Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 4044-XXX du fabricant Lexmark
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4044-XXX Optra TM E310/E31 2 Le xma rk and Le xm ark with di amond design are tr adema rks of Le xm ark International, Inc., regis tered i n the Unite d States an d/or other c ountries.
Edition: May 2001 The followi ng paragraph do es not apply to any country where such provisi ons are inco nsis tent with local law : LEXMARK INTERNA TIONAL, IN C .
iii 4044 -XXX Tab le of Conten ts Notices and Saf ety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Laser No tice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Safety In formation .
iv Ser vic e Manual 4044-X XX Removal P rocedu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -2 Screw I dentifica tion Tab le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -2 Covers . . . . . . . . .
v 4044 -XXX Notices and Safety Inf ormation Laser Notice The pr inter is cer t ified in t he U .S. to conform to the req uirem ents of DHHS 21 CFR S ubchapter J for Class I (1) laser p roducts, and elsewhere is c er tifi ed as a Cl ass I las er produc t conform ing to the requir ements of IEC 825 .
vi 4044-X XX Laser Advi sory Label.
vii 4044 -XXX Class 1 Laser Statement La be l.
viii 4044-X XX Laser Der Drucker erf ü llt gem äß am tlicher Best ä tigung der USA die Anforderun gen der Bes timmung D HHS (Depar tment of Health and Human Ser vice s) 21 CFR T eil J f ü r Laser pr odukte der Klasse I (1).
ix 4044 -XXX A vver tenze sui pr odotti laser Questa stampan te è cer tificata negli S tati Unit i per esser e conforme ai requ isiti del DH HS 21 CF R Sottoc apitolo J pe r i prodotti laser di classe 1 ed è cer tificata negli altr i P aesi co me prodot to las er di classe 1 confor me ai re quisiti della nor ma CEI 825.
x 4044-X XX Dec lara çã o sobre Laser A impress ora est á cer tifica da nos E. U .A . em c onf or midade com os req uisi tos da re gul ame nta çã o DHHS 21 C FR Subc ap í tulo J para a Classe I (1) de produtos la ser .
xi 4044 -XXX Lasermeddel else Pr interen e r godkendt so m et Kl asse I- laser pr odukt , i ov erenstem melse me d kra vene i IEC 825. Klasse I- lase r produk ter betragtes ikke som farlige.
xii 4044-X XX Laser -notis Denna sk rivare ä r i USA c er tifi erad att mots vara kra ven i D HHS 21 CFR, unde r paragraf J f ö r la ser pr odukter av Klass I (1) . I andra l ä nder uppf yller s kr ivaren krav e n f ö r laser p rodukte r av Klass I en ligt krav en i IEC 825.
xiii 4044 -XXX Av í s sob r e e l L à se r Segons ha estat c er tific at als E stats Uni ts, aquesta i mpressora complei x els req uisits de DHHS 2 1 CFR, apa r tat J, pels pr oductes l à ser de cl asse I (1), i s egons ha estat cer tificat en altres lloc s, é s un produc te l à ser de classe I que c ompleix els re quisits d ’ IEC 825.
xiv 4044-X XX Japanese Lase r Notice Chinese Laser Notice.
xv 4044 -XXX K orean Laser Notice Saf ety I nf ormation • This p roduct is d esigned, tested and approved to meet st rict global s afety standards wit h the use o f specif ic Lexmark componen ts. The safety features of som e par t s may not alwa ys be obvious.
xvi 4044-X XX Consignes de S é curit é • Ce produit a é t é con ç u, test é et app rouv é pour respect er les nor mes str ict es de s é curi t é gl obale lors de l'u tilis ation de compo sants Lexmark sp é cif iques. Les caract é r istiqu es de s é curit é de ce r tains é l é ments ne so nt pas touj ours é v identes.
xvii 4044 -XXX Sich erheitshinwei se • Dieses Produ kt und die zugeh ö r igen K om ponenten wu rden entworf en un d getestet , um beim E insatz die weltweit g ü ltigen S icherh eitsanforderu ngen z u erf ü llen. Die sicher heitsrelevanten Funktion en der Ba uteile und Opti onen sind nic ht imm er offensichtlic h.
xviii 4044-X XX Informa çõ es de Seguran ç a • Este pro duto foi concebi do , testado e aprovado para sati sfaz er os pa dr õ es globais de seg uran ç a na util iz a çã o de compo nentes espec í fic os da Le xmark . As fu n çõ es de seguran ç a de alguns dos com ponent es podem n ã o ser sempre ó bvi as .
xix 4044 -XXX Chinese Saf ety Inf ormation K orean Saf ety Inf ormatio n.
xx 4044-X XX.
