Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E360D 420 du fabricant Lexmark
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Lexmark E 360d an d E36 0dn Serie s User's Guide January 2 010 Ma chin e type(s ): 4513 Model (s): 420, 430.
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... ...5 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .... .7 Thank you fo r choosing this pr inter!.
Print ing. .... ..... .... .... .. ..... .... .... .. ..... .... .... ..... .. .... .... ..... .... .. ..... .... .... .... ... .49 Printing a document.......... ................. ................ ........ ................. ............... ...........
201 paper jam..... ....................... ..................... ....................... ........... ..................... .......... ............. ...................... ..................97 202 paper jam..... ....................... ................
S afety information C AUTI ON— POTE NTIA L IN JUR Y: See the enclosed Safety Sheet before making any cable or electri c al conne c ti on . Connec t the power cor d to a properly ground ed electr ical outlet that is near the prod uct and easily access ible.
CA UTION—SHOCK H AZARD: Do not use the fa x f eatu re du rin g a li ghtning sto rm. Do no t s et u p thi s pr oduct or m ake any elect rical or cabling c onnection s, such as the fax f e ature, p ower cord, o r telephon e, during a l ightning st orm .
Learning about the printer Thank you for choosing this printe r! We've worked hard to make s ure it will meet your needs. To sta rt usi ng your new pr inter right aw ay, us e the se tup mat eria ls tha t came with th e printe r, and th en skim th e Use r’s Gui de to lea rn how to p er form ba sic task s.
What are you look ing fo r? Find it h e re The latest supplemental in formation, updates, and tec hnical support: • Documentation • Driver dow n load s • Liv e chat support • E-m ail su ppor t • Telephone s upport Lexmark S upport Web si te— http://support .
1 2 3 4 5 1 Rea r 30 0 mm ( 12 in .) 2 Rig ht sid e 20 0 mm ( 8 in .) 3 Fro nt 300 mm (1 2 in. ) 4 Left s ide 12.7 mm (0.5 i n.) 5 Top 300 m m (1 2 in .
1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter contr ol panel 5 Sys te m boa rd do or 6 Sta ndar d 25 0-s hee t t ray ( Tr ay 1) 7 Multipurpos e f eeder d oor 8 Front d o.
1 Rear door 2 Eth ernet port No te : The Ethernet port is a f ea ture on network models only. 3 USB port 4 Para llel port 5 Pri n ter power cord socket 6 Power s witch 7 Lo cking device por t Lear n i.
Conf igured m odels Th e follow ing illu stra tion shows t he pr inter c onfig ured wi th an option al d rawer: 1 Front d oor release button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter contr ol pa.
To open the paper stop, pull it so it flips forward. Not es: • Do n ot leave the paper stop in the open positi on if y ou are print ing on transpa rencies. Doing so may caus e creases in the tr ansparen cies. • When mov ing the prin ter to a noth er locat ion, mak e sure the pa per st op is closed.
Additional printer setup Installing int ernal options CA UTION—SHOCK HAZ ARD: If you are acc essin g the sy stem bo ard o r instal ling optional h ard ware or memory de vic es some tim e a fter se ttin g up the p rin ter , t hen tur n th e p rin ter o ff, and unp lu g t he p owe r co rd f rom the wall outlet before con tinuing.
1 E ther net c onn ec tor Note: The Ether n et p or t is a f eature on networ k models onl y. 2 USB port 3 Para llel connector 4 Memor y card connect or 5 Optional c a r d connector 6 Optional c a r d.
An op tiona l memor y c ard can b e pu rchase d sepa rately and at tached t o th e s ystem boa rd. To ins tall th e me mor y card : 1 Turn the p rinte r off . 2 Acc ess the sy stem bo ard. 3 Unpack the memo r y car d. Not e: Avoid to uc hi ng t h e connecti on points along the edge of t he card.
It may requ ire some force to ful ly s eat t he car d . 7 Ensur e t h at each latch fits over the notch on each end of t he card. 8 Close t he system board door. 9 Turn th e pr inter b ack on. 10 Open the prin ters fol der: a Cl ick , or c lick Sta r t an d t hen cl ick Run .
Inst alling a flash memor y or f irmw a r e card Th e sys tem board h as two c onne ctions fo r an optional f lash memory or firmw are card. Only o ne of each may be instal led, but the c onnectors are int erchangeab le.
4 Push the ca rd firm ly i nto pla ce. Not es: • The entir e length o f th e connec to r on the c ar d must t ouch a n d be f lush again st th e system bo ard.
An opt ional drawer a ttach es under the pr inter. A drawer consis ts of t wo parts: a tray and a s upport unit. T he print er sup port s one opt ional drawe r; y ou can in stal l a 250- or 5 50-sh eet dr awer .
