Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit C770 du fabricant Lexmark
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C770, C772 User’ s Guide Mar ch 2006 Lexmark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Lexmark In ternational, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countr ies.
2 Edition: March 2006 The followi ng paragraph does not apply to any countr y where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMAR K INTERNA TI ONAL, I NC.
Contents 3 Contents Chapter 1: Installi ng and removing options ....... ........... ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... 5 Install ing a 2000-sh eet draw er .............. ........... ................. ................. ............
4 Conten ts Print cart ridges ............... ................. ................. ........... ................. ................. ................. ................. ............... 59 Toner was te container ......... ........... ................. ...
Inst alling a nd removing option s 5 1 Install ing an d remo ving op tions Y ou can customi ze y our printer memory capaci ty and con nectivit y by addi ng opti onal cards an d input dev ices. Y ou can als o use thes e instruct ions to hel p yo u locate an option f or remov al.
Installi ng a 2000- sheet drawer 6 Installing and r emoving options – MarkNet™ N8 000 Series int er nal print servers (a lso called internal netw ork adapters or INAs) Not e: Some options m a y not be a vailab le on some models . Installing a 2000-sheet drawer Y our printer supports one opt ional 200 0-sheet dr a wer .
Installi ng a 500- sheet drawer 7 Installing and r emoving options Installing a 500-sheet drawer Y our prin ter supports up to th ree additi onal 500-s heet dra wers. Ho wev er , if y o u ins tall a 20 00-sheet dr aw er , you can only add one additiona l 500-she et dr awer .
Install ing a dupl ex unit 8 Installing and r emoving options Installing a du plex unit Y our prin ter supports an opti onal dupl ex unit that lets y ou print on both side s of a she et of p aper .
Installi ng the prin ter 9 Installing and r emoving options Installing th e printer CAUTION: The print er weighs 48–82 kg (105–18 1 l b). It req uires at l east thre e (3) peopl e to lift i t saf ely .
Inst alling an output expander 10 Installing and r emoving options 5 Attach th e printer top co ve r to the ou tput e xpande r . 6 Attach th e output e xpander pape r bail to th e top co v er .
Installi ng a 5-bin m ailbox 11 Installing and r emoving options Installing a 5-b in mailbo x Y our printer supports a 5-bin mailbo x that lets y ou collate and stac k up to 5 00 sheets of paper . Not e: After y ou un pack t he mailbo x, install it immediat ely .
Installi ng a Stapl eSmar t fin isher 12 Installing and r emoving options 5 Attach th e printer top c ove r to the ma ilbo x. 6 Attach th e mailbo x paper bail to the top co ver . Installing a Stap leSmar t finisher Y our prin ter supports a Staple Smart finisher .
Installi ng memor y and optio n cards 13 Installing and r emoving options Installing mem ory and option cards CAUTION: If you are installi ng memory or option cards sometime after setting up the printer , tur n the printer off and unpl ug the po wer c ord bef ore continuin g.
Installi ng memor y and optio n cards 14 Installing and r emoving options 3 Push ope n the latc hes on b oth ends o f the m emory connector . 4 Align the notches on the bo ttom of the card with th e notche s on the conn ector . 5 Push the memory card firmly i nto the co nnector un til the la tches on either end of the connector sn ap into place .
Installi ng memor y and optio n cards 15 Installing and r emoving options Installing a hard disk F ollo w the ins tructions in this sectio n to insta ll an optional h ard disk. Y o u need a s mall fla thead sc rewdriv er to attach the hard disk to the mount ing pl ate.
Installi ng memor y and optio n cards 16 Installing and r emoving options 7 Press the ribbon ca ble c onnector int o the conn ector on t he syste m board. 8 Flip the hard disk ov er , and the n press th e three po sts on the mountin g plate in to the hole s on t he syste m board.
Installi ng memor y and optio n cards 17 Installing and r emoving options Conne ctor.
Removing m emor y and option ca rds 18 Installing and r emoving options Remo ving memory and op tion car ds T o remov e memory or option ca rds, us e the f ollowing illustr ation to l ocate the connecto r fo r the card you want to remo ve . Accessing the printer s ystem board 1 T ur n the printer off .
Removing m emor y and option ca rds 19 Installing and r emoving options Removing memory cards Compl ete the f ollowin g steps t o remo ve prin ter memory or flash m emory cards. Warning: Printer memory and flas h memory cards are easily damaged by s tatic ele ctricity .