Gene r al Inf ormation 1-1 4044 -XXX 1. General Information This pr inter is a letter-quali ty lase r page prin ter design ed to attach to an IBM P erson al Com puter or othe r compu ters compatible with the IBM P ersonal Com puter (w ith 386 processo r or highe r) and Maci ntos h Comp uter s via the US B con necti on.
1-2 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Acr onyms CSU Customer Setup DRAM Dynamic Random A ccess Memor y EP Ele c trop hot ogr aphic Pr oces s EPROM Erasable, Programmable Read-Onl y Memor y ESD Electros tatic.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-1 4044 -XXX 2. Diagnostic Information Start CA UTION: NEVER manually actuate or disable the t op cover interloc k switc h and the printhead shutt er actuator at the same time .
2-2 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Ser vice E r ror Codes Primar y Ser vice E rror Codes When a s er vice e rror occ urs the pri nter stop s pr inting an d all operator p anel LEDs blink in a c ontinuous p atter n, in dicatin g a ser vic e error , until th e pri nter is powered off .
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-3 4044 -XXX Mirror M otor F ailure Inspec t the printhead cab le and replace as ne cessary . Replace the printhea d assemb ly . If thi s does not corr ect th e proble m, re plac e the engine /L VPS board. Option al Memo r y Error Repla ce the optional memory SIMM .
2-4 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX ASIC Regist er F ailure Error Replace th e contr oller board ASIC SRAM F ailure Error Replace th e controll er board Flas h Mem or y Failure E rror R epla ce the ROM SIMM w/Fl as h. I f this does not correc t the p roble m, replace th e controll er board .
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-5 4044 -XXX Secondary Service Error Code s F or so me ser vice error codes, a second s er vice error co de is used to fur t her desc rib e the err or . W hen a ser v ice er ror occurs, pres sing the op erator panel button a fter viewing t he pr imar y se r vice e rror code di splays the sec ondar y se r vice e rror cod e.
2-6 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX User Er ror Messag e T a ble Primary User Error Mess age T able When a us er error messag e occurs the pr inter st ops pr inting and one or two op erator pan el LEDs a re on so lid or blinkin g until the pri nter is powered of f .
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-7 4044 -XXX Memor y F ull/ Complex P age/Resolu tion Reduc tion W ar ning/ F ont Error/ Res ource Sav e Off Deficient Memor y Error on s olid and Press Bu tton on so lid The printer memory is full or the pag e is too compl ex to print.
2-8 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Secondary User Error Messag e T able Press an d releas e the operato r panel button two times to display the user sec ondar y err or LED statu s. Each press an d release a ction must be p erf or med within a half se cond.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-9 4044 -XXX P ower -On Self T est (POST) When you tur n th e printe r On, it per forms a P ower-On Self T est. Check f or correct PO ST function ing of th e base pr inter b y obser ving the following: 1. All LEDs tur n on solid .
2-10 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Symptom T ables POST Symp tom T able Base Printer Symptom T able Symptom Action The main motor , cool ing f an and fuser do no t come on. Go to “ Cov er Open Switc h Service Che ck ” on page 2-13 . POST co mplet es e xcept one or more LE Ds do not c ome on.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-11 4044 -XXX Blank p age Go to “ Bl ank p age ” on pa ge 2-28 . Blac k page Go to “ Bl ack page ” on page 2-29 . Hea vy backg round Go to “ H ea vy bac kground ” on page 2-30 . Light pri nt Go to “ Li ght pri nt ” on page 2-33 .
2-12 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Service Chec ks Note: All ser v ice checks whi ch involv e measur ing voltages of the circuit boards (except the c ontrolle r board) must b e perform ed with the eng ine/L VPS to contr oller boar d cable discon nected and the pri nter pos itioned on its le ft side.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-13 4044 -XXX Co ver Open Swi tch Se rvice Check Note: Make sure a ton er car tri dge is in stall ed and the cov er closes all the way , engagi ng the cover open switch lev e r . Th e le v er can easily be posi tioned incorrec tly if th e top cover has bee n removed and repl aced.