6 Alig n t he oute r e dges of the prin ter w i t h th e ou ter edges of the dr awer , and then s lowly lo wer t he pr inter in to plac e. 7 Turn th e pr inter b ack on. 8 Open the prin ters fol der: a Cl ick , or c lick Sta r t an d t hen cl ick Run .
Attachi ng cables 1 Conn ect the pr inter to a com puter or a netw ork . • For a local con nection, u se a US B or paral lel cable. • For a network con nection, u se an Ethernet cable. 2 Conn ect th e powe r cord to the pri nte r fir s t a nd then to a wa ll outl et.
Verify ing printer setup Printi ng a me nu set tings pa ge Pri nt a menu sett ings pa ge to rev iew the cu rrent men u se tting s and to v er ify i f the p rinte r o pti o n s a re instal led cor rectly.
3 From the m ain in stall ation d ialog, c lick I nstall Prin ter and Soft ware . 4 Foll ow the ins truction s on the c omputer s creen. For Ma cint osh users 1 Clo se al l open softwar e a pplications .
3 Sel e c t the pri nte r, and th en click Op tions & Suppl ies . 4 Clic k Dr iv er , and then a dd an y inst alled h ard ware op tions. 5 Clic k OK . In Ma c OS X ver sion 10 . 4 and ear lier 1 From the F inder des ktop , choose Go > Applications .
Minimizing your printer's environmenta l impact Lexm ark is com mitt ed to envi ronment al s ustai nabili ty and is conti nuall y impr oving its print ers t o reduc e th eir impa ct on the environmen t.
Use bo th sid es of t he paper You can control whet her print a ppears on one or two sides of t he paper by selectin g 2-s ide d pr inti ng fro m t he Pr int dial og or t he Le xmark Toolbar .
4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Eco- Mode appea rs, and then p ress . 5 Sele c t the s etting you want, and then press . Subm itt ing ch ang es appears. Reduc ing printe r noise Use Quie t Mode to redu ce the p rint er n oise . Not e: See the ta ble for th e multiple settings that ch ange wh en you s elect a Quiet M ode sett in g .
4 In th e Powe r Sav er box , incr ease or de crea se the numb e r of min utes the pri nter wait s befo re i t ente rs P ower Saver mode. 5 Clic k Su b mi t . Usi ng the pr inte r cont rol pa nel 1 Mak e s ure th e p rint er is on and Read y app ears .
Retu rning L exm a r k ca rtridg es for reuse or r ecyclin g Th e L exma rk Cartr idge C ollect ion Pr ogram di verts m illion s of Lexm ark cart ridge s from lan dfill s annua lly by ma king it b oth easy and fre e for Lexm ark c ustom ers t o re turn used ca rtridg es to Le xmar k for r eus e or rec yclin g.
Loading p a pe r and s pecialty media This section ex plains how to load the 250- and 5 5 0-sheet tray s an d th e m u ltipu rpose f eeder. It also includes inf ormatio n about paper orient ation , set ting the Paper Siz e and Pape r Type, and l inking and u nlinkin g t rays.
6 Pres s t h e arrow bu ttons until t he correct unit of mea sure appears, an d t hen press . Subm itt ing Ch ang es appears, foll owed by t he Un iver sal Setu p menu.
2 Squeeze and slide t he guides to th e correct po sition for the pa per size you are loading. For long pape r like A4 or legal, squeeze and sl ide the le ngth guide ba ckwards t o accommo d ate the length of paper y ou are l oad ing.
If you ar e load ing A 6-size p aper: a Squeeze and s lide the l ength guide t ow ard t he center of the t r ay to the A5 size positio n. b Raise the A6 backstop.
1 Maximum f ill line Load l etter head wi th the top edg e of th e s h e et towar d the fr ont of the tr ay and th e de sig n faced own. 5 Squeeze and slide t he guides t o lightly t ouch th e side of t he stack .
6 Inse rt the tr ay. 7 If t he paper t ype you loaded diff ers from th e type that was previo usly loa d e d in the t ray, then c hange the Paper Size /Type se tting fro m the prin ter cont rol pa nel Pa p e r me nu.
2 Gra sp the rais ed handle, an d pull t he exten sion forward. 3 Gra sp the han d l e, and p ull the extension so it fli ps forward. 4 Guide the extens ion down g en tly so the multipurpo se feeder is ext ended fully and open.
Loadi n g the mul tipurpose feeder 1 Squeeze the tab lo c ated on t h e right w idt h guide, a nd move th e guides o ut fully. 2 Prepa re the p aper or specialty media for loadin g . • Flex sheets o f paper or paper lab els back and fo rth to l oosen them, and then fa n them.
• Flex a st ack of envelopes ba ck and f o rth to loosen them, and then fan t hem. Straig hten the edges on a level surf ace. Not e: F a nning p revents th e edges of env elopes from sticking tog ether. It a lso helps them feed proper ly to avoid jams .
