Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 630 du fabricant Lexmark
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www.lexma User’ s Reference T630, T632.
2 Contents Notices .................... .................................... .................................... ............... 8 Trademarks . ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... ......... ........... ......
3 Contents Chapter 3: Print media handling ...................................... ......................... 29 Prin t med ia guid eline s ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... .......
4 Contents Orde ring a char ge r oll ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .. 8 4 Orde ring a tr ansfe r roller ..... ....... .... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... .
5 Contents Identif ying the print media p ath .. ..... ........ ......... ....... ........ ....... ....... ......... ........ ....... ...... 122 Acce ssing jam a reas .. .... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......
6 Contents Resident f onts ...... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ......... ........ ....... ....... ....... .......... ....... ...... 178 Readabili ty disclaimer ........ ......... ......... ........... ........ ......... ......... .........
7 Contents Help Menu ............. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........ 263 Understandi ng the printer messages ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ......... ....... ........ ..
8 Notices • Edit ion no tice • T rademarks • Licensing not ice • Safety in formation • Cautions, warnin gs, and attentions • Electr onic emission notices • Noise emission levels • Ener.
9 Trademarks Edition: December 2002 The f ollo wing parag raph does not apply to an y countr y where such provi sions are inconsist ent with local law: LEXMARK I NTERNA TIONAL, INC .
10 Trademarks Po s t S c r i p t ® is a registered tr ademark of Adobe Systems Incor porated. P ostScript 3 is Adobe Systems’ des ignation of a set of p rinter commands (language) and functi ons included in its s oftwar e products . This printer is intended to be compati bl e with the P ostScript 3 language.
11 Licensing notice Other tr ademarks are the proper ty of their respectiv e owners . Licensi ng notice The printer residen t softwar e contains: • Softw are de veloped and cop yr ighted b y Le xmar.
12 Safety information Safety inf ormation • If y our product is NO T mark ed with thi s symbol , it MUST be connected to an el ectrical outlet tha t is properly grounded. CA UTION: Do not set up this product or make an y electrical or cab ling connections , such as the pow er cord or tel ephone, during a lightn ing stor m.
13 Electronic emission notices this de vice ma y not cause har mful inter f erence , and (2) this de vice must accept an y interf erence receiv ed, including inter f erence that ma y cause undesired operati on. The FCC Class B limits are designed to provide reas onabl e protection against har mful inte rf erence in a residential installa tion.
14 Electronic emission notices electromagne tic compatibilit y and saf ety of electrical equip ment designed f or use within cer tain v oltage limits. A declar ation of conf ormity with the requir ements of the direct iv es has been signed b y the Director of Manuf acturing and T echnical Suppor t, Le xmar k I nternational, S .
15 Electronic emission notices Industry Canada compliance statement This Class A digital apparatus meets al l requirements of the Canadian Interf erence-Causing Equipment Regulat ions.
16 Noise emiss ion levels Noise emission le vels The f ollo wing measurements were made in accor dance with ISO 7779 and repor ted in conf or mance with ISO 9296.
17 Statement of limited warrant y Statement of limited warranty Le xmark Internation al, Inc., Le xington, KY This war ranty appli es to the United States and Canada. F or customers outside the U .S. and Canada, ref er to the country-specific w arrant y inf or mation that came wi th y our printer .
18 Statement of limited warrant y F or fur ther ex planation of y our warranty alternativ es and the nearest Lexmark authorize d ser vicer in your area, p lease contac t Le xmar k at 1-859-232-3000, or on t he W or ld Wide W eb at http:/ /support.lexmark.
19 Statement of limited warrant y Additi onal right s Some states do not allo w limit ations on how long an implied warr anty lasts, or do not allo w the e xclusion or limitation of inc idental or consequenti al damages. If such laws apply , the limitat ions or e xclusions contained in t his statement ma y not apply to you.
20 1 Over vie w Identifying printer s Use the f ollowing ill ustrat ions to determine the fea tures and options of th e Lexmark ™ T630 and T632. The f eatures are not shaded in color , b ut the options ar e shaded. The illustrations also ai d y ou in determining the installa tion sequence of options and the printer .
21 Identifying printers Configured mo dels The f ollowing illustr ations show a standard net work model conf igurati on and a fu lly configured printer . If y ou attach print media handling op tions to the printer , it ma y look more like th e fully configur ed model.
22 2 Printing This chapter co vers tips f or printing, how to print certain lists of inf or mation from y our printer , and how t o cancel a job . Tips for succes sful printi ng Tips on storing prin t media Store y our print media properly . F or more inf or mation, see Stori ng print media .
23 Canceling a print job appropriate sett ings f or the specific job y ou are sending to pr int. Print settings selecte d from the driv er ov erride the def ault settings sel ected from the printer opera tor panel.
24 Canceling a print job Cancel ing a job from a compute r running Windows Canceling a job from the taskbar When you send a job to print, a small pr inte r icon appears in the right corner of the taskbar . 1 Doub le-clic k the pr int er icon. A list of print job s appears in the printer windo w .
25 Printing the me nu settings page Printing the menu settings page The menu setti ngs page shows cur rent settings (use r def ault settings ) for the menus , a list of instal led options , and av ailable printer memory . Y ou can use t his page to v erify that all printer opt ions are properly insta lled and the printer settings are cor rect.
26 Printing a directory li st Printing a director y list A directory listing sho ws all the resources stor ed in flash memor y or on the hard disk. T o print a listin g: 1 Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears . 2 Press and release Men u until you see Utiliti es Menu, and then press Sel ect .
27 Printing folio and statement sizes Entering a personal identif ication number (PIN) When you sele ct Confidential Job from the Job Menu , the fol lowi ng prompt appears on the displa y after y ou s.
28 Printing folio and statement sizes 3 Press and release Men u until y ou see Size Sens ing , and then press Select . Tray 1 Sens ing appears on the second line of the displa y . 4 Press and release Men u to select the input opti on that will hold the f olio or statement siz e paper , and then press Select .
29 3 Print media handling Print media is paper , card st ock, transp arencies , labels , and env elopes. Y our printer pr ovides high quality pr int ing on a variety of print media. Y ou must consider a nu mber of things concerning print media bef ore you print.
30 Prin t media guide lines Curl Curl is the tendency of print media to curve at its edges . Excessiv e curl can cause paper f eeding prob lems . Curl usually occurs after the paper pa sses through t he printer , where i t is e xposed to hi gh temperat ures.
31 Prin t media guide lines Unacceptable paper The f ollo wing papers are not rec ommended f or use with the printer: • Chemically treated paper s used to make copies without carbon pape r , also k .
32 Prin t media guide lines • Fle x paper back and f or th. Do not f old or crease the paper . Straight en the edges on a le vel surf ace. Selecting preprinted forms and letterhead Use the f ollo wing gui delines when sel ecting pr eprinted f or ms and lett erhead paper for t he printer : • Use gra i n long papers f or best resul ts.
33 Prin t media guide lines Printing on letterhead Check with the manuf acturer or v endor to determine whether t he preprinted letterhead you have chosen is acceptab le f or laser printers . P age orientation is impor tant when printing on letterhead.
34 Prin t media guide lines T ran spar encies Y ou can f eed transparencies f rom the standard tr ay (250 -sheet tr a y f or the T630 or 500- sheet tra y f or the T632), opti onal 250- or 500-sheet tr a ys , or the multipurpose fe eder .
35 Prin t media guide lines En ve lopes Y ou can load up t o 10 env elopes in the m ultipurpose f eeder and 85 env elopes in the en velope f eeder . T r y a sample of any env elopes y ou are considering using with the printer bef ore buying lar ge quantities .
36 Prin t media guide lines Labels Y our printer can print on many la bels designed f or use with laser printer s. These labels are supplied in let ter siz e, A4 siz e, and l egal siz e sheets.
37 Storing print media relia bility . S ee Order ing supplies f or inf or mation on obtai ning a l abel fuser cleaner . F or detailed i nf or mation on labe l printing, ch aracteristic s, and design, r efer to the Card Stoc k & Label Guide , a va ilab le on t he Le xmark We b site at www .
38 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Identifying print media sour ces and specifications The f ollowing t abl es provi de inf ormation on standard and opt ional sources , as well as .
39 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Print media sizes and suppor t Legend ✓ - indica tes support Print me dia size U A T - universally adjustable tray Dimensions T630 250 -sheet t.
40 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Universal 2 139.7 x 2 10 mm to 215.9 x 3 55.6 mm (5.5 x 8.27 in. to 8.5 x 14 in. ) ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ See separate Finisher output support tabl e. 69.85 x 127 mm to 215.9 x 3 55.6 mm (2.
