Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E462dtn du fabricant Lexmark
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Lexmark E 460 dn, E460 dw, an d E462 dt n User's Guide January 2 010 Ma chin e type(s ): 4513 Model (s): 630, 63 W, 6EW.
Contents Saf ety i nforma ti on.... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .9 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ...1 0 Thank you fo r choosing this pr i nte r!.
Adjus t in g Power S aver ............ ....... ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .... ......... ....... .............. .............. ............ 41 Recycling.......... ..........................
Printing inform ati o n pages................... ............ .......................... .......................... .................. ....... .......................... ........69 Printi ng a fon t sample l is t ...... .............. .............. .
Setup me nu .......... .............. .............. .............. ....... ............. .............. ............... .............. .. ........... ....... .............. .............. .............. ... 100 Finish ing m en u ............ ........
Understanding jam messages and locations ....................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ............ .......124 200 paper jam........ ................................. ................................ ......
30.yy Invalid r efill, ch an g e cartri d g e ...... .............. ....... .............. .............. .............. .............. ...... ....... ....... .............. .............. ... 141 31.yy Replac e d e fective or missing car t r idge ...
Paper frequ ently jam s ..... ............... .............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ... .... .............. ............. .............. .......... 1 51 Paper jam messag e r em ains after jam is cleared .
S a fet y information C AUTI ON—P OTE NTIA L IN JURY : S ee the enclo sed S af et y S h eet b efore mak i ng a ny cable or electrical conne cti on. Connec t the power c ord to a prop erly grounded elec t r ical outlet th at is n ear the product an d eas ily accessibl e.
Learning about the printer Thank you for choosing this printe r! We've worked hard to make s u re it will m eet y our n eeds. To sta rt usi ng your ne w pri nter righ t awa y, u se the setup m a t eria ls that ca me with th e printe r, and th en skim th e Use r’s Guid e to le arn ho w to perf orm ba sic task s.
What are you look ing for? Find it h e re The latest supplemental in formation, updates, and technical support: • Documentation • Driver dow n loa ds • Liv e chat support • E-m ail su ppor t • Telephone s upport Lexmark S upport Web si te— http://support .
1 2 3 4 5 1 Rea r 300 m m (1 2 in. ) 2 Rig ht side 20 0 mm (8 in .) 3 Fro nt 300 mm (1 2 in. ) 4 Left s ide 12.7 mm (0.5 i n.) 5 Top 300 m m (1 2 in. ) Printer configurations Basic m odel The f ollo w.
1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t bin 4 Prin ter contr ol panel 5 Sys te m boa rd do or 6 Sta ndar d 25 0-s hee t tr ay (T ray 1) 7 Multipurpos e f eed er d oor 8 Front d o .
1 Rear door 2 Eth ernet port 3 USB port 4 Para llel port No te : N ot a vai l abl e o n all m ode ls . 5 Pri n ter power cord s ocket 6 Power s witch 7 Sec ur ity s lo t Lear ni ng a bout the pri nte .
Conf igured mode ls Th e follow ing illu stra tion sh ows th e prin ter con figured with an opt ional drawer: 1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t bin 4 Prin ter contr ol panel.
The foll owing di agrams and t ables p r ovi de mor e informati on about the prin ter cont rol panel items: Item Descr i pt ion 1 Menus button ( ) Opens the menus Note: The menus are available on ly wh en the printer is in the R eady stat e.
Item Descr i pt ion 4 Indicator li ght Indicates the printer status: • Off —The power is of f. • Bli nking gree n —The printer is war ming up, proces sing data, or pr inting. • Solid gr een —The pr inter is on , but idle. • Soli d red —Op erator intervention is needed.
Item Descripti on 1 Key pa d Enter n umber s or symbols if the display screen h a s a f ield that accept s these entries. Using the standard e xit bin and paper stop The standar d exi t bin ho lds up to 150 sheets of 20 lb paper. It collects prin t jo bs f acedown.
Not es: • Do n ot leave the paper stop in the open position if yo u a re printing on tran s pa rencies. Doi n g s o m a y cause creases in the tr ansparen c i es. • When mov ing the prin ter to a nother l ocation , make sure th e paper stop is clos ed.
Additional printer setup Installing int e rna l options CAUTI ON—SHOCK HAZAR D: If you are acces sing the sy stem bo ard or insta lling optiona l h ar dware or memory de vic es somet ime af ter sett in g up th e pr inte r, t hen tur n th e p rin ter off , an d un plu g t he pow er co rd f ro m t he wal l outle t befo re cont inuin g.
2 Use the follow ing il lustration to loc ate th e approp ri a te conn ector. Warning—Potentia l Damage: S y s tem board electroni c c omponents are easil y damag ed b y st atic electric ity. Tou ch som ething m eta l on the pr inter b efor e to uch ing any sys tem bo ard el ectr o n ic com pone nts or co nnecto rs.
An op tiona l memory c a r d can be pu rcha sed sepa ratel y and at tached t o th e syst em b oard. To insta ll the memo ry card : 1 Turn the pri nter o ff. 2 Acc ess the syst em bo ard. 3 Unpack the me mory card. Not e: Avoid t ou ching the connecti on poin ts a long the edge of t he card.
It may requ ire so me f orce to fully seat the car d. 7 Ensur e tha t eac h l at ch fits o ver th e not ch o n eac h en d of the card. 8 Close t he system boa rd door. 9 Turn th e p rinter back on. 10 Open the prin ters fol der: a Cl ick , or c lick Sta rt an d t hen cl ic k Run .
Inst alling a flash memor y or fi rmware ca rd Th e sys tem board has two conne ctions f or an optional flas h memory or f irmware c ard. Only one of each ma y be instal led, but the conn ectors ar e inte r c hangeab le.
4 Push the ca rd fi rmly i nto p lace. Not es: • The entir e length o f the co n n ector on t he card must touch a nd be flus h agains t the s ystem board.
An opt ional drawer a ttach es under the prin ter. A d rawer c onsists of two p arts: a t ray and a support unit . The prin ter sup port s one optio nal drawe r; y ou ca n inst all a 250- or 550- sh eet dra wer .