• Load letterh ead with t he logo faceu p and th e top edge entering the printer first. • Load enve lopes wit h the flap sid e down an d the st amp loca tion in the po sition sh own. The stam p and add ress are shown to illus trate the proper orient ation for loadin g envelopes.
5 Sli de t he paper gently into the multip urpose feeder until it come s t o a stop. Pap er should lie flat in t he mult ipurpose f eeder. Make sure the pa per fits l oosely i n the m u ltipurpos e feeder an d is not bent o r wrinkled. 6 From the prin ter control panel, set t he Paper Size and Paper Type.
Unlink ing tr ays Unli nke d trays have se tting s that ar e no t the same as the setti ngs of an y other t ray. To unli nk a t ray usi ng the Pa p e r me nu, ch ange th e P aper Ty pe a nd Pap er S ize se tti ngs so tha t t hey do not mat ch th e s ettin g s of an y ot he r tr ay.
3 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Pape r Men u appe ars , and t hen p ress . 4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til Size /Typ e appear s, and t h en press . 5 Press the arrow buttons, and then press to sele ct th e tr ay. The P aper Siz e menu appears .
Paper a nd spe cialty media gu idelines Paper guidelines Select ing the c orrect paper or s pecialt y media r educes pr inting pr oblems. F or t he best p rint qua lity, t ry a s ample of the paper or s pecial ty media b efore buying large qu antities .
Fibe r cont ent Most h igh-qua lity xerogr aphic pa per is made from 100% c hemicall y treated pulped w ood. This co ntent p rovides the pap er wit h a h igh deg ree of stabi lity resulting in fewer pa per feeding problem s and bet ter print qua lity.
Storing pa per Use these paper stor age g uidelin es t o help avoid jams and uneven prin t quality: • For best results, store pape r where t he temperat ure is 21°C (70°F) and the r elative h umidity i s 40%.
Paper type Sta ndard 250-sh eet tra y Option al 250- or 550-sh eet tra y Mult ipu rpos e f eeder Dupl ex pat h Transparencies X X Envel opes (smoo th) 2 X X X 1 Sin g le-s ided paper la bels des ig ned f or laser pr inters ar e supported f or occasion a l u se .
Paper size Di men sio ns Sta nda rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 250- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rp ose feeder Duplex path B5 Envel ope 176 x 250 m m (6.9 x 9.8 i n.) X X X C5 Envelope 16 2 x 229 m m (6.4 x 9 in.) X X X DL Envel ope 110 x 220 m m (4.3 x 8.
Printing Th is chapt er cove rs prin ting , prin ter rep orts , and job c ancel atio n. Sel ectio n and ha ndl ing of p ape r and spec ialt y med ia can af fect how rel iably documen ts prin t. For more i nform ation, see “ Avoi ding jam s” on pag e 92 an d “Stori ng pap er” on pa ge 46.
Printing spec ia lt y documents Ti ps on us ing letter head Page orientation is impor tant when printin g o n letterh ead. Use th e following t able to determi ne which dir ection to loa d th e l ette.
Sou rce or pro ces s Pr int sid e a nd pap er orie ntat ion Manual feeder (d uplex printing) Preprinted letterhead design is placed fa cedown. The top edge of the s heet with th e logo should enter the manual feeder last.
– H a v e wi ndow s, holes , pe rfo ratio ns, cu touts , or emb ossi ng – Have met al clas ps, str ing ties, or foldin g ba rs – Ha ve a n int er lo ck in g de sig n – H ave pos ta ge stam ps .
When print ing on card stock : • Mak e sure the Paper T ype is Car d S tock. • Sele c t the approp riate Paper Texture s etting. • Be aware that pr eprint ing, perforat ion, an d cre asing may sign ifican tly aff ect t he pri nt qu ality and cause jams or othe r p ap er ha nd ling pr oble ms.
3 Rel ease t h e b uttons when the dots appear, an d then w ait for Co nfig Men u to appear. 4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til P rt Qu ali ty Pg s a ppears, and then press . The prin t quality test pages pr int. 5 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons un til E xit C onf ig Me nu appe ars, an d the n pres s .
For Ma cint osh users In Ma c OS X ver s i on 10.5 o r lat er: 1 From the App le menu, choos e Sy stem Pr eferenc es . 2 Clic k Pr in t & F ax , and the n double -click th e printe r icon. 3 F rom the pr inte r w indo w, sele ct th e j ob to can ce l.
Understandin g printer menus Menus list Paper M en u Reports Default Source Siz e/ Typ e Con figure MP Pa p e r Text ure Pa p e r We i g ht Pa p e r Load ing Cu stom Type s Univers al S etu p Menu S e.
Paper menu Defa ult Source me nu Men u item Descri ption Default Source Tr ay <x> MP Feeder Ma nua l P ape r Ma nua l E nv Sets a default pa per source for a ll print jobs Notes: • From the Paper men u, Configure MP mus t be s et to Cassette in order f or MP Feeder to appear as a menu setting.