41 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons C5 Envelope 162 x 22 9 mm (6.38 x 9.0 1 in.) ✓✓✓ ✓✓ See separate Finisher output support tabl e. B5 Envelope 176 x 25 0 mm (6.93 x 9.8 4 in.) ✓✓✓ ✓✓ Other En velope 1 98.4 x 16 2 mm to 176 x 250 mm (3.
42 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Print media suppor t f or models, sources, output bins, and finisher Print me dia T630 T632 250-she et drawer 500-she et drawer Multip urpose fee.
43 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Print media types and weights Print me dia Ty p e Print media weight Integr ated tray and optional 500-she et drawer Multipurpose feeder and opti.
44 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Card stoc k — maximum (grain short) 1 Index Bri stol 199 g/m 2 ( 110 lb) 163 g/m 2 (90 l b) Not recomm ended Ta g 203 g/m 2 ( 125 lb) 163 g/m 2.
45 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons W eights suppor ted in optional output bins Print media weight — option al output bins Print me dia Ty p e 5-bin mailbox Output expander High-c.
46 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons Output suppor t f or the optional finisher Dimensions Finisher output support Size Standar d 1 Offset Stap led A4 210 x 29 7 mm (8.27 x 11 .7 in.) ✓✓ ✓ A5 148 x 21 0 mm (5.83 x 8. 27 in.) JIS B5 182 x 25 7 mm (7.
47 Identifying print media sources and specificati ons W eights suppor ted by the finisher Print me dia Ty p e Finisher media weight Standar d * Offset Stapled Pa pe r Xerographic or bu siness paper 6.
48 Loading print media Loadi ng print media This section pro vides inf orm ation about l oading the v arious input sources and options . Proper pr int media loading helps pre v ent jams and ensure tr ouble -free printing. Bef ore loading print media, kno w the recommended print side of the print medi a y ou are usi ng.
49 Loading print media in standard and option al trays Complete these ins tructions to load print media into an y of the standard or opt ional tr a ys . 1 Pull the tra y out. Remov e the tra y comp letely . 2 Squeeze the wi dth guide tab and the side of the guide as shown.
50 Loading print media in standard and option al trays 3 Squeeze the l ength guide le v er and slide t he length guide to t he correct positi on f or the siz e of print media y ou are loading . Notice the siz e indicat ors on the left side of the tr a y .
51 Loading print media in standard and option al trays 5 Place the print media int o the tr ay with the recommended print side f ace down f or single- sided printi ng and f ace up f or duple x printing. Do not fi ll paper abo ve the l oad line. Over filli ng the tr a y ma y cause jams .
52 Loading pri nt media in optional universally adj ustable trays 7 F or opti onal tra ys only , adjust the knob to sho w the size of the print media current ly loaded. Note: This setting serves as a vis ual reminder only ; it h as no ef f ect on t he operat ion of the printer .
53 Loading pri nt media in optional universally adj ustable trays Loading le tterhea d Letterhead m ust be loaded diff erently depending on what opt ions you ha ve inst alled. Without a finisher installe d Fo r simple x (single-sided) printing on letterhead, pl ace the printed side fa c e d ow n as shown.
54 Loading pri nt media in optional universally adj ustable trays With a finisher installed Fo r simple x pr intin g on letterhead, pl ace the printed side fa c e d ow n as shown. Fo r duple x printing on letter head, place the printed si de fa c e u p as sho wn.
55 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Using and lo ading the m ultipurpo se feeder The m ultipurpose f eeder can ho ld se ve ral s izes and types of print media, su ch as tr ansparencie s, postcards , note cards, and en velopes . It is useful f or single page pr int ing on letterhead or colored paper .
56 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder The icons on the mult ipurpose feeder sho w y ou how to load the multi pur pose f eeder with paper , how to turn an env elope f or pr inting, and ho w to load letterhead paper f or simple x and duple x printing.
57 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Loadin g the multipurp ose feeder T o load the multipu r pose f eeder : 1 Push the l ower release latch. The m ultipur pose f eeder door dr ops open.
58 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder 2 Locate the metal bar in the recessed area on the m ultipurpose feede r . Pull the bar out f ar enough to accommodate the print media y ou will be using.
59 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder 4 Prepare t he print media f or loading. • Fle x paper or fa n env elopes back and f or th. Do not fo ld or crease the paper . Straighten the edges on a le vel surf ace. • Hold tra nsparencies b y the edges and av oid touching the print side .
60 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder 5 Use the stac k height limiter as a guide f or stack hei ght when loading print media. 6 Load one type of print media in the multipurpose f eeder .
61 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Loadin g paper an d transp arenci es a Load paper or tr ansparencies with the left edge of the stac k against the stac k height limiter and wit h the recommended print side face up . b Contin ue with step 7 on page 65 .
62 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Loadin g en velo pes a Load en velo pes flap side down wi th the st amp area and flap on t he left. The end of the env elope with the stamp area enters the mul tipurpose feed er firs t. Warning: Ne ve r use env elopes with stamps, clasps, snaps, windo w s , coated linings , or self- stic k adhesiv es.
63 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Loading le tterhea d Load letter head according to the options i nstalled on the printer . Click the topic that describes y our printer configur ation. Neither a duplex unit nor a finisher atta ched a Load letter head paper f or single- sided printing with the logo f ace up as shown.
64 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder A duplex unit, b ut no finisher atta ched a Load letter head paper f or duple x printing with the logo f ace down as shown.
65 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Both a duplex unit and a finisher attached a Load letter head paper f or duple x printing with the logo f ace down as shown.
66 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder 8 Slide the wi dth guide to the l eft until i t lightly to uches the stack of print me dia. Do not bend the print media. 9 Select t he source , siz e, and type from your s oftwa re applicat ion and sel ect print media siz e and type from the printer oper ator panel.
67 Using and loading the mu ltipurpose feeder Closing t he multipurpose fee der 1 Remov e pr int med ia from the multipurpose f eeder . 2 Push the met al bar s traight bac k to col lapse the multip ur pose f eeder to i ts short-length positi on. 3 Close the mult ipurpose feeder door .
68 Using and loading the optional envelope feeder Using and lo ading the o ptional en velope f eeder 1 Gently adj ust the env elope suppor t f or the si ze y ou are loading: • Fully c losed (pushe d.
69 Using and loading the optional envelope feeder 3 Slide t he width gu ide to t he f ar right. 4 Fle x a stac k of env elopes back and f or th and then straighten the edges on a le vel surf ace. Press do wn the corners to flatten t hem. F an the en v elopes.
70 Using and loading the optional envelope feeder 5 Load the s tack of en velopes flap si de down wi th the s tamp area and the flap on the l eft. The end of the en ve lopes with the stamp area enter s the env elope f eeder firs t.
71 Using and loading the optional 2000-sheet drawer 7 Lo wer the en v elope weight to touch the stack. 8 Select t he source , siz e, and type from your s oftwar e applicat ion.
72 Using and loading the optional 2000-sheet drawer • Do not open the loading door or remove a ny print media while a job is printi ng or Busy is displayed on the operator panel. Note: When load ing more th an one ream of paper , we recommend you r emov e the top and bottom sheet.
73 Using and loading the optional 2000-sheet drawer 3 Fle x each stack of print media bac k and for th. Do not f old or crease the paper . Stra ighten the edges on a le vel surf ace.
74 Using and loading the optional 2000-sheet drawer Chan ging th e prin t medi a size f or the 2000-s heet d ra wer Y our 2000-she et draw er comes pre-confi gured f or either l etter or A4 siz e. T o change the print media si ze prior to install ation, proc eed to step 7 of the f ollo wing instructions now .
75 Using and loading the optional 2000-sheet drawer 9 Count the clic ks as you turn the knob clockwi se to find the correct print media size . F or e xample, one cl ic k sets the pr int media size to e xecut iv e (EXEC). Note: Mak e a note of the color associ ated with the print media size you sele ct.
76 Linking trays 12 Inser t the guides into the matching color ed slots lo cated on the ins ide bottom of t he unit. The guides should no w be seated flush again st the top of the unit.
77 Using the duplex function Using Dup lex Bind When y ou select duple x bind printing in the p rinter driv er or Dupl ex Bind in the Fini shing Settings in the Local Printer Setup Util ity , you must sele ct either long edge or shor t edge binding, which are the v alues f or this setting.
78 Usi ng th e out put bin s Using the output bi ns There is one standar d bin on al l printer model s. Th ere are se v eral o ptional o utput bins av ailab le f or your printer .
79 Usi ng th e out put bin s High- capaci ty output stac ker • 1850 she ets (75 g/m 2 ) of plain pa per • Envelopes T630 T632 1 1 outp ut ex pand er * Output expander • 650 shee ts (75 g/m 2 ) o.