2-14 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Dead Mac hine Service Chec k Note: Check the AC line voltage. The voltage sho uld be within the following limits: 100 V ac - 127 V a c f or the l ow v oltage mod el pri nter 200 V ac - 240 V a c for the high voltage model pr inter Model E31 2 HVP S Measu re the v oltages at C N2 of t he HVPS .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-15 4044 -XXX Model E310 Engine/L VPS Board Po w e r S w i t c h Disc onnect the cab les from C N 2 and CN5 and leav e the cab les conn ected to the p ow er s witch attach ed.
2-16 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Model E31 2 L VPS Board Disconnec t the L VPS cable from connecto r CN7 on the en gine bo ard. Go to the “ L VPS (model E312) ” on page -1 4. Ch eck the v oltage measur ement s at co nnecto r CN 503. If any v oltage m easureme nts are incorrect, replace th e L VPS .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-17 4044 -XXX Fuser Se r vic e Check Cold Fuser Servi ce Check When toner is par ti ally fuse d to the paper , it is usually caused by low fuser tempe rature. A void ha ndling th e lamp as much as possible as it is ea sily broken.
2-18 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX The fuser lamp does light FRU Action Model 31 0 Ther m ist or If the fuse r lamp comes o n and a fuser f ailure LED error code displa ys, be sure the thermistor is con tacting the hot roll and th e thermistor ca bl e is firmly se ated in c on nec tor CN1 on the L VPS board.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-19 4044 -XXX The fuser lamp does not light FRU Acti on Model E310 Fuser Lamp Lamp C able Thermisto r L VPS T ur n the printer off and dis connec t the f user lamp wires from the fuser . Check for conti nuity a cross the f user lamp wire c ontacts .
2-20 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Model E31 2 Fuser Lamp Lamp Ca ble Ther m ist or L VPS T urn the printer off and di sconnec t the fuser l amp wires from the fu ser . Chec k f o r contin uity across t he fuse r lamp wire con tacts. If there is continu ity , go to s tep 1: C ontinui ty .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-21 4044 -XXX Hot Fuser Servic e Check Main Mo tor Se rvic e Che ck FRU Acti on Model E310 Fuser Ther mi stor Disc onnect the thermistor cab le from the L VPS. Meas ure the res istance across CN1-1 an d CN1-2 of the thermistor cab le.
2-22 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Model E31 2 Engine Board Main Mot or Main Mot or Cabl e Check the en gine board fo r the followin g voltage s: CN2-3 + 24 V dc CN2-4 + 24 V dc If these v oltages are no t correct, replace th e engine board. I f these vol tag es are co rrec t, ch ec k the main motor cab le fo r contin uity .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-23 4044 -XXX Operator P anel Service Chec k Inspect the operat or panel cable for damage. Make sur e the ca ble is plugged in sec urel y .
2-24 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Operator P anel Button Ser vice Chec k P aper Feed Service Check P aper Jam err or indication during POST FRU Action Models E3 10 & E31 2 Oper ator P anel Oper ator P anel C able Discon nect the o pera tor panel fr om the operator pan el cab le.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-25 4044 -XXX P aper picks during POST and/or continuousl y P aper pick s but sto ps about an inch down the pa g e P aper pick s but stops half wa y through the printer FRU Acti on Models E3 10 & E312 Pick Roller Clutch Solenoi d Chec k th e pic k rolle r clutch for wear .
2-26 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Model E31 2 Input P aper F eed Sens or Engine Board Ma ke su r e the inpu t pape r feed sensor is wo r king properly . Chec k f or a brok en or stuc k flag on the input paper f eed sensor . Che ck to mak e sure the c able is seate d on the CN6 connecto r on the engine bo ard.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-27 4044 -XXX P aper nev er picks P aper occasionall y picks or pic ks multip le sheets at once FRU Acti on Models E3 10 & E312 Pa p e r T r ay Mak e s ure the p ape r t ra y is co rrec tly instal led.
2-28 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX P aper "t rees", wri nkles, st acks poorly or cu rls Print Quality Se rvice Check Blank page FRU Action Models E3 10 & E31 2 T rans fe r Roller This prob lem is mos t lik ely due to a worn transf er roller .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-29 4044 -XXX Black page Note: Incorrec t laser exposure or incorr ect char ging of th e photocon ductor cau ses an al l black page. FRU Acti on Models E3 10 & E312 HVPS Contacts Chec k the co ntacts f or contam inatio n and cor rect instal lation.