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Set Siz e menu for Ma nual Pa per A4 A5 Ex ecu tive Foli o JIS B5 Leg al Letter Ofic io (Mexico) Statement Universal Lets you specify the p a per siz e load ed i n the multip u rpose feeder Note: Letter is the US factory d ef a ult s ettin g .
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Set Typ e menu for Tr ay 2 Cust om Ty pe <x> Plain Pa per Card St ock Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig h t Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Lets you specif y the paper type l o ad ed in Tray 2 Notes: • Custom Ty pe <x > i s the f actory default setting.
Pape r Textur e m enu Men u item Desc ription Plain Texture Smooth Nor mal Roug h Specifies the relative texture of the paper load ed Note: Normal i s the factory defa ult setting. Car d S to ck Te xtu re Smooth Nor mal Roug h Specifies the relative texture of the card s tock loaded Notes: • Norma l is the factory d e fa ult setting.
Men u item Desc ription Col or ed Te xtu re Smooth Nor mal Roug h Specifies the relative texture of the color ed paper loaded Note: Normal i s the factory defa ult setting. Light Texture Smooth Nor mal Roug h Specifies the relative texture of the paper load ed Note: Normal i s the factory defa ult setting.
Men u item Desc ription Labels Weight Lig h t Nor mal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of th e labels load ed in a specific tray Note: Normal i s the factory d efault setting. Bond Weight Lig h t Nor mal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of th e paper loaded in a s pecific tray Note: Normal i s the factory d efault setting.
Paper L oading men u Men u item Descri ption Recycled Loading Of f Duplex Determ ines the pa per loading direc tion f or all jobs that speci fy Recyc led as the paper type No te : Off is the f actor y default s etting.
Custom Types men u Men u item Des cr ip tion Custom Type <x> Paper Card St ock Transpar ency Rough/ C otton La bel s Env el ope Associ ates a paper or speci alty media type w i th a factory d ef.
Men u item Descri ption Portrait Height 3– 14.1 7 inc hes 76– 360 m m Sets th e port rait height Notes: • If the height exceeds t h e maximum, then th e printer uses the maximum height allowed. • 14 inches is t he US facto r y def ault setting.
Men u item Desc ripti on Pr int Dire c t ory Prints a lis t of all the resour ces stored on an optional flas h memory card Notes: • Job Buffer S ize must be set to 100% . • The optio nal flash memory must be insta lled co rrectly an d working properly.
Men u item Descri ption Network Buf f e r Aut o Disabled Sets the si ze of th e n etwor k input bu ffer Notes: • Auto is th e f ac tory default settin g .
Men u item Des cr ip tio n NPA Mode Of f Aut o Sets the printer to p erfo r m the sp ec ial processing required for bid i recti on al communication followin g the conven tions d efin ed b y the NPA protocol Notes: • Auto is th e factory default setting .
Paralle l me n u Men u item Des cr ip tio n PC L Smar tSwi tc h On Of f Sets the printer to au tomatically switch to P C L emulation when a print job received through a para llel port requi res it , regardless of the def ault printer language Notes: • On is the f actor y default settin g .
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Protocol Fast bytes Sta nda rd Specifies the para llel port protocol Notes: • Fastbytes is th e fa ctory default setti n g . It provides compatibili ty with most existi n g para llel ports and is th e recommended settin g.
Setting s menu Genera l Sett ings m enu Men u item Desc ription Display Language Eng li sh Franc ais Deutsch Italiano Esp ano l Dansk Nor sk Ne derlands Sve nsk a Portuguese Suo mi Ru ssian Polsk i Ma.
Men u item Desc ription Run Initial Setup Yes No Instructs the printer to run the setup wi za r d Notes: • Yes is the factory d efault settin g . • Aft er completing the setup w izard by selectin g Done at the Coun try select screen, th e d ef ault setting becomes No.
Men u item Desc ription Pr int Recove ry Jam R ec over y Auto On Off Specifies wheth er the printer repri n ts jam med pages Notes: • Au to is the factory default setti n g. Th e printer repr ints jammed pages unless the memory required to hold the pages is needed f or oth er pri n ter tasks.
Men u item De scription Print Area Nor mal Whole Page Sets the l ogical and p h y s ical pr intable area Notes: • Norma l is th e f actor y default setti ng. When attempti n g to prin t d ata in the non-printa ble area define d by the Norma l settin g , t h e p rinter clips the im a g e at the boundary.
Men u item Descri ption Duplex Binding Lon g E dg e Sho rt Edg e Defines the wa y duplexed pages a r e boun d and how the pr in t in g on the back of the page is ori en ted in relation to the pr inting on the front of the p age Notes: • Long Edge i s the factory d efault setting.
