Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E460dw du fabricant Lexmark
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Lexmark E 460dn a nd E46 0dw User's Guide August 2008 Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are tradem ar ks of Lexmark International, Inc., reg i stered in th e United States and/or o ther co untr ies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. .9 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .11 Finding inform ati on a bout the pr inte r.
Assign ing a Custom Type <x > name ...... .............. .............. ....... .............. ............. ....... .............. ...... . ............... ............. ....... .... 5 0 Chang ing a Cus t om Typ e <x> name ............ ..
202 paper jam..... ....................... ..................... ........... ....................... ..................... .......... ............. ...................... ........... .......73 231 paper jam..... ....................... ...............
General Settin gs menu .... .............. .............. ....... .............. .............. .............. ...... .............. ..... .. ............... .............. ............. ....... .. 105 Setup me nu .......... .............. ....... ...
Modifying co nfidential pri n t se ttings............ .................... .......... .................... .................... ........ .. ..................... .......144 Adjusting Po we r Saver..................... ........... .....................
Toner specks ... .............. .............. ............. ....... .............. .............. .............. ....... .............. . ............. ....... ............. .............. ....... .......... 1 6 0 Transpar ency print quality is poor .
S afety information Connec t t he p ower supply cord to a pro perly grounded electri c a l outlet that is near the produ ct and easily acces sible. CA UTION—SHOCK H AZARD: Do no t se t up this p rod uct or mak e an y el ectr ica l or cabli ng conn ecti ons, s uch as t he pow er su pply cor d or telep hone, du ring a li ghtnin g stor m.
• Lift th e printer off of the optional drawer and set it aside inst ead of trying to lift the drawer and print er at the same t ime. Not e: U se the ha ndhol ds lo cate d on bo th s ide s o f t he print er to li ft it of f th e o pti onal dr awe r.
Learning about the printer Finding infor mation about the pri nter Setup in form atio n Descri ption Wh ere to f in d Th e Se tup information gives you instr uctions fo r setting up the printer. Follow the set of in structions f or local, networ k, or wireless, depending on w hat you need.
Printer configurations Basic m odel The f ol lowin g ill ustr at ion sho ws the pri nter f ron t with i ts ba sic fe atu res o r par ts: 1 Front d oor releas e button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b.
Th e follow ing illu stra tion shows t he pr inter bac k wit h it s basic featur es or parts : 1 Rear door 2 Eth ernet po rt 3 USB port 4 Para llel port No te : If you r printer is a wireles s model, the wireless antenn a is attached he re. The wirel ess a ntenna repla ces th e par allel port for the wireless pr inter model.
Conf igured m odels The foll owing i llustrati on shows the pr inter con figured with an optiona l 250-s heet draw er: 1 Front d oor releas e button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter con.
The foll owing i llustrati on shows the pr inter con figured with an optiona l 550-s heet draw er: 1 Front d oor releas e button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter contr ol panel 5 Sys te.
The foll owing di agrams an d tables p rovide mor e infor mation abou t t he printer contro l panel i tems: Item De sc ri p ti on 1 Menus button ( ) Opens the menus Note: The menus are available on ly when the printer is in the Ready sta te.
Item Descr iption 1 Display Shows mess ag es that commun icate the status of the pr inter or that indica te possible printer problems that must be resolved. The disp la y is also ca pable of showing pictures of Show Me instructions, wh ich show you how to perform a tas k like clearing a jam.
Item Descripti on 1 Key pa d Enter n umber s or symbols if the dis play screen has a field that accepts these entries. Using the standard e xit bin and paper stop The standar d exit bin holds up to 150 sheets of 20 lb paper. It collec t s prin t j obs fac edown.
Not es: • Do not l eave the pa per stop in t h e open pos ition if you are print in g on tran sparen c i es. Doing so may cause creases in the tr ansparen cies. • When mov ing the prin ter to a noth er locat ion, mak e sur e the pa per stop is closed .
Additional printer setup Afte r co mplet ing a ny addi tio nal pr inte r setu p, pr int a men u setti ngs p age to ve rify th at a ll pri nte r opti ons are i nsta lled corr ectly . See “P rintin g a men u s etting s p age” on page 36 for mor e inf ormatio n.
3 Rig ht sid e 20 0 mm ( 8.0 in. ) 4 Left s ide 12.7 mm (0 .5 in. ) 5 Top 300 m m (1 2.0 i n. ) Installing int ernal options CAUTI ON—SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acc essing th e sy stem board or insta.
Acce ssing t he sys tem boar d to inst all in ternal options CAUTI ON—SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acc essing th e sy stem board or insta lling optiona l hardware or mem ory de vic es some tim e a fter s etti ng up the pri nter , t hen tu rn the pr inte r o ff, an d un plu g t he pow er c ord fr om t he wal l out let be fore co nt inuin g.
Insta lling a memory card CAUTI ON—SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acc essing th e sy stem board or insta lling optiona l hardware or mem ory de vic es some tim e a fter s etti ng up the pri nter , t hen tu rn the pr inte r o ff, an d un plu g t he pow er c ord fr om t he wall outlet before con tinuing.
4 Push the me mory c ard in to the conn ector until the l atche s sn ap into pla ce . 5 Close t he system board door. Inst alling a flash memor y or firm ware card Th e system board has two conne ctions for an opt ional flas h memory or firm ware card .
2 Unpack t he ca rd. Not e: Avoid to u ching the connecti on points a long the edge of the card. 3 Hold ing the c ard by it s sides, align t he card wit h the connector o n the s ystem boa rd.
Installing hardwa re options Installi ng a 250- or 5 50-sheet d rawer The pr inter su pports an op tiona l 250- or 5 50-sheet drawer. Only one draw er may be instal led on the prin ter at one time.
6 Al ign th e pr in ter w ith th e d rawe r, a nd the n lowe r th e pr in ter int o p lac e. Attachi ng cables 1 Conn ect th e pr inte r t o a com pute r or a netw ork . • For a local con nection, u se a US B or paral lel cabl e. • For a network c onnection , use an Ethernet cable.
