri ptio n Pow er c on sumpt ion (Wa tts ) Printing The product i s generating hard ‑ copy ou tput from electronic inpu ts. 3 7 W Copy The pr odu ct i s generating hard ‑ copy ou tput from hard ‑ copy o rigi n al documents. 36 W Scan T he product is scanning hard ‑ copy documents.
European Com munity (EC) d irectives confor mity This p roduct is i n c onformi ty with the prot ection r equirem ent s of E C Co uncil d irect ives 2 004/10 8/EC, 200 6/95/E C and 2009 /12 5/EC on th.
This equi pment cont ains no u ser s ervice able part s. F or repa ir and w arranty informatio n, contac t Lexmark I nternationa l, Inc. See the pr evious para graph for c ontact inform ation. Connecti on to party line s ervice is sub ject t o state tariffs.
la prise de cou rant à la quelle l’équ ipement est conn ecté. U tilisez u n parasurt enseu r répond ant à des c aractéri stiques nominale s sat is faisante s et certi fié par le la borat oire.
Uso d el prod otto in Svizzer a Questo pr odotto ric hiede un filtro toni Bill ing svizzero , (codice Lex mark 14B510 9 o 8 0D187 7) da i nst allar e su tut te l e linee che r icevono im pulsi remoti i n Sviz zera. È necessar io utiliz zare il filtr o poiché gli im pulsi remoti sono presenti s u tutte le linee ana logic he in Svizzer a.
The installer of this radio equipm ent m ust ensu r e that the an tenna is locat ed or pointe d such that it does not emit RF fields in excess of Healt h Canada limi ts for the general po pulation ; consult Safet y Code 6, ob tainable from Hea lth Canada's W eb site www.
with in certain v olta ge limit s and on r adio eq uipment an d te lecommun icati ons ter minal eq uipment a nd on the ecod esign of energy- r elated products. Compli ance is indi cated b y the CE mark ing. Operat ion i s allowed in all EU and EFT A coun tries, bu t is restr icted to i ndoor use only.
Italiano C on la presente Lexmark Inter national, Inc . dichiara che ques to questo pr odotto è conf orme ai requisiti es senzial i ed a lle altr e disp osizi oni p ertinen ti st abili te dal la di rettiva 1 999/ 5/CE. Latviski Ar šo Lexmark International, Inc.
If you transf er this produc t to anothe r user , w arranty serv ice under the t erm s of this stat ement is avai lable to t hat user for the r emainder of the warranty period . You should tra nsfer proof of or i g i nal p urchase and this s tatement to th at use r.
WARRANT IES, EXPRESS OR IMPL IED, WILL APPLY AFTE R THIS PERIO D. A LL INFORMAT ION, SPECIFICA TIONS, PRICES, AND SERV ICES ARE SUB JECT TO CHANGE AT AN Y TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. Limitatio n of lia bility Your s ole rem edy under this lim ited warran ty is se t fort h in this doc ument.
Index Nume ri cs 2 ‑ sided, fax settin g 87 802. 1X authe ntica ti on 110 A ad hoc n etwork 12 2 ad hoc w irele ss netw ork addi ng a pri nter 10 8 addi ng network f older shor tcut 6 5 addi tional .
cleaning printhe ad nozz les 134 Clo se Print er 142 Club Int ern et 106 coated paper loading 32 coll ating copies 6 0 color scanning 7 1 Commu nicati on not a vailable mess age 16 9 compu ter slo ws .
er ror corr ect ion, fax settin g 87 err or us ing me mory card 162 Et herne t 126 netwo rk indicato r ligh t 105 Et herne t net wor k inform ation nee ded for set ting up Ether net pri nting 11 0 Et .
G Ge ne r al S et t ing s custo mize printer settings usi ng 131 gloss y paper loading 32 greetin g cards loading 33 Group Dial setting up 89, 9 0 H header bar 13 0 home page areas 13 0 under standing.
sup ported types 47 mem ory ca rd can not be inserted 16 2 mem ory ca rd slot location 11 mem ory card tr oubles hooting chec klist 1 62 nothin g happens when memory card is inserted 16 2 Me mory Devi.
selecting a location 12 sha ring 116 sharing in Windo ws 116 print er cont rol panel buttons 16 display 16 Etherne t indicat or 16 layout 16 location 11 usi ng 16 Wi ‑ Fi ind ica tor 1 7 print er do.
RJ ‑ 11 ad apte r 83 S safet y informatio n 6 savi ng ene rgy 18 savi ng paper 1 8 savi ng paper d efault s etting s 34 scan improving qu ality 71 PIN 71 scan j ob canceling 71 scan w as no t succes.
teleco mmuni cation notic es 1 81, 182, 183, 184 tips f or copy ing 58 e ‑ mailing 7 4 pri nting 40 receiving f axes 92 scannin g 64 sendi ng faxes 91 tr an smi ssi on repo rt, fax 98 transmit ke y .
locating 117 WEP transmit key 10 9 Wi ndows instal ling pri nter on wir eless network 1 04 Wi ndows sof tware Abbyy Sprint OCR 23 Phone Bo ok 2 3 Prin ter Ho m e 23 Printer Setup U tility 23 Printing .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.