Removing m emor y and option ca rds 20 Installing and r emoving options 3 Remo ve the scre w that secures the card to th e system board co nnector s lot. 4 Gently pull the card out o f the conn ector . 5 If y ou sa v ed the met al plat e that co vers the c onnector slo t and y ou d o not plan to insert another ca rd, attach the plat e.
Removing m emor y and option ca rds 21 Installing and r emoving options Removing a har d disk Warning: Har d disks a re easily damaged b y static electricity . T ouch s omething metal on t he printer b efo re yo u touch a disk. 1 Remo ve the syste m board a ccess co v er .
Removing m emor y and option ca rds 22 Installing and r emoving options Removing a firmware card Warning: Opti onal firmwa re cards are eas ily damaged b y static electricity . T ouch something met al on the printer bef ore y ou touc h an optio nal firmware card .
Removing m emor y and option ca rds 23 Installing and r emoving options Reinstalling the system board access co ver 1 Align the slots a t the top of the access cov er with the scre ws nea r the top of the printer . 2 Slide the cov er up under the top co ve r lip as f ar as it will g o , and then tighten th e screw s at the top of the cov er .
Printi ng 24 2 Printing Unde rs tandi ng the pr inte r opera tor pane l The print er operat or panel ha s a f our-line, b ack li t, gr a y scale dis pla y that can show both g raphic s and te xt.
Understa nding the p rint er operator p anel 25 Printing Operator panel buttons Button Function Bac k Pres s the Back butto n to return to the l ast screen v iew ed. Note: Chang es ma de on a scre en wi ll not be ap plie d if you press the Back b utton.
Sending a job to pri nt 26 Printing Sending a job to print T o print a job fro m a typi cal Windo ws app lication: 1 Open th e file y ou w ant to print. 2 F rom the File menu, s elect Print . 3 V erify that the corre ct printer is s elected in t he dia log bo x.
Pri nting from a USB fl ash memo r y device 27 Printing Printing fr om a USB flash memo ry device A USB Direc t interf ace is located o n the oper ator pane l so y ou can inser t a USB f lash memory de vice and print PDF docume nts and s upported gra phic file s.
Cancelin g a pr int jo b 28 Printing 3 Press until appears n ex t to th e docume nt yo u want t o print, and then pres s . A screen asking the num ber of cop ies to be prin ted will ap pear . 4 T o print only o ne cop y , press , or m anually input th e numbe r of copie s with the number pad, then p ress .
Pri nting a me nu settin gs page 29 Printing 4 Doub le-cli ck the printer yo u selec ted when you se nt the j ob . A list of print jobs ap pears in t he printer wi ndow . 5 Select the job y ou want to can cel. 6 Pres s the Delete ke y on the ke yboa rd.
Pr intin g a font sample list 30 Printing 4 Press until Network Setup Page appea rs, and then p ress . Not e: If an opti onal MarkNet N8000 series internal print se r ver is installed , Print Net1 Setup appea rs on the dis pla y . 5 Chec k the first sectio n on the ne twork se tup page , and confirm that Stat us is “C onnected .
Loading the trays 31 Printing • Fle x the print media back and f or th to loo sen the she ets, and then f an them. D o not f old or c rease the print media . Stra ighten the edges of the stac k on a le ve l surf ace. Warning: Ne ver remo ve paper tra ys while a print job i s printing.
Loading the trays 32 Printing 5 Place th e paper in the tra y as sho wn, print si de down . Do not load bent or wrinkled pa per . Not e: Do not e xceed the maxi mum st ack he ight. Ov erfilling t he tra y ma y caus e jams . 6 Squeez e the fro nt guide l ev er and slide the guide until it fi rmly touches the stac k of p aper .
Loading the trays 33 Printing Loading the 2000-sheet tray F ollo w these i nstructions to load a 2000-shee t tra y . Do not load an y print media o ther tha n paper in the 2000-she et tra y . 1 Pull ope n the tr a y . 2 Squeez e the side gu ide le v er , lift the guide , and place it into the appropriate slo t for the size pap er you are loading.