1 Eth ernet po rt No te : The Ethernet port is a f ea tur e on network models only. 2 USB port 3 Para llel port No te : If you r printer is a wireles s model, the wireless antenn a is attached he re. The wirel ess a ntenna repla ces th e par allel port for the wireless pr inter model.
In W ind ows Vis ta a Cl ick . b In t he St art Se a rch b ox , typ e D: s etup .exe , w he r e D is the le tter o f your CD or D VD driv e. In W indow s XP and earli er a Cl ick Start . b Cl ick Run . c Ty pe D: s etup .ex e , where D is the let te r of yo ur CD o r D VD dr ive .
8 Type the user p as s wo r d, and th en click OK . All the nec essar y so f t ware is inst alled on the co mpute r. 9 Cl ick Cl ose wh en in stal lation is comp lete. b Add t he printer: • For IP pri ntin g: In M ac OS X v ers ion 1 0.5 1 From t he Apple m enu, choos e Syst em Pr eferenc es .
Installing pri nter software A p rin te r dr iver is s of tware th at l ets the c omput er com mun ic ate w it h th e p rin ter . Th e p rint er soft war e i s ty pica lly ins tall ed dur ing the in itia l p ri nter s etu p.
• Secur ity Metho d —Th ere a re thre e bas ic o pti ons for Se cur ity Me thod : – WEP key If your net work uses m ore than one WEP key, enter up t o four in th e provided spac es. Select t he key current ly in use on th e netw ork by selec ting th e Defa ult W EP Tran smit Ke y.
Do not conn ect th e USB cable until instructe d to do s o on the screen 2 Inse rt the Software and D ocumentation CD. 3 Clic k Ins ta ll . 4 Clic k Ag re e .
3 Conn ect th e po wer cabl e, a nd the n tu rn the powe r o n. En ter th e prin te r inf orma tion 1 Access the A irP ort op tio ns. In M a c OS X ver sion 10. 5 a From the A pple m e n u, choose Sy stem Prefere nces . b Cl ick Ne twor k . c Cl ick AirPort .
In M a c OS X ver sion 10. 5 a From the A pple m e n u, choose Sy stem Prefere nces . b Cl ick Ne twor k . c Cl ick AirPort . In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier a F rom the G o m en u , c hoo s e Ap plicatio ns . b Doub le-c lick Internet Connect . c Fro m the to ol bar , cl ick AirPort .
5 Sel ect the pri nter fro m the li st. 6 Cl ick Add . b For AppleTal k printin g: In Mac OS X version 10.5 1 From t he Apple menu, c hoose Sys tem Pr efe re nce s . 2 Cl ick Pr int & Fa x . 3 Cl ick + . 4 Cl ick Appl eTalk . 5 Sel ect the pri nter fro m the li st.
3 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Repo rt s appear s, and then press . Men u S ettin gs Pa ge appe ars. 4 Pre ss . Afte r the me nu sett ings page p rint s, Read y appear s. Printi ng a ne twork setup page If t he pri nter is atta ched to a netw ork, p rint a netw ork se tup pa ge to ve rify th e netwo rk co nnec tion .
Loading p aper and s pecialty m e dia This section ex plains how to loa d the 250- and 550-sheet t r ays and t he mult ipurpose feeder. It also includes inf ormatio n about paper orie ntation , set ting t he P aper Siz e and Pape r Type, and l inkin g and unli nking trays .
5 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Un its o f Meas ur e app ears, an d t hen pres s . 6 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until appe ars next t o the c orrect un it of mea sure, a nd then press . Subm it tin g se lect i on appears, followe d by the Univ er sal S etup men u.
1 Pull the tr ay c omple tel y out. 2 Squeeze the width guide tabs on the ri ght guide a s shown, an d slide t he width g uides to the sides of the t ray.
If y ou are loadin g a lo nger size of p aper lik e A4 or legal, squeeze the len gth gui d e tab an d slid e the l ength gu ide back war ds to the p osi tio n fo r th e l eng th o f pape r yo u ar e l oadi ng. The tra y exten ds backw ards as sh own .
4 Flex th e sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them. Do not fold or creas e th e paper. S traighten the edg es on a lev el surf ace. 5 Load th e pap er sta ck towa rd the back of the tr ay as sho wn wit h the re commende d print sid e facedo wn.
6 Squeeze t h e widt h guide tabs on the right guide, and slide t h e w idth guides to lightly touch the side of the stack. Adjust the guides prope rly t o al leviate repeated jams and paper feeding probl ems.
Loadi ng the optional 250- or 550-she e t tray Only one option al drawer, which inc ludes eith er a 250- or 550- sheet tray, may be attached to the prin ter a t a time. Regardl ess of t he number of sheet s in t he optio nal tra y, it i s referr ed to as Tray 2.
Using the multipur pose feeder You may want t o use the m ultipur pose feeder when you print on differen t sizes and t ypes of papers or speci alty media, su ch as c ard s tock, transp arencie s, paper labels , and e nvel opes.
4 Guide the extens ion down g en tly s o the multip urpose feeder is extended fully and open. Loadi ng t h e mult ipurpose feeder 1 Squeeze the tab lo cated o n the r ight width guid e, and move t he guides o ut fully. 2 Prepa re the p aper or specialty media for loadin g.
• Flex a st ack of envelopes ba ck and f o rth to loo sen them, and then fan the m. Straigh ten the edges on a level surf ace. Not e: Fannin g prevent s the edges o f envelopes fro m sticking t ogether. I t also helps them feed p roperly to avoid jams .
• Load pape r, transparenc ies, and card stoc k with the reco m men ded print side face up and the top edg e entering the print er first. F or more in formatio n on loadin g trans parencies , see the pack aging th e transpar encies c ame in. • Load letterh ead with t he logo faceu p and th e top edg e entering the printer first.
4 Sque eze t he tab l ocate d on the righ t widt h guide to ad just th e guide s to l ightl y touc h the side s of th e stac k. 5 Sli de the paper gently into the mul tipurpose feeder until it comes to a stop. Paper shoul d l i e fla t in the mult ipurpose f eeder.
