Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 47B0002 du fabricant Lexmark
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C790 Series Use r's Gu ide Septemb er 2011 www.lex mark. com Machine t ype(s): 5062 Mod el (s ): 210, 2 30, 235.
Cont ent s Safe ty in form ation. ............ ...... ............. ...... ............ ....... ............ ...... ...... ....11 Learn ing about th e prin ter......... ......... .................... ........... ................... .....13 Than k you fo r ch oosing t his p rint er!.
Updat ing availa ble options in the pr inter dr iver . ....... ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... ...... .............. ...... ..... .. ....... ...... 5 0 Se tting up wire less prin tin g... ....... .... ... ... .... ....... ... .... ... ...
Unacce ptable p aper ..... ....... ...... .............. ...... ....... ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... ....... ............. .... .......... ...... ........ ..... 7 8 Selecting paper ............. ...... ...... ........ ...... ..........
Paper We ight menu ............ ...... ....... ....... ...... .............. ....... ....... ...... ....... ............. ....... ....... .... ......... .............. ... 100 Paper Load ing menu ..... ...... ....... ....... ...... .............. ....
Sec uring th e mem ory be fore m oving t he pri nter ..................................... .149 Statem e nt of Vo latili ty.. ... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... .. ... ... ... ...... ... ... .. .... ..... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ..
Unders tand ing jam num bers and lo cation s.. ..... ... ... ... .. ...... .. ... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... .. .. 16 5 200 pa per j am.. ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... .. ... ... ... ...... ... ..
Load [src ] with [siz e] ..... ...... .............. ...... ....... ....... ...... .............. ...... ...... ........ ...... .............. ...... ....... ............. .... 180 Load [src ] with [t ype] [size]. ....... ............. ....... .......
58 Too many b ins att ached. ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... ....... ............. ...... ........ ...... ...... .............. . ..... ........ ...... .... 188 58 Too many d isks i nstalled ...... .............. ....... ...... ....... ..
Memor y card ........ ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... ........ ............. ....... ...... ....... ....... ............. ....... ...... ....... .............. ... 198 USB/paral lel interf ace card do es not op erate corr ectly ..........
Safety informat ion Connec t the pow er cord to a pro perly gro unded electri cal out let t hat is near the pro duct and easily ac cessible . Do not pl ace or use thi s produ ct near wa ter or wet loca tions. CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJ URY: This pr oduct use s a laser .
CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : Do not se t up this pro duct or m ake any e l ectr ical or cab ling co nn ection s, such as the f ax fe ature, pow er cor d, or tel ephone, during a lig htning st orm. CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor-moun ted co nfigurat ions requ ire add itional furnit ure for sta bility.
Learning about the printer Tha nk you for ch oosing th is p rint er ! We've worked hard to make sure it will meet your needs. To st art usi ng your new pri nter rig ht aw ay, use the se tup m a teria ls that came with the pr inter, an d then skim the Use r’s Guid e to learn how to perf orm basic task s.
Wh at are you lo oking f or? Fi nd it her e Help using the printer software Windows or Mac Help—Open a printer s oftware program or appli cation, and then click He lp . Clic k ? to vi ew context ‑ s ensi tive in forma tion . No t es: • The H elp ins tal ls aut omat ica lly wit h the pr inte r sof twa r e.
– Cl ea n, dr y, a nd f re e of d ust • Allow the fo llowing recomm ende d amount of spa ce ar ound th e printe r fo r pro per ven tilat ion: 1 2 3 4 5 1 15 2.4 mm (6.0 i n.) 2 10 1.6 mm (4.0 i n.) 3 60 9. 6 mm (2 4. 0 in . ) 4 381 m m (15.0 in. ) 5 30 4.
You ca n configu re your bas ic print er by adding o ptional trays. 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 1 Standard exit bin 2 Wire b a il 3 Prin ter cont rol pa nel 4 Standard 550 ‑ sheet tray 5 Opt i on al 5 50 ‑ shee.
Item De sc ri ptio n 4 Sl eep Enables Sleep Mode or Hibernate Mode The following ar e the statuses of the i ndicator light and the Sleep button: • Entering or waking from Sleep Mode—The indicator light is illum inated so li d green, Sleep button is unilluminated.
Understanding the home screen Understa nding th e home screen When the printer is turned on, the display s hows a basic screen, referred to as the home screen.
This may also ap pear on the home screen: To uc h To Search Held J obs Search current held jobs . Using the touch-screen buttons Note: Your hom e sc reen, icons , and bu tton s may va ry dependi ng on yo ur ho me scre en custom iza tion set tings, administ ra tive setu p, and active em bedded s olutions .
To uc h To 6 L eft sc roll dec re ase Scro ll t o anoth er v alue in de crea sing or der. 7 Dow n a r row Sc ro ll do wn . 8 Accept S ave a setting. 9 Canc el • Ca ncel an ac tion or a s election. • Cancel out a screen and re turn to the previous screen.
Fe atu res Featur e Des cr ipti o n M enu trai l line: Men u s > Settings > Print Setting s > Number of Copies A menu trail line is located at the top of each menu screen. T his feature acts as a trail , showing the path taken to arrive at the cur rent menu.
Setting up and using the home screen applications Notes: • Your hom e screen, ic ons , and bu ttons may va ry depe nding on your ho me sc reen cust om ization se tting s, admini strative setup, and act ive embedded appli catio ns. Some applic ations a re supp orted o nly on select p rinter models .
Background and Idle Sc reen Icon De scr ip ti on The appl ication lets you customiz e the background and i dle screen of your printer home screen. To chang e the bac kgroun d of th e printer home s cr.
Show room Icon Des cr iptio n The application lets you create and display a c ustomized slide show on the touch screen of your pr inter. You can s pecify how l ong each slide i s displayed, a nd images can be loaded eit her from a flash dri ve or through the p rinter Embedded Web Ser ver.
Imp ort ing a co nfig ura tio n 1 From t he Embe dd ed Web S erver, c lick Settings or Confi guration . 2 Click Devic e Solutio ns > Soluti ons (eSF ) , or click E mbe dd e d S o l ut i ons . 3 From I nstalle d Solut ions, c lick the name of the applica tion you want to c onfigure .
Additional printer setup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or inst alling optional hardw are or me mory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before con tinuing.
Usin g the s ecuri ty lo ck f eat ure The printe r is equi pped wit h a s ecurity loc k feature. W hen a lock com patible wi th most lapt op compu ters is att ached, the printer is locked. On ce locked, th e metal plate and the s ystem boar d cannot be removed.
Acce ssing the sy ste m boa rd CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or inst alling optional hardw are or me mory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before con tinuing.
b Shift t he m etal panel t o the l eft to diseng age t he ho oks, then pull forw ard to remo ve it. 3 Use the fo llowing illus tration t o locate the a ppropriate c onnector s. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Sy st e m board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity.
4 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Sy st e m board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity. Touc h somet hing m etal on t he print er bef ore to uching any system boar d electr onic comp onent s or connec tors.
Installing a memory card CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or inst alling optional hardw are or me mory de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before con tinuing.
4 Align t he notc hes o n the memo ry card t o the r idges o n the co nnector. 1 2 1 Notch 2 Rid ge 5 Push the memo ry card straig ht into the c onnector until it c licks into plac e.
Installing a flash memory or firmw are card The syste m boa rd ha s two connect io ns for an opt iona l fla sh mem ory or fi rmw are c ard . Only o ne of ea ch may be inst al led, but the connec tors are i nte rchange able.
Note s: • The entir e length of the co nnector on the car d must touch and be f lush against t he sys tem boar d. • Be carefu l not t o damag e the co nnectors. 5 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Ins ta lli ng an In t ern al S o lut ion s Po rt The syst em bo ard suppor ts on e optional Lexmark In ter nal Solut ion s Port ( ISP).