Loading the trays 34 Printing 4 Slide the bottom s uppor t tow ard th e front of th e tra y until it to uches the fro nt guide . 5 Fle x the s heets bac k and f or th to loo sen them, a nd then fa n them. Do not fo ld or cr ease the paper . Straigh ten the edg es of the stac k on a le vel s urf ace.
Loading the multip ur pose feeder 35 Printing Loading th e m ultipurpose feeder Y ou can use the m ultipurpose f eeder one of two wa ys: • Pa p er t r ay —As a paper tray , you can load p aper or specia lty media in the f eede r with the intention of leaving the me dia in the feeder .
Loading the multip ur pose feeder 36 Printing 4 Arra nge th e stack of pap er or spec ialty medi a corr ectl y for the si ze, type, an d pr int meth od you are usin g. 5 Place the paper or spec ialty med ia, print side up , along th e left side o f the mult ipurpose fe eder , and then pus h it in as far as it will easil y go.
Pri nting on s pecial ty media ( transparen cies, label s, other) 37 Printing Prin ting on spec ialt y media (tr anspar encie s, la bels, other ) F ollo w these i nstructions when y ou w ant to print on medi a such as tr ansp arencies , card stoc k, gloss y paper , labels , or env elopes.
Linking tra ys 38 Printing 3 Choose th e paper s ize from the Pa p er pop-up menu. 4 Click OK . 5 Select Fi le Print . 6 Select th e General panel, and th en choos e the pape r source fro m the pop-up menus as approp riate. 7 Select th e Pa p e r panel, and then cho ose the p aper type f rom the Pap e r Typ e pop-up menu.
Linking outp ut bins 39 Printing Link ing o utput bins If y ou attach an opt ional fin isher or m ailbo x to y our printe r , y ou ca n link outpu t bins , or oth erwise spe cify ho w the prin ter sends jobs to th e bins , by changin g the Conf igure Bins s ettings i n the P aper Men u.
Pri nting confi dential jobs 40 Printing F rom either the Confid ential Jo b or the Held Jobs menu items, you ha ve s ev eral choi ces: • Pri nt All • JobNam e1 • JobNam e2 • Delete All Note: Confiden tial jobs will also be an opt ion if confident ial jobs are presen t.
Pri nting confi dential jobs 41 Printing 4 Enter a User Name and PIN. 5 Send y our job to the printer . Go to th e printer when y ou ar e ready to retrie ve y our conf idential p rint job , and fol low the At the printer steps . At the printer 1 Press until Held jobs appears, and then press .
Pri nting confi dential jobs 42 Printing Printing and deleting hel d jobs Held job s such as V erify Print, Reserve Print, Re peat Print, Book marks, and USB flash mem or y files diff er in fun ction and do not re quire a PIN to print the job . These jo bs are prin ted or dele ted from the p rinter operato r panel .
Pri nting confi dential jobs 43 Printing 3 Press until appears n ex t to the ty pe of act ion you wan t to perf o rm: • Confiden tial jobs will also be an option if c onfident ial jobs are presen t. 4 Press . 5 Press until appears n ex t to the j ob yo u wa nt, and the n press .
Tips for success ful pr inting 44 Printing Tips for successful printing Storing paper Use th e f ollowi ng gui delines t o av oid paper f eeding prob lems an d une v en print qu ality . • Store pa per in an environment where the temperature is approximately 2 1°C (70°F ) and the relative humid ity is 40 %.
Tips for success ful pr inting 45 Printing Av oiding jams Y ou ca n av oid most paper jam s by co rrectly lo ading paper and special ty media in the printer .
Media s pecific ations 46 3 Media sp ecification s Media is pap er , card stoc k, tr ansparencie s, lab els, and en ve lopes . The las t fo ur are s ometimes ref erred to a s specialt y media . The printer provid es high q uality p r inti ng on a v ariety o f media.
Media g uidel ines 47 Media specifications W eight The print er can automa tically fe ed paper w eights fro m 60 to 17 6 g/m 2 (16 to 47 lb bo nd) gra in long. P aper lighte r than 60 g/m 2 (16 lb) might no t be stiff enough to f eed prop erly , causing jams .
Stor ing paper 48 Media specifications Unacceptable paper The f ollowing papers are not recomme nded f or use with the printer: • Chemica lly treate d papers u sed to m ake cop ies wi thout carbon p.