Unlink ing tr ays Unli n ked tr ays ha ve s etti ngs th at ar e not the sa me as th e setti ng s of an y other tray. To unl ink a t ray u sing th e Paper me nu, ch ange th e P ape r T ype and Pap er Siz e s etti ng s so th at t hey do no t m atc h th e s ett in gs of an y oth er tra y.
Changin g a Custom Type <x > name If the prin ter is o n a net work, you can us e the Emb edde d Web Ser ver to defin e a n ame othe r than Custo m Type <x > for eac h of t he custo m paper t ypes that are l oaded. When a Custom Ty pe <x > name is chan ged, th e menus disp lay the new name in stead of Custo m Type <x>.
Paper a nd specialty media gu idelines Paper and specialty media are paper, card st ock, envelopes, paper label s, an d tran sparencies. A number of items mu st b e co nside r ed co ncer ning t he sel ec tio n of p ape r and spe ci alty me di a be fo re pri nti ng.
Condi tion pap er before pr inting by st oring it i n its original wrapper in t he sam e envir onment as th e printer for 2 4 to 48 hours bef ore p rint ing. Exte nd th e ti me sev era l da ys if the sto rage o r tr ansp or tati on env ir onme nt is very di ffe ren t fr om t he p rint er env iro nm ent.
• Avoid pa pers w ith rough o r heav ily textu red surfac es. Use papers printed wit h heat-resist ant inks design ed for use in xero graphic copier s. The ink must be a ble to wit h s t a nd tem peratures up to 230 °C (44 6°F) wi t h out mel ting o r releasin g hazar dous emis sions.
Supporte d paper sizes, types, weights, a nd capaci ties The foll owing tabl es pro vide inform ation on standard a nd optiona l paper sou rces, the ty pes of pap er they support, and cap acities . Not e: For an u nli st ed pa pe r size , se le ct the clos est larger lis ted si ze.
Pape r size s sup porte d by the printer Paper size Di me ns io ns Stand a rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 2 50- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rp ose feeder Duplex path A4 210 x 29 7 mm (8.3 x 11.7 in.) A5 148 x 21 0 mm (5.8 x 8. 3 in.) X A6 1 105 x 14 8 mm (4.
Paper size Di me ns io ns Stand a rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 2 50- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rp ose feeder Duplex path 10 Envel ope 105 x 24 1 mm (4.1 x 9. 5 in.) X X X Other Enve lo pe 229 x 35 6 mm (9 x 14 in.) X X X 1 A6 i s supported only for gr ain long papers.
Printing Th is chapt er cove rs prin ting , prin ter re ports , and job c ancel at ion. Sel ectio n and ha ndl ing o f pap er and speci alt y med ia can af fect how rel iably docume nts prin t. For more i nform ation , see “Avoi ding j ams” on page 6 7 and “St oring pap er” on pa ge 54.
Printing on spe cia lt y medi a Ti ps on using le tterhe ad Page orientation is impor tant when printin g on letterhe ad. Use the f ollowing t able to determi ne which dir ec t ion to loa d the le tte.
Sou rce o r pr oces s Pri nt sid e Pa pe r or ien tat ion Multipurpos e fe ed er (duplex printing) Preprinted letterhead des ign is placed faced own. The top edge of the sheet with the logo should enter the multipurpose feeder last.
• To op timize p erfo rmance an d min imize ja ms, do not u se e nvelopes that: – Have ex cessive curl or t wist – Are stuc k togeth er or damage d in an y way – H ave wi ndow s, ho les , pe r.
When print ing on car d stock: • Mak e sure the Paper T ype is Car d S tock. • Sele c t t h e approp riate Paper Texture settin g. • Be aware that preprint ing, perforat ion, an d cre asi ng may sign ifican tly af fect the pri nt q uality and cause jam s or othe r p ap er han dli ng pr obl ems .
Printi ng c onfidentia l an d other held jo bs Con fiden tial a nd Verif y print jo bs are auto mati cally de lete d from me mory afte r they p rint. Rep eat an d Reser ve jobs co nti nue to be held in the pri nt er u ntil yo u c ho ose to d el ete them .
If y ou enter an inval id PIN , the In valid PIN screen appears. • To re -en ter t he PIN, ma ke s ure Tr y aga in appea rs, and t hen pres s . • To can cel the PIN, p ress th e down arrow butt on unti l Canc el appears , and then press . 9 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until ap pear s next to the jo b you wa nt to pr int, and th en pre ss .
4 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Prt Qu al ity Pg s a ppears, and then press . The prin t quality test pages print . 5 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Exit C on fig Me nu app ears , and t hen press . Res et ting t he Pr inter appear s briefl y, fol l owed by a clock , and then Re ady appea rs.
When you sen d a job to print, a small print er icon appear s in t he r igh t c o rner of the taskbar . 1 Dou ble -c lick t he p ri nter i con . A list of print jobs appea rs in the pr inter window. 2 Selec t a job to cance l. 3 From the ke yboard , press Delete .
Clearing jams By careful ly selecting paper s and specia lty media and loading it proper ly, you shoul d be ab le to a void most jams. For mor e informatio n, see “Avoidi ng jams” o n pag e 67. I f jams do occur , follow th e steps outlined in t his chapt er.
Identify ing jams in the pape r path The f ol lowin g ill ustr atio n show s th e path t hat p aper t rav els thr oug h th e prin ter. The pat h vari es de pend ing on the input sour ce ( tray or feeder) a nd depe ndin g on wheth er a d uplex (tw o-sided) print job is be ing sent.
1 Sta nda rd exi t b in 2 Front d o or 3 Multipurpos e feeder door 4 Tr ay 1 5 O ptio nal 250- or 550-s heet t ray (T ray 2) 6 Rear door Jam me ssag e numb ers an d how to acce ss each j am Jam number To access the jam 200 Tr y one or more of the following: • Remo ve T ra y 1.
Jam number To access the jam 234 Tr y one or more of the following: • Open the front door, and th en op en the rear door. • Remove Tray 1, and then depress the lever.