5 Remove the metal cover from the ISP opening. 2 1 6 Align t he pos ts of the plastic tee to the holes on t he system board , and pr ess d own until t he tee cli ck s into p lace. Be sure each post of the tee has latched c ompletely, an d the tee is seated firmly on th e system board.
7 Install the ISP on the plastic tee. Angle th e ISP over th e plastic tee, and then slant it toward the plast i c tee s o that any overhan ging connectors w ill p ass throug h the IS P opening in the s ystem boa rd cag e. 8 Lower the ISP towar d th e plastic tee until the ISP is seated b etween the guides of the plastic tee.
9 Inse rt the lon g thumbsc rew and turn it c lockwis e, enough to hold the ISP in place, but do not ye t tighten the thum bscrew . 10 Attach the two pr ovided screw s to secure th e ISP moun ting brac ket to the system board ca ge. 11 Tig hten the long thum bscrew .
13 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Instal ling a print er hard disk Note: This ta sk requ ire s a flathe ad scre wd rive r. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you a re acces sing t he system boar d or in.
3 Locate the appropr iate connector on the system bo ard. No te : If an optio nal IS P is currently installed, then t he printer hard disk must be insta lled onto the ISP. To ins tall a pri nter har d dis k onto the ISP: a Using a f lathead s crewdriver, l oosen the screws .
c Alig n the st andoffs of the pri nter hard d isk t o the holes in t he ISP, and then pres s dow n on the prin ter hard disk unti l the st andoff s are in plac e. d I nsert the plug o f the pr inter ha rd di sk interf ace cable into t he r eceptacle of the ISP.
To ins tall a pri nte r hard dis k direc tly on the s yst em boa rd: a Alig n the stand off s of t he pri nter har d dis k to th e holes i n the syst em bo ard, and then pr ess do wn on t he pri nter hard di sk until th e standoffs are in place. b Use t he two provi ded scre ws to at tach t he pri nter har d disk moun ting brac ket.
4 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Addit ional prin ter setup 42.
Remo ving a print er hard dis k Note: This ta sk requ ire s a flathe ad scre wd rive r. Warning—P otential Damage: System board electronic components are easily damaged by static electric ity. Touch some thing met al o n the printer befo re touc hing a ny system bo ard electro nic c omponent s or co nnectors.
4 Set the p rinter hard disk as ide. 5 Reattach th e system boar d cover. Ord er o f in s talla ti on CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJ URY: Th e pr i nt er we ig ht is g re a te r t h an 1 8 k g (4 0 lb ) a n d r eq u ire s two o r mo re tr ained personn el t o lift it s afely.
3 Turn the pr inter o ff. 4 Align the p rinter with the tray, and the n lower the prin ter into pla ce. No te : Opti onal trays lo ck together when sta cked. When ne cessary, rem ove stac ked trays one at a time from the to p down. 1 2 3 1 Standard 5 50-s heet tray ( Tray 1) 2 Option al 550-sheet trays 5 Turn the p rinter back on .
2 1 1 Standard bin 2 Finis her bin Standard bi n • The pape r c apacit y is 50 0 sheet s. • Fi nishing options are no t suppo rted in t his bin. • Enve lopes are rout ed her e. Finis her bin • The pape r c apacit y is 50 0 sheet s. • Enve lopes, A5, A6 and st atemen t pape r sizes are not s uppor ted in t his bin.
Finishing features Paper si ze Two ‑ hole pu nch Three ‑ or f ou r ‑ ho le punc h 5 ‑ bin mai lbo x 500-Sh eet S taple Finis her A4 A5 X X X Execu tive Folio X JIS B5 Leg a l L etter Statement.
1 2 1 US B p or t Warn ing—P ote ntia l Dama ge: Do not touch the USB cabl e, any netwo rk adapter, or the pri nter in the ar ea shown while actively printing.
Printing a network set up pa ge If th e pri nter is attach ed to a n etwork, then print a net w or k setup pa ge to ve rify the network co nnection. T his pa ge also pro vides im portant informatio n that aids network pri nti ng configur ation.
Updat ing ava ilable opt ions in the pri nter dri ver Once the pri nter sof tware and any opt ion s a re installed, it may be necessar y to manually add the optio ns in the pri nter driver to make them available for print jobs. For Wi ndow s us er s 1 Open the printers folder: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run .
• SSID —The SSID is also referred to as the network name. • Wirele ss Mode ( or Net work Mo de) —The mode will b e either infrastr ucture or ad ho c. • Channe l (for ad hoc network s) —The channel defaul ts to aut o for i nfrast ructure networ ks.
1 Connec t the powe r cable to the print er and then to a proper ly grounded e lect rical outle t, and then turn the pri nter on . 1 2 Make sure t he print er an d compu ter are f ully on and ready. Do not con nect the USB cable until instructed to d o so on the computer s creen.
6 Temporarily connect a USB cable between the computer on the wireless network and the pr inter. No te : After th e printer is conf igured, the so ftware will instruc t you to disco nnect the tempora ry USB cable so you c an pri nt wire lessl y. 7 Follow the instructions o n t h e computer screen.
Enter the printe r information 1 Acce ss the AirPort options: In Ma c OS X ve rs i o n 1 0. 5 o r l at er From the Appl e menu, n aviga te to: Sys tem P refer ences > Net work > AirPort In Ma c OS X ve rs i o n 1 0.
c Select a d est ination, and then clic k Cont inue . d From the Easy Inst all screen, click In s t al l . e Type t he user passwo rd, and t hen click OK . All nece ssary app lications are ins talled in the com puter. f Click Clo se wh en install ation is complete.
For Wi ndow s us er s 1 Insert the Softw are and Docu mentat ion CD . If t he install ation sc reen does n ot appear after a minute , then l aunch t he CD manua lly: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run . b I n the Start Sea rch or Run box, type D: set up .
In Mac OS X ve rsion 10.4 or earlier 1 From t he Fi nder, na vigat e to : Applic ations > Utilit ies 2 Double ‑ click Printer Se tup Utilit y or Pri nt Ce nte r . 3 From t he Prin ter Li st, cl ick Add , and then click IP Print er . 4 Type in t he pri nter IP addr ess i n the address f ield, and then c lick Add .
Cha ng ing po rt sett in gs afte r in st alli ng a new n e twor k Inte rna l So luti ons Por t When a new Lexma rk Intern al So lutions Port (ISP) is inst alled i n the print er, the prin ter c onfigurat ions on com puters that access t he printer must be u pdated since th e printer will be assigned a new IP address.
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
After ins talling t he serial or commun ication (C OM) port, c onfigure the pr inter an d the c omputer so t hey can comm unicate . Make sure you have conn ected the se rial c able to the COM por t on you r pr inter. 1 Set the p arameters in the p rinter: a From the print er c ontrol panel, na vigate to t he me nu with por t setting s.
Minimizing your printe r's envi ronment al i mpac t Lexmark is c ommi tted to en vironm ental sus ta inabili ty and is conti nually impr oving its pr inters to reduc e the ir i mpact on the environ ment. We design with the environ ment in mi nd, engin eer our packaging to reduce materials, and pr o vide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Avo id pa per jam s Corr ectly set the pap er t ype and size to a void pa per j ams. F or more infor mation , see “Avoid ing jam s” on pag e 165. Print in black and white To prin t all t ext and grap hics usi ng only the bla ck print cartri dge, set th e printer to Blac k Only.
Choose To Off Note : Sel ec ti ng Photo from th e driver may di sable Quiet Mo d e . Use factory defaul t settings. This setting supports the performance specifications of yo ur pr inter. On Reduce printer noise. • Prin t jobs will pr ocess at reduced speed.