Men u item Descri ption N-up (pa ge s-side) Of f 2-Up 3-Up 4-Up 6-Up 9-Up 12-U p 16-U p Spec ifies tha t multipl e-page images be p rinted on on e side of a sheet of paper Notes: • Off is the fac tory default se tting . • The number selected is t h e number of p a ge imag e s th at will print per side.
Men u item Descri ption Toner Dar k ne s s 1–1 0 Lightens or d a r kens the printed output Notes: • 8 is the factory d ef ault s etting. • Selectin g a smaller number can help cons erve ton er .
Men u item Descri ption Def ragm ent Fla sh No Yes Prepares the flash memory to re ceive new data by retrieving lost st orage s p a c e War nin g—Pote nt ial Dam age : Do not turn off the prin ter while the flash memory is def ragmenting .
PCL E mul menu Men u item Descri ption Font Source Res ide nt Download Flas h All Spec ifies th e set of fon ts av ailable Notes: • Resid ent is the factory d ef ault setting . It shows the fac tory default s et of fonts downloaded into RA M. • Download appears only if downloa d ed f onts ex is t.
Men u item Descri ption PCL E mul ation S e ttings Lin es pe r P age 1–2 55 60 64 Specifies the n umber of lin es th at p rint on each page Notes: • 60 is th e US factory defa ult setting. 64 i s the internationa l f act o r y d ef ault settin g .
Men u item Descri ption Tray Renu mber Res tore Def au lts Yes No Returns a ll tray, drawer, a nd feeder assignmen ts to th e fa ctory default s ettings Un der stand ing pri nte r me nus 81.
Maintaini n g the printer Pe riodi cally, c ertain t ask s a re req uired to main tain opt imum print q ualit y. Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make sure tha t the prin ter is tu rned o ff a n d u nplug ged from th e wall o utle t.
Order ing supplie s To o rder su pplie s in th e U.S., con tact Lex mark at 1-800 -539-6 275 for i nfo rmation abou t Lexma r k autho r i zed s uppl ies de ale rs in y ou r a rea . In o th er cou ntr ies or re gion s, v isit th e Le xma rk We b Si te at www.
Orderi ng a photocon duct or kit Depe nding o n your pri nter mo del, th e pr inter is sues a mes s a ge or a lig ht seque nc e to let you k now the phot ocondu ctor kit is nea r its en d of li f e . At th is time, order a photoc onductor kit. Y ou can al so see the stat us of the phot oconduc tor kit by prin ting a network setup page.
3 Unpa ck t he new to ne r c art rid ge. Warning—Potentia l Damage: When replacin g a ton er cartridge, do not l eave the n ew car tridg e ex posed to direct l ight for an extend ed period of time. Ex tended light exposure can cau se print quality problems.
1 Turn the p rinte r off . 2 Open the f ron t door by pre ssing t he bu tton on the lef t sid e of th e prin ter a nd low ering t he f ront door . 3 Pull the phot ocon ducto r ki t and ton er cart ridge out of th e prin ter as a un it by pul lin g on the to ner car trid ge hand le.
5 Un pac k the ne w p hot oc ond uc to r ki t . Warning—Potentia l Damag e: Be c are ful not to tou ch th e p hoto co ndu ctor dr um. Doi ng so may aff ect t he pr int qual ity of f utur e prin t jobs. 6 Inse rt th e t oner c artr idge into the ph o t ocond uctor ki t by a lign ing th e rol l e rs on the ton er car tridg e with the tra cks.
8 Afte r y o u repla c e the photocon ductor ki t, reset the photocon duct or counter . To reset th e photoc onduc tor co unter, ope n th e front d oor, p ress and hold until R es ettin g PC Coun ter appears. Th e power l ight blin ks, and th e prin ter beeps.
Administrative su pport Finding advanced n etworking and administrator information For mor e advanced system s upport tasks, see th e Network in g G uide on the Software and Document ation CD and t he Embedded W eb Server Admini strator's Guide on th e Lexma rk Web site at htt p:/ /su ppor t.
• V iew the IP add ress o n the prin ter con trol p an el in the TCP/IP se ction und er the N etwor ks/Por ts menu. • Pri nt a ne twork setu p pa ge or th e men u set ting s pag es an d loca te th e IP ad dr ess i n th e TCP/ IP sec tio n. 2 Clic k De vi ce S ta tu s .
5 From t he dro p-down box f or each s upply, sel ect among th e options for n otificat ion. Ex planat ions fo r each opt ion are prov ided. 6 Clic k Su b mi t t o save your selec tion s. Copying printe r settings to other printe rs Using t he E m bedded Web Se rver, you can copy printer se ttings to up to 15 other network printers.
Clearing jams Jam error mess ages appear on the printer control pa nel dis play an d include the area of th e print er where the jam occur red. When t here is more than one jam , the n umber of jamme d pages is disp layed. Not e: Jam r eco very is set to A uto by def aul t.