3 If you do not see it, op en t he fro n t doo r , and t hen re move the photocon ductor kit and toner car tridge (unit). Not e: Wh e n the ph otoconduc t or kit and t oner cart ridge are to get her, th ey are cal led a u nit. 4 Lift t he flap in fro nt of t h e printer , and remove any jammed s heets.
201 pape r jam CAUT ION— HOT SUR FA CE: The fuser and the inside o f the printer near th e fuser may be hot. To reduc e the risk o f injury from a hot compo nent, allow the surfac e to cool bef ore r emovin g pap er from th is are a. 1 Open the fron t d o or, and t hen r e move the unit.
202 pape r jam CAUT ION— HOT SUR FA CE: The fuser and the inside o f the printer near th e fuser may be hot. To reduc e the risk o f injury from a hot compo nent, allow the surfac e to cool bef ore r emovin g pap er from th is are a. 1 Open the fron t d o or, and t hen r e move the unit.
4 Remov e the j am. 5 Clo se t he rear door . 6 Clos e the f ront d oor. 7 Pre ss . 231 pape r jam CAUT ION— HOT SUR FA CE: The fuser and the inside o f the printer near th e fuser may be hot. To reduc e the risk o f injury from a hot compo nent, allow the surfac e to cool bef ore r emovin g pap er from th is are a.
3 Remov e the j am. 4 Clo se t he rear door . 5 Clos e the f ront d oor. 6 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear the j am, compl ete the steps in “233 pap er jam” on p age 75.
2 Lo cate t he lev er sho wn . Pull the le ve r d ow n t o r ele ase th e j am. 3 Pul l the jammed sh eets from the duplex area. 4 Inse rt the tra y. 5 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear the j am, compl ete the steps in “231 pap er jam” on p age 74.
235 pape r jam A duplex print j o b was sen t to the printer us ing a s ize of paper not su pported for du plex printin g . A sheet i s jammed in t he st and ard exi t bin . 1 To r emo ve th e j am, ge ntl y pu ll the j amm ed s heet out o f the s tanda rd exit bi n.
2 Remov e the j am. 3 Inse rt the op tiona l tray . 4 Pre ss . 251 pape r jam A she et of pap er or s pecialt y media f a iled to feed complet ely from the m ultipurp ose feeder. Part of it may be s till visibl e. If it i s visible, gently pull the jammed s heet fr om the f ront of the mu ltipurpos e feeder.
If th e she et is no t vis ibl e, co mpl ete th e fo llowi ng s tep s: 1 Open the fron t d o or, and t hen r e move the unit. 2 Lif t the fl ap at th e front o f the pr inte r, and th en remo ve an y jamme d s heet s of pa per that are sh ort le ngths of paper.
Understandin g printer menus Menus list A num ber of menus and m enu i tems ar e avail able t o make it easy for you to c hange print er set tings: Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Default Source Pa p.
Paper menu Defa ult Source menu Men u item Descri ption Default Source Tr ay <x> MP Feeder Ma nua l P a per Ma nua l E nv Sets a default paper source for a ll print j obs Notes: • From the Paper menu, Configure MP must be set to Cassette in order for MP Feeder to appear as a menu setting.
Men u item Desc ription Tray <x> Type Plain Pa per Card St ock Transpar ency Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig h t Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ Cotton Cust om Ty pe <x> Specifies the type of paper loaded in each tray Notes: • Plain Paper is the factor y default setti ng for Tr ay 1.
Men u item Desc ription MP Fee der Si ze A4 A5 A6 Ex ecu tive Foli o JIS B5 Leg al Letter Ofic io (Mexico) Statement Universal 7 3/ 4 Enve lop e 9 En velo pe 10 E nv el ope C5 Envel ope B5 Env el ope DL Env elope Oth e r En ve lo pe Specifies the paper size loaded in the multipurpose feeder Notes: • Letter is the U.
Men u item Desc ription Manual Paper Type Plain Pa per Card St ock Transpar ency Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig h t Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ Cotton Cust om Ty .
Su bstitute Size menu Men u item Descri ption Substitute Size Of f Statement/A5 Le tter/A4 All Lis ted Substitutes a specified paper size if th e requ e s ted paper size is no t available Notes: • All Listed is the factory default setting . All available substitutions are allowed.
Men u item Descri ption Rough Envelope Tex t ure Roug h Specifies the relative texture of the envelopes loaded in a specific tr ay Note: Rough is the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Desc ription Transparency W eight Lig h t Nor mal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of th e transpar encies loaded i n a specific tray Note: Normal i s the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Desc ription Rough/Cotton Weight Lig h t Nor mal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of th e paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Normal i s the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Descri ption Custom <x> Loa di ng Duplex Of f Determin es whether 2-sided printin g occurs for all j ob s that specify Custom <x> as the paper type No te s: • Off is the f actory def ault setting. • Custom < x> Loading is avai lable only if the cu stom type is supported.
Men u item Descri ption Portrait Width 3– 14.1 7 inc hes 76– 360 m m Sets th e portrait wid th Notes: • If the width exceeds the maximum, then the printer uses the maximum width allowed. • 8.5 inch es is th e US facto ry def ault setti ng. Inch es can be in creas ed in 0.
Men u item Descri ption Network <x> Setup Page Prints a r eport containin g inf ormation abou t the network pr inter s ettings, s uch as the TCP/I P addres s information Notes: • This menu item is av ailable when more than one network option is installed.
Sta ndard Network or Netw ork <x > menu s Men u item Descripti on PC L Sm artS witch On Of f Sets the pri n ter to au toma ti cally swit ch to PCL emula tion w hen a print job requires it, reg ardless of the def ault printer language Notes: • On is the fa ctory defa u lt setting.
Men u item Descripti on Std Netw ork Setup Rep ort s Net wor k C ar d TC P/I P IPv6 Wir ele ss AppleTa lk Net Wa re Lex L in k Net <x> Setu p Rep ort s Net wor k C ar d TC P/I P IPv6 Wir ele ss .
Men u item Desc ription Network Addr ess UAA LA A Lets you v iew the network addres ses Job Time out 0-22 5 sec ond s Sets th e amount of ti me in seconds tha t a n et work prin t jo b can take befor e it is canceled Notes: • 90 se conds is the fa ctory def ault setting.