6 Alig n t he o u t er edges of the prin ter w ith the o uter edges of the drawe r, a nd th en s lowly lo wer t he pr inter in to plac e. 7 Turn th e p rinter back on. 8 Open the prin ters fol der: a Cl ick , or c lick Sta rt an d t hen cl ic k Run . b In t he St art Se a rch or Run b ox , t yp e co ntro l pri nte rs .
Attachi ng cables 1 Conn ect the p rinte r t o a c ompu ter o r a netw ork. • For a local connect ion, use a USB or parallel cable. • For a network con nection, u se an Ethernet c able. 2 Conn ect th e p ower cord to the prin ter fi rst and th en to a pr operl y grou nded wa ll out let.
Verify ing printer setup Printi ng a me nu set tings page Pri nt a menu se ttings pa ge to rev iew the curre nt m enu setti ngs and to ve rify if the print er o ption s a re in stal led cor r ect ly. Not e: I f you ha ve not m a d e any men u item se ttings chang es yet, th en the me nu sett ings pa ge list s all the factory def ault s etting s.
Setting up the printe r softwar e Inst alling pri nter soft ware A p rin ter d riv er i s s oftw are th at lets t he c ompu ter com mun icat e w ith the prin ter . Th e prin ter soft ware is typi ca lly inst alled du ring the in itial pri nter setup .
4 Clic k the In stall O ptio ns tab. 5 Under Available O pt i on s , add any in s tal l ed hardware options. 6 Clic k Ap pl y . For Ma cint osh use rs In Mac OS X version 10. 5 or later 1 From the Apple m enu, c h oo se Syst em Pref erences . 2 Clic k Pr in t & Fa x .
• Secur ity Metho d —Th ere a re three bas ic opti ons for Se cur ity Meth od : – WEP key If your net work uses more t han one WEP k ey , enter up t o four in th e provided spaces. S elect the key c u rrently in u se on the n etwork b y selec ting th e D efaul t WEP Tran smit Ke y.
Do no t connect t h e USB cabl e until instructed t o do so on the scr een. 2 Inse rt the S oftware and Docume n tat ion CD. 3 Clic k Insta ll Printer and Software . 4 Clic k Ag r ee to agree t o the Licen se Agreemen t . 5 Clic k Suggest e d , and th en click Ne xt .
Inst alling the printer on a wir eles s netw ork (Ma cintosh) Prep are to confi gure t he pri nter 1 Loca te t h e prin ter MAC address on th e sheet th at sh ipped w i th t he pr i nter.
Con figu re t he prin ter f or wi re less acce ss 1 Type the name of your networ k (SS I D ) in the appropriate field. 2 Selec t I n frastructu re as your Net work Mo de if you are using a w ireless r outer. 3 Sel e c t the ty pe of secu rity you u s e to prote ct your wi rele ss netw ork.
3 Cl ick + . 4 Sel ect th e pr inter fro m the list. 5 Cl ick Add . In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier 1 From the Finder desktop, choos e Go > Ap plications . 2 Dou ble-c lick t he Util ities folder. 3 Locate a nd double-click Printer Setup U tility or Pri nt Ce nte r .
If t he CD does not launc h after a minute, then do the fol lowing: a Cl ick , or c lick Sta rt an d t hen cli ck Run . b In t he St art Se a rch or Run b ox , t yp e D: set up.e xe , w her e D i s th e lett er o f you r CD o r DVD dri ve. 2 Clic k Insta ll Printer and Software .
In M ac OS X ver sion 1 0.5 or late r 1 From t he Apple m enu, choos e Syst em Pref erences . 2 Cli ck Print & Fax . 3 Cli ck + . 4 Cli ck IP . 5 Type th e IP address o f your prin ter in th e Address field. 6 Cli ck Add . In M ac OS X ver sion 1 0.
Minimizing your printer's environmenta l impact Lexm ark is comm itte d to environ mental sus taina bility and is con tinu ally im proving its print ers to reduc e their impa ct on the environmen t.
Avoi d paper jams Care fully sele ct a nd load pap er t o avoi d pap er jams. F or m ore in form atio n, see “Av oidin g jam s” on p ag e 123. Saving energy Using Eco-Mode Use Eco-Mo de t o qui ckly s el ect one or more ways to reduce your printer 's en v ironmen t a l i mpact.
Choose To On (Text/ Graphics) Note: This setting is best su i ted for prin ting text and li n e grap hics. Redu ce printer no ise. • Print j ob s are pr oc ess ed at one-half the n ormal processing speed. • Pri n ter engine motor s do not s tart until a job i s ready to prin t.
Usi ng the pr inte r cont rol pa nel 1 Mak e s ure th e p rinte r is on an d Read y app ears . 2 Pre ss . 3 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Sett in gs app ears, a nd th en press . 4 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Gene ral Sett ings appear s, and t hen pres s .
Retu rning L exmar k cart ridges for reus e o r recyclin g Th e L exma rk C artr idge Coll ectio n Progr am d ivert s mill ions of Lex mark ca rtridg es from lan dfill s annua lly by mak ing it b oth easy and f ree for L exmar k cust omer s to retu rn u sed ca rtrid ges to L exmark for r euse or rec yclin g.
Loading p aper and specia lty media This section ex plains how to l oa d the 2 5 0- and 5 50 -sheet trays and the multipu rpose feeder. It also includes inf ormatio n about paper orientat ion, s etti ng the Paper Size a nd Pape r Type, and l inkin g and u nlink ing t rays.
6 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l app ears next t o the cor rect un it of m ea sure, and then pr ess . Subm itt ing se lecti on appears, followed by the Univ ersa l Set up menu.
2 Squeeze and slide t he guides to the c orrect po sition for t he paper size you are load in g . For lo n g pape r l ike A4 or legal, squeeze and slide t he length guide ba ckwards to a ccommodate the length of paper y ou are l oa ding.
If you ar e load ing A6 -size p aper: a Squeeze and s lide the l en g th guide t ow a rd the center of the t ray to t he A5 size po sition. b Raise the A6 backstop.
