Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 670 du fabricant Lexmark
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MX410 and MX510 Series User's Guide May 2013 www.le xmark.c om Machine type(s): 7015 Model(s): 470, 630 , 670, 675.
Conten ts Safe ty infor matio n. ...... ........ ..... ...... ..... ...... ........ ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ........ ...... .7 Learn ing a bout t he p rinte r..... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ............ ........ ....... .....9 Findi ng in formati on ab out t he pri nter.
Networ kin g.. ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... . ...... ..... ....... ..... ..48 Veri fying pri nter set up... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....
Faxing ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........... ....... ........1 03 Settin g up the pr inte r to fax .... ..... ...... ..... ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ....... .
Mainta ini ng the p rinte r... ..... ........ ..... ..... ...... ..... ........ ...... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..21 3 Cleani ng the prin ter par ts..... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......
Embedd ed W eb Ser ver do es not open ...... ......... ........ .............. ........ ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ..... ...299 Contacting customer support................................. ........................................
Safety information Connect t he power co rd to a pr operly gro unded elec trical o utlet th at is near the prod uct and ea sily acces sible. Do not p lace or use this product near wate r or we t locati ons. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: Do not use t he fax f eature dur ing a lig htning sto rm.
CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the cont roller boar d or instal ling optio nal hardware or memo ry devices somet ime after setting up the pr inter, th en turn t he pri nter off , and unplu g the powe r cord from th e electr ical ou tlet befo re cont inuing .
Learni ng about the prin ter Finding informa tion about the printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in structions: • Connecting the printer • Installin g the p rinter sof tware Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the printer and is al so available at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentati on • Driver d ownloa ds • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark support Web site— http://support.
1 Right s ide 30 cm (1 2 in.) 2 Front 51 cm (20 in.) 3 Left side 20 cm (8 in.) 4 Rear 20 cm (8 in.) 5 Top 75 cm (29 in.) Printer configurations CAUTION—TIPPI NG HAZARD: Fl oor-mount ed config urations require addit ional furni ture for st ability. You m ust use eith er a printe r stand o r printer base if yo u are using m ultiple in put opti ons.
1 2 3 4 9 10 6 5 8 7 1 Printer control panel 2 Automatic document f eeder (ADF) 3 ADF tr ay 4 ADF bi n 5 Front door release button 6 Standard 2 50 ‑ sheet tray 7 Optio nal 2 50 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet .
Using the ADF and scanner glass Automatic d ocument feed er (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents includin g two-sided (duplex) pages. Use the scanner glass for single ‑ page documents, book pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transparencies, photo p aper, or thin media (such as magazine clippin gs).
Understandin g the printer control panel Using the printer control panel 1 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 9 Use the To 1 Display • Vi ew the printer status and messages. • Set up and operate th e printer. 2 Home button Go to the home screen. 3 Tips Open a c ont ex t-s ens it iv e He lp d ia log .
Indicator light Printer st atus Blinking red The print er requires user inte rvention. Sleep button light Printer status Off The printer is off, idle or in Ready state. Solid amber Th e printer is in Sleep mode. Blinking am ber The printer is enteri ng or waking from Hiberna te mode.
Touch To 7 Status/Supplies • S how a printer warn ing or error message whe never the printer requi res intervention to continue pr ocessing. • View more i nformation on the prin ter warning or me ssage, and on how to c lear it. This may al so appear on the home screen: Touch To Search H eld Jobs Search current held jobs.
Touch the To 1 Radio button Select o r clear an item. 2 Up arrow Scroll up. 3 Down arrow Scroll down. 4 Acce pt but to n S ave a se tti ng. 5 Cancel button • Cancel an action o r a selection. • Return to the previous screen. Touch To Return to the home screen.
Setting up and usin g the home screen applications Notes: • Your home screen, i cons, and buttons m ay vary depen ding on your home scre en customi zation se ttings, adminis trative setup, an d acti ve embedde d applica tions. • There may be additional solutio ns and a pplications availab le for purc hase.
3 Click Advan ced > TCP/IP . 4 Look for IPv4 Address . Finding the IP address of the printer Note: Make sure your p rinter is conn ected t o a net work or to a print server. You can f ind the prin ter IP add ress: • From the to p left c orner of the p rinter home s creen .
Understanding th e different ap plications Use To Card Co py Scan and print both si des of a card on a single pa ge. For more i nformation, see “Setting up Card Copy” on page 21. Fax Scan a document, and then send it to a fax nu mber. For more in formation , see “Faxing” on page 103.
Use To Streamline work processes by letting you qui ckly find and pri nt frequently used online forms directly from the printer home screen. Note: The printer must have permission to access the network folder, FTP site, or Web site where the bookmark is stored.
3 Change t he default scanning o ptions, if ne cessary. • Default tray —Select th e default tray to be used for p rinting scan images. • Defaul t numb er of copi es —Specify the number of copies th at sho uld automatically print when th e application is used.
1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Note: View the printer IP address on the pr inter home scr een. The printer IP address appears as four sets of numbers s epara ted by perio ds, such as 123.123.123. 123.
• Make sure t he printer has a ccess right s to the fold er where the sp ecified destinat ion is locat ed. 4 Click Apply . To use the a pplicatio n, touch Scan to Network on t he printer home screen, and then follow t he instructions on th e printer display.
3 To export or import a c onfiguration for multip le application s, do the following: a Click Settings > Import/ Expo rt . b Do either of the following: • To export a configuration file, cl ick Expo rt Embedde d Solu tions Se ttings File , and the n follow t he instr uctions on the computer s creen to save the configuration file.
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the cont roller boar d or instal ling optio nal hardware or memo ry devices somet ime after setting up the pr inter, th en turn t he pri nter off , and unplu g the powe r cord from th e electr ical ou tlet befo re cont inuing .
Accessing the co ntroller board CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the cont roller boar d or instal ling optio nal hardware or memo ry devices somet ime after setting up the pr inter, th en turn t he pri nter off , and unplu g the powe r cord from th e electr ical ou tlet befo re cont inuing .
2 1 3 4 1 Mem ory ca rd con necto r 2 Option card connector 3 Printer hard disk connect or 4 Lexmark I nternal Solut ions Port connector 4 Close the shield, and then the access do or.
3 Alig n the notc h (1) on the me mory card with the ridge (2) on the connector. 1 2 4 Push the memo ry card straight into the co nnector, and th en push the card toward the co ntrolle r board wal l until it cl icks into plac e. 5 Close th e controller board sh ield, and th en the controller board access door.
Installing an op tional card CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are access ing the cont roller boar d or instal ling optio nal hardware or memo ry devices somet ime after setting up the pr inter, th en turn t he pri nter off , and unplu g the powe r cord from the electr ical ou tlet be fore cont inui ng.
4 Push the c ard firmly into place as shown in the ill ustration . Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Improper install ation of the card m ay cause d amag e to th e card a nd the contr ol ler bo ard. Note: The entire l ength o f the co nnector on the card must to uch and be flushe d agains t the con troller board.
Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Contro ller boar d electron ic componen ts ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a m etal su rface on th e printe r befor e touching any contr oller b oard elec tronic c omponent s or conne ctors. 1 Open th e controller board access door .
1 ISP soluti on 2 Screw to attach the ISP to th e bracket 3 ISP exterior cover 4 Screws to attach the ISP metal br acket to the printer cage 5 Pl asti c brac k et 6 Long ISP cable 4 Place the plastic bracket inside the ISP exterior cover until it clicks into p lac e.
6 Secure th e ISP sol ution to the pl astic brack et usin g the lon g scre w. 7 Tigh ten the two scre ws on t he end of the ISP solutio n. Additi onal print er set up 34.
8 Atta ch the whit e plug of the IS P solut ion inter face cable in to the whit e recept acle o n the ISP. 9 Atta ch the ISP exte rior cov er at an a n gle by inserting th e left hinges firs t.
10 Lower the rest of th e cover, and then slide the cover t o the right. 11 Run t he ISP cabl e thro ugh the c ontrol ler boar d shie ld. Additi onal print er set up 36.
12 Open the sh ield using the green handle. 2 1 13 Attach the blu e plug of th e ISP solu tion int erface c able into the blue r eceptacle on the cont roller board. Note: If you have installed a printer ha rd di sk, then you need to re move it. F or mo re inform ation, see “Remov ing a pri nter hard d isk” on page 41.
14 Clos e the sh ield. 15 Close the ISP exterior cover. Note: When the printer s oftware and any h ardware option s are insta lled, it may be neces sary to manual ly add the option s in the pr inter driv er to make t hem avail able for pr int jobs.
a Using a flat ‑ hea d screwd river, lo osen t he sc rews. b Insert the plug of the printer hard disk interface cable into the receptacle of the controller board.
c Align the scre ws on the pr inter hard di sk to the s lots on the con troll er boa rd br acket, a nd t hen slid e the p rinter hard dis k onto the brackets. d Tighte n the tw o screw s. 4 Clos e the co ntroller b oard sh ield, and then cl ose the controlle r board access door.
Removing a printer h ard di sk Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Contro ller boar d electron ic componen ts ar e easily damaged by static electricity. Touch a m etal su rface on th e printe r befor e touching any contr oller b oard elec tronic c omponent s or conne ctors.
Installing hardware options Order of ins tallation CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: The pr inter we ight is greater than 18 kg (40 lb) and requi res tw o or mor e trained p ersonnel to lift it safel y.
2 1 2 Unpack the tr ay, and t hen remo ve all packi ng ma terial. 3 Pul l out the tray fr om the base. 4 Remove any p acking materia l from in side the tra y. 5 Insert th e tra y into the bas e. 6 Pla ce the tray near th e printe r. 7 Align th e printer with the t ray, and the n slowly l ower the prin ter into place.