2-30 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Heavy bac kground P oor development or poo rly c harged to ner par ticles c ause excessive background. This i s more noti ceable as the toner ca r tr idge nears end of li f e.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-31 4044 -XXX P artial blank image/white spots (no periodic pattern) V ariation in image density horizontall y across pa ge FRU Acti on T oner Car tridge Remov e the toner cartridge and gent ly shak e the asse mbly to e venly distrib ute th e toner .
2-32 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX P eriodic irregularity down pa g e FRU Action PC Drum (T oner Car tridge) Distanc e Between Irregul arity 94.5 mm The PC drum or gear driving the PC drum ma y be co ntami nated or damaged. Inf or m the cust omer to replace th e toner cartr idge.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-33 4044 -XXX P oor fusing of image Light print FRU Acti on Fuser L amp The fuser ma y not be oper ating at the p roper temp eratu re to fu se the toner to the paper . Go to the “ Cold Fuser Se r vice Ch eck ” on page 2-17 .
2-34 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX White or blac k lines or bands T oner on bac k of pa g e Incorrect characters prin t Make sure the c orrect pr inter d river software i s install ed. Incorre ct software can cause in correct characters to prin t and th e image ma y not fit the page.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-35 4044 -XXX P aral lel P ort Service Chec k 1. P er f or m a pr int tes t to make sure th e pr inter pr ints correctly . 2. Be sur e the pr inter cable is desi gned for bidirecti onal p rint ing. 3. Be sur e the user applic ation is set up correct ly .
2-36 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX.
Diagnost ic Aids 3-1 4044 -XXX 3. Diagnostic Aids This cha pter explains the tests and procedu res you can run t o ident ify pri nter failures and v er ify that r epairs have correcte d the problem.
3-2 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Print Quality T est There ar e three pr int q uality te st pag es. The first page dis plays the insta lled pr inter ba se co de lev e l and u ser default setting s for t.
Diagnost ic Aids 3-3 4044 -XXX User Mode Print T est The Us er Mode Prin t T est P age di spl a ys th e user def ault v alues , inst alled opti ons, print er features, various ty pef aces, and th e inst alled prin ter base code lev e l. 1. T u r n the pr inter power on.
3-4 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Operator P anel Configuration Mode Button Definition P erfor m the following steps to enter the co nfiguration mo de: 1. T ur n the prin ter power off. 2. Open the to p cov er . 3. T ur n the prin ter power on. 4. When the Er ror LED c omes on s olid, do uble-click the operator panel button.
Diagnost ic Aids 3-5 4044 -XXX the soli d Ready L ED . The sett ing of t he menu item is indic ated by the statu s of the Pr ess Bu tton LED . T o chang e the me nu item setting, bri efly pres s the o perator p anel button.
3-6 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Configuration Mode Settings The following is a descr iption of the available configuration mode menu item s and se ttings. T he aster isk ( *) indic ates the f acto r y default setting. P arallel Port P ara llel P or t allows the user to enable or dis able the parallel p or t.
Diagnost ic Aids 3-7 4044 -XXX • When th e LED is *blinking, the printer examines incom ing data and decides whethe r it is recei ving NP A p ack ets. 4. P er f or m a br ief button pres s to selec t the Parallel NP A s etting. 5. P erf or m a lon g button pre ss.
3-8 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX 3. The curr ent PPDS setting i s indi cated b y the Off/ On/Auto (Press Button) LE D . When the LE D is *off, the PPDS is s et to inacti v e. When the LED is on, th e PPDS i s set to active. P erform a brief button press to select t he PPDS s etting.
Diagnost ic Aids 3-9 4044 -XXX P erfor m the following step s to c hange the Parallel Mode 1 setti ng: 1. En ter the co nfigu ra tio n mo de. 2. P erf or m a dou ble click button press f ive times. This moves to the Parallel Mode 1 item o n the co nfiguration menu.
3-10 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX av ai lable on th e parallel por t. Ea ch incr ement of th e strobe adjust v alu e means th e strobe is samp led 50n s longer. P erfor m the following steps to chang e the Parallel Stro be Adjust : 1. Enter the c onfigurati on mode.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-11 4044 -XXX USB NP A USB NP A mo de allows for two wa y communicati on between the host and the pr inte r . P erfor m the following step s to chan ge the USB NP A setting: 1. En ter the co nfigu ra tio n mo de. 2. P erf or m a dou ble click button press n ine times.