1 Maximum f ill line Load l etter head wi th the to p edge of the shee t tow a r d the fr ont of the tray and th e desig n faced own. 5 Squeeze and slide t he guides t o lightly tou ch the s ide of the stack.
6 Inse rt the tray. 7 If t he paper type you l oaded differs fro m t he type t h at was pr eviously lo a ded in th e tray, then change t he Paper Size /Type s ettin g from th e pri nter co ntro l panel P aper me nu.
2 Gra s p the rais ed handle, an d pull t h e extensio n forward. 3 Gra s p the han d l e, and pull the exten sion so it flips forward. 4 Guide the extens ion dow n g en tly so t he mul t ipurpo se feeder is exten ded f ully an d o pen.
Loadi n g the mu ltipur p ose feeder 1 Squeeze the tab located o n the r ight width guide, a nd move th e guides o ut fully. 2 Prepa re the p aper or sp ecialty m edia for loading. • Flex sheets o f paper or paper labels back and fo r t h to loose n t hem, and th en fan them.
• Flex a st ack of envelopes ba c k and fo r t h to loo sen them, an d then f an them. Straighten the edges on a level surf ace. Not e: F a nning preven ts the edg es of envelopes f rom stick in g together . It also he lps them feed p roperly to avoid jams.
• Load letterh ead with t he logo faceu p and the t op edge ent ering the pr inter fir s t . • Load enve lopes wit h the flap sid e down and the st amp loca tion in the p osition sh own. The stamp an d addres s are shown to illus t r ate the proper orient ation for loadin g en velopes.
5 Sli de t h e paper g ently into the multipur pose feeder until it comes to a stop. Pape r sh ould lie flat in the mult ipurpose f eeder . Make su re the pa per fits l oosely in the multipu rpose feeder and is not bent o r wrinkled. 6 From the prin t er control panel, set t he Paper Size and P ap er Type.
Crea ting a cus tom na me fo r a paper type If the prin ter is o n a net work, you c an us e the Embe dde d We b Ser ver to def ine a nam e other than Cus tom Typ e <x> for eac h of th e custom paper types that a re loaded. 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser.
a From the P aper men u, press t he down arrow butt on unti l Cust om Ty pes appear s, an d then pre ss . b Pr ess t he down a rro w butt on unti l app ears n ext to the c u stom paper t ype n ame y ou selec ted in step 7 on page 55, and then pr ess .
Paper a nd specialty media guideline s Paper and specialty media ar e pap er, card stock, envelopes, paper l abels, and t r ansparen cies. A number of items mu st b e c onsid ere d conce rning the sele ctio n of pa per and spe cialt y me dia bef or e pri nti ng.
Condi tion pap er bef ore prin ting by stor ing it in it s origi nal wra pper in the sa me envir onment as the pr inter f or 24 to 48 hours befor e print ing. Exten d the time se vera l days i f t he sto rage o r tran spor tati on envi ron ment is very dif feren t fr om t he print er envi ronm ent.
Sele cting pre printe d for ms and letter head Use these guidelines when selectin g pre printed forms a nd letterhead: • Us e gra in lo ng fo r 60–9 0 g/ m 2 (16– 24 l b) pape r. • Use only for m s and letter head pri n t ed using an offs et lithog raphic or engraved p rinting p rocess.
• St ore individu al packag es on a f l at surfa ce. • Do no t sto re anyt hing o n top of i ndiv i d ual p aper pa ckag es. Supporte d pa pe r sizes, types, weights, a nd capaci ties The foll owing tabl es provide i nformat ion on stan dard and o pt i onal p aper sources, t h e types of paper t h e y support , and cap a ci ties.
Paper type Stan dard 2 50-she et tray (Tr ay 1) Sta ndard or optional 250-s heet t ray (Tra y 2) Optional 550-sh eet tray (Tray 2) Mult ipu rpo s e feeder Duplex path 1 Single-si ded paper labels are supported fo r occasional use. It is recommended to prin t 20 or fewer p a ges of pa per labels a month.
Paper size Dimensions Stand ard 250-s heet tr ay (Tra y 1) Sta ndard or optional 250-sh eet tray (Tray 2) Optional 550-s heet tra y (Tra y 2) Mu ltipu rpo se fee der Duplex path Univ er sal 3 7 6.2 x 127 m m ( 3 x 5 in.) up to 216 x 3 56 m m ( 8.5 x 14 in.
Printing Th is chapt er cove rs prin ting , print er repor ts, a nd j ob canc ela tion . S elect ion and hand ling o f pape r and spec ialt y med ia can af f e ct how rel iably doc umen ts print . For more inform ation, see “Avo idin g jams” on pag e 123 and “S toring pap er” on pa g e 59.
Printing on spe cia lt y media Ti ps on using le tterhe ad Page orientation is impor tant when printing o n l etterhead. Use the followi ng table to det ermine whi c h directio n t o loa d the le tter.
Ti ps on using tr anspar encies Prin t sa m p les on the transparen cies being consider ed for us e b efore buying large quant ities. When printing on trans parencies : • Feed t ransparencies from the s tandard 25 0-sheet t r a y or t he multipu rpose fee d e r.
Ti ps on using la bels Prin t sa m p les on the la be ls being consider ed for u s e bef or e buy ing large quan t it ies. Not e: U s e o n l y paper la bel s h eets.
Printing conf idential and other held jobs Holdin g jobs in the p rinter Whe n sendi ng a job to th e prin ter, y ou can spe cify th at you wa nt the p rinte r to hold the j ob in memor y until yo u start the job from the prin ter c ontrol panel. All print jobs tha t c a n be init iated by the user at the printer are call ed held job s .
6 Fro m the pr inte r contr ol pa nel, press the up or dow n ar row b u tto n until Hel d jo bs appe ars, and then pres s . 7 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l appe ar s next t o your user name, a n d then pr ess . 8 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l app ears ne xt to t he job type or j ob na me, and then press .
Printing infor mation pages For mor e inf orma tio n on pri ntin g in forma tio n pa ges, see “P rint ing a men u set ting s pag e” on pa ge 29 a nd “P rin ting a net work s etup page” on pag e 29.