8 Connect the p ower c ord to the prin ter, th en to a pro perly gr ounded electrical o utlet, and then turn on the print er. 1 2 Notes: • When th e printer software and any har dware opt ions are install ed, you may nee d to manual ly add the options in the p rinter d river to make them availa bl e for print jobs.
Attaching cables CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Do n ot use th e fax feat ure duri ng a light ning st orm. D o not set up this p roduct or make an y electri cal or ca bling conne ctions, s uch as the f ax featur e, power cord, or te lephone, during a lightnin g storm.
Use the To 8 Security slot Attach a l ock that will secure the printer in place . Setting up the printer software Installing the printer software Notes: • If you in stalled t he printer software on the comp uter bef ore but need to rein stall th e software, then uni nstall the curren t software firs t.
Updat ing availa ble opti ons in th e print er driver When any har dware o ptions a re instal led, you may nee d to manu ally add the optio ns in the p rinter driver to make them availabl e for use.
Networking Notes: • Purchase a M arkNet N8350 wirel ess netw ork adapter for MX510de , MX511d e, and MX511 dhe pri nter mod els or MarkNet N8352 wireless netwo rk adapter for MX410de pr inter model first befo re setting u p the prin ter on a wireles s network .
In Wind ows 7 or earlier a Click , or clic k Start and then click Run . b In th e Start Search o r Run di alog, typ e D:s e tu p.e xe . c Press Enter , or clic k OK .
d Click the IP ta b. e Type the printer IP address in the address field, and then click Add . • For Appl eTalk print ing: Notes: – Make su re Appl eTa lk is ac tivated on you r print er. – This feature is supported only in Mac OS X version 10.5.
Notes: – If you do no t know th e SSID of the networ k that your co mputer is connecte d to, the n launch the wireless u tility of the c omputer net work adap ter, and t hen look f or the network name .
Using the Push Button C onfiguration method 1 From the print er cont rol pan el, naviga te to: > Netwo rk/ Po rts > Network [x ] > Net wor k [x] Set up > Wire less > Wireless Con nectio n Setu p > Wi ‑ Fi Prote cted Setup > Start Pu sh Butt on Method 2 Follow th e instructions on the pri nter displa y.
Changing port setti ngs after installing a new network Internal Solutions Port When a new Lexmar k Internal Soluti ons Port (ISP) is insta lled in the printer , the p rinter configur ations on compute rs that ac cess the printe r must b e updat ed since the pr inter wi ll be assi gned a new IP address.
6 Type the new IP address in the “Printer Name or IP Address” field. 7 Click OK > Clos e . For Macintosh users 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the pr inter IP address on the print er co ntrol pane l.
2 Ins tal l the p ri nter driv er . a Obta in a copy o f the sof tware in staller packag e. • From the S oftware and Docu mentat ion CD that came wi th your printer • From our Web site : Go to www.
In Windows 7 or earlier 1 Click , or clic k Start and then click Run . 2 In th e Start Search o r Run di alog, typ e devmgmt.msc . 3 Press Enter or click OK .
Loading paper and specialty media The sele ction and h andling o f paper and spe cialty med ia can affe ct how reliably do cuments print. F or more inf ormation , see “Avoid ing jams” on page 226 a nd “Sto ring paper” on pa ge 74.
2 Squeeze and then slide the widt h guide tab to the correct po sition for the size of the paper you are loading. 1 LT R LG L E X E C A 4 B 5 A 5 2 Loading pape r and specialty media 58.
3 Squeeze and then slide the length guide tab to the co rrect position for th e size of the paper you are loading. 1 2 Notes: • For some pap er sizes like lett er, legal, and A4, s queeze and slid e the length gu ide tab backwar d to accommodate their length .
4 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen t hem, and then fan them. Do n ot fold or crease t he paper. Straight en the edges on a level su rface. 5 Load th e paper stack.
Notes: • Load with the printable side facedown when using recycled or preprinted paper. • Load prepunched paper with the holes on th e top edge to ward the front of th e tray. • Load le tterhea d facedo wn, with the top ed ge of th e sheet towa rd the fron t of the tr ay.
Loading the multipurpose feeder Use the multipurpose feed er when printing on different paper sizes and types or specialty media, such as card stock, transpar encies, paper label s, and env elopes. You can also u se it for sin gle ‑ pag e prin t jobs on let ter hea d.
b Pull the extender gently so th at the multipurpose feeder is fully extended and open. 2 Squeeze the tab on the left width gu ide, and then move th e guides for the pap er you are loading. 3 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Flex sheets of pap er back and fo rth to lo osen them, and then fan them.
• Flex the stack of envelopes back and forth to loo sen them, and then fan them. Straighten the ed ges on a level surf ace. 4 Load the paper or spe cialty media.
Note: When loadi ng A6 ‑ s ize paper, make sure th e multipurpose feeder extender rests lightly against the edge of the pap er so that the last few s heets of paper rem ain in place. • Load let terhea d faceu p with th e top ed ge enteri ng the pr inter first.
• Load envelopes with the flap on the left side facedown. Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Never us e envelopes with stamps , clasps, snaps, wind ows, coate d linings, o r self ‑ stick adhe sives. Th ese enve lopes ma y severel y damage the printer.
Creat ing a cu sto m name for a p aper ty pe Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated b y pe riods, such as 1 23.
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: > Paper M enu > Cust om Types 2 Select a custom p aper type na me, and then sel ect a paper t ype Note: P aper is th e factory d efault pape r type for al l user ‑ de fined custom names.
Paper and specialty media guide Using specialty media Tips on us ing lette rhead • Use letterhead designed specifically for laser printers. • Print samples on the le tterhead being c onsidered for use be fore buyi ng larg e quantiti es.
– Have any exposed adhesive when the flap is in the sealed or closed position – Have bent corners – Have rough, cockle, o r laid finish es • Adjust the width guides to fit the width of the envelopes. Note: A combinati on of high humidit y (over 6 0%) and h igh printin g tempe rature m ay wrinkle or seal envel opes.
• Do not use prepr inted card st ock manufac tured wi th chemica ls that may contamina te the print er. Prepri nting intro duces se mi ‑ liquid and vol atile co mponen ts i nto the pr inter. • Use grain s hort ca rd stock when possible . Paper guidelines Select ing the cor rect pap er or sp ecialty me dia reduces printin g problem s.
For 60–90 ‑ g/m 2 (16–24 ‑ lb) bond paper, grain l ong paper is recom mended. Fiber content Most h igh ‑ qua lity xerogra phic pa per is mad e from 100% ch emically treated p ulped wood . This content provides th e paper with a high degree of stability resu lting in fewer paper feeding problems and better p rint quality.
• Surfac e roughne ss (meas ured in S heffiel d units, i mpacts p rint cla rity and how wel l toner f uses to the pape r) • Surface friction (determin es how easily sheets can be separated) • Gr.
For more informati on about Lexmark, visit www.lexma m . Genera l sustai nabilit y-related inform ation ca n be found at the Envi ronmen tal Su stain abilit y link.
Paper size and dimension Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray Optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder ADF Scanner glas s Duplex mode Legal 215. 9 x 355.6 mm (8.5 x 14 in .) Executive 184. 2 x 266.7 mm (7.25 x 10.5 in.) X Oficio ( Méxic o) 215.
Paper size and dimension Standard 250 ‑ sheet tray Optional 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder ADF Scanner glas s Duplex mode Other Envelope 85.7 x 165 mm to 215. 9 x 355.6 mm (3.375 x 6.50 in. to 8.5 x 14 in.) XX XX X * Universal is supported in duplex mode only if the width is at least 210 mm (8.
Printing Printing forms and a document Printing forms Use the Forms and Favorite s applica tion to qu ickly and easily acce ss frequen tly used f orms or other i nformation that is regul arly p rinted. Bef ore you can use this app lication, first s et it up on the pr inter.
Adjusting toner darkness Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field. Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated b y pe riods, such as 1 23.
Notes: • A flash drive icon appears on the printer home scre en when a flash drive is inserted. • If you insert the flash dr ive when the printer requires attention, such as when a jam has occurr ed, then the printer ignores the f lash drive.
Recommended flas h drives File t ype • Lexa r Jump Drive Fir eFly (5 12MB and 1 GB) • SanDi sk Cru zer Micr o (512MB and 1GB) • Sony Micro Vault Classic (512MB and 1GB) Documents: • .pdf • .xps Imag es : • .dcx • .gif • .jpeg or .jpg • .
Use To Verify Job Expiration Print one c opy of a p rint job and hold the r emaining copies. It lets y ou examine if the firs t copy is satisfactor y or not. The prin t job is automatically dele ted from the printer memory when al l copies are printed.
5 From the printer home screen, release the print job. • For co nfidential print jo bs, navigat e to: Held jo bs > select your user name > Confi dential Job s > enter the PIN > Print •.
Canceling a print job Cancel ing a print job fro m the pri nter c ontrol p anel 1 From the print er cont rol pan el, touc h Cancel Job or press on the keypad. 2 Touch t he print job you want to cancel , and then t ouch Delete Sele cted Jobs . Note: If you press on the keypad, th en touch Resume to ret urn to the ho me screen .
Copying Automatic d ocument feed er (ADF) Scann er glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents includin g two-sided (duplex) pages. Use the scanner glass for single-pag e documents, book pages, small items (such as postcards or p hotos), transparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as mag azine clippings).
• The ADF indica tor lig ht comes on when th e paper is l oaded pro perly. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: Copy > specify the copy sett ings > Copy It Copyin g using the scanner gl ass 1 Place an origina l docume nt facedo wn on the s canner g lass in th e upper lef t corner.