Men u item Descri ption Enable Aut o IP Yes No Specif ies the Zero C on figuration Networking s etting Note: Y es is the fact ory default s etting. Ena bl e FT P/TF TP Yes No Enables the built-i n F TP server, wh ich allows f i les to be tran sferred to th e printer Note: Y es is the fact ory default s etting.
Net wor k/ Port s Netwo rk <x > Net <x> Se tup Wireless Men u item Descri ption Network Mode Infrastr ucture Ad h oc Specif ies the netw ork mode Notes : • Infrastructure mode lets the printer ac cess a network usi ng an access point.
Net wor k/ Port s Netwo rk Menu Netwo rk Setup Net W are Men u item Desc ription Ac tivat e Yes No Activates or d eactivates NetWa re support Note: No is the factory d efault settin g. View Login Name Shows the assigned NetWare login name Note: This can be changed only from the Embedded W eb Server.
USB menu Men u item Des c ri pt io n PC L Sm artS witch On Of f Sets the printer to au tomatically switch to PCL emulation when a print job received through a U SB port requi res it, regardles s of the defau lt printer la nguage Notes: • On is the factory defa ult settin g.
Men u item Des c ri pt io n ENA Address <xxx>.<xxx>.<xxx>.<xxx> Sets the networ k address in formation f or an external print s erver that is attach ed to the printer u sing a U SB cable Note: This menu item is avail a b le only if the pri nter is attach ed to an external print server thr ough the U S B port.
Men u item Desc ription Parallel Buf fer Disabled Aut o 3K to <max size allowed> Sets the size of th e parallel i nput buffer Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting . • The Dis abled settin g turns off job bu ffering. Any jobs already buffered on the disk are printed bef ore normal proc essing is res umed.
Men u item Desc ription Pa rallel w ith EN A EN A Ad dre ss EN A Net ma sk EN A Gat ewa y • ENA Address s ets the network address information for an exter nal print server that is atta ched to th e .
Men u item Descri ption Dev ice- Init iated E-mai l None Use Device Credentials User -I nitiate d E -m ail None Use Device SMTP Credentials De vice U ser id Device password Kerberos 5 Re alm NTLM Domai n Specif ies server information Notes: • The message box es have a limitation of 512 characters .
Men u item Des cripti on Remote Logins Log i n fa il ur es Failur e time f rame Lo ckout time Log i n t imeo u t Limits the number an d time f r ames of fa iled login attempts from a computer before all remote u sers are locked out Notes: • “Login failures” specifi es the number of failed login attempts before users are locked out.
Men u item Des cripti on Configure Log Ena ble Aud it Yes No Ena ble Re mot e Sy sl og No Yes Remote Sy slog Faci lity 0–2 3 Sev erity of events to log 0–7 Spec ifies whether an d how t he audit logs of print jobs are c reated: • Enable Aud it determines if the p rinter records events in the secure a u d it log and in the remote syslog.
Men u item Descri ption En able NTP On Of f Enables Network Time P rotocol, which synchroni zes the clocks of devices on a netw ork Note: On is the factory def ault set ting.
Men u item Descript ion Quiet Mode Of f On Reduces the amount of nois e produced by the printer Notes: • Off is th e factory d efault setti ng. • On config ures the printer to produce as little n oise as possible. Run Initial setup Yes No Instructs the printer to run the setup wiza rd Notes: • Yes is the factory defa ult settin g.
Men u item Descript ion Timeouts Prin t Tim eout Disabled 1 s ec–25 5 s ec Sets the amount of tim e i n seconds the pri n ter waits to receiv e an end-of-job message before cancelin g the remainder of the print job Notes: • 90 se conds is the fa ctory default setting.
Men u item Descript ion Fac to ry De fa ults Do Not Re stor e Res tore No w Returns the printer se ttings to the fac tory default settings Notes: • Do Not Res tore is the factor y default s etting.
Men u item Descri ption Down lo ad Target RAM Flas h Sets the s torage location for d ownloads Notes : • RAM is the factory d efault settin g. • Storin g d o wnloads in flas h memory p laces them in permanent storage. Downloads remain in flash memory even when the printer is turn ed off.
Men u item Des cripti on Duplex Binding Lon g E dg e Sho rt Edg e Defines the wa y duplexed pa ges are bound an d how the pr inting on the back of the page is oriented in rela tion to the prin ting on the front of the page Notes: • Long Edge i s the factory de fault setting.
Men u item Des cripti on N-up (pa ges-side) Of f 2-Up 3-Up 4-Up 6-Up 9-Up 12-U p 16-U p Spec ifies that multipl e-page imag es be printed on one si de of a sheet of pa per Notes: • Off is the fac tory default s etting. • The number selected is t he number of page imag e s that will print per s ide.
Men u item Descri ption Enhance Fine Lines On Of f Enable s a print mod e prefer able for fi les such as ar chitectural drawings , maps, electrical circuit diagr ams, and flow char ts Notes: • Off is the fac tory default s etting.
Men u item Des cripti on Def ragm ent Fla sh No Yes Prepares the flash memory to re ceive new data by retrieving lost storage space War nin g—Po tent ial Da mage : Do not turn off the prin ter while the flash memory is def ragmenting.
Post Script m enu Men u item Desc ription Pr int PS Er ror On Of f Prints a page contain ing the PostSc ript error Note: Off i s the factory default setting . Font Priority Res ide nt Flas h Es t a blishes the font s earc h order Notes: • Resid ent is the factory default setting.
Men u item Des cr i pti o n PCL E mulation Settings Pitch 0.08– 100 Spe cifie s the font p it ch for s calabl e monospa ced fon ts Notes: • 10 is th e factory d efault settin g. • Pitch ref ers to the n umber of fixed-space c haract ers per inch (cpi).
Men u item Des cr i pti o n Tray Renu mber Assign MP F eeder Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Tr ay <x > Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma nual P ape r Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma n En v Off Non e 0.
HTML menu Men u item Descri ption Font Name Alb er tus MT Ant iq ue Ol ive Apple C h an cery Ari al MT Ava nt Gar de Bod on i Bookman Chicago Clare ndon Cooper Black Copper plate Coro net Cour ier Eur.