Canceling a print job Cance ling a print job from the print er c ontrol panel If the job is forma tting or already printing , and Canc el a job appear s on t he fir st lin e of th e displ ay: 1 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Canc el appear s.
In M ac O S X ve rsion 10.4 and e arli er: 1 From the Go m enu, c hoose Appli c a tion s . 2 Dou ble -cli ck Utili ties , and then double-cli ck Printer Setup Utility or Pr int Ce nter . 3 Dou ble- click th e pr inter ic on . 4 F rom the pri nter w indo w, s ele ct t he job to can ce l.
Understandin g printer menus Menus list Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Default Source Pa p e r Siz e/Type Con figure MP Substitu te Size Pa p er Textur e Pa p er Weig ht Pa p er Loadi ng Cu stom Typ.
Paper menu Defa ult Source me nu Men u item Descri ption Default Source Tr ay < x> MP Feeder Ma nua l Pa pe r Ma nua l E nv Sets a d ef ault paper source for all p rint jobs Notes: • From the Paper men u, C on figure MP must be se t to Cassette in order f or MP Feeder to appear as a menu setting.
Men u item Desc ription Tray <x> Ty pe Plain Pa per Transpar ency Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig ht Pa per Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Cust om Ty pe <x> Specifies the type of paper load ed in each tray Notes: • Plain Pa per is the factor y d ef ault setting fo r Tray 1.
Men u item Desc ription MP Fee der Size A4 A5 A6 Ex ecu tive Foli o JIS B5 Leg al Letter Ofic io (Mexico) Statement Universal 7 3/ 4 Enve lop e 9 En velo pe 10 E nv elo pe C5 Envel ope B5 Env elo pe DL Env elope Oth e r En vel op e Specifies the paper size loaded in the mu l tipurpose feeder Notes: • Letter is the U.
Men u item Desc ription Manual Env T y pe Env el ope Cust om Ty pe <x> Specifies the type of en velope being manually loa d ed in the multipurpose feeder. Note: Envel ope is t he factory defa ult setting. Note: Only installed trays and feeders are listed in this menu.
Men u item Descri ption Transparency Tex t ure Smooth Nor mal Roug h Specifies th e relative textu r e of th e tran s par encies loaded in a sp ecific tr ay Note: N ormal is the factor y default se tting.
Men u item Descri ption Rough/Cotton Texture Roug h Specifies th e relative textu r e of the paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Rough is the factory d efault setting. Custom <x> Te xture Smooth Nor mal Roug h Specifies th e relative textu r e of the custom paper loaded in a specific tr a y Notes: • Normal is the fa ctory default setting.
Men u item Desc ription Rough Envelope Weight Lig ht Nor mal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of th e r ough envelopes load ed in a spec if i c tr ay Note: Normal i s the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Descri ption Bond Loading Duplex Of f Determin es whether 2-sided printing occurs for all jobs that specify Bond as the paper type No te : Off is the factory d ef au lt setting.
Men u item Des cr ip ti on Re cy cled Paper Card St ock Transpar ency La bel s Env el ope Cotton Specifies a paper ty pe when the Recycled setting is s elected in other menus Notes: • Pa pe r is the fact or y d efa ult s e t tin g.
Reports m e nu Repor ts menu To pri nt a r epo rt, use the arro w bu tton s to nav igate to the t ype of repo rt you wa nt, a nd th en pr ess . Men u item Descri ption Menu Settings Pa ge Print s a r .
Men u item Descri ption Pr int Dire ctory Prints a lis t o f all the resour ces stored on an opt i onal flas h memory card Notes: • Job Buffer S ize must be set to 100% . • The optio nal flash memory mus t be installed correctly a nd workin g properly.
Men u item Description NPA Mode Of f Aut o Sets the pri n ter to perform the special processin g req uired for b idirectional communication followi ng the conventions defin ed by t h e N P A protocol Notes: • Auto is th e f actor y default se tting.
Repor ts menu (unde r the N etwo rk/Por ts menu) The R eports men u item is available from t h e Network/Po rts menu : Net work /Por ts St andard Ne t w o r k or Ne twor k <x> Std Ne two.
TCP/IP menu Not e: This menu is ava ilable only fo r network mo dels or pri nters att ached to p rint server s. Th is menu is avail able from th e N etwork /Port s menu: Net work /Por ts Netwo r k Menu Networ k Setup TCP/I P Men u item Descri ption Ac tivat e On Of f Activa tes TCP/IP Note: On is the factory d efault setting.
IPv6 men u Use the follow ing menu items to view or set the Inte rnet Protoc ol version 6 (IPv6) in formation . Not e: This menu is ava ilable only fo r network mo dels or pri nters att ached to p rint server s.
Men u item Descri ption View S e c ur it y Mode Lets you v i ew the encryption method for the wireless connec tion. “Disa bled ” indicates th a t th e w ireless network is not encrypted.
Men u item Desc ription Pa cket Burs t Yes No Reduces n etwork traffi c by allowing the transfer and acknowledgement of multiple da ta pa c kets to and from the NetWar e s erver Note: Yes is the fa ctory d ef a ult settin g. NSQ/GSQ Mode Yes No Specifies the NS Q/ GS Q Mode setting Note: Yes is the fa ctory d ef a ult settin g.
Men u item Des cr ip ti on NPA Mode On Of f Aut o Sets the printer to p erfo r m the special processing requir ed for bidirectional communication followin g the con ventions defined by the NPA pr otocol Notes: • Auto is th e factory def a ult setting.
Paralle l me n u Men u item Desc ription PC L Smar tSwi tch On Of f Sets the printer to automatica lly switch to PCL emu la ti on wh en a print job received throu g h a USB po rt requires it, regardl ess of the def ault pr in t er langua ge Notes: • On is the f a ctory de f aul t setting.
Men u item Desc ription Advanced Status Of f On Enable s bidirec tional com munication through the pa rallel port Notes: • On is the f a ctory de f aul t setting. • The Off s ettin g disables para llel port neg otiation. Protocol Sta nda rd Fast bytes Specifies th e parallel port protocol Notes: • Fastbytes is the factory def ault setting.