Stor ing paper 49 Media specifications • Store cartons of pap er on a pal let or she lf rathe r than direc tly on the fl oor . • If y ou stor e indivi dual pac kages o f pape r out of the original carton, mak e sure they rest on a flat surf ace so the edges do no t buckle o r cur l.
Stor ing paper 50 Media specifications Selecting t ransparencie s The print er can print di rectly on tr ansp arencies designe d f or use in laser printers . Print qual ity and d urabili ty depend on the tra nsparency u sed. Alw ay s print samp les on th e tra nsparencies being c onsidered fo r use bef ore bu ying large qu antiti es.
Stor ing paper 51 Media specifications Labels The print er can print on many labels designed f or use with l aser printers . These labels are suppl ied in let ter siz e, A4 s ize, and leg al siz e sheets .
Stor ing media 52 Media specifications Card stoc k Card s tock is single ply , and ha s a large arra y of pro per ties , such a s the mo isture con tent, thic kness, an d te xture , that can signifi cantly af fe ct print quali ty .
Identif ying me dia sour ces and spec ificatio ns 53 Media specifications Media sizes and suppor t Legend ✓ — supported w ith size sensi ng † — supported with out size sens ing * ✘ — uns u.
Identif ying me dia sour ces and spec ificatio ns 54 Media specifications 9 En velope 98.4 x 2 25.4 m m (3.875 x 8.9 in.) ✘ † ✘✘ † ✘ ✘✘✘✘ 10 Envelop e 104.8 x 241.3 mm (4.12 x 9 .5 in.) ✘ † ✘✘ † ✘ ✘✘✘✘ DL En velope 110 x 2 20 mm (4.
Identif ying me dia sour ces and spec ificatio ns 55 Media specifications Media types and weights (input options) Media Ty p e Media w eight 500-shee t trays Multipurpos e feed er 2000-she et drawe r En velope drawer Pap e r Xe rograp hic or bu siness paper (used f or simple x printing) 1 60 to 74 .
Identif ying me dia sour ces and spec ificatio ns 56 Media specifications Media types and weights (output options) Media Ty p e Media weight Standard output bin and option al output ex pander 5-bi n mailb ox Optional fin isher Standar d Offset Stap le Pap e r Xerogr aphic or bus iness pa per (used f or simple x printing) 1 60 to 74.
Identif ying me dia sour ces and spec ificatio ns 57 Media specifications Dual-w eb paper 180 g/m 2 (48 lb bond) Not supported 180 g/ m 2 (48 lb bond) 180 g/ m 2 (48 lb bond) Not supported P olyest er.
Main taining th e pri nter 58 4 Maintaining the printer P eriodically , you need to c omplete certain tasks to main tain optim um print quality . These tasks are co ve red in this chapter . If se ver al people are using the printer , y ou ma y want to d esignate a ke y operato r to do the setup and main tenance o f you r printer .
Conser vi ng supplies 59 Maintaining the printer Conservin g supplies Se ve ral sett ings in y our a pplication softw are or on th e displa y let y ou cons er ve toner and p aper . Fo r more inf or mation on changi ng these s etting s, se e the Menus an d Mes sages Guid e .
T oner waste co ntainer 60 Maintaining the printer The f ollowi ng is a l ist of cartridges y ou ca n order: T oner waste container When an 82 Waste toner box nearly full me ssage appea rs on t he displa y , you sho uld order a new toner w aste contain er .
Rec ycling Lexmark products 61 Maintaining the printer Ordering an image transfer unit and transfer roller When the 83.yy ITU life warning mes sage app ears on th e displa y , you s hould orde r a ne w imag e transf er unit. Use par t num ber 40 X168 0 to or der a n ima ge tra nsfer uni t.
Clear ing paper jams 62 5 Clearing paper ja ms Identifying jams If the prin ter jams , the appro priate jam me ssage w ill be dis pla yed on the printer operator panel. If y ou select Show areas on the o perat or panel, y ou c an vie w one or m ore imag es to help y ou clear the ja m.
Access doors and tray s 63 Clearing paper jams Access doors and trays The f ollowing illustr ations show a reas wh ere jams can occu r . Are a A Multip ur pose fe eder 250.yy Paper Jam Area B Left acce ss door (beside tr a y 1) 200.yy Paper Jam 24<x>.
Underst anding jam mess ages 64 Clearing paper jams Understanding jam mess ages Not e: Alw ay s clear t he entire pape r path wh en y ou receiv e any jam m essage .