3-12 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX 4. Whe n the Error LED com es on so lid, double-c lick the opera- tor pan el button. 5. Once the Err or and Pres s Button LEDs star t to blink, cl ose the top c ov e r . 6. The Read y LED co mes on solid a nd th e Erro r and Pres s Button L EDs cont inue blinking.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-13 4044 -XXX Engine Clean Cyc l e The En gine Clean Cycle fu nction pr ints one blank page i n a spe cial cleani ng mode. The c leaning mode help s eli minate sm all spe cs of toner pres ent in the background when printi ng. P erfor m the following step s to pe rf or m the Eng ine Clean Cycle: 1.
3-14 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX T oggle Demo/Norma l Mode The T oggle De mo/Nor ma l Mode func tion enables or disables the pri nter ’ s r etail demo mode. When the pr inter is in Demo mode, demo pages c an be pr inted by br iefly pr essing the operator p anel button.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-15 4044 -XXX Pa p e r Pa t h.
3-16 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX.
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 1 4044 -XXX 4. Repair Information CA UTION: Re ad the following before handli ng elect ronic pa r ts. Handling ESD-Sensitive P ar ts Many electro nic prod ucts us e par ts that are k nown to be sen sitive to electros tatic dis charge (E SD).
4-2 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Remo v al Pr o cedures CA UTION: B e sure to un plug the power cor d whenev er you are working o n the pr inte r with one of the covers removed. Be sure to remove the print car trid ge before you perf or m removal procedu res.
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 3 4044 -XXX 2. Remove the f ace up cover . 3. Open th e front cover ..
4-4 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX 4. Re move the screw from the suppo r t on each side o f the pr inter . Note: If you want to remove the front cover only , rem ov e the two screws and then remove the panel boar d and boar d cover .
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 5 4044 -XXX Rear and T op Co ver 1. Remove the three scr ews , press t he ret aining tab s and re mov e the rea r cover . 2. Remove the front cover and f ace up cov er .
4-6 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Side Covers 1. Re move the front cov er , face up cover , top cover and rea r cov er . 2. Re move the two screws secur ing the rear of each side c ov e r . 3. Re lease the side cov er tabs as shown and remov e the left a nd ri ght si de covers.
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 7 4044 -XXX Frame As sembl y 1. Remo v e all c ov e rs . 2. Remove the HVPS. 3. Remove the two screws and remove the solenoid.
4-8 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Fuser Assem bl y 1. Re move all cov ers . 2. Remov e the wire co v er mounting sc rew (A ). 3. Re mov e the two fuser l amp wire mou nting sc rews (B). 4. Un plug th e connec tor from the engine /L V PS bo ard. 5. Re mov e the two fuser mountin g screws (C).
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 9 4044 -XXX 7. Slide the fuser in the dire ction of th e arrows and r emov e the fus er . Note: The backup roller can fall from t he pr inter if the pr inter i s tur ned on i ts side w ith the fuser remov ed.
4-10 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX HVPS 1. Re move all cov ers . 2. Re move the HVPS board m ounting screws..
Repair Informat ion 4-11 4044 -XXX 3. Unplug t he three c ables from the conn ectors on top of the HVPS . 4. Unplug th e cable from th e lower connector in side t he HVPS and remove the HVPS. Note: The high voltage c ontacts can f all fr om the pr inter wi th the HVPS r emov ed.
4-12 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Interconnect Board (model E310) 1. Re move the L VPS. 2. Un plug a ll conne ctors from the in terconne ct board . 3. Re mov e the screws and remove the interconnec t board.
Repair Informat ion 4-13 4044 -XXX Engi ne/L VP S Boar d (m ode l E310 ) 1. T ur n the p rinte r ups ide d ow n. 2. Remove all screws secur ing t he SIMM access p anel.
4-14 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX 4. Un plug a ll the co nnectors from the engine/L V PS boar d. 5. Re move the fiv e screws and r emov e the en gine/L VPS board.
Repair Informat ion 4-15 4044 -XXX Engi ne/L VP S Boar d (m ode l E312 ) 1. T ur n the p rinte r ups ide d ow n. 2. Remove all screws secur ing t he SIMM access p anel.
4-16 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX 4. Re move the fiv e screws secur ing the L VPS shi eld. 5. L ift the shiel d from the pr inter and di sconnec t all the cables from the L VPS. 6. Re move the screws mounting the L V PS to the shield and remove the L VPS.
Repair Informat ion 4-17 4044 -XXX Main Driv e Asse mbly 1. Remo v e all c ov e rs . 2. Remove the six m ain dr ive assembly mounti ng scr e ws. 3. Unplug t he connec tor and rem ov e the mai n dr ive assembly .