SMTP S etup menu Use the followin g m e nu t o c onfigure t h e SMTP ser ver. Men u item Descri ption Primary SMTP Ga t ew a y Primary SMTP Ga t ew a y Port Secondary SMTP Gateway Secondary SMTP Gatew a y Por t Specif ies SMTP ser v er and port informa tion Note: 25 is the factory default setting for eac h S M TP Ga t ewa y P or t menu item.
Securit y menu Miscellane ous me nu Men u item Des cripti on Login R estric t i ons Log i n fai lu re s Failur e time f rame Lo ck out tim e Panel L ogin ti meout Remote Log in timeout Limits the numb.
Sec urity Audi t Log menu Men u item Des cripti on Export Log Enables a n a uthorized user to e xpor t the securi ty log Notes: • To export the log from the printer contro l pan el, a f l ash drive must be attached to the printer. • From the Embedded Web Ser v er, the log can b e downloaded to a comp u t er.
Se t Da te/ Time m enu Men u item Descri ption Vi ew Date /Time Lets you view the curren t date a n d ti me s ettings for the printer. Th e fo rmat for the date a nd tim e is: YYY Y-MM-DD H H : MM: YY.
Setting s menu Genera l Settings me nu Men u item De scription Display Language Eng li sh Franc ais Deutsch Italiano Esp ano l Dansk Nor sk Ne derlands Sve nsk a Portuguese Suo mi Ru ssian Polsk i Ma .
Men u item De scription Run Initial setup Yes No Instructs the printer to ru n th e setup wizar d Notes: • Yes is th e factory default s etting. • After completin g the setup wi za r d by selecting Done a t the country or region select scr een , the default setting becomes No.
Men u item De scription Timeouts Prin t Time out Disabled 1 s e c –25 5 sec Sets the amount of tim e i n s econds the printer waits to r eceive an end-of-job message before cancelin g the remainder of the print job Notes: • 90 se conds is the factory default setting.
Men u item De scription Fac to ry De fau lts Do Not R es tore Res tore Now Returns th e p rinter settings to the factory d ef au lt settings Notes: • Do Not Res tore is the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Descri ption Down load Targ et RAM Flas h Sets the s torage location for d ownloads Notes : • RAM is the factory de f ault s etting. • Storin g d o wnloads in flas h memory p lac es them in permanent storage. Downloads remain in flash memor y even when the printer is turned off .
Men u item Des cripti on Duplex Binding Lon g E dg e Sho rt E dg e Defines the wa y duplexed pages are bound and how th e printing on the bac k of the page is oriented in relation to th e printing on th e front of the page Notes: • Long Edge i s th e fa c tory default setting.
Men u item Des cripti on N-up (pa ges-side ) Of f 2-Up 3-Up 4-Up 6-Up 9-Up 12-U p 16-U p Spec ifies that multipl e-page images be p rinted on one si de of a sheet of pa per Notes: • Off is the fac tory default s etting. • The number selected is t h e n umber of page images that will pr int per side.
Men u item Descri ption Enhance Fine Lines On Of f Enable s a p rint mod e pr eferable for files such as ar chitectural drawings, ma ps, electrical circuit diagr ams, and flow chart s Notes: • Off is the fac tory default s etting.
Men u item Des cripti on Def ragm ent Flash No Yes Prepares the flash memory to re c eive n ew d ata by retrieving lost storage s p a c e War ning —Pote nt ial D ama ge: Do n o t tu r n off the printer while the fla s h memory is def rag men ting. Notes: • This setting appears only on non-A P A models .
Post Script me nu Men u item Desc ription Pr int PS Erro r On Of f Prints a page contain i n g the PostSc r i pt error Note: Off i s th e fa c tory default setting. Font Priority Res ide nt Flas h Es t a blishes the font s earch o rder Notes: • Resid en t is the f actory default setting.
Men u item Des cr ip ti on PCL E mul at i on Settings Pitch 0.08– 100 Spe cifies the font pit ch for s c a lable m o nospa c e d fon t s Notes: • 10 is th e factory default s etting. • Pitch ref ers to the number of fixed-space charact ers per inch (cpi).
Men u item Des cr ip ti on Tray Renum ber Assign MP F eed er Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Tr ay <x > Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Man ual Pa per Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Man Env Off Non e 0–1.
HTML menu Men u item Descri ption Font Name Alb er tus M T Ant iq ue O liv e Apple C h ancer y Ari al MT Ava nt Gar de Bod on i Bookman Chicago Clare ndon Cooper Black Copper plate Coro net Cour ier E.
Men u item Desc ription Backgrounds Do Not P rint Prin t Specifi es whether to pr int backgrounds o n H TML document s Note: Prin t is the factory def ault setting. Image men u Men u item Des cripti on Auto F it On Of f Selec ts the opt imal paper si ze, sc aling, a nd ori entation Notes: • On is the fa ctory default s ettin g.
Maintaini n g the printer Pe riodic ally, c ertain ta sks are requi red to main tain opt imum print qu ality . Cleaning the exterior of t he printer 1 Make sure t hat the pr inter i s turne d off and u nplug ged fro m the wal l outlet .
Order ing supplie s To o rder su ppli es in th e U.S. , con tact Lex mark a t 1-800 -539-6 275 fo r in formati on ab out Lex mark autho rized s uppl ies de ale rs in yo ur ar ea. In o th er cou ntr ies or regi ons , visi t th e Le xmar k Web Si te a t ww w.
Part na me Lexmark Return Pro g ram Cartridge Regular cartridge Extr a High Yield Toner C a r tridge E462U 11L E4 62U21G Orderi ng a photocon ductor kit Th e printer issues a messag e to l et you k now th e photoc onduct or kit is n ear it s end of life.
To re place the ton er cartr idge: 1 Open the f r ont do or by pre ssing t he bu tton on the lef t sid e of th e print er and loweri ng the door . 2 Pres s the bu tton on the bas e of t h e photoc onducto r kit, a nd th en pull t he toner cartr idge ou t using the h andle.