Clear ing the entire p aper path 65 Clearing paper jams Clearing the entire paper path When a pap er jam occ urs, the printer stops ope rating an d displa ys 2<xx>.
Clear ing the entire p aper path 66 Clearing paper jams Area C 1 If yo u ha ve one or more optional 500-shee t dra wers : a Open the 500-shee t dra wer acc ess door . Hold th e door do wn whil e remo ving jam s. Note: Mak e sur e the enti re paper s tack is loaded c orrectly a nd pushe d all the w a y down into th e tra y .
Clear ing the entire p aper path 67 Clearing paper jams Area T1 1 If cl ear ing Are a B did n ot clear th e jam, th en carefully open tra y 1. Remo ve an y jams. Note: Mak e sure the paper is pushed a ll the w a y do wn into the tra y . 2 Close tr ay 1.
Clear ing the entire p aper path 68 Clearing paper jams Area J 1 Remov e the duple x tr a y J. 2 Remov e any ja ms, a nd then reinstall th e tra y . Area K 1 Open t he lower r igh t ac cess do or . 2 Remo v e any jams , and then close th e door . Area L 1 Open the upper right ac cess do or .
Clear ing mail box, finisher , o r output expander jams (Are a M) 69 Clearing paper jams Clearing mailbox, finisher , or output expander jams (Area M) 1 Open th e rear door of the 5-bi n mailbo x or ouput e xpander . 2 Pull the jam str aight out, and then c lose the door .
Clear ing fuser j ams 70 Clearing paper jams 3 Pull do wn the latches . The y slide t ow ard the cent er to releas e the fus er . 4 Pull the fuser out, and set it on a clea n, flat su rf ace. 5 Unsna p the housin g and set it aside . 6 Lift up t he fuser rolle r cov er an d remov e the jam.
Clear ing ima ge transfer unit jams 71 Clearing paper jams Clearing image t ransfer unit jams 1 Open th e front acc ess doo r and the left access door . 2 While h olding do wn the front acc ess doo r , insert a f olded piece of paper a s show n to clea r the paper sensors under the image tr ansf er unit.
Clear ing ima ge transfer unit jams 72 Clearing paper jams 4 T ur n the printer off . Op en the fron t cov er . 5 Remo ve all the pri nt car tridges. a Pull up slight ly on the cartr idge handho ld. b Pull the cartr idge str aight out and us e the han dle to lift it off t he guides .
Clear ing ima ge transfer unit jams 73 Clearing paper jams 6 Relea se the lat ches to open the mu ltipurpose f eede r (area A) all the w a y ..
Clear ing ima ge transfer unit jams 74 Clearing paper jams 7 Remo ve the im age tran sf er unit. a Raise the le ve r to unloc k the image tr ansf er unit.
Clear ing ima ge transfer unit jams 75 Clearing paper jams c Slide the image tr ansf er unit out an d place i t on a cle an, flat s urf ace. Warning: Do not touch the trans fe r belt. T ouching the belt w ill damag e the imag e trans fer unit. 8 Look in side the printer .
Clear ing ima ge transfer unit jams 76 Clearing paper jams 9 Insert the image t ransf er unit bac k into th e printer . a Alig n the g uid es wit h the inse r tio n grooves and gent ly s lide t he uni t in . b Rotate the handl e up , and pu sh gentl y to loc k the unit in pl ace.
If you still n eed hel p 77 Clearing paper jams c Low er the l ev er to loc k the image tran sf er unit int o place . 10 Return the m ultipurpose f eeder to its w or king pos ition. Reins tall all the print car tridges . 11 Close the printer do or . 12 T ur n the printer on.
Admin istrative suppor t 78 6 Administr ative suppo r t Adjusting o perator panel brightness and co ntrast The LCD op erat or panel con trast and brightness ca n be adjus ted through t he Utiliti es men u. F or more inf or mation, s ee the Men us and Mess ages Guide .
Enabling opera tor panel menus 79 Administrative support Enabling operator panel menus 1 T ur n the printer off . 2 Press an d hold and while turning th e printer on.
Adju sting P ow er Sa v er 80 Administrative support Adjusting P ower Sa ver To a d j u s t t h e Power Saver setti ng: 1 Mak e sure th e printer is o n and Ready ap pears on th e displa y . 2 Press on the op erat or panel. 3 Press until Settings appears , and the n press .