80 Using the suppor t extension in the standard bin Using the su ppor t e x tension in the standar d bin The standard bin on all models has a print media suppor t which k eeps print media from sliding into the gap been the standard bi n and the upper front door when the door is opened.
81 4 Maintenance The f ollo wing sections deal with topics f or a network administr ator in charge of the printer . Maintainin g y our printer P eriodically , you need to complete cer tain tas ks to maintain optimu m print quality . These tas ks are co ve red in this cha pter .
82 Conserving supplies Conser ving supplies Se veral settings in y our application softw are or on the displa y let y ou conserve toner and paper: Ordering su pplies T o order supplies in the U .S., cont act Le xmar k at 1-800-539-627 5 fo r inf or mation about Le xmar k A uthor iz ed Supplies Deal ers in y our area.
83 Ordering supplies T o use the remaining toner , remo ve the print car tr idge , and then shak e it gently bac k and for th. Y ou need to hav e a new car tridge av ailabl e when the current one no longer prints satisf actorily .
84 Ordering supplies replace the pi ck roller s, the char ge roll, and the tr ansf er roll er . See the fol lowi ng tabl e f or the maintenance ki t par t number f or your specifi c printer . F or finisher maintenance in f or matio n, ref er to the StapleSmar t™ Refer ence that came with y our fini sher .
85 Storing supplies Or dering a label f user c leaner A special label fuser cleaner shoul d be used f or label appli cations to optimize f eeding reliability . One is includ ed in the print car tr idge bo x when you order par t numbe r 12A7468 or 12A7469.
86 Storing the print cartridge Storing the print car tridge Store t he print car tridge in t he original pa ckagi ng until you are ready to insta ll it. Do not st ore the print car tridge in : • T emperatur es greater than 40 ° C (104 ° F). • An en vironment with e xtreme changes in humidity or t emperatur e.
87 Replacing the print cartridge 4 Lift the print car tridge up and out. 5 Set it as ide. Cleaning t he pr inter Using a clean, li nt-free clot h, gently clean the shade d areas by wiping to ward the front of th e printer . Warning: Do not touch the tr ansf er roller .
88 Replacing the print cartridge Instal ling the ne w print cartridge 1 Remov e the new car tridge from the pac kaging. Remov e the red plastic piece and f oam. Sav e the pac kaging and f oam to return the used print car tridge. F or more i nf or mati on, see step 7 on page 89 .
89 Replacing the print cartridge 3 Hold the print car tridge by the handle and inser t it into the printer . Align the tabs on each side of the print car tridge with the slots on eac h side of the print c ar tridge cradle . 4 Slide the print cartr idge into th e printer until it snaps into place.
90 Replacing the charge roll Replacing the char g e r oll Order a new char ge roll kit when toner f og or backg round shading appears on printed pages. See Order ing supplies f or inf or mation on o rdering a charge roll. 1 T ur n the printer off and unplug the printer pow er cord.
91 Replacing the charge roll 7 Pull do wn on the charge roll u ntil i t is l oose. 8 Pull t he charge r oll to the right to loosen t he left si de. 9 Pull t he charge r oll str aight out of t he printer and set it aside . 10 Remov e any packag ing from the new charge rol l.
92 Replacing the charge roll 11 Align t he metal t ab on lef t side of t he ne w charge roll with its hole and inser t it..
93 Replacing the charge roll 12 Raise the right side of the charge rol l. 13 Push the arm-lik e tab wi th the right a rrow l abel on it to the right. 14 Lift the right side of the charge roll and inser t it into i ts hole. 15 Release the metal arm-lik e tab .
94 Replacing the transfer roll er Replacing the transfer r oller Order a new tr ansf er roller when light pr int , toner f og, or bac kground shading appears on printed pages. See Or dering supplies f or inf orm ation o n order ing a trans f er roll er .
95 Replacing the transfer roll er 5 Pull t he tran sf er rol ler to the left t o loosen t he right si de and then p ull it str aight out of the pr inter .
96 Replacing the transfer roll er 7 Grasp the tr ansfer rol ler on the left side as shown. 8 Locate the small hole and inser t the metal tab on the right side of the transf er roll er into the hole .
97 Replacing the transfer roll er 9 Low er the transf er roller gent ly until t he left metal tab fits i nto the slo t. Y ou ma y ha ve to push it down for a secure fit. 10 Reinstal l the print cartr idge a nd close t he front door s. 11 Plug the printer pow er cord int o a properly grounded electrical outlet.
98 Replacing the pick rollers Replacing the pick r ollers 1 Remov e the standard tra y . 2 Look underneath the printer f or the pic k roller arm and pull i t do wn. 3 Press on t he end of the tab an d pull the pic k roller of f the arm. 4 Repeat step 3 on the other side t o remov e the other pi ck roller .
99 Replacing the pick rollers 5 Gently r elease the pic k roller arm. 6 Discard the used pic k rol lers. T o install the new pic k rollers: 1 Remov e the two pic k rollers from the pac kaging. 2 Pull the p i c k roll er arm down. 3 Locate th e recessed area on t he pic k rol ler and ali gn it with the tab o n the arm.
100 Replacing the pick rollers 4 Push the pi ck roller onto the ar m with the tab ali gned. 5 Repeat step 3 on page 99 to step 4 to install the other pi ck rol ler .
101 Replacing the label fuser cleaner Replacing the label fuser c leaner 1 Grasp the bar handl e in the round hole on the fuser cov er and pull to the le ft.
102 Replacing the label fuser cleaner 3 Grasp the handl e, lift the fuser cleaner fr om its slot, and remo ve it . Discard it. 4 Remov e the ne w fuser cleaner from its pac kaging. 5 Hold the fuser cl eaner by the handle and align it wit h the slot. 6 Push the ha ndle down so the cleaner drops fully into the slot.
103 Replacing the label fuser cleaner 7 Angle the fuser co ver t o align the side of the f user co ver wit h the side of the fuse r opening. 8 Lo wer the fuser co ver on the right sid e until it almost meets the opening. 9 Gently pull the handle back unti l the two tabs on the right end fit under the right side .
104 Replacing the stapl e cartri dge Repla cing the sta ple ca r tridge When Stapl es Low or Staples Empty appears on th e operat or panel displ a y , complete the st eps to insert a new staple cartridge in the finisher. Ref er to the i llustr ations inside the stapl er access door f or more inf or mation.
105 Replacing the stapl e cartri dge Remo ving a us ed stap le cartridge 1 Push the l atch and s wing the staple access door open. 2 Grasp the sta ple car tridge holder by the colored tab and pull it out of the stapler .
106 Replacing the stapl e cartri dge 3 Pull t he used staple car tridge do wn and out of the staple cartridge holder . Disc ard the us ed staple c ar tr idge .
107 Replacing the stapl e cartri dge 3 Push the s taple cartridge holder str aight i nto the stapler u ntil i t snaps into place . 4 Close the staple access door .
108 Resetting the maintenance counter Resetting the maintenance counter After repl acing all the items in th e maintenance ki t , reset the maintenance counter: 1 Press and hold the Sele ct and Retur n bu ttons while y ou turn the pr int er on. 2 Release th e but tons when Perfor ming Self T est appears on the displa y .
109 5 T r oubleshooting The sections in this chapter help y ou solve prob lems with the printer , options , or pr int quality . Solving basic prin ter pr oblems Sometimes printer prob lems are very easy to solv e.
110 Solving display problems Solving di spla y pr oblems Solving prin ting pr oblems Pr oblem Action Operator panel disp lays only di amonds o r is blank. • T ur n the pr inter off, wait abou t 10 seco nds, and tur n the printer on. • Performi ng Self Test appears on the operato r panel.
111 Solving pr inting prob lems Job did not pr int or incor rect characters p rinte d (continued) . If you are usin g a pr int spoo ler , veri fy that the spooler is not stal led. If you pr int across a network or on a Mac intosh comp uter , see Solving netw ork printing prob lems .
112 Solving pr inting prob lems Job pr ints from the wrong source or on the wrong pr int media. Check the Pape r T ype setting in the Paper Menu from th e printe r operator pan el and in the printer driver . Print m edia d oes no t sta ck neatly i n any output b in.
113 Solving prin t quality problems Solving prin t quality pr oblems Pr oblem Action Pr int is to o light. • The toner ma y be low . T o utilize the re maining tone r , remove the car tr idge by grip ping the ha ndles wit h both hand s. With the car tr idge arrows point ing downward, shake the pr int car tr idge ba ck and for th.
114 Solving prin t quality problems Entire pag e is whit e. • Make sure the packaging mater ial is remov ed from t he pr int car tr idge. • Check the pr int car t ridge to be sure i t is installe d correct ly . • The ton er may be low . T o uti lize the remaini ng toner , r emov e the car tr idge by grip ping the ha ndles wit h both hand s.