When a jam oc curs, a jam messag e appears, indicating the region of t he jam or the nu mber of j ammed she ets. The three-di git jam prefix number s are g iven in t he following ill ustration to show where e ach j a m occurs.
1 Sta nda rd exi t b in 2 Front d o or 3 Multipurpos e f eeder d oor 4 Tr ay 1 5 O ption a l 250- o r 55 0-shee t tra y (Tray 2) 6 Rear door Jam me ssage nu mber s and how to a ccess each jam Jam number To access the jam 200, 20 1 Try one or more of th e following: • Remo ve Tr ay 1.
200 pape r jam 1 Re move the tr ay f ro m the pr int er. 2 Remove the jam if you see i t here. 3 If you do not see it, op en the front door, and then remove the ph otoco nductor kit and toner cartridge (unit). Not e: Wh e n th e photocondu ctor kit an d toner car tridge a re togethe r, they ar e called a unit.
4 Lift t he flap in fro nt of th e printer , and rem ove any jammed s heets. 5 Al ign and in sert the unit . 6 Clos e the fr o n t door. 7 Inse rt the tr ay.
201 pape r jam CAU TIO N—H OT SU RFA CE: Th e in side o f th e pr inter might be hot. To re duce th e ri sk of inju ry fr o m a ho t compo nent, allow t he surfac e to co ol befor e touch ing. 1 Open t he f r ont door, and then re move the unit. 2 Lift t he flap in fro nt of th e printer , and th en remov e any jam med shee t s .
202 pape r jam CAU TIO N—H OT SU RFA CE: Th e in side o f th e pr inter might be hot. To re duce th e ri sk of inju ry fr o m a ho t compo nent, allow t he surfac e to co ol befor e touch ing. 1 Open t he f r ont door, and then re move the unit. 2 Lift t he flap in fro nt of th e printer , and th en remov e any jam med shee t s .
4 Remov e the jam . 5 Al ign and rein sert the un it. 6 Clo se t h e r ear door. 7 Clos e the fr o n t door. 8 Pre ss . 231 pape r jam CAU TIO N—H OT SU RFA CE: Th e in side o f th e pr inter might be hot. To re duce th e ri sk of inju ry fr o m a ho t compo nent, allow t he surfac e to co ol befor e touch ing.
3 Remov e the jam . 4 Clo se t h e r ear door. 5 Clos e the fr o n t door. 6 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear the j am, compl ete the steps in “233 pap er jam” on pag e 101.
233 pape r jam 1 Re move the tr ay f ro m the pr int er. 2 Lo cate t he leve r s hown . Pu ll the le ver dow n to re lease th e jam . 3 Pul l the jammed sh eets from the duplex area. 4 Inse rt the tr ay. 5 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear the j am, compl ete the steps in “231 pap er jam” on pag e 99.
235 pape r jam A duplex print j ob w as sent t o the pri nter using a size of paper n ot suppor ted for duplex printing. A s heet is jamm ed in t he st and ard exi t bin . 1 To r emove the j am, ge ntly pull the j a mm ed s h e et out o f the s tandard exit bin.
2 Remov e the jam . 3 Inse rt the o ption al tray . 4 Pre ss . 251 pape r jam A she et of pap er or spec ialty media fa iled to feed complet ely from t he mul tipurpose feeder. Pa rt of it may s till be visibl e. If it i s visible, gently pull the jammed s heet from the f ront of the mu ltipurpose f eeder.
If th e she et is no t vis ible , c ompl ete the fo llo wing s tep s: 1 Open t he f r ont door, and then re move the unit. 2 Lif t the fla p at th e front o f the prin ter, and th en remo ve any ja mmed s heet s o f pa per that are short le ngths of paper.
Troubles hooting Understa nding printer message s Whe n Ma nual Feed er appears on t he display, it refers to the multip urpose feeder. Close door Clos e the f ront door of the prin ter.
Load man ual f eeder with <custom t ype name> Try one or more of t he followin g: • Loa d the multipu rpose feeder with th e correct paper t ype and size. • Wait for t he message to clea r, an d then continu e prin ting. The pr inter man ually o verrides the r equest, an d then p rints fr om an a utomaticall y select ed tray.
32.y y Repla ce u nsupporte d ca rtrid ge Remove the toner ca rtridge, a n d th en instal l a suppor ted one. 34 Sh ort paper The pap er in t h e select ed tray is too shor t f or the c u rrent pr int j ob. Try one or more of t he followin g: • Loa d the appr opriate paper in the tr ay.
• Install a dditi onal print er memory. 39 Comp lex pag e, some data may not h a ve printed Try one or more of t he followin g: • Pre ss t he ar row b utton s un til Cont in ue appea rs , an d t hen press to clear t he mess age and con tinue pr inting .
56 St andard para llel port disable d Try one or more of t he followin g: • The pr int er discards any data received t h rough the parallel port. Press to clear the mes sage and cont inue prin ting. • Make sure the Parall el Buffer m e nu item is not set to Disabled.