Setting secu rity u sing the E mbedded Web Ser ver (EWS ) 81 Administrative support 5 Press until Disable appears, and the n press . Contents will be lost. Continue? a ppears . 6 Press until Yes appears , and then press . The Encrypting D isk pro gress bar appears .
Setting secu rity u sing the E mbedded Web Ser ver (EWS ) 82 Administrative support • No authen tication and no encr yption • A uthenti cation with no encryption • A uthenti cation an d encryption Not e: Only t he selec ted le v el and l ater ma y be used to com munic ate.
Setting secu rity u sing the E mbedded Web Ser ver (EWS ) 83 Administrative support Using 802.1x Authenticating 802.1x p or t authentic ation allo ws the printer to join netwo rks that require au thenticat ion bef ore allowing access.
Blac k only mo de 84 Administrative support Printing Lock out Printing Loc kout lets you lo ck o r unloc k a printer u sing an assigned PIN . When lo ck ed, e very job the p r inter rec eiv es will buf f er to the h ard disk. A us er can print j obs only by entering the c orrect PIN on the oper ator pan el.
Align ing the im age transfer unit 85 Administrative support Aligning th e image transfer unit F or best print q uality , make s ure y ou align the image tr ansf er unit after rep lacement or if colors print too ligh tly . T o align th e image tr ansf er unit: 1 Mak e sure y our printe r is on.
Using the Coverage Estimator 86 Administrative support Using the Coverage Estimator The Co v erage Estimator p rovid es you with an estimate of t he percen t cov erage of cy an, magenta, y ellow , and b lack toner on a pag e. These estim ates are p rinted on th e page .
Config uring p rint er aler ts 87 Administrative support Configuring prin ter aler ts Y ou ca n configu re the printe r sev eral w ay s to let y ou know whe n it req uires attentio n. Using the Setup Menu Selectin g A uto Cont inue m ay aff ect ho w the printer al er ts e xe cute.
T roublesh ooting 88 7 T r oubleshootin g Online custome r suppor t Custo mer suppo r t is a v ailab le on the Le xmark W eb site at www .lexma .
Solvi ng prin ting prob lems 89 Troubleshooting Solving printin g pr oblems Symptom Cause Solution The oper ator pa nel displa y is b lank or disp la ys only diamonds . The printer se lf test f ailed. T ur n the printer of f, wait a bout 10 sec onds, and turn the printer back on.
Solvi ng m ailbo x prob lems 90 Troubleshooting Solving mailbox pr o blems Job print s from the wrong tra y or on the wrong pa per or sp ecialty media.
Solving opti on problems 91 Troubleshooting Solv ing opt ion pr ob lems If an option do es not ope rate co rrectly aft er it is in stalled o r if it q uits w orking: • T ur n the printer off , w ait f or about 10 secon ds, an d turn the printer on.
Solving opti on problems 92 Troubleshooting Solving high capacity feeder problems Proble m Solution The paper tra y does not r aise when the loading door is c losed, or the paper tr a y does not lo wer whe n the door is opene d and the paper tr a y butto n is pus hed.
Solvin g paper feed proble ms 93 Troubleshooting Solving paper feed prob lems Solving print q uality prob lems T o help is olate print qua lity p roble ms, p rint the Print Qual ity T est P ages. 1 T ur n the printer off . 2 Press and . Hold them while y ou turn the p rinter on, and until the Pe rforming Self Test messag e appears .
Solvi ng pr int quali ty problems 94 Troubleshooting The inf orm atio n in the f ollo wing tab le may h elp yo u solv e pr int quali ty prob lems. If these suggesti ons still d o not correct the problem , ca ll for ser vi ce. Y ou m ay hav e a pr int er pa r t that requi res ad jus tment or re place men t.
Solvi ng pr int quali ty problems 95 Troubleshooting Streak ed horiz ontal line s The print cartridges, the tran sf er roller , image tr ansf er unit , or fuser ma y be def ectiv e, empty , or w orn. Replace th e print ca r tridge, the transf er roller , the image tr ansf er unit, or fus er as need ed.
Solvi ng pr int quali ty problems 96 Troubleshooting Print too light • Pap er setting s ma y be incor rect. • The T oner Darknes s setting is too light . • Y ou are u sing pape r that does not meet the printer specifi cation s. • The print car tridges are low on toner .