115 Solving option prob lems Solvin g option problems If an option does not oper ate correctl y after it is inst alled or if it quits w orking: • Make sure the print media handl ing option i s marked with a col ored triangle , indicat ing it i s compatib le with your print er .
116 Solving option prob lems The f ollowing table li sts printer options an d suggested c orrectiv e actions f or rel ated prob lems. If the suggested corr ectiv e acti on does not fix the prob lem, call y our ser vice representat iv e.
117 Solving option prob lems Inter nal pr int server • Make sure the int ernal print s er ver (also called an inter nal net work ad apter or INA) i s securely connecte d to the pr inter s ystem boar d. • Make sure y ou are using the c orrect ca b le, that i t is securel y conne cted, and that the n etwork software is correctl y set up .
118 Solving option prob lems Solving problems with the opt ional 2000-s heet drawer Pr oblem So lution The e le vator t ra y does not rai se when the loading door is clos ed, or the elevator tra y does not lower when the do or is opene d and the el e vator button is pushed.
119 Solvin g network pri nting probl ems Solving netw ork printi ng pr oblems Solving oth er pr oblems Contac ting servic e When you call f or printer ser vice , be prepared to describe the prob lem you are e xperiencing or the error message on the dis pla y .
120 6 Clearing jams By careful ly selec ting print media and loading it properly , y ou are able t o av oid most jams . If jams do occur , complet e the steps in the f ollo wing sections .
121 Before removin g jams • Fle x, fan , and straig hten print media bef ore you lo ad it. If jams do occur with print media, try f eeding one sheet at a time throug h the mul tipurpose f eeder . • Do not use print media that you ha ve cut or trimmed yoursel f .
122 Identifying the pr int media path Identifying the print media path The f ollowing illustration sho ws the path that print medi a tra vels through t he printer . The path v ar ies dependin g on the i nput source (tra ys, m ultipurpose f eeder , env elope f eeder) and output bi ns (finisher , stack er , ex pander , mailbo x) you a r e usi ng.
123 Identifying the pr int media path Access ing jam ar eas Open doors an d co ve rs, remo ve tra ys, a nd remov e options to access jam areas . The il lustrat ion sho ws the location of sources and possible jam areas .
124 Identifying the pr int media path Use the f ollowing tab le to locate instruction s f or a par ti cular jam: Jam me ssa ge Go to page: 200 and 201 Paper Jam Remove Ca rtridge 125 202 Pape r Jam Op.
125 200 an d 201 P aper Jam R emove Cart ridge 200 and 201 Paper Jam Remove Cartridge A 200 P aper Jam m essage i ndicates the print media is jammed in the area under t he print car tridge. This req uires remo ving the print c ar tridge. A 201 Paper Jam message indicates the jam is f ar ther inside the printe r .
126 200 an d 201 P aper Jam R emove Cart ridge 3 Gently pus h the f eed roll er release le ver t ow ard the back of the printer . 4 Pull the p r int media up and to ward you. Note: The print media ma y be co ver ed with unf used toner , which c an stain garments and skin.
127 200 an d 201 P aper Jam R emove Cart ridge T o access print media from the printer rear door : 5 Open the printer rear door . 6 Remov e any print media based on what par t is visib le. • If the middle section of print media is visib le, gr asp it on both sides and gentl y pull it strai ght ou t.
128 202 Paper Jam Open R ear Door • If the end of the print media is visibl e, pull the print media straight out. If the print media does not mov e immediately when you pul l, stop pulling. Remo ve the print car tridge, a nd then pul l the print media out.
129 202 Paper Jam Open R ear Door Before reaching the stan dard output bin 1 Open the printer rear door . 2 Remov e the print media bas ed on what par t is vi sib le. • If the middle section of print media is visib le, gr asp it on both sides and gentl y pull it strai ght ou t.
130 202 Paper Jam Open R ear Door • If the end of the print media is visibl e, pull the print media straight out. If the print media does not mov e immediately when you pul l, stop pulling. Remo ve the print car tridge, a nd then pul l the print media out.
131 23x Paper Jam If th e print media does not mo v e immediatel y when y ou pull, stop pul ling. Open t he upper front door and pull the print media out. 23x Paper Jam Ja ms in the optional duple x unit resul t in a 2 3x message , where x represents specifi c jam areas .
132 23x Paper Jam • If the middle section of print media is visib le, gr asp it on both sides and gentl y pull it strai ght ou t. • If print media is still in the fuser area, open the upper front door and remo ve the print media. • If the end of the print media is visibl e, pull the print media straight out.
133 23x Paper Jam 4 Open the duple x rear door . 5 Look under the duple x rear door f or the edge of the pr int media to deter mine ho w the print media is j ammed: • If only a s hor t piece of print media is visi ble t owa rd the rear of the printer , do not pull it out; it ma y be easier to access from insi de the printer .
134 23x Paper Jam – Pull do wn and out if t he print media is in t his positi on. 6 Close the duple x rear door . Mak e sure it snaps into pl ace..
135 23x Paper Jam 232 Paper Jam Check Duplex and 233 Paper Jam Check Duplex Note: T o resolv e the message, y ou must clear all print media from the print media path.
136 23x Paper Jam – Pull do wn and out if t he print media is in t his positi on. 3 Close the duple x rear door . Make sure it snaps into pl ace..
137 23x Paper Jam 234 Paper Jam Check Duplex, 235 Paper Jam Check Duplex, and 238 Paper Jam Check Duplex Note: T o resolv e the message, y ou must clear all print media from the print media path.
138 23x Paper Jam 3 Close the duple x rear door . Make sure it snaps into pl ace. 4 Remov e the standard tra y . 5 Locate the recess ed areas on each side of the duple x fron t access cov er . 6 Slowl y pull the duple x front access co v er strai ght out.
139 23x Paper Jam 7 If the edge of the print media is visi bl e, pull the print media st raight up and out. If the print medi a is not visi ble , continue with step 8 . Otherwise , close the duple x front acces s co ve r . 8 Remov e any sheets of print media lying in th e duple x front access co v er .
140 23x Paper Jam 236 Paper Jam Check Duplex Note: T o resolv e the message, y ou must clear all print media from the print media path. 1 Locate the recess ed areas on each side of the duple x fron t access cov er . 2 Slowl y pull the duple x front access co v er strai ght out.
141 23x Paper Jam 5 Remov e any sheets of print media lying in th e duple x front access co v er . 6 Hold the duple x front access co ver le v el while y ou slide it back in to the duple x unit. Mak e sure it snaps into pl ace. 7 Slide t he standard tra y bac k into the printer .
142 23x Paper Jam 2 While gr asping the print car tridge by the hand g rip , pull the car tridge up tow ard the upper front door , and th en pull it strai ght out to ward y ou. Warning: Ne ve r touch the photoconductor drum on the underside of the car tr idge .
143 23x Paper Jam 5 Reinstal l the print car tridge. 6 Close the upper and l ower front doors. 7 Locate the recess ed areas on each side of the duple x fron t access cov er . 8 Slowl y pull the duple x front access co v er strai ght out. 9 If the edge of the print media is visi bl e, pull the print media st raight up and out.
144 23x Paper Jam 11 Remov e any sheets of print media lying in th e duple x front access co v er . 12 Hold the duple x front access co ver le v el while y ou slide it back in to the duple x unit. Mak e sure it snaps into pl ace. 13 Slide t he standard tra y bac k into the printer .
145 23x Paper Jam 239 Paper Jam Check Duplex Note: T o resolv e the message, y ou must clear all print media from the print media path. 1 Open the printer rear door . 2 Remov e any print media based on what par t is visib le. • If the middle section of print media is visib le, gr asp it on both sides and gentl y pull it strai ght ou t.
146 23x Paper Jam • If the end of the print media is visibl e, pull the print media straight out. If the print media does not mov e immediately when you pul l, stop pulling. Remo ve the print car tridge, a nd then pul l the print media out. 3 Close the printer rear door .
147 23x Paper Jam 5 Look under the duple x rear door f or the edge of the pr int media to deter mine ho w the print media is j ammed: • If only a s hor t piece of print media is visi ble t owa rd the rear of the printer , do not pull it out; it ma y be easier to access from insi de the printer .
148 23x Paper Jam 6 Close the duple x rear door . Mak e sure it snaps into pl ace. 7 Push the release lat ch and open the printer upper and low er front doors .
149 23x Paper Jam 9 Gently pus h the f eed roll er release le ver t ow ard the back of the printer . 10 Pull the p r int media up and to ward you. Note: The print media ma y be co ver ed with unf used toner , which c an stain garments and skin. 11 Reinstal l the print car tridge.