84 Re place PC Kit The ph otoc onductor kit is exhaust ed. Ins tall a new ph otocon ducto r kit. 88 C artridge is low Pre ss to clea r the mes sage. 88 Re place toner Try one or more of t he followin g: • Rep lac e th e tone r ca rt ridge.
Solving pri nting problems Jobs do not print These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE THE PRINTER IS READY TO PRINT Ma ke su re Read y or Power S ave r ap pears o n the dis play before sendin g a j o b to print .
C HANGE THE P AGE P RO T EC T SETTI NG TO O FF 1 From the printer contro l panel, press . 2 Pre ss th e a rro w butto ns unti l Sett ings appear s, and t hen pr ess . 3 Pre ss th e a rro w butto ns unti l G enera l Setti ng s a ppears, and then press .
R EDUC E THE CO MPLE XITY OF THE PRINT JO B R educe the co mple xity of the p rin t job by r educin g the numbe r a nd s i z e of fonts, the n umber and c o m plexit y of images, an d t he num ber of pages in the job. M AKE SU RE THE PRINTER HAS E NOUGH MEMO RY Add prin ter memor y.
Draw ers These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE THE PAPER IS LOAD ED COR RE CTLY 1 Pu ll t he tray com pl etel y ou t. 2 Check for paper j a ms or m isfeeds . 3 Make sure the guides are aligned agai nst t he edges of the paper .
T HE PAPER ABSORBED MOISTURE DUE TO HIG H HUMIDIT Y • Load paper from a fresh packa g e. • Sto re paper in it s or iginal wra pper unt il yo u use it. Pape r jam m ess age re mains a fter j am i s clea red The pap er path i s not cle ar. Clear ja mmed paper f rom the entire pa per path, and then pr ess .
Solving pri nt quality proble ms The informat ion in the followin g t o pics may help you solve print qu ality problem s. I f t hes e s uggestion s s till do not correc t the p roblem, t hen cont act Cust omer Suppor t. You m ay ha ve a pr inter par t t hat requires adjus tment or replacem ent.
Blan k p a g e s Try one or more of t he followin g: • Rem ove a nd r e i nsta ll the t o n er ca rtri dge . • Rem ove and reins tall the pho toconduc tor kit. If th e printe r still prints blank pag es, i t ma y need t o be s erviced. Fo r more inform ation, c ontac t Custom er Suppor t.
Gray ba ckgro und • For Windows u sers: From Print Properties, select a differen t Toner D arkness s etting bef ore sendi ng the job to prin t. • For Ma cintos h u sers: From t he print options , Copies & Pag es, or Genera l pop-up menu, cho ose Prin ter Features , and th en choose t he settin g needed from t he Toner Darkness p op-up menu.
Incorr ect m argins These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: C HECK THE GUIDES Move the width and le ngth gui des in the t ray to t he correct positions fo r the pa per size loa ded. C HECK THE P APER S IZE SETTING Mak e s ure the P aper Size set ting matc hes the p aper loa ded in the tray .
Print is to o dar k These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE S S , BRIGHTNESS , AN D CONTRAST SETTINGS The Tone r Darkn ess se tting is to o dar k, the Brig htne ss settin g is too dark , or the Contr ast sett ing is to o h igh.
Print is to o light These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARKNE S S , BRIGHTNESS , AN D CONTRAST SETTINGS Th e To ner Da rknes s set ting is t o o light, the Br ight nes s settin g is too lig ht, or th e Contr ast set ting i s too lo w.
Skew ed pri nt C HECK THE PAPER GU IDE S Move the guides in the tr ay to th e correct pos itions for the paper s ize loaded. C HECK THE PAPER Make sure y ou ar e usin g pape r th at meet s the pr inter spec ificatio ns. Tone r fog o r backg round sha ding a ppears on the page These are possib le s olution s.
To ner spe cks These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: T HE TO NER CARTR IDGE MAY BE DEFE CTIVE Rep lace th e tone r cart rid ge.
T HE TO NER CARTR IDGE MAY BE DEFE CTIVE Rep lace th e tone r cart rid ge. M AKE SU RE THE PAPER PATH IS CLEA R Paper coul d be caught bet ween the phot oconductor ki t and the fuser. Check the paper pat h around the f user area. CAU TIO N—H OT SU RFA CE: Th e in side o f th e pr inter might be hot.
Solid black or wh ite streaks app ear on t r ansparencies o r pap er These are possib le s olution s. Tr y one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE THE FIL L PATTERN IS CO RRECT If the fill p a ttern is incor rect, ch oose a different fi ll pattern fr o m your soft ware prog r am.
Contacting C ustomer Support When you ca ll Cu stomer Support, descr ibe t he problem you are experien cing, the message on the display, an d t he tro ublesh ootin g steps you have al ready ta ken to fi nd a solu tion. You need to know yo ur pri nter mo del typ e and s eria l n umber .