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
Recycling Lexmark pro ducts To re turn Lexm a rk produc ts f or r ecyc lin g: 1 Vis it our Web sit e at ecycle . 2 Fi nd the pr oduct t ype you w ant to rec ycle, and then selec t your count ry or r eg ion from the list . 3 Follow the instructions o n t h e computer screen.
Loading paper an d specialty media This sec tion ex plains how to load the 550 -sheet tr ay, an optional 2 ,000- sheet tray, a mu ltipurpose f eeder, and an optio nal 550 -sh eet speci alty medi a draw er. It als o includ es inf orm ation about p aper orient atio n, setti ng the P aper Si ze and Pap er Ty pe, and li nking and unlinki ng trays.
Load ing th e stan dard or opt iona l 550 ‑ sheet tray The pri nte r has one standard 55 0 ‑ shee t tray (Tray 1), and may have one or mor e optional 55 0 ‑ sheet trays.
2 Squeeze and then slide the wid th guide to the cor rect position for the paper size you are loading. 3 Squeeze and then slide the lengt h guide to th e correct position for the pap er size you are loading. No te : The leng th guide has a loc king devic e.
Note s: • Place the print si de fac edown f or d uplex print ing. • Place p re-punch ed pa per wit h the holes towar d the fr ont of the tray. • Place letterheads faceup with the header on the left side of the tray. • Place l etterh eads fac edown wi th th e header o n the right si de of the tray fo r duplex printi ng.
Loadi ng the 2000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capacity feeder The hig h ‑ capacity f eede r can ho ld up to 2, 000 shee ts o f A4 ‑ , letter ‑ , or legal ‑ size paper (8 0 g/m 2 or 20 lb ). CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJ URY: To reduce the r isk of equipm ent ins tability, load each paper drawer or tray separately.
4 L oa d p a pe r i nto th e tr ay w ith the pr in t si de fa ce up . ABC No te : Make sure t he paper is belo w the maximum fill line located on the edge of the paper tr ay. Overloading the t ray ca n cause pap er j ams. Note s: • Place p re-punch ed pa per wit h the holes towar d the fr ont of the tray.
Loadin g the multi purpose feeder The mult ipu rpose feed er c an hold se ver al size s and t ypes o f print media , such as transp arenc ies, labels, card stoc k, and envelo pes. It c an be us ed for sin gle-page or manu al pri nting, or a s an ad ditional tray.
3 Flex the sheets of paper or specialty media back and forth to loosen them. Do not fold or crease them. Straighten the edges on a level surface. Paper Enve l ope s Transparenci es No te : Avoid scratchi ng or touc hing the p rint sid e. 4 Push the paper pic k tab, and the n load t he pa per or specialty m edia.
• Load envelope s with the flap s ide up and to the r ight. Warning—P otential Damage: Never use envelop es with stamps, clasps, s naps, windo ws, co ated linin gs, or self ‑ st ick adh esive s. These envel opes m ay se verely d amag e the print er.
Un linking tr ays Note: Trays that do no t have t he same settin gs as any o ther tray are not li nked. Change one o f the follow ing tray s ettings: • Paper Type Paper Type na mes descri be the paper charac teristic s.
Ass igning a custom pa per t ype name 1 From the home screen, navigate to : > Pap er Menu > Pa pe r S iz e /T y pe 2 Select the tray n umber or MP Feeder Type. 3 Touc h the lef t or r ight arro w un til Cu sto m T ype [x ] or another c ustom n ame appear s.
Paper and specialty media guide Paper guidelin es Paper characterist ics The fol lowing paper character istics af fect pri nt qualit y and relia bility.
Fib er cont en t Most h igh ‑ quality x erograp hic paper is ma de fr om 100% chemic ally treate d pulpe d wood . This c ontent pro vides t he paper wit h a high degree of stabili ty resul ting in f ew er paper fe eding problem s and better pri nt qualit y.
Prepr inted paper s such as le tte rhead m ust be able to wit hstand t emper atures up to 190 °C (374°F ) withou t melti ng or rel easing haz ardo us em issio ns.
Sup p ort ed pa pe r si z es, ty pes , an d w e ight s The fol low ing tables pr ovide in for mation on stan dard and op tional pa per in put sour ces and t he type s of pa per t hey sup port. Note: To use a pape r siz e that is unlist ed, confi gure a U niversal Paper S ize.
Paper si ze Dimension s Sta nda rd 550 ‑ sheet tray (T r ay 1) Opti on al 550 ‑ sheet tray Opti on al 2, 000 ‑ sheet tra y Mult ip urp ose feeder Duplexer Univ ersa l Note : Turn si ze sen sing off t o support universal sizes that are cl ose to standard medi a size s .
Paper ty pe Standard 550 ‑ sheet tr ay (Tray 1) Opti on al 550 ‑ sh eet tray Opti on al 2, 00 0 ‑ sheet tray Mult ip urp ose feeder Duple x er Paper • Plain • Recycled • Gl ossy • He a v.
Prin ting This c hapter c over s printi ng, pri nter rep orts, an d jo b cance lation. T he sel ection and ha ndling of paper and s peci alty medi a can aff ect ho w reliably d ocument s print . Fo r more inform ation, see “A voiding j ams ” on pag e 165 and “ Stor ing paper” o n page 79 .
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
2 From t he p rinter control pa nel, touc h the do cument you want to pri nt. 3 Touc h the ar rows to in crease the num ber of copies to print, and t hen touch Pr int . Note s: • Do not r emove the flash d rive f rom the USB po rt until t he do cument has finis hed pr inting .
Pr inti ng s pe cia lt y d ocu men t s Tips on using letterhea d • Use letterhead d esig ned specific ally for laser pr inters. • Print samples on the letterh ea d being considered for use before buying large quantities. • Before loading letterhead, fl ex the sheets to prevent them from sticking together .
• Use only ne w enve lope s from undama ged pac kages. • To optim ize per formanc e an d mini mize jams , do no t use e nvelop es that: – Have excessive curl or twist. – Are stuck togeth er or damaged in any way. – Have window s, holes, per forat ions, cutout s, or embos sing.
Tips on us ing card stock Card st ock is heavy , single ‑ p ly specialty media. M any of its variable charac teristic s, such as moi sture content , thickness, and textur e, can sig nificant ly imp act print quali ty. Print samples on the ca rd stock bein g considered for use b efore buying large quantities.
Printing con fid ential a nd other hel d jobs Note: Confident ial and Ve rify pr int j obs are aut omati cally delet ed from m emor y after p rinting . Rep eat and Rese rve jobs ar e held i n the print er until you choose to d elete them . For Windows u sers 1 With a document open, c lick File > Pri nt .
Printing a direct ory list A dire ctory l ist show s the r esour ces stored in a f lash m emor y or o n the print er hard disk. From the home scr een, navigate to: > Repor ts > Pr int D irec tory Can cel in g a pr int jo b There ar e sev eral m ethods f or can celing a print j ob.
4 From t he p rinter window, s elect the pr int jo b you want to canc el. 5 From th e icon bar at th e top of the wi ndow, cl ick the Delete icon. Prin ting 91.
Understanding pr inter menus Me nu s li st Su ppli es Pap er Me nu Rep ort s Sett i ngs Cyan Ca rt ridg e Magenta C artridge Ye llow C artridg e Blac k C artri dge Waste Toner Bottl e Fus er Tra ns fe.
Suppl i es menu Men u it e m Des cr ipt io n Cyan Cartrid ge Earl y W arnin g Inva lid Crit ical ly Low Missing Defecti ve OK Unsupported Shows th e status o f the cyan print car tridge Magen ta Cartr.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt io n Fuser Earl y W arnin g Low Replace Missing OK Sho ws t h e sta t us o f the fuse r Tra ns f e r mo d u le Earl y W arnin g Low Replace Missing OK Shows th e status o f the.