5 Inst a l l the ne w ton er cart ridge by ali gnin g the rol lers o n the to ner car tri dge wi th the a rrows on the tracks of the ph otocon ducto r k it. Pus h the ton er cartrid ge in as fa r as it w ill go. T he cartri dge clic ks into p lace when correctly i nstalle d.
Plac e the u nit on a flat , clean surf ace. 4 Pres s the bu tton on the bas e of t h e phot oconduc t o r kit. P ull the toner cartrid ge up an d out using the han dle. 5 Un pac k t he new pho t ocon duc tor ki t . Warning—Potentia l Damage: Be ca reful not to to uc h the p hoto co ndu ctor d rum .
6 Inse rt th e t one r c a r tri dge into the ph otoc onducto r ki t by ali gnin g the ro ller s on the ton er car tridg e wi th the t rack s. Push the tone r ca rtrid ge unti l it clicks into pl ace. 7 Ins t a ll t h e u nit in t o the pr inter by align ing the ar rows on the gui des of the un it wit h the a rr o ws in the pr inter.
Moving the printer Moving the printer t o ano ther loc ation C AUTI ON—P OTE NTIA L IN JURY : Th e pr inter wei ght is g reater tha n 18 kg ( 40 l b) an d req uires two or mo re trai ned pe rso nnel to li ft it sa fely.
Administrative su pport Finding advanced n etworking and administrator information Th is ch apter c over s basic admin istr ati ve sup port t asks . For mor e adva nce d syst em su ppor t task s, see .
Che cking the dev ice st atus Using the Embedded Web Server, you can view pap er tray s ettings, th e level of toner in the print car t r idge, th e perc entage of life rema ining in th e ma intenan c e k it, and capaci t y measuremen t s of c ertain pr inter parts.
You ca n set an ex pirat ion tim e for conf iden tial p r i nt jobs . When a us er has no t prin ted the jo bs with in the de signa ted time period, all of the job s fo r that user are d eleted. Not e: This funct ionality is availa ble only on networ k printers .
4 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Fact ory Defa ults appear s, and t hen pres s . 5 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Rest ore Now appears, an d then press .
Clearing jams By ca refully selectin g pa per and s pecialt y media and l oading i t properl y , you shou ld be a ble to avoi d most jam s. For mor e in format ion, see “ Avoiding jam s” on page 12 3 . If jam s do occur, fo llow th e step s outlin ed i n this ch apter.
Identify ing jams in the pape r path The f ollo wing il lustr ation s how s the path t hat pap er tra vels throug h the pri nter. The pat h vari e s depen ding o n the input sour ce (tr ay or f eeder) a nd depe nding on w h et her a dup lex (tw o-sided ) print job is be ing sent.
1 Sta nda rd exi t bin 2 Front d o or 3 Multipurpos e f eed er d oor 4 Tr ay 1 5 Tr ay 2 6 Rear door Jam me s s age numb ers and how to a ccess eac h jam Jam number To access the jam 200 Tr y on e or more of the following: • Remo ve Tr ay 1. • Open the front door, an d th en remove the ph otoc on d uctor k i t.
Jam number To access the jam 234 Tr y on e or more of the following: • Open the front door, and th en op en the rear door. • Remove Tray 1, and then depress the lever.
3 If you do not see it, op en the front door, and then remove the photoconductor kit and toner cartridge (unit). Not e: Wh e n the ph otoconductor kit and t oner cart r idg e are toget her, they are cal l ed a unit. 4 Lift t he flap in fro n t of the pr inter, a nd remove any j ammed sheets .
201 pape r jam CAUT ION— HOT S URFA CE: The fu ser and the in si de o f the printer n ear t he fuser may be hot. To r educe the risk o f injury from a hot compo nent, al low t he su rface to cool befor e removin g pap er fr om th is are a. 1 Open t he f r ont d o or, and then remove th e unit .
202 pape r jam CAUT ION— HOT S URFA CE: The fu ser and the in si de o f the printer n ear t he fuser may be hot. To r educe the risk o f injury from a hot compo nent, al low t he su rface to cool befor e removin g pap er fr om th is are a. 1 Open t he f r ont d o or, and then remove th e unit .
4 Remov e t he j a m . 5 Al ign and in sert the unit . 6 Clo se t h e r ear door. 7 Clos e the fr ont do o r . 8 Pre ss . 231 pape r jam CAUT ION— HOT S URFA CE: The fu ser and the in si de o f the printer n ear t he fuser may be hot.
3 Remov e t he j a m . 4 Clo se t h e r ear door. 5 Clos e the fr ont do o r . 6 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear t he jam, complete the st eps in “ 2 3 3 pap er jam” on page 1 32.
233 pape r jam 1 Re move the tr ay fro m the pri nter. 2 Lo cate the lev er sho wn. Pull the le ver dow n to re lease th e ja m. 3 Pul l t he jammed sh eets from the duplex ar ea. 4 Inse rt the tray. 5 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear t he jam, complete the st eps in “ 2 3 1 pap er jam” on page 1 30.
235 pape r jam A duplex print j o b was sen t to the printer us ing a size of paper not suppor ted for duplex pri nting. A s heet is jammed in t he st andard exi t bin . 1 To r emove the jam, gentl y pul l the jamm ed she et o u t of the s tanda rd ex it bi n.
2 Remov e t he j a m . 3 Inse rt the o ption al tr a y . 4 Pre ss . 251 pape r jam A she et of pap er or spec ialty m edia failed to feed c o mpletely f rom the multip ur p ose f eeder . Part of it m ay still be visibl e. If it i s visible, gently pull the jammed sheet from t he front of the m ultipur pose feeder.
If th e she et is no t vis ible , com ple te the follo win g step s: 1 Open t he f r ont d o or, and then remove th e unit . 2 Lif t the fla p a t the fro nt of th e pr inter , and the n remove any jamme d s heets of p aper tha t are sh ort lengt hs of paper.
Troubles hooting Understa nding printer message s Cal ibra ting Wait for t he messag e to cl ear. Cart r i dge Life Excee ded The toner c artridge is exhausted. 1 Remove the used t on er cartridge, and then i nstall a new one. 2 Pre ss to cl ear the mes sage.