Men u item Desc ription Backgrounds Do Not Prin t Prin t Specifi es whether to pr int backg rounds on HTML d ocuments Note: Prin t is the factory default setti ng. Image men u Men u item Des cripti on Auto F it On Of f Selec ts th e opti mal pape r siz e, sc aling, a nd ori enta tion Notes: • On is the fa ctory default setting.
Men u item Descri ption Med ia Gui d e Provides a list of the paper sizes supported in trays, d rawers, an d f eed ers Prin t Def ects Provides inf or mation about resolving print defects Men u Ma p P.
Unders tanding printer messages Whe n Ma nual Feed er appears on the display, it re f e rs t o the multip urpose feeder. List of stat us and error messages Acti vating Menu Changes Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Busy Wait for t he mess age to cl ear.
Cart ridge Life Exc eeded The toner c artridge is exhausted. 1 Remove the used toner cartri dg e, and then install a new on e. 2 Pre ss to cle ar the mes sage. Change <sr c> to <x> • Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Cont in ue app ears, a nd t hen pres s if the pap er w as c hanged .
DO NOT TO UCH Re ading flash d ata DO NO T POWE R OF F As a p art of this messag e, a bar grap hi c appea rs on on e lin e of th e displ ay, i ndicatin g the percent age of proces sing time co mpleted. Wait for the message to clear. The message disp lays until all code is received and th e pr ocessing is compl et e.
Load < s r c> with <x > Try one or more of th e fol lowing: • Loa d the tr ay or ot her sour ce with t he cor rect pap er type and size . • Canc el the cur rent job. Ma in t ena nc e Rep lace th e m ai nte nanc e i tem s a nd , i f ne ces sa ry, re set the pr inte r m ai nte nance c oun ter .
No job s to cancel Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Not Rea dy The pr inter is not rea dy to re ceive or proces s data, o r the pr inter po rts are offline. Paralle l/Paralle l <x> The pr inter is connect ed to a par allel por t. Paral lel interf ace is the activ e commun ication l ink.
Progra mming System Code D O NOT POWER OFF Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Warning—P o te ntial Damage: Do no t turn the pri n ter po wer o ff wh ile Prog ra mmin g Sy st em Co de a ppears on t he dis play. Ready Th e printer is re ady t o rec eive pri nt jobs .
Resto ring Facto ry D efaults Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Whe n factor y def ault se ttin gs are r estor ed: • All downloaded resources in the p r inter memory are del et ed.
USB /USB <x> The U S B port is th e active communic at i on link. Th e printer is proces sing data through t he spec ified USB po rt. Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Waitin g, to o many e vents … DO NOT POWER OFF Th e printe r rece ived t oo mu ch inf ormat ion.
37 Insuff icient me mory for Flash Memory Defragme nt operat ion Try one or more of th e fol lowing: • Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Cont in ue app ears, a nd t hen pres s to sto p the defr agme nt oper atio n a nd con tinu e prin ting. • Del ete f onts , mac ros, a nd othe r data in pri nter m emory.
50 PPD S fon t er ror Try one or more of th e fol lowing: • Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Cont in ue app ears, a nd t hen pres s t o clear th e messag e and co ntinue prin ting. • The p rin ter c anno t find a r eques ted fon t. Fr om th e PP DS menu , sel ect Best Fit , an d the n se le ct On .
56 St anda rd USB po rt disabled Try one or more of th e fol lowing: • The pri nter discards any d a t a rec eived through the USB port. Press to clear th e message and con tinue prin ting. • Make sure the USB Buffer men u item is not set to Disabled.
200.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or the number of pages j ammed. 1 To a ccess the jam, try one o r mo re o f th e fo llowin g: • Rem ov e T r ay 1 . • Open t he fron t door , and t hen rem ove th e photoc onducto r kit a nd ton er c artrid ge unit .
233.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or the number of pages j ammed. 1 To a ccess the jam, try one o r mo re o f th e fo llowin g: • Remo v e Tray 1, and the n depress the lever. • Open the front door , and t h en open t he rear doo r.
251.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or the number of pages j ammed. 1 Remove t he ja m from the mu ltipurpos e feeder. 2 Pre ss to c ont in ue p rin ting . 900– 999 Se rvic e <messa ge> 1 Turn th e pr inter of f.
Maintaini n g the printer Pe riodi cally, c ertain t ask s are requi red to main ta in optimu m pri nt qualit y. Cleaning the exterior of the prin te r 1 Make sur e that th e pr inter i s tur ned o ff and unp lug ged fro m th e wall out let .
Conserving supplies Conse rvin g supplie s using the prin ter control pane l There are som e set tings you can ch ange from the print er control pan el t hat will help you co nserve toner and pape r.
Order ing supplie s To o rder supp lies in th e U.S. , con tac t Lexma rk at 1-800 -53 9-6275 fo r in forma tion abou t Lex mark auth orize d su ppli es de ale rs in yo ur a rea. In oth er c oun trie s or r egi ons, v isi t the Lexm ar k Web Si te at ww w.
Part na me Lexmark Return Pro g ram Cartridge Regular cartridge Extr a High Yie ld Ton er Cartrid ge E460X 11L E4 60 X21L Orderi ng a photocon duct or kit Depe ndin g on yo ur pri nter mo del, the pr inte r issu es a mes sage or a lig ht sequ enc e to let you know the phot ocondu ctor kit is nea r its en d of li fe.
To re place the to ner ca rtri dge: 1 Open the front d o or by press ing the bu tton on the left si de of the p rinte r and loweri ng the door . 2 Pres s the bu tton on the base of the phot ocond uctor kit , and t hen pull the toner cartrid ge out using the h andle.
5 Inst all th e ne w ton er ca rtri dge by ali gnin g the roll ers on the toner cartr id ge wi th the arr ows on the tr acks of t he ph otocon ducto r kit. Pus h the ton er cart ridge i n as far as it wil l go. The cart rid ge clicks int o place when corr ectly i nsta lled.