4-18 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Pic k Roll Assem bly 1. Re move all the cov ers. 2. Re move the high voltage power supply . 3. Re mov e the roller bear ing.
Repair Informat ion 4-19 4044 -XXX 4. Remove the roller access cov er on the lef t side of the pick roller assemb ly . 5. Remove the upper frame. 6. Remove the pick up roll er gear and clutch.
4-20 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Printh ead Ass embly 1. Re mov e the to p cov e r . 2. Un plug a ll the co nnectors fr om the pr inthe ad. 3. Re move the f our mountin g screws and re mov e the pr inthead . Note: Be sure to transf er the snap-on torr oids whe n replacin g the pri nthe ad cable.
Repair Informat ion 4-21 4044 -XXX T ransf er Roll 1. Remove the front cover and f ace up cov er . 2. Remove the black cov er on the lef t end of the transfer roll. 3. Pres s the latc hes on th e bear ings to relea se them from the low er fr ame . 4. Lift the transfer roll from the printer.
4-22 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX.
Connecto r Locations 5-1 4044 -XXX 5. Connecto r Locations Contro ller Boar d (model E310/E312) Connector Pin No. Signal J1 Printhead 1 N/A 2 Ground U5 Oper ator P anel (signal s at idle) 1 Ground 2+ .
5-2 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX J7 (con tinued) 15 +5 V dc 16 + 5 V dc 17 + 5 V dc 18 Grou nd 19 Grou nd 20 Grou nd 21 Grou nd 22 Grou nd 23 + 5 V dc 24 + 5 V dc Connector Pin No.
Connecto r Locations 5-3 4044 -XXX.
5-4 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Engine/L VPS Board (model E310) Connector Pin No. Signal CN201 P ower Switch 1 A C In 2A C I n CN202 Fuser Lamp 1 A C In 2A C I n CN1 Ther mistor 1 THERM 2 +3.
Connecto r Locations 5-5 4044 -XXX CN2 (co n t inue d) 1 1 HSY NC 12 THVPWM 13 EXT CLK 14 Ground 15 Ground 16 THVEA 17 LREAD Y 18 DEV300 19 P MO TO R 20 +5 V dc 21 A G ND 22 A G ND 23 THVREAD 24 A G ND Connector Pin No.
5-6 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX CN4 Interconnect Board 1 DEV FUSE F AN J 2 MO T OR EA J 3 MO T OR PB J 4M O T O R P A J 5A G N D 6 NEW DEV J 7 PFEED J 8A G N D 9 Ground 10 Grou nd 11 CLUTCH J 12 PEMPTY J 13 + 24 V d c 14 PNARRO W J 15 + 5 V dc 16 + 24 V d c 17 PT L J 18 + 5 V dc 19 PMO T OR EXT J 20 EXT CLK J Connector Pin No.
Connecto r Locations 5-7 4044 -XXX CN5 Controller Board 1 EBUSY 2N o t U s e d 3E M S G 4 EXITP AP 5 CCLK 6P R I N T 7V D I 8N o t U s e d 9 PSYNC 10 READ Y 11 HSYNC 12 Not Used 13 +5 V dc 14 CMSG 15 +5 V dc 16 +5 V dc 17 Ground 18 +5 V dc 19 Ground 20 Ground 21 Ground 22 Ground 23 VDO 24 Not Used Connector Pin No.
5-8 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX.
Connecto r Locations 5-9 4044 -XXX Engine Boar d (model E312) Connector Pin No. Signal CN1 Controller Board 1 EBUSY 2N o t U s e d 3E M S G 4 EXITP AP 5 CCLK 6P R I N T 7V D I 8N o t U s e d 9 PSYNC 1.
5-10 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX CN2 Motor 1 OUT A 2O U T B 3 +24 V dc 4 +24 V dc 5O U T A * 6O U T B * CN3 F an 1 +24 V dc Swit ch 2 Not Used 3F a n CN4 Clutc h 1 +24 V dc Sw itch 2C l u t c h CN5 P.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-11 4044 -XXX CN7 L VPS 1 +5 V dc 2+ 5 V d c 3 Ground , Floating 4 Ground , Floating 5 Fuser O n 6 +24 V dc Switch 7 Ground 8 Ground 9 +24 V dc 10 +24 V dc CN8 Pr e-T ran sf er .