Change <sr c> to <size > You can cha nge the curren t p a per source fo r the remain der of t he print job. The fo rmatted page wi l l p r int on the pap er l oaded in the select ed tray.
Load < src> with < custom s trin g> Try one or more of th e fo llowin g: • Loa d the specifi ed paper i nto the sp ecified s ource to c lear the message and conti n u e prin t in g.
Load Man u a l Fe eder with <cust om string> Try one or more of th e fo llowin g: • Loa d the multipu rpose feeder w i th th e correct pap er type and size. • Ignor e the reques t and prin t on pape r that i s a lready bein g used in one of t h e trays.
Remo ve paper fro m standard bin The standar d exi t bin ha s r eac hed its capacity. Remove paper fr om t he s t andard exit bin to clear the messa ge and co ntin ue pr int ing . Remov e pape r fro m standa rd ou tput bin Remove the sta c k of pape r from t he stan dar d exit bin.
Sta ndard Bin Full Remove the sta c k of pape r from t he stan dard exit bin to c lear th e message. Stopp ing Wait for t he messag e to cl ear. Submitt ing selectio n Wait for t he messag e to cl ear.
32.y y Cartr idge par t numbe r unsuppor ted by device Remove the toner ca rtridge, and then inst all a s upported one. 32 Re place unsupport ed c a r tridge Remove the toner ca rtridge, and then inst all a s upported one. 34 Sh ort pa per Try one or more of th e fo llowin g: • Loa d the appr opriate pape r in the tray .
37 Insu fficie nt memory, some Held Jobs we re dele ted The pr inter deleted s ome held j o bs in order to p r oc ess curre nt jobs. P ress the d o wn arrow button unt il Co ntin ue appears, and then press to clear the messag e.
52 N ot eno ugh fre e space in fl ash memo ry for r esourc es Try one or more of th e fo llowin g: • Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Cont in ue app ears, a nd th en press to st op the def ragme nt op eratio n and cont inue p rint ing.
4 Connect t he power cord to a proper ly groun ded outlet. 5 T urn th e pr i n ter b ack o n. • Pre ss to clea r the mes sage and continue printin g . 58 Too ma ny trays atta ched 1 Turn the pri nter o ff. 2 Unp lug t he p ower cord f rom the wall outl et.
Solving ba s i c printer problems If th ere are ba sic pri nter prob lems, or the pri nter is unrespon sive, ma k e sure: • The po wer cord is plugged i nto the pr inter and a proper ly grounded electrical o utlet. • The el ectrical outlet i s not tur ned off by any switch o r breaker .
M AKE SU RE TH E INTERNAL PR INT SE R VE R IS I NSTALLE D PRO PE R LY AND WORKING • Make s u re the in ternal print s erver is pr operly inst alled and that th e prin t er is con nected t o the network.
Job ta kes longer than expected t o pr i n t These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: R EDUC E THE CO MPLE XITY OF THE PRINT JOB Elimin ate the nu mber and s ize of fonts , the num ber and c omplexity of i mages, a n d the number of pages in t he jo b.
Large jobs do not co llate These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE C OLLATE IS SET TO O N Fro m Pri nt Prop erti es or the p rinte r cont rol pane l Fini shin g menu, se t Colla te to On. Not e: Setting Collate to Off in the softwar e o verrides the setting in the Finis hing menu.
C HECK TO SE E IF THE OP TI ON IS CONN ECTED TO THE PRINTER 1 Tur n the pri nter o ff. 2 Unp lug th e p rinte r from the wal l outle t. 3 Check t he connec t i on between the option and th e printer. M AKE SU RE TH E OPTION IS INSTALLED Print a menu s ettings p age and c heck to see if t h e option is listed i n the I nstalled O ptions l ist.
Solving paper feed problems Paper fr equently ja ms These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: F AN , FL EX , AND STRA IGHTEN THE P APE R IN THE TRAY OR FEED ER Turn th e stack of paper over, if possible, when y ou reload it in to the tray or feeder.
4 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Prin t R ecove ry ap pears, a nd th en press . 5 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l Jam R ec overy appears , and t hen pres s . 6 Pres s the u p or down a rrow but t o n un t i l On or Auto appears, an d then p ress .
Blan k p a ges Try one or more of th e fo llowin g: • Rem ove a nd rei nstal l the t one r cart ridge . • Rem ove and reinsta ll the photoc onduct or kit. If th e printe r still prints blan k pages , it m a y need t o be s erviced. Fo r more informat ion, con tact C u stomer Support.
Gray ba ckgro und • For Windows u sers: From Print Pr operties, select a di f f erent Toner Darkn ess settin g before s ending t h e job to prin t. • For Ma cintos h user s: From the print opt ion.
Incorr ect ma rgins These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE GUIDES Move the width and le ngth guid es i n the tra y to the correct pos itions fo r the paper size loaded. C HECK THE P APER S IZE SETTING Mak e s ure the Pape r S ize s etti ng ma tches the pap er lo ade d in the t r a y.
Print is to o dark These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE S S , BRIGH TNE SS , AN D C O NTRAST SETT INGS The Tone r Darkn ess sett ing is too dar k , th e Bright ness s etting is t oo dark, or th e Con tras t setting is too high.
Print is too li ght These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE S S , BRIGH TNE SS , AN D C O NTRAST SETT INGS Th e T oner Dark ness s etting is too light, the Br ight ness se tting i s too lig ht, or th e Cont rast se tti ng is too lo w.
Skew ed pri n t C HECK THE PAPER GU IDES Move the guides in the tray to the c orrect pos itions f or the paper size l oaded. C HECK THE PAPER Make sure y ou ar e usin g pape r that meets the prin ter s pecific ations . Tone r fog o r backg round sha ding appe ars on t he page These are possib le s olutions.
To ner spec ks These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: T HE TO NE R CARTR ID GE MAY BE DEFECT IVE Rep lace th e t one r cartri dge.