3 Navigate to: Copy to > select the tray t hat contains transparenc ies > Copy It If there are no tr ays that sup port transparencies, the n navigate to: Manu al Feeder > select the size of t he transparencies > Transparen cy 4 Load transparencies into the multipurpose feed er, and then touch Copy It .
Notes: • Do not lo ad postcar ds, photos , small it ems, tran sparencies , photo paper, o r thin me dia (such as magaz ine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indica tor lig ht comes on when th e paper is l oaded pro perly.
Copyin g on both sides of the paper (dupl exing) 1 Load an o riginal do cument f aceup, sho rt edge first i nto the AD F tray or fac edown o n the scan ner glas s. Notes: • Do not lo ad postcar ds, photos , small it ems, tran sparencies , photo paper, o r thin me dia (such as magaz ine clippings) into the ADF tray.
• The ADF indica tor lig ht comes on when th e paper is l oaded pro perly. 2 If you are loading a document into the ADF tray, then adjust the paper guides. 3 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: Copy > Conte nt 4 Touch the bu tton th at best r epres ents t he cont ent typ e of the docume nt y ou are cop ying.
3 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: Copy > ent er the number of copies > Colla te > select the pr efe rred or der of pag es > > Copy It Placing separator sh eets bet ween copies 1 Load an o riginal do cument f aceup, sho rt edge first i nto the AD F tray or fac edown o n the scan ner glas s.
3 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: Copy > Paper S aver > select the o utput you wa nt > > Co py It Note: If Paper Saver is se t to Off, th en the Pri nt Page Borders op tion is unava ilable.
Cancelin g a copy job Cancel ing a copy j ob wh ile the or igina l docu ment is in th e ADF When the A DF be gins proc ess ing a d ocum ent, touc h Cance l Job on the printer contro l panel. Canceli ng a copy job whi le copyi ng pages usi ng the scann er glass From th e home scr een, touch Cance l Job .
Scale This op tio n lets you scale th e docu ment from 25% to 4 00% of the orig inal doc ument si ze. Yo u can als o set au tomati c scal ing. • When copying to a dif ferent paper s ize, such as fro.
Advanced Duplex This option lets you specify the docum ent orien tation, whethe r document s are one-sided or two-sided, and how docume nts are bound. Save As Shortcut This op tio n lets you save the c urrent set tings by assi gning a shortc ut name. Note: Selecting this option aut omatica lly assign s the next availabl e shortcut num ber.
Paper Saver This o ption lets yo u print two or m ore page s of an o riginal docum ent on the sa me page . Paper Saver is also called N- up printing where N stands for the nu mber of pages. F or e xample, 2-u p would pr int two pages of your d ocument on a single pag e, and 4-u p would print four pag es of your document o n a single p age.
E-mailing Automatic d ocument feed er (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents. Use the scanner glass for single pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as magazine clippings) .
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated b y pe riods, such as 1 • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Notes: • Do not lo ad postcar ds, photos , small it ems, tran sparencies , photo paper, o r thin me dia (such as magaz ine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indica tor lig ht comes on when th e paper is l oaded pro perly.
3 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: E-mail > Rec ipi ent( s) > > typ e the nam e of the recipie nt > 4 Touch t he name o f the re cipie nt. To sea rch fo r addi tional recipie nts, to uch New Search , and then type th e name of the next recipient.
• JPEG —Create and attach a separate file for each page of your original docume nt, viewable by most Web browser s and graphics prog rams. • XPS —Create a single XML Paper Speci fication (XPS) file wit h multiple pages, viewab le using an Internet Expl orer- hosted viewer and the .
Darkness This opt ion lets yo u adjust how light or dark you r scanned document s are in re lation t o the or iginal docu ment. Resolution This opti on lets you a djust the output qual ity of yo ur e-ma il. Increasing the image resolution increases the e-mail file size and the time needed to scan your origina l document .
Page Setup This option lets you change the following s ettings: • Sides ( Duplex) —T his sp ec ifies if t he or igina l do cum ent is pr int ed on o nly one si de or o n bo th si des of the pape r. This also identifies what needs to be scanned for inclusion in the e-mail.
Faxing Note: The fax function is availabl e only in select p rinter models . Automatic d ocument feed er (ADF) Scann er glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents includin g two-sided (duplex) pages.
Initial f ax setup Many coun tries and regi ons requ ire ou tgoing faxes to contai n the fol lowing in formati on in a margin at the to p or bot tom of each transm itted page, or on the first page of .
4 In the Fax Number field, enter t he printer fax number. 5 Click Submit . Choos ing a fax conn ecti on Scenario 1: Standard telephone line Setup 1: Printer is connected to a dedicated fax l ine To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone cabl e that c ame with the printer t o the port of the printer.
Tips fo r this s etup: • You c an set th e print er to re ceive faxes au tomatic ally (A uto An swer On) or manu ally (Aut o Answe r Off). • If y ou want to receiv e fax es autom atical ly (Aut o Answ er On) , then set th e printe r to pick up o n any num ber of rings that you wa nt.
Connec ted to differ ent wall j acks P H O N E L IN E To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone cabl e that c ame with the printer t o the port of the printer.
Setup 3: Printer is sharing the li ne with a telephone subscribed to voice mail s ervice To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone cabl e that c ame with the printer t o the port of the printer. 2 Connect the other end of the telephone cable to an active analog wall jack.
Scenario 2: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) A Digital Subscri ber Line sp lits your regular t elephone line into t wo channels : voice an d Interne t. Telepho ne and fa x signals travel through t he voice c hannel, and Interne t signals p ass throug h the ot her chann el.
Scenario 3: VoIP telephone service To conn ect: 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone cabl e that c ame with the printer t o the port of the printer. 2 Connect the other end o f the cable to th e port labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the VoIP adapter.
Scenario 4: Digital telephone service through a cable provider Setup 1: Printer is connected directly to a cable modem 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone c able that c ame with you r printer to the por t of the pri nter. 2 Connect the other end o f the cable to th e port labeled Phone Line 1 or Phone Port on the cable mod em.
Setup 2: Printer is connected to a wall jac k; cable modem is installe d elsewhere in the facility 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone c able that c ame with you r printer to the por t of the pri nter. 2 Connec t the other end of the t elephone cable to an activ e analog telepho ne wall jac k.
If the wall jack or equipment in your facility is not compat ible with t his typ e of conn ecti on, the n you n eed to us e a telepho ne adapte r. An adapt er for yo ur countr y or regi on may not come with you r printe r, and you ma y need to purchas e it sep aratel y.
Connecting the printer to a non ‑ RJ ‑ 11 wall ja ck LINE EXT 1 Connec t one end o f the tel ephone c able that c ame with prin ter to t he port of the printer. 2 Connect the other en d of the cabl e to the RJ ‑ 11 adapte r, and then conn ect the adap ter to the wall ja ck.
Connecting the pri nter to a wall jack in Germany The G erman w all jack h as two ki nds of port s. Th e N p ort s are for fax machin es, modems, and answering machines. Th e F port is for tele phones. NF N Connect t he printer to any of th e N ports.
1 Connec t one e nd of the te lephone cable that cam e the print er to the port of the p rinter. 2 Connec t the other e nd of the teleph one cabl e to th e RJ ‑ 11 adapter, a nd then connect th e adapter to an N po rt. 3 If you want to conne ct a tel ephone and answeri ng machine t o the same wall jack, then connect t he device s as shown .
3 In t he Fax Nam e field , type the nam e to be p rinted on all ou tgoi ng faxes . 4 In the Fax Number field, enter t he printer fax number. 5 Click Submit . Setting the da te and time You can se t the da te and tim e so that they are p rinted on e very fax you s end.
Notes: • Do not lo ad postcar ds, photos , small it ems, tran sparencies , photo paper, o r thin me dia (such as magaz ine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indica tor lig ht comes on when th e paper is l oaded pro perly.
Sending a fax using a shortcu t numbe r Fax shor tcuts are l ike the speed dial numbers on a telephon e or a fax machine. A shortcut numb er (1–999) can contain a sin gle r eci pien t or mu ltip le re cipi en ts. 1 Load an o riginal do cument f aceup, sho rt edge first i nto the AD F tray or fac edown o n the scan ner glas s.
3 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: Fax > enter t he fax number > Opti ons > Delayed Send Note: If Fax Mode is set to Fax Serve r, then the Delayed Se nd butto n does no t appear. Faxes wait ing for transmis sion are lis ted in the fax qu eue.
3 Type a un ique name f or the sho rtcut, and then touc h . 4 Verify that the s hortcut nam e and numbe r are corr ect, and th en touch OK . If the name or number is incorrect, th en touch Cancel , an d then reenter the inform ation.
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Setti ngs > Reports . 3 Click Fax Job Log or Fax Call L og . Blocking junk faxe s 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Holding and forwarding faxes Hold ing fa xes This option lets you hold received faxes from printing unti l they are released. Held faxes can be relea sed manually or at a schedu led day o r time. 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Understanding the fax options Content This opt ion lets yo u specify the conten t type a nd sour ce of the original do cument. Select f rom th e followi ng cont ent typ es: • Graphi cs —The or ig ina l docu men t is mos tly bu sin ess ‑ type graphics , such as p ie charts, bar cha rts, and anim ations.
Custom Job This option lets you com bine multipl e scan jobs into a sing le job and appear s only when a working pr inter hard disk is install ed. Scan Previ ew Th i s o p ti o n le t s y ou v i ew t he f ir s t pa g e o f th e i ma ge b ef o r e i t i s i nc l u de d i n t he f ax .
Scanning Automatic d ocument feed er (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents. Use the scanner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as magazine clippings) .