Paper Size/Type menu Men u it e m De scri ptio n T ray [x] Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti v e Ofic io ( Mexico ) Fol i o Statement Universal A4 A5 JI S B5 Specifies the paper size loaded in each tray Note s: • Letter is the US factory defa u lt setting.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n MP Fe e de r Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti v e Ofic io ( Mexico ) Fol i o Statement Universal 7 3/4 En ve l ope 9 Env el o pe 10 E n ve lo pe DL Envelope C5 E n velo pe B5 E .
Men u it e m De scri ptio n Manu a l Pa per Size Letter Legal Exe cuti v e Ofic io ( Mexico ) Fol i o Statement Universal A4 A5 A6 JI S B5 Specifies the size of the paper being manual ly loaded Note : Letter is the US f actory default setting . A4 i s the i nternational factory default setting.
Configure M P m enu Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Co nfi gure MP Cassette Manual Fi rs t Determines when the printer selects paper from the multipurpose feeder No te s: • Cassette is the factory default s etting. Cassette configures the multipurpos e feeder as the automatic paper source.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Glo ssy Textu re Normal Rough Smooth Speci fies the relative texture of the glossy paper l oaded No te : Nor mal is the factory defa ult setti ng. Heavy Gl ossy Te xture Normal Rough Smooth Speci fies the relative texture of the glossy paper l oaded No te : Nor mal is the factory defa ult setti ng.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Heav y T ext ure Normal Rough Smooth Speci fies the relative texture of the pap er loaded No te : Nor mal is the factory defa ult setti ng. Roug h /C ott on T ext ur e Rough Specifies the relative textu re of the c otton paper loaded No te : Rough is the factory def ault setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Viny l Lab els W eight Normal He a vy Lig ht Sp ecif ies t he rela tive w eig ht of viny l labe ls loa ded Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting. Bond W ei gh t Normal He a vy Lig ht Specifies the relative weig ht of the bond paper loaded Note : N ormal is the factory defaul t setting.
Paper Loading m enu Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Card St ock Loadin g Off Duplex Determines whether 2 ‑ sided printing o ccurs for all print jo bs that specify Card Stock as the paper type Note : Off is the factory defa ult settin g.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Heavy Lo ad ing Off Duplex Determines whether 2 ‑ sided printing o ccurs for all print jo bs that specify Heavy as the paper type Note : Off is the factory defa ult settin g.
Cust om Nam es me nu Men u it e m Def ini tio n Custom Name [x] [none] Specify a custom name for a paper type. This nam e replaces the Custom Type [x] nam e in the printer menu s.
Bin Set up me nu Men u it e m Desc rip tio n Outp ut B in Standar d Bin Bin [x] Specifies the def ault exit bin Note : Standard Bin i s the factory default setting . Co nf igur e Bi ns Mailb ox Link Mail Over flow Link Opt ional Typ e As si gnme nt Specifies c onfiguration op tions for exi t bins Note s: • Mailbox is t he factory default setting.
Repor ts menu Reports m enu Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Men u S ett in gs Pa ge Prin ts a repo rt cont aini ng in for mation abo ut the pa per load ed int o tray s, ins talle d memory, tota l page c o.
Netw ork/ Ports men u Act ive N I C me nu Men u it e m Desc ri pti on Activ e NI C Aut o [li st of available network cards] Note s: • Auto is th e fac tory default setting. • Th is men u item a ppear s only if a n optio nal ne twork card is insta lled.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Net wo r k B uff er Aut o 3KB to [ maxim um si ze allo wed] Sets the s ize of the network input buffer No t es: • Auto i s the factor y default s etting.
Netwo rk Repo rts menu This men u is avai lable from the Network/Ports menu: Network/P orts > Standa rd Net work or Ne t wo r k [x ] > Standard Network Setup or Netw or k [x ] Setu p > Report.
Men u it e m De sc ript io n IP Address Lets yo u view or change the current TCP/ IP address Note : Man ually setting the IP addr ess sets the Enable DHC P and Enabl e Auto I P settings to Off. It a lso s ets Enable BOOTP and Enable RA RP t o Off on systems that support BOOTP and RAR P.
Network/P orts > Standa rd Net work or Ne t wo r k [x ] > Standard Network Setup or Netw or k [x ] Setu p > IP v 6 Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Enab le IPv 6 On Off En able s I Pv6 in the p rinter Note : On is the f actory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Net wo r k M od e Ad h oc Infr astructure Specifies the network mode Note s : • Ad hoc i s the fac tory default s etting. This c onfigures wirel ess connection directly between the pr inter and a com puter. • Infrastructure l ets the pr inter access a networ k using a n access point.
Standard U SB menu Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Sets the printer to automati cally switch to PCL emula tion when a print job r eceived through a USB po rt requires it, regardless of the default printer lang uage Note s: • On is the factory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n Job Bu ffe ring Off On Aut o Temporar ily stores pri nt jobs on the pri nter hard di sk before printing Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setting. • On buffers jobs on the printer hard disk. • Auto buffers print jobs only i f the p rinter is bu sy processing data from another inp u t p or t .
Men u it e m De scr iptio n NP A Mo de Aut o On Off Sets the pri nter to perform the s pecial processing r equired for bidirectional communication following the conventi ons defined by the NPA protocol Note s: • Auto i s the factor y default s etting.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Hono r Init Off On Deter mines if the printe r hon ors pri nter h ardwa re initi aliz at ion req uests from the computer Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • The com puter requests initialization by activating the Init s ignal from the paralle l port.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n PS S ma r tSwi tc h On Off Sets the pri nter to automatically switch to PS emulation when a pr int job rec eived through a serial p ort requires it, regardless of the defa ult printer languag e Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Prot oc o l DTR DTR/DSR XON/XOF F XON/XOF F/DTR XONXO FF/DTRDS R Selects the hardware and software handshaking settings for the s erial port Note s: • DTR is the fac tory default setting. • DTR /DSR is a hardware hands haking setting.
SMTP Set up men u Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Primar y S MTP Ga teway Spe cifie s SMTP se rver ga tewa y and po rt inform at ion Note : 25 is the def ault SMTP gateway por t.
Secur ity menu Misc ell aneou s Se curity S ett ings men u Men u it e m De scri ptio n Lo gi n R es tr ic ti on Login fai lures 1–1 0 Fai l ure ti me fra me 1–6 0 Lockout ti me 1–6 0 Panel L ogi.
Men u it e m Des c ript io n Ve ri f y Jo b Ex p ir a ti on Off 1 ho ur 4 ho ur s 24 hours 1 week Sets a time limit on h ow long the printer s tores print jobs needing ve rification Reserve Job Expira.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Aut oma ti c Meth od Single pass Mult iple pa ss Automatic wiping marks al l disk space used by a previous print job and does not perm it th e file sys tem to reuse this sp ace un til it h as been cleare d.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Co nf igur e Log Enab le A udit No Yes Ena ble Re mo te Sy slo g No Yes Rem ote Sys l og Faci lity 0–2 3 Severity of events to l og 0–7 Specifies whether and how audit logs are c reated Note s: • Enable Aud it determin es if events are recorded in th e secure audi t log and rem ote syslog.
Set ting s menu Ge neral Sett ings me nu Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Disp lay L ang uag e Engl is h Fr an ca is Deutsch Italia no Esp anol Gre ek Dansk Nors k Nederlands Sve ns k a Portuguese Suo m i .