T HE TO NE R CARTR ID GE MAY BE DEFECT IVE Rep lace th e t one r cartri dge. M AKE SU RE TH E PAPE R PATH IS CL EAR Paper coul d be caught between the photoc onductor kit an d t h e fuser. Check t h e paper path ar ound the fus er area. CAU TIO N—H OT S URFA CE: Th e f user and the i nsid e of the p rinte r n ear the fu ser ma y b e hot .
Solid b la ck or white stre aks appear on tr ansparencies o r p aper These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE TH E FI LL PATTERN IS CO RRE CT If the fill p att er n is inco rrect, ch oo s e a different fi ll pattern from you r softwar e program.
Contacting C ustomer Support When you call Custom er S u pport, describe the problem you are expe ri en cing, the message on the display, an d t he tro uble shoot i n g ste p s you hav e a lrea dy taken to find a so luti on. You need to kno w your pr inter model type a nd se rial n umber .
No tic es Pr oduct inf orma tion Pro duct na me: Lex ma r k E460dn , Lex mark E460 dw, Lexma rk E462d tn Mac hin e t ype : 4513 Mod el(s ): 630, 63W , 6EW Edit ion no t i ce Janu ary 2010 The fo llowing pa ragra ph does no t apply to any countr y where su ch prov isions ar e inconsist ent with l ocal law: LEXM ARK INTER NATIO NAL, INC.
UNI TED STAT ES GOV ERNM ENT RIGHT S Th is soft ware a nd any acco m p anyi ng docum ent at i on pro vided under this agreemen t ar e comm ercial comp uter software and documentation developed e xcl u s iv ely at private expense.
An y questi ons r egardin g this compli ance inform ation s tate m en t s hould be dire cted to : Direc tor of Lex mark Te chno logy & Ser vices Lex mark In terna tiona l, Inc.
This sym b o l id entifi es sta tic- sensi tive parts . Do no t touc h in t he ar eas ne ar th ese s ymbo ls with out first t o u chin g the meta l f r a me of the printe r.
Pow er cons umption Product power consumption The foll owing tabl e docume nts the po wer consum ption ch aracter istics of the product. Not e: So me modes may no t ap p ly to your produ ct. Mode Des cri pt io n Pow e r cons ump tion ( Watt s) Prin ting The product is gene r atin g h ard - copy output from electronic i n puts.
Indust ry Ca n ad a comp liance st atement This Class B digital apparatu s me et s al l requirements of the Canadian Int erference-Causi ng E quipment St an da rd ICES- 003.
The i nstall er of th is rad io equ i p ment mu st ensu re th a t t he ante nna is lo cated or point ed such tha t it do es not emit RF fie lds in exc ess of Heal th Can ada li mits for t he g ener al pop ula tion ; c onsu lt Saf ety Co d e 6 , obt ai nab le fr om H eal th Can ada's W eb site ww w.
Mem ber States relating t o electrom agnetic compatib ility, s afety of electric al equ ipment design ed for us e withi n cert ain voltag e l imits and on radi o equ ipment and t elecommun ication s termin al equipment . Compl iance is i n d i ca ted b y the CE mar king.
Ne derlands Hier bij verklaart Lexmark In t ernational, Inc . dat h et toestel dit product in overeenstemming is met de ess entië le eisen en d e ander e relev ante bep alingen van ric htlijn 1999 /5/E G.
To obta in warran ty service y ou may be required to pr esent proof of original purchase. You m ay be requir ed to deliver your produc t to th e Remark eter or L exmark, or shi p it prep aid and suitably packag ed to a Le xmark design ated locat ion.
Lex mark's l iabil ity for a c tual d a m age s from any ca u s e whats oever w ill be li mited to the amo unt you pai d for th e p r o d u c t t h a t c a u s e d t h e d a m a g e s .
Th is A gree men t is to be read in c onjun cti on with ce rtai n st atu tory pro visi ons , a s th at m ay b e in fo rce f rom tim e to t ime, th at impl y warr anties or con dition s or im pose obl igation s on L exmark that cannot be excl uded or modi fied.
Freeware, wh ether in t h e form of a discrete ag reement, shrin k-wrap lice n s e, or elect ronic licens e terms at the time of downl oad. Use of the Freeware by yo u s h all be governed ent irely by the term s an d c ondition s of such licen se. 6 TRA NSFER .
ackn owledge your agreemen t t o th ese License Agreemen t terms and condition s and t hat you are doing so with the i ntent to “sign” a contra ct with Lex mark .
Index Numer ics 1565 Emu lat i o n erro r, load emul ation opt ion 145 250-sh eet drawer inst allin g 25 30.y y Invali d re fill, chang e cart ridg e 141 31.yy Repl ace defectiv e or m issing cart ridg e 141 32 R e pl ace unsu p p orted cart ridg e 142 32 .
envir onmental setting s 39 Eco- Mode 40 Qui et Mo de 40 Ethe rnet ne two r k ing Maci nto sh 36 Wi ndows 36 Eth ernet por t 28 ex ter ior of the pr inte r cle ani ng 1 11 e-m ail not ice of low supp .
TCP/IP 86 Univ ersa l Set up 81 US B 89 Uti lities 104 Wi reless 87 XPS 105 Mis cell aneo us me nu 94 mov i n g the prin ter 118 multi purpose feeder lo ading 49 N NetWare men u 88 Net work <x >.
print er messag es 15 65 Emulat ion erro r, loa d emul ation opt ion 145 30.y y I nvalid refil l, chan ge car tridg e 141 31. y y Re place defective or missing car tridg e 141 32 Replace un supported car tridg e 142 32.
Set Da te/Tim e men u 96 set ting paper size 44 paper t ype 44 TCP/IP addr es s 86 Univ er sal P aper S ize 44 s etti ng up the pr in ter on a wired netwo rk (Ma cint osh) 36 on a wired netwo rk (W in.
wir ed n etwor king usin g Ma cint osh 36 Wi reless men u 87 wir ele ss net work con figura tion in format ion 31 ins tall ation , us ing Ma cint osh 34 in sta lla ti on, u sin g Wi ndow s 32 X XPS me.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark E462dtn c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark E462dtn - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark E462dtn, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark E462dtn va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark E462dtn, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark E462dtn.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark E462dtn. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark E462dtn ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.