150 23x Paper Jam 15 If the edge of the print media is visi bl e, pull the print media st raight up and out. If th e print media is not visib le, con tinue with step 16 . Otherwise , close the duple x front access co ver . 16 Slide out the st andard tra y .
151 24x Paper Jam Check Tray x 18 Hold the duple x front access co ver le v el while y ou slide it back in to the duple x unit. Mak e sure it snaps into pl ace.
152 24x Paper Jam Check Tray x On the in c line surfac e of a tray or across two tra ys 1 Pull t he tra y halfw ay out of the suppor t unit . 2 Remov e the print media bas ed on ho w it is jammed: • If the print media i s lying on the incli ne or wall surf ace at the front of the tr ay , pull the print media str aight out.
153 24x Paper Jam Check Tray x Across thre e tra ys This ty pe of jam ma y occur if you ar e using legal-siz e print media in the tr a ys or i f y ou ha ve a 250- sheet dra wer instal led with other optional dra wers . 1 Pull t he tra y out of t he suppor t unit .
154 24x Paper Jam Check Tray x Acr oss a tr a y , the du ple x unit , and th e stan dar d tra y 1 Pull t he tra y out of t he suppor t unit . If o nly a short section of the print medi a is visi ble , do not pull do wn to remov e the pr int media. 2 Slowl y pull the duple x front access co v er strai ght out from the duple x unit.
155 24x Paper Jam Check Tray x 3 Pull t he standard tra y out of the printer . If y ou see the edge of the print media in the standard tr ay: a Pull the print media do wn and out. b Slide t he tra y all the w ay into the printer . c Slide t he duple x front a ccess co ver bac k into the duple x unit .
156 24x Paper Jam Check Tray x d Gently pus h the f eed roll er release le ver t ow ard the back of the printer . e Pull the p r int media out..
157 250 Paper Jam Check MP Feeder f Reinstal l the print car tridge. Align t he slides on the cartridge with the slot s on the print car tridge cr adle. Use the colored arr ows insi de the printer f or placement. Guide the car tridge down as it snaps into place .
158 260 Paper Jam Chec k Env Feeder 260 Paper Jam Check Env Feeder En v elope jams ma y occur in tw o areas. Note: T o resolv e the message, y ou must clear all en velope s from the pr int media path.
159 260 Paper Jam Chec k Env Feeder Betw een the en vel o pe feed er and the printer 1 Lift the en velope w eight. 2 Flip the en velope we ight bac k tow ard the printer . 3 Remov e the stack of en velopes from the env elope f eeder . 4 Push the en vel ope suppor t t o the clo sed position.
160 27x Paper Jam Check Bin x 7 Pull t he env elope str aight out of t he printer . Note: Y ou ma y hav e to remov e the print car tridge to get the en velop e out. See reinst all the p rint car trid ge f or instructions . 8 Reinstal l the env elope f eeder .
161 27x Paper Jam Check Bin x In an option al ou tput bi n Print media jams as it e xits to an optional out put bin and: • A long sect ion of t he print medi a is visib l e • A shor t secti on of the print media is visib le A long section of the prin t media is visible 1 Pull the print media str aight out.
162 27x Paper Jam Check Bin x A shor t section of the print media is visible T r y to pull the print media from the front of the bin. If y ou are not successful, complete t he f ollowi ng steps . 1 Push the output bin rea r door latches in to ward the center .
163 27x Paper Jam Check Bin x Between output bin s 1 Push the output bin rea r door latches in to ward the center . The rear door opens and drops down.
164 28x Paper Jam 28x Paper Jam Jams in the optional f inisher ma y result in a 28x Pa per Jam message, where x represents s pecific jam areas . The second line of the operator panel indicates th e jam area.
165 28x Paper Jam 281 Paper Jam Check Finisher 1 Lift the front edge of t he fini sher output bi n cov er until it l ocks into v er tical positi on. 2 Remov e the stack of print media . 3 Close the finisher output bin co ve r . In the op tional 2000-s heet dr a wer 1 Open the l oading door .
166 Clearing stapler jams 3 Remov e the jam. Cl ear all print medi a from t he print media path of the d rawer and pr inter . 4 Make sure the stac k of print medi a is neat and ali gned; otherwise , another j am ma y occur . 5 Close the door . 6 Allo w a fe w seconds f or the ele vator t o reach the top .
167 Clearing stapler jams 282 Staple Jam Check Stapler 1 Lift the front edge of t he fini sher output bi n cov er until it l ocks into v er tical positi on.
168 Clearing stapler jams 3 Press the latch t o open the stapler ac cess door . 4 Firmly pull the colored tab to remov e the staple car tridge holder from the st apler .
169 Clearing stapler jams 5 Use the metal tab to lift the staple guard, and the n pull out the sheet of staples . Discard t he entire s heet. 6 Remov e any loose staples from the staple guard. 7 Look through t he clear co ve ring on the bottom of the cartr idge holder to make su re no staples are jammed i n the ent r y throat.
170 Clearing stapler jams 9 Push the c ar tridge holder fi r mly i nto the stapler until the c ar tridge holder clic ks in to pl ace. 10 Close the stapler acces s door . Priming Sta pler appears on the operator panel dis pla y . Priming ensures the stapler is function ing properly .
171 Clearing stapler jams 283 Staple Jam Check Stapler 1 Press the latch t o open the stapler ac cess door . 2 Firmly pull the colored tab to remov e the staple car tridge holder from the st apler .
172 Clearing stapler jams 3 Use the metal tab to lift the staple guard, and the n pull out the sheet of staples . Discard t he entire s heet. 4 Remov e any loose staples from the staple guard. 5 Look through t he clear co ve ring on the bottom of the cartr idge holder to make su re no staples are jammed i n the ent r y throat.
173 Clearing stapler jams 7 Push the c ar tridge holder fi r mly i nto the stapler until the c ar tridge holder clic ks in to pl ace. 8 Close the stapler acces s door . Priming Sta pler appears on the operator panel dis pla y . Priming ensures the stapler is function ing properly .
174 7 Administration The f ollo wing sections are f or a network administr ator in charge of the printer . Disabling operato r panel menus Since many peopl e could be using the printer , an administrat or ma y choose to loc k the menus to keep others from changing menu set tings from the oper ator panel.
175 Restoring factory default settings Restoring factory default settings When you fi rst enter the print er menus from the oper ator panel, y ou ma y notice an aste r isk (*) ne xt to a v alue in the men us. This asterisk indi cates the factory def ault sett ing .
176 Understanding fonts W eight and sty le T ypefaces are oft en av ailab le in diff erent wei ghts and s tyles. These variati ons modify t he original typef ace so y ou can , f or e xample, emphas ize impor tant words i n te xt or highli ght book ti tles .
177 Understanding fonts The f ollo wing ill ustrati on shows sample s of a font printed in diff erent point siz es: The point siz e of a font i s defined as the di stance from the to p of the tallest cha racter in the f ont to the bottom of t he low est character in the f ont.
178 Understanding fonts Scalab le f onts (also cal led outline f onts) are stored as computer pr ogra ms that define the out lines of the charac ters in the f ont. Each time you print char acters from a scalabl e f ont, the printer creat es a bitmap of the charac ters at the point size y ou choose and sav es it temporarily in printer memor y .
179 Understanding fonts Antique Olive-Compact Arial Ari alMT Ar ial Italic Ar ial-ItalicMT Ar ial Bold Ar ial-Bo ldMT Ar ial Bold Italic Arial- BoldItalic MT ITC Av ant G arde Book A vantGar de-Book I.
180 Understanding fonts Helvetica Bold Helvetica -Bold Helvetica Bo ld Ital ic He lvetica-BoldO b lique Helv etic a Narro w Helv etic a-Nar ro w Helvetica Narrow Italic Helve tica-Narrow-Oblique Helve.
181 Understanding fonts P a latino Bold P a latino -Bold P a latino Bo ld Italic P a latino -BoldItali c Symbol PS Symbol Symbol Time s Roma n Time s-Rom an Times Ita lic Times- Italic Times Bol d Tim.
182 Understanding fonts Helvetica-Conde nsed-Bold Helvetica-Conde nsed-Bold Obl Helvetica-Conde nsed-Oblique Stempel Garamond-B old Stempel Garamond-B oldItalic Stempel Garamond-Ita lic Stempel Garamo.
183 Understanding fonts GillSa ns-Bol dItalic GillSa ns-Conden sed GillSan s-BoldCond ensed GillSa ns-Lig ht GillSa ns-Lig htIta lic GillSa ns-Ex traB old Goudy Goudy-I talic Goudy- Bold Goudy -BoldIt.