Plac e the u nit o n a fl at, clea n su rface. 3 Pres s the bu tton on the base of the ph otocon ductor kit . Pul l the t oner car tridg e up an d out using the han dle. 4 Un pa ck th e n ew ph oto con duc tor kit. B e c are ful no t to to uc h the ph oto con duc to r drum .
5 Inse rt th e to ner c artr id ge into the phot oco nducto r ki t by a lign ing th e ro lle rs on the t one r car trid ge with the t rack s. Push the to ner cartr idge unti l it clicks in to pl ace. 6 Ins t a ll the u nit int o the pr inter by align ing th e arrows on the g uides of the unit w ith the arro ws in t he prin ter.
Moving the printer Moving the printe r to ano ther location C AUTI ON— POTE NT IAL IN JUR Y: Before movin g t he prin ter, follow these guidel ines to avoid personal injur y or pri nt er da ma ge : • Turn the prin ter off using th e power switch, a nd then unplug the power cord f rom the w all out let.
Administrative su pport Finding advanced n etworking and administrator information Th is ch apter c over s ba sic adm inis trati ve su ppo rt ta sks . For mor e adva nce d syst em su ppor t task s, se.
Che ckin g th e devi ce st atus Using the Embedded Web Server, you ca n view pap er tr ay settin g s , the l evel of t oner in the pri nt cartr idge, the perc entage of life rema ining in th e ma intenan ce kit, and capaci ty measuremen ts of certain prin ter parts.
You can set a n expir ati on tim e for co nfide nti al pri nt job s. Whe n a use r has not p rin ted the jobs wi thi n the de sign ated time period, all of the j obs for th at us er are delet ed. Not e: Thi s f u nction ality is ava ilable onl y on n etwork pri nters .
Setting up e-mail alerts You can have t he pri nter send you an e-mail when the s upplies ar e getti ng low or when the pape r needs to be ch an ge d, ad d ed , or u nj am med . To set up e- mail al erts: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser.
Troubles hooting Solving ba s i c printer problems If th ere ar e basic printer problems, or the printer is un responsi ve, make sure: • The po wer cord is plugged i nto the pr inter an d a pr operly grou nded electrica l outlet . • The el ectrical outlet i s not t urned of f by any swit c h or b reaker.
M AKE SU R E TH E C ORR ECT PR IN TE R SO F TWARE IS INSTA LLE D • Verify that you are usin g the c orrect prin ter softw are. • If yo u a re u sing a USB p ort, ma ke sure yo u are run ning Windows Vista , Window s XP, Wi ndows Se rver 20 03, or Wind ows 200 0/Me/98 an d us ing compat ible prin ter softw are.
Job ta kes longer than expec ted to print These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: R EDUC E THE CO MPLE XI TY OF THE PRINT JO B Reduce the n umber and size of font s, the number an d compl exity of images , a nd the number of pag es in the job.
Large jobs do not collate These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU R E C OLLATE IS SET TO O N Fro m Pri nt P rope rti es or the prin ter co ntro l pane l Fi nish ing me nu, se t Col late to O n. Not e: Settin g Collate to Off in t h e soft ware overrides the sett in g in the Fin ishing menu.
C HECK TO SE E IF THE OP T ION IS CONN ECTED TO THE PRINT ER 1 Tur n the pr inte r o ff. 2 Unplug the pri nter. 3 Check t he connec tion between the opt ion and th e prin ter. M AKE SU R E TH E OPTIO N IS INSTALLED Print a menu s etting s page an d check t o see if the opt ion is l isted in the Inst alled O ptions lis t.
Solving paper feed problems Paper fr eque ntly jam s These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: F AN , FL EX , AND STRAIGHTEN THE P APER IN THE TRAY OR FEED ER Turn th e stack of paper over, if poss ible, when you reload it int o the t ray or f e eder.
5 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until Jam Re co very appe ars, an d th en press . 6 Pres s t he down arrow but ton until On or Au to appears, and then press . Solving pri nt quality proble ms The informat ion in the followin g t o pics m a y h e lp you solv e pr int q u ality prob lems.
Blan k pages Try one or more of th e fol lowing: • Rem ov e and r ein stal l th e ton er ca rtri dge . • Rem ove and reins tall the pho toconduc tor kit. If th e prin t e r still prints blank page s, it may n eed to b e service d. For more infor mation , cont act Cu stomer S upport.
Gray ba ckgro und • For Windows u sers: Fr om Print Properti es, select a differen t Toner D arkness s etting before sendi ng the job t o prin t. • For Ma cintos h user s: From the print option s, Copies & Pages, or Gen eral pop- up menu, cho ose Printer Fe atures, and th en choose t he settin g needed from t he Toner Darkness p op-up menu.
Incorr ect m argins These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE GUIDES Move the width an d length gui des in the t ray to t he correct positions fo r the pa per size lo a ded. C HECK THE P APER S IZE SETTING Mak e s ure th e P ape r S ize s etti ng ma tche s th e p ap er loa ded in t he t ra y.
Print is to o dar k These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE SS , BRIGHTNESS , AND CONTRAST SETTINGS The Tone r Darkn ess se tting is to o dar k, the Bright ness s ettin g is t oo dark, or th e Con tras t setting is too high.
Print is to o light These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE SS , BRIGHTNESS , AND CONTRAST SETTINGS Th e Ton er Dar knes s s etti ng is t oo li ght, the Br ight nes s sett ing i s too light, or th e Contr ast se tt ing is to o lo w.
Skew ed pr int C HECK THE PAPER GU IDES Move the guides in the tr ay to th e correct positions for the paper s ize loaded. C HECK THE PAPER Make sure y ou ar e usin g pape r th at meet s the pr inter spec ificat ions . Tone r fog o r bac k g round sha ding a ppears on the page These are possib le sol utions.
To ner spe cks These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: T HE TONER CARTRIDGE MAY BE DE FECTIV E Rep lace th e ton er cart rid ge.
M AKE SU R E TH E PAPER PATH IS CLEA R Paper coul d be caught bet ween the phot oconductor ki t and the fuser. C heck the paper pat h around th e fuser area. CAU TIO N— HO T SU RFA CE : Th e f use r a nd th e i nsi de o f th e p rin ter n ear the fu ser may be h ot.