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Qu ie t M od e Off On Reduces the amount of noise pr odu ced by the printer Note s : • Off is th e fac t ory defaul t setting. This setting supports the performance specifications of your printer. • On configures the printer to produce as littl e noise as possible.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Paper Si ze s US Metric Spec ifi es the default paper m easurement Note s : • The i nitial setting is determined by your c ountry or r egion sele cti on in the initial setu p wiza rd. • Changing this also changes the d efault setti ng for eac h input sour ce in the Paper Size/Type menu.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Disp laye d Inf orm ati on Waste Toner Bottle Pape r Jam Load Pape r S erv i ce Er r ors Let s yo u cu s tom iz e th e d is pla yed inf or m at ion for Wa s te T on er Bott.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Ou tpu t Ligh ting Normal/ Standby Mode Off Dim Brig ht Sleep Mode Off Dim Brig ht Sets the am ount of light from the option al exit bi n Note s : • Dim is the factory def ault se tting for Normal/Stand by Mode if Eco ‑ Mode is se t to Energy or Energy/Paper.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Alar ms Al ar m C ont r o l C art ri d ge Al a rm Stapl e Alarm Hole Punch Alarm Sets an alar m to s ound when the pr inter requir es user intervention Available options for each alar m type ar e: Off Si ng le Continuous Note s : • Single is the f actory default setting for Alarm Control and Cartridge Alarm.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Timeouts Wai t T imeo ut Disabled 15– 655 35 Sets the am ount of time (in s econds) the printer waits for additional da ta before c anceling a print j ob Note s : • 40 seconds is the f actory defaul t setting. • Wa it Time out is a vaila ble on ly whe n the pri nte r is usin g PostScript em ulation.
Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Press Sleep Button Sleep Hi be rn a te Do No thing Determines how the printer, while in Idle state, reacts to a short press of the Sleep bu tton Note s : • Sleep is the factory default s etting. • Sleep or Hibernate sets the printer to operate at a lower power configurati on.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Paper So urc e Tr ay [x ] MP Feeder Manual Paper Manuel Envelope Sets a default paper source for all pr int jobs Note : Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting. Color Colo r Black On ly Generates color outputs Note : Color i s the factory default s etting.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Paper Sa ver Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Sp ecif ies t hat mu lti ple ‑ pag e images be pri nted on one side of a paper Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • The nu mber selected is t he number of page im ages that will print per side.
Setup me nu Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Pr int er L ang uage PS E mulat io n PCL E mul atio n Sets the default pr inter language Note s : • PS Emulation is the factory default setting. PostScript emulation uses a PS interpreter f or processing print jobs.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Downl oa d Targ et RAM Fl ash Disk Sets the storage location for downloads Note s : • RAM is the f actory defaul t setti ng. Storing do wnloads in RAM is t em pora ry. • Storing downl oads i n flash memory or on a printer hard disk places th em in per manent s torage.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n L og Ac tion at En d of Fre q uenc y None E ‑ ma il Curre nt Lo g E ‑ mail & Delete Current Log Post C u rren t Log Post & Delet e Cu rrent Lo g Determines how the printer responds when the f requency threshold expires Note : None is the factory def ault se tting.
F ini shi n g men u Men u it e m De scr iptio n Si de s (D u ple x) 1 si de d 2 si de d Specifies whether duplex (2 ‑ sided) printing is set as the default f or all pr int jobs Note s: • 1 sided is the factory default setting. • You can set 2 ‑ sided printing from the s oftware program.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Paper Sa ver Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Sp ecif ies t hat mu lti ple ‑ pag e images be pri nted on one side of a paper Note s: • Off is the factory de fault setti ng. • The nu mber selected is t he number of page im ages that will print per side.
Qu ali ty menu Men u it e m De scri ptio n Prin t Mode Colo r Black On ly Specif ies whether i mages are pr inted in monochrome g rayscale o r in col or Note s: • Color is the factory def ault setting. • The printer dr iver is capable of overriding this settin g.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n RGB Br i ghtn e ss ‑ 6 to 6 Adjusts brig htness in col or outputs Note s: • 0 i s the factor y default s etting. • This does not a ffec t files wher e CMY K color sp ec ifica tions a re used. RGB C ont r ast 0–5 Adjusts contrast in col or outp uts Note s: • 0 i s the factor y default s etting.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n Manu a l C ol or RGB Im age sRG B Dis p lay Displa y—True B lack sRG B Viv id Off Vivid RGB T ext sRG B Viv id Off Vivid sRG B Dis p lay Displa y—True B lack RGB Graphi.
Utili ties menu Men u it e m De scr iptio n Remove H eld J obs Con fi de nt ial He ld Not R estored Al l Removes confidential and held jobs from the pri nter hard disk Note s: • Selecti ng a setti ng affects onl y print jobs that are re sident in the printer.
XPS me nu Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n Print E rror Pages Off On Prints a page containing information on errors, including XML markup err ors Note : Off is the fac tory default setti ng. PDF menu Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n Sc a le to Fi t No Yes Scales pag e content to fit the s elected paper size Note : No i s the f actory default setting.
PCL Emul menu Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n Fo nt So urc e Resident Disk Downloa d Fl ash Al l Specifies the s et of fonts used b y the Font N ame menu i tem Note s: • Resident is the factory default setting. I t shows the fac tory default set of fonts downloaded i n RAM.
Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n PCL E m ul atio n Se ttin g s Or ie nt ation Portra it Landscap e Sp ecifies the o rientation of text and graphics on a page Note s: • Portrait is the factory defaul t setting. • Portrait prints text and g raphics parallel to the short e d ge of the page.
Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n Tray Ren umber View Facto ry Defau lts MPF De fault = 8 T1 De fault = 1 T2 De fault = 4 T3 De fault = 5 T4 De fault = 20 T5 De fault = 21 Env Default = 6 MPaper Defaul t =.
Men u it e m Desc r ipt io n Font Siz e 1– 255 pt Sets the default font s ize for HT ML documents Note s: • 12 pt is the factor y default s etting. • Font size can be incr eased in 1 ‑ po int inc rements. Sc a le 1– 400% Scales the default font for HTML documents Note s: • 100% i s the fac tory default setti ng.
Men u it e m De scr iptio n Orien tat ion Portra it Landscap e Rev P ortra it Rev Landscape Sets the im age orientation Note : Port rait is the fa ctory d efault setti ng. Help menu The Help menu consi sts of a ser ies of Help pages t hat are sto red in the printe r as PDF f iles.
Securing the memory before mo ving the printer Sta teme nt of Vo lati li ty Your pr inter conta ins var ious types of memor y that are capabl e of storing dev ice an d net work sett ings, in format ion from em bedded s olution s, and user d ata. Th e types of memor y—along w ith the t ypes of data stor ed by eac h—are descri bed be low.
Era sing n on ‑ vola til e memory • Indi vidual se tt ings, de vice and ne twork se tting s, se curit y set tings, and e mbedde d solut ions —E ra se in form a tio n and se tting s by sel ecting Wi pe All Setti ngs in the C onfi guration menu.
Co nf ig ur ing pr in te r har d dis k encr yp ti o n Note: Your pri nter ma y not have a har d dis k installed . Enablin g hard dis k enc ryptio n h elps prevent t he los s of s ensitiv e data in the e vent yo ur prin ter or i ts har d di sk is st ol en.
Maintaining the printer Perio dically, c ertain t ask s are re quired t o mai ntain op timum pr int qual ity. Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make su re that the pri nter is t urned of f a nd unplug ged fro m the wa ll outlet.
3 Locat e the four print head len ses. 4 Clean the lenses using compressed air. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Do not touc h the pr inthead l enses. 5 Reinsta ll the print cartridges. 6 Close the f ron t door . Stor in g suppl ies Choose a c ool, cle an stora ge area for the pri nter suppl ies.