Automatic d ocument feed er (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents includin g two-sided (duplex) pages. Use the scanner glass for single-page documents, book pages, small items (such as postcards or photo s), transparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as maga zine clippings) .
Scanning to an FTP addre ss You can us e the pr inter to s end scanne d docum ents to an FTP addre ss in a n umber of ways. You can type the FTP address, use a shortcut number, or use the ad dress book. You can also use the Multi Send, Scan to Network, or MySho rtcut applicati on fro m the printe r home s creen .
Scannin g to a comp uter or flas h dr ive Automatic Do cument Feede r (ADF) Scanner glass Use the ADF for mult iple ‑ page documents. Use the scanner glass for sing le pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as magazine clippings) .
Notes: • Do not l oad postcar ds, pho tos, small items, tr ansparenc ies, phot o paper, or thin m edia (such a s magazine clippings) into the ADF tray. Place these items on the scanner glass. • The ADF indicator light comes on when the paper is lo aded properly.
7 From the print er cont rol pan el, touc h Scan to Co mputer and then select from the following option s: • Scan —Scan and s ave the do cument di rectly to a selecte d location on the com puter. • Scan for Prin t —Scan an d automa tically pr int the d ocumen t.
Note: Selecting this option aut omatica lly assign s the next availabl e shortcut num ber. Original Size This optio n lets you set th e pap er size o f the do cume nts you a re goin g to s can.
• Photo/Film —The origina l document is a photo from film. • Press —The ori ginal doc ument was printed using a prin ting pr ess. Page Setup This option lets you change the following s ettings: • Sides ( Duplex) —T his sp ec ifies if t he or igina l do cum ent is pr int ed on o nly one si de or o n bo th si des of the pape r.
Understandin g the printer menus Menus list Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Security Default Source Paper Siz e/Type Configure M P Substitute Size Paper Texture Paper Weight Paper Loadi ng Custom Typ.
Paper menu Default Sourc e menu Use To Default Source Tray [x] Multipurpose Feeder Manual Paper Manual Envelope Set a default pap er source for all print jobs. Note s: • Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting. • From the Paper menu, set Configure MP to "Cassette" for Multipurpose Feeder to appear as a me nu setting.
Use To Tray [x] Type Plain Pape r Card Sto ck Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Cust om T ype [x] Specify the type o f paper loaded in each tray.
Use To Multipurpose Feeder T ype Plain Pape r Card Sto ck Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Cust om T ype [x] Specify the pap er type loaded in the mu ltipurpose feeder.
Use To Manual Paper Type Plain Pape r Card Sto ck Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Cust om T ype [x] Sp eci fy the pa per ty pe be in g m an ually lo ad ed. Notes: • Plain Paper is t he factory default setting.
Subs titu te Siz e men u Use To Substitute Si ze Off Stat emen t/A 5 Letter/A4 All Liste d Substitute a specified paper size if th e requested paper size is not available. Note s: • All Listed is the factory default setting. All available substitutions are allowed.
Use To Rough Envelope Texture Rough Specify the relative texture of the rough envelopes loaded. Letterhead Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the letterhead loaded. Note: Normal is the factor y default setting. Preprinted Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the pr eprinted paper loaded.
Use To Trans pare ncy W ei ght Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the transparencies l oaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Recycled Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the recycled paper loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting.
Use To Rough/Cotton Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the re lative weight of the cotton or rough paper loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Custom [x] W eight Light Normal Heavy Specify the re lative weight of the custom paper loaded.
Use To Custom [x ] Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Custom [x] as the paper type. Note: Custom [ x] Loading is availabl e only if the custom type is supported.
Custom Sc an Sizes m enu Use To Cust om Sc an Si ze [x ] Scan Size Name Widt h Height Orient ation Portrai t Landscape 2 scans per side Off On Specify a custom scan size name and page ori entation. Notes: • The custom scan size name replaces Custom Scan Size [x] in the printer menus.
Use To Feed Direction Short Edge Long Edge Specify the feed direction if the paper can be loaded in either direction. Note s: • Short Edge is the factory defaul t setting. • Long Edge appears onl y when the longest edge is shorter than the maximum width suppor ted in the tray.
Use To Fax Shortcuts Print a report c ontaining informati on about fax shortc uts. FTP Shortcuts Print a re port containing informati on about FTP shortcu ts. Profil es List Prin t a list of profil es stored in the prin ter. Print Fonts Print a re port of all the font s available for the printer language cu rrently set in the printer.
Use To PS Smar tSwi tch On Off Set the printer to automa tically switch to PS emulation when a print job requir es it, regard less of the default printer language.
Reports me nu To access the menu, na vigate to either of t he following: • Networ k/Po rts > Stan dard Ne twork > Standard Network Setu p > Repo rts • Networ k/Po rts > Network [x] >.
Use To Netmask View or chan ge t he cur rent TCP /IP netm ask. Gateway View or c hange the current TCP/IP gateway. Enable DHCP On Off Specify the DHCP address and parameter assign ment. Note: On is the factory default setting. Ena ble RA RP On Off Specify the RARP address assig nment setting.
Note: This menu is available only in net work print ers or print ers tha t are attac hed to pr int server s. Use To Enable IPv6 On Off Ena ble IPv6 in the pri nte r.
Use To Compa tibilit y 802. 11b/g 802. 11b/g /n Specify the wire less standard for t he wireless network. Note: The 802.11b/g/n is the factory default setting. Choose N etwork Select an availabl e network for the printer to use. View S ignal Qu ality View the quality of the wireless connection.
Use To PS Smar tSwi tch On Off Set the print er to automatically switch to P S emulation when a pr int job received through a USB port requires it, regardless of the default print er language. Note s: • On is the factory default setting. • When set to Off, the printer does not exami ne incoming data.
Use To ENA Address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Set the netw ork address infor mation for an exte rnal print server. Note : This menu is available only when the prin ter is attached to an external pri nt server through the USB port. ENA Netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy Set the netmas k information for an ex ternal print server.
Use To Device ‑ Initiated E ‑ mail None Use Dev ice SMTP C redentials Specify what credentials will be used when communicating to the SMTP server. Note s: • None is th e fact ory defa ult sett ing for Device ‑ Initiated E ‑ mail an d User ‑ Initiated E ‑ m ail.
Confid enti al Print menu Use To Max Invalid PIN Off 2–10 Limit the number of times an i nvalid PIN can be entered. Notes: • This menu appears only when a formatted, no n-defecti ve printer hard disk is installed. • Once the li mit is reached, the print jobs for that user name and P IN are deleted.
Use To Automatic Method Singl e pas s Multiple pass Mark all disk space used by a previous print job. This method does not p ermit the file system to reuse this space until it has been c leared. Notes: • “Single pass” is the factory def ault setting.
Use To Time Zone [list of time zones] Select the time zone. Note: GMT is the factor y defaul t setting s. Automatically observe DST On Off Set the printer to use the applica ble daylight saving time (DST) st art and end times associated with the printer Time Zone settin g.
Use To Eco-Mode Off Energy Energy/Paper Paper Minimize the use of energy, pa per, or specialty media. Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. This resets the printer to its factory default setting s. • Energy minimizes the power used by the printer.
Use To Keyboard Keyboard Type English Francai s Francais Cana dien Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Greek Dans k Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Suom i Portuguese Russian Polski Swiss Ge rman Swiss French Korean M.
Use To Displayed Information Left side Right side Cust om Te xt [x] Specify what is displayed on the upper left and right corn ers of the home screen. For the “Left side” and “Right side” opti.
Use To Displayed Information (continued) Paper Jam Load Paper Service Error s Customize the displayed inf ormation for Paper Jam, Load Paper, and Se rvice Errors.
Use To Time F ormat 12 hour A.M. /P.M. 24 hour clock Format the printer time. Note: “12 hou r A.M./P.M.” is the fact ory default setting. Screen Brightness 20–10 0 Set the brightness of the printer displa y. Note: 100 is t he fac tory de fault setting.
Use To Alarms Alarm C ontrol Cartridge A larm Set an alarm to sound when the printer requi res user intervention. When activated, Alarm Co ntrol lets you set the number of times that the alarm sounds, while Cartridge Alarm lets you stop printing when a ca rtridge-low co ndition occur s.
Use To Hibernate Timeout on Connec tion Hibernate Do No t Hib ernat e Set the printer to hibernate mode even when there is an active Ethernet or fax conn ection. Notes: • Do Not Hibernate is the facto ry default setting. • The f ax f unc tio n i s av ai labl e on ly i n se lec t p rint er mod els .
Use To Erro r Rec ove ry Max Auto Reb oots 1–20 Determine the number of automatic r eboots the printer can perform. Note: 5 is the fa ctory d efault setting.
Use To Export Configuration Package Export Export the printer conf iguration package t o a flash drive. Note: The config uration package cannot be exported unl ess a fla sh d riv e is a tta ch ed to the pri nte r. Copy Settin gs menu Use To Content Type Text Graphics Text/Photo Photo Specify the content of the origi nal document.
Use To Coll ate (1,1,1) (2,2,2) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) Keep the pages of a print job stacked in sequence when printing multiple copies. Note: “(1,2 ,3) (1,2 ,3)” is the facto ry defa ult set ting . Staple Off On Enable or disable the staple finisher. Notes: • Off is the fac tory def ault set ting.
Use To Darkness 1–9 Specify the level of dar kness for the copy job. Note: 5 is the factory default setting . Numb er o f Co pi es 1–999 Specify the number of copi es for the copy job.
Use To Auto Center Off On Automatical ly align the content at the center of the page . Note: Off is the facto ry defau lt sett ing. Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresh .
Fax Settings menu Fax Mode (Analog Fax Setup) menu Analog F ax Setu p mode send s the fa x job thr ough a tel ephone line. Note: The fax function is availabl e only in select p rinter models . Use To Fax Name Spec ify th e na me of t he fa x in t he pri nter .
Use To Fax Co ver Pag e Fax Cover Page Off by default On by default Never use Alwa ys u se Include to Field On Off Include from Field On Off From Include Message Field On Off Message Include Logo On Off Include Footer [x] On Off Footer [x] Configure the fax cover pag e.
Use To Orig inal Size Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat emen t Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sens e Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi ness C ard 3 x 5 in . 4 x 6 in . Specify the p aper size of the original document .
Use To Dialing Pr efix Rules Prefix Rul e [x] Establish a d ialing pr efix rule. Automatic R edial 0–9 Specify the number of times the printer tries to send the fax to a specified number. Note: 5 is the factory default setting . Redial frequency 1–200 Specify the number of minutes between redials.
Use To Background Remova l ‑ 4 to 4 Adjust the amount of backgro und visible on a scanned image. Note: 0 is the factory default setting . Contra st 0–5 Best f or conte nt Specify the contrast in the scan ned image. Note: “Best for content” is the factor y default setting.
Use To Auto Reduction On Off Scale an incoming fa x job so that it fits the size of the paper loaded in the designa ted fax sourc e. Note : On is the factory default setting. Paper Source Auto Tray [x] Multipurpose Feeder Specify the paper source for pri nting incoming fax jobs.
Use To Block No Name Fax Off On Enable blocking of incoming faxes sent from devices with no station ID or fax ID specif ied. Note : Off is th e factor y defau lt setting . Banne d Fax List Enable the list of blocked fax numbers stored in the print er.
Use To Ringer Volume Off On Control th e fax speaker ring er volume. Note : On is the factory default setting. Use To All Ri ngs Single Ring Onl y Double Ring Only Tri ple Ri ng Only Single or Double Rings On ly Sing le or Tr iple Rin gs Only Double or Triple Rings Only Specify ring pat terns when the printer is answering c alls.
Use To E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Web Link Setup Server Login Password Path File Name Web Link Define t he e ‑ mail server path name, for example: /director y/path . Notes: • The characters * : ? < > | are invalid entries for a path name. • You can enter up to 128 cha racters for Server, Login, P assword, Path, and Web Link.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Specify the page orientatio n of the scanned image. Note: Portr ait is the fa cto ry defa ul t sett ing . Orig inal Size Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat emen t Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sens e Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi ness C ard 3 x 5 in .
Use To Photo Default 5–90 Set the quality of a photo image in relat ion to file size and the quality of the im age. Note: 50 is the factory default setting. E ‑ mail imag es sent as Atta chment Web Link Specify how the images are sent. Note: Att achment is the f actory defau lt settin g.
Use To Color Balance Cya n ‑ Red Magenta-Green Yellow-Blue Enable an equal bala nce of colors in th e output. Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresh old 0–255 Defau lt.
Use To Use cc :/ bc c: Off On Enable the use of the cc and bcc fields. Note: Off is the factor y default settin g. FTP Settings menu Use To Forma t PDF (.pdf) Secure PDF (.p df) TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.jpg) XPS ( .xps) Specify the format of the file for FTP sending.
Use To Orientation Portrai t Landscape Specify the page orientati on of the scanned image. Note: Portr ait is the fa cto ry de fault sett ing . Orig inal Size Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat emen t Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sens e Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi ness C ard 3 x 5 in .
Use To Photo Default 5–90 Set the quality of a photo image in re lation to the fil e size and quality of the im age. Note: 50 is the factory default setting. Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provide a cho ice between singl e-page TI FF files and multi ple ‑ page TIFF files .
Use To Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresh old 0–255 Defau lt Gree n Thre shold 0–255 Default B lue Thresh old 0–255 Specify which color to dro p during scanning, and how much the dropout is increased or decreased.
Flash Drive me nu Use To Forma t PDF (.pdf) Secure PDF TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.jpg) XPS ( .xps) Specify the format of the file to be sent through FT P. Note : “PDF (.pdf)” is the factory default setting. PDF Vers ion 1.2–1. 7 A–1a Set the version of the PDF fil e to be sent through FTP.
Use To Orig inal Size Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat emen t Oficio ( Mexico) Universal Auto Si ze Sens e Mixed Sizes A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Custom Scan Size [x] Book Orig inal Busi ness C ard 3 x 5 in . 4 x 6 in . Specify the paper size of the original doc ument.
Use To Use Multi ‑ Page TIFF On Off Provide a choice between single-pag e TIFF files and multiple ‑ page TIFF file s. For a multi ple-page scan ‑ to ‑ FTP job, either one TIFF file is crea ted containing all the pages, or multiple TIFF files are created with one file for ea ch page.
Use To Sharpness 1–5 Adjust the amoun t of sharpness on a scan ned image. Note : 3 is th e factory defaul t setti ng. Temperature ‑ 4 to 4 Enable the user to specify “warm” or “cool” outputs. "Cool” values gener ate a bluer output than the default while “war m” valu es generate a redder output than the def au lt.
Paper Saver Or dering Horizontal Reverse Hori zontal Reverse Vertical Vertic al Specify the pos itioning of mu ltiple ‑ page images. Notes: • Horizontal is the facto ry default setting. • Positioning depends on the number of page im ages and whether they are in portrait or in landscape ori entation.
Use To Print Area Normal Whole Pa ge Set the logical a nd physical printable area. Notes: • Normal is the facto ry default setting. When attempting to print data in the non ‑ p rintable area defined b y the Normal setting, the prin ter clips the image at the boundary.
Finishing menu Use To Sides (Duplex) 1 sid ed 2 sid ed Spec ify whet her two ‑ sided (duplex) printing is set as the user default setting for all print jobs. Notes: • “1 sided” is the factory default setting. • You can set two ‑ sided printin g from the software program.
Use To Paper Save r Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Print multiple pages on one shee t of paper. Notes: • Off is the fact ory defau lt setti ng. • When the number of pages per shee t is selected, each page is scaled so that the number of pages you want can be displa yed on the sheet.
Use To Enhance Fine Lines On Off Enable a prin t mode preferable for files such as archit ectural drawings, maps , electrical circuit diag rams, and flow charts. Notes: • Off is the fact ory defau lt setti ng. • You can set this option fr om the printer software.
Use To Disk Near Full Action None E ‑ mail Current Log E ‑ mail & Delete Current Log E ‑ mail & Delete Oldest Log Post Curr ent Log Post & Dele te Current Log Post & Delete Oldes.
Use To Forma t Fl ash Yes No Format the flash memor y. Warni ng—Po tent ial Da mage: Do not turn off the printer while the flash memory is being formatted. Notes: • Yes de lete s a ll dat a s to red in f la sh m emo ry . • No cancels the format request.
Use To Annotations Do Not Print Print Print annotati ons in a PDF. Note : Do Not Prin t is the factory default setting. PostScript menu Use To Print PS Error On Off Print a page c ontaining the PostScript error. Note : Off is t he fact ory default setting.
Use To PCL Emulation Settings Point Si ze 1.00–1 008.00 Change the point size for scalab le typographi c fonts. Note s: • 12 is t he factory def ault setting. • Point size refers to th e height of the characters in the font. One point equals appr oxi mate ly 0.
Use To Tray Renumber Assign MP F eeder Off None 0–199 Assign Tray [x] Off None 0–199 Assign Manual Paper Off None 0–199 Assign Manual Envelope Off None 0–199 Configure the printer to work with pr inter software or pr ograms that use different source ass ignments for trays and feeders.
HTML menu Use To Font Name Albertus MT Antiq ue Oliv e Appl e Chan cery Arial MT Avant Garde Bodoni Bookma n Chi cago Clarendon Coop er B lack Copperplate Coro net Cou rier Eurostile Garamond Geneva G.
Use To Margin S ize 8–25 5 mm Set the page margi n for HTML documents. Note s: • 19 mm is the factory default setting. • Margin size can be increased in 1 ‑ mm increments. Backgrounds Do Not Print Print Specify whether to print backgrounds on HTML docu ments.
Menu item Description E ‑ mail Guide Provides information about sending e ‑ mails using addr esses, shortcut numbers, or the address book, and about changing settings Fax Guide Provides informatio.
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environmental sustainabi lity and is continuall y improv ing its printer s to reduc e their impac t on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engin eer our packaging t o reduce materials, and provide coll ection and re cycli ng progra ms.
Avoid paper jams Correct ly set the p aper typ e and size to avoid p aper jams . For mor e informatio n, see “ Avoiding jams” on pag e 226. Saving energy Using Eco ‑ Mode 1 Open a Web browser, and then type the print er IP address in the ad dress field.
Use To On Reduce printer noise. Note s: • Print jobs are processed at a reduced speed . • Printer engine motors do not start until a document is ready to print. There will be a short delay before the first page is pri nted. Off Use fac tory default setti ngs.
Using Hibernate Mode Hibernate is a n ultra ‑ low power o perating mode. When operatin g in Hibernat e mode, the print er is essentially o ff, and all othe r systems and devic es are po wered down safely. Note: The Hiber nate and S leep mode s can be sc heduled.
Using the printer c ontrol panel 1 From the ho me scr een, n avigat e to: > Settings > General Se ttings > Scree n Bright ness 2 In the Screen Brightness field, enter the brightness percentage you want for the display.
To return Lexmark cartri dges for r euse or recycling, fol low the in struct ions that c ame with yo ur prin ter or cartr idge and use th e prepaid s hipping label. You ca n also do the foll owing: 1 Go to www.lexma cle . 2 From the Toner Cartridges section, select yo ur country or regio n.