No tic es Pr oduct inf orma tion Pro duct na me: Lex ma r k E360d and E3 60dn Mac hin e ty pe: 4513 Mod el(s ): 420, 430 Edit ion noti ce Janu ary 2010 The fo llowing paragra ph does no t apply to any co untry wher e such pr ovisio n s are inc onsisten t with local law: LEXM ARK INTER NATIO NAL, I NC.
UNI TED STAT ES G OVE RNMEN T RI GHTS Th is soft ware a nd any ac c o m p anyi ng doc ument ation provided under th is ag reement are c ommerc ial comput er software and documentation developed e xcl u sively at private expense.
An y ques tions regard ing th is c omplian ce in format ion s tatemen t shou ld be direc ted to : Direc tor of Lex mark T ech nology & Ser vices Lex mark In ternat io nal, In c.
This symbo l ide ntifie s stati c-se nsiti ve par ts. Do not to uch in t he ar eas ne ar th ese s ymbols witho ut fi rst t ouch i n g the meta l f rame o f th e prin ter.
Lase r advisor y label A la ser no tice label ma y be affi xed to this pr inte r a s shown : Pow er cons umpti on Product power consumption The foll owing t able docu m e nts t he po wer consum ption c harac teristics of the product. Not e: So me modes may not a p pl y to y o ur pr oduct.
ina ctivi ty. The Pow er Saver Mode is au toma ticall y engaged a fter thi s produc t i s not used for a spe cifie d pe riod o f tim e, ca lled th e Power Sa ver Tim eout.
This device has been designed to operat e only wit h th e a ntenna provid ed. Us e of any ot her ant enna i s stric tly prohi bited per r egulations of Industry Canada. To prevent radio interfer ence to the li censed ser vice, t his device is inte nded to be o perated indoors a nd away from wind ows to provide m aximum shiel ding.
Towe r III, 1095 B udape st HUNGARY , A declar ation of co nformi ty to t he requi rements o f the Dir ectives i s av ail able upon reques t from t h e Authorized Represen tative. This pr oduct sa tisfie s the Cl a s s B limits o f EN 55022 and sa fety requir ements o f EN 609 50.
Latviski Ar šo Lexmark I nte rnational, Inc. dekl ar ē , ka šis izstr ā d ā jums at bils t Dir ekt ī vas 1999/5/EK b ū tiskaj ā m pra s ī b ā m un ci ti em ar to sa ist ī taji em not eiku miem. Li et uvi ų Šiuo Lex mark Inte rnatio nal, Inc.
If you trans fer t his produc t t o an other us er, w arran ty service un der t h e terms of this statemen t is available t o t hat user for th e remain d e r of the war ranty peri od. You s hould transfer proof of origin al pu rchase and t his statemen t t o that use r.
me di a purc has ed ne w from Lex mark o r an A ut hori zed Lexm ark R esel ler or Dist rib utor. Lexm ark will re pl ace the Softw are Prog ram shoul d i t be d eterm ine d that the medi a d o es no t confo rm to th is l imi ted wa rranty . 2 DIS C L AIMER AND LIMI TATION OF WA RRANT IES .
of any trademark, tr ade name, trade dress or in t ellect ual property no t ice tha t appears on any comput er dis p lay scree ns norm ally g ene rated b y, or as a res ult of, t he S oftwar e P rogra m.
15 CON SENT TO USE OF D ATA . You agree th at Lex mark, its a ffilia tes, and agent s may collect and us e infor mat ion you provide in relat ion to supp ort s ervi ces perf orme d with r espe ct to th e Softw are Pr ogram and reque sted b y you.
Index Numer ics 250-sh eet drawer inst allin g 1 9 30.y y Invali d r efill , ch ange cart rid g e 106 31.yy Repl ace defectiv e or m issing cart rid g e 106 32 .
fi rmwa re card inst allin g 1 8 flash memor y card inst allin g 1 8 trou bleshooti ng 11 4 fo nt s amp le lis t prin ting 5 3 G Gen eral Set ting s me nu 71 gre en set tings Eco- Mode 27 Qui et Mod e.
iden tifying 92 paper p ath 92 pap er j ams , cl eari ng 200 95 201 97 202 98 231 99 233 101 234 101 235 102 24 x 102 251 103 pape r l abel s lo ading 36 Pap er Loa ding me nu 6 3 pap er s izes suppor.
menu setti ngs page 23 network setup page 23 prin t quali ty tes t pages 53 public atio ns, fin ding 7 Q Qua lit y m enu 76 Qui et Mod e 2 8 R recommended print side 45 recycled paper usin g 2 6 re cy.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark E360D 420 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark E360D 420 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark E360D 420, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark E360D 420 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark E360D 420, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark E360D 420.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark E360D 420. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark E360D 420 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.