5-12 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX CN11 HVPS 1 +24 V dc 2 +24 V dc Sw itch 3 +24 V dc 4 +24 V dc Sw itch 5 LREAD Y 6 THVEA 7V D O 8T H V P W M 9 HSYNC 10 MHV PWM 11 DEVEA-A 12 Supply EA 13 LDON 14 DEVE.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-13 4044 -XXX.
5-14 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX L VPS (model E312) Connector Pin No. Signal CN501 P ower Switch 1 AC In 2A C I n CN502 Fuser Lamp 1 A C In 2A C I n CN503 Engin e Board 1 +5 V dc 2 +5 V dc 3 Ground, .
Connecto r Loc ations 5-15 4044 -XXX.
5-16 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX High V oltag e P ower Suppl y (model E310) Connector Pin No. Signal CN1 Engine/L VPS Board 1 +24 V dc 2 +24 V dc SWI TCH 3 +24 V dc 4 Ground 5M H V 6V D O 7 SUPPL Y 8.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-17 4044 -XXX CN2 Co ve r Open Switc h 1 +24 V dc SWIT CH 2N o t U s e d 3 +24 V dc CN3 Printhead 1 +24 V dc SWITCH 2A G N D 3P M O T O R 4 LREAD Y 5E X T C L K CN4 Printhead 1 HSYNC 2 +5 V dc SWITCH 3 Ground 4L D O N 5V D O 6 Ground Connector Pin No.
5-18 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX High V oltag e P ower Suppl y (model E312) Connector Pin No. Signal CN1 Engi ne Board 1 +24 V dc SWITCH 2 +24 V dc 3 +24 V dc SWI TCH 4 + 24 V dc 5 THVEA 6 LREAD Y 7T.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-19 4044 -XXX CN2 Co ve r Open Switc h 1 +24 V dc SWIT CH 2 +5 V dc SWITCH 3+ 5 V d c 4 +24 V dc CN3 Printhead 1 +24 V dc SWITCH 2A G N D 3P M O T O R 4 LREAD Y 5E X T C L K CN4 Printhead 1 HSYNC 2 +5 V dc SWITCH 3 Ground , Floating 4L D O N 5V D O 6N o t U s e d Connector Pin No.
5-20 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-21 4044 -XXX Inter connect Board (model E310) Connector Pin No. Signal CN401 P aper F eed/Pa per Nar row Sens or 1 PFEED J 2 PNARRO W J 3 +5 V dc 4 Ground CN402 Cl utch 1 +24 V.
5-22 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX CN406 Engine/L VPS Board 1 MO T OR EA J 2 DEV FUSE F AN J 3M O T O R P A J 4 MOT OR PB J 5 NEW DEV J 6A G N D 7A G N D 8 PFEED J 9 Ground 10 Groun d 11 PEMPTY J 12 CL.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-23 4044 -XXX.
5-24 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-1 4044 -XXX 6. Pa r t s C a t a l o g How T o Use This Part s Cat alog • SIMILAR ASSE MBLIES : If two assem b lies con tain a maj orit y of identic al par ts, they are shown on the sam e list. Common pa r ts are s hown by one index number .
6-2 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Assem bl y 1: Co vers.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-3 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 1-1 12G0021 1 Ex tender , P aper Suppor t 1-2 12G0022 1 Su pport, Pa per E310 1-2 12G1939 1 Su pport, Pa per E312 1-3 12G0.
6-4 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Assembly 1 : Covers (continued).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-5 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 1-17 12G0 035 1 T ra y Asm, P aper E310 1-17 12G1 938 1 T ra y Asm, P aper E312 1-18 12G0 098 1 Co ver Asm, Rear 1-19 7 Sc.
6-6 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Assem bly 2: Frame.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-7 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 2-1 12G0099 1 Cable As m, Printhea d to HVPS 2-2 12G0046 1 Printhead Assemb ly E310 2-2 12G1879 1 Printhead Assemb ly E312.
6-8 Ser vice Ma nual 4044-X XX Assembly 2 : Frame (continued).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-9 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 2-15 12G0 048 1 Rolle r , T ransf er 2-16 12G0 057 1 LED Asm, Pre -T rans fe r E310 2-16 12G1 887 1 LED Asm, Pre -T rans f.
6-10 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assem bly 3: Fuser.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-11 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 3-1 12G0074 1 Fuser Assem bly 110 V dc E310 3-1 12G1935 1 Fuser Assem bly 110 V dc E312 3-1 12G0122 1 Fuser Assem bly 220.