184 Understanding fonts Readabilit y disc laimer Many f actors can aff ect the readabi lity of bar cod es and opti cal charact er recogni tion (OCR) charact ers, including print er settings , such as Print Resolution, T oner Darkness, and Print Darkness.
185 Using the Local Printer Setup Utility Downloadab le font s Y ou can do wnload scalab le f onts in P ostScript 3 emulation and ei ther scalab le or bitmapped f onts i n PCL 6 emulation. Font s can be downloaded to printe r memor y or to a flash memor y option or hard disk optio n.
186 Using the Local Printer Setup Utility Detailed instructi ons f or using the Local Pr inter Setu p Utility can be f ound in the Local Pr int er Setup Utilit y Help. Make changes in the Local Printer Setup Uti lity to create setti ngs that will apply to al l print jobs.
187 Using the Pri nt and Hold function Using the Print and Hold function When sending a job to the printer , you can speci fy in the driver that you want the printer to hold the job in memor y . When you are ready to print the job , you mu st go to the printer and use the operator panel men us to identi fy which held job you w ant to print.
188 Using the Pri nt and Hold function 3 Press Select . User Name appears on the first li ne of the operat or panel. The second line displ a ys the names of us ers current ly associat ed with Print and Hold jobs . 4 Press and release Men u until y ou see your user name.
189 Using the Pri nt and Hold function Reser ve Prin t If y ou send a Reserve Print job , the printer does not p rint the job i mmediately , b ut stor es the jo b in memor y so y ou can print t he job la ter . The job is held in memory until y ou delete it from the Held Jobs men u.
190 Remov ing op ti onal cards Use the b uttons on the operator panel to enter the f our-digit PIN associated with your confi dential job . The numbers ne xt to the but ton names identify which butt on to press f or each digit (1 – 6). As y ou enter t he PIN, ast erisks are displ a y ed to ensur e confidentia lity .
191 Remov ing op ti onal cards Remo ving option al pr inter memo ry and o ther op tion c ar ds 1 Access the system board: a T ur n the printer pow er off , unplug the printer power cor d, and disconnect all cabl es from the bac k of the printer . b Press the releas e latches to open the upper and lo wer front doors.
192 Remov ing op ti onal cards c Press down on the si de door latches and open the side door . d Loosen, b ut do not remo ve , the six scre ws on the shield. Note: Y ou need a small Phil lips scre wdriver t o loosen t hese scre ws. e Use the tabs t o slide the shiel d up until th e top three scr ews fit into the t hree k eyholes on the sh ield.
193 Remov ing op ti onal cards f Hold the shiel d by th e tabs and lift it off . 2 Locate th e option card y ou want to remov e. 3 Push each latch out at each end of th e connector . 4 Grasp the opti on card and pull it gently out of the conne ctor . 5 Place the card in i ts original packag ing.
194 Remov ing op ti onal cards 6 If y ou need to install a replacement opti onal card on the system boar d, ref er to the Setup Guide . 7 See Reattac hing the shield and c losing the doo rs . Removing an optional flash memor y card or optional firm ware car d 1 Access the system board b y completing step a on page 191 through step f on page 193 .
195 Remov ing op ti onal cards Removing an option card 1 Access the system board b y completing step a on page 191 through step f on page 193 . 2 Locate th e option card y ou want to remov e. 3 Loosen and remov e the two scre ws that secure the card. Sa ve the scre ws.
196 Remov ing op ti onal cards 4 Grasp t he card and gently pull it strai ght up and out of the connector . 5 Place the option card in its original pac kaging. If y ou did not sa ve the original packag i ng, wr ap it in paper and store it in a box f or protection.
197 Remov ing op ti onal cards Reatta ching the shield an d c losin g the doors After y ou hav e installed any type of option card on the printe r system boar d, f ollow these instructions to att ach the shi eld and cl ose th e doors . 1 Grasp the shi eld by the t abs and align the three k e yholes on the shield with the top three scre ws.
198 Remov ing op ti onal cards 2 Close the side door . 3 Close the upper and l ower front doors..
199 Remo ving opti ons Remo ving options If the printer locati on needs to change or the printer and print media handling opti ons need to be shippe d to a ne w location, al l print media ha ndling opt ions m ust be re mov ed from the printer . For shipping, pac k the printer and print media handling opt ions secur ely to a void damage.
200 Remo ving opti ons 2 Push the en vel ope suppor t t o the clo sed position. 3 Open the printer upper front door . 4 Pull the en v elope f eeder up slightly and strai ght out of the printer . Set it aside . 5 Close both front d oors. 6 Ref er to the Setup Guide when y ou are ready t o reattach options .
201 Remo ving opti ons Removing an optional outp ut bin F ollow these instructions t o remo v e any of the output bins: finis her, 5-bin mai lbo x, hi gh-capacity output stac ker , or output e xpander . The f ollowing steps ex plain how t o remov e an output e xpander as an e x ample .
202 Remo ving opti ons 2 Detach the output e xpander remov abl e bin. If y ou are remo ving a 5-bin mailbo x or high-capacity output stack er , skip to step 3 on page 203 . a Lift the edge of the remo v able bin so the lo wer tabs come out of the slots on the out put e x pander .
203 Remo ving opti ons 3 The output bin ma y hav e a wire bail att ached. If so , remov e the tips of the wire bail from the ends of the plastic br ack et on the bottom of the optiona l output bin. Ref er to the Setup Guide when y ou are ready t o reattach the wire bail to an optional output bin.
204 Remo ving opti ons 4 Carefull y lift the option st raight up until it is completel y disconnected from the opti on below it or fr om t he p rinte r . S et it aside. Warning: The edges of the mounti ng brac ket s could damage tab l etops or fa brics.
205 Remo ving opti ons Removing the printer f r om the duplex unit, removing a duplex unit from a drawer and removing a dr awer fr om an other drawer Note: These s ame instructions work f or removing .
206 Remo ving opti ons 2 Carefull y lift t he optional dra wer st raight up until it is co mpletely discon nected from the option belo w it. Set it aside.
207 Understanding the operator panel Understanding th e operator panel This sect ion contai ns inf or mation about understanding the opera tor panel, chan ging printer s ettings , and underst anding oper ator panel menus . Y ou can change most printer settings fr om your soft ware appli cation or printer driv er .
208 Using the operator panel buttons The nu mbers 1 through 6 appear besi de the opera tor panel b uttons in this illu strati on. Y ou use these numbers to ente r y our personal i dentificat ion number (PIN) af ter y ou send a confidential print j ob from the printer driv er .
209 Using the operator panel to change printer settings If y our printer is c onfigured as a netwo rk printer av ailab le to a number of users , it is possi ble that Menus Disab led appears on the di spla y when you press Menu from the Ready stat e.
210 Menus Disabled User def ault settings remain in eff ect until y ou sav e new setti ngs or restore the f actor y def aults. Settings y ou choose from your softw are application can also change or o verride the user def ault setting s you select from the oper ator panel .
211 Using the printer menus Using the printer menus Clic k here f or a one-page ov er view of all t he menus and their men u items . Select a menu fr om the f ollo wing list f or more inf or mation.
212 Using the printer menus Select a menu or menu i tem f or more details Quality Me nu Pri nt Reso lution T oner Da rkness Pic tur eGr ade Utilities Me nu Pri nt Menus Pri nt Net <x> S etup Pri.
213 Using the printer menus Pa p e r M e n u Use the P aper Menu to define the print media loaded in each tr ay and the def ault source and output bin. Select a menu i tem f or more d etails: Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs.
214 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : First sel ect a source : Then select a v alue (*denotes country-specific f actor y def ault values ): P aper T ype Purpose: T o identify the type of paper instal led in each source .
215 Using the printer menus Use this menu i tem to: • Optimize print quali ty f or the specified paper . • Select source s through yo ur software applic ation by selecting type and si ze .
216 Using the printer menus Then select the v alues: See also: Print medi a sizes and support Output Bin Purpose: T o specify the def ault bin f or pr inted material. Va l u e s : Note: If a us er-defined name is a vail abl e, it is displa yed ins tead of Bin <x>.
217 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Overflow Bin Purpose: T o designate an output bin as the ov erflow bin. If Configure Bins is set to Mail Over flow and a speci fic output bi n is f ull, the p r inter aut omatically d iv er ts printed material to the o verf low bi n.
218 Using the printer menus Substitute Siz e Purpose: T o hav e the printer subs titute the spec ified s ize i f the r equested si ze i s not lo aded. Va l u e s : Configure MP Purpose: T o deter mine when the printer selects paper loaded in th e multi pur pose f eeder .
219 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : If En vel ope Enhance is On, you ma y hear a tapping sound as the env elopes print. W e recommend you l eav e Env elope Enhance set to On unless the tappi ng sound is too loud f or you r work area. T o eliminat e this sound, select Off .