Solvi ng pr int quali ty problems 97 Troubleshooting Une v en print den sity • The print car tridges are def ectiv e. • The tr ansf er rolle r is worn or def ectiv e. • The image t ransf er unit i s worn or def ective . • Replac e the print ca r tridges.
Solvi ng c olor quali ty pr ob lems 98 Troubleshooting Solving color qu ality problems This se ction he lps ans wer some basic color-relate d questio ns and de scribes how some of the f eatures p rovide d in the Quali ty Me nu can be used t o sol ve typica l color proble ms.
Solvi ng c olor quali ty pr ob lems 99 Troubleshooting The printed pa ge appe ars tinted. Can I slightl y adjust the color? Sometim es a user m ay con sider print ed pages to a ppear tinted (fo r ex ample , ev er ything printe d seems to be too red) .
Solvi ng c olor quali ty pr ob lems 100 Troubleshooting The col or combinati on lab eled on the b o x can then be used for modifyin g the col or of the ob ject in a softw are appli cation. The soft ware applicat ion Help s ection pro vides instruct ions f or mod ifying the c olor of an object.
Solvi ng c olor quali ty pr ob lems 101 Troubleshooting increm ent v alue tha t defines the diff erence betw een the RG B va lue that e ach color bo x diff ers b y . If the user selec ts Print , a printout genera tes which consist s of the user-s pecifie d color an d the col ors that e xist near this c olor base d on the increm ent val ue.
Notices 102 8 Notices Caut ions an d warni ngs Not e: A note identifies som ethin g that could help y ou. CAUTION: A cauti on identifies somethi ng that could ca use y ou harm. Warning: A war ni ng identi fies someth ing that c ould damage you r product h ardware o r softw are .
Notices 103 Noti ces Radio interference notice W arning: When a network cable is attached, this is a Class A product. In a domestic en vironment, this product may cause r adio interf erence, in which case, t he user may be required t o take adequate measures.
Notices 104 Noti ces • Increase the separation between t he equipment and receiver . • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which t he receiver is connected. • Consult your point of purchase or ser vice representativ e for additional suggestions.
Notices 105 Noti ces Noise emiss ion levels Hin weis z um GS -Zei ch en Die folgenden Messungen wurden gemäß I SO 7779 durchgeführ t und gemäß ISO 9 296 gemeldet.
Notices 106 Noti ces The follo wing measurem ents were made in accordance with ISO 7779 and repor ted in conformance w ith ISO 9296. Pr oduct energ y consum ption The follo wing table documents the power consumption character istics of the p roduct.
Notices 107 Noti ces W aste from Electrical and Electr onic Equipment (WEEE) directive The WEEE logo sign ifies specific recycling programs and procedures f or electronic produc ts in countries of the Eur opean Union. We encourage the recycling of our products .
Notices 108 Noti ces Statement of Limited W arran ty C770, C772 printer Lexmark International, Inc. Lexington, KY This limited warranty applies to the United States and Ca nada. For customers outside the U.S ., refer to the countr y-specific wa rranty inf orm ation that came with y our product.
Notices 109 Noti ces Y our sole remedy under this limited warranty is set forth in this doc ument. For an y claim concer ning performance or nonperforma nce of Lexmark or a Remar keter f or this product und er this limited warranty , you ma y recover actual damages up to the limit set for th in the f ollowing par agraph.
110 Inde x Numerics 5-bi n mailb ox 11 A access doo rs 63 adjus tin g Power Saver 8 0 alignin g the ima ge transfe r unit 85 areas Area A 65 Area B 65 Area C 66 Area E 67 Area G 66 Area J 68 Area K 68.
111 Index See print server Internet Pr otocol Sec urity 82 L labels guidelin es 51 laser no tice 107 letterhea d 49 guidelin es 49 page or ientation 49 printing 49 Lexmar k Autho rized Supp lies De al.
112 Index mailb ox 90 frequent jam s 90 operator pa nel 89 blank 8 9 displa ys blac k diamon ds 89 paper feed blank p ages in output b in 93 frequent jam s 93 jamme d page doe s not repri nt 93 Paper .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark C770 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark C770 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark C770, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark C770 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark C770, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark C770.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark C770. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark C770 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.