• High humi dit y above 8 0% • Salt y air • Cor ros ive g ases • Heavy dust Checking the status o f supp lies A message appears on the display when a replacement supply item is needed or when maintenance is required.
Recommende d p rint cartridge and part number Part na me Lexmark Return Program Cartridge R egular cartridge Cyan Pr in t Cartr id ge Cyan Extra High Yield Print Cartridge C792A 1CG C792 X1C G C792A2C.
Orderin g a cleaning ki t Use the wet and dr y wipe s from the clean ing kit to cl ean the t ouch scre en. Part na me Part n umber Clean ing kit (wet and dry wipes) 40X 0392 Re pl ac in g s u pp l ies Replac ing a print cartridge 1 Open the fron t door.
3 Place the old cartridge in the replacement car tridge shipping box, and then a ttach the r eturn lab el to the box f or shipping . 4 Unpac k a new print car tridge . Warning—Pot ential D amage: Be careful no t to to uch the phot ocondu ctor dr um.
5 Shake the new cartridge front ‑ to ‑ back an d side ‑ to ‑ side to evenly distribute the to ner. 6 Remo ve th e red pa cking s trip f rom th e new car tridge . 7 Insert the new cartridge into the prin ter, and then push the green handl e b ack i n place.
8 Close the f ron t door . Replac ing the wa ste ton er bottle Replace the waste tone r bottle when 82. xx Repla ce was te toner bot tl e appears . The prin ter will not continue p rinting un til the was te ton er bo ttle is replac ed. 1 Remo ve the replacement wast e toner bott le from i ts shippi ng box, an d t hen unpa ck it.
5 Place the bag into th e shipping box you removed the replacemen t p art f rom. 2 1 6 Peel t he recy cling label off , and p lace it o n the ship ping box . 1 2 7 Inse rt the ne w was te tone r bottle in to the printe r. 2 2 1 8 Close tray 1, and then close th e front door.
• Turn t he printer off using the p ower switch, a nd then unp lug the pow er cor d from t he wa ll outlet. • Disco nnect all cords and cabl es fr om the pr inter bef or e moving it . • Lift the p rinter off of the optional drawer and set it aside instead o f trying to lift the d rawer and pr inter at the same time.
Administrative s upport Fin di ng a dv anc e d ne t wor ki ng a nd adm i ni stra t or i nfo rm at ion This c hapter c over s basic a dmini strat ive sup port t ask s using the Emb edded Web Serv er.
If you do not know the IP addr ess of the pr inter, yo u can: • Vi ew the IP addr ess on the pr inter c ontro l panel i n the TC P/IP sec tion under the Net works /Ports m enu. • Pr int a netwo rk setup page or t he me nu setting s pa ges and lo cate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
Restor ing f act ory d efau lt sett ing s If you wan t to reta in a list of the cur rent menu s ettings f or r efere nce, then p rint a menu set tings pag e befor e restor ing the fac tory default sett ings. Warning—P otential Damage: Restoring fac tory defaults r eturns mos t printer settings to the origin al factor y default setti ngs.
Cle aring ja ms By carefully selec ting pap ers an d specialty med ia and l oading it pr operly, you s hould be able to avo id most jams. Fo r more inf ormation, s ee “Avoiding jams” on pag e 165. If jams do occur, f ollow the s teps outlined in this chap ter.
6 5 4 1 2 3 Area Jam numb ers What to do 12 0 0 ‑ 239 Open side door, and then remove the jam med paper. 2 24x Open side door of the specified tray, and then r emove the jam med paper . 3 250 R emove all p aper from the multipurpose feeder, an d then remove the ja mmed paper .
20 0 paper jam 1 Open the side d oor of th e printer. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The inside o f the print er mi ght be hot. To reduce t he ri sk of inj ury f rom a hot comp onent, allow th e surfa ce to cool bef ore touchin g. 2 Firmly g rasp t he jamm ed paper, and t hen gently pu ll it out.
20 2–203 p ap er ja ms If paper i s visib le in t he standa rd exi t bin, t hen firml y grasp t he pa per on each side, an d then g ently pull it out . Note: Make sure al l paper fragme nts ar e remove d. Paper jam in th e fuser 1 Open the side d oor of th e printer.
23 0 paper jam 1 Open the side d oor of th e printer. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The inside o f the print er mi ght be hot. To reduce t he ri sk of inj ury f rom a hot comp onent, allow th e surfa ce to cool bef ore touchin g. 2 Slide the latc h to open the duple x cover .
23 1–239 p ap er ja ms 1 Open the side d oor of th e printer. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The inside o f the print er mi ght be hot. To reduce t he ri sk of inj ury f rom a hot comp onent, allow th e surfa ce to cool bef ore touchin g. 2 Slide the latc h to open the duple x cover .
Pap er j am in the op tion al tr ays 1 Open the side door of the specified optional tray. 2 Gra sp the jamme d pape r on eac h side, a nd then g ently pul l it out. 3 Close the side do or. 4 From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Cont inue, j am cl eare d .
2 Gra sp the jamme d pape r on eac h side, a nd then g ently pul l it out. 1 2 No te : Make sur e all pap er f ragments a re rem ove d. 3 Reload paper into the multipurpose feeder, and then adjust the p aper guides. 4 From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Cont inue, j am cl eare d .
431–4 54, an d 456– 458 pa per j ams 1 Push the butt on, and th en slid e the out put fi nisher or mailbo x to the right. 1 2 2 Op en the fin ishe r or m ailbox acce ss door . 3 Gra sp the jamme d pape r, and t hen gent ly pull it out. No te : Make sur e all pap er f ragments a re rem ove d.
2 Lower the latch of the staple cartridge holder, and then pull the staple cartridge holder out of the printer . 1 2 3 Use the metal ta b to lift the sta ple guard, an d then remove any jamme d or loose stapl es.
4 Close the staple guard. 5 Pres s down on the st aple guar d until i t click s into place. 6 Push the staple cartri dge holder firmly ba ck into t he stapler unit until the s taple cartridge h older clicks int o place. 7 Close the stapler d oor. 8 From t he p rinter control pa nel, t ouch Cont inue, j am cl eare d .
Troubleshooting Checkin g an un respon sive prin ter If your p rinter is not respond ing , make s ure: • The pow er cor d is pl ugged into the printer and a prope rly grounded el ectrical outlet . • The electrical outlet is not t urned off by any switch or breaker.
• Touc h Can ce l job to cancel the p rint job. Change [pa per source] to [cus tom string] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Us e c urr ent [ pa p er so urc e] to ign ore the mess age and print f rom the sel ected tray .
Close [tra y] do or Close the specified tray door. Close fi nisher s ide door Close the s i de doo r of the finisher. Close fi nisher to p cover Close the to p cover of th e finisher.
Error readin g USB drive. Remove USB. An unsup ported USB dev i ce has bee n insert ed. Rem ove th e USB devi ce, and then ins tall a sup porte d one. Insert staple cartridge Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Insert a stapl e cartridge. • Touc h Cont inue to clear t he mes sage and pr int w ithout using the st aple finishe r.
Ins ta ll T ray [x] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Insta ll the specif ied tray: 1 T ur n th e pr in te r o f f. 2 Unplug the po wer co rd from the wall outlet . 3 Inst all the sp ecified tra y. 4 Connect the power cord to a p roperly grounded electrical outlet.
Load [src] with [type] [si ze] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the specified paper in the tray or feeder. • Touc h Pape r loade d, contin ue to clear the message and co ntinue pr inting. If th e printer f inds a tray t hat has the cor rect pap er type a nd si ze, it fee ds from th at tray.
Paper changes needed Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Us e c urr ent s up p lie s to clear the m essage and contin ue pri nt ing. • Canc el the current print j ob. Rea ttach bin [x] Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Turn t he printer off and t hen back on.