220 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : First sel ect a paper type: Then select a v alue: Note: If a user-def ined name is a v ailab le, it i s displa yed instead of Custom <x> W eight.
221 Using the printer menus Finishing Menu Use the Finishing Menu t o define how the printer deliv ers the printed output. Selec t a menu item for more details : Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs. Duplex Purpose: T o set duple xing as the def ault f or all pr int j obs.
222 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : See also: Duplex Copies Purpose: T o set the number of copies you w ant f or the printer def ault v alue. (S et the n umber of copi es requir ed f or a specific job from the printer driv er . V alues sel ected from t he printer driv er alw a ys ov err ide v alues selected fr om the operator panel.
223 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Separator Sheets Purpose: T o insert blank separator sheets between j obs, between m ultiple copies of a job , or bet ween ea ch page of a job . Va l u e s : See also: Separator Sour ce ; Collation Separator Source Purpose: T o specify the source that holds separator sheet s .
224 Using the printer menus Multipage Print Purpose: T o pr int mu ltiple page images on one side of a sheet of paper . Also call ed N-Up or Pa pe r S ave r. Va l u e s : See also: Mult ipag e Border ; Mult ipag e Order ; Mul tipag e View Multipage Order Purpose: T o determine the po sitioning of multi ple page images when using Multipage Print.
225 Using the printer menus Multipage View Purpose: T o deter mine t he orientation of a m ultipage s heet. Va l u e s : See also: Mult ipag e Prin t Multipage Border Purpose: T o pr int a border around eac h page image when using Mult ipage Print.
226 Using the printer menus Staple Prime Src Purpose: T o specify the sourc e you w ant the printer to use when it primes the staple r . Prime Stapler is sel ected from the Job Menu. When a staple ca r tr idge is replaced or a staple jam is cleared, th e printer ma y need to prime the stapler b y stapling a shee t of paper se vera l times .
227 Using the printer menus Selec t a menu item for more details : Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs. Print Menus Purpose: T o pr int a list ing of the current user def ault v alues, the instal led options , the amount of inst alled printer memor y , and the status of printer supplies .
228 Using the printer menus Print Directory Purpose: T o pr int a list of all the resources stor ed in flash memor y or on the hard dis k. Note: Print Directory is av ailabl e only when either a nondef ectiv e flash or disk i s installed and f ormatted, and Job Buff er Size is not set to 100%.
229 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Warning: Remo v ed jobs ar e no longer a vail abl e in the li st of j obs when y ou select Held Jobs or Confi dential Job f rom th e Job Menu. They cannot be restored on the har d disk during the printer pow er-on cycle .
230 Using the printer menus Format Disk Purpose: T o format the printer hard disk. Va l u e s : Warning: Do not turn off the printer while the hard di sk is f orm att ing. Job Acct Stat Purpose: T o pr int a list ing of al l job statistic s stored o n the h ard disk, or to c lear all statistics on the disk.
231 Using the printer menus Selec t a menu item for more details : Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs. Confidential Job Purpose: T o pr int confidenti al jobs st ored in printer memory . (When t he confident ial jo b pr ints , it is automatical ly deleted from printer memory .
232 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : See also: Using the Print and Hol d function ; Printing and deleting held jobs ; Accessing held jobs fr om the operat or panel Cancel Job Purpose: T o cancel the current print job . Note: Cancel Job i s only displa yed if the printer is processi ng a job or has a job in printer memor y .
233 Using the printer menus Print Buffer Purpose: T o pr int an y data stored in the print b uff er . Note: Print Buff er is only a v ailab le when y ou enter the Job Menu w hile Wait ing is displa yed. The W aiting state occurs if an inco mplete job i s sent to the printer or an ASCII job , such as a print screen command, is printing.
234 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Abort Restore Purpose: T o abor t t he restorat ion of held jobs on the hard disk. Quali ty Menu Use the Quality Menu to change printer sett ings aff ecting the quality of printed charac ters and images .
235 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : T one r Darkness Purpose: T o lighten or darken t ex t images , or conserve toner . Va l u e s : Select a l ower val ue f or finer line wi dth and lighter gra yscale images. Sel ect a higher val ue f or bolder line widths or dark er gr ay scale images .
236 Using the printer menus Selec t a menu item for more details : Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs. Printer Language Purpose: T o estab lish the def ault printer language used to communicate data f rom the computer to the printer .
237 Using the printer menus Select a high v alue if your printer is in constant use . Under most circumst ances, this kee ps the printer ready to print with minimum w ar m-up time. Sel ect a val ue between 1 and 240 minutes if you wa nt a balanc e between energy con sumption and a shor ter w arm -up period.
238 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : See also: Prin t Buffer W ait Timeout Purpose: T o specify the amount of time (in seconds) the print er waits to receive addi tional b ytes of data from the computer . When this timeout exp i res , the print job is canceled.
239 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : P age Pr ote ct Purpose: T o successful ly print a page that may oth erwise generat e Compl ex Page e rrors. Va l u e s : If , after selecting On, y ou still cannot print the page , you ma y also hav e to reduce the size and number of f onts on the pa ge, or increase th e installed printer memor y .
240 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : T one r Alarm Purpose: T o specify how the printer respo nds when it is out of toner . Va l u e s : See also: A uto Continue Staple Alarm Purpose: T o specify how the printer respo nds when it is out of stapl es.
241 Using the printer menus Job Accounting Purpose: T o store statistical i nf ormation about y our most recent print jobs on the hard disk. The stat istics include whethe r the job printed with or wi.
242 Using the printer menus PCL Emul Menu Use the PCL Emul Men u to c hange printer se ttings t hat only aff ect j obs using the PCL emulation printer language . Selec t a menu item for more details : Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs.
243 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : The f ont name and f ont ID f or all f onts in the selec ted font source are displa y ed. The f ont source abbre viation is R f or resident, F f or flash, K f or disk, and D f or do wnload. See also: Font Sour ce Po i n t S i z e Purpose: T o change the point siz e f or scalab le typo graphi c f onts.
244 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : A symbol set is a set of alphab etic and numeric char acters , punctuatio n, and special symbols used when printing with a selected f ont. Symbol sets suppor t the diff erent requirement s f or languages or specifi c applications , such as math symbols f or scienti fic te xt.
245 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Tr a y R e n u m b e r Purpose: T o configure y our printer to work with printer driv ers or applicat ions that use dif f erent source assign ments f or the paper tra ys.
246 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : A uto LF a fter CR Purpose: T o specify whether the printer automat ically perf or ms a line f eed after a carriage return control command. Va l u e s : P ostSc ript Menu Use the P ostScript Menu t o change printer s ettings t hat only af f ect jobs using the P ostScript emulati on printer language.
247 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Note: F ont Prior ity is only di spla yed when a f or matted fl ash or hard disk is installed, is neither def ectiv e nor Read/Write or Wr ite protected, and Job Buffe r Size is not set to 100%.
248 Using the printer menus Halftone Purpose: T o specify whether to use the printer def ault halftone screen or the docu ment screen. Va l u e s : Anno tati on Purpose: T o specify whether to print the annotations within the PDF file .
249 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : See also: Printer Langua ge ; PS Sm artSwitch PS Smar tSwitch Purpose: T o configur e the printer so i t automatical ly s witches to P ostScript em ulation when a p r int job recei v ed through the par allel port requi res it, regardles s of the def ault printer l anguage.
250 Using the printer menus P arallel Buffer Purpose: T o configure th e siz e of the parallel input b uffer . Va l u e s : Note: Changing th e P arall el Buff er menu item automatically reset s the printer . See also: Resour ce Save Job Buffering Purpose: T o temporarily store jobs on the printer hard disk bef ore printing.
251 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Protocol Purpose: T o specify the parallel interf ace protocol. Va l u e s : See also: T echnical Ref erence Honor Init Purpose: T o deter mine whether the printer honors hardw are initializat ion requests from the computer .
252 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : P arallel Mode 2 Purpose: T o deter mine whether the paral lel por t data is sampled on the leading or tr ailing edge of strobe . Va l u e s : MA C Binar y PS Purpose: T o configure th e printer to process Maci ntosh binary P ostScript p rint jobs .
253 Using the printer menus PCL Smar tSwitch Purpose: T o configure the printer so it automatic ally s witches to PCL emulati on when a pr int jo b receiv ed through t he netw ork por t requires it, regar dless of the def ault printer l anguage.
254 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Note: Changing th is menu item automatical ly resets the printer . Network Buffer Purpose: T o configure th e siz e of the network input b uff er . Va l u e s : Note: Changing th e Network Buff er menu item automat ically re sets the printer .