6-12 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assembly 3: Fuser (continued).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-13 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 3-15 12G0172 2 Sh aft, Fuser Exit Roller 3-16 12G0 156 1 Roller , Fuser Ex it Cent er 3-17 12G0 076 1 Thermistor , Hot Ro.
6-14 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assem bl y 4: Mai n Drive.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-15 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 4-1 12G0042 1 Main Driv e Assembl y E310 4-1 12G1877 1 Main Driv e Assembl y E312 4-2 12G0044 1 Motor Asm, Mai n 4-3 5 Sc.
6-16 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assem bly 5: P aper Feed.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-17 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 5-1 12G0063 1 Holder Asm, Sp ring 5-2 12G 00 68 1 Spr ing, Pad Asm, Rea r 5-3 12G0062 1 Pa d Asm, Pick Roller 5-4 12G 01 .
6-18 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assembly 5 : Paper Feed (continued).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-19 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 5-11 12G0 105 1 Shaft Asm , Input P aper F eed E310 5-11 12G1 934 1 Shaft Asm , Input P aper F eed E312 5-12 12G0 072 2 S.
6-20 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assem bly 6: Elec tr onics (mode l E310).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-21 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 6-1 1 2G0087 1 Board Asm, HVPS E310 6-2 1339526 1 P ower Cord, U .S. , Canada , Brazil (HV) 6-2 1339517 1 P ower Cord, Sau di Ara bia 6-2 1339519 1 P ower Cord, U .
6-22 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assembly 6 : Electronics (model E310 continued).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-23 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 6-8 12G0095 1 Cable As m, Eng ine/L VPS Board to Cont roll er Bo ard E 3 10 6-9 1 2G0089 1 Board Asm, Engin e/L VPS-110 V.
6-24 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assem bly 6: Elec tr onics (mode l E312).
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-25 4044 -XXX Asm- Index Part Number Unit s Description 6-1 1 2G1896 1 Board Asm, HVPS E312 6-2 P ower Cord Reference Ass embly 6: E lect ronic s (model 3 10) Asm/In de x 6-2.
6-26 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX Assem bly 7: Options Asm- Index Par t Number Units D escription 7 99A05 17 1 SI MM, 4M B DRAM Memor y 7 99A05 18 1 SI MM, 8M B DRAM Memor y 7 99A051 9 1 SIMM, 16M B D.
Pa r t s C a t a lo g 6-27 4044 -XXX Assembl y 8: Miscellaneous Asm- Index Par t Number Units Descr iption 8 1 P a r ts Packet, F as tene rs PP 12 G0101 3 o Scre w , T ype 1 (m3x10) 2 o Scre w , T ype.
6-28 Se r vic e Man ual 4044-X XX.
Index I-1 4044 -XXX Index A Acron yms 1-2 B Base Printer Symptom T abl e 2-10 C Config urati on Mode 3-3 Config urati on Mode Setti ngs 3-6 CRLF/LFCR 3-8 Parallel Mode 1 3-8 Parallel Mode 2 3-9 Parall.
I-2 Ser v ice Manual 4044-X XX Printer Op erat ion 3- 14 R Remov als 4-2 Covers 4-2 Engine/L VPS Board (mod el E310) 4-13 Engine/L VPS Board (mod el E312) 4-15 Fram e Assemb ly 4- 7 Fuser Assem bly 4-.
Index I-3 4044 -XXX 12G007 1 6-19 12G007 2 6-19 12G007 3 6-19 12G007 4 6-11 12G007 5 6-11 12G007 6 6-13 12G007 7 6-13 12G007 8 6-13 12G007 9 6-13 12G008 0 6-13 12G008 1 6-13 12G008 2 6-13 12G008 3 6-1.
I-4 Ser v ice Manual 4044-X XX 12G192 6 6-25 12G192 7 6-25 12G192 9 6-7 12G193 0 6-9 12G193 1 6-9 12G193 2 6-9 12G193 3 6-17 12G193 4 6-19 12G193 5 6-11 12G193 6 6-11 12G193 7 6-25 12G193 8 6-5 12G193.
Reader Comment Form Le xmark Optra E31 0/312 4044-XXX Service Manual P/N 12G36 13 05/00 Y ou may use this f or m to communicat e yo ur comments about this pub licati on, wit h the understa nding th at.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 4044-XXX c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 4044-XXX - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 4044-XXX, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 4044-XXX va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 4044-XXX, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 4044-XXX.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 4044-XXX. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 4044-XXX ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.