Remo ve paper fro m standard outpu t bin Remo ve the stack o f paper from the s tandard exit bin. Remo ve paper fro m bin [x] Remo ve the pa per f rom the specifi ed bin. T he pr inter au tomat ically sens es paper rem oval and resum es pr inting . If removing the paper does n ot clear the message, then touch Con tin ue .
31.x x Miss ing or d efe ctive [col or] cart ridge Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: 1 Remove and r einstall t he speci fied print cartri dge. For ins truc tions on rem oving a print cart ridge, t o uch More In format ion . 2 Touc h Cont inue t o c lear the m essage.
37 Ins uffi cient m emory to coll ate j ob Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to pri nt the p ortion of the j ob already st ored a nd begin c oll ating th e rest of the prin t job.
51 D efe ctive flash d etec ted Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear t he mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting. • Canc el the current print j ob. 52 No t enough f ree space i n flash mem ory for res ources Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear t he mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting.
55 Uns uppo rted optio n in sl ot [x] 1 Turn the pr inter o ff. 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall o utle t. 3 Remo ve th e unsupp orted option car d from the print er sy stem boar d, an d then repl ace i t with a su pport ed card. 4 Connec t the pow er cor d to a pr operly ground ed electr ical outlet .
57 Confi guration change, some hel d jobs were not restored Somet hing has changed in the pr inter to in validat e the held jobs . Possi ble change s inclu de: • The print er fi rmware ha s been up date d. • Paper input o ptions n eed ed for t he pr int jo b were re mov ed.
4 Connec t the pow er c ord to a pr operly ground ed outlet . 5 Turn the p rinter back on . 58 Too ma ny tra ys at tach ed 1 Turn the pr inter o ff. 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall o utle t. 3 Remove th e addition al trays. 4 Connec t the pow er c ord to a pr operly ground ed outlet .
80.x x R epla ce fu se r Replace the fuser u sing the instruction sheet that came with the replacement part. 80.xx Fuse r missing 1 Replace the fuser , following t h e instruction sheet that came wit h the replacement part. 2 Touc h Cont inue to clear t he mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting.
88.xx [color] cartridge lo w 1 Remove the specified cartridge. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Be careful no t to to uch the phot ocondu ctor dr um. D oing so m ay affec t the print q ua l it y of fu tur e p ri n t job s. 2 Fi rmly s hake the c artri dg e side ‑ to ‑ sid e and front ‑ to ‑ back se ver al times to redistr ibute t he tone r.
Printer control pa nel displ ay is bl ank or displ ays onl y diamonds The pri nter self test failed. Turn the p rinter off, wait about 10 seconds, and then turn th e printer bac k on. If Per fo rm in g Self Tes t and Read y do not ap pear, tur n the pr inter of f an d contac t Custom er S upport.
M AKE SU RE YOU ARE USIN G A RECOMMEN DED US B, SER IAL , OR E TH ERN E T CABLE For mor e informatio n, visit t he Lexmar k Web si te at http ://supp ort.le xmark .com . M AKE SU RE PR INTER CA B LE S ARE SEC URE LY CONNECTED Check the c able conne ctions to t he pri nter and print s erver t o make sur e th ey are sec ure .
Job print s from the wro ng tray or o n the wrong paper C HECK THE PAPER TYP E AN D PAPER SIZE SET TI NGS Make sure t he p aper type setting m atches the paper l oaded i n the tray: 1 From t he pr inter cont ro l panel Paper m enu, che ck the p aper type and pape r siz e set tings.
M AKE SU RE THE PR INTER HAS ENOUG H MEMORY Add print er memory or an opt ional har d dis k. Unexpe cted pa ge break s I NCR EAS E TH E P RINT T IMEO UT VAL UE 1 From the home screen , navigate to: > Settings > G enera l Settings > Timeou ts > Pri nt Tim eo ut 2 Incr ease the Print T imeout val ue, and then to uch .
C HECK TO SEE IF TH E OP TI ON IS CONNECTED TO THE PRINTER 1 Turn the p rinter off. 2 Unpl ug the print er . 3 Check the conne ction between the option and the pri nter. M AKE SU RE THE OPTION IS IN STA LLE D Print a men u settings pag e and check to s ee if the option is l isted in t he Insta lled Options li st .
L OAD PAPER If the tr ay is empty, then l oad paper in th e tray or feeder C LEAR ANY JAMS Open the s ide door of the tray or feeder, and then remove any jammed paper. A VO ID PAPER JAMS • Flex the paper. • Make sure the drawer i s properly inst alled.
Internal prin t server does not ope rate correctly Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE PRINT SER VER CONNECTIONS • Make sure the internal print server is attached securely to the pr inter s ystem boa rd. • Make sur e you are using the c orrect cabl e and t hat it is s ecurely c onnected.
C HECK THE PAPER GUIDE S Move the gu i des in th e tray to the correct positions for the paper size loaded. T HE PAPER MAY HA VE ABSORBED MOI STURE DUE TO HIGH HUMI DITY • Load pap er fr om a fres h packag e. • Stor e paper i n its or iginal w rapp er un til you us e it.
M AKE SU RE THE TONER OR PR INT CARTR IDGE IS NOT LO W ON TON ER When 88.x x [col or ] ca rtri dg e low appears, m ake sure that toner is d ist ributed evenly amo ng all f our car t ri dg es : 1 Remove the car tridge. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Be careful no t to to uch the phot ocondu ctor dr um.
Fine horiz ontal lines ap pear on c olor pages You may n otice f ine, horiz ontal li nes in ph otog raph s or pag es wit h a high conc entratio n of color . This c an occur w hen the pr inter is in Qui et Mode. To fix this, set Qui et Mode to Off (Image/Ph ot o) .
Gray ba ckground on print s ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO WORN OR DEF EC TI V E PRINT CART RIDG E Replace the wo rn or defec tive print cartridg e.
Light colo red li ne, white line, or i ncorrectl y colored line a ppear s on prints ABCDE ABCDE A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO DE F ECT I VE PRINT CARTRI DG E Replace the defec tive prin t car tridge.
L OAD PAPER FR O M A FRESH PACKAGE The pape r may hav e absorbe d mois ture due to hi gh humi dity. St ore pape r in it s orig inal wrapp er until you use it.
C HECK THE P APE R T YPE SET TI NG Make sure th e Paper Type setting matches the pap er load ed in the tr ay or feeder: • From t he pr inter cont ro l panel Paper m enu, che ck the Paper Typ e settin g. • For Wind ows user s, che ck thi s sett ing fr om Pri nt Proper ties.
3 Reinsert the print cartr idge. No te : If print qu alit y does not im prove, then replace the print cartridge. If the prob lem cont inue s, then the prin ter may need t o be servi ced. For mor e inf ormat ion, contact c ustom er s uppor t. M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO DE F ECT I VE PRINT CARTRI DG E Replace the defec tive prin t car tridge.
C HECK THE PAPER Make sure yo u are using pap er that meet s the print er specific ations. Solid c olor or bla ck pages appear o n prints M AKE SU RE THE PR INT C ART RIDG ES AR E IN STA LL ED COR RECTLY , ARE NO T DEFECT IVE AN D NO T LO W ON TONER • Remove th e print cartr idges.
M AKE SU RE THE PR INT C ART RIDG E IS NOT LOW ON TON ER When 88.x x [col or ] ca rtri dg e low app ears, m ake sure the to n er is distributed evenly within the print car t ri dg e: 1 Remove th e print cartr idge. Warning—Pot ential D amage: Be careful no t to to uch the phot ocondu ctor dr um.