Securin g the prin ter Statement of Volatility Your print er co ntains va rious t ypes of m emory tha t can stor e devic e and netw ork sett ings, and us er data. Types of memo ry Description Volatile memory Your printer uses standard Ra ndom Access Memory (RAM) to temporarily buffer user data du ring simple print and cop y jobs.
Erasing non ‑ volat il e memo ry • Indi vidual settings, de vice and ne twork settings, security se ttings, a nd embedd ed solut ions —Erase info rmation and sett ings by s electing Wipe All Setting s in the Config uration m enu. • Fax da ta —Erase f ax settin gs and da ta by sel ecting Wipe All Settin gs in the Conf iguratio n menu.
• Disk wiping can take from sever al minutes to more th an an hour, during which the pr inter wil l be unava ilable for oth er user tasks. 5 Touch Back > Exit Config Me nu . The printer w ill perform a po wer ‑ on rese t, and then return to no rmal op erating mo de.
• A st atus bar w ill i ndic ate the pr ogre ss of th e d isk w iping task . Afte r th e disk ha s been e nc rypte d, the pri nter will return to the E nable/Disable s creen. 5 Touch Back > Exit Config Me nu . The printer w ill perform a po wer ‑ on rese t, and then return to no rmal op erating mo de.
Maintaining the printer Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Fai lure to m aintain o ptimum printer performa nce, or to repla ce par ts and su pplies, may c ause damag e to yo ur pr in ter. Cleaning the printer pa rts Cleaning th e printer Note: You ma y need to perf orm th is task af ter every f ew mon ths.
Cleaning th e scanner glass Clean th e scanner glass if you encounte r print quality pro blems, such a s streaks on copied or scanned images. 1 Slight ly dampen a soft, li nt-free c loth or pa per towel wi th wate r. 2 Open t he sc anner cover. 3 Clean all the areas shown, and then let them d ry.
Checking the stat us of parts an d supplies Checki ng the status of parts and supplies on the printe r control pan el From th e home scr een, touch Statu s/Sup plies > View Sup pli es . Checki ng the status of p arts and supplies from the Embedde d Web Server Note: Make sure the comput er and the printer are con nected to the same net work.
Ordering toner cartridges Notes: • Estimated cartridg e yield is b ased on th e ISO/IEC 19752 standa rd. • Extremely low print coverage for extended per iod s of time may n egative ly affect actual yield.
Ordering an imaging uni t Extr emely low print covera ge fo r exten ded pe riods o f time may ca use ima ging unit par ts to fai l prio r to ex haustio n of toner fro m toner ca rtridg e. For mor e information o n replaci ng the im aging unit, s ee the instruct ion sh eet that came wi th th e supply.
Replacing supplies Replacing the toner cartridge 1 Pre ss the but ton on the ri ght si de of th e printe r, and t hen ope n the f ront do or. 2 1 2 Pull the tone r cartr idge out using t he handle. 3 Unpack the tone r cartri dge, an d then rem ove all pac king mat erials.
5 Insert th e ton er cartri dge into the pr inter by align ing th e side rails of the cart ridge with the ar rows on the side r ails insi de the prin ter. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not expo se the i maging u nit to di rect lig ht for m ore than 10 minute s.
2 Pull the tone r cartr idge out using t he handle. 3 Lift the green handle, and then pull the imaging unit out of the p rinter. 4 Unpack the new imagin g unit, and then shake it. 5 Remove all pa cking ma terials from the imaging un it. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not expo se the i maging u nit to di rect lig ht for m ore than 10 minute s.
6 Inser t the im aging unit into the pri nter by aligning the arro ws on the s ide rail s of the i maging un it with th e arro ws on the si de rail s insi de th e prin ter. 7 Insert th e ton er cartri dge into the pr inter by align ing th e side rails of the cart ridge with the ar rows on the side r ails insi de the prin ter.
Moving the printer CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: The pr inter we ight is greater than 18 kg (40 lb) and requi res tw o or mor e trained p ersonnel to lift it safel y.
Managing the printer Finding adva nced networking an d administra tor information This chapt er cove rs basi c adminis trative s upport ta sks using the Embe dded Web S erver.
Notes: • View the printer IP address on the printer home scr een. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separ ated b y pe riods, such as 1 • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Restoring factory d efault settings If you want t o keep a list of th e current me nu setting s for refe rence, th en print a menu settings page befor e restoring the fact ory default setting s. For m ore informa tion, see “Printing a menu se ttings pag e” on pa ge 56.
Clearin g jams By carefully select ing paper and speci alty media and loa ding it properly , you sh oul d be able to avoi d mos t jams. If jam s occur, then follow t he step s outl ined i n this cha pter. Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Never us e any tool to remove a jam.
• Do not slide t he paper into th e tray. Load pape r as sh own in the i llust ration. • Make sure the guides in t he tray or the multipurpose feeder are properly positioned and are not press ing tightly agains t the p aper or en velope s. • Push th e tray firm ly into the pr inte r after lo ading p aper.
Notes: • When J am Assi st is se t to On, t he pri nter automa ticall y flushes blank page s or page s wi th part ial pr int s to the standard bin after a jammed p age has bee n cleared. Check you r printed o utput sta ck for dis carded pa ges. • When Jam Recovery is set t o On or A uto, the printer reprin ts jammed pa ges.
[x] ‑ page jam, op en fron t door. [ 20y.xx] CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of th e printe r might be hot. To re duce the r isk of i njury from a h ot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching it. 1 Pre ss the but ton on the ri ght si de of th e printe r, and t hen ope n the f ront do or.
3 Lift the green handle, and then pull the imaging unit out of the p rinter. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not touch the shiny blue pho tocondu ctor drum und er the imaging unit. Doing so may aff ect the qua lity of future pr int jobs. 4 Place th e imaging uni t aside on a flat, smooth surface.
Note: M ake sure all paper fragments ar e removed. 7 Inser t the im aging uni t by ali gning th e arrows on the si de rail s of the unit with the ar rows on the side rails in side the p rinter, a nd then insert the ima ging unit into th e prin ter.
9 Clos e the front do or. 10 From the pri nter contro l pan el, to uch to clear the me ssage a nd cont inue p rinting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen prin ter model s, s ele ct Ne xt > > Clear the jam , pres s OK > . [x] ‑ page jam, open rear door.
4 Close the rear door, and then the front door. 5 From the pri nter contro l pan el, to uch to clear the me ssage a nd cont inue p rinting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen prin ter model s, s ele ct Ne xt > > Clear the jam , pres s OK > . [x] ‑ page jam, clear s tandard bin .
[x] ‑ page jam, remove tray 1 to clear duplex. [23y.xx] CAUTION —HOT SU RFACE: The inside of th e printe r might be hot. To re duce the r isk of i njury from a h ot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching it. 1 Pul l the tray compl etely o ut of the print er.
4 Ins ert th e tra y. 5 From the pri nter contro l pan el, to uch to clear the me ssage a nd cont inue p rinting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen prin ter model s, s ele ct Ne xt > > Clear the jam , pres s OK > . [x] ‑ page jam, open tray [x].
3 Ins ert th e tra y. 4 From the pri nter contro l pan el, to uch to clear the me ssage a nd cont inue p rinting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen prin ter model s, s ele ct Ne xt > > Clear the jam , pres s OK > . [x] ‑ page jam, clear ma nual feeder.
3 Reload paper into the mul tipurpo se feeder. Note: M ake sure the p aper guid e ligh tly rest s again st the edge of the pa per. 4 From the pri nter contro l pan el, to uch to clear the me ssage a nd cont inue p rinting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen prin ter model s, s ele ct Ne xt > > Clear the jam , pres s OK > .
5 Strai ghten the edges of the or iginal doc uments, then loa d the origin al document s into the AD F, and then adjust the paper gu ide. 6 From the pri nter contro l pan el, to uch to clear the me ssage a nd cont inue p rinting . For non ‑ touch ‑ screen prin ter model s, s ele ct Ne xt > > Clear the jam , pres s OK > .
Troubleshooting Understanding printer m essages Cartridge low [88.xy] You m ay nee d to o rder a ton er car tridge . If nece ssary , sele ct C ontin ue on the printer control panel t o clear t he mes sage and cont inue print ing. For non ‑ touch ‑ scree n printer mo dels, pr ess to confi rm.
Change [paper so urce] to [paper size] l oad [orientation] Try on e or m ore of t he follo wing: • Load th e correct paper si ze and type in the t ray, veri fy the pape r size an d type s ettings are specif ied in the P aper menu on the printer control pa nel, and the n select Fi nished changing p aper .
From the printer co ntrol panel, select Continue to clear the mess age. For non-tou ch-screen printer models, pres s to con firm. Compl ex page, some data ma y not ha ve pri nted [3 9] Try on e or m ore of t he follo wing: • From th e printer con trol panel, s elect Co ntinu e to igno re the m essage a nd contin ue printi ng.
Fax part ition in oper ative. C o ntact system administrator. Try either of the following: • From the print er cont rol pan el, sel ect Cont inu e to clear the mess age. For non ‑ tou ch ‑ screen pr inter models, press to con fir m. • Turn th e printe r off, and then tur n it back on.
Imaging unit very low, [x] es timated pages remain [84.xy] You may need to replace the imaging unit very soon. For more information, see the "Replacin g supplies" section of the User’s Guide . If nec essary, select Conti nue on the print er contr ol panel to clea r the me ssage and continu e printin g.
Insufficie nt memory to collate j ob [37] Try on e or m ore of t he follo wing: • From the print er cont rol pan el, sel ect Cont inu e to print t he part of th e job already st ored and begin collat ing the rest o f the pr int job. For non ‑ touch ‑ sc reen pr inter mo dels, pre ss to confirm .