Solid black or whi te streaks app ear on transp arencies o r paper These are possib le sol utions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU R E TH E FIL L PATTERN IS COR RECT If the fi ll patt ern is incorrect , choose a different fill pa ttern fr om your softwar e prog ram.
Cont ac tin g Cus tome r Supp ort When you c all Cu sto mer Suppo rt, d escri be t he prob lem you ar e expe rie ncin g, th e mes sage on th e disp lay, and t he tr oub lesh ootin g st eps y ou have alre ad y take n to fi nd a s olut ion . You n eed t o know you r print er mo del type and se ria l num ber.
No tic e s Pr oduct inf orma tion Pro du ct name : Lex mark E460dn Mac hin e t yp e: 4513 Mod el (s): 630, 63W , 6E W Pro du ct name : Lexm ark E460dw Mac hin e t yp e: 4565 dn1, dn2, gd1 , gd2, dw1, .
If you don' t have acce ss to the Inte rnet, you can con tact Le xmar k by mail: Lex mark In ter nati ona l, Inc . Bld g 004-2/ CSC 740 N ew Circl e Road NW Lex ington , KY 40550 US A © 2 008 Le xma rk In tern atio nal, Inc. All right s reserve d.
ITC Zapf Chancery International Typeface Corporati on Joan na Th e Monotype Corpora tion plc Ma rig ol d Arthu r Bak er Mon ac o Apple Computer, Inc. New Yo rk Apple Computer, Inc.
An y questi ons r egardin g th is com plian ce in formation st atement shou ld be direc ted to : Direc tor of Lex mark T ech nology & Ser vices Lex mark In ter nati ona l, Inc .
To prevent radio interfer ence to the li cen sed service, this device is inte nded to be o perated indoors a nd away from wind ows to provide m aximum shiel ding. E quip ment (or its tran smit an tenna ) tha t is inst alled o utdoors is subj ect to li cens ing.
This prod uct sati sfie s the li mits of EN 55022; safe ty requi rem ents of EN 609 50; ra dio s pectr um re quire ments of ET SI EN 300 3 28; and the EMC r equir ements of EN 55 024, ET SI EN 30 1 4 89-1 and ETSI EN 30 1 4 89-17. Česky Sp olečnost Lexmark International, Inc.
Slovensky Lexmark International, Inc. týmto vyh l asuje, že tento produkt s pĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky pr íslušn é us tano venia sm ernic e 19 99/5/E S. Slovensko Lexmark International, I nc. izjavlja, da je ta izdelek v skladu z bistven imi zahtevami in o stalimi re levant nim i dolo č ili di rekt ive 1999/ 5/ES.
ENERG Y STAR Laser notic e Th e printe r is certif ied in the U.S. to conf orm to the requirem ents o f DH HS 21 CFR S ubch apter J for Class I ( 1) las er produc ts, a nd el sewh ere is c ert ified a s a Class I laser produc t conforming to the requiremen ts of IEC 60 825-1.
Values are subject to chan ge. See www. lexm ark.c om for cu rre nt va lue s. Power S aver This produc t is designed with an energy-sav ing mode cal led P ower Saver. Th e Power Save r Mode is equivalen t to the E PA S leep Mode. Th e Power Save r Mode saves energy by l owering pow er consum ption dur ing extended p eriods of in acti vit y.
If you trans fer th is product to anothe r user, warrant y servic e under the terms of this sta tement is avail able to that user for th e remain d e r of th e warran ty peri od. You s hould transfer proof of origin al pu rchase an d this statemen t to that us er.
5 LI CENSE GR ANT . Lexmar k gran ts yo u the follo wi ng rights prov ided you comply w ith a ll ter ms and con ditio ns of this Software Licen se Ag reem en t: a Use . Y ou may U s e one (1) copy of the S oftwa re Program . The term “Us e” means s toring , loadin g, inst alling, executin g, or displaying the Softw are Program.
11 TAXES . You agr ee tha t y ou are r espo nsibl e fo r payme nt o f any ta xes i nclud ing, wi tho ut li mita tion, any g oods an d serv ices and person al propert y taxes, res ulting from t his Soft wa r e License Agreemen t or you r U se of the Softwa re Pro gra m.
Index Numer ics 1565 Emu lat ion er ror , load emul ation opt ion 133 200. yy Pape r jam 131 201. yy Pape r jam 131 202. yy Pape r jam 131 231. yy Pape r jam 131 233. yy Pape r jam 132 234. yy Pape r jam 132 235. yy Pape r jam 132 24x. yy P aper jam 132 250-sh eet drawer inst allin g 2 6 251.
document s, p ri nting fro m Ma cint os h 58 from W indows 58 E Embedded Web Server 143 admi nist ra tor s ettin gs 143 ch ecking devi ce st atus 144 does n ot open 162 modif yin g con fident ial p ri.
Pap er W eig ht 86 paral lel 99 PCL Emu l 114 PDF 113 Pos tSc ri pt 114 Qua li ty 11 1 Repo rts 90, 93 Secur ity Audit Lo g 1 03 Set D ate/T ime 104 Setu p 1 08 SMTP Setu p menu 101 Stan dard Networ k.
inc orre ct marg ins 156 job prints fr om w rong t ray 1 4 9 job print s on wrong paper 149 jo b take s long er th an expected 149 jobs do n ot pr int 1 4 7 Large jobs do n ot collat e 150 mul tiple-l.
op tion no t wor king 150 print er problem s, solv ing basic 147 print er stat us [P JL R DYM SG] 12 4 Hex Tr ace r eady 12 2 not r eady 124 Pri nt ing 1 24 print ing direct ory list 64 fo nt s a mple.
jo b take s long er th an expected 149 jobs do n ot pr int 1 4 7 Large jobs do n ot collat e 150 mul tiple-lan guage P DFs do not print 148 paper cu rl 15 6 paper fr equently jams 1 52 tra y l ink ing.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark E460dw c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark E460dw - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark E460dw, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark E460dw va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark E460dw, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark E460dw.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark E460dw. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark E460dw ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.