M AKE SU RE THE FU SER IS NO T WO RN OR DE FE CTIVE Replace the fuser. F o r more information, see the instruction sheet that came w ith the replacement part. M AKE SU RE THER E IS NO TO NER IN TH E PAPER PATH Clean any v isib le toner f rom t he paper path.
Transpa rency prin t qualit y is poor Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE TRANSPA RENCIES Use only tran sparencies that meet t he printer s pecifications. C HECK THE PAPER TYP E SET TI NG Make su re the paper type settin g is set to Trans parency : 1 From t he pr inter cont ro l panel Paper m enu, che ck the Paper Typ e settin g.
What is CMYK color? Cyan, m ag enta, yello w, and bl ack inks or toners c an be print ed in vari ous amoun ts to produ ce a la rg e ra nge of color s observed in n ature. For exam ple, cyan and yellow can b e combined to create green. Printing presses, i nkjet printers, and co lor laser pr inters create co lors in this m anner .
To man ually ap ply a differ ent color c onv ersion table : 1 From the Quality menu, s elect Co lor C or r ect ion , and then sel ect Manual . 2 From the Quality menu, s elect Manual C olo r , and then sele ct th e appro priate c olor c onver sion table fo r the affe cted o bject type .
What ar e detail ed Color S amples a nd how do I acce ss them? Detailed Col or Samples set s are a vailable o nly thro ugh t he Embedded W eb Se rver of a netwo rk print er. A de tailed Color Sam ples set c ontains a range of sha des (d ispl ayed as colore d boxes) that are simil ar to a us er ‑ defined RGB o r CMYK value.
You need t o k now your p rinter m odel t ype an d seri al num ber. For m ore inf ormat ion, se e the label o n t he insid e top front c over o f the pr inte r. The ser ial num ber i s also listed on the menu sett ings p age. In the U .S. or Canada, c all 1 ‑ 80 0 ‑ 539 ‑ 6275 .
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lexmark C792e, C79 2de, C79 2dte, C7 92dhe Machi ne type: 5062 Mode l(s): 210, 2 30, 2 35 Edition noti ce Septe mbe r 20 11 Th e f ol lo w ing p ar ag ra p h d o es n ot ap pl y t o any co un t ry w h ere such provi sion s are inco nsisten t with loc al law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC.
UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any accompanyi ng document ation pro vided un der this ag reement ar e co mmercial co mputer softwar e and d ocument ation develope d e xclusively at pri vate e xpense. Tr adem ar ks Lexmark , Lexm ark with diam ond desig n, MarkNe t, and MarkV ision are trademarks of Lexmark Intern ational, Inc.
Stempel Garamond Li no type-Hell AG an d/or its subsidiaries Taffy Agfa Cor pora tion Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation pl c Uni vers Li noty pe- Hell A G and/o r its su bsid iari es All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Licensing noti ces The following documents can be viewed from the installation software CD. Direc tor y Fil e CD: LE GAL F W_ Lic ense. pdf mD NS. tar.
This sym bol id entifies stat ic-sensi tive parts. Do no t touch i n the areas near t hese symbo ls without first touching the metal fr ame of the printer .
Pow er consu mpti on Pro du ct po we r cons um pti on The fol low ing table documen ts the pow er cons umption ch aract eristic s of t he produc t. Note: Some m odes may not appl y to your prod uct. Mode De sc ri ptio n Power co nsum pt ion ( Wat ts) Active The pr oduct is generating har d ‑ copy output from electronic i npu ts.
Avis de confo rmité a ux no rmes de l’indus trie du C anada Cet ap pareil numér ique de clas se A es t confor me aux ex igen ces de la nor me canadi e nne rel ative aux é quipe ments pouvant causer des interférences NMB-0 03.
To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is in tended to be o p erated indoors and away from window s to prov ide m aximum shiel ding . Equipm ent (or its t ransmit ant enna) that is i nstalle d out doors is s ubject t o licensi ng.
Prod ucts equipped with 2 .4GH z Wirele ss LAN optio n are in confor mity w ith th e prote ct ion re quirem ents of EC Cou ncil directiv es 200 4/108 /EC, 200 6/95/E C, and 199 9/5 /EC on the app roxi.
Italiano C on la presente Lexmark I nternational , Inc. dichiar a che questo ques to prodotto è conforme ai r equisiti es senz iali e d a lle altr e di spos izion i perti nenti st abili te dal la di rettiva 1999/ 5/CE . Latviski Ar šo Lexmark International, Inc.
If you transf er this pr oduct to another user , warr anty se rv ice under the term s o f this st atement is avai lable to that user for the r emainder of t he warranty p eriod. You shou ld transfer pro of of original p urchase and this statemen t to that use r.
WARRANT IES, EXPRE SS OR IMPL IED, WILL AP PLY AFTER THIS PERIO D. ALL IN FORMAT ION, SPECIF ICATIONS, PRICES, AND SERV ICES ARE SUB JECT TO CHA NGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. Limitatio n of lia bility Your s ole rem edy under this lim ited wa rran ty is set fo rth in this document .
c Reservat ion of Rights . The Softw are Pro gram, i ncluding all f onts, i s copyrig hted and owne d by Lexma rk I nternationa l, Inc. an d/or i ts suppl iers. Lexm ark re serves all rig hts n ot express ly granted to you in t his Licens e Agreement.
16 EXPORT REST RICTIONS . You may not (a) acq uire, s hip, tran sfer, or reexpor t, direc tly or indirectly, t he S oftware Program o r any di rect produ ct therefro m, in vi olation of an y applicabl.
Index Nume ri cs 1565 Emu lat ion er ror , load emul ation op tion 19 1 2,0 00 ‑ sh eet high ‑ capa city f eeder instal ling 44 200 pa p er ja m 167 2000 ‑ sheet high ‑ capacity f eeder loading 70 201 pa p er ja m 167 202 –20 3 p aper jam s 168 230 pa p er ja m 169 231 –23 9 p aper jam s 170 24x pape r jam 17 0 250 pa p er ja m 171 31.
Change [p aper source] to [custom stri ng] lo ad [o rien tat ion ] 1 77 Change [p aper source] to [custom type nam e] 17 6 Change [p aper source] to [custom type name ] load [orienta tion] 176 Change .
trou bleshoo ting 197 font samp le list pri nting 89 Forms and Fav orit es 2 3 fu ser o r trans fe r mod u le ordering 155 G General Se tting s menu 124 Green settings Ec o ‑ Mod e 62 Hibe rnate Mod.
diagr am of 92 Disk Wipin g 121 Fini shing 1 37 Fla sh Dri ve 131 General Se tting s 12 4 Hel p 14 8 HTM L 1 46 Image 147 IPv6 110 Job Ac counting 135 Misc ellaneo us Secur it y Settin gs 120 Net work.
light c olored line, w hite lin e, or incorrec tly c olored line appears on prints 203 poor tran sparen cy qualit y 210 p rin t ir r e gu la r it i es 20 3 print is to o dark 204 p rin t is t oo li gh.
Close finish er top cover 178 Close front do or 178 Close le ft side door 1 77 Close pap er trans port co ve r 177 Dis k co rrup ted 178 Disk near f ull.
Setup m enu 1 34 shadow images ap pear on print s 201 shi pping the pr inte r 161 s how i ng ic on s o n th e ho m e screen 22 Showr oom 24 Sl eep Mode adjusting 63 Slide finisher to the left 183 SMT .
paper t ray problem s 19 6 USB /paral le l int erf ace card 1 98 U underst andin g the home scr een 18 under standin g th e printer cont rol panel 16 uneven p rint dens ity 21 0 unexp ected page b rea.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 47B0002 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 47B0002 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 47B0002, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 47B0002 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 47B0002, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 47B0002.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 47B0002. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 47B0002 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.