Load manual feede r with [paper type] [paper s ize] [paper orientation] Try on e or m ore of t he follo wing: • Load th e multi purpose feeder wit h the corr ect si ze and type o f paper. • Dependi ng on your printer m odel, touch Cont inue or press to clea r the me ssage and continue printing .
Load [paper so urce] with [paper type] [ paper size] [pap er orientation] Try on e or m ore of t he follo wing: • Load the tray or feeder with the corr ect size and type of pap er. • To use the tray or feeder that has the cor rect size and type of paper, select Finished lo ading pa per on th e printe r cont rol p anel .
Memory f ull, ca nnot print f axes From the pri nter control pa nel, select Continue to clear th e mess age wit hou t printi ng. For no n ‑ touch ‑ screen printer mode ls, pr ess to confir m. Note: Held faxes wil l attempt to pri nt after the prin ter rest arts .
For non ‑ tou ch ‑ screen printer mo dels, press and on the p rinter control pa nel simult aneously for 15 seco nds to clea r the me ssage an d continu e printi ng. If you do not wish t o accept these r isks, the n remove the thir d-party suppl y or part from your printer, and then instal l a genuine Lexmark supp ly or part.
Remove paper from standard output bin Remov e the paper st ack from the sta ndard bin. The printer automatica lly detec ts paper rem oval and res umes print ing. If removing the paper does no t clear the message, then select Co ntin ue on the printe r contro l panel .
• The x and y values m ust match f or print ing to con tinue. Replace def ective imagin g unit [31.xy] Replace the defective imaging unit to clear the message. For more informat ion, see the instruction sheet that came with the s upply or see the “Repla cing supp lies” sec tion of the User’s Guide .
Replace uns upported im aging unit [32 .xy] Remove the imagi ng uni t, and then install a support ed one to clea r the mess age and continu e printin g. For m ore informa tion, see the inst ruction sheet tha t came wit h the s upply or see the “Rep lacing suppl ies” se ction of the User’s Guide .
Serial option [x] error [54] Try on e or m ore of t he follo wing: • Make sure that the serial cable is properly conn ected and is th e correct one for the serial port. • Make s ure th at the serial interfa ce para meters (pro tocol, b aud, par ity, a nd data bits) a re set c orrectl y on th e print er and compu ter.
Supp ly nee ded to complete jo b Do either of the following: • Install the miss ing suppl y to complet e the job . • Cancel the curre nt job. Too many flash options install ed [58] 1 Turn off th e prin ter. 2 Unplug the power cord fro m the electrical outlet.
Basic prin ter problems The printer is not responding Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure the printer is turned on. Is the printer turned on? Go to step 2. Turn on the printer.
Action Yes No Step 8 Check if one end of the printer cable is plugged into a port on the printer and the other to the co mputer, print server, option, or other netwo rk device. Is the printer cable securely attac h ed to the printer and the computer, print server, option , or other network device? Go to step 9.
Hardware and internal option problems Cannot dete ct interna l option Action Yes No Step 1 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the printer. Does the i nternal option operate cor rectly? The p ro blem is solv ed. Go to s tep 2.
Action Yes No Step 2 Check the cable and the ISP connect ion. a Use the correct cabl e, and then make sure it is securely connec ted to the ISP. b Check if the ISP solution interfac e cable is securely connected into the receptacle of the controll er board.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the tray is available in the printer driver. Note: If necessary, manual ly add the tray in the printer driver to make it available for pr int jobs. For more information, see “Updating available options in the printer dri ver” on page 47.
Paper frequently jams Action Yes No Step 1 a Pull out the tray, and then do on e or more of the following: • Make sure pape r lies flat in the tray. • Check if the paper size indicators on the paper guides are aligned with the paper size indi cators on t he tray.
Solving print problems Printing problems Confidential and other held jobs do not print Note: Confidentia l, Veri fy, Reser ve, and R epeat prin t jobs m ay be deleted if the pr inter r equires e xtra me mory to process ad ditional held jobs.
Error mes sage about reading t he flash drive appear s Action Yes No Step 1 Check if the flash drive is inserted into the front USB port. Note: The fla sh drive will not work i f it is inserted int o the rear USB port. Is the flash drive inserted into the fr ont USB port? Go to step 2.
Job prints from the wr ong tray or on the wrong paper Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if you are print ing on paper that is supported by the tray. b Resend the print job. Did the job print from the correc t tray or on the correct paper? The p ro blem is solv ed.
Action Yes No Step 3 Reduce the complexity of the print job by eliminating the number and size of fonts, the number and complexity of images, and the number of pages in th e job. Did the job print and col late correctly? The pr oble m is s olve d. Con tact custome r support .
Action Yes No Step 2 a Replace the fuser. For more information on installin g the fuser, see the instruction sheet that came with t he part. b Resend the print job. Does the print speed in crease? The pr oble m is s olve d. Con tact custome r support .
Action Yes No Step 6 a Remove, and then reinstall the printer s oftware. For more information, see “ Installing th e printer software” on page 46. Note: The pr inter software is availabl e at http://support.le . b Resend the print job. Do the jobs print? The pr oble m is s olve d.
Action Yes No Step 5 a Check if the cable conn ections to the prin ter and print server are secure. For mor e information, see the se tup documentation that came with the printer. b Resend the print job. Did the job print? The p ro blem is solv ed. Go to s tep 6.
Unexpected page breaks occur Action Yes No Increase the printing ti meout. a From the home screen, navigate to: > Settings > G eneral Settings > Timeouts b Increase the Prin t Timeout setting , and then touch Su bmit . c Resend the print job.
Clipped pages or images Leading edge T railing edge ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correct positi ons for the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the page or image clipped? Go t o st ep 2.
Compressed images appear on prints Note: Print ing on letter-s ize pape r using a 220-vo lt fuser co mpresses images. Action Yes No Step 1 a Mak e sur e th e siz e of the paper loa de d in th e tra y ma tch es the f use r type. Note: Use a 110-volt fuser for prin ting on letter-size paper and a 220-volt fuser f or printi ng on A4 ‑ si ze p ape r.
Action Yes No Step 3 Reinstall the toner cart ridge. a Remove the cartridge. b Install the cartridge. c Resend the print job. Did the background disap pear from the prints? The p ro blem is solv ed. Go to s tep 4. Step 4 Check if off-white back ground is selected.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the imaging uni t. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Depending on your operating system, specify the paper size f rom Printing Pr eference s or from the Pr int dialog. b Resend the print job.
Print irregularities ) ) ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correct positi ons for the size of the paper loaded in the tray. b Resend the print job. Do print irr egularitie s still appear? Go t o st ep 2.
Print is too dark Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Quality menu o n the printer con trol panel, r educe the toner darkness. Note: 8 is th e factory default setting. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too dar k? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No Step 5 a Load paper from a fresh pac kage. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidity. Store p aper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too dar k? Go t o st ep 6. Th e pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No Step 4 Make sure that the paper has no texture or roug h finishes. Are you printing on textur ed or rough paper? From the printer control panel, cha nge the texture settings in the Paper Text ure menu to match the paper you are printing on.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if there is packing materia l left on the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Check if the packi ng material is prope rly removed from th e imaging unit. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Rein sta ll the im agi ng u nit . 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposure to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Shadow images appear on prin ts ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 Load paper with the corr ect paper type and weight in the tray. Is paper with the correct pap er type and weight loaded in the tray? Go to step 2. Loa d paper with the correct paper type and weight in the tray.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correct positi ons for the size of the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the print still skewed? Go t o st ep 2. Th e pr oble m is so lve d. Step 2 a Check if you are print ing on a paper that is supported by the tray.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Rein sta ll the im agi ng u nit . 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposure to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Load paper from a fresh pac kage. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidity. Store p aper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Do streaked vertical li nes appear on prints? Go t o st ep 4. Th e pr oble m is so lve d.
Toner rubs off Leading edge Trailing edge ABC DEF Action Yes No Step 1 From the Paper menu on the pri nter control panel, check th e paper type and weight. Do the paper type and texture match the paper load ed in the tray? Go to step 2. Specify the paper type and weight from the tray settings to ma tch the paper loaded in the tray.
Uneven print density Action Yes No Replace the imaging unit , and then resend the print job. Is the print density uneven? Contact customer support . The pr ob lem is solv ed. Vertical voids appear on prints Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 a Make sure your sof tware program is using a correct fill pattern.
Action Yes No Step 4 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the imaging uni t. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Partial docume nt or p hoto co pies Action Yes No Step 1 Check the placement of the document or photo. Make sure the document or ph oto is loaded facedown on the scanner glass in the upper left cor ner. Is the document or photo loa ded correctly? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 4 Send a print job, and then check fo r print quality problems. a From the General Settings menu, adjust the Eco ‑ Mode settings. b From the Copy menu, adjust the Darkness setting. c If t he pri nt rem ain s fa de d, t hen re pla ce t he t on er cart rid ge .
Action Yes No Step 9 Check for washed ‑ out or overexposed output. a From the Copy screen, adjust the settings of the following: • Background R emoval —Reduce the current setting. • Darkness —Increase the c urrent setting. b Resend the copy job.
Caller ID is n ot show n Action Yes No Contact your telephone comp any to check if your telep hone line is subscribed to the caller ID se rvice. Notes: • If your region supports multiple caller ID pattern s, then you may have to change the default setting.
Action Yes No Step 5 a Check the telephone wall jack. 1 Plug the telephon e cable into t he wall jack. 2 Listen for a dial tone . 3 If you do not hear a dial tone, then plug a different teleph one cable into the wall jac k. 4 If you still do not hear a dial tone, t hen plug the tel ephone cable into a different wall jack.