255 Using the printer menus MA C Binar y PS Purpose: T o configure th e printer to process Maci ntosh binary P ostScript p rint jobs . Va l u e s : Std Net Setup Purpose: T o configure an internal pr int server . Va l u e s : V alues f or this menu item are supplied b y the specif ic print ser v er .
256 Using the printer menus Select a menu i tem f or more d etails: Note: V alues marked by an asterisk (*) ar e the f actor y def ault setti ngs. PCL Smar tSwitch Purpose: T o configure the printer s.
257 Using the printer menus NPA Mode Purpose: T o specify whether the printer perf or ms the special process ing required f or bidirectional communi cation, f ollowing the con vent ions defined in the Netw ork Pr inti ng Alliance (NP A) Protocol. Va l u e s : Note: Changing th is menu item automatical ly resets the printer .
258 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : Note: Changing th e Job Buff ering menu item automatical ly resets the printer . MA C Binar y PS Purpose: T o configure th e printer to process Maci ntosh binary P ostScript p rint jobs .
259 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : See also: PS SmartSwitch ; Printer Language PS Smar tSwitch Purpose: T o configur e the printer so i t automatical ly s witches to P ostScript em ulation when a p r int job recei v ed through t he serial port requires i t, regardle ss of the def ault printer language .
260 Using the printer menus Serial Buffer Purpose: T o configure th e siz e of the serial input b uff er . Va l u e s : Note: Changing the Serial Buff er menu item automat ically res ets the printer . See also: Resour ce Save Job Buffering Purpose: T o temporarily store jobs on the printer hard disk bef ore printing.
261 Using the printer menus Va l u e s : See also: T echnical Ref erence Robust XON Purpose: T o deter mine whether the printer comm unicates a v ailabilit y to the computer . Va l u e s : This menu it em only applies to the serial por t if Serial Protocol is set to XON/XOFF .
262 Using the printer menus Data Bits Purpose: T o specify the number of data bit s that are sent in each tra nsmissio n frame. Va l u e s : See also: T echnical Ref erence Pa r i t y Purpose: T o select the parity for serial input and output data frames .
263 Using the printer menus Help Menu Use the Hel p Menu to f ind addit ional inf or mation av ailab le about your printer . Quick Reference Purpose: Provi des a quic k glance at major topics about th e printer and giv es easy instructions . Quick Ref erence pages are stor ed inside the printer .
264 Understanding the printer mes sages Understanding th e printer me ssage s The printer opera tor panel displa ys messages describing the current stat e of the printer and indicat es possib le printer probl ems y ou must resolv e.
265 Understanding the printer mes sages Change Car tridge In valid Refill The pr inter ha s detecte d a refil led Pre bate car tr idge. Remov e the indicate d print car tr idge a nd install a new one.
266 Understanding the printer mes sages Disk Corrupted. Reformat? The pr inter ha s attempte d a disk recovery process a nd cannot repair the disk . • Press Go to reformat the disk and delete all file s curren tly stored o n the disk . • Press Stop to clear the messag e without ref or ma tting the disk.
267 Understanding the printer mes sages Held Jobs may be lost The prin ter memor y is too full t o cont inue proc essi ng print jobs . • Press Go to clea r the messa ge and co ntinue prin ting.
268 Understanding the printer mes sages Invalid Network <x> Code The code in a n inter nal pr int s erver is not valid. Th e printe r cannot receive and proc ess jobs until valid code is programmed into the in terna l pr int server . Download valid code to the pr inter inter nal pr int ser ver .
269 Understanding the printer mes sages Menus Disabled The prin ter menus a re disa b led. Y ou cannot chan ge the printer settings from the operator panel . Y ou c an stil l open the J ob Menu to cancel a job that i s prin ting or to select a confiden tial job or a held job that you want to p rint.
270 Understanding the printer mes sages Priming Failed, Retry . Go/Stop? The pr inter failed to p repare the stapler to staple pr int jobs. • Press Go to tr y pr iming the stapler again. • Make sure stapl es are loa ded and there i s no jam in the stapler.
271 Understanding the printer mes sages Queuing Jobs The prin ter is sendi ng one or more held jobs to pr int. W ait for the message to clear . See also : Usi ng the Print a nd Hol d fu ncti on Ready The pr inter is ready to rece ive and process print j obs.
272 Understanding the printer mes sages Restore He ld Jobs. Go/ Stop? Someone reset the pr inter o r tur ned it on, and th e pri nter detects Print and Hold job s stored on the hard disk . • Press Go . All Pri nt and Hold jobs on the har d disk are r estored to prin ter memor y .
273 Understanding the printer mes sages T oner Low The prin t car tr idge is l ow on toner . • Shake the p rint ca r tr idge to utilize the rem aining to ner . • Replace th e pr int car tr idge. • Press Go to clear t he messa ge and conti nue pri nting.
274 Understanding the printer mes sages 32 Unsupported Print Cartridge An unsu ppor ted prin t car tr idge is insta lled. Remov e the pr int car tr idge and install a new one.
275 Understanding the printer mes sages 37 Insuff icient Memor y The pr inter m emor y is ful l and ca nnot cont inue proc essi ng curr ent print j obs .
276 Understanding the printer mes sages 39 Complex P ag e The page may not pr int correc tly beca use the pr int informa tion on the page is too compl e x. • Press Go to clear t he messa ge and conti nue pri nting the job. The job may not pr int correc tly .
277 Understanding the printer mes sages 54 Seri al Optio n <x> Err or The pr inter ha s dete cted a se rial interface error on a seri al por t. • Mak e sure the serial li nk is set up correctl y and you are using th e appropr iate cable. • Press Go to clear t he messa ge and conti nue printi ng.
278 Understanding the printer mes sages 58 T oo Many Bins Attached T oo many optional ou tput bins ar e inst alled on t he pr inter . T ur n off an d unplug th e pri nter .
279 Understanding the printer mes sages 63 Unformatted D isk The prin ter detects an unformatted hard di sk. • Pres s Go to clea r the mes sage and conti nue pri nting. • F or mat the di sk before performi ng any disk ope rations. T o form at the disk, selec t F or mat Disk from t he Util ities Menu.
280 Inde x A A4 Width ( PCL Emul Menu) 244 Abort Restore (J ob Menu) 234 aborting re storation of held jobs 234 Advanced Status (Par allel Menu) 250 Alarm Control (Setup Menu) 239 alarms error message.
281 Index disabling o perator panel menus 174 disk See hard disk Display Language (Setup Menu) 239 Download Target (Set up Menu) 237 downloaded r esources printing 228 resource save 237 storing 237 du.
282 Index guidelines (con tinued) paper (cont inued) unacceptabl e 31 print media 29 printing letterhead 33 H Halftone (PDF Menu) 248 hard disk formattin g 230 printing downloaded re sources 228 setti.
283 Index labels guidelines 36 , 37 printer maint enance 37 laser no tices 1 6 length gu ide 50 letterhead 32 guidelines 32 loading input t ray 53 multipurpose feed er 63 page orientation 33 printing .
284 Index messages (conti nued) 54 Std Networ k Software Error 27 7 55 Unsupported Flash in Slo t X 277 55 Unsupported Option in Slot X 277 56 Parallel Port <x> Di sabled 277 56 Serial Port <.
285 Index messages (conti nued) Staples Empty 272 Staples Low 272 Std Bin Full 272 Toner Low 27 3 Tray <x> Empty 273 Tray <x> Low 273 Tray <x> Missing 273 USB <x> 273 Waiting 2.
286 Index paper jams (conti nued) print media p ath 122 reprinting jammed pages 23 8 Paper Loadi ng (Paper Menu) 220 Paper Menu 213 Assign Type/Bin 217 Configure Bins 216 Configure MP 218 Custom Types.
287 Index PCL SmartSwitch, setti ng (continued) serial port 258 USB port 256 PDF Menu (P ostScript Menu) 247 personal ide ntificati on number See PIN PictureGr ade (Quality M enu) 235 PIN entering at .
288 Index printer (contin ued) taking offl ine (continued) with Stop butt on 208 Printer Language (Setup Menu) 236 printer messages Enter PIN 189 Menus Disabled 209 No Jobs F ound.
289 Index serial port (c ontinued) configuri ng (continued) parity 2 62 PCL SmartSwitch 258 protocol 260 PS SmartSwitch 259 robust XON 261 enabling DSR (Data Set Ready) si gnals 262 Serial Protocol (S.
290 Index U Universal Set up (Paper Menu) 215 unsatisf actory papers 31 USB Buffer (USB Menu) 257 USB Menu 255 Job Buffering 257 MAC Binary PS 258 NPA Mode 257 PCL SmartSwitch 256 PS SmartSwitch 2 56 .
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 630 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 630 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 630, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 630 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 630, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 630.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 630. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 630 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.