Action Yes No Step 8 Temporarily di sconnect other equip m ent (such as answering ma chines, computers with modems, or telephone line splitters) bet ween the printer and the telephone line, and then try sending or r eceiving a fax. Can you send or receive a fax? The p ro blem is solv ed.
Action Yes No Step 2 Load the orig inal document prope rly. Load the origi nal document face up, short edge first in to the ADF tray or facedown on the scan ner glass in the upper left corner. Note: Do not load postcards, phot os, small items, tr ansparencies, photo paper, or thin media (such as magazine clippin gs) into the ADF tray.
Action Yes No Step 3 Replace the toner c artridge. For mo re information, se e the instruction sheet that came with the supply. Can you receive faxes? The pr oble m is s olve d. Con tact custome r support . Fax and e-mail fun ctions are not set up Notes: • Before you trou bleshoot, check if the fax cables are connected.
Action Yes No Step 2 Decrease the incoming f ax transmission speed. a Open a Web browser, and then type the prin ter IP address in the address field. Notes: • View the printer IP addre ss on the printer home screen. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers separated by periods, such as 123.
Cann ot sca n fro m a comp uter Action Yes No Step 1 Make sure t he printer is turned on and t hat Read y appears on the printer display before scanning a job. Does Ready appear before scanning the job? Go to step 3. Go to step 2 . Step 2 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn the printer back on.
Action Yes No Step 3 Clean the scanner glass an d the ADF glass using a clean, lint ‑ free cl oth dam pen ed w ith wa ter. Is the scanner glass clean? Go to step 4. See “Cleaning the scanner glass” on page 214. Step 4 Check the placement of the document or photo.
Action Yes No Step 3 Check if the document or photo you want to scan is open in another applicatio n or being used by another user. Is the file you want to scan open by another ap plication or user? Close the file you are scanning.
The scanner do es not respond Action Yes No Step 1 Check if the printer is turn ed on. Is the printer turned on? Go to step 2. Turn on the printer. Step 2 Check if the printer cable is securely attac hed to the printer and the computer, print server, option , or other network device.
Solving home screen applications problems An appl icat ion e rror has occurred Action Yes No Step 1 Check the system log fo r relevant details. a Open a Web browser, and then type the prin ter IP address in the address field. If you do not know the IP address of the pr inter, then you can: • View the IP address on the pr inter home screen.
Action Yes No Step 2 Make sure the printer IP address is correct. a View the p rinter IP address: • From the TCP/IP section in the Net work/Ports menu • By printin g a network setup pa ge or menu setting s page, and then finding the TCP/IP section Note: An IP address appears as four sets of numbers separated by perio ds, such as 123.
Contacting cu stomer support When you cont act custom er support , you will need to be ab le to describ e the pr oblem you are experiencing, the message on the pr inter di splay, and t he troublesh ooting s teps you ha ve alread y taken to fi nd a solut ion.
Notices Prod uct i nfo rmat ion Produc t name: Lexmark MX410d e, MX510de, MX5 11de, MX511dhe Machin e type: 7015 Mode l(s): 470, 630, 670, 675 Edition notice May 2013 The foll owing p aragrap h does not apply to any co untry where s uch pro visio ns are incons istent with l ocal law : LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexmar k with diam ond design , and Ma rkVision ar e trademarks of Lexmark Int ernational, Inc., regist ered in the United St ates and/or other countries. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple In c., registered in the U.S. and other cou ntries.
Note: Some modes may not ap ply to your p roduct. 1-meter average sound pressure, dBA Printing 53 dBA (MX410); 5 4 dBA (MX510, MX511) Scanning 4 5 dBA Copying 55 dBA Read y N/A Values are subject t o change. See www .lexma fo r current values. Temperature information Ambient operating temperature 15.
Static sensitivity notice This s ymbol i dentifi es stat ic-sens itive parts. Do not touch in the area s near these symbols without firs t touchin g the metal frame o f the pr inter.
DANGER - Invisible l aser radiation wh en cartridges are r emoved and interlock defeated. Avoid e xposure to laser b eam. PERIGO - Radi ação a laser invisível se rá liberada se os cartuch os forem removidos e o lacre rompido. Evite a exposição aos feix es de laser.
Sleep Mode This product is design ed with an energy-saving mode called Sleep Mo de . The Sleep Mode saves ener gy by lowering power co nsumpti on duri ng exte nded per iods of inact ivity. Th e Sleep M ode is aut omatic ally eng aged af ter this product is not used for a sp ecified period of time, called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
Licensing noti ces All li cens ing no tices as sociat ed with this p roduc t can be vi ewed from the root directo ry of the in stalla tion so ftware C D.
The Ring er Equi valence Num ber (REN) is used to dete rmine t he numb er of de vices th at may be connecte d to a t elephon e line. Ex cessive RENs on a tel ephone li ne may resu lt in the devi ces not ringing i n response to an incom ing call . In most but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not excee d five (5.
recomm ended that the customer ins tall an appro priate AC su rge arrestor in the AC ou tl et to which th is device is connec ted. An a ppropri ate AC surge ar restor is defin ed as o ne tha t is suit.
Japanese telecom notice The ins talled optio nal modem is in comp liance wi th Japanese Telecom municati on Law and has been Cert ified by J ATE, with Certi fication Number A11-0160001.
Complian ce is indicated by the CE marking. The manufa cturer of t his pr oduct is: Lexmark Inter nationa l, Inc., 740 West N ew Circle Road, Lexingt on, KY, 40550 USA. The authorized representat ive is: Lexmark International Te chno logy H ung ári a Kft .
The inst aller of thi s radio equi pment must ensure that the a ntenna is lo cated or point ed such th at it does no t emit RF fields i n excess of Health Cana da limit s for the gener al populatio n; consult Safety Code 6, obtain able from Health Canada's Web site www.
Complian ce is indicated by the CE marking. The manufa cturer of t his pr oduct is: Lexmark Inter nationa l, Inc., 740 West N ew Circle Road, Lexingt on, KY, 40550 USA. The authorized representat ive is: Lexmark International Te chno logy H ung ári a Kft .
Español Por medio de la presente, Lexmark International , Inc. dec lara que e ste produ c to cumple con los requ isitos esenciales y cuales quiera ot ras disposici ones apl icables o exi gibles de la Direc tiva 19 99/5/C E. Eesti Käe solevaga kinnit ab Lexmark International, Inc.
This limi ted warranty applies to t his product only if it wa s origina lly purchase d for your use, and not for re sale, fro m Lexmark or a Lexm ark Remarketer, referred to in this st atement as “Remarketer.
Extent of l imited warranty Lexmark does not warrant unin terrupted or error-free operation of any prod uct or the durability or longevity of prints produced by any pro duct.
Patent acknowledgment The use of th is product or ser vice is subject to the reason able, non-di scrimin atory te rms in the I ntellect ual Pro perty Rights (I PR) Discl osure of Cert icom Corp. at th e IETF for E lliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Secur ity (TLS) implemen ted in t he product or servic e.
Index Numerics 250 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 42 550 ‑ sheet tray installi ng 42 Symbol s [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. [25y.xx] 236 [x] ‑ page ja m, clear s tandard bin . [20y.xx] 233 [x] ‑ page jam , open au tomati c feeder top cover.
suppl y notificatio ns, toner cartridge 224 configur ing por t setting s 53 configurin g supply notific ations 224 connec ting print er to di stinctiv e ring servi ce 116 connec ting to a wirele ss ne.
displ ay troublesho oting printer d isplay is bl ank 255 dis pla y, pr int er co nt rol p ane l adjusting brightness 206 disposi ng of printer har d disk 209 distinc tive ring service, fax connec ting.
page se tup 124 resolu tion 124 scan preview 125 transm ission log 125 Fax partit ion inopera tive. Contact syst em admini strato r. 242 fax ports 45 Fax serv er 'To F ormat' no t set up.
Insufficient memory for Flash Memory D efragment operation [37] 243 Insuffi cient m emory to colla te job [37] 244 Insuff icient memo ry to su pport Resource Save feature [35] 244 Insuff icient memor .
multipurpose feed er loading 62 MySho rtcut about 22 N Network [x] menu 146 Network [x] softwa re error [54] 247 Network Card menu 148 Network Repo rts menu 1 48 netwo rk s etti ngs Embedded Web Serv er 223 networ k setup page printin g 56 Networking Guide where to find 223 No analog phone line connected t o modem, fax is dis abled.
gray back ground on prints 269 horiz ontal v oids appea r on prints 270 print irre gularities 2 73 prin t is to o dark 2 74 prin t is to o light 275 printer is printin g solid black pages 277 repeat i.
Lo ad [p ap er s ou rce ] wi th [cu st om type name] [p aper orient ation ] 245 Lo ad [p ap er s ou rce ] wi th [pa pe r size] [paper orientat ion] 245 Lo ad [p ap er s ou rce ] wi th [pa pe r type] [.
Reinstall missing or unresponsi ve imaging un it [31.xy] 248 Remote Operator Panel setti ng up 24 Remov e paper from st andard output bin 249 remov ing printe r hard disk 41 repeat pr int jobs 80 pri .
separa tor sh eets copy opt ions 94 Serial opt ion [x] error [54] 252 seri al pri nting setti ng up 54 Set Da te and Time menu 156 settin g paper size 57 paper type 57 TCP/IP addres s 148 setting the .
poor c opy quality 28 6 poor scan ned ima ge quality 2 95 scanner unit d oes not close 288, 297 trouble shooting, di splay printer d isplay is bl ank 255 troubl eshooting, fax ca ller ID is n ot s how.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 670 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 670 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 670, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 670 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 670, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 670.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 670. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 670 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.